Optimizing Natural Language Processing Applications for Sentiment
Anderson Claiton Lopes
, Vitoria Zanon Gomes
and Geraldo Francisco Doneg
a Zafalon
Department of Computer Science and Statistics, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Rua Crist
ao Colombo, 2265,
Jardim Nazareth, S
ao Jos
e do Rio Preto - SP, 15054-000, Brazil
Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis, Machine Learning.
Recent technological advances have stimulated the exponential growth of social network data, driving an
increase in research into sentiment analysis. Thus, studies exploring the intersection of Natural Language
Processing and social network analysis are playing an important role, specially those one focused on heuristic
approaches and the integration of algorithms with machine learning. This work centers on the application
of sentiment analysis techniques, employing algorithms such as Logistic Regression and Support Vector Ma-
chines. The analyses were performed on datasets comprising 5,000 and 10,000 tweets, and our findings reveal
the efficient performance of Logistic Regression in comparison with other approach. Logistc Regression im-
proved the performed in almost all measures, with emphasis to accuracy, recall and F1-Score.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an area of Ar-
tificial Intelligence and Linguistics dedicated to mak-
ing computers understand statements or words written
in human languages. Natural language NLP emerged
to facilitate the user’s work and to satisfy the desire to
communicate with the computer in natural language
(Khurana et al., 2022).
To perform NLP consistently, it is necessary to
previously establish criteria to be followed, which
led to the use of algorithms and tools for this prob-
lem. The first algorithm that stood out in history was
the Georgetown–IBM experiment, in 1954 (Hutchins,
2004). Between 1964 and 1966, (Weizenbaum, 1966)
developed the ELIZA program, considered the first
chatbot. The big breakthrough in NLP came in the
1980s, thanks to advances in both hardware and soft-
ware with the use of Machine Learning (Bonaccorso,
Sentiment Analysis is an area of NLP that involves
support to computers to identify the sentiment behind
written content or analyzed audio. Adding this ability
to automatically detect sentiment in large volumes of
text and speech opens up new possibilities for algo-
rithm development (Ghosh and Gunning, 2019).
With the growth of Web 2.0 platforms such as
blogs, discussion forums, social networks and vari-
ous other types of media, consumers have within their
reach the power to share their experiences and opin-
ions, positive or negative, regarding any product or
service (Pang et al., 2008).
In the current literature it is possible to find a vari-
ety of techniques used for sentiment analysis, such as
machine learning and lexicon-based approach (Med-
hat et al., 2014).
Although these techniques are widely used, such
as supervised and unsupervised learning, which use
algorithms such as Naive Bayes (Rish et al., 2001),
Bayesian Network (Kitson et al., 2021), Maximum
Entropy (Wu, 2012) and linear classifiers with the use
of Neural Networks (Abdi et al., 1999) and Support
Vector Machine (Mammone et al., 2009), these ap-
proaches suffer from the problem of correct polarity
classification. This means that mistakes made in the
initial stages throughout the execution, influence the
final quality of the result.
Obtaining better results in polarity classification is
considerably important, considering the range of ac-
tivities that make use of sentiment analysis results.
Polarity concerns the classification of a text if it is
a positive, negative or neutral citation. These activi-
ties carried out by companies and organizations bring
important returns to society, whether in the form of
Lopes, A., Gomes, V. and Zafalon, G.
Optimizing Natural Language Processing Applications for Sentiment Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012632000003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 698-705
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
monitoring the reputation of companies, quality of
products and services, monitoring security and fraud
(Pang et al., 2002).
Thus, the aim of this work is to obtain better re-
sults in Natural Language Processing with Sentiment
Analysis in social networks, through the combination
of different techniques, carried out in the following
1. Linguistic pre-processing application for noise re-
duction, boosting the NLP processing action in or-
der to facilitate the classification process.
2. Use of Machine Learning techniques with super-
vised learning and its main algorithms for data
classification and sentiment analysis.
This work is organized as follows: in section 2, the
related works are presented; in section 3, is described
the development of the approach; in section 4, the ob-
tained results are presented and analyzed; finally, in
section 5, the conclusions are showed.
In the literature, we find several works, both in the
context of sentiment analysis using natural language
processing, and in sentiment analysis using machine
learning and deep learning.
2.1 Sentiment Analysis Using NLP
In (Qiu et al., 2010), a dictionary-based approach is
used to identify the sentiment of sentences in the con-
text of advertising. At work, an advertising strategy
was proposed to improve the relevance of ads and the
user experience. The authors worked with data from
web forums. The results showed that the proposed
model performed well in advertising keyword extrac-
tion and ad selection.
In (Hatzivassiloglou and McKeown, 1997), an ini-
tial list of opinion adjectives was used along with a
set of linguistic restrictions to identify more opinion
words and their orientations.
2.2 Sentiment Analysis Using Machine
In (Kang et al., 2012), an optimized Naive Bayes clas-
sifier is used to solve the trend problem of greater
accuracy in classifying positive samples (about 10%
higher than in negative samples). This creates the
problem of decreasing mean accuracy when the ac-
curacy for the two classes is counted together. The
work showed that using this algorithm together with
a database of restaurant reviews it was possible to re-
duce the difference in accuracy between classes when
compared to the traditional Naive Bayes and the Sup-
port Vector Machine (SVM). Recall and precision
measures also improved.
In (Chen and Tseng, 2011), two SVM-based
multiclass algorithms are used: One-against-All and
Single-Machine Multi SVM to categorize comments.
They proposed a method to assess the quality of infor-
mation in analyzed products considering it as a classi-
fication problem. They also used an information qual-
ity framework to find the set of information-oriented
attributes. They worked on reviews of digital cameras
and MP3 players. The results showed that the method
can correctly classify reviews in terms of its quality
and that it significantly outperforms advanced meth-
The unsupervised approach was also used in (Xi-
anghua et al., 2013) to automatically detect the as-
pects discussed in Chinese social networks and also
the feelings expressed in different aspects. An LDA
(Latent Dirichlet Allocation) model was used to un-
cover multi-aspect global themes from social com-
mentary, then researchers extracted local theme and
associated sentiment based on a scrolling window
context over the text. They worked on social com-
ments that were extracted from a blog dataset (2000-
SINA) and a lexicon (300-SINA HowNet).
They also showed that their approach achieved
good results in separating themes and improved the
accuracy of sentiment analysis. The model also
helped uncover several aspects of the topics and as-
sociated sentiment. (Ko and Seo, 2000) proposed
a method that divides documents into sentences and
classifies each sentence using the keyword lists of
each category and a measure of sentence similarity.
In (Zharmagambetov and Pak, 2015), sets of de-
cision trees are used to perform sentiment analysis
on movie reviews. However, for extracting attributes
from the text, they used deep learning methods. The
methodology chosen was Word2Vec, which allows
the capture of semantic characteristics of words. The
vectors obtained by the feature extraction process
were clustered by k-means. Each cluster, out of a to-
tal of 2000, had an average of 5 words. These were
selected by their proximity in vector space. Clusters
were used as inputs to the classifier. In the work, a ref-
erence database with movie reviews was used. The re-
sult of the experiment showed that the approach using
feature extraction by deep learning was significantly
better than the one using bag-of-words with 5000 en-
Optimizing Natural Language Processing Applications for Sentiment Analysis
2.3 Sentiment Analysis Using Deep
Finally, deep neural networks were used in (Hu et al.,
2015) for the analysis of sentiment in reviews of elec-
tronic products, movies and hotels. The authors cre-
ated a classification framework that uses 3 differ-
ent methods for attribute extraction: frequency-based,
context-based, and part-of-speech tagging. Each
method feeds a neural subnet that reduces the dimen-
sionality of the attribute space. The outputs of these
subnetworks feed the main network that is responsible
for the analysis of feeling.
3.1 Data Collect
The collected data comprises a collection of tweets,
each labeled with the sentiment expressed in the
tweet, which can be positive, negative, or neutral.
This dataset contains a diverse range of tweets, cap-
turing opinions, emotions, and attitudes of Twitter
users regarding various topics such as movies, prod-
ucts, events, or general experiences.
The utilized dataset consists of exactly 5,000 pos-
itive tweets and 5,000 negative tweets. The exact bal-
ance between these classes is not a coincidence; the
intention is to maintain a balanced dataset.
3.2 Data Preparation
Data preprocessing aims to enhance the quality and
effectiveness of the analyses and models that will be
applied to the data.
Concatenating lists of data in Natural Language
Processing (NLP) is a recommended technique in cer-
tain scenarios as it can improve data representation
and provide additional insights for analysis or mod-
eling. This technique is particularly useful when text
data comes from various sources or different contexts
and one wants to create a single, more diverse and
comprehensive dataset.
In machine learning, including applications of
Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial In-
telligence (AI), splitting the dataset into training and
testing sets is a common and crucial practice.
In this specific case, we have chosen a 20% por-
tion for testing and 80% for training, considering that
the test set is relatively large, which can be beneficial
when dealing with a sufficiently large dataset.
3.3 Data Preprocessing
Data preprocessing is one of the critical steps in any
machine learning project. It involves cleaning and
formatting the data before feeding it into a machine
learning algorithm.
In this project, we utilized the following tasks:
Tokenization. Tokenization involves dividing
strings into individual words without white spaces
or tabs.
Lowercasing. In this step, we also converted each
word in the string to lowercase.
Removal of Stopwords and Punctuation. As we
are working with Twitter data, we removed some
commonly used substrings on the platform, such
as hashtags, retweet tags, and hyperlinks. For this,
we utilized the ”re” library to perform regular ex-
pression operations on our tweets. We defined a
search pattern using the sub() method to remove
matches and replace them with an empty charac-
Stemming. This process involves converting a
word to its most general form or root. It helps
to reduce the size of our vocabulary. For exam-
ple, words like ”learn, ”learning, and ”learned”
all derive from their common root ”learn. How-
ever, in some cases, the stemming process pro-
duces words that are not correct spellings of the
root word.
Since we are using the NLTK library, we have ac-
cess to various modules for stemming. In this ker-
nel, we used the Porter Stemmer. The objective of
using this algorithm is to simplify words to their
root form heuristically, meaning by following specific
rules without relying on a complete dictionary.
Mapping each word-sentiment pair and its fre-
quency is a crucial step in text processing for senti-
ment analysis tasks. This approach is commonly em-
ployed to represent text in a format suitable for apply-
ing machine learning algorithms or other text analysis
Moreover, it is necessary to extract features from
the preprocessed data, such as word frequency and n-
grams. These features will be used to train and test
the machine learning models.
The Word Count Table, also known as a word his-
togram, is a tabular representation that displays the
frequency of word occurrences in a text or set of texts.
Through this table, we will conduct a Descriptive
Analysis, obtaining a descriptive view of the distribu-
tion of words found in the tweets.
Thus, it is necessary to select a specific set of
words for visualization. This process is recommended
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
for text analysis and natural language processing situ-
ations and is often referred to as ”Keyword Analysis.
It can provide valuable insights into the content, top-
ics, sentiments, or specific characteristics of the text.
Figure 1 illustrates the Python commands per-
formed for Word Selection for Visualization.
Figure 1: Visualizing the words of Python commands.
Figure 2: Python Commands for Word Selection for Visu-
As described, there is a focus on relevant informa-
tion. Some words such as ”good,” ”song,” and ”play”
appear in both positive and negative word counts, in-
dicating a dual sense of the word. Other words like
”happy, ”nice, and ”sad” stand out in their respec-
tive polarities, and the substantial count of punctua-
tions and emojis, which depending on context, can be
positive, negative, or neutral.
To provide a better illustration, let’s use a scatter
plot to visually inspect this table.
We have 3568 counts in the positive area, while
only 2 in the negative area. The red line marks
the boundary between positive and negative regions.
Words close to the red line might be classified as neu-
tral. Figure 3 illustrates the Visualization of the Scat-
ter Plot.
Figure 3: Scatter Plot.
According to (Bisong and Bisong, 2019), a fre-
quency dictionary is a crucial tool in sentiment anal-
ysis, especially when using logistic regression as a
classification method. It’s used to capture informa-
tion about the frequency of words in relation to spe-
cific sentiments (positive, negative, neutral) present in
the training data.
Now we need to process the tweets, tokenizing
them into individual words, removing stopwords, and
applying stemming. For this purpose, we use the
function process tweet( ).
3.4 Definition of Algorithm and Model
Defining an algorithm and model is a fundamental
step to achieve accurate and reliable results. In this
article, we have chosen the Logistic Regression algo-
rithm to train and evaluate the results.
The choice of Logistic Regression was due to its
ease of interpretability, which is particularly useful
for understanding the importance of each variable.
Additionally, its simplicity makes it quick to train and
The model definition is represented by equations
1 and 2:
h(z) =
1 + exp
z = θ
+ θ
+ θ
+ ...θ
Within the model, it is necessary to define the Cost
and Gradient Function (equation 3), which is the av-
erage of the logarithmic loss across all training exam-
ples. This is considered a fundamental step in opti-
mizing logistic regression models, as well as in many
other machine learning algorithms. It plays a crucial
role in the model training step, where the objective is
Optimizing Natural Language Processing Applications for Sentiment Analysis
to adjust the model’s parameters to minimize the error
and enhance prediction performance.
J(θ) =
+ (1 y
)log(1 h(z(θ)
Where: - m is the number of training examples.
- y
is the actual label of the i-th training exam-
- h(z(θ)
) is the model’s prediction for the i-th
training example.
In addition to the Cost and Gradient Function, it is
necessary to define the loss function for a single train-
ing example. The goal is to measure the discrepancy
between the predictions made by the model and the
actual (label) values of the training data. This can be
verified by equation 4:
Loss = 1 ×
+(1 y
)log(1 h(z(θ)
Note that when the model predicts 1 (h(z(θ)) =
1) and the label y is also 1, the loss for that training
example is 0. Similarly, when the model predicts 0
(h(z(θ)) = 0) and the actual label is also 0, the loss
for that training example will be 0.
Another important step is updating the weights
during the training of machine learning models. To
update the weight vector θ, we apply gradient descent
to iteratively improve the model’s predictions.
The gradient of the cost function J with respect
to one of the weights θ
is, which can be verified by
equation 5:
J(θ) =
- i is the index over all m training examples.
- j is the index of weight θ
, where x
is the feature
associated with weight θ
To update the weight θ
, we adjust it by subtract-
ing a fraction of the gradient determined by α, using
equation 6:
= θ
α ×
J(θ) (6)
The learning rate α is a value we choose to control
the size of a single update.
3.5 Feature Extraction
Feature extraction involves identifying and select-
ing the most relevant and informative features or at-
tributes from the original data to be used as inputs in
the model.
We have a list of tweets that we need to extract
and store in a matrix. The first extracted feature is the
number of positive words in a tweet, and the second
feature is the number of negative words in a tweet.
3.6 Model Training
Model training is essential in machine learning and
sentiment analysis. It teaches the model to recognize
patterns in data, adjust parameters for accurate pre-
dictions, and generalize to new examples. This leads
to better automated decisions, insights into data rela-
tionships, and performance optimization. The itera-
tive training process adapts the model to the specific
problem and allows continuous updates to maintain
its relevance over time.
After feature extraction, we initiate the training
process by stacking the features for all training ex-
amples into a matrix X.
3.7 Results Visualization
According to (Bisong and Bisong, 2019), visualiza-
tion can aid in the selection of relevant features.
By plotting scatter plots, correlation matrices, or bar
charts, you can identify which features have the most
influence on the outcomes and decide which ones to
include in the model.
After stacking, the next step is to visualize the
tweets and see how they are distributed along the X
and Y axes. Figure 4 presents the Python commands
for visualizing the samples.
Figure 4: Python commands for visualizing the samples.
3.8 Model Evaluation
According to (Bisong and Bisong, 2019), evaluating
the model is crucial to measure its ability to make
accurate predictions on unseen data. This verifies
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
whether the model generalizes well, avoiding over-
fitting. Evaluation reveals the actual performance of
the model, aiding in adjusting hyperparameters and
choosing the best path. It also helps identify issues
like bias or systematic errors, providing insights for
improvements and validating the practical utility of
the model.
In this section, the testing methodology employed and
the results obtained from the execution of the pro-
posed method in this study are discussed. The perfor-
mance of the algorithms is compared using evaluation
The evaluation metrics utilized include:
Accuracy. To measure the proportion of correct
predictions in relation to the total number of pre-
dictions made by the algorithm.
Precision. To assess the proportion of true pos-
itives in relation to the total positive predictions
made by the algorithm.
Recall. To measure the model’s ability to identify
all positive examples in a dataset.
F1 Score. To measure the harmonic mean be-
tween precision and recall.
4.1 Testing Platform
The platform used was Google Colab, along with
Jupyter Notebook, including Python version 3.7 and
all necessary packages, with the main library being
The choice of Google Colab is due to its cloud-
based nature, minimizing the time spent on setting
up development environments and acquiring NLP li-
braries, thus expediting the project’s initiation.
Moreover, Colab allows for the utilization of com-
putational resources from the Google Cloud Platform,
including access to GPUs and TPUs, which can sig-
nificantly accelerate the training of NLP models, es-
pecially deep learning models. Colab employs inter-
active Jupyter notebooks, enabling the writing and ex-
ecution of code in blocks.
4.2 Logistic Regression vs SVM
In the applied testing methodology, two distinct test
cases were conducted, involving variations in the
Table 1: Comparison of Performance: Logistic Regression
vs. SVM - 5,000 Tweets.
Metric Logistic Regression SVM
Accuracy 0.835 0.827
Precision 0.858 0.826
Recall 0.952 0.993
F1-Score 0.903 0.902
Table 2: Comparison of Performance: Logistic Regression
vs. SVM - 10,000 Tweets.
Metric Logistic Regression SVM
Accuracy 0.773 0.767
Precision 0.795 0.811
Recall 0.740 0.700
F1-Score 0.766 0.751
Figure 5: Performance Comparison (5.000 tweets).
Figure 6: Performance Comparison (10.000 tweets).
Optimizing Natural Language Processing Applications for Sentiment Analysis
number of words. Consequently, each test case under-
went four iterations to derive metrics encompassing
accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-Score. Initially,
the input number of words was fixed at 5,000. Subse-
quently, this parameter was augmented to 10,000.
The outcomes of these method executions are pre-
sented in Tables 1 and 2.
Observations reveal that in the test case involving
5,000 words, the SVM approach produced subopti-
mal performance results. Nevertheless, upon imple-
menting the strategy of increasing the word count to
10,000, only slight variations in the outcomes were
Conversely, the Logistic Regression approach ex-
hibited robust consistency, with results remaining
largely unaffected despite the variance in word count.
Therefore, the significance of the Logistic Re-
gression algorithm is underscored in methodologies
where the dataset encompasses a larger number of
words and demonstrates greater variation.
Therefore, Logistic Regression stands out as the
number of words increases.
In conclusion, the importance of employing Super-
vised Machine Learning for Sentiment Analysis is un-
derscored, providing a robust framework that delivers
satisfactory results, particularly when handling exten-
sive datasets.
Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that the field lacks
a standardized computational method for Sentiment
Analysis, resulting in outcome variations contingent
on the specific techniques, algorithms, and models
The utilization of algorithms such as Logistic Re-
gression and SVM has proven instrumental in pro-
cessing large volumes of textual data, markedly aug-
menting computational capabilities for such tasks.
The outcomes of this study exhibit a level of perfor-
mance comparable to published works in the field,
signifying the efficacy of the proposed approach.
In essence, this method stands poised to aid pro-
fessionals in the realm of computational intelligence
engaged in Sentiment Analysis studies, offering a
well-suited avenue for discerning polarities among
analyzed words irrespective of the data source.
Finally, as future work, we will implement new
machine learning method and compare them with the
present ones. Moreover, we intend to establish com-
parisons with other approaches proposed in the litera-
ture, concerning the sentiment analysis issue.
The authors would like to thank Coordenac¸
ao de
Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior -
Brasil (CAPES), under grant 88887.686064/2022-00,
and S
ao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), under
grant 2020/08615-8, for the partial financial support.
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Optimizing Natural Language Processing Applications for Sentiment Analysis