(57.14%) out of 70 contracts we have good condition
coverage scores.
The main objective of this work is to certify the smart
contract wrt. the condition coverage analysis. It is
very important to test smart contracts by looking at
the critical business in the blockchain. If an incor-
rect contract or bug in the contract exists, then there
is a high chance of losing the expensive assets. In this
paper, we proposed a novel approach to compute con-
dition coverage for a smart contract using a solidity
compiler with a bounded model checker. We tested
70 contracts and showed that for 40 contracts i.e.,
57.14% have optimal or maximal condition coverage
scores. However, the rest 30 contracts were incom-
plete due to resource issues. We will explore other
techniques such as Fuzzing and Symbolic execution
for a more detailed analysis.
This work is sponsored by IBITF, Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT) Bhilai, under the grant of PRAYAS
scheme, DST, Government of India.
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CC-SolBMC: Condition Coverage Analysis for Smart Contracts Using Solidity Bounded Model Checker