Painter Profile Clustering Using NLP Features
N. Yagmur Ilba
, U. Mahir Yıldırım
and Doruk Sen
Department of Industrial Engineering, Istanbul Bilgi University, Eyupsultan, Istanbul, Turkey
Natural Language Processing, Clustering, Text Analysis, XAI.
This study introduces a practice for clustering painter profiles using features obtained from natural language
processing (NLP) techniques. The investigation of similarities among painters plays an essential function in
art history. While most existing research generally focuses on the visual comparison of the artists’ work, more
studies should examine the textual content available for artists. As the volume of online textual information
grows, the frequency of discussions about artists and their creations has gained importance, underscoring
the connection between social visibility through digital discourse and an artist’s recognition. This research
provides a method for investigating Wikipedia profiles of painters using NLP attributes. Among unsupervised
machine learning algorithms, the K-means is adopted to group the painters using the driven attributes from the
content details of their profile pages. The clustering results are evaluated through a benchmark painter list and
a qualitative review. The model findings reveal that the suggested approach effectively clusters the presented
benchmark painter profiles, highlighting the potential of textual data analysis on painter profile similarities.
1.1 Understanding Painters’
Painters of visual arts have played an essential role
in the development of society, both economically and
ideologically. In the history of art, it has always been
necessary to understand the similarities of artists and
to be able to examine and group them under specific
characteristics. While there are studies in the litera-
ture that segment artists’ works, and therefore artists,
by finding similarities through visual analysis of their
works, analysis studies based on the media visibil-
ity and lives of artists are limited. Within the former
line of research, a methodology to link the similarities
of paintings using a pre-trained Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) model is developed; similarly, com-
puter vision techniques are employed to determine vi-
sual similarities among paintings and applied graph-
based analysis to understand the centrality of the top
artists (Seguin et al., 2016; Castellano et al., 2021).
Certain painters have distinguished themselves;
some pioneered new movements, while others left
a permanent mark with their distinctive works. To-
day, with the growth of information on the web,
the frequency with which artists and their works
are discussed and the manner of such discussions
have gained significance, becoming one of the fac-
tors shaping an artist’s fame. An artist’s fame acts as
a driving force in the market, drawing in audiences
and collaborators, thus marking success. Creativity
is often linked with fame; however, there is a notable
lack of research on the other factors influencing an
artist’s renown in creative markets. Determining why
a work of art or an artist becomes more recognised can
be challenging. Objective characteristics frequently
take centre stage. These characteristics may be de-
termined by the artist’s skills or the materials used.
Painting’s unique appeal, viewed as infused with the
artist’s essence, justifies its ongoing popularity and
ability to fetch high prices at auctions, keeping its top
spot in the art scene. (Mitali and Ingram, 2018; Graw,
Furthermore, the popularity of a work of art can
result from a combination of historical context, hu-
man psychology, and factors that may be simply co-
incidental. For instance, the Mona Lisa, one of his-
tory’s most famous paintings, made headlines due to
vandalism and gained widespread attention after be-
ing stolen from a museum. During its absence, vis-
itors headed to the gallery to look at the empty spot
Ilba, N., Yıldırım, U. and Sen, D.
Painter Profile Clustering Using NLP Features.
DOI: 10.5220/0012623700003708
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2024), pages 91-98
ISBN: 978-989-758-698-9; ISSN: 2184-5034
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
where it once hung. As a result, when it comes to rep-
utation in society, the fame of artworks is frequently
determined not only by their inherent quality but also
by the discussions surrounding them (Leslie, 2014).
While the popularity of artists in the music indus-
try has been measured (Schedl et al., 2010; Bellogin
et al., 2013; Krasanakis et al., 2018), to the best of
our knowledge, the reasons behind the popularity of
artists in the visual arts have yet to be assessed using
big data analysis techniques.
1.2 Clustering Algorithms in Machine
Machine learning is an essential element of the de-
veloping domain of data science. It comprises algo-
rithms that learn by establishing relationships from
data designated as model input, aiming to minimise
the margin of error to enhance human decision-
making. These algorithms are trained using statis-
tical and algebraic methods. Machine learning al-
gorithms are categorised into three main types: su-
pervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised. Select-
ing a suitable method is contingent upon the avail-
ability of labelled data. Supervised learning meth-
ods are employed for predictive analysis of tagged
data, unsupervised learning methods are ideal for un-
labelled data, and semi-supervised methods are uti-
lized for partially labelled datasets. Within the scope
of this study, the K-means algorithm was used to im-
plement the clustering method, an unsupervised ma-
chine learning technique.(Maleki et al., 2020)
The clustering method is a powerful tool that
groups similar data points based on specified met-
rics. There are four main types of clustering al-
gorithms: hierarchical, density-based, partitioning,
and grid-based, each with unique advantages and use
cases (Chaudhry et al., 2023). The K-means algo-
rithm is widely adopted among these algorithms due
to its simplicity, low computational complexity, and
versatility. Recent research in this domain has fo-
cused on improving the algorithm’s overall perfor-
mance, and a comprehensive review of these methods
has been conducted (Ikotun et al., 2022).
1.3 NLP Applications
While being a subfield of artificial intelligence, NLP
assigns computers to understand, interpret, and ma-
nipulate natural language. This technology has pro-
gressed in several areas, such as automatic text sum-
marization, translation, semantic analysis, emotion
analysis, and speech recognition. The challenges of
NLP broadly fall under two main approaches. The
first is the linguistic approach, where words or groups
of words serve as features and texts are analysed in
distinct categories. Secondly, there are algorithms
based on machine learning and deep learning devel-
oped to create representations that better understand
the holistic meaning of the text (Ramakrishnan et al.,
Analysing explanatory texts about artists using
NLP methods and understanding their impact on
their recognition by discovering distinctive informa-
tion about the artist is crucial for evaluating their
works. However, studies that detail the various lan-
guage processing techniques mainly used in analysing
text data and how these techniques can be applied in
arts and cultural management are far from ordinary.
In the field of natural language processing applied
to arts and culture, a notable study was presented by
Cieliebak in 2019, focusing on topic modelling, trend
detection, and determining demographic characteris-
tics. The study also illustrates how these techniques
can be utilised to analyse online feedback about a mu-
sic event or a new exhibition. (Cieliebak et al., 2019)
Since social media has become an effective plat-
form for discovering artists, artists are clustered based
on their presence on social media and vectorised tex-
tual data from their biographies, as highlighted by
Powell et al. in their research. This approach under-
scores the significance of an artist’s digital footprint
for understanding their influence and reach. Yet, it
still leaves a gap in comprehending the factors con-
tributing to an artist’s recognition and success. (Pow-
ell et al., 2020)
Furthermore, an automated system to review NLP
literature was developed in 2023 and commonly used
approaches were identified (Sawicki et al., 2023).
While Wikipedia has been one of the most frequently
employed datasets for NLP applications, Spacy has
been selected amongst other Named Entity Recogni-
tion (NER) models.
The study continues with methodology with the
introduction of data collection in section 2.1, prepro-
cessing in section 2.2, feature extraction, and cluster-
ing algorithm in sections 2.3 and 2.4 respectively. The
results and findings section provides extracted fea-
tures in 3.1 and clustering outputs in 3.2, followed by
the conclusion.
2.1 Data Collection
Several websites associated with art, like Wikipedia
and WikiArt, are valuable sources of extensive in-
COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
formation. WikiArt is a resource that provides a
comprehensive knowledge database about visual art.
The artists’ Wikipedia links on their artist pages were
recorded in February and March 2023, along with de-
tails about the filtered painters on WikiArt. The beau-
tifulsoup package of Python was utilised to gather this
data. Afterwards, using the urllib and openpyxl pack-
ages, an approach has been created to use the retrieved
links to add all of the text from the artists’ Wikipedia
pages to the corresponding Excel sheets. This method
provided information from the Wikipedia entries of
2,827 different artists, totalling 3,776,496 words.
Regarding popularity data, the first study that
converts web data to popularity belongs to Knebel
(2007). In his study, popularity is defined as the
amount of media attention attracted by an artist, mea-
sured by the count of total hits for the artist at Google
search in English and German, which only differ by
the word ”artist”. The hits include exhibitions, artist
biographies and information about the latest sales
as well (Knebel, 2007). Further, Tekindor and Mc-
Cracken (2012) also used Google hits as an indepen-
dent variable, among others, to investigate the rela-
tionship between the value of painting and the artist’s
fame. As Google no longer provides the exact num-
ber of hits but rather the normalized popularity score,
we used the aforementioned Wikipedia pages as an al-
ternative approach to measuring an artist’s popularity
(Tekindor and McCracken, 2012).
Although the artists in the Wikiart archive are
well-known, the site has different listings made by
users. Artists who stand out in media searches are
considered for the list, taking into account the me-
dia recognition of artists, and the publicly available
artists list having the top 40 was investigated (Cole,
2022). The artists on this list correspond to those on
Wikipedia, except Ai Weiwei, who is omitted because
he is categorised as a performance artist.
2.2 Data Preprocessing
Foundational preprocessing techniques are primarily
used for textual analysis when sourced from platforms
like Wikipedia. The obtained data must be curated
and refined to assure accuracy and reliability in sub-
sequent analyses. The journey of data preprocessing
encompassed several critical steps, ensuring the clean
and structured textual data for continuing the further
NLP tasks. Implementing these steps aims to elimi-
nate noise and refine the content to its essence (Bird
et al., 2009).
At first, a set of fundamental Python libraries was
utilised, each conforming to a critical purpose. For
instance, the Natural Language Toolkit (nltk) was sig-
nificant for diverse tasks related to linguistic process-
ing. Other libraries, such as gensim and scikit-learn,
were also used for modelling duties. Upon loading the
dataset, a phase for data exploration ensures familiar-
ity with its structure. This phase is also beneficial for
identifying potential anomalies that deserve attention
(McKinney, 2012).
The textual data is segmented into discrete linguis-
tic units through tokenisation, a process grounded in
linguistic theories. This way, the text is more eas-
ily digested by algorithms, enhancing the accuracy
of the subsequent analysis (Meurers, 2012). As a
step further in preprocessing, stopwords, often de-
fined as the widespread words that typically add lit-
tle or no semantic value, were filtered out from the
dataset. This streamlining allows for a clearer under-
standing of the content presented in the dataset (Bird
et al., 2009). Lemmatisation was then utilised to fil-
ter words to their lexical essence. In light of linguis-
tic morphology, this technique secures uniformity in
presenting words to increase analytical accuracy and
minimise redundancy (Navigli and Ponzetto, 2012).
These procedures form the steps of a comprehensive
text-cleaning approach. Each artist profile is trans-
formed using these procedures to create a groundwork
for further analysis.
2.3 Feature Extraction
Feature extraction from the Wikipedia profiles of the
painters enables the transformation of qualitative tex-
tual descriptions into quantitative measures. NLP
techniques were applied to provide meaningful in-
sights into the artists’ profiles for conducting further
analyses. As a first step, the Sentiment Intensity Ana-
lyzer is used to measure the general tone of the artist
profiles. The technique offers a compound sentiment
score while observing positive and negative nuances
within the text in artist profiles, also providing neu-
tral scores for each input. When looking for a single
sentiment measure, the normalised compound score
is a highly helpful statistic as it adds up all lexical as-
sessments while taking scores between -1 and 1. The
primary motivation for using this technique is to shed
light on the general perception of the artist’s profile.
Furthermore, the text length feature is generated
from the preprocessed artist description. This metric
can provide fundamental insights into the comprehen-
siveness of the artist’s profile, pointing at the promi-
nence or depth of the text in the art world (Liu, 2012).
Additionally, NER, one of the most fundamental
techniques in NLP, is employed to find specific or-
ganisations, individuals, and events within the prepro-
cessed dataset of artist profiles. Finding the number
Painter Profile Clustering Using NLP Features
of observations is elaborated to aid in demonstrating
the association, affiliation, and potential influences
of an artist. Identifying additional individuals in the
artist description text can emphasise noteworthy part-
nerships or influential associations that shaped artists’
careers. Moreover, the number of art-specific events
and awards in the Wikipedia descriptions can be re-
markably insightful. Frequent mentions of these hon-
ours and events in the text can indicate information
on the artist’s recognition, reputation, and participa-
tory activeness in the art community and high-profile
art-specific events (Nadeau and Sekine, 2007).
Another metric is introduced by measuring the lin-
guistic diversity within each artist’s profile. One of
the techniques to discuss the range and deepness of
topics is the breakdown of the ratio of unique words
that an artist has within the preprocessed corpus. High
lexical diversity might underline varying subjects in
the artist’s profile, while less diverse and repetitive
narratives are expected to produce a lower score (Mc-
Carthy and Jarvis, 2010).
Along with the several introduced contexts, se-
mantic and syntactic attributes of the dataset are
sought when implementing the Word2Vec model.
The algorithm was introduced in 2013. It is known
for generating vector representations of words to seize
their semantic and syntactic characteristics by cre-
ating dense vectors in a continuous vector space
(Mikolov et al., 2013). The tokenised sentences of
artist profiles are used as a training corpus. The cor-
pus is trained using a window size of five to define
the contextual boundary for word prediction, a min-
imum word frequency threshold set at one, and the
four workers are utilised to efficiently seize the power
of parallel processing of the dataset.
The first step of similarity computation is intro-
ducing Word2Vec to vectorise each sentence in the
artist descriptions and reference sentences. Then, co-
sine similarity is computed for each vectorised pair to
capture the resemblance between these vectors while
considering the distance between the pairs. The pro-
cess is completed by calculating the average cosine
similarity with each set of reference sentences. It
is conducted to obtain a quantifiable criterion of the
closeness of reference phrases with the profile of
artists. The generated feature using this process is the
difference between each artist profile’s high and low
average similarity scores. This approach indicates the
closeness of these profiles to two poles of the phrase
groups. The features extracted from the artist profiles
form a solid foundation for further analyses.
2.4 Implementing K-means
The extracted features introduced in the previous sec-
tion are used to obtain insights for the clustering al-
gorithm. Before the implementation of the algorithm,
the standardisation procedure is included. It is often
essential for several machine learning algorithms, as
they may function erroneously if the features do not
approximately correspond to data with standard nor-
mal distribution. The process began with the stan-
dard scaling of scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011) to
eliminate likely biases towards attributes with larger
scales and have consistency in model performance.
The analysis continues with determining the num-
ber of clusters for the K-means algorithm using the
Within-Cluster Sum of Squares (WCSS). This tech-
nique aims to specify the number of clusters by iden-
tifying the cluster size for the part where the reduction
in WCSS begins to decline. A range between one to
ten clusters was investigated, and four distinct clus-
ters were found using the elbow method from the vi-
sually represented clusters-WCSS chart using scikit-
learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011). The obtained clusters
were appended to the dataset as a new column for fur-
ther analysis.
3.1 Extracted Features
After the vectorisation process, sentiment score, text
length, lexical diversity, number of people, organisa-
tion, and award-related event entities are investigated,
along with their popularity-based differences. The
comparative analysis between the descriptive statis-
tics of all artists and the top 40, as represented in
Tables 1 and 2, highlights significant differences that
outline the unique profiles of the top 40 artists within
the broader artistic community.
A notable segregation is observed in the sentiment
scores after obtaining compound scores, where dis-
crimination is more precise for a better differentia-
tion among artist entries. Consequently, texts that
achieved a maximum compound score of 0.99, de-
spite having a high neutral score, were assigned a
higher sentiment score due to their more positive po-
sitioning within the lexicon. In this context, the top 40
artists display a higher mean (0.9) than the large artist
group (0.66). The resulting increased sentiment score
and a reduced standard deviation in the smaller group
reveal an increased consistency towards a positive
sentiment in the top 40 artist entries. The resulting in-
creased sentiment score and a reduced standard devi-
COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
ation in the smaller group reveal an increased consis-
tency towards a positive sentiment in the top 40 artist
entries. The text length additionally emphasises this
distinction, with the smaller group of artists yielding
an extended coverage (mean of 20806.6 words) than
the larger group (6066.8 words). This suggests a more
comprehensive discussion or engagement encircling
the top 40 artists, as evidenced by the smaller standard
deviation, indicating a behaviour towards uniformity
in content length.
The analysis advances with the integration of var-
ious entities. Compared to the group of all artists, the
top 40 indicates a substantial increase in mentions of
personal (mean of 181.59) and organisational (mean
of 106.38) entities. This difference can also be ob-
served in award-based entities, as there is a notable
growth in the small group (mean of 5.08) versus the
broader community (1.96). On the other hand, the
lexical diversity analysis conveys an opposing trend,
as the top 40 group represents a smaller range than
the group of all artists (0.65). Among the obtained
features, the final investigation is provided with the
investigation of popularity-based phrases. Obtained
scores in this field present divergence, with a negative
value in a small group (-0.032) and slightly positive
in the overall artist group (0.002).
In the entity and phrase-related analyses, per-
son and organisation differences highlight a more in-
creased association of the top 40 artists with diverse
individuals and organisations. The award-based anal-
ysis also reflects the greater recognition and achieve-
ment of the same group. Lexical diversity, however,
suggests a narrower and more focused scope of lan-
guage utilisation for the small group.
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics for all artists.
Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
0.66 0.61 -0.999 0.999
6066.8 5763.6 75 28683
39.34 39.87 0 311
55.51 53.31 0 469
1.96 3.40 0 96
0.65 0.11 0.23 1
0.002 0.029 -0.088 0.095
These descriptive insights collectively emphasise
the distinctive attributes of the top 40 artists, charac-
Table 2: Descriptive Statistics for Top-40.
Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
0.90 0.43 -0.998 0.999
20806.6 3587.4 10635 24528
106.38 43.10 50 231
181.59 57.19 88 292
5.08 5.64 0 28
0.50 0.03 0.43 0.58
-0.032 0.025 -0.084 0.022
terised by enriched positivity, broader coverage, in-
creased personal and organisational references, and
additional specific recognition patterns, positioning
them apart from the wider community.
3.2 Clustering Outputs
K-means clustering is widely used due to its effi-
ciency in offering a scalable interpretable solution for
partitioning data into distinct groups based on simi-
larity. This algorithm is implemented to observe the
possibility of clustering artists based on their similar-
ities in their Wikipedia entries. Given that, our anal-
yses include K-means clustering with k-means++ ini-
tialisation for faster convergence, a maximum of 300
iterations, and ten different initial placements of cen-
troids with the random state 42. The model is run for
2-10 clusters, and the result of 4 is obtained using the
elbow method, as indicated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The elbow method.
Figure 2 illustrates the four-cluster split of K-
means clustering. It highlights that cluster 0 contains
Painter Profile Clustering Using NLP Features
1261 painters, while clusters 1, 2 and 3 have 803, 440
and 323 painters, respectively. It has been observed
that among 2,827 painters, cluster 3 contains more
than 87% of the top 40 artist group while only leaving
five painters behind, namely Diego Rivera, Giacomo
Balla, Hokusai, Rene Magritte, and Umberto Boc-
cioni. Their positions can explain the distinct clus-
tering of these painters in terms of the artistic move-
ments, stylistic element deviations, thematic focus,
and content they represent compared to the clustered
group of 34 artists.
Figure 2: Artist counts in each cluster.
Figure 3: Average impact on model output magnitude.
SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) values are
calculated for different features in a model. These val-
ues are used to comprehend the influence of each fea-
ture on the model’s predictions (Lundberg and Lee,
2017). As illustrated in the stacked horizontal bar
chart in Figure 3, the average magnitude of each
feature’s SHAP values are quantified using TreeEx-
plainer (Lundberg et al., 2020). The values are pro-
vided across all instances; hence, it proposes their rel-
ative importance measure. The sentiment score, fol-
lowed by the text length, forms the two most domi-
nant clusters in the model. The least two significant
cluster creation features are award-based entities and
the popularity difference.
Individual SHAP values can be portrayed by
Figure 4: Beeswarm Plots for a) Cluster 0, b) Cluster 1.
Figure 5: Beeswarm Plots for a) Cluster 2, b) Cluster 3.
beeswarm plots, which can be considered an essen-
tial tool in Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI).
Figures 4 and 5 represent these plots for all clusters.
In these figures, the impact and the distribution of the
features are presented. Therefore, the model’s inter-
pretability and transparency are enhanced due to their
representation of variability and outliers with colour-
coded features.
Even though the sentiment score is the predomi-
nant feature for clusters 0 (Figure 4a) and 2 (Figure
5a), text length appears to be the most significant in
clusters 1 and 3 in Figures 4b and 5b, respectively.
COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Text length, as the most influencing factor in cluster 3,
has been investigated further to observe the bias and
the robustness of the results. It has been found that
the exclusion of the feature did not yield significant
changes in the result in different parameter settings.
Text length is followed by the organisational entity
in these clusters (1 and 3). This appears substantial
because the remaining four artists in the top 40 are
not clustered in the same group. As introduced ear-
lier, four of the remaining five artists are clustered in
1. Therefore, it could be inferred that the text length
and the organisational entity counts in the Wikipedia
page of the artists’ form importance within the small
group. Although it highlights a wide range, Figure 5b
suggests that longer texts are more likely to predict
this cluster as the positive values dominate. Organisa-
tional entity seems to be the most influential feature,
given its position and spread on the plot of cluster 3.
While appearing significant in almost all other clus-
ters, the sentiment score does not form a high relative
importance for this cluster.
This study employed an approach for clustering
painter profiles using NLP features. By leveraging
unsupervised machine learning algorithms such as K-
means, painters are clustered based on resemblances
in their Wikipedia articles. This method provides an
additional perspective in comprehending the textual
likenesses and contrasts in articles of painters. Thus,
it contributes to further research in art history and
analysis. Although the web link for the 40 artists is
introduced as a benchmark, it is essential to note that
this study does not correlate the artists presented in
the link with their appreciation or the value of their
artwork. In the analysis, SHapley Additive exPla-
nations are introduced as it is considered one of the
key techniques in XAI. This technique ensures trans-
parency and trust in AI models by investigating the
impact of different features on the model output. This
study highlights the potential of artists’ media visi-
bility. As the online information availability has ex-
panded, so has the frequency of discussions about the
artists and their works. Therefore, understanding the
similarities among painters using media content is be-
coming more integral to understanding artists’ recog-
As future research, feeding these clusters and sim-
ilarities into a pricing algorithm as a feature to value
artworks is an interesting direction. This becomes
critical, especially if no previous auction has been
completed for the artwork of the artist in consider-
ation. Also, the proposed clustering approach can be
enriched by including further features such as the per-
ception of quality of artists and their works (which
might be obtained by using surveys or resorting to ex-
pert opinions), or the reputation of the galleries where
the corresponding artworks are frequently sold.
We acknowledge the financial support for this project
provided by the Istanbul Bilgi University Scien-
tific Research Projects Fund under grant number
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