Service Weaver: A Promising Direction for Cloud-Native Systems?
Jacoby Johnson
, Subash Kharel
, Alan Mannamplackal
, Amr S. Abdelfattah
and Tomas Cerny
Computer Science of Baylor University, Waco, Texas, U.S.A.
Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.
Service Weaver, Cloud-Native Systems, Microservices, Modular Binary, Cloud Computing.
Cloud-Native and microservice architectures have taken over the development world by storm. While be-
ing incredibly scalable and resilient, microservice architectures also come at the cost of increased overhead
to build and maintain. Google’s Service Weaver aims to simplify the complexities associated with imple-
menting cloud-native systems by introducing the concept of a single modular binary composed of agent-like
components, thereby abstracting away the microservice architecture notion of individual services. While Ser-
vice Weaver presents a promising approach to streamline the development of cloud-native applications and
addresses nearly all significant aspects of conventional cloud-native systems, there are existing tradeoffs af-
fecting the overall functionality of the system. Notably, Service Weaver’s straightforward implementation and
deployment of components alleviate the overhead of constructing a complex microservice architecture. How-
ever, it is important to acknowledge that certain features, including separate code bases, routing mechanisms,
resiliency, and security, are presently lacking in the framework.
Cloud-native systems and the development of mi-
croservice architecture have taken center stage in the
realm of distributed systems software. While mi-
croservices undeniably enhance functionality, offer-
ing improved availability and scalability, they intro-
duce heightened system complexity and pose vari-
ous challenges (Abdelfattah and Cerny, 2023b; Cerny
et al., 2022). Beyond managing business logic, a
microservice architecture must address inter-service
communications, necessitating the implementation of
service registry, discovery, and routing mechanisms.
Additionally, the deployment process presents its
own set of challenges, requiring careful configura-
tion management for swift and reliable deployment
to uphold system scalability (Abdelfattah and Cerny,
2023b; Bushong et al., 2021).
The potential for simplifying the intricate pro-
cesses of creating, deploying, and maintaining mi-
croservices is indeed promising. In case of the com-
plexities involved in managing such challenges could
be abstracted for practitioners, the tasks associated
with creating, deploying, and maintaining microser-
vices would undergo a notable simplification. This
abstraction could potentially streamline the develop-
ment workflow, enhance efficiency, and empower de-
velopers to focus more on core application logic, fos-
tering a more seamless and productive development
Service Weaver (Ghemawat et al., 2023; Google,
2023) emerges to serve in this direction as a program-
ming framework for writing and deploying cloud ap-
plications. It enables practitioners to write their pro-
gram in a modular binary and then that binary can
be deployed as a microservice through a lightweight
configuration file. This offers developers flexibility
for development and testing, whether it’s done locally
or in a cloud environment.
At first glance it serves as a focal point of explo-
ration, prompting compelling questions about its ca-
pabilities and potential. At a high level, this could be
revolutionary for cloud-native systems; however, per-
fect solutions simply don’t exist and an in-depth look
at the benefits and the drawbacks of implementing
a new technology must always be considered. This
paper aims to delve into the question of: ”Is Ser-
vice Weaver capable of covering cloud-native com-
ponents while maintaining the full functionality of a
microservice architecture?” Unraveling this question
will guide our investigation into the unique attributes
and functionalities of the Service Weaver in the con-
text of modern cloud-native architectures.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows,
Johnson, J., Kharel, S., Mannamplackal, A., Abdelfattah, A. and Cerny, T.
Service Weaver: A Promising Direction for Cloud-Native Systems?.
DOI: 10.5220/0012624500003711
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2024), pages 167-175
ISBN: 978-989-758-701-6; ISSN: 2184-5042
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Section 2 stated the research questions. A brief
background into existing cloud-native components is
shared in Section 3. The heart of this paper, in Sec-
tion 4, is dedicated to exploring Service Weaver ca-
pabilities and its potential application. In Section 5
the research questions were addressed, and in Section
6 the conclusion was drawn. While Service Weaver
is a new technology, the authors believe it to be po-
tentially impactful and could see it having a role in
shaping the future of cloud-native systems.
Service Weaver, with its modular binary approach,
proposes a solution to simplify the microservices
model of development. However, the efficiency of
Service Weaver in meeting the core requirements of
cloud-native systems, such as scalability, flexibility,
and resilience, while dealing with the complexities
of traditional microservices architectures, remains an
open question. This question fuels this research to po-
sition the capabilities of Service Weaver within cloud-
native context, assessing its suitability for building ef-
fective and robust cloud-native systems.
: What Advantages Does Writing Your
Application as a Modular Binary Offer in
Comparison to Using Microservice Architecture?
The modular binary methodology involves consoli-
dating all components into a single executable file, a
concept facilitated by the Service Weaver. This ap-
proach raises questions about the potential benefits in
terms of reduced complexity and the adaptability to
deploy modular components as microservices. This
question navigates the modular approach’s challenges
such as network latency, debugging, testing, and re-
source management which are often associated with
microservice architecture.
: Is the Service Weaver Capable of
Effectively Covering Cloud-Native Components?
Cloud-native components, known for enabling scal-
ability, flexibility, and resilience in cloud comput-
ing environments, present a crucial consideration for
modern applications. This question revolves around
Service Weaver’s ability to streamline application
development, offering choices between a modular
monolith and microservice-based systems develop-
ment and deployment. It addresses the alignment of
Service Weaver with the essential features required
for cloud-native components, including separation of
concerns, scalability, resiliency management, and de-
ployment flexibility behavior across diverse deploy-
ment environments.
Cloud-native and microservice architectures are cen-
tered around the creation of scalable, flexible, and re-
silient applications. To achieve these attributes, var-
ious components are introduced to assist practition-
ers in their development endeavors. The stack en-
compasses infrastructure, provisioning, runtime, or-
chestration, management, application definition, and
observability layers (Abdelfattah and Cerny, 2023b;
Amazon, 2024).
Microservices, foundational to cloud-native appli-
cations, are designed as small, interdependent ser-
vices that break down functionalities into smaller, in-
dependent units to enhance agility and resource ef-
ficiency (Abdelfattah and Cerny, 2023b; Amazon,
2024). These microservices communicate with each
other through network protocols and message passing
to accomplish tasks. The scalability of cloud-native
systems underscores the significance of the Service
Discovery component, which dynamically locates the
network locations of microservices, facilitating their
interaction in distributed environments. This ensures
seamless communication among services, adapting to
changes in their network locations or instances (Car-
nell, 2021). Additionally, the API Gateway compo-
nent functions as a critical component in managing in-
coming requests to microservices, serving as an entry
point for clients. It routes requests, handles load bal-
ancing, and may implement security measures such
as authentication and rate limiting (Carnell, 2021).
Research leverages the API Gateway component to
address recurring communication challenges with the
client side (Abdelfattah. and Cerny., 2023).
On the other hand, various dependencies are
present in microservices architecture components,
ranging from explicit inter-service calls to implicit
data model sharing between microservices (Abdelfat-
tah and Cerny, 2023a). As the system evolves, man-
aging and scaling these dependencies becomes com-
plex, leading to the emergence of multiple bad prac-
tices (i.e., anti-patterns) (Cerny et al., 2023) in mi-
croservice implementation. Consequently, effectively
managing dependencies poses challenges in maintain-
ing the quality and health of the architecture.
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
In this section, we delve into a comparative discussion
of Modular Architecture and Microservice Architec-
ture, two prevalent paradigms in the realm of software
design. Each approach presents unique advantages
and challenges, influencing how practitioners struc-
ture and organize their applications.
4.1 Modular Architecture
Modular architecture emphasizes strong encapsula-
tion and well-defined interfaces. This approach hides
implementation details within components, leading to
low coupling between different parts. It allows differ-
ent teams to work independently on separate compo-
nents, which then come together in a single deploy-
ment unit. This fosters parallel development while
maintaining overall system coherence.
Modular architecture’s advantage lies in its bal-
ance between monolithic and microservice architec-
tures. It provides the isolation and independence of
microservices while maintaining the simplicity and
ease of development found in monolithic systems.
This approach reduces the overhead for developers, as
the system is more straightforward to understand and
maintain, and it avoids the network complexity often
associated with microservices. Modular architecture
can be particularly beneficial for small to medium-
sized teams or applications where full-scale microser-
vices might be overkill (Media, 2017). Additionally,
this architecture fosters the Improved Maintainabil-
ity. With clear boundaries and well-defined responsi-
bilities among modules, it simplifies bug fixing and
adding new features. This leads to a better under-
standing of the codebase and reduces time and costs
for maintenance tasks (AppMaster, 2023).
4.2 Microservice Architecture
Microservice architecture, while offering scalabil-
ity and flexibility, introduces significant operational
complexity. It allows teams to work and scale inde-
pendently, as each microservice can be managed and
scaled as a separate entity.
The primary advantage of microservice architec-
ture is its ability to scale components independently
and its resilience. Each service can be deployed,
scaled, and updated without impacting other services,
making the system more robust against failures. This
architecture is ideal for large, complex applications
where different services require different technologies
and scalability needs. It facilitates continuous deliv-
ery and deployment, allowing businesses to respond
rapidly to market changes or customer demands (Me-
dia, 2017).
Additional advantages of this architecture include
Enhanced Team Productivity and Specialization, al-
lowing focused teams to develop and maintain spe-
cific services. This develops ownership and exper-
tise. Agility in Deployments is enhanced, as ser-
vices evolve and deploy independently, speeding up
releases and reducing coordination risks (Atlassian,
4.3 Clarification Example
Illustrating the architectural structures of both mod-
ular and microservices frameworks, consider an ex-
ample of an online retail application. This applica-
tion encompasses the following functionalities: in-
ventory management, order processing, customer ac-
count management, payment processing, shipping co-
ordination, and search processing. Together, these
functionalities seamlessly orchestrate the entire shop-
ping experience, spanning from product selection to
order fulfillment.
In a modular architecture, as depicted in Fig-
ure 1, these functionalities are developed as distinct
modules but within a single application. This means
that while inventory management, order processing,
and other services are separate in terms of their code
and functions, they coexist within the same applica-
tion boundary and share common resources like a cen-
tral database.
Figure 1: Modular Architecture of a Retail Application.
On the other hand, in a microservice architec-
ture, as illustrated in Figure 2, each of these function-
alities is treated as an independent microservice while
the lines between them symbolize network communi-
cation, often using REST APIs. Each microservice
Service Weaver: A Promising Direction for Cloud-Native Systems?
is compiled and deployed separately and has its dedi-
cated storage and resources. They communicate with
each other over a network, often using REST APIs.
Figure 2: Microservice Architecture of a Retail Applica-
While both architectures strive for modularity, the
representation of the decentralized nature of microser-
vice architecture contrasts with the centralized, inter-
connected structure of modular architecture. How-
ever, the separation in microservice architecture en-
hances scalability and reduces complexity in manag-
ing individual components (Carnell, 2021), however,
it challenges the management of the holistic view of
the system, while it distributes functionalities across
independently deployable units.
4.4 Frameworks for Modular
Despite the recent surge in discussions surround-
ing module architecture, as revealed by a systematic
grey literature review (Su and Li, 2024), the results
highlight the rising popularity of modular monoliths,
which offer a fusion of monolithic and microservices
benefits. The review encompassed 64 studies, with a
significant increase observed in 2023. Alongside Ser-
vice Weaver, two other frameworks listed by the au-
thors for building modular monolith architecture are
Spring Modulith and Light-hybrid-4j.
The Spring Modulith (Spring, 2024) framework
introduces an experimental approach for develop-
ing modular monolith applications within the Spring
framework. It organizes source code based on the
module concept, providing conventions and APIs
for declaring and validating logical modules within
Spring Boot applications. Key features include ap-
plication modules representing units of functional-
ity, module encapsulation, and restricted type visibil-
ity between modules. Additionally, it includes ad-
vanced features such as enhanced package arrange-
ments, flexible module selection for integration tests,
automatic developer documentation generation, run-
time observability at the module level, and Passage of
Time Events implementation.
The light-hybrid-4j (NetworkNT, 2021) frame-
work, built upon the light-4j framework, is tailored
for modular monolithic architectures and serverless
deployments within the Light platform. It offers flex-
ibility and cost savings in production by enabling
modular deployment. The framework involves creat-
ing a server with integrated third-party dependencies
and building multiple services with shared or specific
dependencies. These services are compiled into in-
dependent jar files containing business handlers and
loaded into a designated folder on the host server dur-
ing startup. Traffic is routed to the appropriate han-
dler in each service for incoming requests. Develop-
ers follow the principle of building services into jar
files, deploying them to the same Docker container
volume, and loading them into the same JVM. Ser-
vices communicate through interfaces to conceal im-
plementation details, and if necessary, services under
heavy loads can be separated into individual contain-
ers for scalable deployment.
While still in development, Service Weaver (Ghe-
mawat et al., 2023) boasts superior capabilities com-
pared to conventional modular frameworks. It is in-
troudced to offer high performance, with co-located
components communicating through direct method
calls and remote components utilizing efficient cus-
tom serialization and RPC protocols. Additionally,
Service Weaver requires minimal configuration and
easily deploys to the cloud without extensive setup. It
also provides libraries for logging, metrics, and trac-
ing, seamlessly integrated into the deployed cloud en-
Service Weaver packages core application logic in a
modular binary structure for deployment, contrasting
with the multiple codebases and deployments com-
mon in microservice architecture. When evaluating
a new technology or framework, it is customary to
compare it to the prevailing standard practices. In
the context of examining the advantages and draw-
backs of Service Weaver, it proves advantageous to
scrutinize each component and assess its functionality
against the conventional implementation in a cloud-
native system, adhering to established best practices,
as outlined in the 12 factors (Wiggins, 2017).
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
The subsequent subsections iterate through the
cloud-native components, exploring the offerings of
Service Weaver in fulfilling each of them as summa-
rized in Table 1.
Table 1: Service Weaver Components.
Cloud-native Component Integrated Dev. Res.
(C1) Services
(C2) Inter-Service Communication
(C3) Configuration Management
(C4) Deployment
(C5) Resiliency
(C6) Security
(C7) Storage
(C8) Logging
(C9) Tracing
(C10) Metric Tracking
Dev. Res.
: Developer Responsibility.
(C1) Services. Service Weaver’s main abstraction
that functions in the place of a service is that of a com-
ponent. A component is essentially a method imple-
mented by Service Weaver that acts as a stand-alone
software agent, handling its business logic and com-
municating with other components. Although poly-
glot support stands as a significant advantage for mi-
croservices and cloud-native systems, it’s worth not-
ing that Service Weaver currently only supports the
GO programming language for implementation.
Moreover, the idea remains the same as a ser-
vice, a component will have a narrow scope and
will be stateless in its functionality. The difference
is that all Service Weaver applications’ components
are intended to be stored together in a single binary,
whereas with microservices, services are not pack-
aged within a single binary or else the system would
be classified as a monolith.
By using a single binary with components, the
code base could be more manageable for a single in-
dividual/group; especially if much of the boilerplate
code has been abstracted away using Service Weaver.
A problem that could arise with this single binary
scheme is if an application grows to the point of need-
ing to be managed by multiple teams. With a cloud-
native system, each service has its code base and can
be managed by a separate team without ever needing
to cross paths with other services, teams, and their
code bases. This tradeoff between centrally managed
components and individually managed services needs
to be considered when selecting an application’s ar-
chitecture (Ghemawat et al., 2023).
(C2) Inter-Service Communication. When com-
pared to inter-service communications between
Cloud-native services, inter-component communica-
tions using Service Weaver are much easier to digest
and could lead to performance increases; however,
they might lack some functionality. The way com-
ponents communicate with each other using Service
Weaver is as simple as calling a method. Since com-
ponents are in the same binary, one component need
only call another’s method that has been defined us-
ing an interface. Message passing happens locally
for co-located components, otherwise, remote proce-
dure calls are made for separate deployments. The
abstraction of implementing remote procedure calls
simplifies inter-component communication for devel-
opers, expediting the setup process and potentially en-
hancing performance, especially for local calls, where
RPCs can incur significant overhead costs.
Digging into method calls being used for inter-
component communication, it should also be noted
that this abstraction would also abstract away the im-
plementation details of service discovery and API
gateway services. Service Weaver manages how it
implements remote procedure calls and this includes
knowing the deployed location of the components and
load balancing the method calls appropriately. This
means that instead of incurring all the heavy over-
head of using something like Eureka to manage ser-
vice discovery and then spinning up an API gateway
service, a developer can simply call a component’s
method and not have to worry about the semantics of
how things get accomplished. This could greatly re-
duce development time and complexity.
While this abstraction has many benefits, it also
restricts some functionality of a system that is im-
plementing Service Weaver. To begin with, it looks
like specific implementations of message passing,
like priority queues, have yet to be implemented,
though it does look like Service Weaver incorporates
specific port listeners. Service Weaver documenta-
tion (Google Open Source, 2023) does not mention
support for pre or post filters on messages, or manip-
ulation of message headers, common features in API
gateways for microservice architecture. One could ar-
gue that the input/output structure of the method be-
ing called could just be changed to accommodate for
this; however, there could be bloat associated with the
message passing in this way. Inter-component com-
munications require balancing developer ease with
control over functionality, influencing the choice be-
tween Service Weaver and traditional Cloud-native
(C3) Configuration Management. In a Cloud-native
system, there are usually many configuration files;
typically, at least one per service, and sometimes this
number can be exceeded if different environments are
being used for each service. These config files are
usually housed in some centrally available repo that
is stored separately from the source code of the ser-
Service Weaver: A Promising Direction for Cloud-Native Systems?
vices. Configuration management can get cumber-
some quickly and for this reason, Service Weaver
aims to reduce configuration code as possible.
Service Weaver boasts a minimal configuration
setup, as the libraries handle much of the components’
configurations automatically. This is yet another way
in which Service Weaver aims to make life easier for
the developer. There doesn’t need to be a central repo
housing configuration files in this case, since every-
thing is created and deployed with a single binary and
there is also plenty of added functionality to the min-
imal config files, like the ability to declare ports and
environmental variables.
(C4) Deployment. For many development teams,
one of the most challenging aspects of managing a
project is the deployment and maintenance phases.
Often there are dedicated teams solely responsible for
this task called the DevOps team. A typical deploy-
ment for a Cloud-native system would be to package
services together in containers using something like
Docker, orchestrate those containers using tools like
Kubernetes, and then finally deploy the services to
some cloud source like Google Cloud, AWS, Azure,
etc. All these actions take time, money, and a speci-
fied skill set.
With Service Weaver, component groupings are
specified in the minimal configuration file, and then a
simple call can be made from the command line to de-
ploy all the components. At the time of writing, Ser-
vice Weaver can deploy locally, deploy to a generic
Kubernetes destination, or deploy to Google Kuber-
netes Engine (GKE) just by varying the command line
prompt. This offers huge benefits in reducing the time
and complexity of deploying an application. The fact
that only one line must be written to transition from
local development and testing to pushing an applica-
tion to a Cloud is very impressive.
There is also the optionality to group components
together while deploying. For instance, if one wanted
to have component A and B running on a singles ma-
chine and have component C running on a separate
machine, they once again can just add a few lines into
the minimal configuration file to achieve this. This
gives the developers/DevOps teams greater flexibility
in choosing which components to group locally for an
increase in performance.
While the ease of deployment is readily discussed
within the Service Weaver documentation (Google,
2023), finer details about deployment implementa-
tions are necessarily available. Further experimen-
tation should be conducted to understand if things
like health checks and custom scripts can be imple-
mented during the deployment of a Service Weaver
implemented application. With this being consid-
ered, it is discussed that the Kubernetes deployer is
easily integrated with common Continuous Integra-
tion/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines like
Github Actions, ArgoCD, and Jenkins, so probably
much of the missing functionality could be imple-
mented there.
(C5) Resiliency. While microservices typically em-
ploy resiliency patterns like circuit breakers and fall-
backs to enhance fault tolerance in client calls, Ser-
vice Weaver diverges in its approach (Amazon, 2024).
As a modular monolith, Service Weaver doesn’t en-
gage in traditional client calls to other services but
rather makes remote method calls, which may exhibit
partial failures, participant failure, or result in errors.
The documentation lacks specific details on method-
ologies or libraries for handling such errors, empha-
sizing that it is the responsibility of developers to de-
tect and react to these issues (Ghemawat et al., 2023;
Google, 2023).
Consequently, developers are required to proac-
tively address potential challenges such as timeouts
or fallbacks in their code to ensure the system’s re-
siliency. Despite this shift of responsibility to devel-
opers, it’s noteworthy that the likelihood of latency
and failures in method calls is considerably lower
compared to service calls between microservices. The
reduced likelihood of latency and failures in method
calls in Service Weaver is due to its encapsulation
of components within a singular binary. This en-
ables shared memory space, promoting faster local
method calls with minimized latency. The frame-
work’s emphasis on remote method calls adds con-
trol and predictability, diminishing the probability of
failures. In contrast to microservices, where network-
based inter-service communication may introduce la-
tency and points of failure, Service Weaver’s strategy
optimizes communication within the same binary, re-
sulting in a more reliable system with fewer failures.
Moreover, Service Weaver emphasizes the sim-
plicity of conducting end-to-end tests, as applica-
tions are composed as single binaries in a unified
programming language, making end-to-end tests akin
to straightforward unit tests. This enables auto-
mated fault tolerance testing, such as chaos test-
ing (Basiri et al., 2016) and model checking (Lam-
port, 1994). This stands in contrast to the challenges
posed by testability in distributed microservice archi-
tecture components (Abdelfattah et al., 2023b).
(C6) Security. The absence of information in the doc-
umentation, articles, or blogs about the security fea-
tures of Service Weaver was disappointing. However,
one aspect that instills confidence is the potential lack
of necessity for gateway services or gatekeeper ser-
vices due to its modular monolith architecture. I con-
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
jecture that the security mechanism might be imple-
mented at the method level, particularly concerning
remote method calls, to ensure the integrity and confi-
dentiality of data exchanged between components as
well as the consistency of role access control across
components (Abdelfattah et al., 2023a).
(C7) Storage. In a blog (Shiju Varghese, 2022),
Shiju Varghese mentioned that Weaver diverges
from frameworks like Encore, a distributed applica-
tion framework in Go that natively supports SQL
databases for storage by using PostgreSQL database
(Shiju Varghese, 2022). By refraining from mandat-
ing native support, Service Weaver allows users the
flexibility to choose their preferred database, align-
ing with the characteristic flexibility of microservices.
The storage functionality in Service Weaver addition-
ally facilitates the seamless integration of storage-
related preferences directly from configuration files,
aligning with the microservices principle of separat-
ing configuration concerns from business logic.
(C8) Logging. Service Weaver employs the
weaver.Logger API to centralize logs originating from
all components within the Service Weaver applica-
tion. It offers the capability to seamlessly integrate
logs with any cloud platform to which the application
is deployed. This achievement significantly enhances
developers’ flexibility and improves the application’s
overall portability. Building upon this, the recogni-
tion of Service Weaver as a modular monolith further
simplifies the process, eliminating the need for addi-
tional layers like log forwarding to platforms such as
Logstash for log aggregation and tracing. This is a
noteworthy advantage for Service Weaver, streamlin-
ing the logging process and contributing to its overall
(C9) Tracing. Service Weaver seamlessly incorpo-
rates OpenTelemetry for tracing, providing a stan-
dardized method to collect and export traces effort-
lessly. Any trace generated within Service Weaver
is automatically exported to the deployment environ-
ment, simplifying the developer’s workflow. The plat-
form boasts the capability to trace HTTP requests ev-
ery second. Once tracing is activated, the system can
autonomously trace both the HTTP request and the
ensuing component method calls. (Ghemawat et al.,
2023; Google, 2023).
In contrast, in the microservices paradigm, devel-
opers have the flexibility to select from a range of
tracing libraries such as Zipkin, Jaeger, and Open-
Telemetry, tailoring their choice to the specific needs
of the application. Unlike Service Weaver, automatic
trace export is not built-in, posing challenges like con-
text propagation and aggregation for developers.
(C10) Metric Tracking. Service Weaver comes
equipped with a built-in API catering to metrics like
counters, gauges, and histograms. Its integration with
deployment environments allows for the automatic
export of metrics, ensuring a seamless connection
with various platforms. In contrast, microservices
offer a range of metrics options such as Prometheus
and Grafana, providing developers with flexibility to
choose tools that align with their service require-
ments. However, a notable distinction is that, unlike
Service Weaver, microservices entail additional man-
ual setup for metric services, making Service Weaver
a more automatic and streamlined option (Ghemawat
et al., 2023; Google, 2023).
This section addresses the research questions posed
in this paper, providing insights into the capabilities
of Service Weaver and its preparedness for the devel-
opment of a cloud-native system.
: What Advantages Does Writing Your
Application as a Modular Binary Offer in
Comparison to Using Microservices?
Service Weaver’s modular binary approach, as
opposed to traditional microservices architectures,
brings forth a distinctive set of advantages. The
framework’s main abstraction, the component, oper-
ates like a stand-alone software agent, encapsulat-
ing business logic and communication functionalities.
Unlike microservices, where services are dispersed
and independently managed, Service Weaver compo-
nents are stored together in a single binary, promoting
enhanced code manageability, especially with signifi-
cant abstraction of boilerplate code.
Inter-component communications in Service
Weaver leverage method calls, simplifying the pro-
cess and potentially enhancing performance. With
components residing in the same binary, communi-
cation involves calling another component’s method,
eliminating the need for extensive service discovery
and API gateway services. While this simplicity
is beneficial, it may limit certain functionalities
typically found in microservices architectures. For
Configuration management in Service Weaver is
streamlined, requiring minimal centralized reposito-
ries for configuration files. The framework’s libraries
handle components’ configurations automatically,
reducing developer burdens and enhancing overall
simplicity. Deployment and CI/CD in Service
Weaver are streamlined, emphasizing a single binary
Service Weaver: A Promising Direction for Cloud-Native Systems?
deployment. The framework minimizes config-
uration complexities, providing a straightforward
deployment experience for developers.
Moreover, Resiliency in Service Weaver differs
from microservices, relying on remote method calls
that may exhibit partial failures. While microser-
vices commonly implement resiliency patterns, Ser-
vice Weaver shifts the responsibility to developers,
but with a lower likelihood of latency and failures in
method calls. Regarding Security features in Service
Weaver, while not extensively documented, suggest a
potential lack of necessity for gateway services due
to its modular monolith architecture. Security mecha-
nisms may be implemented at the method level, war-
ranting further investigation.
Addtionally, Storage in Service Weaver offers
flexibility by not imposing native support, allow-
ing developers to choose their preferred databases.
Storage-related preferences are seamlessly integrated
from configuration files, aligning with microservices’
flexibility. Logging, metric tracking, and tracing in
Service Weaver are streamlined with built-in APIs
and automatic exports to various platforms, contrast-
ing with microservices where additional manual setup
is often required.
: Is the Service Weaver Capable of
Effectively Covering Cloud-Native Components?
Service Weaver demonstrates commendable align-
ment with various cloud-native principles, encap-
sulating its functionalities in modular components
stored together in a single binary. This approach en-
hances code manageability, although potential chal-
lenges may arise in the context of larger teams
managing extensive applications. The framework
streamlines configuration management by automat-
ically handling component configurations, eliminat-
ing the need for extensive centralized repositories.
Its deployment and CI/CD processes, featuring a
single-binary deployment and integration with Ku-
bernetes, significantly reduce deployment complex-
ities. The framework’s unique approach to inter-
component communication simplifies the process
through method calls, potentially leading to enhanced
performance. Service Weaver supports logging, met-
ric tracking, and tracing, showcasing its commitment
to streamlined observability.
It is crucial to highlight, that Service Weaver’s ap-
proach may involve certain compromises. Offers less
in the way of resilience and security solutions, and
needs further examination. These trade-offs under-
score the importance of balancing developmental ease
with the need for flexibility and control in complex
systems. On the other hand, the modular monolith
architecture suggests potential security implementa-
tions at the method level.
Moreover, the absence of support for polyglot sys-
tems represents a notable disadvantage when Service
Weaver is compared with microservice architecture.
Microservice architecture, in contrast, offers the flex-
ibility to employ heterogeneous languages and tech-
nologies within the same system.
Furthermore, considering the pivotal role of mi-
gration in this context, it’s crucial to note that Service
Weaver currently lacks a mechanism for migrating
a microservices-based system to a Service Weaver-
based system, whether through automated or semi-
automated approaches. This limitation positions Ser-
vice Weaver as a more suitable choice for systems that
have not yet been implemented.
In summary, our examination of Service Weaver
reveals its comprehensive support for diverse cloud-
native features and components, such as modular
services, inter-module communication, configuration
management, CI/CD, flexible storage options, as
well as logging, tracking, and tracing functionalities.
While the framework adopts an approach of assign-
ing resiliency and security responsibilities to develop-
ers, it exhibits an effective capability to handle cloud-
native components. Nevertheless, it is worth noting
that in its early release, the framework imposes lim-
itations on the implementation of polyglot systems,
while it only supports GO programming language.
Service Weaver proposes a shift towards simplifica-
tion and integration, aligning well with cloud-native
principles like scalability and flexibility. The com-
mon theme when comparing the functionality of Ser-
vice Weaver to that of a Cloud-native microservice
system is that Service Weaver aims to make develop-
ment and deployment as simple and seamless as pos-
sible for the development teams. Service Weaver uses
many abstractions with their components and their
communications to achieve this and they also imple-
ment many desired plugins like logging, tracing, and
metric tracking out of the box.
While there are compelling reasons for a devel-
opment team to contemplate the adoption of Service
Weaver, the ease of use it offers is accompanied by a
few constraints. Currently, Service Weaver is exclu-
sively implemented in GO, thus forfeiting the advan-
tage of microservice architecture that accommodates
polyglot systems. Additionally, the extensive use of
abstractions in Service Weaver implies a trade-off in
terms of total control over the system. Furthermore,
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
as a relatively new project, there are certain function-
alities that are yet to be developed, reflecting the on-
going maturation of the software. Notably, Service
Weaver has not presented robust solutions for sup-
porting system resiliency and security at this stage.
In the next research phase, we will implement a
prototype GO application using the Service Weaver
framework to assess development limitations in real-
world scenarios.
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the National Science Foundation under Grant No.
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Service Weaver: A Promising Direction for Cloud-Native Systems?