Evaluating the Acceptance and Quality of a Usability and UX Evaluation
Technology Created for the Multi-Touch Context
Guilherme Eduardo Konopatzki Filho
1 a
, Guilherme Corredato Guerino
2 b
and Natasha Malveira Costa Valentim
1 c
Department of Computing, Federal University of Paran
a, R. Evaristo F. Ferreira da Costa, Curitiba, Brazil
Department of Computing, University of the State of Paran
Av. Minas Gerais, 5021 - Nucleo Hab. Adriano Correia, Apucarana, Brazil
Multi-Touch, UX, Usability, Evaluation.
The multi-touch context is a poorly explored field when it comes to usability and User eXperience (UX)
evaluation. As any kind of system, it must be properly evaluated in order to be truly useful. A Systematic
Mapping Study (SMS) showed that there is no technologies being used to evaluate the UX and usability
of multi-touch systems that were specifically built for it. The use of generic technologies can leave behind
important perceptions about the multi-touch systems specificites. To fill this gap, the User eXperience and
Usability Multi-tiuch Evaluation Questionnaire (UXUMEQ) was created. UXUMEQ is a questionnaire that
seeks to evaluate the UX and usability of multi-touch systems taking into account the most relevant aspects
being used to this end, such as performance, workload, intuition, error tolerance and others. As any new
technology, UXUMEQ must be evaluated in order to be improved. In this paper, we carried out a quantitative
analysis to verify the public acceptance of UXUMEQ when compared with generic technologies being used
to evaluated multi-touch systems. This analysis showed greater public acceptance about UXUMEQ regarding
usefulness and ease of use. We also invited Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) experts to inspect UXUMEQ
through a qualitative study. Their perceptions were collected and evaluated through the Grounded Theory
method, that will contribute to provide a most refined version of UXUMEQ.
When a system recognizes two or more touches at the
same time, it can be considered a multi-touch system
Lamport (1986). The quality of this kind of interac-
tion needs to be studied and explored. The smart-
phones are the main representative devices that pro-
vides the multi-touch interaction. Composing a mar-
ket that moved more than 1.4 billion units in 2021
(Statista Research Department, 2022) and its pre-
dicted to move more than US$ 490 billion in 2026
(Market Data Forecast, 2022), its importance in our
daily lives become evident. Multi-touch systems must
have their software quality evaluated to be truly use-
ful for their users. The usability and User eXperi-
ence (UX) are well-known criteria for this purpose
because they can provide the necessary subsidy for
the software quality to be achieved Madan and Ku-
mar (2012).
Usability is defined by ISO/IEC 25010 as “the de-
gree to which users can use a product or system to
achieve specific objectives to achieve specific goals
effectively, efficiently, and satisfactorily in a specified
context of use”. UX is defined by ISO 9241-210 as
”perceptions and person’s responses that result from
use and/or prior use of a product, system, or service.
The technology concept used here is defined by
Santos et al. 2012 as being a generalization for met-
rics, tools, methodologies, and techniques. Seek-
ing to identify the technologies being used to eval-
uate the UX and usability, Guerino and Valentim
found a lack of technologies being used to evalu-
ate the multi-touch context, throughout a Systematic
Mapping Study (SMS). This SMS revealed that only
11.76% of these technologies were evaluating the
multi-touch systems. Seeking to characterize these
technologies, Filho et al. 2022 carried out another
SMS, discovering that the technologies being used
Filho, G., Guerino, G. and Valentim, N.
Evaluating the Acceptance and Quality of a Usability and UX Evaluation Technology Created for the Multi-Touch Context.
DOI: 10.5220/0012633200003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 513-523
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
to evaluate multi-touch systems are generic (i.e., can
be used to evaluate any kind of system). The sce-
nario becomes worrying when realizing that generic
tools may not extract the most credible result possi-
ble Blake (2011). This raises concerns about the in-
fluence of generic assessment technologies regarding
interactions that are not so conventional to the user.
Based mainly on this gap, the User eXperience and
Usability Multi-tiuch Evaluation Questionnaire (UX-
UMEQ) technology was proposed.
By seeking to refine UXUMEQ (the only known
technology built for this context) through quantitative
and qualitative studies, we can achieve a more sig-
nificant maturation of the technology and a valuable
expansion of evidence-based knowledge. This contri-
bution can and should lead to a greater understanding
of user behavior and needs in this context, in addition
to expanding the state of the art in the necessary but
poorly explored niche of multi-touch. Furthermore,
more mature and refined usability and UX evaluation
technology can contribute to better software quality
reaching the hands of the users.
The reminder of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 contains studies that served as basis of this
work; Section 3 contains a presentation about UXU-
MEQ; Section 4 presents the methodology used in the
two studies; Section 5 contains the quantitative anal-
ysis regarding the user acceptance about UXUMEQ;
Section 6 presents the experts perceptions regarding
the UXUMEQ content validity; Section 7 contains the
discussion linking the results and Section 8 presents
the final considerations and future work.
Considering the limitations of the generic usability
and UX evaluation technologies found in the SMS of
Filho et al. 2022, we looked for usability and UX
evaluation technologies built considering the multi-
touch context. Three works presented technologies
considered built for this context. Ghomi et al. 2013
presented a study about a multi-touch input technique
for learning chords and a recognizer and guidelines
for building chord vocabularies. The experiment con-
sisted of a reproduction of multi-touch gestures pre-
sented on screen by 12 participants. The usabil-
ity and UX aspects of understandability and comfort
were evaluated in a questionnaire with a 5-point Lik-
ert scale that was not made available for consultation.
In other phase, 24 participants tried to perform the
demonstrated chord. The data collection for this sec-
ond experiment was a system log used to calculate
success, help, and recall ratios. Both methods ex-
tracted quantitative data.
Martin-SanJose et al. 2017 presented a question-
naire built to the multi-touch context, using a 5-point
Likert scale, extracting quantitative data. They used
it to evaluate the UX aspect of motivation regarding
students using a tabletop application designed to vi-
sualize and manipulate the European banknote mone-
tary system. The questionnaire was available and con-
tained questions such as ”I find it enjoyable to study
the monetary system at the table” and ”For me, it was
easy to learn the different euro notes and coins”.
In the study of Hachet et al. 2011, 16 participants
were invited to manipulate 3D objects in a virtual re-
ality environment. After that, they answered a 5-point
Likert scale questionnaire that contained questions
such as ”I felt sick or tired”, ”I understood the depth
well”, and ”I needed to move my head”. This ques-
tionnaire evaluated the general feeling, interaction,
and manipulation with visual elements, approaching
both UX and usability criteria quantitatively.
The questionnaires proposed by Ghomi et al.
2013, Martin-SanJose et al. 2017 and Hachet et al.
2011 are authorial, i.e., they were created to evalu-
ate UX and usability of the specific multi-touch sys-
tems of their studies. We noted that these three works
collected only quantitative data. We also verified a
lack of specific UX and usability technologies for the
multi-touch context. Moreover, there is a lack of
joint extraction of quantitative and qualitative data,
that corroborates with the findings of Guerino and
Valentim 2020. These findings demonstrate that only
29.69% of the technologies used to evaluate usabil-
ity and UX of NUIs do this evaluation jointly. In ad-
dition, the above-cited evaluation technologies were
not empirically evaluated before use. This lack of
validation in the evaluation technologies, mainly in
the authorial ones, leads to less reliable results Shull
et al. (2001). To improve the reliability of our results,
we present in this paper two studies to validate UXU-
MEQ content.
To fill the gaps presented in Section 2, UXUMEQ
was created and its development process is already
published Konopatzki et al. (2023). It is a question-
naire for usability and UX evaluation of multi-touch
systems. UXUMEQ was built considering the main
aspects used in the context of multi-touch evaluation
and contains phrases that can better direct the evalu-
ators’ gaze through more specific problems of multi-
touch systems. UXUMEQ contains 28 questions, 13
about UX and 15 about usability. There are 21 aspects
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: UXUMEQ aspects.
Usability aspects UX aspects
Performance Fun
Ease of use General Feeling
Efficiency Comfort
Effectiveness Innovation
Workload Intuition
Ease of Learning Tension
Ease of Remembering Control
Response Time Immersion
Satisfaction Concentration
Usefulness Distraction
Error Tolerance
covered in UXUMEQ, being presented in the Table 1.
UXUMEQ presents two ways to provide feed-
back: an input field to describe the problems encoun-
tered, thus gathering qualitative data, and a 5-point
semantic differential scale for each question to collect
quantitative data. It is suggested to read UXUMEQ
once before interacting with the multi-touch system
that the user seeks to evaluate. This is due to a ques-
tion that asks to count how many attempts to finish a
task the user took, so it’s better to know in advance
that there is a necessity to count it. The interaction
following this first reading will enable the user to use
UXUMEQ to evaluate it. It can be used individually,
but it is interesting to use it with groups of users test-
ing an application, as comparisons and ratios can be
made with quantitative results and more qualitative
responses can lead to a more complete understanding
of multi-touch system weaknesses. Some examples of
UXUMEQ questions can be found in Figures 1 and 2.
Figure 1: Two of the 14 questions of UXUMEQ regarding
In search of building an evidence-based path, the
methodology that most represents this research pro-
posal is presented by Shull et al. (2001), which
presents feasibility, observation and case studies to
carry out the evaluation of a technology from its
Figure 2: Two of the 13 questions of UXUMEQ regarding
proposition to its transfer to be applied in industry.
To improve and validate UXUMEQ, two studies were
carried out, a feasibility study with students and a
qualitative study with experts in Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI).
4.1 Feasibility Study with Students
Motivation. In order to choose a technology to com-
pare to UXUMEQ, we analyzed all questionnaires
found in the SMS presented by Filho et al. 2022, and
priority was given to those that address usability and
UX together. However, none of the questionnaires
that meet these requirements were selected because
they were not considered suitable.
Thus, priority was given to finding two ques-
tionnaires to compose the comparative set, one that
only evaluates usability and the other UX. Among
the questionnaires that specifically evaluate usabil-
ity, SUS Brooke (1996) was chosen because it is the
most used in SMS Filho et al. (2022) and because it
is widely used in several other studies in the litera-
ture. The questionnaire considered most appropriate
to represent the UX criteria was the INTUI Ullrich
and Diefenbach (2010), for the number of questions
(UXUMEQ = 28 questions vs. SUS + INTUI = 27
sentences/questions) and the UX aspects addressed.
Goal. The goal of this study, following the Goal-
Question-Metric (GQM) paradigm Basili and Rom-
bach (1988), is to analyse UXUMEQ, to evaluate it,
concerning its acceptance, from the point of view of
HCI and Software Quality students, in the context of
usability and UX evaluation in multi-touch systems.
Hypothesis. The study was planned and conducted in
order to test the following hypotheses (null and alter-
native, respectively):
H01 - There is no difference between the ease of
use of UXUMEQ and SUS+INTUI;
HA1 - There is difference between the ease of use
H02 - There is no difference between the per-
ceived usefulness of UXUMEQ and SUS+INTUI;
Evaluating the Acceptance and Quality of a Usability and UX Evaluation Technology Created for the Multi-Touch Context
Figure 3: Examples of SUS and INTUI questions.
HA2 - There is difference between the perceived
usefulness of UXUMEQ and SUS+INTUI;
H03 - There is no difference between the future
use intention of UXUMEQ and SUS+INTUI;
HA3 - There is difference between the future use
intention of UXUMEQ and SUS+INTUI;
Context. We carried out the comparative study
with undergraduate students at UXUMEQ. They
were attending the classes of ”Software Quality” and
”Human-Computer Interaction”. This study was ac-
cepted by the Research Ethics Committee of UXU-
Variable Selection. The dependent variables selected
were the TAM indicators Davis (1989), ease of use,
perceived usefulness and future use intention. The in-
dependent variable was the usability and UX evalua-
tion technology type (UXUMEQ and SUS+INTUI).
Selection of Participants. Forty-seven participants
signed a consent form and filled out a characteriza-
tion form measuring their expertise in usability, UX
evaluation, and multi-touch systems. Among them,
we have 44 men and 3 women.
Experimental Design. Participants were divided
into two groups (group UXUMEQ and group
SUS+INTUI), to evaluate the same application,
Google Earth
, with the same instructions for use. We
chose Google Earth because it was one of the apps
that presented a great variety of multi-toch gestures.
We characterized the two groups from their experi-
ence with UX and Usability evaluation and from their
familiarity with multi-touch systems. This study fol-
lows a design between groups.
Instrumentation. Several artifacts were defined
to support the study: characterization and consent
forms, the UXUMEQ and SUS+INTUI themselves,
instructions for the evaluation and the post-evaluation
questionnaire TAM Davis (1989). These instruments
can be found in a Figshare repository
Preparation. The participants received two-hour
training on usability and UX evaluation. For each
group, we made a 15-min presentation about the eval-
uation technology that the group would apply.
Execution. At the study’s beginning, a researcher
was responsible for passing the information from the
evaluation to the participants. They were then di-
vided into two groups for each technique. First,
each participant received the artifacts described pre-
viously. After the evaluation, they delivered the post-
evaluation questionnaire filled out. We had 24 partici-
pants used the UXUMEQ technology, and 23 used the
SUS+INTUI technology.
4.2 Qualitative Study with Experts
Goal. The goal of this study, following the Goal-
Question-Metric (GQM) Basili and Rombach (1988)
paradigm, is to evaluate UXUMEQ, to improve it,
concerning its content validity, from the point of view
of SE and HCI experts, in the context of usability and
UX evaluation of multi-touch systems.
Context. The minimum requirement to be considered
an expert was to have a complete master’s degree in
SE and/or HCI areas. This study was accepted by
the Research Ethics Committee of [anonymous insti-
tution]. Invites were sent to experts through e-mails
containing a short research presentation and a con-
textualization of the study. Eleven SE and HCI ex-
perts from Brazil accepted the invite, six men and ve
Preparation. The experts passed through a first on-
line meeting where the study proposal was fully pre-
sented. At this initial meeting, the expected role to
carefully and critically evaluate UXUMEQ was pre-
sented. The evaluation was asynchronous, within a
period of two weeks. They received the UXUMEQ
in a digital .docx file and consent and characterization
Characterization. The participants filled and signed
the characterization and consent forms. The charac-
terization can be seen in Table 2.
Execution. After two weeks, a second meeting
was conducted to interview the experts and collect
perceptions about the UXUMEQ validity. Then,
we conducted a semi-structured interview with nine
scripted questions. The speeches of the interview
were recorded, transcribed and imported into the At-
las.ti.v9 program, where the two first phases of the
Grounded Theory method Corbin and Strauss (2014)
were carried out. These data were then analyzed
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Experts Characterization.
P01 2 0 High
P02 1 0 High
P03 5 2 High
P04 20 10 High
P05 0 10 High
P06 4 1 High
P07 1 0 High
P08 5 20 Medium
P09 3 0 High
P10 15 8 High
P11 10 1 High
UXUAP - UX and Usability Academic
Projects quantity; UXUIP - UX and Usability
Industrial Projects quantity; MTEX - Multi-
Touch EXperience;
and brought insights to make improvements on UXU-
The post-evaluation questionnaire using Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM)Davis (1989) filled by the
participants was analyzed. This questionnaire was
built to evaluate the general acceptance of UXUMEQ
and SUS+INTUI. TAM defines three indicators: (i)
perceived ease of use, defined as the degree to which a
person believes that using a specific technology would
be effortless, (ii) perceived usefulness, as the degree
to which a person believes that the technology could
improve his/her performance at work; and (iii) fu-
ture use intention, which assesses users’ intention to
use the technology again in the future. The possi-
ble answers are: totally agree (bold green), partially
agree (light green), I do not agree nor disagree (yel-
low), partially disagree (light red), and totally dis-
agree (bold red). Their answers can be seen in Fig-
ures 4 and 5. In that questionnaire, the participants
answered their degree of agreement with the TAM
statements regarding the ease of use, usefulness, and
future use intention of UXUMEQ.
The mean answers to the TAM affirmations were
compared, and the results are presented in Table 3.
As can be seen, all the means in the UXUMEQ group
were higher than the means in the SUS+INTUI group.
To verify the statistical relevance of these results, the
Shapiro-Wilk normality test was applied, with alpha
= 0.05, which revealed that none of the samples pre-
sented a normal data distribution. The Mann-Whitney
Table 3: Comparison between the UXUMEQ and
SUS+INTUI groups.
Group Mean Mann-
U test
statistical significance test was then carried out, also
with alpha = 0.05, where it was found that questions
E3, E4, U1, U3 and U4 had significant statistical rel-
evance. This lead us to conclude that the HA1, about
ease of use, was partially accepted (E3 and E4 showed
statistical significance). The second alternative hy-
pothesis, HA2, regarding perceived ease of use, was
almost fully accepted (U1, U3 and U4 showed statis-
tical significance). And the H03 hypothesis was con-
firmed, since there is no statistical significance in the
I1 and I2.
Findings on Specific Issues. The experts provided
several insights that will help to guide the decisions
of necessary changes. Some of these perceptions in-
volved doubt about the meaning of performance (see
quote from P10 below) or even the perception of rep-
Evaluating the Acceptance and Quality of a Usability and UX Evaluation Technology Created for the Multi-Touch Context
Figure 4: Results of users acceptance from UXUMEQ group using TAM questionnaire.
etition between the aspects of performance, effec-
tiveness and efficiency (see quote from P06 below).
These points will lead us to add examples and expla-
nations of what these terms mean.
”If the focus is on end users, will they know what
performance means?”. (P10)
”For example, the question of performance, effec-
tiveness and efficiency, what is the difference? This
can become confusing (...)”. (P06)
The question involving efficiency received praise
in relation to its clarity (see quote from P01 below),
some notes about its lack of breadth (see quote from
P03a below) and subjectivity (see quote from P07)
and also notes about the aspect of efficiency overlaps
with issues of workload (see quote from P03b below).
The overlap was not considered a problem, since its a
way to better evaluate the aspects, and the subjectivity
will be addressed with examples and explanations.
”For example, there are others here where effi-
ciency is clearer this way”. (P01)
”Efficiency is not just time, right? Efficiency is
time, effort, is resources that are used to evaluate”.
”I think that ”time you consider viable” is some-
thing very personal”. (P07)
”I think that efficiency has other dimensions than
just time. I think that down there you evaluate the
workload. But then there is an overlap between effi-
ciency and workload, right?”. (P03b)
Questions 25 and 26, about immersion, included
doubts about what immersion would be and how ex-
amples of involvement through the senses can confuse
rather than help the user (see quote from P03 below).
An expert noticed that the text that indicates what
should be described in the qualitative field was re-
peated in both questions (see quote from P02 below).
The point most cited by experts was the strangeness
in the expression ”feeling part of the experiment”, as
it does not clearly express the opposite of being an
observer, as it does not lead the user to reflect on their
experience and because it has a confusing and diffi-
cult to understand (see quote from P08 below). It was
considered that these difficulties could lead the user to
not answer the question, in addition to being consid-
ered a question not applicable in many situations (see
quotes from P04 below). As the other questions, these
will be reformulated as well to correct the pointed is-
”I don’t know what immersion is. Is it a very in-
volved hearing, a very involved vision? I think this
question doesn’t assess immersion and I don’t even
know what to answer with it”. (P03)
”Here, within immersion, the descriptions are the
same, right? If you noticed, and then it’s the same
thing in the second one, I think that even if they want
to, they won’t answer both”. (P02)
”I find the term ”part of the experiment” strange.
The sentence has to lead the user to reflect on their
experience of use.. (P08)
”(...) possibly not applicable to many situations”.
Q27, which deals with concentration, had some
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Results of users acceptance from SUS+INTUI group using TAM questionnaire.
notes regarding its need when compared to Q28 which
deals with distraction (see quote from P01 below).
The difference between focusing on the necessary ac-
tivities and the mechanisms to carry out such activ-
ities was not clear (see quote from P08 below). We
considered important to keep both questions of con-
centration and distraction, since they allow a wider
gathering of answers, and the question will be refor-
mulated to make the difference between the activities
and the mechanisms to carry them out.
”Then I had the same doubt, does it make sense
to have the two and what would be the difference, you
know?”. (P01)
”What’s the difference between focusing on ”the
necessary activities” and ”the mechanisms used to
carry out these activities”?”. (P08)
As for distraction, some of the main points raised
were the difficulty of interpreting and answering the
question (see quote from P08 below) and the confu-
sion about attention capture having a good or bad na-
ture, in addition to the doubt to what this attention
capture refers to (see quotes from P03a below). The
inadequacy of the term ”automatic” was also noted
(see quote from P11 below), in addition to the confu-
sion about how attention capture relates to the aspect
of distraction (see quote from P03b below).
”I found it a difficult question to interpret and an-
swer”. (P08)
”Capturing attention in relation to distractions or
in relation to the interface?”. (P03a)
”That term doesn’t seem appropriate here”. (P11)
”I couldn’t understand what question 28 is for.
Isn’t distraction being measured? Why are you asking
about attention capture?”. (P03b)
Corrections to Consider. An expert pointed that
the acronym for UX was not defined in the docu-
ment, as well as the acronym for the UXUMEQ, be-
sides declaring that specific jargons can make the un-
derstanding difficult or impossible (see quotes from
P03a, P03b and P03c below). To fix this, the
acronyms will be make explicit, and the jargons will
be changed by simpler words. A simplification of
many aspects will be applied, following the statement
of P10 (see P10 quote below).
”The acronym UX is not defined (User eXperi-
ence)”. (P03a)
”It was not clear how the acronym UXUMEQ was
created (from which letters of which words it was cre-
ated)”. (P03b)
”Eh and other jargons that are used can make it
impossible to directly understand the content of the
dimension”. (P03c)
”This technique has to be much simpler for the
users, okay?”. (P10)
Observations. Some observations were made, that
can help to understand better the peculiarities of UX-
UMEQ. The possibility to customize the technique
was noted (see quote from P03a below). The neu-
tral point in scales is a common discussion regarding
psychometrics, and an expert told that he doesn’t see
Evaluating the Acceptance and Quality of a Usability and UX Evaluation Technology Created for the Multi-Touch Context
a problem with the neutral point here (see P09 quote
below). The perception that questionnaires are not fo-
cused on qualitative evaluation was perceived
”And that is a very good result. It’s cool that using
a very generic technique, I can customize it for differ-
ent types of context and bring specific characteristics
that are specific to that context”. (P03a)
”but I think there’s no problem with this issue of
having the neutral point”. (P09)
”I don’t see the questionnaire as a technique
which is focused on qualitative”. (P03b)
”So I think the questionnaire is useful for pro-
viding an indication of UX in a quantitative way”.
Positive Findings. Some positive points were noted,
as the not tiring aspect of UXUMEQ (see P06 quote
below), the user’s guidance to find problems (see
P11a quote below), the usefulness that a well-based
tool brings (see P01 quote below), the possibility of
reducing costs when using it (see P11b quote below)
and the well-covered aspects (see P07 quote below).
The ease to tabulate and process data was pointed (see
P11c quote below), as the simplicity and objectivity
of the questions (see P05 quote below) and the ade-
quate number of questions (see P09 quote below).
”It doesn’t seem to be very tiring to use ”. (P06)
”(...) guides you through what problems could oc-
cur when using the multi-touch system”. (P11a)
”Ah, these categories of performance, ease of use,
efficiency. So you have a foundation, you know? Huh
So I think he’s useful for that. He knows? There’s a
basis there.. (P01)
”By having a checklist, you can greatly reduce the
cost of a project.. (P11b)
”It covers well several aspects”. (P07)
”It’s an even more practical way for you to tabu-
late this data and process this data later”. (P11c)
”the questions be simple, right? They are objec-
tive questions.. (P05)
”I think there just aren’t that many questions,
right? I didn’t find a lot of questions, I don’t think
twenty-eight is that big, right?”. (P09)
Scope of UXUMEQ. The UXUMEQ scope was con-
sidered good about the usability aspects covered (see
P06 quote below), in this way being considered very
complete (see P07 quote below). This coverage was
considered enough to the P09 to work with it (see P09
quote below).
”(...) it raises a lot of questions related to usabil-
ity”. (P06)
”(...) I think it’s very complete”. (P07)
”Yes [I would work with UXUMEQ], because he
is covering many aspects here.. (P09)
Ease of Use. The ease of use regarding the division
into categories, the agility to fill, the practicality and
the interpret and read part were raised (see quotes
from P02, P09, P08 and P05 below).
”(...) the categories are fundamental, right? So
much for being able to separate what is well evaluated
and what is not. As much as to facilitate the logical
flow, right?”. (P02)
”Using this scale is for me, even though it’s
twenty-eight, it helps you, it’s agility when filling it
out too”. (P09 )
”You have the possibility of using it in print, right?
Very practical”. (P08)
”There’s not much to say, they’re easy to interpret,
easy to read”. (P05)
Notes on Semantic Differential Scale. A semantic
differential scale was used to gather the quantitative
data, and the perception that it was aligned with the
questions was brought, as well as its importance to re-
duce the confusion (see P09 and P06 quotes below).
By the other way, the presence of a neutral point was
considered a potential source of noise in the data, as
well as the bias generated when asking just about neg-
ative points in the questions (see quotes from P04 and
P10 below). We did not considered the neutral point
as being a problem worth of modification, since not
having a neutral point is also a problem, but the ques-
tions will be reformulated to ask about positive points
”For me they are in line with the question”. (P09)
”But the Likert scale can be confusing sometimes,
right? So I think it’s important to have the state-
ments”. (P06)
”Not that it’s a problem with the structure of the
questionnaire, but I think this could be a source of
noise”. (P04)
”So this is a huge bias, okay? Just have questions
that are all negative on one side and positive on the
other”. (P10)
Explicit Division of Questions into Categories and
Aspects. The questions and criteria of UXUMEQ are
divided by labels, and were thought to help the user.
The experts were divided in those who did not saw a
need to have it (see quotes from P08 and P05 below)
and those that considered it helpful (see quotes from
P01, P08 and P03 below). Since no problems were
highlighted, but rather a non-necessity, we do not in-
tend to make changes in relation to this aspect.
”for the independent user, okay? I don’t think
there would be a need”. (P08)
”Hey, I think it would be simpler to not have that
extra information that I have to somehow interpret”.
”For me it’s interesting to be divided, right, so for
me it makes more sense to be that way”. (P01)
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
”For me, for those of us who work with usability
and UX, it makes it easier, right?”. (P08)
”the categories are fundamental”. (P03)
Focus on Multi-Touch. Several comments were
made regarding the multi-touch aspect. An expert
reported that he could not identify the specific met-
rics used in the UXUMEQ, and some experts found
the questions very generic (see quotes from P10a and
P03a below). The generic questions comes from the
generic technologies from which the UXUMEQ was
based. In order to improve UXUMEQ, questions re-
garding multi-touch gestures will be added.
Some experts pointed several issues of under-
standing, such as the meaning of performance, the
meaning of multi-touch systems and concluded that
maybe a familiarity with the scientific terms can be
necessary to truly understand the UXUMEQ (see
quotes from P03b, P03c and P07 below). To mitigate
these points, we propose to add the meaning of perfor-
mance in the question, as well to present the meaning
of ”multi-touch interface” and other specific jargon.
Another expert pointed that there are occasions
where multi-user systems use multi-touch, with the
specificity to verify if the gesture is being linked with
the right user (see P08 quote below). As UXUMEQ
is a modular questionnaire, we consider that would be
a good advance to add a question regarding this issue.
”I can’t identify what the indicators actually are,
what the specific metrics were for these types of inter-
face, okay”. (P10a)
”I keep thinking that if I were to use it, removing
the word multi-touch for any other type of application,
would it change? Maybe not. Maybe not”. (P03a)
”I don’t know what performance means in a multi-
touch system. Is it able to play? Is it having a 1x1 re-
lationship for touch and action performed? I feel that
this dimension is very comprehensive and abstract,
without being able to really address what will be eval-
uated”. (P03b)
”I feel like, to use the questionnaire, familiar-
ity with the scientific literature on multi-touch inter-
faces/systems is necessary”. (P03c)
”Isn’t it worth putting some sentence on what
multi-touch systems are?”. (P07)
”I also think, for example, of those larger systems
that allow user collaboration and the system has to
identify who is making the gesture when you have
more than one hand there, right? Two-handed us-
ing, for example, one, right? Using it, is the system
recognizing it properly, right? When there are multi-
users”. (P08)
Intention to Use UXUMEQ by Participants. Some
participants stated that they would use UXUMEQ
(see P03 quote below), mainly in the design stage
when developing a software (see P11 quote below).
Some participants stated that they would use UXU-
MEQ with conditions, such as access to the documen-
tation, if it were shorter and if it had some more ad-
justments (see P04, P05 and P02 quotes below).
”Yes. As you bring this in a systematic way, right?
Already with questions and easy to apply. It’s great to
be able to apply this now”. (P03)
”[I would use it], probably. It is a very objective
tool and this makes it much easier to adopt a legal
project. Mainly in the previous stage, in the design
stage”. (P11)
”if I had access to the manual for this question-
naire, it would indicate the validity of the evidence
collected, the reliability estimated, yes, I would use
it”. (P04)
”If it were shorter, and if it were more focused on
having more ergonomic issues”. (P05)
”I would use it, but then it would have to make
some more adjustments”. (P02)
Incongruence Between Question Format and
Scale. Some experts perceived a clash between the
questions format and the scale being used. The main
issue was some questions that could be answered with
yes or no, contrasting with the semantic scales goal,
that is differentiate the scales extremes through op-
posing words (see quotes from P02 and P10 below).
These points provide a subsidy to further modifica-
tions in order to adjust the type of answers.
”The questions shouldn’t be: determine the de-
gree of ease of use of the multi-touch system?”. (P02)
”Often the type of response does not make it pos-
sible to understand the Likert thing”. (P10)
Projections About Public Use. A general percep-
tion that UXUMEQ would be easy to use by people
with experience in UX evaluation was found (see P03
quote below). In the same way, an expert pointed that
users with no experience could have some difficulty
using it (see quote from P01 below).
”A person who has already evaluated the UX in
some way will have no difficulty with the question-
naire”. (P03)
”I don’t know if it would be so clear for a user
with no experience”. (P01)
The evaluation of the first study allowed us to under-
stand, through TAM’s answers, that there is greater
public acceptance for UXUMEQ than for the generic
SUS+INTUI technologies. This acceptance focuses
on the terms of perceived usefulness and ease of use.
All means of the Likert scales present in the TAM sen-
Evaluating the Acceptance and Quality of a Usability and UX Evaluation Technology Created for the Multi-Touch Context
tences were higher for the UXUMEQ group than for
the SUS+INTUI group. In five of these sentences,
statistical significance was proven. It is interesting
to note that none of the statistically significant aver-
ages pertain to UXUMEQ’s intended future use. We
assume this is due to the very narrow niche of evalu-
ating multi-touch interfaces. The greater acceptance
regarding ease of use and perceived usefulness of UX-
UMEQ reinforces some perceptions obtained through
the literature, which served as motivation for its cre-
ation. These perceptions involve the idea that generic
technologies fail to consider the specificities of cer-
tain contexts. It also involves the perception that there
are few technologies extracting quantitative and qual-
itative data. In this way, greater public acceptance of
UXUMEQ reinforces the idea that a technology built
specifically for a context can perform a better assess-
With the aim of understanding directly from ex-
perts what the points for improvement would be, the
second study was carried out and brought enlight-
ening results. The way in which various character-
istics of UXUMEQ are presented have been ques-
tioned. From inconsistencies between the format of
the scale and the question, to the organization of ques-
tions by categories and aspects. The most relevant
group of notes was certainly those related to multi-
touch, which allowed the emergence of insights con-
sidered important and unique for the improvement of
UXUMEQ. This importance is due to the scarcity of
literature on multi-touch. In this way, the perception
of experts about this field becomes a source that pro-
vides greater scope for improvements and concepts to
be worked on.
This paper presented two studies carried out to bet-
ter understand the weaknesses and strengths of UX-
UMEQ, in an attempt to improve it and make it a
truly useful technology for evaluating usability and
UX in the multi-touch context. Through a feasibility
study, the superiority of UXUMEQ was demonstrated
in terms of ease of use and usefulness perceived by
the public, when compared to generic technologies.
A qualitative study was also carried out with experts,
which provided the necessary basis to understand the
points that should be improved.
Below are presented some possible future per-
spectives for this research:
Feasibility study: a new feasibility study with the
aim of verifying the user acceptance, effectiveness
and efficiency after the generation of the 3rd ver-
sion of UXUMEQ;
Creation of an analysis tool: development of a
tool that can support the analysis of data collected
by UXUMEQ, with the aim of further assisting
more the work of researchers and developers;
Expansion of criteria: carrying out research to in-
clude aspects such as accessibility and communi-
cability at UXUMEQ;
We thanks the funding and support of the Coordina-
tion for the Improvement of Higher Education Per-
sonnel (CAPES) - Program of Academic Excellence
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