alization (Isinkaye et al., 2015), optimization (Goli
et al., 2021), and automation of various facets of com-
merce (Lundstr
om, 2021).
However, it is crucial to emphasize that efforts
aimed at the digitization of SMEs, through the es-
tablishment of their online presence, should not lead
to neglecting their physical operations. The duality
between the digital (shopping online) and the phys-
ical (in-store shopping) is essential for preserving
the local business and the vitality of urban centers.
Solely focusing on online commerce could have ad-
verse consequences, contributing to the desertion of
urban cores (Zhang et al., 2016) and impacting other
associated businesses, such as dining establishments,
businesses in the entertainment, culture, and arts sec-
tor, sports facilities, and more. In this regard, a bal-
anced strategy that values both digital presence and
the maintenance of physical establishments is cru-
cial for the sustainable and harmonious development
of SMEs in the contemporary business environment
(Helmy Mohamad et al., 2022).
This work introduces an innovative strategy to
aid SMEs in embarking on their digital transfor-
mation journey. It specifically tackles initial chal-
lenges, aiming for seamless integration and balance
between physical and online realms. The central goal
is to unify traditional urban business activities with
electronic commerce, fostering a comprehensive ap-
proach to digital integration.
In this context, it is essential to introduce VR-
ZOCO, a platform aimed at aiding small businesses
in their innovations. VR-ZOCO provides SMEs with
the visibility they need through various modules, one
of which is the recommendation of leisure plans in-
tertwined with the purchase experience. This paper
focuses on elucidating one such module, aimed at en-
hancing the e-commerce experience for SMEs while
ensuring the vitality of their physical presence. The
aim is to enhance the user’s shopping experience and
make the portal a destination for premium and cul-
turally enriched experiences. These efforts are in line
with modern consumer expectations and support busi-
ness growth without compromising local social and
economic life.
Following this introduction, the remainder of the
paper is organized as follows. Some important con-
cepts, such as “satellite businesses”, “leisure activ-
ity”, “leisure plan” or “user profile” are defined in
Section 2. The algorithm suggested to obtain the
leisure plans is presented in Section 3. In Section 4,
an example of application of the suggested algorithm
to generate leisure plan is shown. Finally, our conclu-
sions and the future work are presented.
This section is dedicated to explain key concepts that
will serve as the foundation for a full exploration of
the portal. We will look at key terms such as “satellite
business”, “leisure activity”, “user profile”, “pickup
point” and “leisure plan”, providing a concise and es-
sential insight into these fundamental elements within
the context of the portal.
2.1 Satellite Business
The satellite businesses within the portal’s framework
offer users a range of experiences, including cafes,
theaters, and sports clubs. These establishments en-
rich the user experience and contribute significantly to
the local economy, infusing vitality into the commu-
nity. Their range of services aims to meet the needs
of users while also encouraging a deeper exploration
of the city’s cultural and recreational landscape.
In the database, key information about these satel-
lite businesses is meticulously stored to facilitate
seamless user interactions and support local eco-
nomic growth. Crucial data fields include an iden-
tifier (id) that distinguishes each business uniquely,
the business name (name) for identification purposes,
the physical address for precise location (address),
and geographical information such as latitude and
longitude to facilitate accurate spatial representation
(latitude and longitude). Furthermore, the business
credentials, encompassing email (email) and pass-
word (pwd), are stored to ensure security and authen-
tication in interactions with the portal. Formally, a
satellite business (noted as SB) can be defined as:
SB = (id,name, address, latitude, longitude, email, pwd)
All satellite businesses in the city that want to of-
fer leisure activities can register on the VR-ZOCO
portal. In this way, a number of satellite businesses
will exist on the portal, which we will refer to as LSB
(i.e. LSB = {SB
, SB
, . . . , SB
2.2 Leisure Activity
Leisure activities, orchestrated by the diverse satel-
lite businesses within the portal, constitute a tapestry
of engaging events. These carefully curated events
go beyond typical product-focused transactions, pro-
viding users with a dynamic array of engaging expe-
riences. Whether it is the excitement of a football
match, the cultural immersion of a live performance,
or the conviviality of a restaurant gathering, leisure
activities are intended to captivate and enhance the
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems