vantages lies in its automatic adaptability and the ad-
ditional metrics it offers for assessing various condi-
tions within a parking lot. While further research may
lead to enhanced accuracy, the current methodology
can represent added value when applied to business
Based on the accuracy of up to 95.56% of our ap-
proach, we can answer the research questions in the
following ways:
• RQ1: the eagle view is the most appropriate
transformation of the data to understand the sym-
metry between topological data better.
• RQ2: HDBSCAN combined with a descending
min cluster sample value can denoise data and re-
move irregularities.
• RQ3: SOM clustering can better delimit clusters
based on data frequency and keep track of previ-
ous clusters for a short time.
• RQ4: K-means algorithm can place the cluster
centers accurately based on Euclidean distance.
One of the improvements for future work might
be the approximation of delimiting spacing lines be-
tween the parking spaces. As long as all spaces are
marked, placing a separator line between them should
be possible. This would provide further possibili-
ties for evaluating the existence of additional parking
spaces that can exist at the edge of the image.
Another topic for future work would be to evalu-
ate the accuracy of the clustering approach after the
YOLOv8 model has been trained. It should be able
to provide further insights into the topology of data
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Combining Clustering Algorithms to Extract Symmetric Clusters from Noisy Data, Applied to Parking Lots