which have an accuracy of 0.93, are the models that
perform better than other models based on the second
experiment with additional variables and parameters
thanks to their superior performance. (Ekosputra,
Susanto, Haryanto, & Suhartono, 2021).
M. Singh presented an alternative method for
identifying fraudulent accounts on Instagram in
research done in 2023. One form of malicious
behaviour on the Instagram platform is the creation
and use of counterfeit accounts. This study employs a
hybrid technique that takes into consideration both
the content of the post and the photographs to identify
phoney accounts on Instagram. The author assessed
the presence of text spam using machine learning
models such as Random Forest classification and
identified picture spam using CNN models. The
picture dataset was sourced from picture Spam
Hunter, while the model was trained using a Kaggle
dataset to categorise images based on their content.
The suggested hybrid model has also undergone
testing using the dataset obtained through web
scraping from Instagram. The experimental
classification results demonstrate that the suggested
model achieves a classification accuracy of 97.1%.
(Singh, 2023).
When it comes to BERT, there are a lot of studies
that have been published.
M.T. Riaz et al. published a study in 2022 which
introduced TM-BERT or twitter modified BERT for
COVID 19 vaccination sentiment analysis. Within the
scope of this research, a Twitter Modified BERT
(TM-BERT) that is based on Transformer
architecture is shown. Additionally, a new Covid-19
Vaccination Sentiment Analysis Task (CV-SAT) and
a COVID-19 unsupervised pre-training dataset
consisting of 70,000 tweets have been produced by
this group. After being fine-tuned on CV-SAT, BERT
attained an accuracy of 0.70 and 0.76, however TM-
BERT achieved an accuracy of 0.89, which is a 19%
and 13% improvement over BERT respectively.
(Riaz, Shah Jahan, Khawaja, Shaukat, & Zeb, 2022).
The application of BERT for the detection of
cyberbullying in the digital age is discussed by Yadav
et al. in their article that was released in the year 2020.
Using a novel pre-trained BERT model with a single
linear neural network layer on top as a classifier, a
new strategy is suggested to the identification of
cyberbullying in social media platforms. This
approach is an improvement over the results that have
been obtained previously. During the training and
evaluation process, the model is trained on two
different social media datasets, one of which is very
small in size, and the other of which is fairly large in
size. (Yadav, Kumar, & Chauhan, 2020).
Software vulnerabilities pose a significant risk to
the security of computer systems, and there has been
a recent increase in the discovery and disclosure of
these weaknesses. Ni et al. did a study in which they
introduced a novel approach called BERT-CNN. This
approach combines the specialised task layer of Bert
with CNN to effectively collect crucial contextual
information in the text. Initially, a BERT model is
employed to analyse the vulnerability description and
other data, such as Access Gained, Attack Origin, and
Authentication Required, in order to provide the
feature vectors. Subsequently, the feature vectors
representing vulnerabilities together with their
corresponding severity levels are fed into a
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), from which
the CNN parameters are obtained. Subsequently, the
fine-tuned Bert model and the trained CNN model are
employed to predict the degree of severity associated
with a vulnerability. This method has demonstrated
superior performance compared to the current leading
method, with an F1-score of 91.31%. (Ni, Zheng,
Guo, Jin, & Li, 2022).
Guo et al. did a study in 2022 focusing on
developing methods to detect false news. Current
suggested methods for false news identification in
centralised platforms do not consider the location of
news announcements, but rather prioritise the
analysis of news content. This study presents a
distributed architecture for detecting false news based
on regions. The framework is used inside a mobile
crowdsensing (MCS) setting, where a group of
workers are chosen to collect news depending on their
availability in a particular location. The chosen
workers disseminate the news to the closest edge
node, where the local execution of pre-processing and
detection of counterfeit news takes place. The
detection technique used a pre-trained BERT model,
which attained a 91% accuracy rate. (Guo, Lamaazi,
& Mizouni, 2022).
Text categorization has consistently been a
significant undertaking in the field of natural
language processing. Text categorization has become
extensively utilised in several domains such as
emotion analysis, intention identification, and
intelligent question answering in recent years. In a
2021 publication, Y. Cui et al. introduced a novel
methodology. This study used the Bert model to
produce word vectors. The text characteristics
collected by a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
were then combined to get more efficient features,
enabling the completion of Chinese text
classification. Experiments were performed using a
publicly available dataset. Recent studies have
demonstrated that the Bert+CNN model outperforms