number of words. Consequently, each test case under-
went four iterations to derive metrics encompassing
accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-Score. Initially,
the input number of words was fixed at 5,000. Subse-
quently, this parameter was augmented to 10,000.
The outcomes of these method executions are pre-
sented in Tables 1 and 2.
Observations reveal that in the test case involving
5,000 words, the SVM approach produced subopti-
mal performance results. Nevertheless, upon imple-
menting the strategy of increasing the word count to
10,000, only slight variations in the outcomes were
Conversely, the Logistic Regression approach ex-
hibited robust consistency, with results remaining
largely unaffected despite the variance in word count.
Therefore, the significance of the Logistic Re-
gression algorithm is underscored in methodologies
where the dataset encompasses a larger number of
words and demonstrates greater variation.
Therefore, Logistic Regression stands out as the
number of words increases.
In conclusion, the importance of employing Super-
vised Machine Learning for Sentiment Analysis is un-
derscored, providing a robust framework that delivers
satisfactory results, particularly when handling exten-
sive datasets.
Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that the field lacks
a standardized computational method for Sentiment
Analysis, resulting in outcome variations contingent
on the specific techniques, algorithms, and models
The utilization of algorithms such as Logistic Re-
gression and SVM has proven instrumental in pro-
cessing large volumes of textual data, markedly aug-
menting computational capabilities for such tasks.
The outcomes of this study exhibit a level of perfor-
mance comparable to published works in the field,
signifying the efficacy of the proposed approach.
In essence, this method stands poised to aid pro-
fessionals in the realm of computational intelligence
engaged in Sentiment Analysis studies, offering a
well-suited avenue for discerning polarities among
analyzed words irrespective of the data source.
Finally, as future work, we will implement new
machine learning method and compare them with the
present ones. Moreover, we intend to establish com-
parisons with other approaches proposed in the litera-
ture, concerning the sentiment analysis issue.
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ao de
Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior -
Brasil (CAPES), under grant 88887.686064/2022-00,
and S
ao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), under
grant 2020/08615-8, for the partial financial support.
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