Out of Sesame Street: A Study of Portuguese Legal Named Entity
Recognition Through In-Context Learning
Rafael Oleques Nunes
, Andre Suslik Spritzer
, Carla Maria Dal Sasso Freitas
and Dennis Giovani Balreira
Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
In-Context Learning, Large Language Models, Named Entity Recognition, Legal Tech, LLama.
This paper explores the application of the In-Context Learning (ICL) paradigm for Named Entity Recognition
(NER) within the Portuguese language legal domain. Identifying named entities in legal documents is complex
due to the intricate nature of legal language and the specificity of legal terms. This task is important for a
range of applications, from legal information retrieval to automated summarization and analysis. However,
the manual annotation of these entities is costly due to the specialized knowledge required from legal experts
and the large volume of documents. Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLM) have led to
studies exploring the use of ICL to improve the performance of Generative Language Models (GLMs). In this
work, we used Sabi
a, a Portuguese language LLM, to extract named entities within the legal domain. Our goal
was to evaluate the consistency of these extractions and derive insights from the results. Our methodology
involved using a legal-domain NER corpus as input and selecting specific samples for a prompting task. We
then instructed the GLM to catalog its own NER corpus, which we compared with the original test examples.
Our study examined various aspects, including context examples, selection strategies, heuristic methodologies,
post-processing techniques, and quantitative and qualitative analyses across specific domain classes. Our
results indicate promising directions for future research and applications in specialized domains.
The inherent complexity of legal language, coupled
with the specificity of its terminology, makes recog-
nizing named entities in legal documents an inter-
esting challenge within the field of natural language
processing. The significance of this task reverberates
across various applications, from facilitating legal in-
formation retrieval to enabling automated summariza-
tion and in-depth analysis, unlocking opportunities
for further exploration and understanding.
Despite its undeniable benefits, the manual an-
notation of named entities in legal documents is a
resource-intensive process. The specialized knowl-
edge required from legal experts, combined with the
sheer volume of legal documents, makes conventional
annotation approaches costly and time-consuming.
To address these issues, the integration of Large Lan-
guage Models (LLM) has emerged as a transformative
force, offering the promise of automating the process
and enhancing the accuracy of named entity recogni-
tion (Barale et al., 2023).
Within this context, In-Context Learning (ICL)
stands out as a particularly promising paradigm, of-
fering several advantages (Dong et al., 2022). These
include: (i) the simplicity of incorporating knowl-
edge through a natural language interface (Brown
et al., 2020), (ii) the capacity of learning from anal-
ogy (Winston, 1980), and (iii) the adeptness in han-
dling large-scale real-world tasks (Sun et al., 2022).
Given the increasing and successful adoption of In-
Context Learning for several tasks, we set out to in-
vestigate how the application of this method to GLM
can improve the NER task for Portuguese language
legal corpora.
In this work, we used Sabi
a, a Large Language
Model (LLM) for the Portuguese language, to extract
named entities within the legal domain. Our main
goal was to evaluate the consistency of these extrac-
tions and derive insights from the results obtained.
Additionally, we investigated three heuristics to re-
Nunes, R., Spritzer, A., Freitas, C. and Balreira, D.
Out of Sesame Street: A Study of Portuguese Legal Named Entity Recognition Through In-Context Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0012624700003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 477-489
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
trieve in-context examples with the goal of improving
ICL results. Finally, we explored different methods to
mitigate the noise produced by misspellings and out-
of-domain classes predicted by the LLM.
The remaining sections are organized as follows.
Section 2 delves into the related work. Section 3 de-
tails our methodology, describing the legal corpora,
the Portuguese language LLM and the prompt tem-
plate that were used, the heuristics that were exam-
ined, and the post-processing filters that were applied.
Section 4 describes the hardware setup employed in
our experiments, the hyperparameters used, the divi-
sion of the corpora, and the metrics used in the evalua-
tion. Section 5 presents both quantitative and qualita-
tive analyses of the results, accompanied by an inves-
tigation of the effect of postprocessing filters. Finally,
Section 6 concludes the study with a discussion of the
final results and perspectives for future research.
We summarize the most relevant studies divided into
three topics: (i) methods of In-Context Learning; (ii)
Generative LLMs for the Portuguese language; and
(iii) works specific to the legal domain.
2.1 In-Context Learning
LLMs’ growing prevalence and capability have led
to many new studies in NLP that take the In-Context
Learning paradigm (Dong et al., 2022). These works
investigate several key points in this domain, such
as prompt retrieval (Rubin et al., 2021), example
selection (Zhang et al., 2022; Ye et al., 2023; Liu
et al., 2021), informative extraction (Li and Qiu,
2023; Gupta et al., 2023), and even label bias miti-
gation (Fei et al., 2023).
Despite addressing NER-related tasks, such as en-
tity locating and typing (Shen et al., 2023; Barale
et al., 2023) and showing promising results, the above
models are not explicitly focused on NER.
Other studies are focused specifically on NER.
Among these, Ziyadi et al. (2020), Cui et al. (2021),
and Huang et al. (2020) propose few-shot learning
approaches. Other works include attempts to im-
prove entity typing pipelines, with specific attention
to broadening the scope of entities beyond conven-
tional categories (Choi et al., 2018; Dai et al., 2021),
and handling entities not encountered during train-
ing (Epure and Hennequin, 2022; Lin et al., 2020).
Concerning corpora in the legal domain, Barale et al.
(Barale et al., 2023) explore the retrieval of knowl-
edge by evaluating entity typing as a proxy for assess-
ing legal comprehension, comparing various legal-
specific and generic LMs and prompting methods.
Findings reveal that while LLama2 shows potential
with optimized templates, law-oriented LMs exhibit
inconsistent performance, and all models face chal-
lenges with entities from specific legal sub-domains.
To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to
investigate this particular field in the Portuguese lan-
guage. Our domain follows Barale’s work (Barale
et al., 2023) as well as the significant findings using
the In-Context Learning approach in other contexts
(Ye et al., 2023; Gupta et al., 2023; Feng et al., 2023).
2.2 Generative LLMs for Text
Generative Language Models (GLMs) are a class
of artificial intelligence models designed to generate
human-like text based on the input they receive. They
use natural language processing and machine learning
techniques to understand and produce coherent and
contextually relevant sentences. Recently, they have
gained special attention due to their high performance
on contextual understanding, high flexibility, and gen-
eralization (Ahuja et al., 2023), mainly because of
the transformer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017).
Despite these models using most prominently En-
glish corpora, several are multilingual, i.e., supporting
other languages. Some of the most prominent multi-
lingual models (and variations thereof) include Gen-
erative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) (Brown et al.,
2020), Bidirectional and Auto-Regressive Transform-
ers (BART) (Lewis et al., 2019), Text-to-Text Trans-
fer Transformer (T5) (Raffel et al., 2020), Large
Language Model Meta AI (LLama) (Touvron et al.,
2023), and Mistral (Jiang et al., 2023). Refer to Am-
atriain et al. (Amatriain et al., 2023) for a compre-
hensive yet simple catalog of transformer models for
further examples.
While all these models support multiple lan-
guages, only Sabi
a (Pires et al., 2023a) incorporates
specific corpora in Portuguese. This model, a large
language model pre-trained on Portuguese, exhibits a
slightly better performance than ChatGPT-3.5 across
14 Portuguese datasets. To the best of our knowl-
edge, as a model that is inherently fine-tuned for Por-
tuguese, it is the only model that is fine-tuned for this
2.3 Legal Domain NER Corpora
As of this writing, there are two available datasets
that can be used for Portuguese language legal do-
main NER.
The LeNER-Br (Luz de Araujo et al., 2018)
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
dataset comprises legal documents and includes tags
for persons, locations, time entities, organizations,
law, and legal cases. Its authors have demonstrated
its effectiveness with retrained LSTM-CRF models,
achieving good overall results for legislation and le-
gal case entities.
The second one, UlyssesNER-Br (Albuquerque
et al., 2022), contains two sources of information di-
vided into two corpora for each reference source, in-
cluding bills and legislative consultations. The pro-
posed corpus categorizes entities into two types: cat-
egory and type. Categories include conventional en-
tities as well as additional legislative entities, while
types represent specific instances within categories in
accordance with a hierarchy. Since our work delves
into the legal domain, we investigate both datasets.
In this section, we delineate the proposed method-
ology across several key subsections following the
pipeline shown in Figure 1. Subsection 3.1 describes
the essential corpora used in this study. Subsection
3.2 provides a succinct description of the selected
LLM. Subsection 3.3 explains the template employed
and its composition. Subsection 3.4 intricately ex-
plores crafted heuristics, particularly emphasizing re-
trieval in In-Context Learning. Finally, Subsection
3.5 elaborates on the filters that play a crucial role in
refining the NER model’s outputs within the legisla-
tive context. This methodology is designed to provide
comprehensive guidelines for evaluating NER perfor-
mance in legal documents using In-Context Learning
3.1 Corpora
For a comprehensive understanding of In-Context
Learning within the legal domain, we used two dis-
tinct NER corpora: LeNER-Br (Albuquerque et al.,
2022) and UlyssesNER-Br (Luz de Araujo et al.,
2018), which we discuss next. The former is dedi-
cated to the judiciary domain, comprising Brazilian
court documents, while the latter focuses on the leg-
islative domain, comprising legislative bills.
LeNER-Br: (Luz de Araujo et al., 2018) is the first
manually annotated Brazilian Legal corpus. It con-
sists of 70 documents, of which 66 are from courts
and tribunals and four from legislative documents.
Table 1 lists the entity types and the number of en-
tities for each type in each training, validation, and
testing set.
Table 1: Frequency of named entities in LeNER-Br for each
entity type.
Entity type Train Valid Test
PESSOA 4,612 894 735
JURISPRUDENCIA 3,967 743 660
TEMPO 2,343 543 260
LOCAL 1,417 244 132
LEGISLACAO 13,039 2,609 2,669
ORGANIZACAO 6,671 1,608 1,367
Total 31,049 6,641 5,823
Table 2: Frequency of named entities in UlyssesNER-Br for
each entity type.
Entity type Train Valid Test
DATA 433 72 98
PESSOA 628 114 119
FUNDAMENTO 490 107 124
LOCAL 369 145 101
EVENTO 9 5 9
Total 2,594 570 599
UlyssesNER-Br: (Albuquerque et al., 2022) is a
Brazilian Legislative corpus that includes 9,526 man-
ually annotated sentences from 150 bills (projetos de
lei) of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies (the lower
house of Brazil’s National Congress). This corpus has
two levels of entity types: category and type. As
pointed out by the authors, the type level does not
provide much additional information for model learn-
ing. As such, to allow for a better comparison with
LeNER-Br entities, we opt to use only the category
level. Entity categories and the number of examples
each respectively contains are listed in Table 2.
3.2 Model
In this study, we used Sabi
a (Pires et al., 2023b),
a Portuguese language fine-tuned LLM trained on
the ClueWeb 2022 dataset (Overwijk et al., 2022a,b).
The training process involved expanding the capabil-
ities of LLama 7B, LLama 65B, and GPT-J models.
Our implementation specifically leveraged Sabi
which is based on the Sabi
a model fine-tuned using
LLama 7B.
3.3 Prompt Template
The template used in ICL holds significant impor-
tance as it efficiently embeds human knowledge into
LLMs without requiring a fine-tuning process involv-
ing the incorporation of related examples within a
Out of Sesame Street: A Study of Portuguese Legal Named Entity Recognition Through In-Context Learning
Training Examples
Sampling selection
LLMPrompt construction Context prompt
Test Examples
Test Metrics
Sentence 1
NER tags 1
Sentence N
NER tags N
Figure 1: Pipeline showing our In-Context Learning NER approach. Given a selection of test examples, followed by the
extraction of samples from the training set for ICL, we build a prompt using predefined instructions and target labels. We then
feed the prompt into the LLM, where inference occurs. Finally, we derive the computed metrics from the output of the model.
prompt or altering its templates (Dong et al., 2022).
We segmented our template into four key compo-
nents to accomplish this objective and leverage exist-
ing knowledge: command, list of entities, examples,
and input.
The template structure, comprising direct com-
mands, examples, and input goals draws inspiration
from previous studies (Kew et al., 2023; Barale et al.,
2023; Fei et al., 2023; Feng et al., 2023). The inclu-
sion of goal-oriented entities was essential for the ex-
periments. Many inferences mislabel entities, cate-
gorizing them as types outside the scope or as parts
of speech. This underscores a critical issue in NER,
particularly with diverse entity classes, as it indicates
that in-context examples alone may not be enough.
Consequently, our template offers a comprehensive
natural language description, such as As categorias
ıveis s
ao: {categories} (i.e., “the possible cate-
gories are: {categories}”), encompassing all possible
entity types (Barale et al., 2023) and thus making it
easier for each entity to refer to one of the desired
We structured our examples and input in
{Sentence-Terms} format. This format pairs sen-
tences with their respective terms and categories,
which are represented as Termos com categorias (i.e.,
“terms with categories”) to emphasize to the LLM
that the expected output includes the term along with
its associated category (as expressed in the category
list). The terms and their respective categories were
formatted as {term} eh um {category} (i.e., {term}
is a {category}”). In the initial tests, we experimented
with mapping terms and their categories to as (term,
category) tuples, but answers given by the model were
of lower quality, leading us to adopt the current tem-
plate format, which provided satisfactory results.
We opted to use the command Reconhec¸a os ter-
mos significativos e suas categorias (“Identify signifi-
cant terms and their categories”), prioritizing the term
“categories” instead of using “named entities”. Ini-
tial testing revealed the latter led to subpar results due
to increased noise. The former command proved the
most effective template for retrieving better and more
accurate results.
3.4 In-Context Learning Heuristics
In the selection of in-context examples, we employed
three distinct heuristics: (i) the top K similar exam-
ples, (ii) the top K similar examples chosen by en-
tity type, and (iii) K random samples. Additionally,
across all these heuristics, we conducted experiments
to examine the significance of the example order, test-
ing both ascending and descending orders based on
the similarity with the input sentence.
K Similars. Following prior research (Liu et al.,
2021), we adopted a strategy of selecting the K
most similar examples from the training set to act
as contextual references, aiding the LLM in ac-
curately associating entities with their respective
terms. To accomplish this, we used Sentence-
BERT (SBERT) (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) and
the “distiluse-base-multilingual-cased” multilingual
model (Reimers and Gurevych, 2020) to generate sen-
tence embeddings using a semantic search. The co-
sine distance metric was employed to gauge the simi-
larity between the embeddings.
K Similars per Entitiy Type. Similar to the K simi-
lars heuristic, we retrieved the K most similar exam-
ples to the input. In this case, however, we ensured
the inclusion of at least one example from each en-
tity type. In scenarios where K exceeds the number
of types, additional examples are selected based on
their similarity without considering type affiliation.
The primary objective of this heuristic is to investigate
whether incorporating greater diversity across entity
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
types can enhance classification results. By ensuring
representation from various types, we aim to verify
whether the model’s classification performance ben-
efits from a more comprehensive exposure to diverse
Random Sampling. We employed random sampling
to assess the significance of contextual examples in
information extraction, enabling a comparison of the
importance of in-context examples that only have
goal-specific entity types with those that demonstrate
higher similarity. By evaluating these factors, we
aimed to determine whether the presence of random
examples from goal-specific entity types was more
important than the level of similarity for successful
information extraction.
3.5 Filtering
Despite providing templates for the LLM containing
the goal types, unexpected values could still be ob-
served in the results. To address this, we implemented
a series of filters. Initially, we eliminated punctuation
from candidate entity types. Next, we used multilin-
gual SBERT (Reimers and Gurevych, 2020) to ob-
tain the cosine similarity between candidate and true
types. We then selected the most similar types by re-
taining those that were higher or equal to a predefined
threshold and disregarding the others. Our method
only used the resultant value if the type was deemed
valid; otherwise, we classified the token as ’O’, indi-
cating an unspecified entity.
In this section, we present a detailed account of the
experimental evaluations conducted to assess the pro-
posed approach. This includes a comprehensive de-
scription of the environmental setup, outlining the
hardware configurations and the libraries used. Fur-
thermore, we detail the specific model, heuristics, and
filter hyperparameters employed in our evaluation. In
addition, we delineate the segmentation of the corpora
and explain the metrics used to evaluate the obtained
4.1 Setup
Our heuristics, inference, and filtering tasks were exe-
cuted in a computer equipped with an Nvidia GeForce
RTX 4070 GPU and 12 GB of RAM. We chose the
Python 3.7.6 as our programming language because
of its extensive support for Machine Learning and
Natural Language Processing libraries.
For the NLP models, we used the Maritalk API
to access the Sabi
a model and Sentence Transformers
to perform the semantic search. The seqeval
(Nakayama, 2018) library was used to compute the
NER metrics.
4.2 Hyperparameters
Model Hyperparameters. We adopted the recom-
mended parameters for In-Context Learning
in the official documentation of Sabi
a. We set the
max tokens parameter to 1,000 to allow extensive re-
sponses. This choice facilitated longer template an-
swers, as described in subsection 3.3, enriched with
additional information, enabling the retrieval of an-
swers related to all the entities.
Heuristic Hyperparameters. We used a range of K
values from 1 to 8 for the heuristics in the LeNER-Br
corpus, with the exception of the k similar per entity
type heuristic, for which the range was narrowed from
5 to 8. Similarly, for the UlyssesNER-Br corpus, we
used a range of K values spanning from 1 to 14, and
for k similar per entity type, we set the range between
4 and 10. The variation in the number of examples be-
tween the two corpora stemmed from the larger size
of the LeNER-Br, requiring more extensive training
and validation periods. Nonetheless, both corpora ex-
hibited comparable results, and the chosen number of
examples sufficed for inter-corpora analysis, as elab-
orated in Section 5. To ensure reproducibility, we set
the random seed to 42 for both corpora using random
Filters Hyperparameters. Throughout the empirical
evaluation, we applied a cosine similarity threshold
of 0.95, which proved to be effective in filtering. Ad-
ditionally, we limited punctuation management to the
character ’-’, given that the input was structured in the
BIO format.
4.3 Corpora Division
We adhered to the standard division provided by the
authors of the corpora, which includes training, vali-
dation, and test sets for each corpus. Tables 1 and 2
list the divisions used.
Out of Sesame Street: A Study of Portuguese Legal Named Entity Recognition Through In-Context Learning
The training set was leveraged to retrieve in-
context examples, while the test set was used for met-
ric evaluation.
4.4 Metrics
To evaluate overall performance as well as the per-
formance of each entity class, we used the micro F1,
precision, and recall metrics, which were computed
with the seqeval (Nakayama, 2018) library. A notable
feature of this library is its metric calculation method,
which relies on a sequence of tags assigned to each
entity. This approach ensures that the accurate recog-
nition of an entity in a complete sentence is prioritized
over the simple identification of individual tokens.
This section presents an in-depth exploration of the
heuristics results, encompassing global and local per-
spectives as well as a comprehensive analysis of mis-
predictions associated with each entity and a descrip-
tion of the discernible impact of individual filters on
overall and specific entity outcomes.
5.1 Heuristics Results
We present our heuristics results according to global
and local perspectives for both LeNER-Br and
UlyssesNER-Br. In global results, we analyze how
each heuristic fared across all entities, whereas in lo-
cal results we consider each entity separately.
An important point about the experiments is that
we did not use the same number of iterations for
all heuristics due to the time and cost involved. We
followed the experiments in the UlyssesNER-Br
corpus to discover when the same LeNER-Br F1-
Score could be enhanced. Thus, we defined the same
number to start the K similar examples per entity
type for each corpus, as it would demonstrate similar
results to values lower than the number of categories.
Global Results. The results shown in Figure 2 offer a
summary comparison of each corpus, demonstrating
the effect the number of examples in the prompt has
on the F1-Score in ICL. Notably, the LeNER-Br cor-
pus achieved 51% of F1-Score using eight examples,
whereas UlyssesNER-Br required eleven examples to
reach the same percentage. Moreover, UlyssesNER-
Br attained 48% of F1-Score with eight examples un-
der the same heuristic.
One possible explanation for these results could
be the disparity in the number of training and test ex-
2 4 6 8
k_similar k_similar_reverse random
k_similar_per_categories k_similar_per_categories_reverse
(a) LeNER-Br
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
k_similar k_similar_reverse random
k_similar_per_categories k_similar_per_categories_reverse
(b) UlyssesNER-Br
Figure 2: Relationship between the number of examples and
the F1-score for each corpus.
amples present in each corpus, as shown in Tables 1
and 2. Specifically, the LeNER-Br corpus contains
28,455 more training examples than the UlyssesNER-
Br corpus, providing a broader range for retrieving
diverse and informative instances. Similarly, this cor-
pus comprises 6,071 more test examples, enabling a
more extensive variety to be evaluated during testing.
Even if there is a disparity in the number of nec-
essary examples to achieve the same F1-Score, it
is interesting that they exhibit the same patterns in
the heuristic values. In both cases, random sam-
pling had the worst F1-Score of approximately 18%
in UlyssesNER-Br and 3.4% in LeNER-Br, indicat-
ing that random examples of the use of named entities
are unnecessary to provide context for identifying the
proper legal entities.
The selection of at least one example per category
notably improves the results, particularly when ar-
ranging the examples from least similar to most sim-
ilar, with more similar examples situated near the in-
put sentence. Achieving the best results, with 41%
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
in UlyssesNER-Br and 43% in LeNER-Br, this is in
line with conclusions drawn from previous research
(Gupta et al., 2023; Ye et al., 2023; Dong et al., 2022).
It is important to emphasize the methodology em-
ployed in choosing examples per category, which in-
cludes instances with varying degrees of similarity.
This previous selection strategy highlights a no-
ticeable contrast between the most and least similar
sentences in the corpus chosen as input examples. In
contrast, the selection of K similar examples showed
that the order of examples does not make much dif-
ference in the final result – in fact, both had F1-Score
around 51%. However, UlyssesNER-Br requires a
more significant number of iterations, as discussed
at the beginning of this section. One possible reason
results are the same for both ascending and descend-
ing orders is that the examples are highly similar and
it does not hold that the most similar sentence has
a significant effect. This approach indicates that the
most suitable examples are selected based on their
similarity to the target instance, leading to a better
performance outcome for both corpora.
Local Results. Figure 3 demonstrates the entity-wise
outcomes in LeNER-Br, while Figure 4 displays the
results for UlyssesNER-Br. These graphs depict the
influence of each heuristic on individual entities and
the number of examples required to achieve specific
performance levels.
Upon reviewing the global outcomes, the utiliza-
tion of random examples did not exhibit any notable
enhancement in contextualizing the model, resulting
in consistently low F1 scores across all entity types
in both corpora. This behavior underscores the sig-
nificance of selecting pertinent examples for ICL and
their potential to enhance the model’s adaptability to
new tasks. We observed an exception in the random
examples concerning the “EVENTO” entity (Figure
4b). This entity presents a comparable performance,
although it was the lowest. This may happen due to
the relatively small training and validation datasets, as
shown in Table 2.
Remarkably, choosing at least one example per
category yielded notable results for the ”ORGANI-
ZACAO” entity in UlyssesNER-Br and the ”LOCAL”
entity in LeNER-Br (see Figures 4e and 3c). These
are unique categories in which the heuristic had sim-
ilar or better results in a relationship when choosing
the top K similar sentences. While the outcomes dis-
played similarities, further investigation might sug-
gest potential improvements in these heuristics that
could enhance their effectiveness.
In general, the best heuristic was the selection of
the top K similar examples. Even though the use of
a with ICL with this heuristic did not provide bet-
ter results than the state-of-the-art in these corpora
(Zanuz and Rigo, 2022; Albuquerque et al., 2022),
it is an initial approach that indicates the power of
LLMs to extract legal named entities. In the best case,
we found three classes in UlyssesNER-Br that obtain
more than 50% of F1-Score, being“DATA” with 81%,
“LOCAL with’ 69%, and “PESSOA with 60%. In
LeNER-Br, we also find three classes with F1-Score
of over 50%: “PESSOA with 68%, “ORGANIZA-
CAO” with 53%, and “JURISPRUDENCIA with
5.2 Analysing Mispredictions
In this section, we discuss misclassification in the
LeNER-Br corpus with Sabi
a. We present possible
explanations without focusing on incomplete classi-
fications of a part of a sentence. Figures 5 and 6
show bar charts with the number of token entities with
wrong classifications for each type for the LeNER-Br
and UlyssesNER-Br datasets, respectively.
5.2.1 LeNER-Br
“LOCAL”: The model has produced incorrect pre-
dictions for this entity, wrongly categorizing terms
as “PESSOA” or “ORGANIZACAO”. The prediction
as “PESSOA is the only incorrect classification as-
signed to Estado de S
ao Paulo. However, it is inter-
esting that the four wrong predictions as “ORGANI-
ZACAO” are similar sentences that include the term
Estado do Rio de Janeiro, which has a potentially am-
biguous meaning. For instance, in the following sen-
tence, Estado do Rio de Janeiro can be interpreted as
a part of the name of the bureau (i.e., “Secretaria de
Controle Externo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro”) or
as the place where the bureau is located (i.e., “Secre-
taria de Controle Externo” at the “Estado do Rio de
Janeiro”), which can generate different valid classifi-
cations for the same term.
Entretanto, recebeu o of
ıcio j
a com prazo
assinado de 15 dias para apresentar defesa
perante a Secretaria de Controle Externo do
Estado do Rio de Janeiro Secex/RJ, ap
transcorridos meses ( pec¸a 66, p. 6 ); b ) Na
Secex/RJ, procurou contato com o Secret
sem sucesso, tendo conversado com S
Honorato, o qual estranhou o fato de n
ao ter
sido ouvido no
ambito da TCE .
“ORGANIZACAO”: This is the entity most often
misclassified by the model, with wrong predictions
varying across different types. In contrast to mis-
predictions of the entity “LOCAL”, the opposite hap-
Out of Sesame Street: A Study of Portuguese Legal Named Entity Recognition Through In-Context Learning
2 4 6 8
k_similar k_similar_reverse random
k_similar_per_categories k_similar_per_categories_reverse
2 4 6 8
k_similar k_similar_reverse random
k_similar_per_categories k_similar_per_categories_reverse
2 4 6 8
k_similar k_similar_reverse random
k_similar_per_categories k_similar_per_categories_reverse
2 4 6 8
k_similar k_similar_reverse random
k_similar_per_categories k_similar_per_categories_reverse
2 4 6 8
k_similar k_similar_reverse random
k_similar_per_categories k_similar_per_categories_reverse
2 4 6 8
k_similar k_similar_reverse random
k_similar_per_categories k_similar_per_categories_reverse
Figure 3: Relationship between the number of examples and the F1-score for each entity in LeNER-Br corpus.
pens now, as an “ORGANIZACAO” is predicted as a
“LOCAL”. Interestingly, Rio de Janeiro again appears
four times and with the same ambiguity, as expressed
in the following example.
Assunto Recurso de Reconsiderac¸
ao inter-
posto por Carlos Aureliano Motta de Souza
(ex-Diretor-Geral do Superior Tribunal Mil-
itar) contra decis
ao que julgou suas con-
tas irregulares e o condenou em d
ebito e ao
pagamento de multa em raz
ao de irregulari-
dades nas obras de construc¸
ao do pr
edio da
1ª Circunscric¸
ao Judici
aria Militar no Rio de
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
k_similar k_similar_reverse random
k_similar_per_categories k_similar_per_categories_reverse
(a) DATA
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
k_similar k_similar_reverse random
k_similar_per_categories k_similar_per_categories_reverse
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
k_similar k_similar_reverse random
k_similar_per_categories k_similar_per_categories_reverse
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
k_similar k_similar_reverse random
k_similar_per_categories k_similar_per_categories_reverse
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
k_similar k_similar_reverse random
k_similar_per_categories k_similar_per_categories_reverse
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
k_similar k_similar_reverse random
k_similar_per_categories k_similar_per_categories_reverse
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
k_similar k_similar_reverse random
k_similar_per_categories k_similar_per_categories_reverse
Figure 4: Relationship between the number of examples and the F1-score for each entity in UlyssesNER-Br corpus.
Out of Sesame Street: A Study of Portuguese Legal Named Entity Recognition Through In-Context Learning
Figure 5: Number of token entities with wrong classifica-
tions for each type for LeNER-Br.
Figure 6: Number of token entities with wrong classifica-
tions for each type for UlyssesNER-Br.
Other misclassifications are caused not by ambi-
guity of meaning, but by the nature of legal text,
which has some domain-specific structures and jar-
gon. One example is Plen
ario (i.e., a collegiate
court). Even though it should be considered an or-
ganization, it sometimes appears together with refer-
ences to jurisprudence or legislation, separated by a
dash (e.g., Decis
ao 877/2000 – Plen
ario and Ac
2.471/2013 Plen
ario). This can confuse the LLM,
which produces the wrong results.
“JURISPRUDENCIA”: Terms that should be clas-
sified as this entity are often wrongly categorized as
ing the terms classified as “ORGANIZACAO”, we
found a pattern in which only a part of the part of
the term that includes the organization name is classi-
fied. This is what happens with Tribunal Superior do
Trabalho in the following sentence:
Ressalte-se que, estando o v. Ac
ao recor-
rido em sintonia com Orientac¸
ao Jurispru-
dencial da C. Corte Superior, tem-se que a
sua func¸
ao uniformizadora j
a foi cumprida na
ao da controv
ersia, inclusive no que
se refere a eventuais violac¸
oes legais e consti-
tucionais aplic
a quest
ao (OJ SDI-I
336, do C. Tribunal Superior do Trabalho),
ao se constatando, outrossim, contrariados
outros dispositivos constitucionais n
ao cita-
dos no precedente jurisprudencial que emba-
sou o julgado, o que inviabiliza a admissibili-
dade do apelo tamb
em por violac¸
oes nos ter-
mos da al
ınea “c” , do art. 896, da CLT.
Misclassifications may also result from similar
formatting of terms that refer to things of different
concepts. This makes some terms that should be
classified as “JURISPRUDENCIA (jurisprudence)
be misclassified as “LEGISLACAO” (legislation) in-
stead. For instance, both law § do art 492 - a da
ao das leis do trabalho and jurisprudence
§ lº-a do artigo 896 da clt are formatted in exactly
the same way despite referring to different concepts,
leading to misclassification. The same happens with
law lei 11705 de 2008 and jurisprudence lei
68301980 artigo 13 §1º. The similarity between “JU-
it particularly difficult to retrieve contextual examples
by ICL when the types coexist, as what happens with
ao n. 633/1999, which is classified as “LEGIS-
“TEMPO” entity has the most misclassification ex-
amples. However, even if the classifications were
wrong, we could find an annotation error in the cor-
pus, where the LLM could perform the correct clas-
sification to MP/TCU (The Public Accounting Min-
istry at the Federal Audit Court) as an “’ORGANI-
5.2.2 UlyssesNER-Br
“LOCAL”: The model misclassifies terms that
should be of this entity type as “ORGANIZACAO”,
eral cases, however, even if the classifications are
technically wrong (i.e., they do not match term an-
notations in the corpus), they make semantic sense.
This happens, for instance, with the term jornal di
catarinense, which is labeled as a “LOCAL (i.e., lo-
cation) in the corpus, but is misclassified by the model
as an organization (“ORGANIZACAO”), which is
reasonable as the term refers to a newspaper. An
analogous case is the term zona franca de manaus: it
is misclassified as being a “PRODUTODELEI” (i.e.,
the outcome of a law), which makes semantic sense
because it is both an actual place and a public pol-
icy (a free economic zone, which is defined by law).
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
A variation of this phenomenon happens with terms
2000 and 2016, which, in the context in which they
appear (a URL), should have been classified as “LO-
CAL”, but are considered in isolation by the model
and misclassified as “DATA (i.e., date). In addition
to these more ambiguous cases, there are also clear
errors, such as the term Brasil, which is misclassified
as a “PESSOA” (i.e., person).
“EVENTO”: Three terms that should have been clas-
sified as this entity type were misclassified as “DATA
or “PRODUTODELEI”. An interesting case is when
the model correctly identified “2002” as “DATA (i.e.,
a date), but it was actually part of the phrase eleic¸
presidencial de 2002 (i.e., 2002 presidential elec-
tion), which should have been an “EVENTO” (i.e.,
an event). At the same time, the model correctly clas-
sified as “EVENTO” the very similar phrase eleic¸
presidential de 2010 (i.e., 2010 presidential election),
which was present in the same context. One possi-
ble explanation for this is that the model may have
struggled to discern the context due to the presence of
dates in different examples and its placement in the
middle of the samples. Additionally, the term Pr
Nobel (i.e., Nobel Award) was incorrectly categorized
“FUNDAMENTO”: Some terms that should be of
this entity type were misclassified as “DATA”. As
with “EVENTO”, the model does make correct pre-
diction, but only for a part of the phrase instead of
the n-gram as a whole. For instance, the term lei
1.043, de 2003 (i.e., law no. 1,043 of 2003) should be
categorized as “FUNDAMENTO”, but only the year
(2003) was identified and as a “DATA” (i.e., date) en-
“PESSOA”: Some terms that should be of this type
are misclassified as “FUNDAMENTO”. An exam-
ple is Allan Kardec, which is a person’s name and
should therefore be considered a “PESSOA (i.e., per-
son). Reviewing the contextual examples, we found
no clear bias that could be producing this misclassifi-
“ORGANIZACAO”: Most terms that should have
been classified as being of this type are misclassified
as “LOCAL or “FUNDAMENTO”. The term cine
rex, which is classified as a “LOCAL (i.e., place), is
particularly interesting, as it could actually refer to an
organization (i.e., considering cine rex as a company)
or to the location where an exhibit is being held. This
term has therefore an intrinsic ambiguity, in that it can
be correctly classified as multiple entities.
“PRODUTODELEI”: Terms of this type were mis-
classified as “PESSOA or “FUNDAMENTO”. The
term wrongly categorized as “PESSOA” (i.e., person)
was pessoa jur
ıdica. This is intriguing since it means
legal entity (e.g., a corporation) and is, therefore, an
organization (“ORGANIZACAO”), being thus nei-
ther something that is produced by law (i.e., “PRO-
DUTODELEI”) nor a person. Terms wrongly clas-
sified as “FUNDAMENTO”, in turn, seem to be so
due to structural similarities to those that are correctly
classified as such.
“DATA”: Four terms of this type were incorrectly
predicted to be either “PESSOA or “PRODU-
TODELEI”. We found no pattern that could explain
these misclassifications.
5.3 Effect of Filtering
Despite providing specific goal labels and their cor-
responding in-context examples in our prompt, as
detailed in Section 3.3, the model occasionally out-
puts different classifications that were not part of our
intended goals but might be valuable in other con-
texts, such as ADJETIVO” (adjective), AC¸
AO” (ac-
tion), and “VERBO” (verb). Additionally, it occa-
sionally produces misspelled entity names, such as
with extra punctuation, like “LEGISLACAO;”, “LO-
While achieving the best F1-Score of 51% in
LeNER-Br (as shown in Figure 2a), we observed F1-
Score decreased 10% without any filtering and an ex-
tra 46 entity types. Similarly, in UlyssesNER-Br, we
noted F1-Score decreased 9% and an additional 31
entity types, compared to the best result of 51% (Fig-
ure 2b).
By implementing filters to remove punctuation
and special characters such as \n’, we observed a
decrease of 2% and 3% in F1-Score, and a reduc-
tion of 23 and 13 extra entities in LeNER-Br and
UlyssesNER-Br, respectively, in comparison with the
original result of 51%. Finally, incorporating a simi-
larity filter allowed us to obtain the desired entities as
the final outputs, underscoring the capability of Lan-
guage Model Models (LLMs) to learn from the pro-
vided prompts and contexts. However, it also high-
lights the necessity of post-processing to clean the re-
sults and rectify misspellings.
Out of Sesame Street: A Study of Portuguese Legal Named Entity Recognition Through In-Context Learning
In this paper, we explored alternatives for legal text
classification using In-Context Learning with Sabi
an LLM fine-tuned for Brazilian Portuguese. To
achieve this, we used two corpora of Brazilian legal
entities, LeNER-Br and UlyssesNER-Br, which en-
compass both general entities and those specific to
the legal domain. Various retrieval strategies were
applied to identify suitable examples in the ICL con-
text. In addition, we employed post-processing tech-
niques to eliminate noise and irrelevant labels from
the dataset. In summary, we found that selecting the
top K examples is the best heuristic in the general con-
text. Filtering techniques also play an important role
in obtaining final results.
We also explored the delved analysis of the model
predictions. Along with classification errors, we iden-
tified inherent complexities in legal language, which
pose challenges for models trained on general do-
main data. Notably, we observed instances of mis-
annotation that the ICL-enhanced model could clas-
sify accurately. Moreover, the model exhibited par-
tial classifications, correctly assigning categories to
terms but overlooking the context within which the
term operates, leading to a different expected classi-
fication. Additionally, our investigation revealed in-
stances of term ambiguities, indicating discrepancies
between the predictions and annotations of the model.
Despite these discrepancies, both the model and the
annotations presented plausible results.
For both corpora, we achieved an F1-Score result
of 51% with the best metrics associated with retriev-
ing the most similar examples. These experiments
underscored the potential of NER when using LLMs.
However, there is a need for further research in this
area. Our future work will explore additional heuris-
tics for retrieving relevant documents, experiment-
ing with different prompt templates, and leveraging
domain-specific knowledge to enhance predictive ac-
This study was partially funded by the Brazilian
funding agencies Coordenac¸
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento
de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior (CAPES) - Finance
Code 001 and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvi-
mento Cient
ıfico e Tecnol
ogico (CNPq).
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