Let’s Choose STEM: An Overview on Study Program Guiding Online
Self-Assessments and Future Directions
Vivien Landgrebe
1 a
, Sarah Aragon-Hahner
1,2 b
and Sven Strickroth
1 c
LMU Munich, Munich, Germany
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany
Online Self-Assessments, Study Program Choice, Decision-Making, Online Career Guidance,
Career Decision-Support Systems.
Online Self-Assessments (OSAs) are common tools for university orientation. They assist high school students
in linking their vocational interests with matching fields of study or checking their suitability for a certain
study program by considering personal interests, skills, and vocational expectations. We are the first to provide
a review and classification of N=12 OSAs currently offered in Germany in the area of Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Our results show that OSAs differ considerably in their content
and duration. While the analyzed tools offer time and location independence, they still lack flexibility and
adaptability with respect to the individual user. We discuss these findings and provide future directions for
research as well as for OSA suppliers. The approaches we identified as promising offer immersive experiences,
adaptive content, and empower students to make well-reflected decisions.
Study program choice can be a complex task for high
school graduates given the plethora of options. The
website https://www.studycheck.de (last accessed
2024–04–11) lists about 21,000 degree programs in
Germany. Even after determining a broad vocational
direction, prospective students have difficulties eval-
uating the concrete options and are uncertain about
the potential outcomes of their decision (Germeijs and
De Boeck, 2003). To assist students in making better
career decisions, many universities have introduced
Online Self-Assessments (OSA) for study orientation.
These tools rely on the students’ individual evalua-
tion of their interests, skills, and personality traits.
Based on these characteristics, OSAs calculate match-
ing fields of study or assess the user’s aptitude for a
certain degree program. Such tests can help students
understand their strengths and interests and link them
to relevant career objectives (Hasenberg and Schmidt-
Atzert, 2014). By providing information on different
degree programs and aligning expectations, OSAs can
be a resource-efficient complement to academic advis-
ing, influence the external perception of the university,
and manage access to degree programs (Stoll, 2019).
Therefore, both prospective students and providers can
benefit from well-designed OSAs. Although many
such tests exist, there is only little literature on the
creation and validation of OSAs (cf. (Stoll and Weiss,
2022)). Accordingly, OSAs vary widely and there is
no overview of the current state of the art.
We are the first to provide a systematic review on
German OSAs. To give a diversified overview, we look
at a cross-section of the Science, Technology, Engi-
neering, and Mathematics (STEM) field. We therefore
classify a set of N=12 OSAs, reveal advantages and
disadvantages of state-of-the-art systems and discuss
future directions for research as well as for providers.
Our results show that, on the one hand, OSAs convince
with their time and location independence as they of-
fer ubiquitous access through the internet. In contrast
to personal counseling, they can preserve the user’s
anonymity while answering personal questions. On
the other hand, there is a huge inconsistency regarding
their duration and content, which can make it challeng-
ing for students to trust the test results. To overcome
these drawbacks, future research should develop gen-
eral guidelines for OSAs, leverage adaptive content,
and explore the use of further technologies, such as
virtual reality.
Landgrebe, V., Aragon-Hahner, S. and Strickroth, S.
Let’s Choose STEM: An Overview on Study Program Guiding Online Self-Assessments and Future Directions.
DOI: 10.5220/0012632200003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 135-145
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In the following, we first present the theoretical
background of career decision making, related chal-
lenges, and how these are addressed by online career
guidance systems. We then explain the methodology
of our systematic review, present the resulting clas-
sification, and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of
current OSAs based on their features. Finally, we sum-
marize our findings and present our vision for future
Career choice is one of the most important yet complex
life decisions for young adults. Given the multitude
of influencing factors, the process can be particularly
challenging for high school graduates in comparison to
experienced professionals (Galliott, 2017). In a recent
literature review, Gati and Kulcs
ar elaborate on the
process of career decision-making and discuss related
issues and challenges of the 21st century (Gati and
ar, 2021). They present the career choice process
as a three-stage model comprising (1) the prescreening
phase, (2) the in-depth exploration phase, and (3) the
choice phase. First, people broadly explore the envi-
ronment of career opportunities and identify promising
alternatives according to their interests. Second, they
narrow down the different options fitting their person-
ality and skills. Finally, they choose the most suitable
alternative. The OSAs presented in this work are either
designed to be used in the prescreening phase (OSAs
for general study program orientation) or the in-depth
exploration phase (OSAs on certain degree programs).
During these different stages, various problems can oc-
cur, e. g., lack of readiness, lack of information (about
oneself or about professions), or internal and external
conflicts (Gati and Kulcs
ar, 2021).
The idea of using technology to support this chal-
lenging process dates back to the late 1960s, when
the first computer-assisted career guidance systems
(CACGS) were implemented to complement personal
career counseling (Harris-Bowlsbey, 2013). While
traditional CACGS were mostly digital versions of
paper-based assessments, online tools offer a lot more
opportunities: they have the advantages of reducing
costs, extending access to job information, and offer-
ing new possibilities for interactive content (Vigurs
et al., 2017), such as automatic and immediate feed-
back (Kleiman and Gati, 2004). While paper-based
assessments or print media can only provide static
career information, OSAs can potentially present up-
to-date information and customize content for each
individual user. German universities and government
institutions, such as the German Federal Employment
, draw on these benefits when developing and
providing OSAs. However, scientific research on this
widely used instrument is limited. Gati et al. empha-
size the need for career counselors and researchers to
work together in the development of OSAs, to ensure
their quality and usefulness (Gati and Saka, 2001; Gati
and Asulin-Peretz, 2011).
Galliott performed a user study to investigate
which functionalities OSAs need to have in order
to eliminate students’ career uncertainties (Galliott,
2017). The study showed that students are often not
aware of the available services for career orientation.
The authors emphasize that important information on
career orientation must always be kept up-to-date. This
applies not only to the content of OSAs and general ca-
reers websites, but also to the sources in which they are
advertised. Additionally, the information should ap-
peal to different target groups: Having in mind that stu-
dents are often inexperienced in making far-reaching
life decisions, Galliott recommends that OSAs should
not only be promoted to students, but also to their par-
ents, teachers, as well as career counseling institutions,
in order for them to assist the students in the career
choice process (Galliott, 2017). Related work also
highlights the need for considering culture in career
guidance (Akosah-Twumasi et al., 2018).
Well-known research from psychology suggests
that career guidance systems need to support students
in finding their professional interests to make a satisfy-
ing decision on a course of study (e. g., (Holland, 1997;
Tracey, 2010)). An established taxonomy that links
personal interests with occupational preferences is the
RIASEC model (Holland, 1997). It is also known as
Holland’s hexagon model, as it consists of six areas
of interest, as shown in Figure 1. The model com-
prises (1) the realistic type referring to a person with
technical and practical interests, (2) the investigative
type describing theory-led and observational interests,
(3) the artistic type representing creative and cultural
interests, (4) the social type referring to helping and
caring individuals, (5) the enterprising type related to
leadership and organization, and (6) the conventional
type including administrative interests. Holland sug-
gests to determine the level of interest for these six
dimensions to find matching vocational fields. The
result can then for example be compared with the qual-
ities that a degree program requires of its students. Our
systematic review (see Section 4) revealed that some
of the German OSAs (EI, SIT) are based on Holland’s
RIASEC taxonomy.
https://www.arbeitsagentur.de, last acc. 2024–04–11
on-model-for-vocational-interests fig4 224971173, last
accessed 2024–04–11
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: RIASEC model by Holland
Other works further emphasize the importance of
personal interests in study orientation. For example,
Tracey observed that the greater a student’s interest in a
subject, the better they perform and the more satisfied
they are with their decision (Tracey, 2010). Another
study found that students, who choose their degree
program according to their interests, are more likely
to widen their knowledge in the field of the program
and thus improve their professional identity (Smitina,
2010). In this context, a pronounced professional iden-
tity means that persons know their vocational strengths,
why they chose previous career pathways, and what
they want to achieve in the future. Those who have a
low professional identity tend to randomly decide on a
study program and thus have to face more difficulties
in their further career (Smitina, 2010). The presented
publications are just a small selection of well-known
examples of the theoretical basis of the career choice
process. Developers of OSAs can draw on a variety of
proven concepts and theoretical models on vocational
decision-making. However, the way in which these
tests are developed in practice remains unclear. To
the best of our knowledge, there is no overview of the
current state of the art. We fill this research gap by
providing a systematic review of up-to-date German
OSAs in the STEM field and derive recommendations
for research and providers.
This section describes the selection process and classi-
fication categories we found and used for our analysis.
3.1 Selection Process
We started the research for relevant online tools with
two overview websites that independently list sev-
eral OSAs developed by universities in the German-
speaking area: OSA Portal
and “Komm, mach
. The first website contains OSAs for various
degree programs as well as multidisciplinary OSAs.
Here we selected three tools provided by different uni-
versities: BTU, GAU, and LMU. The second website
gives an overview of OSAs for the STEM area, where
we chose six more tools: EAH, HC, HTW, SIT, PUM,
and UF. We selected common courses of study from
the STEM area like mechanical engineering, biology,
or computer science. For each specific study program,
we chose only one OSA to examine a cross-section of
this area. Moreover, every assessment is provided by
a different university to draw better comparisons.
We then visited the websites of various universities
to find out if they offered aptitude tests for specific
degree programs or a general test for all majors. In
this process, we discovered ST – a complex OSA, that
does not only take vocational interests into account,
but also creates a personality profile of the user accord-
ing to their input. This sets this tool apart from others
that deal with general vocational interests, which is
why we considered it in our work. To increase the
number of such general interest tests, we checked the
websites of several German institutions that deal with
career orientation like the German Federal Employ-
ment Agency. As a result, we identified five additional
instruments relevant to our evaluation: CU, EI, HCU,
MBW, and UN. Our first preselection included 15
OSAs (seven general tools and eight tools on certain
study programs), as shown in Table 1. We tested all
of the preselected tools by answering the questions
honestly and from our point of view. Our goal was to
gain an impression of the content, the duration and the
results. Afterwards, we removed three general OSAs
(HCU, MBW, UN) from our list, as they appeared to be
similar or nearly identical to other ones and including
them would not add to the classification. Our search
for relevant OSAs finished when we did not find any
more tools that notably differed from the already tested
ones. Our final data set consists of twelve OSAs: four
general and eight specific tools (cf. Table 3).
To get more insights into the conception of the tests,
we looked up the developers’ contact information, if
available, and reached out to them via email. We
asked them who was involved in the conception, how
the content was produced and what was their targeted
duration of the OSA. We also wanted to know if the
OSA was originally planned as an online tool or if an
offline version was adapted, on which platforms it was
available, which technologies were used and if the tool
was scientifically evaluated.
http://www.osa-portal.de, last accessed 2024–04–11
-dich-selbst/self-assessments, last accessed 2024–04–11
Let’s Choose STEM: An Overview on Study Program Guiding Online Self-Assessments and Future Directions
Table 1: URLs and providers of the 15 OSAs considered for the classification. The OSAs that are not included in the
classification are shown in parentheses. All websites last accessed 2023–12–01.
ID Provider – Description URL
Brandenburg University of Technology
Online self-assessment for the mathemat-
ics degree program
Check-U by the German Federal Employ-
ment Agency – Exploration tool for appren-
ticeships and studies
University of Applied Sciences Jena – On-
line self-assessment for the mechanical en-
gineering degree program
EI Einstieg GmbH – Vocational interest test https://interessencheck.einstieg.com
University of G
ottingen – Virtual study ori-
entation of the Faculty of Chemistry
Coburg University of Applied Sciences and
Arts – Orientation test for study programs
in the STEM area
HafenCity University Hamburg Voca-
tional interest test
Berlin University of Applied Sciences – On-
line self-assessment of study programs in
the power engineering & automation area
at M
– Online self-assessment for the physics de-
gree program
Ministry of Science, Research and
Arts Baden-W
urttemberg Online self-
assessment for study orientation
University of Marburg Online self-
assessment of the Bachelor’s degree pro-
gram in Biology
SIT Hochschulkompass – Study interest test
University of T
ubingen General study pro-
gram choice test
University of Freiburg Online study se-
lection assistant for the computer science
degree program
Uniturm.de by Pharetis GmbH Online
study program choice test
3.2 Classification Categories
During the testing phase, we identified eight categories
for our classification of the OSAs (cf. Table 2). These
are all aspects in which the selected tools differ from
each other or which are relevant to analyze the benefits
and challenges for the development of OSAs.
Table 3 gives an overview of our classification. The
eight categories are presented in the columns and the
tested OSAs are listed in the rows. If we were unable
to identify data for the particular category, we indi-
cated N/A (not available). The classification reveals
that the tested tools have huge differences in their com-
plexity and content. The number of questions ranges
from nine to 213, while the content includes knowl-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 2: Specification of categories for the classification of OSAs.
Category Meaning
Assessment Goal
Overall goal of the OSA. This includes the differentiation between a general
interest test and an aptitude test for a specific degree program.
Starting Point (SP)
There are three situations students can be in when doing an OSA: (1) They have
no idea what to study, (2) they have a general interest in STEM, or (3) they are
interested in a concrete study program.
Information presented to the user, e. g., standardized questionnaires, contents of
a course of study or information about studying in general.
Duration (Durat.) Planned duration of the OSA (as specified by the developers).
No. & Type of Questions
Number and type of questions or tasks as an indicator for the OSAs complexity
and design.
Device Platforms targeted by the OSA: desktop (D), mobile (M), or app (A).
Platform If detectable: technologies or platforms the OSA is based on.
Results The type of results the OSA provides after its completion.
edge questions, standardized questionnaires based on
scientific models such as the RIASEC model (Holland,
1997), as well as further questions on personality traits,
social competencies, etc. Furthermore, it shows that
each OSA is available in a desktop and a mobile ver-
sion, while its content remains static. Finally, we found
that the used technologies are hard to identify, and the
results solely include study program recommendations
according to the user’s interests or skills, but provide
no motivation for reflecting on the system’s output.
Out of twelve contacted developers, we received six
answers within one week (EAH, GAU, HC, LMU, ST,
and UF). Roles involved in the development ranged
from deans of studies, scientific employees, students,
as well as a Ph.D. student, who designed the tool as
part of their dissertation. The content was largely cre-
ated based on topics of the study program, with the
goal for it to be interesting for students with all kinds
of knowledge states, and without the inclusion of scien-
tific methods. The answers revealed that all six OSAs
were initially developed as an online tool with a strong
focus on the desktop version. Moreover, each of them
is intended to last between one and two hours. Con-
cerning the used technologies, most developers have
resorted to certain providers such as the open-source
LMS Moodle
or the commercial tool Cyquest
. None
of the respective OSAs have been subjected to scien-
tific evaluation.
https://moodle.org, last accessed 2024–04–11
https://www.cyquest.net, last accessed 2024–04–11
In the following, we discuss the results of our classifi-
cation, derive advantages and disadvantages of current
OSAs, and make recommendations for developments.
5.1 Evaluation of the Tested Tools
Through our classification, we were able to get a broad
overview of the spectrum of currently used OSAs and
to detect relevant differences between them. We will
now discuss the individual features of the tested tools,
to be able to better assess their potential to support
study program choices.
5.1.1 Content and Complexity
The benefit of an OSA highly depends on the content
it covers. Only two of the tested OSAs (EI, SIT) are
based on scientific methods – more precisely Holland’s
RIASEC model (Holland, 1997). However, they only
cover the user’s interests and calculate matching fields
of study. It is notable that these tests are comparably
short: We were able to complete both of them in under
ten minutes. Related work suggests that such a short
test cannot reflect the complexity of career decision-
making (Gati and Kulcs
ar, 2021). Showing interest
in a certain area does not automatically imply a good
suitability for the course of studies. More information
about the user needs to be collected, e. g., on their
skills or on personality traits.
Let’s Choose STEM: An Overview on Study Program Guiding Online Self-Assessments and Future Directions
Table 3: Classification of the twelve OSAs regarding the categories described in Table 2.
OSA Assessment Goal SP Content Durat. No. & Type of
Device Platform Results
BTU Suitability
3 Knowledge questions N/A 21: Multiple
choice (MC), open
text, drag & drop
D, M,
Moodle Submitted answers
CU Matching study
programs, skills
vocational interests,
1 Questions on
vocational interests,
skills, social
125 min 213: Scale (0 -
100), either/or
D, M N/A Matching study
programs &
apprenticeships, areas
of interest,
submitted answers
EAH Suitability (Mech.
3 Knowledge questions,
studying in general
N/A 40: True/false,
MC, open text
D, M alpha-test
Submitted answers
EI Vocational
1 RIASEC model
(Holland, 1997)
15 min 60: Scale (0 - 100) D, M N/A Matching study
programs, jobs &
GAU Suitability
3 Knowledge questions,
studying in general
45 min 23: True/false, MC D, M CYQUEST
Submitted answers
HC Suitability (STEM) 2 Knowledge questions,
studying in general
60 min 150: Scale (Likert) D, M N/A Submitted answers,
skill evaluation
HTW Suitability (Power
2 Knowledge questions N/A 9: MC D, M alpha-test
Submitted answers
LMU Suitability (Physics) 3 Knowledge questions 120 min 53: Scale (Likert),
D, M Moodle Submitted answers
PUM Suitability (Biology) 3 Knowledge questions,
studying in general
N/A 117: True/false,
D, M N/A Submitted answers,
skill evaluation
SIT Vocational interests 1 RIASEC model
(Holland, 1997)
15 min 82: Scale (0 - 100) D, M TYPO3
Areas of interest,
matching study
ST Vocational interests,
personality profile
1 Questions on
vocational interests &
145 min 115: Scale (Likert) D, M N/A Personality & interest
profile, matching
study programs
UF Suitability
(Computer Science)
3 Knowledge questions,
studying in general
60 min 51: Yes/no, MC D, M
Submitted answers
Furthermore, each of the tested OSAs is static, i. e.,
its content does not adapt to the user’s input. In this
way, the instruments cannot respond more deeply to
the user’s particular interests without increasing the
number of questions and the time required for the OSA.
This means that two potentials of digital technologies
flexible use and adaptability – are overlooked in state-
of-the-art OSAs.
5.1.2 Platform
All of the tested OSAs are accessible in a desktop and
mobile version. One of them is even available in an app
(BTU). However, our survey of the OSA developers
showed, that their main focus during the development
lied on the desktop version which might also be visible
in the targeted duration for the OSAs. Here we see
the need to better adapt career guidance systems to
the requirements of their specific user group, namely
young adults. Especially in this target group, the use
of mobile devices has now overtaken stationary desk-
top PCs.
This shift creates new challenges for the
design of study orientation tools. In their recent work,
Aragon-Hahner et al. emphasize that smartphone use
is characterized by a small display size and a shorter
attention span (Aragon-Hahner et al., 2023b; Choi and
Lee, 2012). Therefore, they examine micro-content for
mobile OSAs. A first evaluation delivered promising
results, but their system is still a research prototype in
the development phase.
5.1.3 Results
The result types of OSAs mostly depend on the starting
point of the assessment. While tests with a SP level 1
usually suggest matching study programs, higher-level
tests (SP 2 & 3) most often only mirror back the user’s
h-rasant.html, last accessed 2024–04–11
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
answers. In the rare cases where an assessment is pro-
vided, it is rather general. HC, for example, yields
results that show in which areas users have the most
skills, but not for which courses they are particularly
suited. In all cases, there is no guidance on how to deal
with the test results. On the one hand, users should
critically question the given career recommendations
and verify the validity of the test in order to avoid
overtrust in the results. On the other hand, it can be
difficult for users to evaluate the results if a recommen-
dation is completely omitted. The decision on a study
program can be very complex and many personal and
environmental factors have to be regarded to make a
useful recommendation (Galliott, 2017). Therefore,
developers have to be careful when formulating the
test results. Users should be encouraged to reflect on
the system’s output in order to be able to finally make
a “self-assessment” in the literal sense. Overall, 75 %
of the general OSAs calculated study programs ac-
cording to our expectations, although this estimate is
highly subjective and might not apply to all users. The
only exception (ST) lacked questions about computer
science and was therefore not able to suggest a fitting
course of study for our test user.
5.2 Advantages of Existing OSAs
Given that all of the tested OSAs are available in a
desktop and a mobile version, a clear advantage is
that they are time- and location-independent. OSAs
scale well for a large user base, since their execution
does not require the presence of a career counselor or
a teacher. Moreover, as there is no interaction with a
real person, the user might feel safer and potentially
respond to the questions more honestly and with less
pressure (Cameron et al., 2017). Another advantage
is that OSAs can be repeated as often as desired to
reassess one’s competencies after looking up more
information on the field of studies. Thus, they can sup-
port well-informed decisions about whether to apply
for a specific degree program.
5.3 Disadvantages of Existing OSAs
The development of an OSA is time-consuming and la-
borious. Developers must not only have deep insights
into the study program(s), but should also be familiar
with questionnaire design and have an overview of psy-
chological research on personality traits and decision
making. Our contact with universities revealed that the
authors of course-specific OSAs have different areas
of expertise, which can lead to a large variance in the
quality of the tests. This raises ethical concerns, that
will be discussed in the next section. We believe, that
it is of utmost importance for the test results to be reli-
able, correct and comprehensible to avoid confusion
and career indecision.
Most of the OSAs provided results subjectively
matching our test user’s interests, regardless of their
duration. We still suspect a bias in the results, since
the given answer options sometimes seemed to lead
the user in a certain direction by making the “correct”
answer obvious. At the same time, very general tests
bear the risk of distorting the results by oversimplify-
ing the career choice process. For example, an OSA
might ask “Could you imagine working in a biology
laboratory?” with this being the only question related
to biology. People who would rather like to work out-
doors might unintentionally score low on this question,
even if biology would in fact be a good fit for them.
Overall, our analysis shows that a careful selec-
tion of questions and content is crucial for avoiding
biased results. To cover the full spectrum of study
orientation, another important aspect of OSAs is that
they are impartial and independent. While most OSAs
are offered by state institutions, there are also some
commercial providers (e. g., EI), who only include
companies and universities with a registration or co-
operation in their results. Not showing all relevant
options is a clear shortcoming of commercial tools, as
this deprives students of potentially helpful systems,
increasing the problem of uninformedness (Galliott,
2017). Finally, avoiding social interaction also comes
with the downside of not having a professional con-
tact person at hand. This means that students cannot
discuss the results directly with a consultant, which
would be particularly important in case of uncertainty.
We found that some tools do not even list a contact
person (EAH, EI).
5.4 Ethical Aspects
Making a career decision is one of the most impor-
tant choices in one’s life (Gati and Kulcs
ar, 2021). In
fact, the decision on an unsuitable study program can
have far-reaching psychological consequences (Gati
and Kulcs
ar, 2021). Discontinuing a course of study
might lead to uncertainty on future career pathways
and fear of making another wrong decision. Moreover,
starting a course of study includes investing financial
resources and implies social consequences (Gati and
ar, 2021). Therefore, OSAs need to fulfill gen-
eral ethical principles, for example by ensuring accu-
racy and accountability. Our classification shows that
common OSAs often provide recommendations for
suitable courses of study. However, since the majority
do not apply scientific methods, these calculations are
usually based on criteria subjectively determined by
Let’s Choose STEM: An Overview on Study Program Guiding Online Self-Assessments and Future Directions
the providers. Also, the calculations are not transpar-
ent. Given the mostly practice-oriented expertise of
the developers, there is a risk that the calculated rec-
ommendations are not an ideal fit for the user and thus
might violate the previously described ethical prin-
ciples. Thus we recommend for designers of OSAs
to involve experts from different fields in the devel-
opment of the tools, and carefully formulate the test
results. To prevent users from blindly following a
recommendation, research by Aragon-Hahner et al.
suggests to incorporate self-reflection in decision sup-
port systems for career choice – not only on the user’s
personal skills and interests (Aragon-Hahner et al.,
2023a), but also on the recommendations given by a
study orientation test (Aragon-Hahner et al., 2023b).
In addition, we want to scrutinize whether it is
always an advantage to let someone stay in their com-
fort zone. As argued before, an advantage of OSAs is
that they do not require personal contact and therefore
a student might feel more comfortable during their
career assessment (Cameron et al., 2017). However,
becoming confident in personal conversations can be
an essential skill for students, especially for future job
interviews. Yet, if a student is not ready to leave their
comfort zone or has other reasons for not taking part in
personal career counseling, e. g., health or accessibility,
OSAs are a valuable alternative. In summary, we sug-
gest that OSAs should not replace humans completely,
but rather be used in combination with personal career
counseling (Gati and Asulin-Peretz, 2011).
5.5 Possible Improvements for OSAs
Existing inconsistencies in the duration and content of
tests could be resolved through general guidelines that
establish criteria that make an OSA efficient and help-
ful to users. Such guidelines could include scientific
methods, e. g., the RIASEC model (Holland, 1997),
on which OSAs need to be based, in order to make
them reliable (Gati and Asulin-Peretz, 2011; Gati and
Saka, 2001). In addition, there could be further content
specifications, e. g., that an OSA must be composed of
various areas relevant to the career choice process. CU
is an illustrative example of a comprehensive study ori-
entation test. This tool includes questions about social
competencies, skills as well as vocational preferences.
By establishing best practices to help students reflect
on their career aspirations, the wide variation in the
complexity of OSAs could be addressed.
The users of OSAs should be able to access their re-
sults at a later date. This can be important, e. g., when
they have an appointment for further career guidance
and want to discuss the test results with their career
counselor (Gati and Asulin-Peretz, 2011). At some
universities, taking the OSA for a specific course of
study is a requirement for enrolling in this program.
In this case, the OSA needs to provide an option to
print or save the test result, for example in the form
of a certificate of attendance. Therefore, users often
need to register on the platform. One the one hand,
this is an advantage as it allows them to know exactly
where they can find their test results and – if necessary
– find further information such as contact details. This
is already implemented in some of the existing OSAs
(BTU, CU, LMU, SIT, ST). On the other hand, hav-
ing to create a user account constitutes an additional
barrier for career guidance and hinders serendipitous
participation in the test. Developers should therefore
consider whether the lowest possible entry threshold
or a closed system is more suitable for their purpose.
Overall, the development of OSAs should be more
systematic and scientific. A contact person should
always be listed on the website. In the optimal case, an
OSA is developed by or with the help of experienced
career counselors. The contact information of these
experts should be provided to the users to reliably
answer arising questions about the tool and its results.
In the process, a personal conversation can eliminate
a still-existing indecisiveness and help with further
career orientation (Galliott, 2017).
5.6 Further Technologies for Career
Our classification focuses on the current state of the art
of OSAs. Most of the systems presented use a “classic”
question-answer format, are text-heavy, and offer little
flexibility due to their static structure. Our previous
considerations show that an effective OSA requires
a certain scope. As a result, providers are likely to
resort to the obvious option of a desktop-based tool.
In the process, they lose sight of the requirements
of their target group, as young people are no longer
used to sitting in front of a computer for hours filling
out questionnaires. Given the complexity of career
choice, it seems hard to develop a one-fits-all solution.
Designers could overcome this problem by making
OSAs adaptive, so that they can respond in more detail
to the user’s input, ask more targeted questions and
provide more relevant content.
Modern career guidance systems explore the possi-
bilities of mobile apps (Aragon Bartsch et al., 2022)
or immersive technologies (Demareva et al., 2020)
and provide relevant information in an interactive
format. Aragon Bartsch et al. give job insights
by sending users mobile chat messages about a pro-
fessional’s daily work routine in a temporal con-
text (Aragon Bartsch et al., 2022). They found that
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
this method provides more realistic and personal im-
pressions than traditional means for career orientation.
A different example is the project “Dein Erster Tag”
by Studio2B GmbH
: They give students the possibil-
ity to immersively experience 360° videos of different
working environments in virtual reality (VR). One
advantage of such interactive systems is the ability
to “visit” the workplace or campus without having to
spend time and money to physically get there. VR, in
particular, allows to visit otherwise inaccessible places
and can render a realistic environment, giving users
the feeling of being present in the virtual space (Chris-
tou, 2010; Zheng et al., 1998). At present, the main
disadvantages of VR systems for career guidance are
the comparatively high costs for hardware and mainte-
nance, which schools are often unable to afford. Nev-
ertheless, VR can present a promising addition to the
decision-maker’s toolset.
5.7 Limitations
In this paper, we categorized and evaluated OSAs de-
veloped by German universities or institutions. We
focused on tools that deal with study programs in the
STEM field since this segment seemed sufficiently
broad and yet easy to confine. OSAs from other coun-
tries or languages as well as other fields of study were
not within the scope of this work. We considered
twelve instruments sufficient to make verifiable state-
ments about the characteristics of OSAs and to obtain
sound results. The selection of the tools was not fully
random in order to cover a wide variety of different ap-
proaches. Due to resource limitations, the analysis was
conducted by a single researcher, hence, there might
be biases in the evaluation. The answering of the ques-
tionnaires was mainly done to investigate the questions
and to get a tentative impression of the results as well
as the time it takes to complete the questionnaires.
Career guidance is essential for students to find out
their professional identity. Due to the young target
group that often uses digital devices, tools for online
career orientation gain importance. OSAs can both
help students figure out promising career options and
assist in selecting those that match their personality, vo-
cational preferences, and interests. To get an overview
of the current state of the art of online career guidance
systems, we classified N=12 existing OSAs from the
https://www.deinerstertag.de/berufsberatungen/, last
accessed 2024–04–11
German-speaking area. The evaluated tools range from
tests for general study program orientation to aptitude
tests for specific degree programs in the STEM area.
Our results show that OSAs have the potential to be
a resource-saving complement to face-to-face career
counseling. They are independent of time and location
and provide a safe anonymous space in which prospec-
tive students can independently assess their suitability.
However, we also found that current OSAs differ con-
siderably in their complexity, i. e., their content and
duration. Only few are based on established scientific
methods. As the developers of OSAs usually have
domain-specific backgrounds, the tests are most likely
optimized for their content but not necessarily for their
methodology. These drawbacks could be overcome
with universal guidelines. However, a one-fits-all solu-
tion seems difficult to achieve. It is thus important to
tailor each individual OSA to the needs of the specific
user group. In a recently published book (Stoll and
Weiss, 2022), the “Network Online Self-Assessment”
summarizes the experiences of eight working groups
in developing and evaluating OSAs over the past ten
years. Such work should receive more attention so
that new developments can draw on the experience of
earlier creators. In the best case, an OSA should be
developed by or with the help of experienced career
counselors and incorporate solid and proven scientific
While all of the tested tools are available in
a desktop and mobile version, they rely on static
question-answer formats and could, in principle, also
be conducted on paper. They are thereby wasting
the potential of modern technologies to provide flex-
ible and adaptive content that is optimally tailored
to the user group of young adults. Current OSAs
usually only include requirements and contents of
study programs, rather than experience reports as well
as real insights into daily working routines of stu-
dents (Aragon Bartsch et al., 2022). Such content
could reinforce a student’s vision of a study program.
Other supporting technologies might be 360° videos
or more interactive virtual or augmented reality ap-
proaches providing deeper insights into careers and
potential future workspaces or incorporating virtual
tasks, counselors and fellow students (cf. (Demareva
et al., 2020)).
The output of the assessment ranges from mir-
roring the user’s answers to giving concrete career
recommendations. All tested tools lacked guidance
on how to interpret the test results from a decision-
maker’s perspective. Some of them did not even list
a contact person. To avoid insecurities, OSAs should
not replace humans completely, but rather be used
in combination with personal career counseling (Gati
Let’s Choose STEM: An Overview on Study Program Guiding Online Self-Assessments and Future Directions
and Asulin-Peretz, 2011; Galliott, 2017). A forum or
chat could relieve student counselors, make frequently
asked questions visible, and give interested and current
students the opportunity to get in contact. Only few
OSAs allow the results to be stored or shared (or even
printed). That can be important, e. g. when students
have an appointment for further career guidance and
want to discuss the test results with their adviser (Gati
and Asulin-Peretz, 2011).
If designed well, OSAs have the potential to sup-
port students in the prescreening and in-depth explo-
ration phase of their career choice process. However,
the choice itself must and should be made by the stu-
dent. The question here is what actually constitutes a
good choice. In our view, it is important that it is based
on sufficient knowledge about the course of studies,
but also that it gives the decision-maker a good “gut
feeling”. Therefore, OSAs should empower users to
reflect on their personal traits and expectations and, if
necessary, seek additional information, e. g., from a
professional adviser.
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