threshold value of 0.5 for all evaluation metrics. In
this case, it achieved excellent results, reaching 98%
for all metrics.
Therefore, this experiment results showed that
the pre-annotation and training sub-processes of the
IDEA-C2 approach evolved to the point of reach-
ing a very good performance. However, improve-
ments can still be made, such as: improving the
pre-annotation task with new rules and replacing the
spaCy pipeline to use other existing architectures such
as BERT Large. Additionally, new experiments using
other C2 corpora may consolidate the initial good per-
formance results.
This article presented the IDEA-C2, a supervised
knowledge graph generation approach supported by
a high-level metamodel with Command and Control
Relations constructs, called C2RM. This metamodel
provides high flexibility to the approach since the
domain entities categories are not prefixed. In the
experiments carried out, promising results were ob-
tained, achieving more than 70% precision and recall
in the training of the LM based on the corpus from
other published works. The approach uses distance
supervision methods to pre-annotate Command and
Control Doctrinal Text for model fine-tuning. Like-
wise, the implemented IDEA-C2-Model application
showed remarkable results in training NER and RE
models, achieving over 80% precision and 98% recall,
using as input the Glossary C2 corpus. Finally, these
experiments using the IDEA-C2-Tool proved the use-
fulness and feasibility of the proposed approach and it
is already able to generate the IDEA-C2-KG, which is
available for queries and inferences. Future work in-
cludes improving pre-annotation tasks and evaluating
entity and relation categories statistically.
This research has been funded by
FINEP/DCT/FAPEB (no. 2904/20-01.20.0272.00)
under the S2C2 project.
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems