trol (CAC) scheme was proposed. This scheme,
called Virtual Machine Hysteresis Allocation Strategy
(VMHAS), aims to adjust the number of active VMs
in BBUs by making non-used VMs in sleep mode. To
achieve this, VMHAS utilizes the hysteresis mecha-
nism by dividing the VMs of BBUs into levels. Each
level will be activated when the number of used VMs
attains an activated threshold. Similarly, the level is
deactivated when the number of used VMs is less than
a deactivation threshold. Only the call-blocking prob-
ability was evaluated without considering the main
performance measure related to the energy consump-
tion that the scheme should enhance. It is the main
contribution of this paper in which we focus on evalu-
ating energy consumption. To show the effectiveness
of the VMHAS scheme, we compare the system’s en-
ergy consumption under this allocation strategy with
a new traditional scheme, called Virtual Machine Al-
location Strategy (VMAS), that does not consider the
VM sleep mode.
We use the Markov Reward Model (MRM) to
evaluate energy consumption measures in this work’s
proposed schemes. MRM (Katoen et al., 2005)
is a mathematical model used to describe and ana-
lyze the behavior of a system over time. It com-
bines a continuous-time Markov model and a set
of reward functions. We model CAC schemes by
Continuous-Time Markov Chains (CTMCs) (Kulka-
rni, 2016) and specify performance measures by Con-
tinuous Stochastic Reward Logic (CSRL) (Haverkort
et al., 2002). We quantify the steady-state perfor-
mance measures by checking CSRL formulas using
the PRISM model checker.
The work contains the following contributions:
1. We perform a quantitative analysis of the en-
ergy consumption computed over an MRM of the
hysteresis-based CAC scheme VMHAS.
2. We model a new traditional scheme VMAS with
an MRM and quantify the energy consumption
relative to this scheme.
3. We use the PRISM model checker to perform
modeling, specification, and quantification of the
steady-state reward measures of CAC schemes
(VMHAS and VMAS) by checking CSRL formu-
4. We perform a comparative analysis of the en-
ergy consumption between VMHAS and VMAS
schemes. Results show that the VMHAS scheme
performs better than VMAS in saving energy un-
der low and medium traffic.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 is devoted to the related work. In sec-
tion 3, we introduce the MRM and CSRL logic. Sec-
tion 4 provides a formal modeling of CAC schemes.
Section 5 presents a formal specification of steady-
state reward requirements. Section 6 gives numerical
results. Finally, section 7 concludes the paper.
Several works are related to the energy efficiency in
C-RAN. In (Sigwele et al., 2015), authors proposed a
green intelligent Traffic and Resource Elastic Energy
CAC scheme called iTREE. In iTREE, the number
of used BBUs is reduced to equal the correct amount
of the traffic load (Idle BBUs can then turn to sleep
mode). To minimize the energy consumption in C-
RAN, the authors proposed an approximation heuris-
tic bin-packing algorithm. The work in (Sigwele
et al., 2017) is an extension of (Sigwele et al., 2015),
in which authors proposed an energy reduction model
for C-RAN architecture that considers workload con-
solidation of BBUs located in the cloud. The idea of
the model is to act with a fixed amount of BBUs and,
according to the demand, deactivate the idle BBUs
and reactivate them only in case of overloading. The
proposed model reduces the total consumption of en-
ergy and saves resources. In (Aldaeabool and Ab-
bod, 2017), authors proposed a strategy for switching
a BBU between On/Off modes according to the traf-
fic load in the associated RRH. In fact, they proposed
a host server in the BBU pool that hosts a Modified
Best Fit Decreasing (MBFD) algorithm. They formu-
lated an optimization problem of reducing the num-
ber of BBUs with low loads by transferring them to
neighboring BBUs with the available capacity. Simu-
lation results demonstrated that the MBFD algorithm
performs better than traditional ones by minimizing
the number of active BBUs and the power consump-
tion for normalized traffic load. The authors studied
in (Zhang et al., 2016) the BBU pool energy con-
sumption problem under a tidal traffic scenario. By
developing heuristic algorithms, the number of active
BBUs is minimized. In (Sahu et al., 2017), a scheme
based on the graph method to reduce the energy con-
sumption in the BBU pool is proposed. Simulation
results show that the proposed algorithm reduces en-
ergy consumption by about 20%. In (Alhumaima
et al., 2018), authors introduced the problem of allo-
cating an optimal number of VMs to the cloud server.
They used Monte Carlo-based evolutionary algorithm
to reach the suboptimal number of VMs that opti-
mizes C-RAN energy efficiency. In (Mai et al., 2023),
the authors proposed an optimization model for sys-
tem energy efficiency that jointly allocates multiple
resources for C-RAN downlink transmission.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering