Teaching Assistants as Assessors: An Experience Based Narrative
Faizan Ahmed, Nacir Bouali, and Marcus Gerhold
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Teaching Assistants, Grading Consistency, Grading Variation, Reliability.
This study explores the role of teaching assistants (TAs) as assessors in a university’s computer science pro-
gram. It examines the challenges and implications of TAs in grading, with a focus on their expertise and
grading consistency. The paper analyzes grading experiences in various exam settings and investigates the
impact on assessment quality. We adopt an empirical methodology and answer the research question by an-
alyzing the data from two exams. The chosen exams have similar learning objectives but they differ in how
TAs graded them, thus providing an opportunity to reflect on different grading styles. It concludes with
recommendations for enhancing TA grading effectiveness, emphasizing the need for detailed rubrics, training,
and monitoring to ensure fair and reliable assessment in higher education.
The computer science program at our university has
seen massive growth in recent years. The change
posed a logistical challenge for the examiners and
called for hiring more lecturers. To provide educa-
tion at scale, support from teaching assistants (TAs)
became essential. Teaching assistants are hired for all
, but a majority of them are hired to help
with the first-year courses since those have a higher
number of students, and also, the courses are not very
The population groups of teaching assistants are
diverse in their education levels. The following is a
categorization of teaching assistants: a) Undergradu-
ate students (UTA): These are usually year two or year
three students. In most cases, they have followed the
same courses they are assisting. b) Graduate students
(GTA): These are master’s degree students. c) Ph.D.
Candidate (Ph.D.): Pursuing their Ph.D. and may not
have followed the same courses they are assisting in.
In most universities, Ph.D. candidates are also consid-
ered graduate teaching assistants (Wald and Harland,
2020). However, their job contract at our university
categorizes them as an employee. Therefore, we have
grouped them separately.
At our university, the academic year is organized into a
quarter system, comprising four quarters each lasting 10-11
weeks. The complete curriculum is detailed on our web-
site: https://www.utwente.nl/en/tcs/education-programme/
Teaching assistants have various roles depending
on the context in which they are hired. Some of
their roles include tutoring, assisting the teacher in the
classroom, leading small student groups, preparing
assignments, auditing assignment descriptions, grad-
ing assignments, exams and projects, and providing
general administrative support. Kerry et al. have pro-
vided a typology of various roles for teaching assis-
tants (Kerry, 2005).
TAs are helpful in scaling the program size. To
maintain quality of education, their various roles must
be carefully evaluated and intervened by providing
necessary training and monitoring (Wald and Har-
land, 2020). Especially so when TAs are used to help
with assessment. The use of teaching assistants as
assessors in higher education can potentially impact
the quality of assessment in a number of ways. On
the plus side, teaching assistants might add new ideas
to the assessment process and may have a fresher
perspective on students’ needs and aptitudes. With
smaller class sizes and more time to spend on grading
and evaluation, they might also be able to provide stu-
dents feedback that is more personalized. However,
employing teaching assistants as assessors could have
certain disadvantages as well. As a result, the valid-
ity and impartiality of their evaluations may be im-
pacted. Teaching assistants might not have the same
amount of training or experience as full-time faculty
members. Additionally, they can lack the education or
assistance needed to accurately assess students’ work
and offer helpful feedback.
Ahmed, F., Bouali, N. and Gerhold, M.
Teaching Assistants as Assessors: An Experience Based Narrative.
DOI: 10.5220/0012624200003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 115-123
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
It is of paramount importance to discuss and in-
vestigate the impact of using teaching assistants for
assessment. Therefore in this paper we share our
experience with respect to the question “How does
the deployment of teaching assistants as assessors im-
pact the assessment quality in higher education?”. We
also elaborate on the questions a) Which factors, such
as transparency, reliability, and validity, are most af-
fected by the deployment of teaching assistants as
assessors? b) What are good practices in deploying
teaching assistants for assessments?
In this paper, we focus on detailing experiences
and analysis of example cases to emphasize the need
for a rigorous scientific investigation of the problem.
Our focus is on two factors mainly: expertise and
consistency. The methodology includes the analy-
sis of grading data from exams, employing statistical
tests such as two-sample t-tests to assess grading con-
sistency between TAs, and visualising them via box
plots. The methodology also encompasses a review
of grading settings, including digital exam environ-
ments and grading parties, to understand how differ-
ent setups affect grading outcomes.
Paper Organization. In Section 2, we look at the
related work on TAs’ deployment as graders. In Sec-
tion 3 we provide the details of the exam chosen and
substantiate our choices. In Section 4 we briefly dis-
cuss the digital exam environment we used and the
corresponding grading setup, while Section 5 pro-
vides an analysis to evaluate the consistency of the
grading and also the impact of a TAs subject exper-
tise on the grades. Finally, we elaborate on our ex-
perience and give some recommendations on improv-
ing the TAs’ quality and consistency of the grading in
Section 6. Concluding remarks are given in Section 7.
Although teaching assistants have been used for a
very long time as graders in higher education (see
e.g. Svinicki (1989)), their role is not very well dis-
cussed in the literature. Rather, more emphasis is
given to the categorization of their various roles, eval-
uating their suitability for a TAship or to the TA hiring
practices and design of TA training (Liggett, 1986).
Another aspect that received interest is the effective-
ness of a TA as a teacher, a demonstrator, and a tutor,
as well as the use of the TAs to prepare and audit edu-
cational material (Minnes et al., 2018). In most cases,
various experiences or research works can be found
for the use of the TAs to evaluate laboratory exercises
or assignments (see, e.g., Alvarado et al. (2017); Pick-
ering and Kolks (1976)).
A systematic literature review on using teaching
assistants in computer science was provided by Mirza
et al. (2019). They have covered the literature on the
different roles of teaching assistants and other related
topics. It is clear from their paper that only a few re-
searchers have reported on the use of TAs as graders.
Although there is a shortage of literature on this
topic from computer science education, in other edu-
cation programs, researchers have shared their experi-
ences. For example, Liggett (1986) have reported on
evaluating the reliability of grading from the teach-
ing assistants for mechanical engineering. They com-
puted the reliability by using various grading settings.
Their primary purpose was to compute the effective-
ness of the TA training on the grading reliability. Sim-
ilarly, Marshman et al. (2018) have reported using
TAs to grade introductory physics courses. They re-
ported on the importance of rubrics to assess the stu-
dents’ work. They also emphasized on the need for
training of teaching assistants.
Suitability of TAs as graders is critically discussed
by Hogan and Norcross (2012) (see also Wald and
Harland (2020)) from a domain independent perspec-
tive. They have categorized assessments into two
types when it comes to deploying teaching assistants
as graders: 1. assessing factual information that re-
quires recall, and 2. assessing items that require in-
terpretative judgments. Instead of providing a clear
guideline they explain the advantages of using gradu-
ate teaching assistants for assessing the latter.
It is a common practice to use undergraduate TAs
to grade various assessments. They are primarily used
for assessing assignments. Dickson (2011) questions
the ethics of using UTAs for grading. They proceed
to describe their own experience with using UTAs in
grading qualitative assignments. Dickson argues that
since the undergraduate students have gone through
the exercises more recently than the experienced pro-
fessor, they can provide much more helpful feed-
back (Dickson, 2011).
Alvarado et al. (2017) also reported on the use
of TAs for grading the assignments in the context
of micro-classes. In a related study the authors re-
ported on the usage of undergraduate TAs for student-
facing activities while graduate TAs helped with grad-
ing (Minnes et al., 2018). Also, van Dam (2018) re-
flected on using undergraduate TAs for grading an in-
troductory computer science course. The TAs were
also used to provide feedback on design choices us-
ing a detailed grading rubric.
Maintaining consistency in large courses where
multiple graders are involved is a challenging task.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The differences can be attributed to various reasons.
Kates et al. (2022) have attributed the inconsistency
to interpersonal comparability.
In the context of TA training and mentor-
ing, Lanziner et al. (2017) have reported on the ex-
perience of TAs assuming a different role. Accord-
ing to the study, TAs find their roles as graders more
challenging and appreciate the training and guidance
to perform their job as assessors. Similarly, Riese and
Kann (2020) presented TAs experience in their differ-
ent roles in computer science education. They also
emphasize the need for clear and concise grading cri-
teria to help TAs grade students’ work. Doe et al.
(2013) argue that providing a rubric is insufficient for
consistent and effective grading. They also question
the accuracy, consistency, and effectiveness of grad-
ing from faculty members in the Psychology disci-
We have selected two exams that are part of the first-
year courses. The selected course is rather subjective
and consists mostly of open questions. We selected
this course since grading other courses’ exams with
objective answers is deemed easy (Wald and Harland,
2020). Most questions required some level of inter-
pretive judgment. The course was designed for first-
year computer science (BCS) and Business Informa-
tion Technology (BIT) students. The course was split
in 2020 due to administrative reasons. The learning
objectives are also adapted to cater better to the needs
of the respective study program. While the BCS pro-
gram (see Subsection 3.1) created a new examination
format, the BIT program kept the same exam (see
Subsection 3.2) structure.
We hire a number of TAs to help us grading as-
signments and the written exams for these courses.
At our institute, Ph.D. candidates are generally con-
sidered tutors/lecturers. Predominantly, our Graduate
Teaching Assistants (GTAs) in computer science are
alumni, mainly due to limited interest from other stu-
dents who are hesitant to undertake TA roles without
prior experience with specific assignments. Conse-
quently, our TA pool is largely composed of Under-
graduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs), who form the
majority of our grading TAs.
3.1 Exam A
The exam was written in the context of a software sys-
tem design course for students following a bachelor’s
degree in Computer Science (BCS). The learning ob-
jectives of the course are two-fold: 1. Students are
asked to specify existing small software systems in
the Unified Modelling Language (UML) before they
2. define a new software system in UML. Addition-
ally, 3. students are asked to identify and explain com-
mon phases in software engineering, and 4. evaluate
the code base of software systems by means of soft-
ware metrics and software smells.
In the exam students are provided small UML
models that describe a certain context, e.g., patients
booking an appointment with hospital doctors by us-
ing an IT-system, or lecture room allocation in uni-
versities via a scheduling system. These diagrams
contain both semantic and syntactic mistakes, and
students are asked to point them out and correct
them. Their proficiency in the phases of software en-
gineering and software metrics is assessed by open
questions, e.g., a question could be “What are the
consequences of missing the requirements elicitation
phase?”. Generally, it is challenging to give an all-
encompassing answer-key that covers all possible an-
swers. A challenge of equal proportion is to commu-
nicate the wide range of possible answers to the ca.
20 grading TAs. Below we summarize the exams of
the last three years to better illustrate our experiences
in grading with TAs since the redesign of the course
in 2020:
2020-2021. The exam had a total of 13 question com-
prising 100 points total. Two questions asked
students to spot syntactical and semantical issues
with provided UML diagrams. Additionally, one
question presented them a scenario accompanied
by three UML diagrams. Students were asked to
check consistency between each component and
with the scenario overall. The remainder were
open questions.
2021-2022. The exam had a total of 12 questions
comprising 60 points total. The reason for the
vast decrease in the number of points was twofold:
1. to give a better indication to students how ver-
bose their answer should be in open questions,
and 2. to give stricter indication to TAs when and
when not to give points. This was a conscious
choice because most TAs found some merit to the
answer of open questions. Decreasing the total
points was intended reduce that effect. In addi-
tion, we provided stronger numerical guidelines
in the tasks, e.g., “Name at least three advantages
[...]”, or “[...] briefly describe in two to three sen-
tences. Three questions provided UML models
to spot syntax and semantics mistakes. The re-
mainder were open questions.
Teaching Assistants as Assessors: An Experience Based Narrative
2022-2023. The exam had a total of 11 questions
that comprise 60 points total. There were three
questions that asked for UML syntax mistakes
to be corrected, while the remaining eight were
open questions. For the first time we tested
the students’ proficiency in UML syntax draw-
ing by using a drawing tool provided by our uni-
versity’s e-assessment platform. The tool was a
generic drawing tool, not specified in UML syn-
tax and students had the chance to test this tool
in an ungraded mock exam. Hence, while provid-
ing means to assess UML proficiency, this ques-
tion introduced a new level of subjectivity, e.g.,
by comparing hand-drawn diamonds for aggre-
gation/association relations in class diagrams to
hand-drawn arrow-heads for generalisation rela-
In this paper, we have only included the statistical
analysis of the most recent exam.
3.2 Exam B
The exams were given in the context of a software
design course for students pursuing a Business and
Information Technology (BIT) bachelor degree. The
course covers two main axes, one on low-level design
using Unified Modelling Language (UML) as a nota-
tion, and another on software maintenance and met-
2020-2021. The students were given a case study and
were asked to provide the activity diagrams, the
use case model, the class diagram and the state
machine, as well as answering a question on soft-
ware complexity. The exam was then graded by
9 teaching assistants. Each two were responsible
for grading one diagram and one TA was assigned
the complexity part.
2021-2022. The number of diagrams was reduced to
three instead of four, to allow the students more
time to draw properly on a computer. The exam
was then graded by 4 TAs, each handling one dia-
gram. A decision that was made to make the grad-
ing consistent across each question.
2022-2023. The exam has seen a shift in its structure,
as we decided to reduce the number of diagrams
the students draw to one, the class diagram. The
remaining questions were shifted to providing stu-
dent with faulty designs and asking them to fix
them. Every question is then assigned to one TA
for grading.
The side effect for the grading is that the answers
to the questions are now fixed, so the teaching assis-
tants have a better grading key with which they can
compare the answers. This change was actually felt
during the review session, as most regrading requests
were concerned with the class diagram question, in
which the students had to design a class diagram from
scratch. Very few students have requested a regrading
of the other questions.
The students took each exam using a digital envi-
ronment. The digital environment provides function-
alities to ask multiple-choice and open-ended ques-
tions. It also provides functionalities to ask short
questions (like fill in the blanks) that can be automat-
ically graded. For both programs the questions of the
exams are open-ended. In addition to its own (non-
specific) drawing tool, the digital environment also
allows for external drawing tools which, more or less,
enforce the UML meta-model, and allow the students
to draft their UML diagrams with ease.
It also provides the functionality to grade the stu-
dents work simultaneously. Course teachers can em-
bed grading rubrics within the questions, and stu-
dents’ names are anonymous to reduce bias. The dig-
ital environment also provides statistics related to the
graded exams, for example, pass rate, average grade
per question, per-question exam analysis, and more.
Through a log, grade changes and changers are trace-
able. However, this information is neither download-
able nor used to compute statistics. We have manu-
ally copied this information for analysis in the next
The number of students in BCS and BIT programs
differ significantly. Therefore, more TAs are hired to
grade the BCS exam than the BIT exam. These TAs
also helped during the lab sessions and have direct
contact with students.
4.1 Grading Party
The BCS exam used a grading party. Grading TAs and
teachers gathered in a room. The session starts with
an explanation of the exam and the grading rubric.
The teacher also explains the possible variations in the
answers. The grading work is then divided among the
TAs based on their preferences. Due to a large number
of students, at least two TAs are assigned to grade a
question. For questions requiring more time to grade,
more TAs were assigned. The following process was
adopted for the grading party:
1. TAs attend a grading session with lecturing staff
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
present. They are presented the answer key and
can ask questions.
2. After the grading session, a faculty staff mem-
ber closely inspects a random sample of student
exams. Since the TA grading is done horizon-
tally (i.e., per question), then sampling student ex-
ams vertically (i.e., per student) provides a wide-
ranging overview, and
3. An exam review is arranged in which students can
flag the potential misgrading that happened during
the grading session.
4.2 Grading Individually
The BIT exam uses the other approach. The teacher
embedded the rubric in the digital environment and
provided an extended explanation separately. The
TAs choose the part they like to grade, and the grad-
ing work is then assigned. In this case, the TAs
work individually, and the teacher monitors the grad-
ing progress remotely. Since the number of students
in this course is small, typically only one teaching
assistant grades each question. However, for certain
questions, multiple TAs are involved in the grading.
Our analysis of the exam grades is focused on cap-
turing variations in the grades given by a TA. We fo-
cus on capturing inconsistencies in grades assigned
by different TAs. Also, we investigate the differences
in the grading patterns between UTA and GTA. Some
TAs have been working for the program for a longer
time. They were UTAs, and are now GTAs. We reflect
on their learning curve to grade exams in the discus-
sion section. Due to the similarity of courses, some
TAs worked for both programs (BCS and BIT).
5.1 Exam A
The BCS exam was graded by 22 TAs and three teach-
ers. Out of 22 TAs 15 were UTA while 7 were GTA.
After that, the questions were divided among TAs
based on their preferences. At least two TAs graded
each question (to emphasize, the set of students each
TA was grading was different). Some questions had
more tasks and required more verbose answers than
others. Consequently, more TAs are needed to grade
them to guarantee that the grading party can be fin-
ished in a feasible time. As soon as a TA is done
Figure 1: Plot of score obtained by students for a single
question (blue box plot) versus their total score obtained in
the exam (orange box plot). Both scores are scaled between
0 and 1.
grading a question and still willing to do more grad-
ing, a new question is assigned to them.
Since we wanted to capture variation in grading,
we adopted the box plot. Box plots are handy for vi-
sualizing variations. We created one box plot for each
TA and combined a box plot for the same questions in
one figure (cf. Figure 1). TA names are removed to
maintain privacy. For the questions that are graded by
two TAs, we have also applied a two-sample t-test to
find out whether the difference in mean grading is sta-
tistically significant or not. Note that the test is only
suitable for pairwise comparison. Therefore, we have
applied it only to questions that, at most, two teaching
assistants grade.
The results of the tests show that the difference
in mean grades is not statistically significant. We
conclude that the TAs graded questions consistently.
However, when a question is graded by more than two
TAs, the variation is higher. Since we cannot judge
significance using a t-test, we opted to compare it with
the total grade. The implicit assumption is that if, on
average, a TAs is giving a lower (or higher grade re-
spectively) while the total grade has an opposite trend,
then the TA might be grading harshly (or generously
respectively). We emphasize that before drawing any
conclusions, a sample must be checked by the teach-
ers to verify the claim.
To illustrate, we provide one example. Figure 1
shows a box graph for one question since the ques-
tion has only 6 points while the total score is 10. To
compare both graphs, we scaled both between 0 and
1. As can be seen from Figure 1 UTA4 has assigned
lower grade for this question, while for the same stu-
dent population, their overall score is much higher.
Thus, this grade section requires further investigation
either by a teacher or another TA. Another interest-
Teaching Assistants as Assessors: An Experience Based Narrative
Figure 2: The plot shows grades obtained by students for
question 7 (blue box plot) and the total score obtained by a
student (orange box plot). Both scores are scaled between 0
and 1.
ing observation is for T3, which represents a teacher
with only one data point. It might be the case that
this question was a borderline case (i.e. the difference
for a student to pass or fail the exam), and the teacher
decided to review and regrade.
We also like to investigate the claim that GTAs are
better in grading exams since they have higher qual-
ification. We were not able to identify any signifi-
cant difference for the questions shown in Figure 1.
Figure 2 shows grading for another question. It is
again an open-ended subjective question. Here, too,
no significance difference is observed between GTA
and UTA.
5.2 Exam B
The teacher has a more personal approach to hiring
TAs and relies on a small team of experienced and
proven teaching assistants. Since the number of stu-
dents lies between 55-120 for this course, the grading
work is significantly smaller than for the BCS course.
We analyze the exams for three years to capture the
grading practice for a TA.
For most of these exams, there is no significant
difference in grading from different TAs. Figure 4
shows a box plot for a question that appeared in the
2021 exam. The question is related to the activity di-
agram and is accompanied by a detailed rubric that
converts an open-ended grading task into a binary
grading (see Figure 3). Besides the clear rubric, there
is a difference in grading from different TAs. TA18
gives lower grades, while TA 7 has higher variation in
their grading.
Throughout our exams, we have tried to assign
specific teaching assistants to be involved in grading
over the years. Through such practice, we have no-
ticed that a senior TA (one who has been grading the
same type of exam more than once) is more likely
to handle answers which are not covered by the pro-
vided rubric. Senior TAs are, however, more likely to
make mistakes while grading open questions, as their
judgement more than often falls short into capturing
the myriad of forms that the mistakes can take. A dif-
ferent problem is created by junior TAs who usually
stick to the provided rubric, as these feel more con-
strained to follow the grading key to the letter, sub-
sequently failing to capture the partially correct an-
To guarantee fair yet feasible assessment, TAs have
become indispensable. Hence, consistency of grading
within the TA corpus is of crucial importance.
We propose that TA grading consistency by means
of statistical analysis becomes a default in this multi-
step process. Item analysis of exam questions is com-
mon practice. This holds true for easily-assessed
multiple-choice questions, as well as open questions.
Analysis involves critical characteristics such as Kro-
nbach’s alpha for multiple assessors grading one item,
the R
value relating the difficulty of individual ques-
tions to the overall exam, or the average score that
participants got per question commonly indicated by
Our university is utilizing a digital examination
system for most of its exams. This system collects
a vast amount of data, offering insights into grades
and the grading process. Although it provides various
exam-related statistics, it currently lacks the capabil-
ity to generate statistics about the graders. A recent
update allows examiners to review the grading history
for specific exam items, including who graded them
and any changes made, but this review is limited to an
individual question and student basis. For a compre-
hensive analysis, such as calculating inter and intra-
rater variation in grading, exporting this log would be
beneficial. To enhance grading consistency, several
additional features are suggested for the digital exam-
ination system. These include:
Tracking the percentage of exams graded by each
teacher to understand individual grading loads.
Counting the number of personnel involved in
grading each question to ensure adequate cover-
age and diversity.
Implementing visualization tools, such as bar
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Grading rubric for grading activity diagram.
Figure 4: The plot shows grades obtained by students for
the activity diagram question (blue box plot) and the total
score obtained by a student (orange box plot). Both scores
are scaled between 0 and 1.
graphs, for analyzing grading variation and iden-
tifying outliers.
Calculating statistical significance parameters to
evaluate variation in grading across different
graders and identify patterns of inconsistency.
Monitoring the time spent grading each question
to pinpoint potentially problematic questions that
require an inordinate amount of grading time.
Analyzing trends in grading over time to detect
deviations or inconsistencies in grading patterns.
Establishing a feedback mechanism for teaching
assistants to report uncertainties or ambiguities
encountered during grading, facilitating clarifica-
tion and consistency.
TA evaluation should be standardized with simi-
lar scrutiny to prevent outliers. This step facilitates
the ease in which commonly re-occurring themes can
be checked: 1. Do UTAs grade too strictly whether
that be due to their own insecurities, or perception
that the questions were graded equally harshly when
they took the course? 2. Do GTAs grade too leniently
because they find some merit in each answer? The
analysis shown in our work should become a main-
stay in e-assessment tools. It can support lecturing
staff twofold. First, live monitoring of these statistics
lets them address issues on-the-fly. Secondly, a pos-
terior analysis aids in the sampling step for manual
inspection. Lastly, it helps in coaching and fostering
assessment proficiency in TAs, since it enables lectur-
ing staff to address harshness/leniency. This expedites
the growth of a network of TAs proficient in fair and
fast grading, since they work in pairs and can learn
from each other. However, we do emphasize that this
should not be the only safeguard for quality, but rather
a supplement in a multi-faceted workflow.
Teaching Assistants as Assessors: An Experience Based Narrative
We believe that using TAs in grading can only be
reliable by forcing the students to participate in the re-
view. This allows the misgraded students to flag their
cases and allows the teachers to regrade the concerned
copies ensuring a fair examination to everyone.
Based on our experience we recommend the fol-
lowing practices for deploying teaching assistants to
grade exams:
If teaching assistants are used as assessors, it is
important that they are clear about their expecta-
tions and that the assessment process is transpar-
ent to students. This could be achieved through
providing clear grading rubrics, giving feedback
on assignments, and being available to answer
questions about the assessment process.
For grading exams with many students, it is advis-
able to arrange a grading party where active dis-
cussion among TAs is supported and appreciated.
It is essential that the teaching staff also actively
participates and grades a portion of the exams. It
ensures a higher grading accuracy, provides a bet-
ter foundation for guidance to TAs and actively
promotes a deeper understanding of assessment
To increase the consistency in grading, assign one
question per TA. The downside could be that the
TA grades either generously or too harshly But
at the very least does so consistently. The risk
could be mitigated by teaching staff by looking
at the average grade per question. Extreme cases
are easily identifiable.
The need for close monitoring cannot be empha-
sized enough. The teaching staff must look for
clues to intervene and adjust the grading practice.
They must grade the borderline cases. Further-
more, they must be creative in creating visualiza-
tions to capture variations in the grading and iden-
tify anomalies.
Work towards developing a team of TAs that help
with grading. The team must consist of experi-
enced TAs (who have also helped grade the same
course in previous years) and junior TAs. We em-
phasize that including junior TAs is essential for
continuity. Pay extra attention to junior TAs and
be vigilant about senior TAs. A well-trained UTA
can grade more consistently and reliably than an
untrained GTA. Therefore, groom TAs so that
they can perform better.
Motivate students to participate in the review and
explain the grading process to them for increased
transparency. We recommend that the teaching
staff must conduct the review and review must be
as accessible as possible for students. If mistakes
are spotted during review, audit all exams graded
by the TA for whom a mistake was spotted.
In the introduction, we posed the question, “How
does the deployment of teaching assistants as asses-
sors impact the assessment quality in higher educa-
tion?”. The paper was not meant to answer the ques-
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provide a conclusive answer; instead, they emphasize
the need for a more carefully designed scientific study
to identify impacting factors and corresponding miti-
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Teaching Assistants as Assessors: An Experience Based Narrative