Enabling Sustainability Due Diligence in Value Chains Through
DLT-Based Governance
Jan Zedel
1 a
and Felix Eppler
2 b
Department of Information Systems, Freie Universit
at, Berlin, Germany
Department of Business Management, Julius Maximilians Universit
at, W
urzburg, Germany
Sustainable Supply Chains, Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, CSDDD, Supply Chain Due
Diligence, Distributed Ledger Technology, Token Curated Registries.
The European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) represents a transforma-
tive approach to ensuring sustainable and ethical supply chain practices. However, the directive introduces
complexities and significant efforts in the compliance processes of affected companies. This paper explores
the question of how decentralized resource pooling can lead to more efficiency and lower costs in the compli-
ance processes of the CSDDD. We propose a novel solution leveraging distributed ledger technology (DLT),
specifically a token-curated registry (TCR) solution augmented with shielded transactions to ensure participant
anonymity and trust. Our proposed approach could reduce redundancies, increase transparency, and facilitate
a more robust risk analysis over the whole value chain. Our paper follows a design science research approach
where we (1) identify the challenges posed by companies that fall under the new CSDDD regulation frame-
work, (2) define the objectives of a distributed ledger-based solution and (3) design and develop a technical
framework based on a TCR to handle parts of the CSDDD in an efficient and cost-effective way, setting a
precedent for future empirical studies and practical implementations in the field of distributed ledger-based
information systems in the field of sustainability corporate governance.
Regulators and government bodies around the world
are increasingly addressing corporate sustainability
issues in an effort to align business activities with in-
ternational sustainability initiatives (i.e., the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and
the Paris Agreement on climate change). In Europe
in particular, the Corporate Sustainability Due Dili-
gence Directive (CSDDD) is becoming a key regula-
tory framework for promoting corporate responsibil-
ity across value chains in the EU and beyond (Lafarre,
The CSDDD, proposed by the European Commis-
sion in February 2022 and consolidated by a prelimi-
nary political agreement on December 14, 2023, sets
out a comprehensive approach to enhance environ-
mental and social impacts throughout supply chains,
targeting both EU companies and non-EU compa-
nies operating in the EU. It introduces phased com-
pliance obligations, initially targeting companies with
significant staff and turnover, and outlines a wide
range of requirements - from identifying and miti-
gating adverse human rights and environmental im-
pacts to establishing robust reporting mechanisms on
due diligence measures (European Parliament, 2023;
Sørensen, 2022).
Under the CSDDD, companies are generally re-
quired to:
1. Identify actual or potential adverse human rights
and environmental impacts in their supply chain.
2. Take actions to prevent or mitigate potential neg-
ative impacts.
3. End or minimize actual negative impacts.
4. Establish a supply chain workers’ rights com-
plaints procedure.
5. Implement a climate transition plan aligned with
the Paris Agreement for certain large companies.
6. Monitor and report publicly on the effectiveness
of their due diligence policies and measures.
Zedel, J. and Eppler, F.
Enabling Sustainability Due Diligence in Value Chains Through DLT-Based Governance.
DOI: 10.5220/0012633700003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 696-702
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Failure to comply with the CSDDD could result
in penalties, including fines of up to 5% of global
revenue, and has implications for companies’ oper-
ations and supply chains, necessitating significant ad-
justments for businesses to meet these new standards
(European Comission, 2022). Admittedly, the de-
tailed criteria for full compliance with the CSDDD
remain somewhat vague and are likely to be clarified
once the directive enters into force and is transposed
into national law by EU member states.
Some EU member states, however, have al-
ready implemented their own legislation on sustain-
ability due diligence in supply chains. These in-
clude Germany, which has introduced its own Act
on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply
Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG),
providing valuable insights and precedents for spe-
cific measures that companies must undertake to en-
sure compliance with environmental and social stan-
dards in their supply chains (Weihrauch et al., 2023;
uhmkorf, 2023).
Based on the high-level requirements of the CS-
DDD and the more specific guidelines of the LkSG,
the practical difficulties are many: ensuring compre-
hensive risk analysis, implementing preventive and
corrective measures, extending due diligence to indi-
rect suppliers, and maintaining robust documentation
of compliance. These requirements require signifi-
cant resource allocation and carry the risk of severe
penalties for non-compliance, creating an urgent need
for innovative solutions that can effectively address
these complexities. Our paper and proposed proof-
of-concept application seek to pioneer a systematic
approach to managing compliance due diligence pro-
cesses across the supply chain. This application not
only facilitates compliance with LkSG and CSDDD
requirements but also demonstrates the potential for
scalable, innovative solutions in navigating the land-
scape of corporate sustainability regulations.
The research findings presented here are based on a
Design Science Research (DSR) methodology out-
lined by Hevner et al. (Hevner et al., 2004). The
primary objective is to delineate prescriptive knowl-
edge related to the development of a distributed ledger
(DLT)-based application tailored to the specified use
case of providing a technical framework to support
the fulfillment of the requirements of the CSDDD.
The procedural approach follows the principles of a
generic DSR research process, as outlined by Glea-
sure (Gleasure, 2013). This methodology establishes
a symbiotic relationship between the clarification of
the problem and the articulation of its corresponding
solution, thereby contributing substantively to the de-
sign knowledge within the domain, as stipulated by
Venable (Venable, 2006).
The initial phase of the research involves the iden-
tification and specification of requirements. This
foundational step is integral to the subsequent itera-
tive process, wherein design principles are judiciously
applied to delimit the solution space progressively.
Noteworthy in this endeavor is incorporating addi-
tional conceptual frameworks strategically employed
to address and resolve any potential conflicts. This
novel integration represents a significant augmenta-
tion to the originally posited design principles for the
application domain.
The resultant outcomes are systematically for-
malized through a comprehensive description of
a so-called token-curated registry (TCR) model.
Subsequently, a validation process follows, wherein
meticulous verification is conducted to ensure ad-
herence to the specified requirements. Following the
taxonomy articulated by vom Brocke and Maedche
(Vom Brocke and Maedche, 2019), the presentation
of the research outcomes is organized into six distinct
dimensions. The DSR grid system is employed to
categorize and articulate the content presentation in
a structured manner, thereby enhancing clarity and
Problem Description
Companies operating within the European Union
face escalating compliance challenges due to the
impending enforcement of the CSDDD and existing
national regulations like the LkSG. The rigorous
requirements of these directives include identifying
and mitigating adverse impacts on human rights and
the environment, establishing complaint procedures,
and aligning with climate goals. This surge in regula-
tory demands and potential fines for non-compliance
poses a significant burden, necessitating substantial
resource allocations for due diligence processes.
Addressing requirements such as regular risk anal-
yses, implementation of preventive and corrective
measures, and extended due diligence to indirect
suppliers presents intricate challenges.
Input Knowledge
The requirements outlined in the LkSG serve as the
foundational basis for deriving technical specifica-
tions. These requirements function as fundamental
knowledge for conceptualizing an application capable
of fulfilling the specified criteria.
Enabling Sustainability Due Diligence in Value Chains Through DLT-Based Governance
Key Concepts
The model adapted for the specific use case is a TCR
implemented within a DLT environment, including
Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) for privacy purposes.
Solution Description
The application is exemplified through two core
scenarios, the processes and users of which will be
elucidated in order to explicate the fundamental logic
for a prospective implementation as smart contracts.
Output Knowledge
The elucidated scenarios serve as illustrative in-
stances demonstrating the application’s contribution
to the satisfaction of stipulated requirements. Fur-
thermore, this discourse encompasses an examination
of the ramifications and prospective developmental
trajectories rooted in the underlying conceptual
framework. The delineated solution domain sub-
stantiates the formation of the resultant design
In the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (BfJ,
2021)), the due diligence obligations are:
(1) Establishment of a risk management system to
manage risks in supply chains.
(2) Designation of internal roles responsible for
ensuring compliance with these due diligence
(3) Conducting regular risk analyses to identify
potential risks.
(4) Issuance of a policy statement publicly declar-
ing a commitment to uphold human rights and en-
vironmental standards.
(5) Implementation of preventive measures both
in their own business operations and with direct
(6) Implementation of corrective measures in re-
sponse to identified violations.
(7) Creation of a mechanism for reporting and ad-
dressing grievances within the supply chain.
(8) Extension of due diligence to encompass risks
associated with indirect suppliers.
(9) Maintaining records of due diligence activities
and publicly reporting on them.
While some of the requirements listed in the LkSG,
such as the establishment of risk management (1), the
designation of internal responsibility (2), and the is-
suance of a policy statement (4), may be relatively
manageable internally, the others pose more complex
Our application aims to improve efficiency, trans-
parency, and compliance in the value chain by lever-
aging the added values offered by DLT-based TCR.
We are focusing on the specific challenges posed by
requirements (3), (5), (6), (7), (8), and (9). Our ap-
proach emphasizes not only meeting the regulatory
standards but also driving efficiency and sustainabil-
ity in supply chain operations.
The centerpiece of our research is designing and de-
veloping a DLT-based TCR system tailored specif-
ically for the decentralized risk analysis of suppli-
ers under the CSDDD. DLT generally promises to
increase transparency, efficiency, and accountability
across complex supply chain networks (Kumar and
Sahu, 2023), which is critical to meeting the demands
of today’s sustainability regulations, but research has
mainly focused on the product level (Gomes and
ao, 2023; Marjanovi
c et al., 2023) rather than the
specific actors involved in a supply chain itself. Our
approach is conceptualized to tackle the inefficiencies
in the current due diligence processes by leveraging
the inherent features of DLT and the novel mechanics
of TCRs.
At its core, the TCR is a list of suppliers main-
tained by a network of companies (token holders)
with a vested interest in the accuracy and integrity
of the registry. Companies can submit assessments
of their suppliers, which are then vetted and curated
by other token holders. The use of tokens creates
an economic incentive for token holders to curate
the list responsibly since the value of their tokens is
intrinsically linked to the quality of the TCR.(Kaur
and Visveswaraiah, 2021) The proposed application
is composed of several key components and features
that facilitate decentralized risk analysis:
Token Economy. Tokens are used as a mecha-
nism to incentivize honest participation and cura-
tion of the registry.
Voting Mechanism. Token holders participate in
governance by voting on the inclusion or exclu-
sion of suppliers based on their compliance as-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Stakeholder Engagement. The system encour-
ages active engagement from all stakeholders, in-
cluding companies, suppliers, and third-party au-
The system integrates cryptographically secured
proofs to ensure privacy and minimize moral hazard.
ZKPs allow a company to prove that its assessment
is valid without revealing the underlying data. More-
over, transactional data is shielded to prevent the attri-
bution of alterations in token balances or voting activ-
ities to a specific participant within the network (Ren
et al., 2019). This ensures that while the integrity of
the risk analysis is verifiable, the sensitive details re-
main confidential, thus preventing any potential bi-
ases or retaliatory actions.
We adopt the TCR model, as elucidated by Goldin
(Goldin, 2017), to suit our specific use case. The
TCR is collectively maintained by a set of users
who are either suppliers or customers within a desig-
nated supply chain. The registry comprises curated
suppliers evaluated by participating customers in
accordance with CSDDD regulations. These users
can assume three distinct roles within the application,
1. Applicant (Supplier). The applicant, a sup-
plier, seeks inclusion in the system and subsequent
listing on the registry.
2. Voter (Customer). The voter participates in voting
scenarios, expressing assessment results on whether a
supplier should or should not be listed on the registry.
3. Challenger (Customer). The challenger has the
capacity to instigate a vote by asserting that an
established supplier should be excluded from the
The application facilitates two distinct scenar-
ios, where a supplier applies to be on the curated
list (Figure 1), or a customer challenges an existing
supplier entry (Figure 2). Both processes initiate a
voting period during which customers may cast votes
on the inclusion or exclusion of the supplier from the
Perspective of the Applicant
Scenario ”Application”: In the initial stage, the appli-
cant requests inclusion in the list of suppliers meet-
ing the requirements outlined in CSDDD regulations.
The applicant is required to deposit tokens as a stake,
which remains locked for the entire duration the sup-
Figure 1: Application.
Figure 2: Challenge.
plier chooses to be on the list. The submission of the
application triggers a voting period during which vot-
ers determine the supplier’s inclusion. If the applicant
is rejected, the tokens are refunded; if accepted, the
applicant is incorporated into the list, and the tokens
remain staked.
Scenario ”Challenge”: When a supplier faces a
challenge for exclusion from the list, a voting period
commences, during which voters decide on the sup-
plier’s status. If the majority votes for exclusion, the
supplier forfeits tokens to the challenger and voters.
If the majority votes for the supplier’s retention on
the list, the supplier gains a portion of the tokens
staked by the challenger.
Perspective of Voter
Scenario ”Application”: Voters participate in a vote
to determine whether a supplier should initially be
included in the list. Voters are entitled to vote after
conducting a risk assessment based on CSDDD
regulations. The vote should align with the outcome
of their assessment. Voters favoring the majority
vote earn experience points, granting them in-
Enabling Sustainability Due Diligence in Value Chains Through DLT-Based Governance
creased weight in future votes, thereby incentivizing
continued participation.
Scenario ”Challenge”: In the event of a challenge,
participating voters reassess the challenged supplier
and vote accordingly. Winning voters in the majority
vote share the stake of either the supplier or the
challenger in equal parts. Additionally, participation
in the vote earns experience points.
Perspective of Challenger
Scenario ”Challenge”: Instances may arise where a
customer suspects a listed supplier’s non-compliance
with CSDDD regulations and advocates for their
exclusion. By providing a stake and initiating the
challenge, the customer assumes the role of a chal-
lenger. If the majority votes to ban the challenged
supplier, the challenger is remunerated, akin to
voters. Conversely, if the majority votes to retain the
supplier on the list, the challenger loses their stake to
the voters and the challenged supplier.
6.1 Evaluation
In the following, we argue how the proposed appli-
cation supports the fulfillment of the LkSG and, by
extension, the CSDDD requirements:
1. Facilitation of Comprehensive Risk Analysis.
The presented application advocates for the sys-
tematic conduct of risk analyses (3). Cus-
tomers are incentivized, both monetarily and non-
monetarily (in the form of experience points), to
monitor their suppliers. In instances where uncer-
tainties arise concerning a supplier, it is impera-
tive to discern and identify associated risks. This
discernment serves as a crucial factor in making
decisions that yield profitability or, in the case
of the challenger, prevent potential losses. The
described mechanisms aim to harness collective
intelligence from various stakeholders, enhancing
the accuracy and robustness of risk assessments.
2. Streamlining of Preventive and Remedial
Measures. The application functions as a risk
mitigation measure (5), as suppliers face the po-
tential loss of funds at any given moment, thereby
incentivizing their consistent adherence to speci-
fied requirements. Moreover, the exclusion of a
previously listed supplier through a formal elec-
tion mechanism serves as a remedial measure
(6) in instances where users identify violations.
The application enables companies to respond
promptly and efficiently to identified risks and vi-
3. Efficient Complaints Management. Upon the
initiation of a voting period by a challenger, a no-
tification is visible on the ledger to inform other
users that a specific supplier may potentially fail
to meet the defined requirements. Consequently,
the execution of a challenge functions as a report-
ing mechanism, wherein the adequacy of a sup-
plier is subject to reevaluation. Notably, the no-
tification within the application is characterized
by transparency and immediacy, ensuring that all
users are promptly informed of the pertinent de-
velopments (7).
4. Expansion of Due Diligence to Indirect
Suppliers. Due to the specifications inherent in
the distributed ledger, the application facilitates
the ability of users to access the risk assessments
pertaining to all suppliers recorded within the
system. Consequently, risks affiliated with
indirect suppliers can be passively appraised
(8). Nevertheless, it is imperative to emphasize
that such an assessment does not absolve any
company from the responsibility of conducting
its individual due diligence.
5. Robust Documentation and Reporting
Capabilities. The inherent data structure of
the distributed ledger facilitates the meticulous
traceability of activities pertaining to risk assess-
ments (9). Furthermore, the dissemination of the
data affords a specific degree of persistence, and
the information is openly accessible within the
supply chain network, thereby permitting any
interested party to generate reports on activities.
An assessment was undertaken through a quali-
tative approach involving a series of interviews with
three distinguished experts in the realm of sustainable
supply chain management (SSCM) within manufac-
turing industries. The ensuing feedback can be cate-
gorized into three distinct dimensions:
1. Conceptual Soundness. The proposed appli-
cation appears to offer a viable framework for
addressing the requirements of the LkSG and
potential challenges related to CSDDD compli-
ance. Particularly, the economic incentive struc-
tures embedded within the application may facil-
itate a transparent and collaborative approach in
assessing social or environmental risks associated
with suppliers. Nevertheless, the determination of
remuneration for users of the application necessi-
tates careful consideration to avoid favoring a spe-
cific equilibrium. Additionally, there exists ambi-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
guity regarding whether suppliers would perceive
the benefits of participating in such a system,
given the perpetual jeopardy of financial losses
contingent upon majority votes from customers.
The advantages for a supplier, arising from an en-
hanced appeal to new customers through partici-
pation, must outweigh the associated risks of po-
tential monetary losses.
2. Practical Usability. Incorporating the applica-
tion into current company structures poses a sig-
nificant challenge. Typically, there is a long-term
commitment to existing solutions. New applica-
tions need to work well with the systems already
in place. Despite many proofs of concept, the
adoption of DLT in industrial applications is still
a ways off. Systems should be implemented in a
way that is easy for users, and users should be able
to understand the technology involved.
3. Risk Analysis Efficacy. The collaboration in-
volved in the proposed approach may encourage
suppliers to more willingly or strictly follow reg-
ulations. This increased compliance can be linked
to the reduced chance of unnoticed rule viola-
tions, thanks to multiple risk assessments. Com-
bining assessments from various customers also
strengthens the overall evaluation of suppliers.
Moreover, the resulting transparency builds trust
among everyone involved, enhancing the effec-
tiveness of decision-making and allowing for ef-
ficient reassessment.
The proposed application presents a new approach to
managing risk analysis in compliance with the CS-
DDD. The implementation of the TCR system has
the potential to optimize the CSDDD compliance pro-
cesses by significantly reducing redundancies in sup-
plier risk analysis. Through a decentralized and col-
laborative approach, companies will be able to share
and access supplier assessments, thereby improving
efficiency, transparency, and potentially the overall
quality of risk analysis.
The integration of TCRs and ZKPs into compli-
ance processes underscores the transformative role of
information systems in sustainability efforts. This re-
search exemplifies how innovative applications of dis-
tributed systems can address complex challenges in
supply chain management, setting a precedent for fur-
ther explorations in the domain.
While our study offers valuable insights, it is not
without limitations. The evaluation is based primarily
on expert feedback, which, while expertly informed,
may not fully capture the practical complexities of
implementing the TCR system in diverse corporate
environments. Additionally, the proposed design has
not yet been empirically tested in a real-world setting,
which is necessary to validate its efficacy and feasi-
Future research should aim to empirically test the
TCR system in a real-world environment to validate
the findings. Moreover, it is imperative to develop
mechanisms to ensure good acting within the system
and discourage malicious behavior. Potential avenues
include incorporating monetary or reputational stakes
for users, where non-compliance or bad acting could
lead to tangible losses, thereby aligning the interests
of all consortium members with the overarching goals
of the application.
Future iterations could incorporate stakeholder-
driven governance models, reward users’ contribu-
tions and reliability, and penalize dishonest behavior.
Exploring the use of smart contracts to enforce rules
and automate incentive structures could provide a ro-
bust framework for maintaining integrity within the
While there are challenges to be addressed and
tested, the potential benefits for CSDDD compliance
and the broader field of information systems are sub-
stantial. By continuing to explore and refine this ap-
proach, the corporate world may benefit from more
resilient, transparent, and efficient sustainability prac-
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