Validating a Practical Method for Planning Co-Evolution of Business and
IT in a Public Sector Organisation
Christof Meekers
1 a
, Sara Nodehi
1 b
, Tim Huygh
1 c
, Laury Bollen
1 d
and Joost Visser
2 e
Information Science, Open University, Heerlen, The Netherlands
LIACS, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
Business-IT Alignment, Planning Method, Field Experimentation, Public Sector.
Background Business-IT alignment (BITA) remains a top management concern. A method for business-
driven planning of changes in information systems was proposed by Nodehi et al., and evaluated in a limited
way through an educational pilot and expert interviews. Aim We want to evaluate the proposed method in
the public sector and identify possible improvements. Method We conducted a case study, involving four
evolution projects in a local government organisation. We identified BITA challenges in the case organisation,
then moderated the application of the method by participants, and finally studied the usefulness of the method
through surveys and interviews. Results We identified 14 categories of BITA challenges in our public sector
case organisation that largely match the challenges identified by Nodeehi et al. in the private sector. Overall,
the method was well-accepted and highly appreciated by all participants. Several improvement points were
identified. Clear links were found between identified BITA challenges and specific elements of the method.
Conclusion The proposed planning method was found to be beneficial for improving BITA in the public
sector. Additionally, the links found between BITA challenges and method elements provide insight in how
the method helps achieve alignment.
The importance of aligning business and IT and the
critical impact of such alignment on company per-
formance is well known and has been subject of ex-
tensive research (Luftman et al., 2008; Renaud et al.,
2016). Still, aligning IT with the business ranks as
n°1 or n°2 issue in IT management in recent years,
as reported in the yearly IT Issues and Trends study
of the Society for Information Management (Kappel-
man et al., 2022; Johnson et al., 2023).
While some research has been conducted on how
organisations have achieved alignment, a lack re-
mains of operational tools or actionable results (Sun-
doro and Wandebori, 2021). To help close this gap,
Nodehi et al. (2023) recently developed a lightweight
method for planning the medium to long-term evolu-
tion of digital assets. In this method, high-level evo-
lution steps are driven by business goals. By bring-
ing different stakeholders together, the method stim-
ulates collaboration and collective commitment, en-
ables rapid adaptation to possible changes during a
project, and considers a broad range of relevant fac-
tors when planning a project, which helps improve co-
ordination between business units. By providing in-
sight and foresight into digital assets or projects, this
method also enables business and IT to collaborate on
achieving common goals.
To date, the validation of the method proposed
by Nodehi et al. (2023) is limited, involving pilots
in an educational setting and expert interviews with
practitioners, but no field experiments have been con-
cluded so far. In fact, Nodehi et al. (2023) call for
future work to validate their method in practice.
Therefore, to test the method’s applicability in the
real world, we have started to conduct case studies
in various organisations. In the current paper, we re-
port on a completed case study within a public sec-
tor organisation. In particular, we have applied the
method in four BITA planning projects in a Flemish
Meekers, C., Nodehi, S., Huygh, T., Bollen, L. and Visser, J.
Validating a Practical Method for Planning Co-Evolution of Business and IT in a Public Sector Organisation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012629600003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 569-580
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
local government setting. Our objective is to answer
the following main research question: Is the proposed
method useful for improving BITA in public sector or-
In Section 2, we discuss background and related
work. In Section 3, we outline our approach for evalu-
ating the proposed method. In Section 4 we report the
evaluation results. In Section 5, we discuss the inter-
pretation, limitations and relevance of our results, and
we conclude the paper in Section 6 with a summary
of our contributions and avenues for future work.
Proposed Method. In A Practical Method to Plan
Co-Evolution of Business and Information Technol-
ogy”, Nodehi et al. (2023) propose a method for plan-
ning changes to information systems, driven by busi-
ness goals. They provide both the process steps for
the planning method and a template for the deliver-
able, called an evolution plan. A schematic overview
of their method is reproduced in Figure 1. The
components of an evolution plan include an analy-
sis of the current situation, a concise statement of
a (business-driven) ambition, a series of high-level
evolution steps, called design moves, and finally a
roadmap in which these steps are placed on a time-
line. Important activities in the evolution planning
process include stakeholder analysis, SWOT analysis,
definition of actions, success criteria, and assessment
of risks. Online support materials for the method in-
clude a multi-tab data collection spreadsheet that sup-
ports tracking of information and decisions through-
out the process steps. As noted by the authors, vali-
dation of the method in field experiments is lacking.
Validation of BITA Models. Models for measur-
ing or improving Business-IT alignment that are pro-
posed in literature have rarely been submitted to
proper validation in field studies.
Kotusev (2020) proposes a pipeline of decision-
making phases to operationalise the improvement of
Business-IT alignment: positioning, focusing, prior-
itizing, assessing, and implementing. This proposal
has similar objectives as the method of Nodehi et al.
(2023), and also lacks validation.
Ullah and Lai (2011) propose an approach to align
business goals with requirements elicitation. This ap-
proach was successfully implemented and tested at an
automobile company on a business process for man-
aging customer orders. Validation on more than a sin-
gle business process is lacking.
Tapia et al. (2007) use focus groups and case stud-
ies for validation of the business-IT alignment criteria
in the Value-based Business-IT Alignment Maturity
Model (VITALMM) proposed by Tapia (2006). The
validation was limited to the criteria and did not cover
the model in its entirety. Combining focus group find-
ings with findings from a case study helped identify
refinement actions more comprehensively.
A conceptual Business-IT alignment model is pre-
sented by Trienekens et al. (2013) based on five align-
ment factors: ”Intention and Support, Working Re-
lationships, Shared Domain Knowledge, IT Projects
and Planning, and IT Performance”. In order to val-
idate the alignment factor measurement model, ve
organisations in the Dutch financial sector were stud-
ied. The underlying model has not been generalized
beyond this case study.
BITA in the Public Sector. As Winkler (2013) points
out, little attention has been given to the idiosyn-
crasies of IT governance mechanisms in the public
sector. Using existing literature, he proposes a con-
ceptual model that identifies structural, procedural,
and relational mechanisms that contribute to a (novel)
construct of Administration-IT alignment and vali-
dates this model in three comparative cases. The
study suggests that structural and relational mecha-
nisms are important to achieving alignment between
administration departments and IT units, while proce-
dural mechanisms are not clearly influential.
Tapia et al. (2008) conducted an empirical study
exploring business-IT alignment processes in a net-
worked organisation, including the province Overijs-
sel, the municipalities of Zwolle and Enschede, and
the water board district Regge & Dinkel and Royal
Grolsch N.V. in The Netherlands. Although the case
study revealed significant findings the authors believe
that the generalisability of such findings is only pos-
sible with replication.
To validate the method of Nodehi et al. (2023) in the
field, we have conducted a case study in a public sec-
tor organisation. In the public sector, BITA is an im-
portant management issue, just as in the private sector,
but it may come with specific challenges. While pub-
lic sector organisations are moving from digitalization
to digital transformation, they must adapt and become
more agile in order to deliver digital services, requir-
ing fundamental and disruptive changes in their oper-
ations (Janssen and Van Der Voort, 2016). Meeting
this challenge is particularly difficult because public
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Schematic overview of the co-evolution planning method, reproduced from Nodehi et al. (2023).
sector organisations often are bureaucratic and inflex-
ible, relying on hierarchical organisational structures
(Ylinen, 2021).
The case organisation is a Flemish local govern-
ment organisation, employing about 390 people to
serve a community of about 34000 inhabitants. The
first author was employed there as a Manager of ICT
& Digital Information.
The case study was conducted by selecting four
change initiatives with substantial IT components.
For each of these initiatives, a planning team was
formed that applied the planning method to collabo-
ratively draft an evolution plan. The planning process
was facilitated by the first author.
Data collection for the validation was performed
through document review, interviews, focus groups,
meeting observation, and questionnaires. Triangula-
tion (Yin, 2018) was achieved by combining these
various sources of evidence.
Participant selection was determined by their role
in the organisation and their involvement in the
change initiatives (projects). In addition to mem-
bers of the projects, two additional top-level man-
agers were interviewed. Participants were informed
of the purpose of the study beforehand and given the
opportunity to consent to recording, anonymisation,
and transcription of their interviews. Survey data was
Several different kinds of interviews were con-
ducted. Each semi-structured interview was guided
by a predefined list of key themes or concepts and key
questions related to these themes. Using theoretically
derived themes consistently in each interview led to
comparable and valid data (Saunders et al., 2009).
One-to-many interviews with members of the project
team were also conducted in order to explore spe-
cific aspects regarding the method used in practice. In
these focus groups, multiple participants explored the
predetermined topic with the first author’s role being
to facilitate discussion among participants (Saunders
et al., 2009).
We used four surveys in addition to focus groups
to collect standardized data from a variety of partici-
pants for comparison (Saunders et al., 2009). The sur-
vey questionnaires were structured around the factors
of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), follow-
ing Riemenschneider et al. (2002): ease of use of the
method, compatibility with current ways of working,
subjective norm (i.e. whether most people approve of
using the method, usefulness of coping with BITA
challenges, and intention to adopt the method. The
survey asked for scoring these TAM criteria on a 5-
point Likert scale, for the constituent parts of the evo-
lution plans as well as the plan as a whole.
In the execution of the study, several phases can
be distinguished as we explain below.
Validating a Practical Method for Planning Co-Evolution of Business and IT in a Public Sector Organisation
Phase 1: Initiation of the Study. We started by
gaining insight into the current state of business-IT
alignment in the case organisation and the challenges
faced by IT and business teams. To this end, we
conducted interviews with a broad range of manage-
ment team members (e.g. the general manager, and
financial director), managers, and staff from various
departments, thus gathering information from a vari-
ety of perspectives. Insights were gained on both a
strategic and operational level. To formulate inter-
view questions, we gathered information via docu-
ments and archival research. As a result of this phase,
we were able to describe the case organisation’s de-
parture situation. Content analysis on documents and
interview transcripts was performed using ATLAS.ti.
Phase 2: Introduction of the Method. In the sec-
ond phase, focus groups were held for each of the
change initiatives in which the evolution planning
method was going to be applied. In these focus ses-
sions, the first author explained the evolution planning
method to the project members in a step-by-step man-
ner. Moreover, as moderator, he stimulated dynamic
discussions and gathered general first impressions and
opinions about the evolution planning method and the
resulting evolution plan. The method was then put
into practice by the project members.
Phase 3: Intermediate Evaluation of the Method.
During the period that the project teams were work-
ing on their evolution plans, intermediate evaluation
of the method was organised in the form of three
moderated focus sessions per project. In these ses-
sions, selected elements of the method, such as am-
bition, design moves, or roadmap were evaluated by
the participants. After each focus group, the par-
ticipants were surveyed individually –without inter-
fering with others’ opinions– regarding the possible
strengths, weaknesses, limitations, and opportunities
of these elements. Feedback collected during a focus
group was used by the moderator for stimulating dis-
cussion in subsequent focus groups.
Phase 4: Operational View on the Method. In
this phase, all project members were asked to provide
their final feedback regarding the evolution plan’s
contribution to a better alignment of business and IT,
as well as how the method could be improved to make
it better suited to public sector organisations. Mem-
bers of the project were asked to give their opinions
about the evolution plan as a whole, including its
strengths, weaknesses, limitations, or opportunities.
Phase 5: Strategic View on the Method. We
studied the strategic view on the evolution planning
method through interviews with two members of the
management team, who were not part of the project
teams. In addition to discussing the challenges iden-
tified by the method within the organisation, we also
discussed the results of the projects that implement
the method. As part of the analysis, feedback was
collected on ways in which the evolution plan could
enhance business-IT alignment.
Table 1 lists the 15 participants in our study, their
roles, and their involvement in the 4 projects where
the evolution planning method was applied. The plan-
ning teams consisted of 2 to 4 members. Their roles
include various management positions, domain ex-
perts, and IT or application engineers. Interviewing
and moderation of focus groups were done by the first
author, who was also an IT manager in the case or-
ganisation. In total, we conducted 11 semi-structured
interviews, moderated 20 focus groups, and surveyed
12 participants with 4 questionnaires covering differ-
ent elements of the method. The case study was car-
ried out between February and June 2023.
4.1 BITA Challenges
To gain insight into the current state of business-IT
alignment and the challenges faced by IT and business
teams, we conducted semi-structured interviews with
9 of our participants (7 project members and 2 top
managers). In this section, we discuss the problem
categories that we identified.
The Digital Evolution. Employees in the case organ-
isation experience an acceleration in technological de-
velopments in recent years. The organisation does not
consider itself an early adopter, but is a front-runner
compared to other local governments.
Dealing with Strategic New Insights. The organi-
sation feels it lacks a structured process for capturing
new strategic insights or new ideas.
Strategy Formulation: The overall strategy –as for-
mulated in a multi-year plan (MYP) customary for
local governments– has been made available both in-
ternally (intranet) and externally (municipal website).
But while employees are aware of the overall vision
(offering customer-oriented services to its citizens),
the approach to its implementation appears not widely
known or is regarded as not directly applicable to day-
to-day operations.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Study participants. The evolution planning method was applied in 4 projects with a total of 13 participants. Addi-
tionally, two top managers were interviewed.
Project Project members
A: Renew appointment
booking software to boost
employee productivity and
citizen satisfaction
Manager of the department Civil Services (project owner)
IT system engineer (n°1) (project owner)
Domain expert (n°2)
B: Consolidate GIS systems to
broaden access to street
furniture and tree management
GIS coordinator (project owner)
Manager of the department Facility Services (project owner)
C: Enhance system for
service request
management to optimize
service delivery
Vice-general manager (project owner)
Application engineer (project owner)
IT system engineer (n°2) (domain expert)
Domain expert (n°3) (domain expert)
D: Replace legacy
point-of-sales system to
simplify financial
Manager of the financial department (project owner)
Application engineer (project owner)
Domain expert (n°1) (domain expert)
Financial director (domain expert)
Top management
General manager
Manager of the department of spatial planning and development
IT Innovation: While the organisation promotes an
open innovation culture at all levels, in practice, it is
difficult to create time and attention for new develop-
ments. While people want to move away from out-
dated ways of working, they are also busy with day-
to-day operations and are reluctant to change.
Relationship Between Business and IT Teams. An
overall positive feeling prevails within the case or-
ganisation regarding alignment between business and
IT. Nevertheless, alignment sometimes fails when it
comes to cross-departmental projects. Although the
IT department is open to consultation with other de-
partments, it remains difficult for them to understand
the specific needs of all departments, or to fully un-
derstand the plethora of knowledge domains within
the organisation.
Digital Awareness Within the Organisation. Not
all departments are equally aware of relevant tech-
nologies or technological concepts. While IT has a
responsibility to raise awareness, it does not pursue
this with a structured approach. Business is regularly
inspired by new technology, but also routinely turns
to the IT department to inquire about technical feasi-
bility assistance.
Customisation, Technical Debt and Complexity.
When departments are inspired to pursue innova-
tions, this sometimes results in a great deal of cus-
tomization, making the organisation vulnerable if in-
ternal support is lacking, or an increase in technical
debt (Allman, 2012) and complexity of the software
Central Coordination: Project ownership is unclear
in the organisation, including what project owners are
responsible for and what tasks they should be per-
forming. Although projects (and related budgets) are
part of the MYP, they are not prioritized or centrally
coordinated, making it hard for departments to know
when projects will be launched, when they will run,
or when concrete actions will be taken.
Stakeholder Involvement. The case organisation
has so many different knowledge domains and cor-
responding stakeholders that it is not always apparent
who should be involved in projects. This regularly
leads to stakeholders being involved too late or alto-
gether forgotten, in spite of good intentions.
Current Situation Analysis. Analysis of the situa-
tion at departure differs among projects. In the ab-
sence of a standard analysis approach, after project
initiation, the focus shifts too quickly to specific prob-
lems, project scope, or final goals. As a result, de-
partments experience that projects start under wrong
assumptions and that a number of steps are skipped,
gradually resulting in failure.
Strategy Implementation. Putting the overall strat-
egy into practice involves a lot of ad-hoc approaches
in a local government. In order for the organisation
to deliver added value to its citizens, it must be able
to react quickly to opportunities that arise in society.
The political entities are also very sensitive to this
matter, so the organisation must be agile in imple-
menting its projects and strategy. However, putting
the strategy into practice poses a number of chal-
Validating a Practical Method for Planning Co-Evolution of Business and IT in a Public Sector Organisation
lenges, particularly in terms of project scope, asso-
ciated ambition, and potential risks.
Definition of Clear Goals. A project - at its initia-
tion phase - is always linked to the MYP and there-
fore to a specific objective or goal. Yet, the added
value of a project is not explicitly stated enough and
is not addressed systematically. Obviously, a project
is only initiated if it will add value to the organisa-
tion, but when it comes to the gaps a particular project
will fill, everyone has ideas about what that project
will accomplish, but it is typically viewed from a de-
partmental standpoint. There is not enough explicit or
written documentation of the added value of a project.
Additionally, this added value should be viewed from
multiple perspectives. A challenge for the organisa-
tion is to obtain a better consensus on the purpose of
projects since stakeholders often don’t or rarely have
that kind of conversation.
Monitoring and Evaluation. The monitoring and
evaluation of projects is another challenge that is not
addressed enough across the organisation. When an
evaluation occurs, it is handled by a department man-
ager who determines whether projects were delivered
on time and on budget, what pain points occurred,
and how these could be avoided in the future. The
IT department also attempts to make that evaluation,
but it is not always easy. Sometimes the objectives
of a project are too fuzzy, so ongoing evaluation and
monitoring are required, for example, when purchas-
ing a software application that is still being devel-
oped. Overall, there is no structured way to evaluate
Existing Frameworks and Tools. To address the
above-mentioned challenges, the organisation has
been seeking a structural project approach but hasn’t
succeeded. Therefore, the management team set up a
specific working group that included representatives
of both business and IT to make this a priority. It was
previously attempted to create a project information
sheet that would encourage people to think about a
project’s purpose, its stakeholders, possible pitfalls,
etc., but in practice that document is rarely used.
In short, the case organisation is aware of the im-
portance of alignment, but also experiences alignment
challenges in a range of aspects. Many of these chal-
lenges can be related directly to challenges that were
also identified by Nodehi et al. (2023) when develop-
ing their evolution planning method.
4.2 Appreciation of the Evolution Plan
We studied the appreciation of the study participants
for the evolution plan as a whole and for its con-
stituent elements both quantitatively and qualitatively.
Quantitative results were obtained through an in-
dividual questionnaire with project members, us-
ing the criteria of the technology acceptance
model (Riemenschneider et al., 2002). We obtained
responses on a 5-point Likert scale for all combina-
tions of TAM criteria, project members, and method
elements or entire method that can be summarized as
The average score of 4 (agree) was obtained
across participants, for almost all combinations
of method elements and TAM-criteria. Almost
no difference was observed on these combinations
between managers and other employees.
For compatibility, average scores were 2 (dis-
agree) or 3 (neutral) for all method elements. For
compatibility, average scores from managers were
consistently (half or entire point) lower than from
other employees.
For the element design moves, the average score
for ease of use, was 3 (neutral), entirely due to
managers providing lower scores, while the aver-
age from other employees remained at 4 (agree).
For the element monitoring and evaluation, the
average scores for ease of use and intention to use,
were 3 (neutral), again due to lower scores from
managers rather than from other employees.
For the evolution plan as a whole, the average
scores for ease of use was 3 (neutral) and for com-
patibility was 2 disagree. For subjective norm,
usefulness, intention to use, the average scores
were 4 (agree). Managers and other employees
scored similarly.
Thus, while the evolution plans and their elements
were for the greater part highly appreciated, its com-
patibility with current ways of working was deemed
low, and design moves and monitoring and evaluation
were regarded by managers as less easy to use.
Qualitative results were obtained through initial
impressions when the planning method was first in-
troduced, and in discussions in focus sessions. The
obtained feedback was summarized and categorized
into strengths, weaknesses, limitations, and opportu-
nities. This was done for evolution plans as a whole
and for their constituent elements. These results can
be summarized as follows:
Strengths. The method was found to stimulate dia-
logue and offers insights into stakeholders’ needs. It
forces project teams to think through a project and
document its steps. Additionally, it allows for bet-
ter anticipation and early detection of potential prob-
lems. This approach enables the management to get
a clear overview of the project from the beginning to
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the end, preventing ad-hoc approaches and avoiding
hazardous steps. Through the evolution plan, the goal
of a project can be clearly formulated with the input
of various departments, and a structured approach is
used to plan the project. Project information is care-
fully documented and all important steps are taken
into account to make a project team aware of relevant
topics and allow them to think deeply about them.
Weaknesses. The evolution plan was seen to docu-
ment project data mainly for the strategic underpin-
ning of the project (e.g. for presentation to a manage-
ment team). The template deliverable does not facili-
tate documentation of more detailed technical or func-
tional information, which may also be essential for
starting a project. It is often difficult to flow fluently
through the different steps of the data collection form.
To keep things readable, content needs to be described
very generally. The process is time-consuming, re-
quires certain skills that not everyone has, and was
perceived as too elaborate for smaller projects.
Limitations. The comprehensive nature of the evo-
lution planning method is a strength that may also
be seen as a threat. Teams that are unprepared to
consider a wide range of organisational and techni-
cal aspects (possibly due to insufficient motivation,
mandate, allocated time, or skill diversity) may aban-
don the method and fall back on an ad-hoc approach.
When the method does get applied fully, the roadmap
that is ultimately constructed as part of an evolu-
tion plan may still be (partially) ignored or might
need adjustment during the ensuing project execution.
How to keep the evolution plan, and specifically the
roadmap, in focus up-to-date during project execution
is not currently addressed by the evolution planning
Opportunities. While designed for planning
business-driven IT change projects, the evolution
planning method could lead to a better overall project
approach within organisations, as well as an over-
all improvement in (interdepartmental) collaboration.
For any type of (sufficiently large) project, the method
facilitates reflection on the various project phases, al-
lows taking a wider range of stakeholders into consid-
eration. and may lead to more thoroughly substanti-
ated decisions. The concise deliverable enables a pro-
fessional, more standaridzed, and efficient way of pre-
senting project plans to higher management to support
their decision processes in the context of (IT) project
portfolio management and management of (digital)
transformation programs.
Feedback from participants was also collected
about possible adjustments or improvements of the
evolution planning method, the evolution plan tem-
plate, or the data collection spreadsheet. These sug-
gestions are listed in the appendix.
In short, the participants generally agreed with
the ease of use, conformance to subjective norm, and
usefulness of all elements of the method. They also
expressed their intention to use the method. They
deemed the method’s compatibility (with the current
way of work in the organisation) to be low.
4.3 Strategic and Operational
In the last two phases of our study, semi-structured
interviews and focus groups were held to gain in-
sights into the operational and strategic views on the
method. In this section, we discuss the outcomes in
relation to the previously identified BITA challenges
of the organisation.
Strategy Formulation. Evolution plans provide
guidance and aid in the formulation of strategy by
forcing project teams to think differently and by
bringing strategy to the project level. Despite not be-
ing a crystal ball, the evolution plan prevents making
mistakes by providing a critical perspective and struc-
tured approach to strategic planning.
Relationship Between Business and IT.
organisation-wide thinking is stimulated by the
evolution plan. A project team within this case study
not only considered departments from the beginning
that should be involved, but later involved others that
would also be affected. Business and IT are brought
together through the evolution plan. This structured
method of collecting project information provides
a good basis for discussion between departments
and clarifies who is involved in a project. Thus, the
evolution plan encourages collaboration and prevents
departments from overriding one another. As a result,
business and IT can reach a consensus and build a
better relationship.
Digital Awareness Within Organisation. As part
of the evolution plan, (new) technological concepts
may be brought forward in project meetings, but they
do not directly improve digital awareness or knowl-
edge. When applying the evolution planning method,
business departments are able to provide structured
input on specific functionalities. In this way, infor-
mation can be shared in both directions, and bringing
together IT and business knowledge automatically in-
creases awareness.
Central Coordination. Although the evolution plan
adds value to managing individual projects, it has no
direct impact on centrally coordinating and prioritiz-
ing a multitude of them. It is nevertheless important
Validating a Practical Method for Planning Co-Evolution of Business and IT in a Public Sector Organisation
for all department managers to be aware of upcom-
ing or ongoing projects. It allows them to jump on
board if necessary or useful. As a result, the overall
project planning is improved and internal miscommu-
nications are avoided. By providing the necessary in-
formation to create an overview of upcoming projects
and ongoing projects, the evolution plan could en-
hance central coordination. In order to increase con-
trol over these projects, all roadmaps can be bundled
Stakeholder Involvement. When a project begins,
stakeholders are brought to the forefront through the
evolution plan. The tool not only identifies stake-
holders, but also discusses their impact and level of
support, as well as allowing project teams to con-
sider possible actions. While extensive labeling is
perceived as unhelpful, it does contribute to better
alignment of specific needs.
Current Situation Analysis. Despite the effort
involved, SWOT and TOWS analyses encourage
project teams to thoroughly analyze their current sit-
uation. They prevent the start of a project without an
overview of the current situation. In addition, it could
also prevent parallel actions or projects from being
initiated to accomplish the same goal. Even though
TOWS provides the needed motivation and substan-
tiation for the project’s aspirations, its added value is
subject to debate.
Strategy Implementation. In an evaluation plan,
all necessary actions are predefined before the actual
start of a project, which forms the basis for a con-
crete action plan. Further, the evolution plan provides
higher management with structured information about
the project’s implementation. While in the case or-
ganisation, potential risks are often only considered
after a project has begun, an evaluation plan uses a
structured approach to surface potential risks and mit-
igation actions before the project starts. While the
evolution plan helps clarify in a pragmatic way the
practical execution of a project, it still lacks an ele-
ment to gather comprehensive functional or technical
information about the project, requiring the use of ad-
ditional tools in order to gather all information in one
Defining Clear Goals. The evolution plan plays an
important role in defining the goals and added value
of projects. By doing so, stakeholders can reach a
consensus on the project’s objectives. Despite the
evolution plan outlining a project’s ambition, it does
not explicitly link it to the organisation’s overall ob-
Monitoring and Evaluation. Regardless of the
length of a project, the evolution plan forces project
teams to consider monitoring and evaluation con-
sciously. By doing so, a project team can keep track
of the progress and goals of the project. Project mon-
itoring and evaluation cannot be overlooked when a
project team applies all the elements of the evolu-
tion plan. There are, however, some questions unan-
swered because this element has not been applied in
this study.
Existing Frameworks and Tools. In the past, the
case organisation tried to introduce a project informa-
tion sheet to raise awareness of a project approach,
but it was never really implemented. Existing other
frameworks have not been applied, mainly because
they are thought to be too theoretical and difficult
to apply. With evolution planning, project teams are
guided through all the important project steps in a
structured and (chrono)logical manner. The appli-
cation of the evolution plan is also viewed as time-
consuming by some. This is why opinions about the
’lightweight’ label on the evolution plan differ. Possi-
bly, when using the method not just once, but repeat-
edly, teams will be able to apply it more efficiently.
Thus, the evolution planning method can be ex-
plicitly related to 10 out of 14 previously identified
BITA challenges. For the remaining four identified
BITA challenges (the digital evolution; dealing with
strategic new insights; IT innovation; customisation,
technical debt and complexity), a relation might exist,
but was not explicitly uncovered in our interviews.
In short, the evolution planning method was ex-
perienced, both at the strategic and operational level,
as an effective approach for countering many of the
identified BITA challenges.
In this section, we draw a number of general lessons
from our study results. Also, we discuss limitations,
threats to validity, and generalisability of our findings.
Finally, we share some reflections relevant to others
who may wish to run similar studies.
5.1 Lessons Learnt
A first major takeaway from our study is that indeed
public sector organisations struggle with business-
IT challenges. In fact, the challenges identified
in the case organisation largely match those found
by Nodehi et al. (2023) when developing the evolu-
tion planning method.
Alignment challenges might even be greater in a
local government, such as our case organisation, com-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
pared to similar-sized organisations in the private sec-
tor due to operating in a wide range of knowledge do-
mains, each having its own requirements, constraints,
dynamics and (policy) goals.
The necessity for improving BITA is felt strongly
in public sector organisations, not to remain market-
competitive, but in order to cope in an agile way with
an ever-expanding suite of tasks, new demands for
implementation of laws and policy, and unexpected
societal events (e.g. the Covid-19 pandemic or the
refugee influx from the Ukraine-Russia war).
Our study has shown that the evolution planning
method is valuable for Business-IT alignment in the
public sector. When applied to four projects in the
case organisation, the method was found to have a
strongly positive influence on the identified BITA
challenges. The domain experts, IT experts, and man-
agers involved in these projects were able to apply the
method successfully. They reported favorably on the
ease of use and usability of the method and explicitly
recognized its value in coping with their BITA chal-
In particular, the evolution planning method was
experienced to facilitate broad and early stakeholder
involvement, to stimulate efficient collaboration be-
tween departments, to help set and communicate clear
shareable goals, to expedite strategy implementation,
to drive thorough and timely analysis of current state
and future risks, and to increase chances of project
The evolution planning contributed in a limited
way, or only indirectly, to increasing digital aware-
ness, improving central coordination, and strategy
5.2 Limitations, Threats to Validity, and
Our case study covers only one public sector organi-
sation, more precisely one Flemish municipality. Be-
cause we established connections between specific
BITA challenges and elements in the evolution plan-
ning method that help solve them, we can hypothesize
that any (public sector) organisation that faces such
challenges would benefit from the method. Still, fur-
ther study is needed to establish whether our results
can truly be generalized to other types of public sector
organisations in other geographical and cultural areas.
The researcher that acted as interviewer and mod-
erator of the focus groups was also an IT manager at
the case organisation. This may have introduced some
bias into the data collection. More importantly his
tacit knowledge (of the organisation) may have been
a factor in the successful application of the method.
This means that having an “internal” moderator may
be a best practice or prerequisite for using the method
with success.
The decision to use the evolution planning method
as a new approach in the four selected projects was
fully supported by the management of the case or-
ganisation. This decision was clearly communicated
throughout the organisation, as well as the theory be-
hind the method and the objectives the organisation
wanted to achieve with it. Thus, management support
and communication are likely also success factors that
must be replicated in any organisation that wants to
apply the method.
Our case was conducted on a tight time schedule.
The application of the method ended with the deliv-
ery of the four evolution plans. Success was measured
through the perception of the project team members,
during and right after the planning process. The ac-
tual execution of the delivered plans was still to be
initiated or ongoing when our study ended. Thus, to
validate that successful planning with the method ul-
timately also leads to successful projects, a follow-up
or longitudinal study would be needed.
Since project execution was out of scope, the ele-
ment of the planning method that involved monitoring
and evaluation was only described theoretically to the
participants. As also indicated by the participants, no
definitive conclusions could be drawn for these ele-
While we extensively studied the state of depar-
ture of the organisation regarding BITA in a qualita-
tive manner, we did not apply any standardized in-
strument for (quantitatively) measuring its alignment
maturity (Luftman et al., 2017). This could have been
useful, since alignment maturity at the outset might
be a factor for how fruitfully the method can be ap-
plied. On the other hand, this would add to the data
collection burden in the study.
In the study, we observed several indications that
the evolution planning method could be useful also
outside the specific context of Business-IT alignment.
Several of the identified challenges, such as stake-
holder engagement, current situation analysis, strat-
egy implementation, or clarifying goals, also occur
when IT is not involved. Hence, the method may like-
wise be useful to create alignment when organisations
consider general change initiatives.
5.3 Reflection
Some reflections on our case study could be useful for
researchers that might wish to run a similar study.
Validating a Practical Method for Planning Co-Evolution of Business and IT in a Public Sector Organisation
Firstly, the study greatly benefited from thorough
preparation and strict planning. An extensive study
protocol was drawn up beforehand and used through-
out. This made it possible to run the study in a limited
time and obtain detailed and reliable results.
Secondly, data collection, processing, and analy-
sis proved to be a very intensive process due to the
large number of data points and the relatively short
duration of the study. Thus, when conducting a sim-
ilar study, sufficient research support should be bud-
Thirdly, we took care to spread the evaluation of
the method over a number of focus group sessions
(5 per project) that were separated by about 1 week.
This ensured that adequate time could be spent intro-
ducing, implementing, and evaluating all method ele-
Finally, we were able to conduct all interviews
and focus groups in person. This allowed ample in-
teraction and information exchange and ensured that
highly valuable feedback could be captured.
In this paper, we have reported on the findings of
the first field experiment for the evolution planning
method proposed by Nodehi et al. (2023). Through
our case study, involving 4 changes initiatives in a lo-
cal governmental organisation, we have been able to
make a number of contributions to the BITA body of
We confirmed that the BITA challenges identified
by Nodehi et al. (2023) through interviews with
experts from multiple private sector organisations
likewise are present in public sector organisations.
We extended the evidence of the usefulness of the
evolution planning method. This evidence was
limited to educational pilots and expert interviews
and is now extended with a comprehensive case
study in a public sector organisation.
We were able to link specific BITA challenges to
specific elements or characteristics of the evolu-
tion planning method that help to resolve these
challenges. This elucidates why the method is ef-
We identified several possible improvements of
the evolution planning method, either to remedy
weaknesses, or to refine the method for use in the
public sector.
Based on these contributions, we see several avenues
for future work:
Though comprehensive, our case study involved
only a single public sector case organisation. Ad-
ditional case studies in both private and more pub-
lic sector organisations are needed.
Our case study was limited to the planning phase
itself. Follow-up or longitudinal studies would
allow us to study whether successful planning
also leads to successful projects. They would
also specifically allow to more closely study of
the ‘monitoring and evaluation’ elements of the
method, which come into play during project ex-
Suggested improvements and adjustments that
were identified in the course of our case study
can be used to develop an improved version of
the evolution planning method. Such an improved
version could then be subjected again to field test-
Finally, we list a number of recommendations for the
successful application of the planning method in prac-
tice, which may be taken into account by organisa-
tions that wish to use the method:
The evolution planning method looks almost de-
ceptively simple, but requires substantial atten-
tion, thought, and collaboration to apply well. The
method is best learned by a combination of careful
explanation, moderated application, and learning
by doing.
To enhance knowledge of evolution planning and
promoting its adoption, management should con-
sider to organize ‘evolution planning expert meet-
ings’ where projects are discussed and new in-
sights, knowledge, challenges, and success stories
are shared.
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During the case study, participants suggested a num-
ber of improvements to the method, the evolution plan
template, or the supporting data collection spread-
sheet. These suggestions are listed here.
Use different fields to add additional information
(not all information in 1 comment-field)
Add mandatory fields for budget & link to strate-
gic plan (MYP)
Add a field for project description (it is not explic-
itly mentioned)
Add a field for description of project scope (in &
out of scope)
Add a field for project accountability (e.g. mem-
ber of the CMA)
Add a field for describing the reason for doing a
Add a field for management summary
Mention the dates of any project change in this
Add the function of project members + date that
they started participating in the project
Add a clear definition of the role of a project
Stakeholder Analysis
Do not use the terms promotors, defenders, latents
and audience. Just add two yes/no fields for ‘stake
in the project’ and ‘influence over the project’ to
avoid confusion.
Creation of two separate columns for stakeholder
and stakeholder group
Usage of a drop-down menu to select stakeholder
groups, impact or support levels
Current Situation
Split up one large field into separate rows for
SWOT and TOWS information
Bundle SWOT and TOWS into a single-screen
Drop-down list to choose stakeholders that were
already mentioned in the previous element
Gap Analysis
Drop-down menu for selecting ‘type of gap’
Add other type of gaps that are more specific for
the case organisation (e.g. security, efficiency,. . . )
Provide clear definitions of the type of gaps
Validating a Practical Method for Planning Co-Evolution of Business and IT in a Public Sector Organisation
Design Moves
Avoid confusion about the name ‘design moves’
(i.c. better translation into Dutch)
Avoid outcome and output to be formulated too
Emphasize the horizontal approach of this ele-
ment (i.c. not first go through all possible design
Costs should be more elaborated instead of being
mentioned in one single column
Benefit Generation
Automatic selection of previous information (e.g.
design moves, stakeholders) via a drop-down
Risk Assessment
Drop-down menu to select design moves from the
previous element
Attention must be paid regarding to the translation
of the risk-matrix terminology
Using the risk matrix should be made more easy
and efficient
Mitigation Actions
Risk ID’s and risks should be added automatically
based on the previous element
Using the risk matrix should be made more easy
and efficient (pointers and arrows)
Integration with a Gantt-chart tool would be an
Another specific tool for creating roadmaps shall
provide a better overview of (the timing of) mul-
tiple projects
Monitoring and Evaluation [This element is not
tested in practice during the research and only ex-
plained theoretically.]
Evolution Plan as a Whole
Add extra tab that can be used to collect all func-
tional/technical needs in a project
Automating the data collection form would im-
prove efficiency and user experience
Explicitly mention ‘project communication’ in the
methodology (e.g. as a recurring design move or
extra tab)
Only use the most important information for the
final (strategical) PowerPoint or use another doc-
ument format
Provide a methodology example that is based on
the case organisation
Add an extra tab for ‘Lessons learned’
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems