On the Integration of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in the Process of
Software Engineering
Alexandra Klymenko
, Stephen Meisenbacher
, Luca Favaro and Florian Matthes
Technical University of Munich, TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology,
Department of Computer Science, Garching, Germany
Privacy-Enhancing Technologies, Requirements Engineering, Privacy Requirements, Privacy Engineering.
The class of technologies known as Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) has been receiving rising atten-
tion in the academic sphere. In practice, however, the adoption of such technologies remains low. Beyond the
actual implementation of a PET, it is not clear where along the process of software engineering PETs should
be considered, and which activities must take place to facilitate their implementation. In this light, we aim
to investigate the placement of PETs in the software engineering process, specifically from the perspective
of privacy requirements engineering. To do this, we conduct a systematic literature review and interview 10
privacy experts, exploring the integration of PETs into the software engineering process, as well as identifying
associated challenges along with their potential solutions. We systematize our findings in a unified process
diagram that illustrates the roles and activities involved in the implementation of PETs in software systems.
In addition, we map the identified solution concepts to the diagram, highlighting which stages of the software
engineering process are vital in tackling the corresponding challenges and supporting the adoption of PETs.
The emphasis placed on data privacy and data protec-
tion in today’s technological landscape stems not only
from the strict mandate put forth by modern privacy
regulations such as the General Data Protection Reg-
ulation (GDPR), but also from the mounting pressure
companies face from the threat of data breaches. The
consequences of both non-compliance and privacy in-
cidents can be significant, highlighting the utmost im-
portance of proper technical and organizational mea-
sures to safeguard privacy.
As a technical response to the issue of data pri-
vacy, the class of technologies known as Privacy-
Enhancing Technologies (PETs) has arisen from the
research sphere, boasting provable privacy guarantees
in a variety of settings. Amongst these technologies
are notable leaders such as Differential Privacy or Se-
cure Multi-Party Computation. While the promise of
such technologies cannot be denied, the question re-
mains of how to implement them in practice, i.e., en-
sure their transition from research to industry.
This operationalization of academic privacy into
software engineering practices is seen as an integral
aspect of Privacy Engineering (Kostova et al., 2020),
yet doing so comes with many challenges. A main
category of these challenges, as pointed out by Kos-
tova et al., relates to PETs, the adoption of which can
be hindered by changing requirements, particularly in
agile software environments. Another identified issue
comes with the development of these technologies in
the context of engineering practices, such as in the
evaluation of privacy guarantees or the consideration
of the effect of PETs on the deployment environment.
The challenges to fostering adoption beyond the
requirements aspect are numerous (Klymenko et al.,
2023). Many of the challenges revolving around the
adoption of PETs as safeguards for data privacy per-
tain to the inherent complexity of such technologies,
requiring expertise and resources to implement cor-
rectly. In addition, the relation of PETs to regulatory
compliance is unclear. Other challenges only exacer-
bate the issue, such as the lack of defined structures
and roles in place to facilitate PET adoption, as well
as the question of the role of Privacy Engineering in
this process. These challenges relating to PETs are
echoed by Martin and Kung, who state that “Privacy-
Enhancing Technologies remain unknown for most
engineers, due to the uncoupling between the PETs
and the practice of systematic engineering and de-
Klymenko, A., Meisenbacher, S., Favaro, L. and Matthes, F.
On the Integration of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in the Process of Software Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0012632500003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 41-52
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
velopment; which makes engineers unaware or un-
knowledgeable of the proper applicability of such so-
lutions.” (Martin and Kung, 2018)
Motivated by this statement, we aim to investi-
gate the role of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in
the software engineering process. This is done in
the light of privacy requirements engineering, which
can be coupled with the stages of software engineer-
ing. Guided by these theoretical foundations, we
seek practical perspectives on the integration of PETs
into the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) by
conducting 10 interviews with privacy experts in the
software development field. From this, we hope to
gain insight into the placement of PETs in the above-
mentioned process, the challenges therein, and the po-
tential solutions to help facilitate a more widespread
adoption of PETs in software development.
Our findings include valuable insights into the di-
verse roles and activities involved in the process of
privacy requirements engineering, particularly with
the implementation of PETs. These findings are cap-
tured in a process diagram, which we create to give
structure to the process of integrating and implement-
ing PETs in the SDLC. Along with these insights,
we identify nine unique challenges in the adoption of
PETs in software engineering, which are mapped to
nine solution concepts.
The contributions of our work are as follows:
1. We investigate PETs from the perspective of Pri-
vacy Engineering, with a focus on the roles in-
volved and the activities that take place.
2. We present an artifact in the form of a process di-
agram that integrates PETs into the software de-
velopment life cycle.
3. We propose solution concepts for increasing PET
adoption and map them to the related activities in
the process diagram.
4. We evaluate our artifact, supported by expert in-
terview insights and quantitative survey results.
2.1 Requirements Engineering, Privacy
by Design and Privacy Engineering
Requirements Engineering (RE) is the branch of soft-
ware engineering that focuses on identifying and op-
erationalizing goals, functions, and constraints of
software systems (Zave, 1997). It plays an important
aspect in software and system development, ensur-
ing that the development process is aligned with real-
world problems (Laplante and Kassab, 2022). More
specifically, RE involves eliciting, analyzing, model-
ing, validating, and managing the requirements of a
system (Laplante and Kassab, 2022).
In addition to functional requirements, it is impor-
tant to consider non-functional requirements such as
privacy and security (Cysneiros and do Prado Leite,
2020), and to embed privacy measures directly into
the design of a system as mandated by Privacy by
Design (PbD) (Cavoukian, 2009). PbD prioritizes
privacy as an essential requirement that must be ad-
dressed throughout the software development life cy-
cle and promotes the proactive consideration of pri-
vacy from the early stages of the SDLC, i.e., en-
suring that privacy features are incorporated into the
system’s design before the implementation begins
(Stallings, 2019).
Privacy Engineering (PE) is an emerging field
of research and practice (G
urses and Del Alamo,
2016) that operationalizes the principles of PbD, pro-
viding “approaches for the inception and applica-
tion of privacy-oriented solutions throughout systems
and software development processes” (Mart
ın Garc
Alamo Ramiro, 2017). PE involves implemen-
tation, deployment, and ongoing management of pri-
vacy features in a system, with the main goals of sat-
isfying privacy requirements, protecting Personally
Identifiable Information (PII), and mitigating the im-
pact of possible breaches of personal data (Stallings,
2019). While Privacy Engineering is a distinct con-
cept that, in the strict sense, builds upon Privacy by
Design, the term is often used more broadly to refer
to the range of privacy-related activities throughout
the SDLC (Stallings, 2019). In this work, we likewise
utilize the term in its wider context.
2.2 Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
With the introduction of modern privacy regulations
such as the GDPR, implementing Privacy by De-
sign principles has become a legal requirement for
organizations. In particular, Article 25 of GDPR ti-
tled “Data protection by design and by default” man-
dates organizations to implement “appropriate techni-
cal and organisational measures” to protect the per-
sonal data of data subjects. In line with this, re-
cent years have witnessed a significant increase in the
research and development of technological solutions
aimed at preserving the privacy of individuals, giv-
ing rise to a class of technologies commonly referred
to as Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs). More
formally, PETs can be defined as “System of ICT mea-
sures protecting informational privacy by eliminating
or minimizing personal data thereby preventing un-
necessary or unwanted processing of personal data,
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
without the loss of the functionality of the informa-
tion system” (Borking and Raab, 2001). PETs can
support PbD by ensuring data minimization, incor-
porating effective anonymization or pseudonymiza-
tion solutions, and mitigating risks from personal data
breaches by making the data inaccessible to unautho-
rized individuals (ICO, 2023).
Despite modern PETs such as Zero-Knowledge
Proofs or Differential Privacy showing great potential
for protecting privacy while allowing to derive value
from data, they remain highly academic and are not
widely adopted in practice (Klymenko et al., 2022;
Klymenko et al., 2023). Among the main reasons for
this are the lack of awareness of PETs, their inherent
complexity, and little incentive for organizations to go
beyond the “bare minimum” required for compliance
and invest in more complex technologies (Klymenko
et al., 2023). From the organizational side, the ab-
sence of defined structures, roles, and processes can
likewise hinder the progress of such adoption (Kly-
menko et al., 2023), making the path to ensuring pri-
vacy ambiguous. In this work, we aim to provide
structure to the processes behind the integration of
PETs in software engineering, while also incorporat-
ing strategies to increase their adoption.
2.3 PETs and Privacy Requirements
While the body of related work is quite limited,
several prior studies have addressed the challenge
of managing privacy requirements and incorporating
PETs into the software engineering process. The
approach by Deng et al. involves translating broad
privacy objectives and data protection standards into
specific, detailed requirements that can be mapped to
appropriate PETs based on their privacy protection
goals (Deng et al., 2011). The proposed LINDDUN
methodology includes developing a Data Flow Dia-
gram based on the high-level system description and
mapping privacy threats to this diagram. The identi-
fied privacy threats are then documented as misuse
cases, essentially compiling potential threat scenar-
ios. Based on these cases, privacy requirements are
derived, and appropriate PETs are selected.
The PriS method views privacy requirements as
organizational goals, using privacy-process patterns
to illustrate how privacy requirements influence busi-
ness processes, and recommending a set of PETs to
meet these requirements (Kalloniatis et al., 2008). Al-
though both abovementioned methods are compre-
hensive from a technical perspective, their focus may
be too specific for them to be easily integrated into the
broader landscape of software engineering.
A study by Hoffmann et al. takes a holistic view
of privacy requirements, providing insight into how
PETs should be integrated by design into the software
engineering process (Hoffmann et al., 2008). The
authors propose a four-step process for privacy re-
quirements engineering to identify appropriate mea-
sures, technologies, and mechanisms that provide a
balance between stakeholder interests and user con-
straints: 1) Description of Ambient Environments, 2)
Identification of Stakeholders and Assets, 3) Anal-
ysis of Threats and Risks, and 4) Establishment of
Privacy-Enhancing Technologies. The main limita-
tion of this work is that the proposed requirements
engineering process terminates with the selection of
suitable PETs, leaving out subsequent development
stages such as implementation, integration, and main-
tenance. In our work, we extend the reported study
by considering the full software development life cy-
cle. Through the comprehensive diagram presented
in Figure 2, we illustrate the involved actors and re-
lated activities, emphasizing the interaction between
technical, legal, and business-oriented teams.
To guide our work, we define two research questions:
RQ1: How and to what extent are PETs included in
the process of requirements engineering in the
context of software engineering?
RQ2: From insights in the industry, how can the in-
tegration of PETs in the software engineering
process be supported?
Answering these questions was accomplished by a
mixed methodology of a Systematic Literature Re-
view, semi-structured interviews, and a survey study.
3.1 Systematic Literature Review
The first step of our research involved a Systematic
Literature Review (SLR), in which the goal was to
survey existent literature on the topic of Privacy (Re-
quirements) Engineering, with a focus on PETs. To
conduct this study, the methodology of Kitchenham
et al. (Kitchenham et al., 2015) was followed. The
search engines used were IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital
Library, ScienceDirect, Scopus and SpringerLink.
For the SLR, the first task was to define search
queries from the above-mentioned search engines. As
the initial goal was to focus on the role of require-
ments in the implementation of PETs, we centered the
literature search around these aspects. We developed
On the Integration of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in the Process of Software Engineering
a two-part query, which necessitated privacy enhanc-
ing technologies in the keywords of the paper, as well
as requirements engineering anywhere in the meta-
data. As will be discussed in Section 4, the findings
from the literature will be extended to the other stages
of the SDLC, on the basis of the insights from privacy
requirements engineering literature.
This search yielded 91 results. The uncovered
sources were then screened by abstract and introduc-
tion. Guided by our inclusion criteria, which primar-
ily necessitated a focus on PETs in requirements engi-
neering, the number of relevant papers was filtered to
seven. Finally, a forward/backward search was per-
formed to include other relevant literature from the
SDLC, yielding two additional sources, for a total of
nine. The complete SLR process is illustrated in Fig-
ure 1 and summarized in Table 1, which also includes
the references to the final selection of papers.
Figure 1: The SLR process.
3.1.1 Analysis
Following the collection of all relevant literature
sources, a thematic content analysis was performed
on the papers (Braun and Clarke, 2006). In particu-
lar, the sources were read and analyzed for recurring
themes, which were then aggregated to form a suc-
cinct overview of the key topics covered in the nine
literature sources. These findings served as the basis
for the design of our semi-structured interviews.
3.2 Interviews
With the insights from the SLR, we then proceeded
to conduct a round of semi-structured interviews with
technical experts working at the intersection of pri-
vacy requirements and PETs. The goal of these in-
terviews was to gain a practical perspective on PETs
in software engineering, investigating their actual use
in practice with a particular focus on privacy require-
ments. A secondary objective aimed at answering
RQ2 by exploring challenges and possible solutions
to increase the adoption of PETs.
3.2.1 Design
The interview guide was developed to inquire about
the nature of privacy requirements, including their
creation as well as the roles involved in this pro-
cess. In particular, an emphasis was placed on PETs,
namely how privacy requirements can be translated
into the implementation of a PET.
The interview guide consisted of three main sec-
tions: Background, Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
and Requirements, and Looking Forward. Privacy-
Enhancing Technologies and Requirements inquired
into the derivation of privacy requirements, the roles
involved, the consideration of PETs, and the transla-
tion and verification of privacy requirements. Looking
Forward, on the other hand, focused on investigating
challenges for the inclusion of PETs in the software
engineering process, as well as observed success fac-
tors and potential solutions going forward.
The main target audience of our interview study
includes technical experts with a privacy focus. To
find candidates, we used LinkedIn, initially employ-
ing search strings such as ‘privacy engineer’, ‘privacy
champion’, ‘requirements engineer’, and ‘privacy ar-
chitect’. The profiles of potential candidates were
screened for mention of PETs, and candidates with
such mention were assigned a higher priority for con-
tacting. Candidates were contacted first informally
via direct message. In the case of a positive response,
a formal email invitation for an interview was sent.
In total, 10 interviews were conducted, and the main
demographics of these interviewees can be found in
Table 2. All interviews were held via Zoom.
3.2.2 Analysis
After each interview, a full transcription was created
using Otter.ai
, and key points were extracted to an-
swer all questions in the interview guide. Additional
insights and themes were extracted by a team of three
annotators, in order to mitigate personal or researcher
bias. Constant comparison (Glaser, 1965) was em-
ployed, in the way that transcripts were annotated af-
ter each interview, in order to extract new findings and
adapt the conduction of further interviews.
The extraction of themes was performed using
the coding techniques proposed by Kitchenham et al.
(Kitchenham et al., 2015). First, open coding was
done on the raw transcripts to highlight excerpts of
importance, which were then combined into themes
(or axes) in axial coding. These themes were finally
grouped into categories, which are presented in the
ensuing Sections 4 and 5.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: SLR results and references.
Search Engine Initial
IEEE Xplore 6 3 (Li and Palanisamy, 2019; Diamantopoulou et al., 2018; Anthonysamy et al., 2017)
ACM Digital Library 42 - -
Science Direct 10 - -
Scopus 30 4 (Hoffmann et al., 2008; Kalloniatis et al., 2008; Vrakas et al., 2010; Diamantopoulou et al., 2017)
3 2 (Meis and Heisel, 2017; Deng et al., 2011)
Table 2: Interview study participants. Interviewees marked with an asterisk also participated in the evaluation study.
ID Date Role Industry Org.
Country Exp. Dur.
I1 05/23 Senior Privacy and Security Architect IT Services and Consulting Medium Finland 10-20 61’
I2 05/23 Senior Privacy Engineer Software Development Medium Germany 5-10 59’
I3 05/23 Privacy Engineer - Consultant IT Consulting - Germany 5-10 64’
I4* 05/23 Senior Requirements Engineer IT Services Small UK 5-10 47’
I5* 05/23 Staff Site Reliability Engineer Software Development Large Netherlands 5-10 54’
I6 05/23 Senior Privacy Researcher and Developer IT Services Medium Spain 3-5 59’
I7* 05/23 Principal Privacy Engineer Online Retailing Medium Germany 20+ 83’
I8* 05/23 Senior Privacy Engineer Telecommunications Large Germany 3-5 61’
I9 06/23 Privacy Director IT Services and Consulting Large Germany 10-20 40’
I10* 06/23 Product Manager - PETs Software Development Small UK 1-3 53’
3.3 Artifact Evaluation
The final phase of our research consisted of an eval-
uation study in the form of an interview and survey.
The goal of these two parts was to evaluate the artifact
created after the conclusion of our semi-structured in-
terviews, which will be introduced in Section 4.
3.3.1 Evaluation Interviews
The main goal of the second round of interviews was
to refine and improve the artifact produced in the con-
text of RQ1, introduced above. To ensure a fair re-
view, the candidates from the first interview study
were contacted, and ve agreed to have a second in-
terview to evaluate the artifact. As with the first in-
terviews, an interview guide was prepared before-
hand. The candidates participating in the evaluation
are marked with an asterisk in Table 2.
The structure of the questions for the evaluation
interviews proceeded in the following format:
1. Evaluation of included stakeholders
2. Evaluation of mapping between the SDLC and PE
3. Evaluation of interactions between roles
4. Evaluation of activities
5. Evaluation of solution placement
6. Open-ended suggestions for improvement
3.3.2 Evaluation Survey
Following these interviews, the process diagram was
updated according to the provided feedback. Then,
the same participants were invited to partake in a
follow-up survey that featured the newly revised di-
agram. In the survey, the respondents were prompted
to evaluate the diagram on a series of criteria, namely
whether the diagram: (P1) delivers value, (P2) is de-
tailed enough, (P3) is comprehensible, (P4) covers all
important stages, (P5) presents all needed activities,
(P6) includes all relevant actors, (P7) integrates PETs
correctly, (P8) presents solutions at the correct point.
P1-8 were evaluated on the Likert scale: strongly
disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree.
The evaluation results are presented in Section 6.
In this section, we aim to answer RQ1, namely how
and to what extent PETs are included in the process
of privacy requirements engineering in the context of
software engineering. Guided by the SLR findings
and insights from the expert interviews, we create a
process diagram that integrates the expert insights on
the incorporation of PETs into the SDLC. In the cre-
ation of a comprehensive process diagram, we hope to
guide practitioners in effectively integrating privacy
requirements, the PbD approach, and PETs.
As the basis of our process diagram, we utilize the
simplified SDLC model, including ve main stages:
planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing
and integration, and maintenance (Akinsola et al.,
2020). Parallel to the SDLC stages, we incorporate
the corresponding privacy engineering stages (Hoff-
mann et al., 2008), augmented by the subsequent
stages found in the diagram, including the implemen-
tation and integration of PETs in software systems.
The final process diagram is found in Figure 2.
4.1 Roles
Through the SLR and the initial round of interviews,
we identified three main groups of actors involved in
On the Integration of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in the Process of Software Engineering
the privacy requirements engineering process:
1. Business actors: mainly external stakeholders
who hire another company to develop software or
a product, along with the product manager from
the developing company responsible for deriving
business requirements and overseeing the entire
product development process.
2. Technical actors: includes architects, software
engineers, and privacy engineers, who are respon-
sible for translating requirements into technical
solutions and implementing them.
3. Legal actors: responsible for deriving legal re-
quirements from applicable regulations and as-
sessing the compliance of a solution before de-
ployment. In Europe, this usually includes a
Data Protection Officer (DPO) as mandated by the
GDPR, and a team of privacy experts.
In addition, further external actors may be involved if
the organization opts for certification or an audit.
In Figure 2, Roles illustrate the behavior and re-
sponsibilities of the actors involved in the process.
While the descriptions for business and legal stake-
holders are intentionally kept broad as they are out-
side the scope of this work, we provide detailed role
descriptions for the technical actors below:
A Product Manager (PM) is responsible for su-
pervising the development and management of a
product. A PM collaborates with external stake-
holders to define goals and scenarios, helping to
translate ideas into a concrete project. The PM
also establishes the overall strategic direction for
the product’s privacy features, ensuring alignment
with the organization’s goals.
External Stakeholders (ES) represent customers
who engage an external company to develop a
product. Their input is crucial for understanding
privacy expectations and market demands, guid-
ing the establishment of privacy requirements.
Privacy Engineers (PE) are responsible for trans-
lating privacy requirements into technical specifi-
cations, identifying appropriate mitigation strate-
gies, and working alongside Software Engineers
to effectively integrate PETs.
Software Engineers (SE) develop the software
components and features of a product and collabo-
rate with Privacy Engineers to integrate PETs and
other privacy-related functionalities.
Requirements Engineers (RE) capture, analyze,
and document privacy requirements. They facil-
itate the communication between technical and
non-technical stakeholders to ensure that privacy
concerns are translated into explicit requirements.
Legal Teams (LT) ensure that the product meets
legal obligations by analyzing applicable regula-
tions, inferring requirements, and verifying their
fulfillment post-implementation. The expertise of
the LT helps to bridge the gap between technical
implementation and legal compliance.
4.2 Activities
In Figure 2, Activities are depicted as boxes either
with solid lines if they are mandatory or dashed lines
if they are optional. Each activity belongs to one of
the three categories: strategic, technical, and legal. As
a clear separation between the categories is not always
possible, some activities are placed between cate-
gories. If activities are strictly related or must sequen-
tially follow one another, they are grouped within an
additional box, highlighting the importance of view-
ing them as a joint activity. Lastly, for each activity,
the involved actors are specified. Below, we describe
the activities based on the SDLC stages.
4.2.1 Planning and Analysis
The process begins with the decision to develop a new
product, initiated either by an external stakeholder
or internally by the product manager. In the initial
stages, the scope of the project and business goals are
defined. A thorough analysis involving the product
manager takes place to assess the project’s feasibility
and potential financial benefits for the company. Re-
quirements engineers must already be involved in this
stage of the process in order to translate abstract ideas
into specific requirements. On the business side, vari-
ous usage scenarios and their related stakeholders are
identified, subsequently undergoing an initial risk as-
sessment on the technical side. The involvement of
privacy engineers in this phase is essential, as some
ideas may be rejected if they pose significant privacy
risks. Based on the established scenarios and the sys-
tem’s intended use, privacy risks are identified and
mapped to protection goals through the definition of
adversary models. On the legal side, the requirements
from the applicable regulations are derived, which are
then merged with the identified protection goals to
conclude the Privacy Impact Assessment, resulting in
a comprehensive set of structured requirements.
4.2.2 Design and Implementation
The process proceeds with the task of identifying ap-
propriate technical measures to fulfill the defined pri-
vacy requirements. At this point, PETs should be con-
sidered to provide an appropriate level of privacy and
fulfill requirements. A collaborative effort between
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
software and privacy engineers is essential to deter-
mine the best solution, given the available expertise.
Once the measures are agreed upon, the system is de-
signed to integrate and operationalize them. The legal
team reviews the solution to ensure that it meets com-
pliance standards, and finally, the project is validated
by the product manager and the external stakehold-
ers. Several rounds of discussion may occur between
the identification of technical measures and project
validation, as consensus among all parties is essen-
tial before moving on to the implementation phase.
Once the project is approved, the choice must be
made between developing PETs in-house or purchas-
ing a solution available on the market. The decision
is both technical and business-driven: a lack of im-
plementation skills might drive towards purchasing,
while budget limitations could push for an in-house
approach. The subsequent phases encompass infras-
tructure setup and system implementation, which are
the responsibility of privacy and software engineers.
Producing technical documentation is essential, not
only due to regulatory requirements but also to high-
light any deviations from the original design. During
the implementation phase, the system undergoes pe-
riodic testing to evaluate its correctness, quality, and
fulfillment of the requirements.
4.2.3 Testing & Integration and Maintenance
Once the system is implemented, testing is conducted
to verify its performance and assess the impact of
PETs, potentially uncovering new problems or re-
quirements not previously considered. Test results
and performance metrics are reported to the legal
team and customers. The implemented solution is
reviewed by requirements and privacy engineers for
alignment with defined requirements and then as-
sessed by the legal team for compliance. The results
of these evaluations, along with the compiled docu-
mentation, are presented to the customer for final ap-
proval. Once the system is approved and prepared for
deployment, the customer may opt for a privacy com-
pliance certification to enhance its credibility, which
can also be obtained after the system’s deployment.
Finally, periodic checks for new (1) business require-
ments, (2) attack vectors, and (3) legal requirements
must be performed in the maintenance phase.
4.3 Current State of PET Adoption
Through the interviews described in Section 3.2, we
investigated the current level of adoption and consid-
eration of PETs in meeting privacy requirements. Our
findings indicate a very limited practical use of ad-
vanced state-of-the-art PETs. I1 highlighted the fact
that many of such PETs are often overlooked, with
the industry mainly relying on encryption and data
access controls. I4 further elaborated on this by in-
dicating the lack of knowledge and “skills to actu-
ally implement [PETs]” as the main barriers to their
wider adoption. I5 indicated that unless PETs are a
priority for the company, they are usually not con-
sidered. Together with I2, they support the idea that
simple and tested solutions are usually preferred. In
contrast, more advanced PETs are only considered
if there is a strict need or a clear added value. An-
other interviewee (I8) attributed the limited use of
PETs in the industry to the disparity between aca-
demic expectations and real-world industrial needs,
saying “some requirements between academics and
business are clashing” in terms of privacy preserva-
tion versus the value of data utility in practice.
The decision to adopt a PET is closely tied to the
applicable legislation. Multiple experts (I1, I4, I7) re-
ported that their privacy choices lean towards simple
solutions that suffice for regulatory compliance. A
prevalent notion appears to be that PETs are mainly
oriented at organizations handling large volumes of
sensitive data, leaving many to believe they are not
relevant to their own business. Even if some organi-
zations might consider PETs during the design phase,
they often opt out later due to challenges hindering
practical integration. Exceptions include highly reg-
ulated sectors, such as finance or healthcare, where
advanced PETs are more likely to be used.
While advanced PETs remain underutilized over-
all, some of our interviewees reported relevant prac-
tical experience. One category of PETs that appears
to be most recognized and used is data anonymiza-
tion and modification; for instance, I2 and I5 men-
tioned their previous use of Differential Privacy and
k-anonymity. Interviewees I6 and I8, who serve as re-
searchers and developers of PETs, reported substan-
tial application of these technologies in their field.
Below we present our findings in response to RQ2,
which aims to investigate the ways to increase the
adoption of PETs in the software engineering process.
5.1 Challenges
Identifying and understanding the limiting factors is
the foundational step in devising viable and effective
solutions for improving the practical use of PETs.
According to the interviewed experts, the most
prevalent challenge is the limited knowledge and un-
On the Integration of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in the Process of Software Engineering
Figure 2: Process Diagram for the Implementation of PETs. In the top lane are the six stages of the Software Life Cycle.
Underneath, the corresponding Privacy Requirements Engineering Stages are listed. The next three lanes feature the parallel
work streams of (1) Strategic Activities, mainly concerned with business functions, (2) Technical Activities, which include
technical design, implementation, and deployment, and (3) Legal Activities, in which legal teams and Privacy Engineers work
to ensure compliance and verify requirements. The different role categories are illustrated in the Roles lane, and the Legend
explains the different shapes used in the diagram. The final lane, named Solutions to Increase PET Adoption, includes 8
identified solutions (discussed in Section 5), mapped to the most appropriate location in the process diagram.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
derstanding of PETs, including their capabilities, pos-
sible application contexts, benefits, and limitations.
Another common challenge is the inherent complex-
ity of these technologies. The challenges of aware-
ness and understanding of PETs are also echoed in
recent work (Klymenko et al., 2023; Boteju et al.,
2023), the latter of which focuses on the perspective
of software developers. The interviewees expressed
concerns regarding the feasibility of non-expert de-
velopers implementing PETs, maintenance difficul-
ties, and the need for specialized domain knowledge.
Other hindrances from a business perspective include
the limited time and resources, as well as the cost-
effectiveness of implementing PETs. Research and
implementation of PETs requires time, expertise, and
financial investment; as long as the business value of
PETs is unclear, it is unlikely that their adoption will
be on a company’s roadmap. Further challenges in-
clude optionality, meaning regulations do not enforce
the adoption of specific technologies, reluctance to
be an early adopter of a technology due to potential
fines, as well as the issue of legacy systems. The lat-
ter represents a challenge for adopting new PETs due
to outdated architectures, incompatibilities with mod-
ern solutions, high adaptation costs, and employee re-
sistance to change. Lastly, the choice of technology
poses another challenge, as identifying the privacy
risks and deciding on the right PETs for a given use
case and requirements is far from straightforward.
5.2 Solutions
In the following, we briefly describe the insights
gained from the interviewee’s perspectives on ad-
dressing the identified challenges, including observed
success factors in the context of adopting PETs.
S1: Privacy Tools can help make PETs more accessi-
ble by encapsulating their complex implementa-
tion within user-friendly libraries and interfaces.
Such tools can provide ready-to-use implemen-
tations of various PETs, allowing developers and
organizations to integrate strong privacy mea-
sures into their systems and leverage the benefits
of PETs without the need for a deep understand-
ing of their technical details.
S2: Mappings can serve as a guide for choosing ap-
propriate PETs for particular use cases or re-
quirements by creating a link between the tech-
nical properties of PETs and the real-world re-
quirements of specific scenarios. By translating
complex technical features into tangible func-
tionalities, mappings help decision-makers, de-
velopers, and other stakeholders identify fitting
PETs to meet their data privacy objectives.
S3: Educational Material can increase the under-
standing of PETs among stakeholders, minimiz-
ing the perceived difficulty of implementing and
integrating PETs into software systems. Such
educational content can bridge the gap between
theory and practice, providing technical stake-
holders with the knowledge needed to implement
PETs in their systems, leading to enhanced data
S4: Certifications are of great significance in the
field of data privacy. Possessing a compliance
certification (e.g., GDPR) for a product, system,
or data processing activity demonstrates com-
mitment to responsible and accountable handling
of personal data, increases business credibility,
and fosters trust among customers and partners.
Certifying technical professionals in accordance
with standards like ISO/IEC 17024 ensures that
they have the essential knowledge, skills, and
comprehension required to implement privacy
and risk mitigation practices during the develop-
ment process.
S5: Standardization can boost the adoption of PETs
in software engineering by providing precise and
universally accepted guidelines. Standardized
procedures can simplify the integration of PETs,
reducing complexity and uncertainty for devel-
opers who would be able to rely on established
best practices and predefined protocols.
S6: Contribution from Authorities can take various
forms to promote the adoption of PETs. They
can provide guidelines for the effective adop-
tion and integration of PETs or enforce stricter
data privacy regulations that explicitly mandate
their implementation in specific contexts. Au-
thorities could also reinforce existing regulations
such as the GDPR through rigorous enforcement
and fines, forcing companies to prioritize privacy
practices and adopt PETs to mitigate risks.
S7: Privacy Awareness is essential for business
stakeholders to comprehend the potential of
PETs. They must recognize the importance of
data privacy and the value that PETs can bring
to a company, including financial benefits, en-
hanced reputation, and trust. As such, it is im-
portant to make PETs commercially attractive by
showing how investing in them can result in sig-
nificant returns.
S8: Financial Incentives emerge as strategic solu-
tions to overcome the challenge of high costs
associated with researching and implementing
PETs. Through the provision of financial sup-
port (e.g., through government funding pro-
On the Integration of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in the Process of Software Engineering
grams), organizations can cover additional ex-
penses, making the integration of PETs more fi-
nancially viable.
S9: Tech Leader Adoption can serve as a driving
force for the broader adoption of PETs, as
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of-
ten learn about new technologies from larger
technology corporations. Furthermore, unlike
SMEs with limited budgets, large organizations
have the financial capacity to invest and experi-
ment with new technologies, as well as to handle
fines in case a technology fails to meet compli-
ance standards or leads to a privacy breach.
Another important aspect that was mentioned by in-
terviewees, although not explicitly as a means to en-
hance the adoption of PETs, is the incorporation of
cross-functional teams. While not a distinct solution
concept, it is addressed in Section 4.1, and illustrated
in the corresponding interactions in Figure 2.
In Figure 3, we map the identified challenges to
potential solution concepts. The mapping is many-to-
many: one challenge may potentially be mitigated by
several solutions, and one solution may be helpful in
mitigating several challenges.
5.3 Solution Integration
To contextualize the proposed solution concepts, we
used feedback from the interviewees to map each so-
lution to the activities discussed in Section 4.2. Figure
2 presents the process diagram that incorporates the
mapped solutions, which are depicted by red circles
with the respective solution code. The final placement
of the solutions was determined through iterative re-
finements performed in the context of evaluation in-
terviews, discussed in Section 3.3.1. The only solu-
tion not depicted on the diagram is S9, as the adop-
tion of PETs by big tech companies impacts the over-
all landscape of PETs and data privacy at large, and
as such, cannot be associated with singular activities.
Below, we briefly elaborate on the placement of solu-
tions S1-S8 and their impact on the process.
Increasing privacy awareness is essential at the
early stages of project definition when business stake-
holders decide on the privacy investment level; under-
standing the financial benefits of investing in privacy
and PETs can influence these decisions. Mapping
business cases to appropriate PETs is important from
both business and technical perspectives to demon-
strate the applicability of the technologies to real-
world contexts. The mappings are, therefore, likewise
helpful at the beginning of the project, as well as dur-
ing the identification of technical measures. Financial
incentives for PETs affect all activities influenced by
Figure 3: The mapping of challenges and solutions.
the project’s budget, including the initial scoping and
the final review before validation. If the designed so-
lution exceeds the budget, the project does not get ap-
proved, requiring privacy and software engineers to
propose an alternative design using different techni-
cal measures. The technical knowledge on PETs ob-
tained through educational material is helpful in the
initial privacy assessment, as well as for identifying
appropriate technical measures, and correctly imple-
menting them in the system. In turn, stricter privacy
regulations enforced by authorities would impact the
general legal requirements and the data protection im-
pact assessment, which may become mandatory for
every system. Standards can positively influence the
system design by ensuring a common understanding
of PETs, providing guidance on their use, and build-
ing trust in their effectiveness. Privacy tools and
open-source libraries for PETs can affect the “imple-
ment or buy” decision and the system implementa-
tion by offering easy-to-use and cost-effective solu-
tions. Finally, requiring certifications for new sys-
tems would affect the two stages of the development
process where the external certification is currently
marked as optional. The certification activity would
then become mandatory, facilitating compliance.
As introduced in Section 3, the final step in the cre-
ation of our process diagram was to validate the ar-
tifact in a two-step evaluation study. The qualitative
feedback received, as well as the survey results, are
presented in the following. Note that Figure 2 shows
the final version, after implementing the feedback.
Interview Feedback. Expert feedback in the evalu-
ation interviews took the form of five types. For each
feedback category, representative examples are pro-
vided, but they do not present the exhaustive list.
1. Naming: Scoping replaced Problem Description,
Configuring PETs rather than Tuning.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Artifact validation results (n=5). All eight criteria were met with either strongly agree or agree responses.
2. Removing Ambiguities: Establishment of PETs
changed to PETs Selection and Design, add clar-
ity to Performance Testing.
3. Missing Stages: Operation in the “Maintenance”
stage, add the step PETs Implementation, add Pe-
riodic Checks and Compliance Checks.
4. Missing Activities: Data Protection Impact As-
sessment (DPIA), External Certification, Identifi-
cation of Technical Measures.
5. Update Actors: external stakeholders involved
in Real-world Testing, continuous interaction be-
tween Testing and System Implementation.
Survey Results. The finalized process diagram
with incorporated feedback was presented to the par-
ticipants in an evaluation survey, introduced in Sec-
tion 3. The results of this survey are depicted in Fig-
ure 4.
The results in Figure 4 show that all respondents
agree that the model delivers value and is detailed
enough, which implies it can be used to explain how
to handle privacy requirements correctly and integrate
PETs throughout the entire software life cycle. Re-
garding comprehensibility, respondents agree that the
diagram is understandable and readable. The most
crucial point, namely the correct integration of PETs
in the process, was also perceived positively overall.
Lastly, there is also general agreement on the presence
of all needed actors, activities, and stages, as well as
on the correct placement of the proposed solutions.
In this work, we investigate the integration of Privacy-
Enhancing Technologies into the software engineer-
ing process. Guided by existing literature on the topic,
we conducted 10 interviews with practitioners in the
field of privacy engineering and PETs. Insights from
these interviews served as the basis for the creation of
the Process Diagram for the Implementation of PETs,
which was iteratively refined and validated.
Our findings show that the road to the imple-
mentation of PETs as part of the SDLC involves a
large cohort of roles and activities, starting before
the implementation itself and extending well after in
the maintenance and continuous verification of PETs.
Other findings include the perceived challenges hin-
dering a more widespread adoption of PETs, as well
as potential solutions. To make concrete where these
solutions concepts can start to materialize, they are
incorporated into the presented process diagram.
The main limitation of our work comes with the
potentially limited generalizability of our findings.
While the process diagram, and all of the support-
ing findings, aim to generalize the insights of a di-
verse group of experts, there is a possible bias to-
wards larger organizations (>50 employees) with es-
tablished privacy practices. Naturally, companies
without the resources to support such a dynamic pro-
cess may not be best captured by our artifact. Nev-
ertheless, we believe our work lays the important
groundwork for future refinements towards a greater
understanding of the nature of PETs in practice.
Therefore, we make concrete paths for future
work: (1) further validation of the proposed process
diagram, taking into account more organization types
and sizes, (2) case studies in companies where PETs
have been successfully implemented, where these
processes can be recorded to augment our diagram,
and (3) feasibility studies on the proposed solutions.
At the core of our work, we seek to address the
question of how PETs, which have predominantly re-
mained a topic for research institutions, can begin to
be adopted in the industry. Before this can happen in
a more widespread manner, though, we argue that a
greater understanding of its place in practice should
be shared. With this, the true purpose of PETs can
be brought to fruition, in the way that meaningful re-
search turns to impactful practice.
On the Integration of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in the Process of Software Engineering
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