IoT Devices Overhead: A Simulation Study of eHealth Solutions over
a Hospitals’ Network
Gabriel Krauss Costa
1 a
, Edvard Martins de Oliveira
1 b
, M
ario Henrique Souza Pardo
2 c
Universidade Federal de Itajub
a, Brazil
Faculdade de Tecnologia do Estado de S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Internet of Things, eHealth, Network Overload, Load Balance, Computational Simulation.
As Internet of Thing (IoT) applications for eHealth gain momentum, one aspect becomes critical: the underly-
ing network infrastructure. The efficient operation of interconnected devices hinges upon a robust and reliable
network architecture, that can present formidable barriers to IoT’s potential. In this paper we analyze the
capacity of a typical hospital network infrastructure to implement new eHealth solutions, given the number of
devices required in a average setup. We use the IFogSim Simulator to model a network setup for a hospital,
selecting parameters for the devices from state-of-the-art solutions. This work is an important investigation on
the overload a collection of IoT devices may cause in a common network setup, and could be used for planning
ahead the installation of eHealth solutions. Our results show that a realistic arrange for IoT solutions might
impact significantly the network flow, energy consumption and processing time. Also, the number of gateways
reflects on the working capacity of the general system, turning from a distribution point to a bottleneck. The
environment provides a reliable representation, allowing the extrapolation of the scenarios.
The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has ushered
in a new era of technological advancements, revolu-
tionizing various sectors, including healthcare. The
integration of IoT technologies within the healthcare
domain, known as eHealth, has introduced novel and
transformative opportunities to enhance patient care,
streamline clinical processes, and optimize resource
utilization (Gupta and Quamara, 2020). In particu-
lar, the installation of IoT devices in health clinics
and hospitals holds the promise of real-time monitor-
ing, data-driven decision-making, and improved pa-
tient outcomes.
As the number of IoT devices in healthcare grows,
so does the potential for network congestion and per-
formance issues (Puliafito et al., 2019). Developing
countries often grapple with limited network band-
width, intermittent connectivity, and inadequate in-
frastructure (Wu et al., 2019).
Effective resource allocation within eHealth net-
works is essential to prioritize critical data and tasks.
Network overheads, for characteristics as latency and
packet loss, can jeopardize the ability to provide real-
time care, potentially leading to adverse patient out-
comes. Also, scalability is a significant concern, as
the infrastructure must accommodate more devices
without degradation in performance (Puliafito et al.,
2019). Other aspects that require attention, but that
are beyond the scope of this paper are legal regula-
tions, security, privacy, data volume and devices vari-
This study focuses on analyzing the impact of IoT
devices on network performance. A realistic simula-
tion environment is created with IFogSim (Mahmud
et al., 2021), incorporating various IoT devices, such
sensors, gateways, and data processing units. Sim-
ulation techniques assess the potential network bot-
tlenecks, latency issues, and data transfer constraints
that could emerge in real-world scenarios (Castane
et al., 2019).
To assess the network overhead, a variety of sce-
narios is designed, considering factors such as the
number of IoT devices, data transmission rates, and
traffic patterns. Performance metrics includes net-
work latency, energy consumption, and processing
time, measured under different workload conditions.
he experiment also seeks to validate the effective-
Costa, G., Martins de Oliveira, E. and Souza Pardo, M.
IoT Devices Overhead: A Simulation Study of eHealth Solutions over a Hospitals’ Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0012631400003711
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2024), pages 176-183
ISBN: 978-989-758-701-6; ISSN: 2184-5042
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ness of the IFogSim framework in evaluating scenar-
ios within an eHealth context.
The experimental results demonstrate how vary-
ing the number of IoT devices, network overload,
bandwidth, and energy usage impacts the perfor-
mance of simulated eHealth IoT system. Also, it
helps observing the scalability and efficiency of com-
puter networks in health facilities when supporting
IoT-based monitoring services.
Through these scenarios, the experiment validate
IFogSim’s ability to accurately provide insights into
system behavior under different conditions.
Subsequent sections of this paper are organized as
follows: in Section 2 the related works are presented
and compared. Section 3 presents methodology, ma-
terials and modifications made on IFogSim. Section
4 shows the results and discussion on the experiments
finds. Finally, in Section 5 are described the conclu-
sion and future directions of this research.
The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) tech-
nologies in health facilities has revolutionized patient
monitoring services, leading to improved healthcare
outcomes. However, the deployment of IoT devices
introduces additional computational and communica-
tion requirements, potentially increasing the overhead
on computer networks (Gupta and Quamara, 2020).
The study in (Premkumar and Santhosh, 2022) high-
lights insufficient eHealth readiness among managers
and healthcare workers. It emphasizes the impor-
tance of careful planning, execution, and monitor-
ing of eHealth initiatives to overcome obstacles and
There are several studies on the use of computer
supported technologies for fast diagnostic, precise
monitoring and data availability. In (Lv et al., 2022) is
proposed a intelligent system for prevention of infec-
tious diseases. It uses edge algorithms to generate a
model for low cost prevention strategies and enhanced
security. The authors present a generous evaluation of
their model, failing to demonstrate how the security of
patients is guaranteed.
The article (Steele and Lo, 2013) addresses the
challenges of limited bandwidth in rural and remote
areas for traditional telehealth applications, proposing
ubiquitous computing as a solution, highlighting their
potential to address healthcare challenges in such re-
The work of (Mishra et al., 2022) argues that in-
teroperability is the most challenging aspect of the
health care industry. The authors propose a system to
access, analyze, and enhance communication of pa-
tient health information while ensuring data privacy
and security. Their framework is proposed with lim-
ited functionalities and further research is expected.
The paper (Banday and Bhat, 2022) introduces a
eHealth model tailored for Neglected Tropical Dis-
eases (NTD). This type of disease is prevalent on
developing countries and such system would greatly
benefit patients otherwise relegated by the major
research centers. Also, developing countries lack
well structured networks, helping understand why the
overload prediction is necessary prior to the installa-
tion of complex eHealth solutions.
The work in (Ahmed et al., 2020) presents a so-
lution using Genetic Algorithm (GA) to optimize en-
ergy consumption in Cloud IoT with numerical sim-
ulations demonstrating that the proposed approach
achieves better energy efficiency in handling task re-
quests, although they don’t consider the impact of the
number of devices per interaction.
An IoT-enabled deep learning framework for
breast image classification is shown in (Gezimati and
Singh, 2023), achieving high accuracy, sensitivity,
and specificity, demonstrating its potential in health-
care applications, pointing to another example of
IoT capacities. However, detailing on the network
and power impact could be beneficial to potential
The authors in (Su et al., 2022) propose a edge
computing-based network architecture to improve the
performance of wireless body area network (WBAN)
for healthcare applications. They argue for better
Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience
(QoE) namely with latency and low energy, but their
findings for those metrics are not described. Simula-
tion has also been used to model other types of com-
plex scenarios.
The work on (Puliafito et al., 2020) describes a
solution to overcome flaws on mobility and service
migration for fog computing. Their results encourage
new approaches on resource provision projections.
The rise in connected IoT devices results in a sig-
nificant increase in data volume, demanding real-time
responses and incurring high bandwidth costs.Various
studies focus on data collection strategies, including
remote monitoring, pre-processing, compression, and
filtering, to alleviate bandwidth demands (Vilela et al.,
To the best of our knowledge, there are no simi-
lar approaches to evaluate the impact of eHealth solu-
tions on computer networks. We aim to contribute to
the literature with a model to estimate the capability
of installation of IoT devices and predict the network
IoT Devices Overhead: A Simulation Study of eHealth Solutions over a Hospitals’ Network
Developing countries often grapple with limited net-
work bandwidth, intermittent connectivity, and inade-
quate infrastructure, that can impede the deployment
and functionality of IoT devices (Yousaf et al., 2021).
This paper aims to shed light on these challenges and
propose using the IFogSim simulator, a cutting-edge
tool designed to simulate and analyze the deployment
of IoT devices to eHealth environments. Fog comput-
ing, characterized by decentralized data processing at
the edge of the network, holds promise in alleviating
the strain on centralized cloud resources and address-
ing network-related challenges (Puliafito et al., 2019).
The necessity to address these challenges has
given rise to the application of simulation tools, such
as IFogSim, to comprehensively assess the deploy-
ment of IoT devices in healthcare settings. This sec-
tion presents arguments for the use of IFogSim, elu-
cidating its setup, importance, capacities, and the ex-
pected results it offers in terms of optimizing IoT de-
ployments for enhanced eHealth outcomes. This not
only enhances the likelihood of successful deploy-
ments but also helps preemptively identify and ad-
dress network-related bottlenecks.
The simulated environment’s classification as
eHealth is primarily defined by the integration of mul-
tiple IoT virtual devices. These devices are specifi-
cally tailored to monitor ambient temperature and hu-
midity, crucial parameters managed across two dis-
tinct levels adhering to regulatory protocols and hos-
pital quality benchmarks. This infrastructure enables
the leveraging of information technologies to ensure
ongoing quality assurance and safety measures for
both staff and patients, aligning with the World Health
Organization’s (WHO) delineation of eHealth.
To evaluate the installation of IoT devices in
healthcare institutions, two simulators were analyzed:
IFogSim and IotSim Osmosis (Alwasel et al., 2021),
both implemented as extension to CloudSim (Cal-
heiros et al., 2011). The three simulators have very
similar characteristics as they have resources and
tools necessary to research, including computational
network modeling and integration of IoT sensors.
Initially, IoTSim Osmosis stood out due to its
large number of examples and base data provided by
the developer, easing the understanding of its struc-
ture, in addition to assisting in system configuration.
It was used to structure and simulate the modeling of
a computational network, to send data from sensors
to processing at the edge and cloud layers. However,
when carrying out a deeper analysis of the simulator,
modeling the desired eHealth scenarios became un-
feasible, as the framework is tailored for cloud con-
tinuum applications. It is suited for IoT environments,
however its structure was found to be more rigid, with
static simulation features and harder to adapt. It has
fewer protocols and device emulation support, and
limitations in scalability for large-scale IoT deploy-
ments. Additionally, it may face challenges in ac-
curately replicating certain environmental factors or
hardware interactions (Al-Khafaji, 2022).
Changing the focus to IFogSim paid of, as it has
a simulation element for low-level infrastructure, en-
abling end-to-end modeling from user-level applica-
tions to edge computing of IoT environments, includ-
ing sensors and actuators.
3.1 The Simulator
The IFogSim simulator provides a realistic frame-
work to model and assess the network overhead in
healthcare environments (Mahmud et al., 2021).
The framework is designed to emulate the de-
ployment of IoT devices within fog computing en-
vironments, offering an invaluable platform for as-
sessing the intricate interplay between devices, net-
work infrastructure, and data processing. Leverag-
ing the principles of edge computing, IFogSim en-
ables the modeling of dynamic interactions among de-
vices, fog nodes, and cloud resources. It facilitates the
prediction of performance metrics, network latency,
and data transfer efficiency, thus providing a holistic
perspective on the real-world implications (Mahmud
et al., 2021).
IFogSim considers the distribution of processing
tasks across fog nodes and cloud servers. It accounts
for mobility patterns of IoT devices and offers in-
sights into data processing latency (Mahmud et al.,
2021). It offers a controlled and repeatable environ-
ment for experimentation and to take informed deci-
sions before physical implementation.
Furthermore, IFogSim accommodates the mod-
eling of mobility patterns, network topology, and
data dissemination strategies, allowing for a compre-
hensive analysis of IoT ecosystems (Mahmud et al.,
Despite the significance of these factors in com-
puter network design, we focused our experiments
exclusively on analyzing network topology. Mobil-
ity and location principles were deliberately excluded,
earmarked for future investigations. As a result, our
experiment centered solely on devices within the hos-
pital’s physical confines.
IFogSim offers a controlled yet intricate platform
for evaluating IoT device deployments in healthcare
settings. Difficulties were encountered in understand-
ing the simulator classes and behavior, indicating that
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
better documentation and code refactoring are wel-
come to future releases.
3.2 Models Development
Development of the simulated environment follows
the code available as examples in IFogSim packages
(Mahmud et al., 2021). The implementation is de-
rived from the TwoApps example, which implements
the simulation of two virtual reality game applications
(VR Games) aimed to verify its performance. The
new model is named OneApp, consisting of a sin-
gle application for an automated hospital environment
with IoT devices and a limited structure of data com-
munication resources at its digital network.
The main class is createApplication, responsible
for adjusting the network parameter and processing
load as the sensors generates data. Additionally, the
class also adjusts the transmission costs between lay-
ers, e.g. networking usage and processing time for the
sensors to transmit information to IoT devices.
The simulator has an general topology to indicate
the type of equipment created and the network struc-
ture. However, the main class assigns the relation
among the devices. Therefore, the devised module
describes the connections so that each Iot device is
linked to four different sensors. Here are also mod-
eled the gateways, proxy server and cloud environ-
ment, with the respective connections and data flow.
The modules developed operates according to the
scheme represented in Figure 1. The sensors trans-
mit data to the IoT devices, which redirect them to
the gateways. Each gateway acts as an intermedi-
ary, routing data to a cloud server, where it is pro-
cessed and transmitted back to the IoT devices. The
organization represents a simplified hierarchy of real
world implementation for and eHealth installation on
a health clinic.
To emulate the sensors, versatile models like the
DHT22 were chosen for utilization in hospital en-
vironments, as well as the sensors ZMPT101B and
SCT-013 for monitoring equipment’s electrical net-
works. This approach allows for comprehensive anal-
ysis of environmental conditions and equipment per-
formance (Woo et al., 2018). The strategic choice
of sensors facilitates detection of system failures and
overloads, especially in settings with numerous inter-
connected devices, providing assessment of interop-
erability and equipment stability.
The description of the equipment modeled in the
simulator, along with its parameters is presented in
Table 1. To fill the missing information in the techni-
cal sheets, the examples provided at (Mahmud et al.,
2021) were useful in estimating values, such as the en-
Figure 1: Infographic of components organization, modeled
on IFogSim. The data is collected on sensors, either direct
on patients or on the environment. It is transmitted to IoT
devices, and next sent to gateways. The last route the data
to cloud servers, responsible for heavier computations.
ergy consumption of some equipment. The respective
references for each machine configuration are listed.
After consolidating the data relating to the de-
vices, the configuration of the simulator is ready to
model a hospital network. This process served as
an initial foundation to execute the experiments with
variations to validate its portrayal of the real world.
3.3 Materials
The experiment environment was configured on
IFogSim version 2 (Mahmud et al., 2021). The toolkit
offers the following options: mobility-support, mi-
gration management, microservice orchestration, dy-
namic distributed clustering and healthcare scenarios.
Code available on
IoT Devices Overhead: A Simulation Study of eHealth Solutions over a Hospitals’ Network
Table 1: Devices description in the IFogSim simulation.
Each device is modeled according to the specification in the
Device type Specification
Gateway Raspberry Pi 4 (RaspberryPi, 2019)
IoT Device ESP32 (Google, 2023)
Cloud Host Intel Xeon E5-2696 v4 @ 2.20GHz (PassMark Software, 2023)
Proxy EGW-5200 (Dell, 2022)
Temperature DHT22 (Aosong Eletronics, 2023)
Humidity DHT22
Voltage ZMPT101B (InnovatorsGuru, 2023)
Current SCT-013 (, 2023)
As test-bed for the experiments were used a
desktop computer with Intel Core i5-10400 CPU @
2.90GHz, 8 GB-RAM, 240 GB SSD. The Operation
System is Windows 10 64 bit.
3.4 Experiment Design
Having defined the setup for the simulator, it’s nec-
essary to choose parameters to compose an evalua-
tion scenario. The parameters are listed in Table 2.
We chose to analyze the network behavior at differ-
ent configurations of the number of IoT devices, the
amount of energy consumption and the network us-
age. These details are fundamental for infrastructure
estimation and could greatly impact on the perfor-
mance of an complex eHealth system.
Clearly, there are many other parameters that
could be analyzed into a eHealth environment. Our
aim is to focus on network occupation and energy us-
age as those are the functional basis of computational
Table 2: Experiments detailing for 8 different scenarios. La-
bels: MJ = Mega joules, MB = Megabytes.
Energy Consumption
IoT Devices
Usage (MB)
Experiment ID
Idle = 25 — Busy = 90
100 1
1000 2
100 3
1000 4
Idle = 50 — Busy = 180
100 5
1000 6
100 7
1000 8
MegaJoules is the standard energy unit in
iFogSim, serving as a reference for various measure-
ments like power (Watts), electron volts (eV), calo-
ries (cal), and kilowatt-hours (kWh). They also aid in
converting work requirements for infrastructure com-
ponents. However, experiment execution times in the
simulator may not always match real-world times due
to virtual time control mechanisms.
The eHealth scenario depicts a standard configura-
tion commonly found in healthcare settings, adhering
to parameters outlined by the WHO. Data bursts are
configured to mirror communication intervals across
multiple devices concurrently, assessing the system’s
ability to respond effectively.
The simulation utilizes a discrete model of the
spatial distribution of IoT devices within hospital set-
tings. The primary aim is to analyze the distribution
of devices across different scenarios while consider-
ing communication between devices, gateways, and
the backend cloud environment, for a comprehensive
examination of network dynamics.
To have results that reflect the real world, the sim-
ulator parameters were classified into two categories:
constant values and random values, as detailed in Ta-
ble 3. To ensure consistency of results, the experi-
ments were executed ten times before calculating the
results’ statistics.
The simulation incorporates transmission latency
of IoT devices. As outlined in Table 3, random in-
tervals are generated during runtime, based on device
granularity and network architecture (Figure 1). This
approach brings approximation of communication be-
haviors and network performance, considering the de-
vices’ hierarchical positions and immediate data link
Having defined the parameters and scenarios for the
experiments, and after performing ten executions of
each scenario, the results were collected and are pre-
sented in this section.
The reliability of the data collected is assessed by
standard error measured. The small dispersion of the
scenarios indicates consistency and stability in the re-
In Figure 2, it is possible to observe that the num-
ber of IoT devices is one of the main contributors to
the increase in the total value. The network occupa-
tion is heavier when the number of devices is higher,
as one would expect. For the size of application de-
fined in the network usage and for the energy con-
sumption by device, the total network consumption
does not seem to change significantly. The principal
aspect to impact on the overall network occupation is
the number of tasks involved, as well as the complex
data information throughout the system.
In the Figure 3 it is observed that the energy con-
sumption of IoT machines is mainly responsible for
the total energy expenditure. Therefore, when dou-
bling the number of IoT products, total energy con-
sumption shows a proportional growth. The same
pattern occurs with the energy cost of these equip-
ment, as evidenced by the difference between exper-
iments 1-2 and 5-6. Despite that the cloud environ-
ment is significantly more powerful than the other de-
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 3: Parameters specification for the experiments. Labels: MIPS = Millions of Instructions per Second, MBPS = Megabits
per second, GB = Gigabytes, MJ = Mega joules, ms = milliseconds.
IoT Device Fog Gateway Cloud Proxy Server
Quantity 150 - 300 2 1 1
Speed (MIPS)
1500 92500 6890500 2376800
4 64 32 4
Uplink (MBPS)
150 1000 16000 10000
Downlink (MBPS)
150 1000 16000 10000
Busy Power (MJ)
90 - 180 107.3 1716.8 107.3
Idle Power (MJ)
25 - 50 83.4 1331.2 83.4
Random Values (interval)
App CPU Usage (MB)
Sensors Latency
Gateway Latency
Proxy Latency
IoT Device
Gateway Latency (ms)
50 - 500 0.1 - 0.6 1.0 - 15.0 1.0 - 4.0 1.0 - 4.0
Figure 2: Total network consumption per scenario, in Giga-
bytes. The task setup is the main influence for this result.
vices, its energy usage is remarkably smaller than the
IoT devices, for example. Also, its use remains sta-
ble throughout every scenario, indicating that the pro-
cessing jobs didn’t demand scaling up the servers.
Figure 3: Energy consumption by type of device, displayed
by scenario.
For the total execution time, Figure 4 shows that
the number of devices is again the most significant
factor, due to the reduced number of gateways com-
pared to the amount of information transmitted by IoT
equipment, which ends up overloading the processes
and delays the information traffic. Furthermore, the
Figure 5 shows the difference in magnitude between
the transmission time and the total simulation time is
very large, which demonstrates the insignificance of
this factor for the scenarios setup. There were found
no significant influence for traffic delays, even though
there were variations for that parameter. Therefore,
information processing time is the main agent for the
results obtained.
Figure 4: Total experiment run time, by scenario.
From the results obtained, it is evident that the val-
ues implemented in the simulator, as specified in Ta-
ble 2, have a linear impact on the results of the net-
work and energy consumption. In other words, when
doubling the number of IoT devices, it is clear that
the output value comes considerably closer to twice
what was expected. However, this phenomenon does
not manifest itself in the same way in time results:
when the initial quantity is doubled, the difference
in results is approximately four times greater in rela-
tion to the expected value. These results indicate that
depending on the network topology for the eHealth
IoT Devices Overhead: A Simulation Study of eHealth Solutions over a Hospitals’ Network
Figure 5: Network delay for scenario. The lines shows that
the communication on the edge of the network is slightly
faster, but not much significant to the overall results.
IoT system, the critical parameter of execution inter-
val can suffer, generating risks for the patients and
medical team. The integration of IFogSim as a sim-
ulation framework presents a pivotal step forward in
the realization of IoT applications for eHealth.
The simulation focus on network infrastructure
and cloud computing, to assess the impact of IoT de-
ployment, especially in applications like temperature
and humidity sensing. This analysis aids planning re-
source management in the eHealth framework. Given
simulation nature, the devices, including gateways,
endpoints, proxies, and cloud components, are char-
acterized broadly and configured with varying param-
eters. This configuration enables an evaluation of how
the factors influence the response variables.
The convergence of IoT and eHealth holds immense
promise for transforming healthcare delivery. How-
ever, the challenges posed by network infrastructure,
particularly in developing countries, necessitate inno-
vative solutions to ensure the optimal functioning of
IoT devices. This paper presents a model of compu-
tational simulations of IoT device installations to pre-
emptively address network-related challenges.
The results validate the accuracy of the simulation
and provide insights for designing IoT healthcare en-
vironments. Our findings demonstrate that a typical
number of devices might greatly impact on the results,
specially regarding execution time and energy expen-
diture, that can be crucial for life monitoring devices
and general costs. Even though there are machines
with far superior setups, the number of devices (cos-
tumary for eHealth setups) impacts the electric con-
Overall, our contributions are a better understand-
ing of the implications of IoT implementation in
health facilities, specifically regarding the associated
network overhead, specially in areas with uneven or
limited bandwidth capacities. Also, the modifications
to IFogSim classes enrich the capacity of the simula-
tor to model real life scenarios.
In future works we aim to further investigate the
network occupation and energy costs with more com-
plex scenarios. Factors as network technology and
carbon emission can be evaluated, so the simulation
provides more complete representation for eHealth
services deployment. Other simulators could also be
used for comparison purposes.
The authors would like to thank Universidade Fed-
eral de Itajub
a for their support in this work. This
work is supported by Coordination for the Improve-
ment of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) under
Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciac¸
ao Cien-
tifica (PIBIC).
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IoT Devices Overhead: A Simulation Study of eHealth Solutions over a Hospitals’ Network