step time series forecasting domain, using a variety of
models, including DT and RF, to deep learning mod-
els of CNN, LSTM, GRU, Bi-LSTM, and Bi-GRU.
The models were evaluated using both last time step
forecasts for a comparative view and average errors
over the entire forecast period for a comprehensive
evaluation. The Bi-GRU model outperformed other
models across datasets with varying time intervals and
forecast horizons. These findings highlight the poten-
tial of the Bi-GRU model for real-world applications
in similar systems. Incorporating additional input fea-
tures, such as weather and solar data, exploring alter-
native time series forecasting models, and integrating
the SoC forecasting solution into the decision-making
system, offer promising avenues for future enhance-
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ments to service levels of the device. These service
levels define specific operating modes for the device,
with each level corresponding to different function-
alities and power consumption limits, ensuring both
system stability and power efficiency. These enhance-
ments lead to the development of a sustainable power
management system for AIoT applications.
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SMARTGREENS 2024 - 13th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems