The detailed analysis revealed the extensive appli-
cation of specific patterns at each stage of the mod-
ernization process. One example is the “Strangler”
pattern, which provides a step-by-step for the iden-
tification of candidates for (micro)service, support-
ing a step of a modernization process of legacy sys-
tems to MSA. Similarly, the “Database per Service”
pattern, emerges as an effective solution for indepen-
dence among services and decoupled persistence data.
These and other patterns (see Section 3.3), when con-
sciously and systematically applied, play a critical
role in the success of modernization toward MSA.
Regarding the modernization process itself, a
challenging path involving several steps must be over-
come. For instance, “Service decomposition” de-
mands a careful approach to fragmenting legacy sys-
tems into smaller, manageable components (i.e., mi-
croservices). “Data management” plays a pivotal role
in this process, requiring specific strategies to main-
tain consistency and integrity of data when migrating
to a distributed architecture. By systematically and
comprehensively addressing the steps of the proposed
process in this paper (see Section 3.4.3) combined
with architectural patterns reported in Section 3.3, it is
possible to establish a cohesive and successful mod-
ernization guide, facilitating a smooth and efficient
transition from legacy systems to MSA.
As future work, we intend to conduct a more spe-
cific investigation of the research topic explored in
this paper. Despite various approaches being pro-
posed, a solid guide that details software moderniza-
tion comprehensively is still a subject to be investi-
gated in-depth. Therefore, our goal is to fill this gap
by creating a process that provides clear and practical
steps to assist organizations in the modernization of
legacy systems to MSA, considering a more dynamic
and efficient framework based on microservices. In
this sense, it is worth highlighting that the process
presented in Section 3.4.3 can be used as a basis for
elaboration of this process, as it brings together the
most recent evidence related to this research topic.
This study was financed in part by the Coordenac¸
de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior -
Brasil (CAPES).
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems