hicle, depending on several factors, such as ambient
temperature and algorithm settings. All energy sav-
ings of eco-comfort result in savings on operational
costs, with a possible reduction in thermal comfort.
Eco-driving also reduces the energy consumption of
the vehicle powertrain, depending on the maximum
acceleration set in the algorithm and the maximum
speed. However, such a reduction comes with an
additional traveling time, which increases the labor
costs. The settings of eco-driving needs to be care-
fully chosen depending on the electricity price and the
labor costs, to provide operational savings.
Lastly, results also show that using all the eco-
functions in the multi-layer EMS results in a reduc-
tion in energy consumption in the entire fleet. How-
ever, the operational cost savings related to energy
consumption are slightly reduced by the fact that eco-
charging charges the fleet preferably when the elec-
tricity prices are lower. Likewise, the traveling time of
each vehicle is increased by the effect of eco-driving
and decreased by the effect of eco-routing. The ben-
efits of these eco-functions can cancel each other if
eco-driving is not properly tuned, leading to higher
labour costs. Therefore, an additional simulation is
run to show a hypothetical case in which the benefits
of both eco-driving and eco-routing can be added to
each other, due to the costs of energy-related savings
being comparable to the labor-related savings.
This research has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
gramme under grant No 101006943, title of URBAN-
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