it applies findings from developed contexts to
developing ones like China, showing that Chinese
corporations are affected by government policies
similarly to those in mature economies, suggesting a
shift towards a more mature market economy in
China. This challenges traditional views and
emphasizes the evolving role of government
regulations in supporting corporate needs in China.
Based on the TOE framework, this study adds to the
literature by examining how environmental factors
impact TAP from an environmental viewpoint. It
finds a connection between the RE and BIE, offering
a fuller view of TAP adoption in Chinese supply
chains before and after. To prevent TA failure,
companies need to fully assess their environments
since RE doesn't directly affect TAP success. Instead,
BIE, stemming from RE, plays a key role in whether
firms can successfully adopt new technologies to
boost performance. As emerging technologies are
complex, their application in production needs
ongoing focus to better TA effectiveness, lower
failure rates, enhance performance, and increase
Due to length constraints, more details on
measurement development, sample and data
collection, and numerical analysis results can be
provided by contacting the authors for those
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