Advancing Industry 4.0: Integrating Data Governance into Asset
Administration Shell for Enhanced Interoperability
Mario Angos-Mediavilla
1,2 a
,Michael Gorenzweig
1,2 b
, Gerome Pahnke
2 c
, Andr
e Pomp
1 d
Matthias Freund
3 e
and Tobias Meisen
1 f
Institute for Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation, University of Wuppertal, Lise-Meitner-Str. 27-31,
42119, Wuppertal, Germany
Digital Transformation Office, Coroplast Group, Wittener Straße 271, 42279, Wuppertal, Germany
Festo SE & Co. KG, Ruiter Str. 82, 73734, Esslingen, Germany
Asset Administration Shell, Digital Twin, Data Governance, Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation.
The concept of Asset Administration Shell (AAS) is gaining attention in both the scientific community and
manufacturing enterprises within the context of digital transformation and Industry 4.0. AAS enables the
digital representation of information and services related to assets, facilitating their use and optimization in
specific use cases. Standardization and the use of AAS as a vehicle for data transfer enables the collaborative
exchange of information between value chain participants throughout the product life cycle. In this sense, it is
essential to define and conceptualize the data governance (DG) aspects necessary to enable the use of the AAS
concept in industry. Despite its significance, this topic has so far been insufficiently addressed in the scientific
community. Therefore, this paper aims to identify the relevant aspects of DG needed in the AAS ecosystem,
through a literature review. Based on these identified aspects, this paper addresses in detail, access control,
role and rights management, and data management principles. Next, we suggest solutions for integrating these
conceptual approaches into the current AAS metamodel. This approach lays the foundation for the adoption
of AAS in industry, encouraging standardized data sharing practices among industry stakeholders.
The ongoing digitalization of assets, i.e. physical
and/or digital objects of an organization in the form of
information and services, is currently an omnipresent
and central topic and represents the basis for digi-
tal transformation and Industry 4.0 (I4.0) (Adolphs
et al., 2015; Fleckenstein and Fellows, 2018; Boss
et al., 2019). Further, as part of I4.0, digitalization
advancements aim to facilitate collaboration between
participants in the value chain, among other objec-
tives. Nevertheless, this objective faces challenges
due to the constant increase in the complexity of busi-
ness processes, the need to individualize the products
to be manufactured, and especially the growth in the
shared use of information and services in the manu-
facturing industry. In order to meet these challenges,
the concept of asset orientation is being developed.
Its goal is to systematically organize the increasing
quantity of information and services associated with
the exchange of data between manufacturers and to
ensure a standardized structure for this information
and services (DIN EN IEC, 2022). The Asset Admin-
istration Shell (AAS) is a concept that has received
a lot of attention in this context. It is being devel-
oped to enable standardized representation and inte-
gration of assets into the information world, consid-
ered as the totality of all available data, digitalized
systems, and people, in a virtual environment (Hert-
erich et al., 2015; Boss et al., 2019; Belyaev et al.,
2021). Accordingly, the AAS aims to create a uni-
form standard for the digital twin for I4.0 and thereby
attempts to define and establish the potential of the
networked digital world in future industries. One im-
portant aspect addressed by the AAS is the semantic
interoperability for cross-manufacturer data exchange
(Adolphs et al., 2016; Boss et al., 2019; Bader et al.,
Angos-Mediavilla, M., Gorenzweig, M., Pahnke, G., Pomp, A., Freund, M. and Meisen, T.
Advancing Industry 4.0: Integrating Data Governance into Asset Administration Shell for Enhanced Interoperability.
DOI: 10.5220/0012632900003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 128-140
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Metamodel of Asset Administration Shell (DIN
EN IEC, 2022).
2019; DIN EN IEC, 2022). In data exchange along
the value chain using the AAS, data governance (DG)
plays a pivotal role in the successful development
and establishment of the AAS in industrial organiza-
tions, particularly regarding data security and inter-
operability (Bader et al., 2019; Angeli et al., 2019).
Given this context, the AAS faces the challenge of
supporting cross-manufacturer data exchange, where
manufacturers and their vendors have individual and
partly informal DG concepts (DIN EN IEC, 2022;
Zimmermann and Sch
affer, 2023). Additionally, data
exchange must comply with future legal and inter-
nal security regulations (Bader et al., 2019; DIN EN
IEC, 2022). To fulfill the main objective, we address
the following questions as guidelines throughout our
Q1. What are the relevant aspects of DG for
cross-manufacturer data exchange in the AAS
Q2. What options does the AAS offer for the inte-
gration of aspects of DG?
Q3. What could a possible DG approach for
cross-manufacturer data exchange in the AAS
ecosystem look like?
In light of the above, the main objective of this
work is to propose a solution for cross-manufacturer
data exchange using the AAS, while considering
specific aspects of DG. To achieve this objective,
we initially define the concepts of AAS and DG in
Section 2 (cf. Section 2). In Section 3 (cf. Section
3), we analyze the current state of the art. Based
on a methodology (cf. subsection 3.1), in which we
develop and establish the criteria for the evaluation
of the current literature, we present our results in the
form of a corpus analysis (cf. subsection 3.2). Here,
relevant aspects of DG are derived and identified.
In Section 4 (cf. Section 4), we elaborate on and
clarify the fullfillment conditions of the identified
aspects of DG to ensure secure cross-manufacturer
data exchange using the AAS. Based on this, we
introduce the initial approach for the concept of DG
for the existing structure of the AAS (cf. Section 5),
represented by a Unified Modeling Language (UML)
class diagram. Lastly, the key ideas of this study
are summarized, and future research directions are
provided (cf. Section 6).
2.1 Asset Administration Shell
The Reference Architecture Model for Industry
4.0 (RAMI4.0) provides a three-dimensional frame-
work for mutual understanding and communication
among participants in the value chain. Additionally,
RAMI4.0 serves as a guideline for the integration of
I4.0 components (Adolphs et al., 2015; Heidel et al.,
2019). The structure of an I4.0 component consists of
an AAS, representing the concrete implementation of
a digital twin (Boss et al., 2019), and its correspond-
ing asset, a physical or logical object with value for
a company (Heidel et al., 2019). The I4.0 component
aligns with the principles of RAMI4.0 (Adolphs et al.,
2015; Heidel et al., 2019) and is distinguished by a
unique identifier (ID) (Heidel et al., 2019; Plattform
Industrie 4.0, 2021). The architecture of the I4.0 com-
ponent enables a digital representation of the associ-
ated asset. As discussed earlier, the AAS constitutes
an integral part of the I4.0 component, embodying the
standardized digital representation and characteriza-
tion of an asset (Adolphs et al., 2015; Heidel et al.,
2019; DIN EN IEC, 2022). To achieve this standard-
ization, the general concept and existing structure of
an AAS are defined in the IEC 63278-1 standard (DIN
EN IEC, 2022). In order to describe the structure of
an AAS from a technical point of view, a metamodel
is used. This metamodel is created using a UML class
diagram to define the hierarchical structure and rela-
tionships between the classes used and the associated
instances, which are called objects (Czuchra, 2010;
Bader et al., 2019; Industrial Digital Twin Associa-
tion, 2023). As seen in Figure 1, the AAS consists
of the classes AssetInformation, Submodel (SM), Sub-
modelElement (SME) and Property. The AssetInfor-
Advancing Industry 4.0: Integrating Data Governance into Asset Administration Shell for Enhanced Interoperability
mation class describes the specifications of the repre-
sented asset of the AAS. In addition, the AAS consists
of several SMs, which represent a group of properties
required to implement a specific use case (Boss et al.,
2019). In this context, a dependency exists between
the SM class and the SME class, because the SME
class contains the actual specifications of the SM. Fur-
thermore, an SME can assume various standardized
SME types, such as property, blob or file, in which
the data type and the respective value are contained
(DIN EN IEC, 2022).
2.2 Data Governance
As outlined by Hildebrand (Hildebrand, 2011) and
Khatri (Khatri and Brown, 2010), the concept of
DG holds escalating significance in the evolving
landscape of digitalization, assuming a pivotal role
for contemporary organizations while simultaneously
presenting novel challenges. In light of the recogni-
tion of data as a crucial asset within modern organi-
zations and the exponential growth in data volumes,
the implementation of a DG emerges as imperative
for efficient data management, storage, and utilization
(Khatri and Brown, 2010; Hildebrand, 2011; Flecken-
stein and Fellows, 2018). Given the multitude of def-
initions associated with DG, the following adheres to
an established definition proposed by Mosley (Mosley
and Brackett, 2010) and Fleckenstein (Fleckenstein
and Fellows, 2018), chosen for its alignment with the
international, standardized, and formalized approach
provided by the Data Management Body of Knowl-
edge DMBOK (Mosley and Brackett, 2010). In accor-
dance with Mosley (Mosley and Brackett, 2010) and
Fleckenstein (Fleckenstein and Fellows, 2018), a DG
is defined as “a framework for exercising authority
and control (planning, monitoring, and enforcement)
over the management of data assets”. A fundamental
objective of DG lies in the handling and maintenance
of data in harmony with organizational goals (Mosley
and Brackett, 2010; Fleckenstein and Fellows, 2018;
Zimmermann and Sch
affer, 2023). DG encompasses
various dimensions, including role and rights man-
agement, data life cycles, data quality, and data secu-
rity (Mosley and Brackett, 2010; Hildebrand, 2011).
Effective utilization of DG provides clarity regarding
roles, responsibilities, and permissible actions at all
times (Khatri and Brown, 2010; Mosley and Brack-
ett, 2010; Hildebrand, 2011). This, among other ben-
efits, can fortify trust in data exchange and ensure
data availability (Khatri and Brown, 2010; Mosley
and Brackett, 2010). It is essential to distinguish be-
tween DG and data management principles. While
the DG defines roles, responsibilities and priorities
for the data management principles, the execution and
implementation of policies, standards and or guide-
lines on aspects such as data security, confidentiality,
interoperability, data quality, or data sovereignty, fall
under the scope of the data management principles
(Khatri and Brown, 2010; Mosley and Brackett, 2010;
Fleckenstein and Fellows, 2018; European Commis-
sion, 2020). In order to establish a formalized and
actionable DG, detailed data management principles
are first required (Fleckenstein and Fellows, 2018).
3.1 Methodology
This work presents a systematic literature review in
order to ascertain and evaluate the presence of the DG
topic within the scientific community in the context
of data exchange through a digital twin or an AAS.
This review, inspired by the methodologies proposed
by Snyder (Snyder, 2019), Heil (Heil, 2020), and Ter-
can (Tercan and Meisen, 2022), provides a support-
ive guide for the identification and evaluation of pub-
lications relevant to a specific theme, aligning with
the defined scope of this work. The literature review
is conducted using well-established databases such
as Web of Science, IEEE Explore, ACM Digital Li-
brary, and Semantic Scholar as well as the leading
institution Plattform Industrie 4.0 in the context of
I4.0. To guarantee search reproducibility and delimit
its scope, the following set of keywords was defined
in the form of boolean operators: “asset administra-
tion shell” AND (“data governance” OR “data policy”
OR “data exchange” OR “access control” OR “access
permission” OR “authorization” OR “authentication”
OR “security”). Since the earliest publications in the
AAS domain incorporating these selected keywords
date back to 2017, this work restricts the publications
to those from that year up to the present, i.e., the year
2023 in which this review is conducted. The system-
atic review, illustrated in Figure 2, encompasses key
stages such as database search, removal of nonrele-
vant publications such as wrong subject area, target
or category, and review of the remaining publications.
From the initial database search, 50 relevant publica-
tions were identified, distributed as follows: IEEE Ex-
plore (23), Web of Science (11), ACM Digital Library
(8), Semantic Scholar (7) and Plattform Industrie 4.0
(1). Subsequently, the refinement process involved
preselection, criteria selection, and snowballing. Pre-
selection focused on obtaining full texts, eliminating
nine publications due to restricted access. A detailed
review of the remaining 41 publications centered on
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Overview of the systematic literature search pro-
cess - own figure based on (Tercan and Meisen, 2022).
those originating from the manufacturing industry, re-
sulting in the exclusion of 12 publications that per-
tained to a different sector such as biological engi-
neering, smart cities, and/or agriculture. As a result
of preselection, 29 publications remained as potential
candidates. In the second step, the remaining publi-
cations were thoroughly examined, categorized, and
consolidated based on various criteria, including pub-
lication target and aspects considered regarding DG.
This categorization process, aided by an Excel tool
and a text document for consolidating key passages,
revealed that 17 publications lacked sufficient depth
in DG content, i.e. the possible partial aspects of DG
were only dealt with superficially in the main body
of the publication and did not reveal any new or con-
crete statements or results so they were consequently
excluded. In step three, based on the 12 remaining
publications, an iteration was carried out using the
snowballing principle, which identified six additional
publications. This iterative process scrutinized source
references and bibliographies in more detail, as in-
spired by (Claes, 2014). In the final step, based on
the refined set of 18 publications, a detailed review is
conducted to derive insights into the consideration of
DG aspects in the AAS ecosystem.
3.2 Corpus Analysis
In this section, the identified publications are ana-
lyzed using two categories, as illustrated in Table 1.
The first category outlines the target of the publica-
tions, where three subcategories are identified: state
of the art (5), conception (9), and proposal (10). Pub-
lications categorized as state of the art delve into
theoretical advancements in the realms of AAS and
DG. Furthermore, nine publications present concep-
tual frameworks based on literature analysis, while
another ten offer practical proposals for the concepts
discussed in the literature. The second category high-
lights the aspects related to DG that are addressed in
the publications. These aspects include data security
(15), authentication (15), authorization (10), confi-
dentiality (8), role and rights management (10), data
sovereignty (5), and data integrity (9). The publica-
tions explore and discuss these facets within the con-
text of DG, contributing valuable insights to the cur-
rent discourse on these critical topics. The aspect of
data security appears in 15 publications and pertains
to the security needed in the cross-manufacturer ex-
change of data. In this context, the data management
principles outline the agreed-upon and/or legally pre-
scribed rules and conditions to ensure data security
(Moreno et al., 2023). Data security requirements
encompass establishing mutual trust and/or authen-
ticating the involved parties, managing information
securely, and ensuring data integrity, which includes
employing data encryption (Mosley and Brackett,
2010; Bedner and Ackermann, 2010; Hosseini et al.,
2021). Compliance with the additional requirements
of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
is mandatory for the cross-manufacturer exchange of
personal data. While the aspect of authentication ap-
pears in 15 of the publications, the aspect of autho-
rization is mentioned in only ten of them. An in-
teresting observation is the diversity of methods de-
scribed, with eight distinct authentication methods
such as X.509, OAuth2.0 or Decentralized Identifiers
and six distinct authorization methods such as RBAC,
ABAC or OAuth2.0. Authentication serves as the ini-
tial verification step and grants the initial approval to
access the respective system for data exchange and
querying (Hosseini et al., 2022; Moreno et al., 2023).
Authentication aims to verify the user’s identity, uti-
lizing certificates, passwords, or usernames to con-
firm the accessing user’s authenticity (Ding et al.,
2021; Dogan et al., 2022; Moreno et al., 2023). Fol-
lowing successful authentication, authorization deter-
mines which user can access specific data and con-
tent (Ding et al., 2021; Hang et al., 2022; Moreno
et al., 2023). To define the granularity of data ac-
cess, roles and rights can be assigned to correspond-
ing users. Access rights regulate and restrict the ac-
tions that roles and users can execute. In this context,
access control focuses on ensuring the authentication,
authorization, and reliability of all value chain par-
ticipants seeking access to AAS data (Angeli et al.,
2019; Hang et al., 2022; Moreno et al., 2023). It is,
therefore, a fundamental basis for compliance with
data security, confidentiality, and integrity (Angeli
et al., 2019; Jacoby et al., 2021; Hang et al., 2022).
The aspect of confidentiality appears in eight pub-
lications and plays a pivotal role in securing cross-
manufacturer data exchange, ensuring that only au-
thorized users have access to pertinent information
(Oh et al., 2019; Broring et al., 2022; ISO/IEC, 2022).
Advancing Industry 4.0: Integrating Data Governance into Asset Administration Shell for Enhanced Interoperability
Table 1: Overview of the publications found in the literature (2017-2023), indicating their target and the aspects identified in
the scope of the GD - own table based on (Webster and Watson, 2002).
Publication Target Aspect DG
State of the art
Data security
Role and rights management
Data sovereignty
Data integrity
[1] (Moreno et al., 2023)
[2] (Broring et al., 2022)
[3] (Dogan et al., 2022)
[4] (Hang et al., 2022)
[5] (Hosseini et al., 2022)
[6] (Dogan et al., 2021)
[7] (Br
oring et al., 2021)
[8] (Ding et al., 2021)
[9] (Hosseini et al., 2021)
[10] (Jacoby et al., 2021)
[11] (Leander et al., 2021)
[12] (Redeker et al., 2020)
[13] (Angeli et al., 2019)
[14] (Lewin et al., 2019)
[15] (Oh et al., 2019)
[16] (Schmitt et al., 2019)
[17] (Alonso et al., 2017)
[18] (Tantik and Anderl, 2017)
Additionally, various techniques are presented for en-
suring data confidentiality, such as classifying infor-
mation based on its security level and employing en-
cryption methods (Angeli et al., 2019; Ding et al.,
2021; Moreno et al., 2023). Meanwhile, the aspect
of role and rights management is discussed in ten
publications. Ding (Ding et al., 2021) and Moreno
(Moreno et al., 2023) link the assignment of roles and
rights directly with the previously mentioned autho-
rization aspect, allowing access to specific informa-
tion. The role and rights management aspect aims
to ensure granularity of access to data by different
users, roles, and/or attributes (Angeli et al., 2019;
Hang et al., 2022; Moreno et al., 2023). To guar-
antee the release of appropriate and authorized data
for exchange between manufacturers, data can also be
classified based on sensitivity and importance as part
of role and rights management (Angeli et al., 2019;
Ding et al., 2021; Moreno et al., 2023). In this aspect,
access control concepts play an indispensable role.
Several authors systematically introduce the concepts
of attribute-based access control (ABAC) and role-
based access control (RBAC) (Alonso et al., 2017;
Angeli et al., 2019; Oh et al., 2019; Leander et al.,
2021; Dogan et al., 2022). These concepts are em-
ployed to restrict access to data, with RBAC opting
for the use of defined roles that grant access to spe-
cific information (Angeli et al., 2019; Dogan et al.,
2022; Leander et al., 2021; Oh et al., 2019; Alonso
et al., 2017). In contrast to this, ABAC provides more
granularity by considering individual attributes along
with roles (Alonso et al., 2017; Angeli et al., 2019;
Oh et al., 2019; Leander et al., 2021; Dogan et al.,
2022). Regarding rights management, the Plattform
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
I4.0 (Angeli et al., 2019; Hosseini et al., 2022; Oh
et al., 2019), and Moreno (Moreno et al., 2023) pro-
pose distinguishing between read access rights and
write access rights. Additionally, Plattform I4.0 (An-
geli et al., 2019) provides a comparative analysis be-
tween RBAC and ABAC access control. In this con-
text, the authors opt for the ABAC method due to its
dynamism and present it as a possible implementation
in the AAS standard. However, they acknowledge
the significant administrative effort required to imple-
ment the ABAC concept. On the other hand, RBAC
represents a well-known and easy-to-manage solution
with low administrative overheads, making it a viable
candidate for managing information access within the
AAS (Alonso et al., 2017; Angeli et al., 2019; Oh
et al., 2019; Leander et al., 2021). The aspect of
sovereignty holds significance in nine of the selected
publications. In the context of a DG proposal for
the AAS concept, data sovereignty refers to ensuring
that participants in the value chain maintain control,
data ownership, and entitlement over their data dur-
ing data exchange (Redeker et al., 2020; Jacoby et al.,
2021; Moreno et al., 2023). The goal is to ensure
data sovereignty regardless of the number of partici-
pating organizations or systems. Consequently, in the
course of data sovereignty, organizations must be able
to decide independently what data is shared, to what
extent, and with whom (Jacoby et al., 2021; Hang
et al., 2022; Moreno et al., 2023). Finally, the aspect
of data integrity is addressed in nine of the publica-
tions. Data integrity implies that ensuring the quality
of data throughout its life cycle is a crucial require-
ment (Mosley and Brackett, 2010; Rahul and Banyal,
2020; Moreno et al., 2023). The diversity of require-
ments, both internally between departments and ex-
ternally between organizations, poses challenges for
data quality (Khatri and Brown, 2010; Hildebrand,
2011; Zimmermann and Sch
affer, 2023). Due to the
heterogeneity of user requirements, data classification
is proposed. This involves categorizing the data to
prioritize and protect the most sensitive data, ensur-
ing data quality according to specific needs (Mosley
and Brackett, 2010; Hildebrand, 2011; Fleckenstein
and Fellows, 2018). Additionally, completeness, ac-
curacy, immutability, availability, and timeliness of
data play an indispensable role in terms of integrity
and must be ensured in the exchange of data between
manufacturers, during both data exchange and stor-
age (Broring et al., 2022; Moreno et al., 2023). Thus,
integrity refers not only to the quality of the data but
also to the security of the data during their exchange
(Bedner and Ackermann, 2010; Hosseini et al., 2021;
Moreno et al., 2023).
The corpus analysis, as explored in subsection 3.2 (cf.
subsection 3.2), highlights a notable gap in introduc-
ing a comprehensive concept of DG and its associated
aspects within the AAS ecosystem. While specific as-
pects of DG have been discussed, often in a highly
theoretical manner, there is a distinct absence of con-
crete implementations. Hence, drawing on founda-
tional principles (cf. Section 2), we advocate for ap-
proaching the DG concept through three key aspects
crucial for information exchange in the value chain:
data management principles, access control, and role
and rights management. In the realm of data man-
agement principles, the authors underscore the signif-
icance of upholding confidentiality, data sovereignty,
security, and integrity in their publications. For this
purpose, the consensus is that data exchange between
collaborating organizations must conform to valid
data management principles. However, there is cur-
rently no specific concept or approach that describes
how data management principles should be structured
within the existing AAS metamodel. Therefore, we
propose considering data management principles to
be an aspect that encompasses the fulfillment of the
requirements identified in the context of data security,
interoperability, data integrity, data sovereignty, ac-
cess control, and role and rights management. More-
over, the topic of access control has not yet been dealt
with in depth in the analyzed publications. To ensure
the authenticity of the respective user and/or system
requesting access to the AAS, the principles of data
management are complemented by access control. In
this regard, we propose considering access control in
conjunction with authentication and authorization as-
pects. The final aspect discussed in this paper is role
and rights management, which guarantees and autho-
rizes access to the respective AAS information based
on defined roles and rights.
4.1 Aspect: Data Management
Along with access control, and role and rights man-
agement, data management principles represent one
of the most comprehensive aspects that enables ex-
change of data among value chain participants when
considering DG. This section presents the conditions
and organizational requirements necessary for suc-
cessful cross-manufacturer data exchange, consider-
Advancing Industry 4.0: Integrating Data Governance into Asset Administration Shell for Enhanced Interoperability
ing the identified aspects within the scope of DG.
The premise is that the data management principles
are interdependent with other aspects, each relying
on the fulfillment of their respective requirements. It
is crucial to underscore that while each aspect is in-
terlinked, this paper acknowledges their independent
consideration. To derive a possible solution, it is as-
sumed that the following fulfillment conditions for the
requirements are generally valid and must be met to
ensure basic data security in the cross-manufacturer
data exchange and to create a foundation for efficient
and secure data exchange among different organiza-
tions and systems. In this process, data management
principles are defined and created by the data provider
and must be accepted by the data user before the ex-
change and use of data. To ensure that the require-
ments and fulfillment conditions of data management
principles for access and data exchange are met, they
can be incorporated into the Non-Disclosure Agree-
ment (NDA) between the two parties. The follow-
ing section describes the fulfillment conditions for
the identified requirements. The fulfillment of the
requirement data security hinges on the adherence
to the agreed data management principles for cross-
manufacturer data exchange, encompassing the nec-
essary data security prerequisites, including authenti-
cation and authorization. Furthermore, strict compli-
ance with the stipulations of the GDPR is paramount,
and automated exchange of personal data via AAS is
strictly prohibited. The manual review and approval
processes for personal data must align with the pre-
scribed role and rights management procedures. The
requirement for interoperability is considered fulfilled
if the AAS allows the transfer of data between dif-
ferent systems and organizations and uses standard-
ized data formats, structures, and/or communication
protocols. Additionally, it must be ensured that the
data in the AAS has a common and unambiguous
meaning and can be interpreted by all involved ac-
tors. The requirement data integrity is considered
fulfilled if the data in the AAS meet the specified
criteria. For this purpose, authentication methods
and/or role and rights models for access to submod-
els (SM) and their properties can be taken into ac-
count and applied. The fulfillment of this require-
ment is contingent upon the proper classification of
data destined for the AAS. This classification should
not only align with the intended use case but also
consider the sensitivity and significance of the data.
Furthermore, enhancing data quality and upholding
data integrity requires the implementation of authen-
tication and authorization methods. Leveraging role
and rights models for accessing SM and their prop-
erties contributes significantly to refining the param-
eters that define data quality. These measures are vi-
tal for maintaining the integrity of the data through-
out its life cycle within the AAS. The requirement
of data sovereignty is considered fulfilled when the
security of data is taken into account, and compli-
ance with contractual/organizational approaches de-
scribed in the data management principles is guaran-
teed concerning the storage, processing, and transfer
of data. This implies that the data management princi-
ples must be accepted by the data user before any data
exchange takes place. The requirement access con-
trol is considered fulfilled if access to the AAS data
is restricted by an access time and by means of access
control. Authentication must successfully verify the
identity of the user. Authorization must successfully
define the access roles and access rights that regulate
and restrict the actions of users. The access time must
restrict or terminate access after expiry. The require-
ment role and rights management is considered ful-
filled if the role and rights management ensures gran-
ularity for data access and defines and records roles,
rights and attributes in the data management princi-
4.2 Aspect: Access Control
In terms of access control to AAS repositories, which
involve information or services digitally represented
in the AAS, the need for authentication and authoriza-
tion is identified based on corpus analysis (cf. Section
3.2). To access the AAS, a basic level of trust has to be
established between organizations, i.e., participants,
through standards such as ISO 27001 or user authenti-
cation. This is a necessary condition in order to obtain
proof of which user wishes to access the content and
structure of the AAS and for how long they need ac-
cess. For this work, we have evaulated various meth-
ods including distributed ledger technology, X.509,
OpenAuthorization 2.0, Blockchain, Asset Adminis-
tration System and Object Memory Model. Evaluation
criteria included method maturity, decentralization,
integration into the AAS structure, open source, iden-
tifiability with DIN 91406, and authentication and au-
thorization capabilities. Based on the criteria evalua-
tion we determined the X.509 Method to be a suitable
candidate for authentication. The main advantage of
X.509 over other methods is that X.509 is a decen-
tralized, open-source method that provides an existing
and established certification without requiring any ad-
ditional specific adaptation to integrate it into the ex-
isting AAS structure, and it can be used for certificate-
based authentication as described next (Angeli et al.,
2019; Broring et al., 2022; Moreno et al., 2023). Fur-
thermore, X.509 carries out a quick verification of the
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Overview of a possible solution for role and rights
management - own figure based on (Ferraiolo, 2007).
certificate and, therefore, authentication can be per-
formed, since this certificate confirms the identity and
authenticity of the user from a trusted certification au-
thority (Moreno et al., 2023). To integrate the method
of X.509 into the existing AAS metamodel, both the
signed certificate and the public key of the respective
user are required. The authenticity of the user can be
confirmed and guaranteed by comparing both objects.
With regard to the fulfillment condition of access con-
trol, a time stamp of the authentication is also required
for the subsequent steps, which should make it possi-
ble to define and manage access time.
4.3 Aspect: Role and Rights
The restriction of access to information and services
within the AAS through the specification and use of
roles and rights is crucial to ensure the successful ex-
change of information in the value chain necessary
for the execution of a use case. Additionally, the
data classification process is considered fundamen-
tal for effective management of roles and rights. In
this regard, reference is made to the DG framework
by (Fleckenstein and Fellows, 2018), emphasizing the
need to prioritize the protection of critical business
data. To achieve this, we propose precise classifica-
tion of an organization’s existing data into critical and
noncritical business data, essentially a binary classi-
fication. In the context of AAS, we specifically pro-
pose the classification of data, namely SME, which
will be stored or referenced in the respective SM of
an AAS. This classification is performed manually in
this work, emphasizing high and low sensitivity of the
data. We propose two perspectives for the classifica-
tion. One concept involves duplicating the same SM,
i.e., an SM X.1 for high-sensitivity data and another
SM X.2 for data that poses no risk to the company.
Another perspective is the idea of sharing only non-
sensitive data for the company, using only the AAS
concept in this case. In the case of sensitive data,
the use of the AAS structure will be avoided. Cur-
rently, due to the present state of implementation of
the AAS concept and its structure, the creation and
generation of an AAS with its respective SMs and
SMEs entails a large amount of manual and admin-
istrative work, mainly at the industrial level. Thus,
our objective is to restrict the access to all the infor-
mation relating to a specific SM, without differenti-
ating its SMEs. It is important to note that the AAS
concept provides the opportunity to restrict access at
the AAS or SME level, but that is not the focus of
this work. Similarly, the binary classification, which
we focus on in this work, is a first step toward in-
troducing DG aspects into the AAS. It is anticipated
that the classification will be more detailed in vari-
ous dimensions regarding AAS information and ser-
vices. The management of roles and rights, com-
plemented by binary classification, advocates for an
RBAC concept, where access to AAS information is
granted through the definition of user roles. Thus,
RBAC provides a secure, easily manageable, and ef-
ficient solution for data access among manufacturers,
aligning with organizational requirements (Ferraiolo,
2007; Emig, 2008). User assignment and rights al-
location, separated by roles, facilitates access con-
trol without requiring changes for each user as orga-
nizational structures evolve. Figure 3 illustrates the
interplay between user assignment, roles, and rights
assignment. The implementation of RBAC involves
more users than roles and rights. A relational N x
M relationship accommodates this, allowing multiple
role assignments for users and rights assignments for
roles. In the AAS context, we propose basic roles, in-
cluding administrator, AAS manager, standard user,
technical user, and executive user. Each role aligns
with specific rights, such as read access, write ac-
cess, and full access. Administrator privileges encom-
pass full access to the AAS, primarily managing user
administration. AAS-responsibles possess extensive
knowledge in a particular area, equivalent to organi-
zational data stewards, managing AAS elements and
data. Standard users have read access to the informa-
tion and services represented in the SMs of the AAS.
Technical users, on the other hand, have access to
standardized technical SMs such as Provision of Sim-
ulation Models and Time Series Data. Executive users
have additional authorizations beyond standard func-
tions, such as the generation and visualization of re-
ports based on the information from the relevant SMs.
The rights allocation follows a successive structure:
read access is highly limited, allowing only viewing
and reading AAS content; write access includes read
access, and full access encompasses both read and
write access, along with the right to add, modify, and
Advancing Industry 4.0: Integrating Data Governance into Asset Administration Shell for Enhanced Interoperability
delete information. The proposed concept requires at
least one administrator and one AAS-responsible for
each AAS, ensuring functionality and user creation.
While we provide a basic concept of roles and rights,
specific and more detailed roles and rights of the or-
ganization should be defined beyond this framework.
To integrate the possible aspects of a DG, namely
data management principles, access control, as well
as role and rights management, into the ecosystem
of the AAS, two options are discussed. The first op-
tion would be to integrate DG aspects in the form of
an SM, using a template SM as proposed by the In-
dustrial Digital Twin Association (IDTA) and subse-
quently standardizing it. This would require incorpo-
rating the SM that presents DG aspects into each AAS
instance before proceeding with data exchange. Since
DG is a concept that encompasses all SMs, this idea
is susceptible to errors and unnecessary complexity,
as DG aspects, such as role and rights management,
would need to be manually referenced to each respec-
tive SM. On the other hand, the option of integrating
the identified aspects related to DG directly into the
structure of the AAS is considered, i.e., extending the
AAS metamodel. In this way, the AAS concept would
inherently contain the identified DG aspects, elimi-
nating the need for additional integration. Therefore,
we propose expanding the AAS metamodel with the
identified DG aspects. This approach offers a more
cohesive and efficient solution by avoiding redundan-
cies and simplifying the process of integrating DG
aspects into the AAS environment. For the integra-
tion, the existing metamodel of the AAS is used in
the format of a UML class diagram. Further basics of
a UML class diagram are not explained in detail and
can be found in (Czuchra, 2010; Bader et al., 2019;
Industrial Digital Twin Association, 2023). The ex-
tension of this metamodel by the proposed aspects
of a DG is based on the DIN EN IEC 63278-1 in
which the structure and specification of the third ver-
sion of the AAS metamodel is described (DIN EN
IEC, 2022). Specifically, the third version of the AAS
metamodel does not take into account or include any
aspects of a DG. Nevertheless, the existing structure
of the AAS represents a significant advantage for in-
tegration, as the necessary structures and aspects are
Figure 4: Overview of the UserInformation superclass -
own figure.
defined and standardized so that they can be supple-
mented with new classes and attributes that follow the
schema. Accordingly, Figure 6 shows a proposal for
the integration of a DG into the existing metamodel
of the AAS. Existing classes are shown in normal
text. Extended classes and new classes are shown in
bold text. In order to create an understanding of the
extension of the existing metamodel in view of the
new classes and attributes, the integrated superclasses
(SC) UserInformation and Authorizable are explained
5.1 Superclass UserInformation
Figure 4 shows an overview of the SC UserInforma-
tion. This SC can be used to reference the user infor-
mation to an element of the AAS metamodel so that it
can contain information about the user, such as iden-
tification, roles or rights, if this is required for the fur-
ther process. The SC UserInformation inherits all at-
tributes from the classes Referable, HasSemantics and
Qualifiable for a concrete specification, referencing
and further information about the user’s creator. The
information about the user is made up of the attributes
userId, userRole, userRights, userType, accessTime
and userPublicKey. The userId contains a locally
unique ID of the user in the form of a string, i.e. a
character string, so that the user can be uniquely iden-
tified and referenced in the respective system. The
attribute userRole represents the role of the user from
the defined roles. This attribute is of the type of the
class UserRole. This class in turn contains an enu-
meration of the user’s roles. This is used to specify
whether the user is a StandardUser, TechnicalUser,
ExecutiveUser, Administrator or AASResponsible. In
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
order to maintain the consistency of the concept, each
user is assigned a role in accordance with the spec-
ifications, as otherwise the assignment of the rights
associated with the respective role can lead to incon-
sistencies and ambiguity. Analogous to the roles, the
attribute userRights represents the user’s rights from
the defined rights. This attribute has the type User-
Rights, which contains an enumeration of the user’s
rights that are anchored in the user’s role. It therefore
specifies whether the user has read, write or full ac-
cess to the SM. According to the specifications out-
lined in Section 4 (cf. Section 4), these rights are
structured in an incremental manner, building upon
each other. This delineates the roles eligible to receive
these rights, ensuring alignment with the user’s as-
signed role. In addition to roles and rights, each user
is associated with a user type. The userType attribute
denotes, for a specific user instance, its classification
among the predefined user types. This attribute is of
the class type UserType, which includes an enumer-
ation of possible user types, indicating whether the
user is internal, external, or both internal and exter-
nal. Another attribute of the SC UserInformation is
the accessTime. This attribute contains a timestamp
with the time of the user’s access to the information
or services of the respective SM. The access time is
saved and then overwritten each time the user is au-
thenticated and is intended to manage and restrict the
access period in a specific implementation. The final
attribute is userPublicKey. This contains the user’s
public key in the form of a string, which is compared
with a certificate for authentication.
5.2 Superclass Authorizable
Figure 5 shows an overview of the extended SC Au-
thorizable. For further specifications the SC Autho-
rizable inherits from the SC HasSemantics, Refer-
able and Qualifiable. Specifically, the class Autho-
rization represents the authorization of the user. To
do this, the class contains the attributes authentica-
tionCheckPoint, authorizeUser and SubmodelAccess-
Restriction. To eliminate inconsistencies and security
gaps, the authenticationCheckPoint attribute checks
whether the user has been successfully authenticated.
Consequently, this checkpoint is represented by the
type Boolean. Similarly, the attribute authorizeUser
is represented by a Boolean. This attribute authorizes
the user if their characteristics match the authorization
restrictions. The class Authorization contains the at-
tribute submodelAccessRestriction for defining possi-
ble restrictions on authorization for data access. This
attribute represents the restrictions for the authoriza-
tion of the user and is of the type of the class Submod-
Figure 5: Overview of the Authorizable superclass - own
elAccessRestriction. The class SubmodelAccessRe-
striction defines the restrictions for the authorization
of the user. For this purpose, the class contains the
attributes typeRestriction and rolesRestriction. The
rights are not restricted because, as previously men-
tioned, these are associated with the respective role
of the user. The typeRestriction attribute contains the
permitted user types, i.e. the visibility for the SM,
for data access. The permitted user types from the
permitted set of user types are defined in this string.
Analogous to visibility, the permitted roles for data
access are defined via the rolesRestriction attribute.
5.3 Overview of the Extended
Figure 6 illustrates the integration of a DG into the
AAS structure. The extended metamodel incorpo-
rates the accessControl attribute, addressing security
aspects such as authentication and data management
principles for AAS access control. The accessCon-
trol attribute belongs to the AccessControl class, man-
aging authentication methods and datamanagement-
Principles. The AccessControl class inherits from the
SC UserInformation which provides information for
user authentication and for authentication of check-
points. Additionally, AccessControl inherits from the
Referable class for local reference. The datamanage-
mentPrinciples attribute signifies attachment of re-
quired data management principles and user confir-
mation, belonging to the DatamanagementPrinciples
class. The authentication attribute denotes the au-
Advancing Industry 4.0: Integrating Data Governance into Asset Administration Shell for Enhanced Interoperability
Figure 6: Overview of the integration of data governance aspects identified into the existing metamodel of the asset adminis-
tration shell - own figure based on (Industrial Digital Twin Association, 2023); Existing elements of the asset administration
shell shown in normal text; Extended elements for data governance shown in bold text.
thentication method for data access and user authen-
tication, belonging to the Authentication class. The
DatamanagementPrinciples class includes the docu-
ment attribute of type File for data guidelines and
the userApproval attribute for user confirmation. File
class attributes value and contentType represent the
document path and content, respectively. The Au-
thentication class features X.509Certificate for user
authentication using certificates and authenticateUser
for user authentication as a Boolean. The Blob class,
concluding AAS access control, encompasses value
and contentType attributes for blob instances. Finally,
for user authorization, the SM class is extended by
SC Authorizable. SM class inherits from SC Autho-
rizable to impose access restrictions, allowing indi-
vidual assignment based on role and rights manage-
ment specifications. Notably, the assumption of data
classification by sensitivity remains integral. SM can
be replicated and created multiple times, each with
distinct access restrictions and permissible visibility
according to SC Authorizable specifications.
The main objective of this scientific publication was
to specify and develop a concept for integrating iden-
tified aspects of a DG into the existing structure of
the AAS to ensure secure cross-manufacturer data ex-
change. To outline the relevance of the topic and
the main objective based on existing findings and re-
search, we first conducted an exhaustive literature re-
view. The literature review revealed that the number
of publications on the topic of AAS in combination
with a DG is very limited due to the newness of the
subject. As a result, no publication could be identi-
fied that provided an initial proposal or concept for
implementing a DG for data exchange among manu-
facturers using AAS. However, through the literature
review, three potentially relevant aspects for DG com-
pliance during data exchange among manufacturers
were identified. These aspects are data management
principles, access control, and role and rights man-
agement. These aspects formed the basis for specify-
ing DG integration into the AAS structure. By achiev-
ing the main objective of the paper, we offer an initial
proposal for future research in this area. Thus, the
integration of a DG into the existing structure of the
AAS aimed to restrict access to the AAS through ac-
cess control, where users must first undergo an au-
thentication and authorization procedure before gain-
ing access to information and services stored in AAS
repositories. Regarding Q1, seven relevant aspects
for conceiving a DG for cross-manufacturer data ex-
change in the AAS ecosystem were identified: data
management principles, data security, interoperabil-
ity, data integrity, data sovereignty, access control,
and role and rights management. Furthermore, not
only necessary requirements are described, but also
compliance definition to consider these aspects within
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
a DG framework. It is indicated that these aspects
cover the most important organizational requirements
to restrict and ensure the access to data and its use
through AAS. For this reason, these requirements
were integrated into the data management principles
of the concept and must be accepted by users before
accessing the data. The answer to Q2 shows that the
current AAS metamodel does not yet consider DG as-
pects. However, it offers specifications, definitions,
and elements suitable for integrating potential DG as-
pects. The existing metamodel includes classes, SC,
attributes, data elements, and relationships, allowing
the addition of new elements that incorporate poten-
tial DG aspects. In answering Q3, possible aspects of
a DG were initially specified for integration into the
AAS metamodel. Regarding conceptualization, the
necessity for a binary classification of the data was
first demonstrated. This classification was required
because the authorization in our concept was imple-
mented using RBAC. To enable the RBAC to sensi-
bly restrict access and granularity to the SM, the data
was classified into business-critical and non-business-
critical data. In the course of this, it was shown that
different roles and rights for data access can be as-
signed depending on the type of data. The concept
also includes the introduction of SC, such as UserIn-
formation and Authorizable, as well as the creation of
the class AccessControl. The AccessControl class was
the foundation for ensuring that a user first authen-
ticates himself with an X.509 certificate and accepts
the organization’s most important data management
principles before accessing the AAS. To do this, the
AccessControl class received the attributes of the user
by inheriting them from the UserInformation class. If
these two aspects of access control were fulfilled, the
authorization of the user could continue. This was en-
sured by means of the Authorizable class, which also
inherits the attributes from the UserInformation class.
This concept will be tested and validated in future
work. The remaining unanswered questions revolve
around handling sensitive user data in the AAS, since
our concept is based on the consumption and persis-
tence of this user data in the AAS. One idea would
be to integrate encryption concepts into user informa-
tion to ensure data security and prevent it from being
readable by any type of user.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs
and Climate Action through the VWS4LS project
(Grant No.13IK005A).
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