well as those with both high and low academic
performance levels.
• Adequate predictive accuracy based on new pro-
posed pipeline formed from standard Machine
Learning methods: Using complex feature en-
gineering techniques in conjunction with current
machine learning methodologies like support vec-
tor machines and extreme gradient boosting pro-
duced encouraging results in predicting academic
performance. As a result of these efforts, a re-
markable accuracy rate of 94.18% was obtained,
demonstrating the strength and effectiveness of
the predictive models created with the dataset pro-
• Available implications for educational practices:
This study’s results have a significant impact on
education in our country because they raise the
possibility of using machine learning algorithms
to predict middle school students’ academic suc-
cess. This could lead to more focused interven-
tions and individualized learning plans, especially
if we initiate collaborations between our schools
but also other country schools.
In summary, the study’s findings highlight the poten-
tial of machine learning methods for predicting mid-
dle school students’ academic performance in Roma-
nia. This provides a strong basis for further research
projects and the advancement of educational analytics
in comparable settings.
Despite reaching a remarkable accuracy rate, there
are still opportunities for investigation, such as im-
proving predictive models, taking into account other
variables, and applying this strategy to various educa-
tional contexts.
Specifically, as future work directions, we can
mention investigating the inclusion of more compre-
hensive and nuanced features within the dataset, such
as socio-economic factors, student engagement met-
rics, or behavioral patterns, to create more robust pre-
dictive models and examine whether the developed
models can be applied to other educational systems
or nations, modifying the approaches to fit different
student populations and educational structures. More-
over, work together with researchers or international
partners to carry out comparative studies that assess
the efficacy of predictive models based on machine
learning in various educational contexts.
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