Project Management in Large-Scale with International Settings:
Challenges Faced with Multiculturalism
Luana Mendes
, Vinicius Faria
and Cristiano Maciel
Foundation for Support and Development of the Federal University of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Institute of Computing, Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Keywords: Project Management, PMBOK, Research Project, Multiculturalism, Bureaucracy, Platform Development.
Abstract: Managing large-scale international research projects involving multicultural teams poses multifaceted
challenges requiring a nuanced and adaptive project management approach. This article explores the strategies
employed to manage a multifaceted research and innovation initiative within the "ELLAS - Equality in
Leadership for Latin American STEM" Network, focusing on gender gap reduction in STEM fields across
Latin America. Combining elements from PMBOK® and agile methodologies. The project integrates a
diverse array of institutions and stakeholders from multiple countries. Our study delves into the project's
objectives, team structures, deliverables, and the unique challenges encountered, including multilingual
communication, bureaucratic complexities, managing multiple currencies, and ensuring data quality. We
detail solutions applied to navigate these challenges, such as tailored communication strategies, hybrid project
management methodologies, and proactive stakeholder engagement. By delineating these challenges and
solutions, this article brings insights into managing complex international research projects while fostering
cultural diversity and achieving project objectives.
Project management is the application of knowledge,
skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to
meet project requirements. By effectively applying
these elements, project managers can significantly
increase the likelihood of project success, leading to
greater efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and value
creation for organizations (Project Management
Institute, 2017). In multicultural teams each member
provides a different view through its diverse way of
thinking and, in total, a variety of skills are offered
(Earley and Mosakowski, 2000), but an essential
aspect of project management involves effectively
handling both positive and negative risks through a
proactive and consistent approach from the project's
outset. Although every successful project demands
effective project management, the approach varies
significantly from one project to another. The
efficiency of project management holds critical
importance for both research in project management
and for managers in real-world practice (Thomas &
Mullaly, 2007). However, the literature lacks
coverage on crucial facets of project management's
influence (Kaufmann & Kock, 2022).
The research and innovation project entitled
Latin American Open Data for gender equality
policies focusing on Leadership in STEM" is an
initiative within the network affectionately known as
"ELLAS" acronymically representing "Equality in
Leadership for Latin American STEM" (IDRC, 2022).
This network comprises seven institutions located in
three different countries: UFMT - Federal University
of Mato Grosso (Brazil), UFSC - Federal University
of Santa Catarina (Brazil), UFF - Fluminense Federal
University (Brazil), UTFPR - Federal Technological
University of Paraná (Brazil), UCB - Catholic
University of Bolivia (Bolivia), UMSA - Major
University of San Andrés (Bolivia), and University of
Lima (Peru), besides being funded by an important
international institution, IDRC - International
Development Research Centre, from Canada. Apart
Mendes, L., Faria, V. and Maciel, C.
Project Management in Large-Scale with International Settings: Challenges Faced with Multiculturalism.
DOI: 10.5220/0012631900003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 29-40
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
from the nations and institutions forming the ELLAS
Network, CalPoly - California Polytechnic State
University, from Los Angeles (USA), plays an
advisory role in the Project (Maciel et al., 2023)
Given the magnitude of the involved team, the
temporal nature, the social and geographical
differences among the participating institutions, and
the fact an Open Linked Data Platform is to be
developed within the project, effective project
management and the necessity to handle the
bureaucratic requirements inherent in a research
project led by a Brazilian federal university
demanded the adoption of a combined approach
between the knowledge areas of PMBOK
® (Project
Management Body of Knowledge) and the
fundamentals of agile project management.
The current article explores and describes (GIL,
2018) the strategies used to manage this research and
innovation project executed by the "ELLAS"
Network in the STEM field. It also discusses some of
the methodological and technological solutions
adopted to make this project feasible, considering the
development of a system within the research.
As a general objective, the study aims to identify
the challenges and solutions for managing a large-
scale international project, particularly considering its
multicultural nature.
To comprehend how prior research projects
addressed the challenges inherent in a research
project encompassing information systems
development, a Qualitative Systematic Review was
carried out (Grant & Booth, 2009). This review
utilized a specific string to identify reports from other
multicultural projects that encountered similar
challenges and how the ten areas of knowledge were
applied to avoid or potentially resolve those issues.
2.1 PMBOK® Knowledge Areas
The PMBOK® Guide encompasses all project
management areas and aims to suggest best practices
for all stages of a project, from initiation to
completion. It is an excellent guide; however, it is not
a project management methodology. With the 6th
edition released in 2017, the PMBOK outlines ten
knowledge areas critical to project management.
Here's a brief overview of each area:
1. Project Integration Management coordinates
processes for smooth execution, involving
creating a management plan and directing,
managing, monitoring, and controlling project
2. Project Scope Management defines and manages
required work, ensuring completion.
3. Project Schedule Management ensures timely
completion by defining activities, estimating
resources, developing, and controlling the
4. Project Cost Management plans, estimates,
budgets, finances, funds, manages, and controls
costs for on-budget completion.
5. Project Quality Management covers planning,
assurance, and control for stakeholder-aligned
project outcomes.
6. Project Resource Management includes planning,
acquiring, developing the team, and managing
7. Project Communications Management plans,
manages, and controls project communications
for timely information flow.
8. Project Risk Management identifies, assesses, and
responds to risks for project success.
9. Project Procurement Management involves
planning, solicitation, source selection, contract
administration, and closeout.
10. Project Stakeholder Management engages
stakeholders for their needs throughout the project
2.2 Related Research
The increasing trend of globalization has led to
culturally diverse teams becoming more prevalent.
This trend has resulted in the emergence of
multicultural teams of diversified team members
(Nnaji, 2023) and multiculturalism has become core
for project management success in the 21st century
(Deshpande et al., 2010; Kappagomtula, 2017).
Multiculturalism entails assembling a project
team comprising individuals from varied cultural
backgrounds, encompassing differences in ethnicity,
religion, and nationality (Heldal et al., 2020) enabling
teams to comprehend and honor cultural distinctions
is crucial, particularly in the development of products
or services intended for a diverse global audience
encompassing various cultural backgrounds (Heldal
et al., 2020; Vigier & Spencer-Oatey, 2017) such as
an Open Linked Data Platform that the Project aims
to generate.
Aligning the input from culturally diverse teams
can present challenges. These cultural disparities
have been recognized as a major factor contributing
to divisions within project teams, often resulting in
detrimental interpersonal conflicts among team
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
members (Ayega & Muathe, 2018) where diversity in
ethnic, religious, or national traits often leads to
disagreement and confrontation among individuals,
which can impede team productivity (Krawczyk-
Bryłka, 2016; Lima & Patah, 2016). Cultural
disparities within software development teams can
also lead to underperformance and misunderstandings
(Ogbodo, 2014)
Effective communication is deemed vital in
meeting project expectations, under the belief that it
cultivates robust working relationships. (Ochieng and
Price, 2010). Furthermore, the literature review
highlights instances of miscommunication stemming
from limited linguistic abilities. (Vignovic &
Thompson, 2010, Saidoun 2016; Luckmann & Farber
This paper aims to show how the Project
Management team, composed by a Project Manager
and a Project coordinator of a multinational research
Project, has dealt with all these cultural differences
and the bureaucratics of a Federal Project in Brazil in
a large-scale project.
This section discusses the project and how its
knowledge area is addressed and managed within the
project framework.
3.1 The Project
This section delves into the project's structure,
operational framework, objectives, timeline,
milestones, and team roles. The goal is to offer
transparency and clarity on the project's strategic
direction and implementation plan. Additionally, a
Qualitative Systematic Review (Grant & Booth,
2009) was conducted, integrating and comparing
results from selected qualitative studies through an
intentional sampling of relevant references.
3.1.1 Project Objectives
Recognizing that part of the problem concerning
gender gaps in STEM in Latin America is related to
the lack of recent and reliable data, the project aims
to contribute to the generation of cross-country
comparable data to assess policies and interventions
to reduce the gender gap in STEM, especially by
increasing the number of female leaders at
universities, industries, and public institutions. We
plan to map out the factors that influence the career
development of women in STEM, as well as
document and analyze successful and less successful
initiatives and learn from them.
The main overall objective is to contribute to the
generation and use of cross-country comparable open
data in order to assess policies and interventions to
reduce the gender gap in STEM, to promote public
discussion aimed to increase the number of female
leaders at universities, industries, and public
institutions, and to foster the development of mobile
and web applications based on open data to increase
the awareness of the importance of women in STEM
(Maciel et al., 2023).
The Specific Objectives (SO) intrinsically related
to the objectives are:
• SO1: To map out the factors, actors, and policies
that influence the career development of women in
STEM, collect related data, and analyze this data.
• SO2: To build and deploy an open data platform
that integrates primary and secondary data about
career growth of women in STEM;
• SO3: To promote the use of open data about
women in STEM leadership to increase public
awareness of gender issues in the field.
• SO4: To provide recommendations for
policymakers in Latin America to increase the female
representation in STEM with a focus on gender
equality and diversity.
3.1.2 Project Timeline and Milestones
The project was segmented into three distinct phases
planned for execution over three years, not
necessarily aligned with calendar years, for example,
Phase 1 started in February of 2022 and it was
concluded mid-2023. Notably, each phase comprises
specific activities with individual timelines, some of
which are continuous throughout the project.
While aspects of agile project management have
been incorporated, the decision to retain significant
elements of the waterfall methodology underscores
its continued relevance in specific contexts. As noted
by Adenowo (2020), this structured approach is
particularly suitable for projects with well-defined
requirements and predictable scope. By adhering to a
structured framework, the project ensures clear
communication, organized development, and
efficient resource allocation, ultimately contributing
to its success.
Phase 1 signifies the formal initiation of the
project, set to occur in all participating nations. This
phase aims to convene a wide array of stakeholders,
encompassing policymakers, academic institutions,
local and governmental representatives, as well as
Project Management in Large-Scale with International Settings: Challenges Faced with Multiculturalism
civil society initiatives. The project launch will be
succeeded by a sequence of awareness seminars
specifically targeting distinct stakeholder groups,
fostering their understanding of the project's
objectives, encouraging active engagement, and
potential adoption of the data platform. The primary
focus during these seminars will be on policymakers
and the academic community, including both public
and private universities in each participating country.
The activities of Phase 1 have had their results
published in: Activity 2 (Guzman et al., 2024;
Rodríguez et al., 2023; Casagrande et al., 2023);
Activity 3 (Frigo et al., 2024); Activity 4 (Drummond
et al., 2023); Activity 6 (Fritoli & Berardi, 2023);
Activity 7 (Martins & Ribeiro, 2023; Michelon &
Berardi, 2023; Souza & Berardi, 2023); Activity 8
Activity 9 was conducted following ethical principles
that ensured the safety, confidentiality, and care of the
participants (Batista; Andrade; and Bezerra, 2012).
The project and survey protocol were submitted for
review by specific ethics committees in Brazil,
Bolivia, and Peru, with Brazil as the coordinating
center, and received the Certificate of Presentation for
Ethical Review No. 66296922.6.0000.5690.
Table 1 includes all the activities associated with
Phase 1 with their respective descriptions.
Phase 2 will encompass the collection,
structuring, and examination of data, underlining the
paramount importance of socializing this information
(Lima et al., 2023; Berardi et al., 2023). Socialization
efforts will focus on disseminating the gathered
information and interpreting it within the various
contexts where the project operates. The project team
will actively engage in academic forums and other
public domains conducive to sharing, conversing, and
deliberating on STEM-related subjects. Concurrently,
a sequence of instructional workshops will be
arranged to facilitate stakeholders and interested
community members' access, exploration, and
utilization of both the data and the established
platform. All of it is distributed among activities 10
to 16 (Maciel et al., 2023).
Phase 3, that ranges from activities 17 to 22
(Maciel et al., 2023) will center on the dissemination
of the open data platform and the application derived
from the available data, along with the policy
recommendations. This dissemination effort will
encompass academic settings (such as conferences,
seminars, and analogous gatherings) as well as events
arranged explicitly by STEM leadership to engage the
wider public. Academic papers will be prepared at
two distinct levels. Firstly, a country-specific analysis
Table 1: Phase 1 – activities.
Phase 1
Activity 1: Make
strategic alliances
with interest
Creating partnerships with non-
profit organizations, universities,
government, gender equality,
diversity, inclusion, and/or ethnic
and race organizations.
Activity 2:
Mapping of
policies in each
Mapping of existing government
and private organization policies to
promote gender issues in STEM.
Activity 3:
Mapping Women
STEM Initiatives
from stakeholders
by country
Mapping of existing initiatives to
promote gender issues in STEM.
Activity 4:
Mapping context
aspect that
influences women
Investigating how universities and
schools encourage (or not) the
inclusion of girls in Computing;
Activity 5:
Research design
for each country
Implementing an extensive multi-
country to test the hypothesis
explaining the low participation of
women in STEM in general and in
leadership positions in particular
Activity 6: Data
considering the
social and cultural
aspects of each
Collecting and filtering the data
previously collected by the surveys
and workshops. Data must be
present in the platform to be sharde
by the consortium partners and
other interested groups.
Activity 7: Design
metadata &
Defining how to describe the data
collected in the Survey.
Activity 8:
Launch Project
Developing a website that
describes the project, universities,
partners, sponsors, project
progress, productions and contacts.
Activity 9: Obtain
approval of ethical
Elaborating ethical protocols for
the project describing all activities
that collect human data. Submitted
to an ethical committee of each
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
will utilize the data platform and address the
specific themes identified in the preceding phases.
Secondly, a comparative analysis will be conducted,
providing an opportunity to explore and scrutinize
STEM-related issues from a comparative and
interdisciplinary standpoint.
In addition, there were certain ongoing activities
planned as continuous. Table 2 includes some of
those activities, accompanied by their respective
Table 2: Continuous activities.
Activity 23: General
meetings amongst
consortium partners
Periodic virtual meetings to
direct, monitor, evaluate the
ongoing activities.
Activity 25:
in each country
Workshops to share experiences
and knowledge promoting
integration, engagement and
alignment, called WELLAS
Activity 27:
Technical reports and scientific
articles to be published with the
results of the project activities.
3.1.3 Team Roles and Responsibilities
The project structure includes a general coordinator,
project manager, local managers, local leaders,
consultants, interns, and volunteers. Local managers
attend meetings, revise project details, oversee
budgets and staffing, communicate updates, address
issues, and ensure team engagement. Local leaders
attend meetings, provide progress reports, guide
interns, maintain focus on objectives, and evaluate
The General Coordinator and General Project
Manager collaborate closely, overseeing all project
activities. They are responsible for orchestrating the
execution of each phase and identifying a leader for
each activity. The Coordinator's duties encompass
mediating conflicts within the entire team and the
responsible institution, UFMT. Additionally, the
Coordinator serves as the project's representative and
is authorized to approve anything beyond the
predefined scope. They also liaise with the project's
funder, IDRC, when their approval is required.
On the other hand, the General Project Manager
handles the bureaucratic aspects of the project,
involving communication with the project's financial
overseer, the Uniselva Foundation. Given that the
project is associated with a federal university and
receives external funding, every transaction requires
a detailed process to justify the expenses incurred.
The roles and responsibilities within the project
framework can be seen on Figure 1.
Figure 1: Project’s organogram.
3.1.4 Project Deliverables
Contribution to the generation and utilization of
interconnected and comparable open data (OpenData)
across countries, aiming to evaluate policies and
interventions in reducing the gender gap in STEM,
fostering public discourse to increase the presence of
women leaders in universities, industries, and public
institutions, and to promote the development of a web
application based on open data. This is intended to
raise awareness regarding the significance of women
in STEM.
The project targets the following key outcomes
directly associated with the Open and Connected Data
Platform as our primary resulting product:
1. Policy-makers leverage the open and
interconnected data platform and project
2. Stakeholder collectives utilize the open data
platform for crafting applications that
advocate for women in STEM.
3. Accessible academic outcomes for the public.
4. Dissemination of gender-related STEM
concerns to the broader populace.
5. Unified structure for organizing data.
6. Augmentation of scientific insights into
gender-focused STEM subjects.
Both main discrete outcomes, the open data
platform and the policy recommendations for Women
in STEM-Leadership, require researchers and
collaborators to keep a close collaboration at the
different project stages.
3.2 Application in the Project
As mentioned, given the project's nature and involved
institutions, a hybrid management style was deemed
necessary. This approach integrates elements from
Project Management in Large-Scale with International Settings: Challenges Faced with Multiculturalism
waterfall and agile methodologies. The following
outlines these approaches based on the knowledge
areas from PMBOK.
3.2.1 Integration Management
To ensure integration among project members and
activities, various tools have been incorporated into
the project's daily operations.
To enhance organization and oversight of project
activities, all tasks have been integrated into a Trello
board. The team operates using the Pull system and
utilizes Trello's comprehensive functionalities,
including comments on activity cards, ensuring the
team and managers remain informed about ongoing
On Trello, all project activities are categorized by
color based on their respective execution phases, as
can be seen on Figure 2.
Figure 2: Project’s Trello Board.
Moreover, for organizing and centralizing all
generated content, the project employs Google Drive.
Each activity possesses its designated space within
Drive, facilitating the addition, editing, improvement,
and storage of documents. This system enables
remote access to documents from any location and
promotes collaborative work among team members
on shared documents.
3.2.2 Scope Management
Given that the reference project is a research and
innovation initiative funded by an external institute,
the project scope underwent approval from the
funding entity prior to its commencement, and
minimal alterations are permissible thereafter. To
maintain focus on our established scope, two artifacts
were developed during the project's conception phase
(prior to approval), and these artifacts are continually
reviewed and amended as deemed necessary
throughout the project lifecycle. These artifacts
include the Theory of Change, and the Project Plan,
detailing the division of phases along with activity
As previously outlined, the structure
encompassing phases and activities was clearly
defined initially. Presently, we primarily track these
elements using Trello. Additionally, bi-weekly status
report meetings are conducted—one session involves
managers and leaders, while the other involves the
entire team, including volunteers and interns. These
meetings serve to communicate our progress and
address any challenges encountered by the team.
3.2.3 Schedule Management
The project's schedule, encompassing all its distinct
phases and activities, was devised during the project's
conceptual phase, before receiving approval from our
financier, and was transformed into a Gantt chart.
Since its inception, the Gantt chart has undergone
several updates as the project progresses. Managing
the schedule of a research project poses a significant
challenge due to the endeavor's nature of addressing
predominantly open-ended inquiries. In our case, this
is further complicated by bureaucratic processes
mandated by the laws of one of the three countries
involved, the requirements of one of the seven
institutions, and even those stipulated by the
The timetable of a research project is also subject
to influence by the involved researchers. This is
attributed to the rotation of individuals engaged in the
project, akin to what is commonly observed in the
private sector and development projects, primarily
involving volunteers. Furthermore, it differs from
corporate settings where individuals are designated to
specific projects.
To ensure comprehensive team and project
management in adherence to the schedule, pivotal
tools include status report meetings and the Kanban
3.2.4 Cost Management
Cost management in an international project spanning
multiple countries with diverse currencies presents
considerable challenges. Initially, the funding
provided by our supporter, IDRC, is in US dollars but
is calculated using the Canadian dollar, as our
supporter is based in Canada. Subsequently, when
these amounts arrive in Brazil, they are converted into
Brazilian Real, the primary currency used for all
project-related expenses.
When making payments to other involved
countries, the amounts once again need to be
converted. However, the Brazilian National Bank
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
prohibits these transfers in the recipient country's
currency. Consequently, these transfers are conducted
in US dollars, and upon receipt, they are further
converted into the respective country's currency.
Factors not initially accounted for in the project's
initial budget include the taxes involved in currency
conversion and international transfers, as well as the
volatility of exchange rates, which can fluctuate
significantly from day to day.
Managing these dynamics proves to be
challenging as they are unpredictable, and the
economic conditions of each involved country can
either improve or exacerbate the situation.
3.2.5 Quality Management
Quality assurance has been distributed across various
facets of the project. As the project culminates in the
development of an open linked data platform, it
became imperative to not only ensure the credibility
and accurate collection of data derived from the
survey application but also validate other data
obtained from existing sources, ensuring its
coherence with the survey data. To accomplish this, a
team of ontology specialists was required. Their role
encompassed not only the creation of the ontology
model but also the validation of all incoming data
within it.
Furthermore, to guarantee the comprehensibility
and usability of the platform among end-users, we
assembled a team of Human-Computer Interaction
(HCI) experts. Their expertise aimed to comprehend
the needs and preferences of our end-users, thereby
assisting in the creation of a user-friendly platform
tailored to meet the specific requirements of our
targeted audience.
3.2.6 Resource Management
This poses another set of challenges for a multi-
country project affiliated with a Brazilian Federal
institution. Since the project originates from UFMT,
a prerequisite is that at least one-third of the project
members must have ties to UFMT. Additionally, as
the project aimed to engage students through
scholarships, navigating the process of hiring interns
from other countries became essential, as this had not
been previously executed by Uniselva.
Managing researchers and interns across diverse
institutions and varying time zones presents a notable
challenge, particularly concerning coordinating
meetings or ensuring their presence at in-person
events where collective participation is required.
The management of physical equipment and
materials within the team also poses a challenge. As
the primary institution responsible for the project is
federal (public), any equipment procured during the
project must become institutional property,
necessitating a donation process if allocated to
institutions other than UFMT. Furthermore, as part of
the agreement among the seven institutions, each was
to provide physical resources for their professors,
interns, and volunteers to facilitate their work on the
project. However, monitoring the utilization of these
resources is beyond what we can actually do.
3.2.7 Communication Management
To facilitate team communication both internally and
externally, additional tools were also adopted.
For centralized communication, the adoption of
Slack has been instrumental. All project members are
enrolled in Slack, utilizing specific channels for
sharing knowledge and messages. Each activity
corresponds to a dedicated channel, allowing for the
creation of new channels as needed, thereby
facilitating efficient organization and exchange of
For formal communication, such as conveying
important reminders or announcements that require
significant attention, we maintain the use of emails.
This method is particularly employed when
communicating with external partners, companies,
individuals outside the project working on its behalf,
and when corresponding with the Uniselva.
For day-to-day communication, rapid reminders,
and queries, we have utilized the WhatsApp platform.
A group was established comprising leaders,
managers, consultants, and coordination to facilitate
swift and readily available communication. The project
activity coordinators, as mentioned in section 3.1.2,
commonly establish subgroups within this application
to streamline communication among the members.
This not only enables efficient communication but also
facilitates the sharing of project-related findings, such
as online events, conferences, and publications
encountered during the project.
3.2.8 Risk Management
Risk management is a systematic process involving
planning, identification, analysis, response, and
monitoring of project risks, encompassing processes,
tools, and techniques (Shenhar and Dvir, 2009). The
effectiveness of risk management has been a major
concern for executives and professionals engaged in
project management, particularly after the 2008 crisis
(Rabechini Junior and Carvalho, 2012), and while
significant literature exists concerning risk
management in various domains, particularly in IT
Project Management in Large-Scale with International Settings: Challenges Faced with Multiculturalism
(Information and Technology) and computing, there is
relatively limited discussion related to its application in
research and innovation projects, like ELLAS.
However, implementing robust risk management in
research endeavors is crucial to guarantee project
success and yield effective outcomes.
In addition to the routine risk management
involved in successfully executing a project within
the set schedule, a research project faces challenges
related to ensuring the credibility of the content it
generates within the community. Moreover, the
development of an application intended to showcase
our findings and impact the audience entails enabling
users not only to access the information but also to
contribute further data, fostering its growth.
Verifying the reliability of both the platform and
its data is a significant challenge, given their diverse
origins. However, an even greater challenge lies in
ensuring that the platform, aside from being user-
friendly, remains adaptable for easy manipulation,
expansion by adding new data and updating the
ontology itself.
3.2.9 Procurement Management
Procurement management poses a complex challenge
in the context of research projects within public
institutions. In Brazil, regulations mandate that any
procurement by a public institution must undergo a
competitive bidding process. Consequently, the
process of hiring a company or procuring any items
within the project tends to be considerably time-
A recent instance exemplifying this challenge was
the hiring process for a company tasked with
conducting the survey developed by the project team
across all three countries. This involved consulting 11
companies, a procedure that extended over a period
of slightly more than six months.
While this bureaucratic process is compulsory, it
not only has the potential to impact costs but can also
significantly influence schedule management.
3.2.10 Stakeholder Management
Stakeholder management encompasses a diverse
array of companies and entities vested as interested
parties, such as:
Sponsor management - In the capacity of a
research project, comprehensive expense and
progress reports must be furnished to the supporting
institute. These reports are separately drafted by the
groups overseeing each activity and subsequently
consolidated by the Project Manager into a
comprehensive technical report submitted in its
Uniselva Foundation - Serving as the project's
financial custodian, close coordination with Uniselva
is pivotal. In addition to processing all payments,
contracts, and acquisitions, Uniselva facilitates
student recruitment through its call for interns.
Nurturing an open and positive relationship with them
remains fundamental.
Educational Institutions - The ELLAS Network
encompasses seven educational institutions forming
the agreement. Given the direct involvement of
professors from these institutions as researchers in the
project, maintaining robust relationships is essential
for mutual benefit and alignment.
Partnerships - Activity number 1 focuses on
establishing alliances across all three countries
between the project and companies and institutions
associated with gender equality, women in
leadership, IT, STEM, or those supportive of the
cause. While several potential partners across the
three countries were engaged, cultural differences
posed significant barriers, with one country
exhibiting more initiatives in this domain than others.
As a way to reach more people who could become our
partners, an online form was added to the ELLAS
Website, so anyone can register to be an ELLAS’
Managing a substantial project presents its own set of
challenges, particularly when multiple individuals are
working toward a common objective but at different
paces and with varying perspectives. However, when
cultural and social differences are added to this
scenario, the challenge becomes more complex.
This research project navigates a complex terrain
of interconnected challenges. To successfully
develop and implement the Open Data Platform,
we've actively employed the 10 knowledge areas of
the PMBOK® guide, tailoring their application to our
unique context, and like that, the main Challenges can
be listed as:
Challenge 1: Multilingual Communication and
Cultural Diversity:
Communications Management: Implementing a
primary language (English) for communication
while accommodating varying language
proficiencies among team members (Portuguese,
Spanish, and English) necessitates efforts to
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ensure mutual understanding, especially
involving interns and volunteers.
Scope Management: Addressing bureaucratic
challenges related to official documentation
required in Portuguese for a federal institution
while needing signatures from parties unfamiliar
with the language; a solution involves dual-
language document creation and signing.
Stakeholder Management: Managing diverse
stakeholders with varying language preferences
and proficiencies demands tailored
communication strategies to ensure effective
engagement and understanding.
Challenge 2: Managing a Multi-Country Project:
Integration Management: Utilizing Trello and
Google Drive facilitates centralized
communication and document sharing across
teams and countries.
Scope Management: The Theory of Change and
Project Plan serve as guiding documents,
reviewed and amended as needed.
Schedule Management: The Gantt chart, bi-
weekly meetings, and the Kanban board aid in
tracking progress and ensuring adherence to
Cost Management: Currency fluctuations and
international transfers require close collaboration
with Uniselva and proactive budgeting.
Communication management: As mentioned,
Whatsapp is one of the communication platforms
adopted in the project, and managing it when each
country is in a different time zone also becomes a
personal challenge.
Challenge 3: Managing Multiple Currencies and
Financial Complexity:
Cost Management: Handling currency
fluctuations impacting the budget allocated in
Canadian dollars, converted to Brazilian Reals,
and utilized across multiple countries (Brazil,
Bolivia, Peru, USA) poses financial complexities.
Procurement Management: Dealing with foreign
transactions incurs additional taxes affecting the
project's budget, especially concerning payments
to one-time service providers in different
currencies subject to exchange rate volatility.
Resource Management: Currency fluctuations
affect project members' income in other countries,
leading to income uncertainties due to varying
exchange rates for payments received in their
respective currencies.
Risk Management: Negotiating the bureaucratic
procedures, obligatory public procurement
processes, and additional regulatory requirements
mandated for research projects within Brazilian
federal institutions poses a significant challenge,
hindering agile project management
methodologies' seamless implementation.
Challenge 4: Overcoming Bureaucratic
Complexities in Federal Institutions:
Risk Management: Navigating the extensive
bureaucratic procedures, obligatory public
procurement processes, and additional regulatory
requirements mandated for research projects
within Brazilian federal institutions significantly
hinder the flexibility and agility of project
management methodologies.
Procurement Management: Strict adherence to
bureaucratic protocols and procurement
procedures within federal institutions lengthens
the procurement process, delaying the acquisition
of necessary resources or services vital for project
Integration Management: Aligning project
timelines with bureaucratic timelines becomes
crucial due to the rigid framework of federal
regulations, often causing delays in project
milestones and integrated change control.
Stakeholder Management: Engaging and
managing stakeholders within the constraints of
bureaucratic processes requires tailored
communication and engagement strategies to
ensure continued support and cooperation.
Scope Management: The regulatory framework
necessitates detailed and comprehensive
documentation, adding complexity to defining
and managing project scope, as well as
incorporating any scope changes within the strict
bureaucratic guidelines.
Challenge 5: Ensuring Data Quality and User-
Quality Management: Ontology specialists
validate data accuracy and coherence, while HCI
experts ensure platform usability.
Resource Management: Collaboration with
educational institutions provides access to
expertise and resources.
Communication Management: Slack and email
facilitate internal and external communication,
fostering transparency and collaborative problem-
Challenge 6: Overcoming Bureaucratic
Procurement Management: Navigating public
procurement processes requires careful planning
and adherence to regulations.
Stakeholder Management: Maintaining open
communication and building strong relationships
are crucial for project success.
Project Management in Large-Scale with International Settings: Challenges Faced with Multiculturalism
Challenge 7: Adapting to Cultural and Linguistic
Communication Management: Employing
English as the primary language while
accommodating diverse proficiency levels, but
always being open to letting the team speak in
their mother tongues (Portuguese and Spanish).
Risk Management: Proactively identifying and
mitigating potential cultural and linguistic
Challenge 8: Balancing Agile and Waterfall
Integration Management: Employing hybrid
methodology necessitates clear delineation of
responsibilities and communication channels.
Schedule Management: Regularly updating the
Gantt chart and maintaining flexibility while
adhering to key milestones.
Challenge 6: Engaging Volunteers and Interns:
Resource Management: Providing clear
expectations, mentorship opportunities, and
recognition for contributions.
Communication Management: Utilizing a variety
of communication channels to ensure inclusivity
and engagement.
Challenge 9: Organization of international
Resource management: Ensuring that all
managers, consultants and leaders are present and
managing to bring interns and volunteers within
the budget.
Integration Management: Balancing the
languages spoken across the team, so the event is
understandable to everyone.
Risk Management: Dealing with international
connections, different departure and arrival times,
jet lagging of the participants and cultural
differences of participants to the event location.
Schedule Management: Working out the whole
team’s agenda to bring them all together
presentially for each event.
Communication Management: Proving clear
communication not only to the participants of the
event but also to all parties involved such as
services, IDRC and Uniselva.
The ELLAS project, a collaborative effort across
three countries, aims to bridge the gender gap in
STEM fields. Its main goals include gathering data
for comparison, assessing policies to narrow the
gender divide, and supporting women's leadership in
STEM through open data and applications. This
initiative maps out factors impacting women's STEM
careers and suggests policy improvements.
Handling a project of this size across different
cultures and within a Brazilian federal institution
presented various challenges. Communication issues
due to diverse languages and cultures were significant
obstacles. Dealing with multiple currencies,
bureaucracy, and strict regulations added complexity.
Sustaining data quality, creating user-friendly
platforms, and engaging stakeholders faced ongoing
hurdles. Creating solutions for managing a large-scale
international project, particularly considering its
multicultural nature is, by itself, a complex task.
Creating an article summarizing the operational
aspects of such a complex project, especially at the
intersection of research, multiculturalism, and
Brazilian bureaucracy, is challenging. The lack of
specific literature on these topics complicates
presenting practical project management experiences
in academic writing. It's challenging to balance
detailed operational aspects with scholarly
expectations for theory and background literature.
Despite numerous challenges, the project
demonstrates effective hybrid project management,
combining elements from waterfall and agile
approaches. Overcoming these challenges offers
insights into stakeholder management, resource
allocation, and navigating cultural and bureaucratic
complexities. Future work might involve
documenting project conclusions, achievements, or
discussing management strategies for broader
knowledge sharing.
In order to achieve greater gender equity in
STEM, it is of utmost importance to finance and
execute large-scale projects. In these endeavors,
project management plays a fundamental role.
Through scientific and technological research and
development, we can progress further towards a more
equal and just society.
The authors would like to thank the International
Development Research Centre - IDRC for the
opportunity and support for the project (Grant no.
109798–001), and the UNISELVA Foundation for
the administrative and financial management of the
project. They would like to give special thanks to the
entire team involved in the project, working on
different fronts for its success, and advocating for
more women in STEM.
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