company presentation are of particular importance.
The duration and channels of the advertisement also
play a role.
The screening of incoming applications and pre-
selection form another core process. This is based on
the previously defined criteria of the requirements
profile, whereby information from the personnel
requirements planning facilitates the review of the
application documents. Qualifications, the type of
cover letter and the overall impression of the
application are taken into account.
Conducting interviews and tests is another central
process in which selection interviews provide in-
depth information and knowledge is verified.
Detailed preparation for employers and applicants is
crucial. Tests, practical tasks as in the assessment
center and trial work are used for a comprehensive
This is followed by decision-making and rejection
management, whereby the selected candidate is
informed by the manager and rejection management
is carried out for applicants who are not selected.
The follow-up phase of onboarding begins after
the contract has been signed and is aimed at the
professional and social integration of new employees.
This includes getting to know the team, familiarizing
them with areas of responsibility and familiarizing
them with company processes. The entire process
aims to attract qualified specialists, integrate them
successfully and thus contribute to the company's
long-term competitiveness.
In addition to theoretical aspects, two expert
interviews were conducted to analyze current
situations in companies. The first expert interview
was conducted with a personnel consultant in order to
gain an overall assessment of current developments in
the area of recruiting on the entire labor market. In the
second expert interview with a recruiter, current
challenges and internal company efforts and
developments were discussed (Negrin et al., 2022).
The expert interviews were evaluated in the form
of a qualitative content analysis based on (Mayring,
1994). The aim of the analysis procedure is to
summarize, explain or structure texts, which is to be
ensured by a systematic, rule-based approach to text
analysis. The structuring procedure was used to
analyze the expert interviews. A specially created
category system and associated guidelines served as
examples and coding rules to concretize the
individual categories. The material from the expert
interviews was thoroughly reviewed and assigned to
the appropriate categories. These assignments and
unassigned text components were then evaluated,
which led to the refinement of the categories.
Through this iterative process, the categories were
gradually refined in order to gradually identify the
essential material components (Mayring, 1994).
In the interview, the participants emphasized the
variety of reasons that motivate employees to change
employers. In addition to private factors, monetary
incentives and the desire for professional satisfaction
play a decisive role. For Generation Z in particular,
social integration and an appealing, uncomplicated
job application are of great importance. The labor
market has changed considerably, with employees
increasingly willing to change jobs. Companies are
facing various challenges such as inadequate
employer branding and problems in the selection
process. The interviewees recommend greater
involvement of existing employees, authentic
communication and a target group-oriented design of
the recruiting process, adapted to the expectations of
Generation Z. Above all, open and honest
communication and prompt feedback are crucial. The
respondents see recruitment consultants as a
supportive partner for companies in order to better
understand the needs of candidates and optimize the
recruiting process.
In addition to the results of the expert interviews,
the findings of an online survey have been
incorporated into the recommendations for employers
to optimize their recruiting process. The questions are
based on the findings already obtained from the
literature research and the expert interviews and
therefore provide deeper insights into the needs and
wishes of Generation Z towards employers as well as
their experience with recruiting processes.
The following analysis refers to generation
representatives aged 16 and over. The population N
therefore comprises all people born in Germany
between 1996 and 2007. According to figures from
2020, this number amounts to around ten million
people in Germany.
The number of participants in the online survey
was 255. Two participants answered the control
questions incorrectly and were therefore excluded
from the sample. 50 participants could not be
assigned to the previously specified age range of
Generation Z and were therefore also excluded. This
results in a total sample n comprising 203
representatives of Generation Z.
The online survey consisted of an introduction, a
main part with questions in five sections and a short
acknowledgement. The introduction informed the