tion. There are many influencing parameter both from
the underlying algorithm and the execution environ-
ment and it is not a priori clear which combination of
parameter values may lead to the best runtime perfor-
mance and the smallest energy consumption.
This article explores the interactions between the
influencing parameters for a complex example from
numerical analysis and provides a detailed experi-
mental evaluation. The experimental evaluation is
performed for three parameters, one algorithmic pa-
rameter (the tolerance value for the error control) and
one execution parameter (the operational frequency).
The evaluation shows that the interaction between
the runtime performance and the energy consump-
tion is complex and that there is no best combination
that optimizes both the execution time and the energy
consumption. Instead, there are two different Pareto
points, one that minimizes the execution time and one
that minimizes the energy consumption.
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SMARTGREENS 2024 - 13th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems