Developing countries often grapple with limited net-
work bandwidth, intermittent connectivity, and inade-
quate infrastructure, that can impede the deployment
and functionality of IoT devices (Yousaf et al., 2021).
This paper aims to shed light on these challenges and
propose using the IFogSim simulator, a cutting-edge
tool designed to simulate and analyze the deployment
of IoT devices to eHealth environments. Fog comput-
ing, characterized by decentralized data processing at
the edge of the network, holds promise in alleviating
the strain on centralized cloud resources and address-
ing network-related challenges (Puliafito et al., 2019).
The necessity to address these challenges has
given rise to the application of simulation tools, such
as IFogSim, to comprehensively assess the deploy-
ment of IoT devices in healthcare settings. This sec-
tion presents arguments for the use of IFogSim, elu-
cidating its setup, importance, capacities, and the ex-
pected results it offers in terms of optimizing IoT de-
ployments for enhanced eHealth outcomes. This not
only enhances the likelihood of successful deploy-
ments but also helps preemptively identify and ad-
dress network-related bottlenecks.
The simulated environment’s classification as
eHealth is primarily defined by the integration of mul-
tiple IoT virtual devices. These devices are specifi-
cally tailored to monitor ambient temperature and hu-
midity, crucial parameters managed across two dis-
tinct levels adhering to regulatory protocols and hos-
pital quality benchmarks. This infrastructure enables
the leveraging of information technologies to ensure
ongoing quality assurance and safety measures for
both staff and patients, aligning with the World Health
Organization’s (WHO) delineation of eHealth.
To evaluate the installation of IoT devices in
healthcare institutions, two simulators were analyzed:
IFogSim and IotSim Osmosis (Alwasel et al., 2021),
both implemented as extension to CloudSim (Cal-
heiros et al., 2011). The three simulators have very
similar characteristics as they have resources and
tools necessary to research, including computational
network modeling and integration of IoT sensors.
Initially, IoTSim Osmosis stood out due to its
large number of examples and base data provided by
the developer, easing the understanding of its struc-
ture, in addition to assisting in system configuration.
It was used to structure and simulate the modeling of
a computational network, to send data from sensors
to processing at the edge and cloud layers. However,
when carrying out a deeper analysis of the simulator,
modeling the desired eHealth scenarios became un-
feasible, as the framework is tailored for cloud con-
tinuum applications. It is suited for IoT environments,
however its structure was found to be more rigid, with
static simulation features and harder to adapt. It has
fewer protocols and device emulation support, and
limitations in scalability for large-scale IoT deploy-
ments. Additionally, it may face challenges in ac-
curately replicating certain environmental factors or
hardware interactions (Al-Khafaji, 2022).
Changing the focus to IFogSim paid of, as it has
a simulation element for low-level infrastructure, en-
abling end-to-end modeling from user-level applica-
tions to edge computing of IoT environments, includ-
ing sensors and actuators.
3.1 The Simulator
The IFogSim simulator provides a realistic frame-
work to model and assess the network overhead in
healthcare environments (Mahmud et al., 2021).
The framework is designed to emulate the de-
ployment of IoT devices within fog computing en-
vironments, offering an invaluable platform for as-
sessing the intricate interplay between devices, net-
work infrastructure, and data processing. Leverag-
ing the principles of edge computing, IFogSim en-
ables the modeling of dynamic interactions among de-
vices, fog nodes, and cloud resources. It facilitates the
prediction of performance metrics, network latency,
and data transfer efficiency, thus providing a holistic
perspective on the real-world implications (Mahmud
et al., 2021).
IFogSim considers the distribution of processing
tasks across fog nodes and cloud servers. It accounts
for mobility patterns of IoT devices and offers in-
sights into data processing latency (Mahmud et al.,
2021). It offers a controlled and repeatable environ-
ment for experimentation and to take informed deci-
sions before physical implementation.
Furthermore, IFogSim accommodates the mod-
eling of mobility patterns, network topology, and
data dissemination strategies, allowing for a compre-
hensive analysis of IoT ecosystems (Mahmud et al.,
Despite the significance of these factors in com-
puter network design, we focused our experiments
exclusively on analyzing network topology. Mobil-
ity and location principles were deliberately excluded,
earmarked for future investigations. As a result, our
experiment centered solely on devices within the hos-
pital’s physical confines.
IFogSim offers a controlled yet intricate platform
for evaluating IoT device deployments in healthcare
settings. Difficulties were encountered in understand-
ing the simulator classes and behavior, indicating that
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