Shaping an Adaptive Path on Analytic Geometry with Automatic
Formative Assessment and Interactive Feedback
Alice Barana
, Cecilia Fissore
, Marina Marchisio Conte
and Michela Tassone
Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences, University of Turin, Piazza Nizza 44, 10126 Torino, Italy
Keywords: Adaptive Education, Analytic Geometry, Automatic Assessment, Formative Assessment, Digital Learning
Environments, Mathematics Education.
Abstract: This paper proposes a contribution to the practice of automatic formative assessment and adaptive education
to highlight how it enhances the teaching and learning of Mathematics in secondary school. In this context
we developed an adaptive learning path on Analytic Geometry, whose potential is discussed in the light of a
theoretical framework, by describing and analyzing some activities. The activities allowed to introduce,
address, explore the circle both as a geometric locus and its relationship with real situations through
contextualized problems. The effectiveness of the path to reach the learning outcomes was tested through a
quasi-experimental research design. The experimentation involved 98 third-year students from two upper
secondary schools in Turin, Italy. Results were monitored through pre- and post-tests whose outcomes were
compared with those of a control group; in addition, a final questionnaire was administered to the treated
group. The results show the effectiveness of the tested activities in improving mathematical understanding;
they also suggest strategies to introduce automatic formative assessment for adaptive learning in an effective
way into a learning path, but they also highlight the need of solid pedagogical foundations which require
continuous training of teachers by experts.
Adaptive learning is a personalized learning
methodology that is based on the individual
experiences of the learner so as to implement an
educational and training path capable of adapting to
his or her actual needs and aligning with his or her
learning times and styles. Unlike traditional learning
experiences, adaptive learning allows for a fluid and
stimulating study, which progressively helps the
learner to reach and practice his or her actual potential
(Romano et al., 2023).
This paper presents an experiment in mathematics
education that provides a contribution to adaptive
learning through automatic formative assessment in
upper secondary school. The motivation from which
this research paper arises is to highlight how
automatic formative assessment enhances the
teaching and learning of Mathematics by presenting
its characteristics, peculiarities, potential and its
effectiveness for the involvement and interactivity of
activities that allows to be designed, including the
possible improvements toward which this mode of
assessment remains open. This study is based on the
conceptualization of automatic formative assessment
proposed by the DELTA (Digital Education for
Learning and Teaching Advances) research group of
the University of Turin (Barana et al., 2021). In
particular, we refer to two kinds of adaptive activities:
guided activities, i.e., activities whose resolution
appears to be conducted step by step to show a
possible solving process or example of problem
solving; and activities with interactive feedback that
outline a path that leads the learner to the resolution
of a task after one or more autonomous attempts
allowed (Barana et al., 2021). Students can try the
activities multiple times, and the possibility to
generate algorithmic questions allows for
Barana, A., Fissore, C., Marchisio Conte, M. and Tassone, M.
Shaping an Adaptive Path on Analytic Geometry with Automatic Formative Assessment and Interactive Feedback.
DOI: 10.5220/0012627900003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 361-372
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
numerically different situations at each attempt. In
this context we developed an adaptive learning path
whose potential is proposed and discussed in detail in
light of a theoretical framework by describing and
analyzing some examples of digital activities
designed in the context of automatic formative
assessment and involving peer collaboration. The
path deals with the circle from an analytical point of
view. The activities were tested through a teaching
experiment which involved a total of 98 grade 11
students from two scientific lyceums in Turin (Italy),
divided between treated and control classes. The
experimental activities consisted of adaptive digital
activities to be carried out in the classroom and at
home. Results were monitored through a pre-test, a
post-test and a final questionnaire (the latter
administered only to the treated group). Students
involved in adaptive learning were allowed to identify
their level of readiness based on INVALSI (the
national agency in charge of evaluation of the Italian
education system) levels, merged into 3 macro levels
for simplicity. The following sections will detail the
methodology adopted to structure the experiment and
to adapt the same activities to different learning
contexts for multiple factors. This was achieved
thanks to the help of the Ministry of Education and
Merit's Problem Posing & Solving (PPS) Project
platform (Brancaccio, et al., 2015). The second
section discusses the theoretical framework in which
our research fits and in light of which we have
attempted to analyze and comment on our results. In
the third section we outline the research questions that
guided us in the planning, implementation and
management of the classroom teaching experiment
and in the choice of data collection and analysis
techniques, while the fourth section reports and
discusses the most important results obtained. Lastly,
the conclusions highlight some possible future
developments of the work and some limitations that
emerged from the research, with attached suggestions
to improve the effectiveness of automatic formative
assessment in any future experiments.
2.1 Digital Learning Environment
The traditional learning environment is the classroom
where teacher explains, the student learns
individually or with peers and uses concrete tools
such as paper, pen, and a blackboard. The advent of
technology has introduced tablets, PCs and
interactive whiteboards into these environments and
shifted learning to a non-physical dimension: the
Internet. Digital Learning Environments (DLEs)
denote learning ecosystems in which there is a human
component (teacher, students, peers), a technological
one (software, web-conference tools, assessment
tools, smartphones, computers, tablets or interactive
whiteboards, cameras, etc.) and the interactions
between the two (dialogues between members,
human-technology interactions, etc.) (Barana &
Marchisio, 2022). The technological apparatus of a
DLE can support a learning activity in the following
ways (Barana, Conte, et al., 2019; Barana, Marchisio,
et al., 2019): (a) creation, management and editing of
resources (e.g., interactive files, theoretical lessons,
glossaries, videos), activities (e.g., discussion chats,
tests, forums, questionnaires, submission of
assignments) and the general learning environment
by both faculty and students; (b) provision of
materials; (c) collection of qualitative and
quantitative data on student action, use of materials
(whether a resource was used and how many times),
participation; (d) analysis and processing of collected
data to monitor skill development; (e) provision of
feedback on the activities carried out to both students
and teachers.
2.2 Formative Assessment
The term "formative assessment" was coined in 1967
by Michael Scriven in opposition to "summative
assessment" to denote a particular practice aimed at
gathering information about a course with the aim of
improving the program (Scriven, 1967). The
definition later given by Paul Black and Dylan
Wiliam and well accepted in the literature is the
following: "Classroom practice is formative to the
extent that evidence about student achievement is
collected, interpreted, and used by teachers, students,
or their peers to make decisions about next steps in
instruction" (Black & Wiliam, 2009). According to
William and Thompson (2007), formative assessment
can be characterized by five strategies: (1) the teacher
should clarify learning intentions and criteria for
success, peers should understand and share learning
intentions and criteria for success, the student should
understand learning intentions and criteria for
success; (2) the teacher should design effective
classroom discussions and other tasks that stimulate
learners' understanding; (3) the teacher should
provide feedback that prompts learners to progress;
(4) students should be activated as mutual teaching
resources; (5) students should be activated as the
owners of their learning.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Feedback is probably the most distinctive and
characteristic element of formative assessment and
has been defined by John Hattie and Helen
Timplerley as "the information provided by an agent
(teacher, peer, book, parent, personal experience,
etc.) regarding aspects of one's performance or
understanding" (Hattie & Timperley, 2007). To be
effective, feedback must answer three main
questions, "Where am I going?", "How am I going?",
and "Where am I going next?". In addition, a
feedback can work at 4 different levels: at the activity
level (how well the activity was performed); at the
process level (what process is involved in the
activity); at the self-regulation level (what
metacognitive processes it triggers); at the personal
level (what personal evaluations and affections
concern the student as a person) (Hattie & Timperley,
2007). According to Sadler (Sadler, 1989), for
feedback to be productive it must alter the gap
between current and desired performance because if
the information is not, or cannot be, processed by the
student to achieve an improvement it will have no
effect on his or her learning. In any curricular area
where a grade or score given to a student constitutes
only a number the attention of the subject concerned
is diverted from such judgments and the criteria that
formulated it, and the idea that learning is a product
rather than an evolving process is built up, even if
only on an unconscious level. In this sense, a grade
can therefore be counterproductive for educational
purposes (Sadler, 1989). The learner must be able to
judge the quality of what he or she is learning and
properly control what he or she puts into play as he or
she solves a problem, performs an action, or states an
opinion. If the learner generates relevant information,
the procedure is part of self-monitoring; if the source
of the information is external, it is associated with
feedback (Sadler, 1989). Formative assessment
includes both self-monitoring and feedback, and the
goal of many educational systems that use them is to
facilitate the transition from feedback to self-
monitoring so that it occurs as naturally as possible
2.3 The Power of Feedback
First, it is important to distinguish between 2
categories of feedback (Shute, 2008). The first one is
elaborate feedback, which contains the explanation
leading to the correct solution, allows links to other
reading materials, cues, suggestions or combinations
thereof. In Mathematics, it often takes the form of a
guided solution proposal. It can be divided into more
manageable units to avoid cognitive overload. The
second one is corrective feedback, which simply says
whether the answer is right or wrong. According to
Shute (2008), the kind of feedback that really allows
for cognitive improvement and engagement is
elaborate feedback. According to Kluger and DeNisi
(1996) computerized feedback is more effective than
human-provided feedback because it helps the
student more to generate internal feedback to close
the gap between current performance and expected
performance. Corbalan, Paas, and Cuypers (2010)
compare 3 different levels of formative feedback:
feedback at the end of the solution, feedback on all
steps of the solution at the same time, and feedback
on all steps of the solution successively.
For those who have not managed to reach the
exact solution, feedback provides partial credit based
on the correctness of their step-by-step response and
acts as a motivational lever as well as providing more
complete knowledge to both the student and the
teacher about their skills (Barana et al., 2020).
However, it is good to keep in mind that too much
feedback within the same task can end up detracting
from performance, and overly specific feedback can
also be harmful because it leads the student to focus
excessively on the specific task and not on the general
strategy (Hattie & Timperley, 2007). Feedback has its
greatest effect when a student expects his or her
answer to be correct and instead it turns out to be
incorrect because they are studying the item longer in
the attempt to correct and understand the
misunderstanding; conversely, if the answer is
incorrect and the certainty was low, the feedback is
often ignored (Ashford & Cummings, 1983). Black
and Wiliam (1998) have proven that, for a teacher to
use feedback to praise the student's performance in a
given context and not the student as a person brings
better results because it helps learners develop what
Dweck in 2000 called "incremental vision", that is,
the ability to grasp learning as an evolving process
and not as a static, defined product (Dweck, 2000).
Peer involvements present an important source of
external feedback: the dialogue with peers improves
the students’ sense of self-control on learning in
several ways (Laurillard, 2002). First, students
understand better when a concept is explained by a
peer who has just learned the topic at hand, since they
happen to find language more accessible when it
comes from their peers. Second, peer discussion
exposes students to alternative perspectives that allow
them to revise, and possibly reject, their initial idea
and build new knowledge through dialogue and
comparison. Third, by commenting on peer work,
students develop detachment from judgment in favor
of evaluation of their work. Fourth, peer discussion
Shaping an Adaptive Path on Analytic Geometry with Automatic Formative Assessment and Interactive Feedback
can be motivating because it encourages students to
persist by not giving up (Boyle & Nicol, 2003).
The current research challenge is to refine the
principles related to interactive feedback, identify
gaps and gather further evidence on the potential of
formative assessment and feedback to support self-
2.4 Adaptive Teaching and Adaptive
According to Borich (2017) adaptive teaching means
"applying different instructional strategies for
different groups of students so that the natural
diversity prevailing in the classroom does not prevent
any student from achieving success." This way
teaching has gained importance because the purpose
of education has shifted from the static transmission
of knowledge to the building of skills that imply
"personal attitudes" that allow knowledge and skills
to be brought into play in solving certain situations or
problems within a student-centered educational
approach (European Commission, 2018). The
adaptive approach is particularly effective when
applied to small groups; it also helps students
overcome their individual difficulties (Mascarenhas
et al., 2016). It is supported by the use of technologies
that can also successfully replace the physical
presence of the teacher through the use of feedback
and suggestions that a teacher would not be able to
provide during execution to all students at the same
time. An adaptive teaching/learning system, i.e. one
that can adapt to the characteristics, needs and even
preferences of teachers and students, presupposes the
involvement of adaptive technologies that are
generally controlled by computational devices. The
information collected is stored within a learning
model that provides a starting point for deciding how
to deliver personalized content for each student
(Mascarenhas et al., 2016).
2.5 Automatic Formative Assessment
When formative assessment is offered through an
automatic assessment system that automatically
evaluates responses and returns feedback, it is called
automatic formative assessment (Barana et al., 2021).
Some automatic formative assessment systems
allow the creation of adaptive questions, namely
questions divided into sections that are shown based
on the answer given in the previous section. With
adaptive questions, problems can be proposed in the
form of: "Guided Activities" or through activities
with interactive feedback terms suggested in
(Barana et al., 2021). Guided activities mean
activities whose resolution appears outlined step by
step to show an alternative solution procedure or
example of problem solving. These types of questions
were extremely useful during the COVID-19
pandemic, when learners needed tools that could
guide their cognitive processes and help them develop
new skills even without the physical presence of a
teacher. Activities with interactive feedback, on the
other hand, represent an interactive process provided
following a student's first independent attempt at
solving a task, tending to be in the case of an incorrect
solution or for those who failed to answer the
proposed question independently, but possibly also
for those who answered correctly to enable them to
compare the solving strategy they used with the one
suggested. In interactive feedback, the main question
is broken down into sub-questions that investigate
prerequisites, fundamental operations or other
representations of the initial proposed problem. In
each step, if an incorrect answer is still given, the
correct one will be shown so that it can be used in
subsequent steps. The DELTA research group of the
University of Turin has proposed a model for
designing activities for automatic formative
assessment using an automatic formative assessment
system enhanced by a mathematical engine that
contemplates the following features (Barana et al.,
2018): (a) always available activities, which can be
tackled independently without limitations in time,
duration and number of attempts; (b) algorithmic
questions in which the values, parameters, graphs or
formulas in the question text and feedback vary
randomly with each attempt by a student and for each
individual student due to the involvement of teacher-
defined algorithms; (c) open-ended answers,
evaluated for their mathematical correctness due to
the advanced computational capabilities of the
system, where students are invited to answer by
adopting the most suitable register among numerical,
graphical, symbolic, literal, etc.; (d) immediate
feedback, or at least, short-term feedback, that can be
provided, for instance, by creating tests with no more
than 5 questions and feedback at the end of the test,
in order to show it while the student is still focused on
the task; (e) contextualization of the task in the real
world or in applications that are relevant for students
in order to produce greater engagement and build to
deeper understanding; (f) proposing interactive
feedback, which has been shown to be particularly
effective in developing mathematical skills.
In this paper, we distinguish adaptive questions
(which can take the form of guided activities or
interactive feedback) from adaptive assignments,
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
which are tests composed of a set number of (simple)
items that are submitted to students one at a time; the
student's performance on one question determines the
level of the next question. Adaptive assignments are
often used to determine a student's level of knowledge
on a concept or topic, which can be determined
precisely by solving tasks of increasing difficulty
(Botta, 2021). Once the assignment is completed,
feedback is returned to students depicting the
progress profile of their performance from which they
can extract a final level of competence, facilitating
self-assessment through metacognitive effort.
Examples of adaptive questions and adaptive
assignment will be given in the following sections.
3.1 Research Questions
The research activity was guided by some
fundamental questions that clearly identify and
outline the crucial aspects of the project: (RQ1) How
can the same adaptive questions and adaptive
assignments can adapt to students with different
learning prerequisites? (RQ2) What results did the
designed adaptive path have in relation to the
disciplinary learning outcomes? (RQ3) How did
learners respond to the proposed adaptive teaching?
With the first research question (RQ1) we want to
investigate whether, and in what way, it is possible to
use and/or adapt the same didactic activities in even
decidedly diverse contexts in order to produce
meaningful, varied, and complete learning despite the
differences in the learning background and
prerequisites that distinguish the subjects constituting
the class group. With the second research question
(RQ2) we try to examine the outcomes of the
experimentation in terms of learning outcomes
achieved by the students involved in order to
understand whether the effect produced by the
proposed activities, which can be achieved in a short
time interval and with reference to the control classes,
not involved in the adaptive path, can be translated
into a positive, negative or null reference. Finally,
with the third research question (RQ3), we also focus
our attention on how learners perceive and receive
our adaptive path.
3.2 Experiment Organization
The method adopted is quasi-experimental. The
participants are students of grade 11 (which in Italy
corresponds to the third year of upper secondary
school, age 16) of scientific lyceum in the city of
Turin (Italy). Specifically, 3 classes were involved in
the treated group (54 students) and 2 classes in the
control group (44 students), for a total of 98 students.
The classes were recruited based on volunteer
subscription of their Mathematics teachers to the
project. Two of the three teachers in the treated group
were used to propose activities with automatic
formative assessment to their classes, while the other
had never used this method before, like the two
teachers of the control group. The learning outcomes
of the experimentation were: identifying the equation
of a circle from its geometrical properties and vice
versa; define the mutual position of two circles in the
Cartesian plane; solving real-world problems
involving circles. The treated classes followed a 4/6
hour course, 2 or 4 entitled "The circle as a geometric
locus" and 2 entitled "The circle as a physical locus".
During the class meetings, one of the researchers of
the team was present in class to support the teacher
and the students especially with the use of the
platform. They were organized as follows: students
worked in pairs of internally homogeneous level; an
adaptive assignment and some adaptive questions
with interactive feedback or guided activities were
proposed; between one meeting and the next, other
activities similar to those carried out in class were
assigned to the students.
The choice of using internally homogeneous level
groups is motivated by the fact that if the students
have approximately the same starting level, the
adaptive activity can adapt to both at the same time.
In this way it was possible to activate collaboration
during adaptive activities. Moreover, the peer
collaboration could be even more effective, since it is
not influenced by a leader-follower relationship, and
both the students, having approximately the same
level of competence, need to actively reason on tasks
(Barana et al., 2023). The students’ initial level was
determined through the pre-test and discussed with
their teachers. Students could access the activities
from the Moodle platform of the national PP&S
Project (Brancaccio, et al., 2015), which is integrated
with the automatic assessment system Moebius
Assessment, widely used for learning Mathematics
thanks to its mathematical engine (Fahlgren &
Brunström, 2023). Figure 1 shows an example of a
guided activity to illustrate its peculiar features,
called “Cooling Towers”. The learners are faced with
an apparently unknown situation in which, following
the suggestions provided in the guided path, they are
asked to extrapolate the essential information from
the prompts and carry out simple replacement
Shaping an Adaptive Path on Analytic Geometry with Automatic Formative Assessment and Interactive Feedback
Figure 1: Guided activity “Cooling towers”.
The preview function (icon depicting a P) allows the
learners to visualize in a graphical register their
answer and thus be able to compare the graph
proposed in the text and the one generated by their
answer. This function provides students with some
initial feedback that allows them to self-assess their
answer before submitting it to the system, thus in a
moment in which they are still allowed to change it.
This makes it possible to activate the fifth strategy of
formative assessment conceived by Wiliam and
Thompson (2007): students have the opportunity to
develop responsibility in their learning path; they
should be able to take advantage of all the tools that
are made available to them in order to proceed
adequately in the resolution, and at the same time it
supports self-assessment since it makes the learners
able to establish the correctness of their answer
independently. Lastly, the preview also works on the
psychological-affective level since it enables the
learners to reassure themselves about the correctness
of their actions. Figure 2 shows an example of an
adaptive question with interactive feedback called
“Let's catch Criminals”. It allows a number of initial
autonomous attempts. In the case of a correct answer,
the task is successfully completed. In the case of an
incorrect answer, after a few attempts allowed, a
guided path starts: at each step, the learner is led to
develop the intermediate results necessary to obtain
the final solution.
The results of the experimentation were
evaluated through a pre-test and a post-test
administered to the control and treated group. The
treated classes took the pre-test before starting the
adaptive path; the control classes took it before
starting to work on the circle with their teachers in a
traditional way in order to compare this approach to
the one proposed in this experiment. Their teachers
were kept updated on the results of the research and
the adaptive activities developed for their future use
were shared with them. The post-test was
administered after completing the circle with or
without the adaptive path, and after a few weeks to let
students the time to study the topic and, for the treated
group, complete the online assignment. The pre-test
included 10 questions, some of which including sub-
items for a total of 25 sub-items, about analytic
geometry, mostly about the line and the parabola,
which are usually studied before dealing with the
circle. 4 of them were contextualized in real-world
situations, while the others concerned abstract
mathematical situations. Most of them are adapted by
the INVALSI tests of Mathematics for grade 10 or 13.
The post-test included 7 questions with a total of 18
sub-items, all of them dealing with the circle. Some
of them were adapted by INVALSI tests, while others
were created appositely for this test. 9 items out of 18
were contextualized in real-world situations and
almost all of them involved problem-solving
processes, so the post-test had a higher level of
difficulty than the pre-test. The experimentation was
also evaluated through the review of videos taken
with the aid of a camera during class meetings, with
the permission of the students' families and in
compliance with the rules on privacy and data
processing, in an attempt to monitor the reasoning and
communicative processes implemented by the
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
students while working in pairs to carry out the
Figure 2: Activity with interactive feedback “Catch
Lastly, students in the treated classes completed a
final questionnaire. The student questionnaire was
made up of 23 total items that students could answer
on a 5-value scale ranging from "not at all" to "very
much" divided into: 10 items to detect appreciation of
the proposed activities and pair work; 13 items to test
the expository clarity and effectiveness of the
activities and the role of interactive feedback; 3 open-
ended questions with the task of recording
impressions, critical issues, but also strengths of the
proposed educational offering. The project was
carried out in compliance with the local, national and
institutional ethical laws and requirements. All
participants and their families signed a permission for
using their data for research purposes. The project
obtained the ethical approval from the Bioethical
Committee of the University of Turin.
3.3 Data Collection and Analysis
The data obtained from our research were divided
into 4 macro categories: data from responses to
adaptive activities; data from the pre-test and post-
test; data from the final questionnaire; data from
monitoring pairs of students. We analyzed the results
following different paths depending on the type of
data. For results to adaptive activities present on the
platform, we calculated the times of performance in
specific activities; the number of student pairs that
obtained full scores on some questions; the scores
totaled in the adaptive assignment. For the post-test
and pre-test results, they were related to 100 and then
we performed an analysis based on 3 types of tests:
1. analysis of covariance using the ANCOVA test.
This test proved to be particularly suitable for
examining whether the results of the post-test
(dependent variable) depended on the treated group
or to the control group (categorical independent
variable) while taking into account the results
obtained at pre-test (covariate), which identifies an
initial stage, common to all subjects involved in the
survey (Creswell & Clark, 2017).
2. Chi-square test that allowed us to check
whether or not the correctness of the answers to single
items were dependent on membership in the
experimental or control group and to make
observations related to the proposed learning path.
3. Cramer's V test that allowed us to test whether
the difference in scores obtained in specific post-test
items by the two groups were significant and to make
observations related to the proposed learning path.
For the qualitative data collected from the
questionnaires, we made an initial distinction
between the answers given to the Likert-scale items
Shaping an Adaptive Path on Analytic Geometry with Automatic Formative Assessment and Interactive Feedback
proposed in the questionnaire and the answers given
to the open-ended questions asking for strengths and
weaknesses. Response occurrence rates were
calculated in an attempt to quantitatively highlight
which aspects of the proposed experimentation they
found most successful, which were most problematic,
which new aspects were highlighted and which they
considered desirable in their future daily teaching.
4.1 Research Question 1
The educational experimentation was not carried out
in the same way in all the 3 treated classes. This fact
was dictated by the meeting of significantly different
school contexts and classroom environments, each
enriched by the specific characteristics of each
student who was part of it. What led to a clear
distinction in methods was mainly having or not
having already introduced circle before our meetings,
condition that affects the students’ learning
background and prerequisites. For this reason, we
have divided the description of each meeting into 2
sections, taking this fact into account. This enabled us
to highlight the malleability of this learning path.
4.1.1 Circle Already Introduced Before
Starting the Adaptive Path
In two out of the three treated classes, the circle had
already been introduced to the students by their
teachers before starting the adaptive learning path. In
the first meeting, after creating the working pairs
based on the pre-test results, 2 activities were
proposed. Firstly, students were asked to complete the
adaptive assignment to get feedback about their
starting level. The adaptive assignment provides
feedback that Shute (2008) calls corrective since for
each question the student pairs can visualize the
correctness of their answer based on the colour (green
or red) that appears in the box corresponding to that
question, depending whether it was correct or not.
Secondly, adaptive questions split into three difficulty
levels were proposed. Students were asked to start
with the level they believed they belonged to based
on feedback from the adaptive assignment. Adaptive
questions provide students with elaborate feedback
(Shute, 2008) in that in the event of an error, guided
processes help students to achieve the correct
solution. The adaptive assignment containing 8-10
questions depending on the initial preparation of the
class. Before starting the assignment, students could
view the graph shown in Figure 3 whose number of
horizontal squares refers to the total questions in the
test (the blue colored box corresponding to the
question being asked) while the number of vertical
squares refers to the difficulty level to which the
question belongs. After answered a question, clicking
on the Next button, the next question appears but
from the graph students can visualize, by corrective
feedback, the outcome of one’s answer: if the box
turns green the answer was correct (Figure 4) and they
go up a level, if the box turns red the answer given
was wrong (Figure 5) and they go down in level or
continue to answering a question to Initial level.
Figure 3: Adaptive assignment graph.
Figure 4: Correct answer.
Figure 5: Incorrect answer.
Learners anxiously await immediate feedback and, in
the case of a correct answer, express satisfaction and
enthusiasm demonstrating how immediate feedback
relating to the resolution of a question actually has an
impact on a personal level. In fact, Hattie and
Timperley (2007) state that it increases esteem, both
toward the partner and toward oneself. On the other
hand, disappointment is perceived in the case of an
incorrect answer, but with the intention to improve in
subsequent questions not by giving up in despair or
frustration, but by proceeding with greater attention,
precision, and reflection. This attitude integrates well
with the "incremental view” identified by Dweck
(2000). In Figure 6 we report a graph depicting a
possible trend recorded by a pair performing the
adaptive assignment. It represents an example of what
Corbalan, Paas, and Cuypers (2010) call "formative
feedback on all the steps provided later", which fits
well into the third level identified by Hattie and
Timperley (2007), that of self-regulation, since it
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
allows the subjects who receive it to trigger a personal
metacognitive reflection on their performance.
Figure 6: Hypothetical performance in adaptive
In the second meeting, contextualized problems
related to real-life situations were presented in which
learners are engaged in activities of exploring,
contextualizing, extracting essential data, and
modeling an actual situation. In one class 4 out of 8
pairs autonomously solved the first contextualized
problem without the need of the interactive feedback
and within a reasonable time (from 12 min to 48 min),
while in the second class 3 pairs gave the correct
answer autonomously without the interactive
feedback. We observe from the resolution of a video-
recorded pair how the possibility of multiple attempts
before starting the guided path turns out to be
effective because, after a first wrong answer (Figure
7), students appear more thoughtful, careful to grasp
every single piece of information in order to decipher
the text well and obtain all the essential data so as to
reach the correct solution (Figure 8). In this case, it
was necessary to start by proposing the adaptive
questions to the pairs, and in particular the guided
activities, in which the learners had the opportunity to
receive elaborate feedback (Shute, 2008) in the form
of a guided path to help them proceed gradually in
solving the tasks. Thus, students were asked to go
through the adaptive questions starting from the
easiest task and proceed by increasing the level.
Figure 7: First attempt.
Figure 8: Second attempt.
In this context, we could observe how the pairs of
students, despite the possibility of guided pathways,
still attempted to reason through problem solving
independently, by using the knowledge of Euclidean
and Analytic Geometry they already possessed.
The adaptive assignment was proposed later to
help them self-assess the knowledge they had
acquired up to that point. We noticed that some pairs
of students, when acknowledging that the adaptive
assignment was too difficult for them, went back to
the guided activities and to the adaptive questions
with interactive feedback to revise the contents before
attempting the adaptive assignment again. Comparing
the averages of the scores in terms of percentages
obtained by the 3 treated classes in the adaptive
assignment, we can observe that the averages in
percentages totaled by the classes that had already
introduced the circle in class are 52.5% and 55%
respectively while the best result, 69.62%, was
obtained by the class that started the experimentation
without knowing anything about the circle, and
whose knowledge was uniquely gained through the
adaptive questions. Therefore, we can assume that our
adaptive activities were effective to understand the
circle given the time they had available.
4.2 Research Question 2
For the analyses of the results of the pre-test and the
post-test, one of the treated classes was excluded from
the sample since they did not perform the post-test
due to time constraints. It was one of the two classes
in which the circle had already been introduced
before starting to work with the adaptive path.
Moreover, we excluded from the sample those
students who did not perform one of the two tests.
Therefore, the sample considered for the analysis of
Shaping an Adaptive Path on Analytic Geometry with Automatic Formative Assessment and Interactive Feedback
the results includes 40 students from the control
classes and 33 students from the treated classes. The
ANCOVA test, conducted to compare the post-test
ratings for the 2 groups, using the pre-test ratings as a
covariate, showed an 11-point gap out of 100 between
the 2 groups in favor of the treated group. Table 1
shows the estimates of the post-test ratings using the
pre-test ratings as a covariate. The ANCOVA test
statistic is 9.954 and its significance is 0.002, so we
can state that the difference between the averages of
the post-test ratings taking into account the pre-test as
covariate is significant. We also analyzed by means
of the chi-square test the scores obtained by the 2
groups in the individual items focusing our attention
on those items that report significant statistics on the
differences in the distribution of scores between the 2
groups. In particular, we focused on the results that
emerged from the analysis of question 6, items b and
c, (Figure 9). In Table 2 and Table 3 we report the
results totaled by the 2 groups in item b and item c,
respectively. From the first table, it emerges that
exactly 100% of the students in the control classes did
not answer or answered incorrectly while about 12%
of the students in the experimental classes scored the
Figure 9: Question 6 in post-test.
Table 1: Difference between the avarages of assessments at
post-test taking into account the pre-test as a covariate.
Mode Avara
e Std. erro
Control classes 5.47 2.44
Experimental classes 66.94 2.69
Table 2: Averages of the assessment grades.
Mode Score 0 Score 1
Control classes 100,0% 0,0%
erimental classes 87,9% 12,1%
Table 3: Averages of the assessment grades.
Mode Score 0 Score 0,75 Score 1
Control classes 97,6% 2,4% 0,0%
Exp. classes 72,7% 3,0% 24,2%
The chi-square test shows a value of 5.378 with
p-value of 0.02, which therefore appears to be
acceptable. Cramer's V value appears to be moderate
but significant (V=0.268 with significance of 0.02),
meaning that the 27% of variance is due to the
difference in the treatment. From Table 4 (question 6,
item c) we observe that more than 97% of the students
in the control classes, answered incorrectly, about 3%
partially correctly but none entirely correctly while in
the experimental classes we have about 24% of
students achieving a full score. The chi-square test
gives a value of 11.532 with significance of 0.003.
Cramer’s V is found to be significant (V=0.392 with
p value of 0.003), meaning that 39% of variance is
due to the difference in the treatment. These results
obtained in item b and c of question 6 can be justified
by the fact that a similar problem was faced by the
experimental classes with the guided activity
“Cooling Towers” by getting them accustomed to
moving from the 2-dimensional to the 3-dimensional
plane and considering the circle as a curve obtained
from the intersection of 2 3-dimensional geometric
locus. Becoming familiar with parametric and
contextualized problems, which are not usually
carried out in traditional lessons, helped students in
the experimental classes to be able to extrapolate
essential information from the text to model the
situations described. However, the score obtained by
the experimental classes is still a low score; this fact
can be explained considering that the reference task
is not a routine task and analytic geometry in 3
dimensions is rarely used to deal with 2-dimensional
objects, even if it might be effective to do so.
4.3 Research Question 3
4.3.1 Analysis of Video Recording
From the video recordings of some pairs of students
during classroom work, some relevant factors
emerged: the ability to divide the tasks to be
performed to reach the final solution; the crucial role
of external feedback coming from the other member
of the pair (Laurillard, 2002); the challenging attitude
towards interactive feedback (Ashford & Cummings,
1983); two possible responses to immediate
feedback: satisfaction and increased esteem, both
towards the partner and towards oneself (Hattie &
Timperley, 2007) in the case of a correct answer, and
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
disappointment in the case of a wrong answer but the
intention to improve in subsequent questions by not
indulging in despair, but proceeding with greater
attention, precision and reflection typical of an
"incremental view" (Dweck, 2000). Lastly, guided
pathways are not "addictive", but on the contrary,
students try to "do without" to find the solutions on
their own.
4.3.2 Analysis of the Questionnaire
From the response percentages for each item in the
final questionnaire, we can see how there is a good
satisfaction with the proposed activities. The highest
percentages for the "very much" answer are obtained
at the items "It was helpful to have immediate
feedback after each response" (54.72 %) and "It was
helpful to have the step-by-step guided resolutions"
(50.94 %), and in both cases no one answered "not at
all". Learners found "much" in the items: "I enjoyed
working actively during the meetings" (54.72 %);
"The activities allowed me to better understand what
my preparation level is" (62.26 %); "The activities
allowed me to improve my level of preparation"
(52.83 %), which thus call for teaching to be as
engaging and stimulating as possible. The item in
which the largest percentage of responses appears to
be "not at all" (13.21 %) and "little"
49.06 %) is the
one related to the habit of working in these modalities
in their regular math lessons, demonstrating that this
is an unusual methodology that is still under-proposed
by teachers. 11.32% of students answered "not at all"
to the item "I enjoyed solving problems
contextualized in reality," while 13.21 % of students
answered "a little" to the item "It was useful to solve
problems contextualized in reality", perhaps
indicating that students are not used to this type of
activity and therefore put them in more difficulty. In
support of this fact, we observe how 15% of students
in the open-ended question "What aspect could be
improved?" asked for the easier exercises.
In conclusion, we can state that in reference to the
first research question (RQ1) we were able to observe
how the designed activities were able to adapt, albeit
with some limitations, to learning environments that
varied considerably because of the school context, the
class and the students who compose it, as well as the
different levels of preparation on the topic to be
treated in the experimental classes. From the analysis
of the results to the adaptive activities investigated
with the second research question (RQ2) we can state
how the students who participated in the adaptive
activities scored higher on the post-test than the
students in the control classes, recording a gap of 11
points out of 100 overall. Finally, from the operative
student answers to the proposed adaptive path
collected through the video recordings and the
questionnaire, it was possible to highlight some
foundational aspects of the work students carried out
pairs of homogeneous levels and their interaction
with adaptive activities and interactive feedback. The
questionnaire revealed general satisfaction with the
activities, whose originality, versatility, clarity of
exposition and relevance to reality were recognized,
while the use of interactive feedback proved effective
in ensuring that students used the information
provided to them to improve their performance
(RQ3). Thanks to that questionnaire, numerous
valuable suggestions were collected to refine, expand,
and enrich the involvement of automatic formative
assessment in teaching Mathematics. Among them,
one that is worth mentioning is the possibility to use
a clearer and more functional platform and try to
design, however complex, not a single and rigid path
with interactive feedback, but one that can be
differentiated and that is capable of taking into
account the path taken by the students independently,
regardless of its successful completion. This would
prevent the effort of the students, who we have
observed to be very stimulated and intent on doing the
exercises and problems without help, from being
wasted by a guide that does not take into account the
variety of solution methods that a mathematical
problem typically offers. It was deemed necessary to
train teachers pedagogically and professionally so
that they could learn to independently design
meaningful adaptive questions and adaptive
assignments for their classes. Finally, some further
analyses that can be carried out starting from the data
collected in our research are trying to model the path
followed by each individual student from pre-test to
post-test through the adaptive activities carried out in
class, and studying the impact of the activities on
students' self-assessment skills.
The authors would like to thank the participating
teachers for their commitment during the project, and
all the students who took part to the experimentation.
The authors would like also to thank the bank
foundation Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation for
Shaping an Adaptive Path on Analytic Geometry with Automatic Formative Assessment and Interactive Feedback
their support on the OPERA project (Open Program
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