Empowering Students: A Reflective Learning Analytics Approach to
Enhance Academic Performance
Dynil Duch
1,2 a
, Madeth May
1 b
and S
ebastien George
1 c
LIUM, Le Mans Universit
e, 72085 Le Mans, Cedex 9, France
Institute of Digital Research & Innovation, Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Learning Analytics, Student Performance, Reflective Tools, Data Indicators, Data Visualization, Predictive
Learning, Empowering Students, Learning Patterns, Learning Behavior, Educational Dashboards.
The surge in online education has accentuated the importance of practical Learning Analytics (LA) tools,
traditionally designed to support educators. In the meantime, a notable gap exists in empowering students
directly through user progress insights and reflective components. This paper presents our research effort in
designing a novel approach: a Self-reflective Tool (SRT) with data indicators on student performance designed
to actively engage students in their learning journey. Our research explores the landscape of existing LA tools,
pinpointing the lack of technological supports for students, and the limitations in empowering students. The
methodology involves data extraction, and a comparative analysis of classifiers to predict student performance
(SP). Our reflective tool is therefore built, not only to support students in their learning activities, but also to
provide them with a more relevant assistance according to their SP. Surveys are made to assess our proposal of
SRT. The findings illustrate how students perceive it and how SRT oriented data indicators increase awareness,
regulation, and motivation of individual learning patterns. Our qualitative analysis also demonstrates a positive
correlation between student engagement with the reflective tool and improvements in academic outcomes. This
research contributes to the discourse on LA by emphasizing the importance of reflective tools for students in
Metacognition Online Learning Environments (MOLE), providing valuable insights for future developments
in student-centric approaches to education.
Learning Analytics (LA) is a powerful tool that sub-
stantially supports educators and content creators
in enhancing the teaching and learning experiences
(Banihashem et al., 2022; Hern
andez-de Men
et al., 2022). However, while existing tools and ser-
vices in LA are mostly dedicated to instructors, there
is a lack of similar supports that directly empower stu-
dents (Arthars et al., 2019). Yet, it has been demon-
strated that students strongly need self-assessment
throughout their learning process to gain motivation
and higher achievement (McMillan and Hearn, 2008;
Andrade, 2019). Thus, providing reflective tools that
allow students to do so is not only crucial from a
pedagogical standpoint but also a significant research
challenge. Our paper delves into the necessity of ad-
dressing this gap by proposing a novel approach lever-
aging specific and selective tools to enable students
through reflective LA, focusing on self-regulation and
user progress insights.
LA has traditionally emphasized data analysis, vi-
sualization, and the creation of indicators to aid edu-
cators in understanding and improving their teaching
methodologies (Ndukwe and Daniel, 2020; Silvola
et al., 2021). While these approaches have proven
valuable, a need for more emphasis exists on tools that
create and foster students motivation in their learning
journey (Joksimovi
c et al., 2019; Arthars et al., 2019).
The absence of these tools becomes more pronounced
than the traditional LA when considering the implica-
tions for student performance (SP). Our research is
motivated by the conviction that students, provided
with a better understanding of their learning behav-
iors, can significantly enhance their academic perfor-
mance and cultivate self-regulation skills.
The research effort presented in this paper
pinpoints shortcomings in existing practices and
Duch, D., May, M. and George, S.
Empowering Students: A Reflective Learning Analytics Approach to Enhance Academic Performance.
DOI: 10.5220/0012634600003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 385-396
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
proposes a transformative solution with our self-
reflective tool (SRT) that allows and incites students
to monitor their progress, analyze behavior, and ac-
tively participate in improving their learning perfor-
mance. We explore the landscape of existing LA
tools, highlighting their current focus and limitations,
particularly in the context of student empowerment.
We then introduce our design approach, which places
students at the center of the analytics process, provid-
ing them with indicators on a Learning Management
System (LMS).
The primary research questions guiding our stud-
ies include:
1. How can LA better support students in Metacog-
nition Online Learning Environments (MOLE)?
2. What role does SRT play in addressing SP, the risk
of failure, and motivational loss?
To contextualize our work, we examine the cur-
rent state of SP analysis and outline our approach to
data mining, drawing on existing methodologies. In
the context of our research, SP refers to the academic
achievements, learning outcomes, and overall success
of students within an educational setting. It encom-
passes a multifaceted evaluation beyond traditional
metrics such as grades and exam scores. As per our
context, SP involves a holistic assessment that con-
siders various factors, including attendance, interac-
tion with learning materials, engagement in quizzes,
assignments, and tasks on the LMS, and the ultimate
academic production and outcome.
For the experimental setup, the cohort of 160 stu-
dents, primarily associated with the CADT (Cam-
bodia Academy of Digital Technology), actively en-
gages in various educational activities on the Moodle
LMS. Throughout the year, these students participate
in courses, attend classes, submit assignments, and
interact with the learning materials available on the
platform. In the context of our research, the SP aspect
is the key focus. We aim to delve into the intricacies
of learning patterns exhibited by these students on the
Moodle LMS.
To identify key attributes that can predict SP,
we have conducted a literature review to understand
the factors influencing student outcomes. First, we
collected data from CADT’s Moodle platform and
Google Sheets, which provided insights into student
engagement and performance outcomes. Second, we
carefully selected a subset of crucial attributes from
the collected data to develop a predictive algorithm
using a Random Forest classifier. Third, we further re-
fined the algorithm by employing oversampling tech-
niques to handle imbalanced data. Last but not least,
we evaluated the algorithm’s performance and ad-
justed it to enhance accuracy. By adopting such an ap-
proach, we are able to not only effectively identify at-
tributes contributing to student performance, but also
to develop a reliable predictive model.
As for the reflective tools, they refer to tools
and mechanisms designed to help students reflect
on their learning processes, identify weaknesses and
strengths, and make informed decisions to improve
their academic performance. Specifically, the self-
reflective tool (SRT) is a user progress instrument tai-
lored to individual students, which includes personal
insight and a group-level overview feature that en-
ables students to gain insights into their performance
compared to their peers. SRT integrates our predict-
ing model and key attributes to provide a dynamic and
supportive learning environment, fostering students’
self-awareness, self-regulation, self-evaluation, and
self-motivation. We aim to create a sophisticated SRT,
offering a novel approach to improve students’ educa-
tional practices at CADT.
With this experimental setup, we can work on de-
signing and implementing our SRT, including a dash-
board with program-level and user progress indica-
tors. The ”program-level” refers to an assessment
or analysis conducted at an entire academic program
of study level. Rather than focusing on individual
courses or specific components, a program-level per-
spective takes a holistic view, considering an aca-
demic program’s overall objectives, outcomes, and
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Re-
lated works are presented in section 2. Sections 3
and 4 are dedicated to our SP analysis approach. The
design of our SRT presented in section 5. The out-
comes of our study are discussed in section 6, provid-
ing valuable insights into the perceptions of students
and the impact of our reflective learning analytics ap-
proach on their academic performance.
In recent years, many studies have paid significant
attention to exploring the LA applications and their
impact on educational practice (Dawson et al., 2019;
Wong et al., 2018; Papamitsiou and Economides,
2014; Viberg et al., 2018; Wong and Li, 2020). In
this section, we review the existing literature to con-
textualize our research within the broader landscape
of LA, focusing on e-learning practices, support for
students, technological solutions, and the research is-
sues related to students and SRT.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
2.1 Learning Analytics
Numerous studies covered the integration of LA into
MOLE. A systematic review by (Banihashem et al.,
2018; Tepgec¸ and Ifenthaler, 2022; Banihashem et al.,
2022) addressed LAs crucial role in optimizing the
online learning experience. The review highlighted
LAs potential to improve student and overall satis-
faction in digital learning environments. Additionally,
(Mangaroska et al., 2021) focused on the specifics of
employing LA in online learning platforms, provid-
ing insights into its effectiveness in identifying pat-
terns (Khosravi and Cooper, 2017) and refining in-
structional design for virtual classrooms (Jovanovic
et al., 2017; Volungeviciene et al., 2019). A sys-
tematic mapping review by (Sghir et al., 2023) ex-
amined the published articles between 2012 and 2022
that utilized LA for predicting students’ performance
and risk of failure or dropout. They found that LA
provides insights into the classroom by analyzing data
about learners, allowing for a deeper understanding of
the learning process and optimizing the learning envi-
2.2 Supports for Online Learning
In the past decade, we have witnessed a growing of
both theoretical and technological solutions to sup-
port online teaching practices. (Bakharia et al., 2016;
Alowayr and Badii, 2014) formulated a conceptual
framework to assist teachers in evaluating learning ac-
tivities, learning performance, and making informed
decisions. Additionally, (Arthars et al., 2019; Dy-
ckhoff et al., 2012; Sergis and Sampson, 2016) have
developed dashboards with data indicators to support
teachers in their instructional roles. Moreover, (Vol-
ungeviciene et al., 2019) have designed a professional
monitoring tool for teachers to understand students’
different learning habits, recognize their behavior, as-
sess their thinking capacities and engagement, and de-
sign their curriculum.
Thus far, while witnessing prior studies that pre-
dominantly focused on designing monitoring and
evaluation tools for teachers, we also support the
claim of (Wong, 2023) and acknowledge the neces-
sity for customized technological solutions to answer
the unique needs of students. Therefore, our research
is motivated by the imperative to address the absence
of direct support that enhances students learning ex-
periences. Our goal is not to imitate the existing sup-
ports for teachers and recreate new ones for students,
but to take a closer look at how we can provide them
with reflective tools, enabling them to gain insights
on their own behaviors, then adapt their learning pace
and strategy throughout their learning activities. The
reflective tools become the primary and direct support
for students as they do not solely rely on feedback
from their teachers, and mostly at the end of a learn-
ing session. Our proposal places a strong focus on an
innovative approach to design and implement reflec-
tive tools with data indicators on student performance
in order to foster student self-regulation and empow-
erment in MOLE.
2.3 Students and Reflective Tools
Research within MOLE has identified core issues
related to students and the integration of reflective
tools in online learning. (Ndukwe and Daniel, 2020)
conducted a study exploring the expectations of stu-
dents regarding LA tools in online courses. Their
findings indicated that students desired more user
progress feedback and a greater emphasis on real-
time progress tracking. These insights shed light
on specific areas for improvement in LA tools, sug-
gesting a need for enhancements in features related
to user progress learning experiences (Fatma Gizem
Karaoglan Yilmaz, 2020; Hegde et al., 2022; Fatma
Gizem Karaoglan Yilmaz, 2022; Karaoglan Yil-
maz, 2022) and continuous monitoring of academic
progress (QAZDAR et al., 2022). (Silvola et al.,
2021) examined the expectations of educators and on-
line learners concerning LA dashboards, emphasizing
the need for user progress insights in virtual class-
In the context of online learning, the existing body
of literature unveils the potential of LA to provide
valuable understanding of student engagement and
performance. It emphasizes the need for tailored sup-
port and technological solutions in online education.
Furthermore, the research mentioned core issues re-
lated to students and integrating reflective tools in vir-
tual classrooms. Despite all that, a significant gap
persists in developing reflective tools that empower
students within online learning. Not to mention that
most existing supports are often designed to assess
the final outcomes of learning activities. Accordingly,
the data indicators provided are not exactly exploited
by the students as reflective tools during their learn-
ing process, but are mainly used at the end as feed-
back or report on their final academic outcomes. Our
work seeks to contribute to filling this gap by intro-
ducing a unique reflective tool designed to address re-
search challenges that cover two aspects: (i) the pre-
diction of student performance and (ii) the elabora-
tion of SRT oriented data indicators to enhance stu-
dent performance.
Empowering Students: A Reflective Learning Analytics Approach to Enhance Academic Performance
This section provides an overview of our current work
on understanding and enhancing SP from LA per-
spectives. The illustration in Figure 1 unfolds the
comprehensive research methodology adopted at the
CADT. The key attributes influencing learning pat-
terns are identified. These attributes seamlessly feed
into the SP Prediction Model, employing data mining
approaches. The predictions from the SP model drive
the development of SRT, which include Performance
Evaluation, Progress Tracking, Recommendation En-
gine, and Personal Indicators. The ultimate goal is
to translate SRT utilization into tangible academic
outcomes, fostering self-awareness, self-regulation,
self-evaluation, and self-motivation for students at
CADT. The illustration encapsulates the intercon-
nected stages of data-driven predictions and the de-
velopment of tools, emphasizing the student-centric
approach adopted for enhancing academic success.
Figure 1: Unveiling the Iterative Journey: From Data Min-
ing to Self-Reflective Empowerment.
3.1 Current Work and Approach
Our study on SP involves a comprehensive analy-
sis of data gathered from students engaged in on-
line courses. Leveraging data mining techniques, we
explore existing approaches to SP analysis, seeking
to identify patterns, trends, and factors influencing
students’ learning outcomes (la Red Mart
ınez and
omez, 2014; Brahim, 2022). By understanding the
intricacies of SP, we can tailor our SRT to fulfill the
unique needs and challenges of online learning (Jag-
gars and Xu, 2016). Our approach strongly empha-
sizes empowering students to take an active role in
monitoring their progress and regulating their learn-
ing pace. Comparing to traditional LA tools, which
primarily focus on providing retrospective insights
for educators, our framework shifts the paradigm by
directly involving students in analyzing their perfor-
mance data. This student-centric approach is pivotal
in fostering a sense of ownership and autonomy, con-
tributing to improved engagement and academic suc-
3.2 Necessity of a Reflective Tool
As our analysis progresses, it becomes evident that
SP analysis lacks a reflective component dedicated to
students. Reflective tools are essential for students
to learn and to improve learning (McKenna et al.,
2019). Yet these tools are not systematically included
in the basic set of tools for educational settings. Also
pointed out by (Volungeviciene et al., 2019) reflective
tools often offer students the means to gain deep in-
sights into their learning patterns, preferences, and ar-
eas that may require additional attention. The absence
of those tools is particularly pronounced in online
learning, where students may face challenges related
to self-motivation (Ainley and Patrick, 2006). By in-
tegrating a reflective tool into the learning environ-
ment, we aim to incite students to actively shape their
educational experiences (Perrotta and Bohan, 2020),
identify areas of improvement (Talay-Ongan, 2003),
and optimize their learning strategies (Majeed et al.,
In conclusion, our research work on SP in the
context of LA addresses the current limitations in
SP analysis, especially in MOLE. By leveraging data
mining techniques and emphasizing a student-centric
approach, we aim to develop a SRT that enhances
SP analysis and encourages students to become active
participants in their learning journey. The following
sections detail the experimental setup, data analysis,
and the implementation of our SRT.
4.1 Attributes and Learning Patterns
We comprehensively analyzed existing literature to
identify the attributes for predicting student perfor-
mance. To be accurate and objective, we consid-
ered the frequency of attribute appearance in the lit-
erature, their relevance, practicality, and importance
in our study, and the data available in the LMS. A
meta-study by (Felix et al., 2018) reviewed 42 pa-
pers, and (Namoun and Alshanqiti, 2020) examined
62 papers that used data mining techniques to predict
student outcomes, which mainly used attributes such
as assessment data/grade, interaction logs, quizzes
data, assignment data, access logs, resources logs, and
tasks data. Another study by (Felix et al., 2019) uti-
lized a dataset of 1,307 students’ activity logs in a
course, including variables related to quizzes submit-
ted, activities, time spent on the platform, and grades,
to build a predictive model of student outcomes.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In the same context as the previous study, (Hi-
rokawa, 2018) collected information from a Japanese
institution and used machine learning methods to
forecast academic achievement. The result found that
previous academic grade were essential for predicting
academic performance. Furthermore, (Gaftandzhieva
et al., 2022) used a machine learning algorithm to pre-
dict students’ final grades in an Object-Oriented Pro-
gramming course using data from Moodle LMS activ-
ities such as exam results, and online activities. Other
studies have focused on predicting various aspects of
student outcomes, such as the likelihood of dropout
(Quinn and Gray, 2020), the likelihood of success in
a course (Arizmendi et al., 2023) or predicting stu-
dent grades using both academic and non-academic
factors (Ya
gcı, 2022). In the meantime, some studies
have also explored specific contexts, such as analyz-
ing interaction logs (Brahim, 2022), assessing grades
and online activity data (Alhassan et al., 2020).
As a result of all these studies, we have selected
specific attributes and learning patterns that corre-
late with positive or negative SP outcomes at CADT.
By identifying these correlations, we have collected
dataset from CADT’s Moodle LMS and from Google
Sheets, as shown in Table 1, covering over 160 stu-
dents from three classes and eight separate courses in-
cluding Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Prob-
ability and Statistics, C Programming Language, Vi-
sual Art, Soft Skills and Information Technology Es-
sentials. This dataset includes two semesters and rep-
resents two program levels. Plus, it also incorporates
Hypothesis Video Player (HVP) scores, which mea-
sure student engagement in interactive video activi-
ties. Right below, we describe the attributes in our
dataset that provide information on student engage-
ment and performance.
1. attendance - This attribute represents the number
of modules in all courses that a student has com-
2. number of interaction log - This attribute repre-
sents the number of interactions a student has had
with all courses.
3. total quiz submitted - This attribute represents
the number of quizzes a student has submitted in
all courses.
4. total assignment submitted - This attribute rep-
resents the number of assignments a student has
submitted in all courses.
5. total tasks submitted - This attribute represents
the number of tasks a student has submitted in all
6. outcome score - The outcome score is a numeric
measure of a student’s academic performance af-
ter completing a first-year program. It is typically
calculated by taking the weighted average of the
final scores of each course in the program, with
the weight assigned to each course based on vari-
ous factors such as credit hours, difficulty level, or
course importance. The outcome score is an im-
portant metric used in academic and employment
contexts to evaluate a student’s academic perfor-
mance and potential.
4.2 Data Mining Approaches
Our research uses data mining techniques and pre-
dictive algorithms to forecast SP in the Moodle en-
vironment. To predict student outcomes and select
the best classifier, we used few classification meth-
ods with our dataset for comparison. (Felix et al.,
2018) reviewed 42 studies that used data mining tech-
niques to predict student outcomes, as the result, the
nine of ten highest accuracies (95%-100%) found in
the review are reached through classification methods.
Similarly, another systematic review by (Namoun and
Alshanqiti, 2020) examined 62 papers that used data
mining and machine learning to predict student out-
comes, General findings from the review show that
the machine learning algorithms, including Decision
Trees, Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines,
ıve Bayes, and Random Forests, accurately predict
student outcomes, with some studies reporting predic-
tion accuracies of over 90%. In a specific study, (Felix
et al., 2019) utilized a dataset of 1,307 students’ ac-
tivity logs in a course, including variables related to
student interactions in forums, chats, quizzes, activi-
ties, time spent on the platform, and grades. Simulta-
neously, the study built a predictive model of student
outcomes using Na
ıve Bayes, Decision Trees, Mul-
tilayer Perceptron, and Regression algorithms, with
the Na
ıve Bayes model performing the best with an
accuracy of 87%. In the same context of the previ-
ous study, (Gaftandzhieva et al., 2022) used a ma-
chine learning algorithms to predict students’ final
grades in an Object-Oriented Programming course us-
ing data from Moodle LMS activities and online lec-
tures. They found that the Random Forest algorithm
had the highest prediction accuracy of 78%.
Thus, in our research, we have made comparisons
of the five classifiers (Decision Tree, Random Forest,
Bayesian Classification (Na
ıve Bayes), Support Vec-
tor Machines, and Neural Network) with our dataset.
Our comparison aimed to evaluate the performance
and accuracy of these classifiers in predicting student
outcomes based on our specific dataset. In the same
way, we have identified the most effective classifier
for our research context by applying these classifica-
Empowering Students: A Reflective Learning Analytics Approach to Enhance Academic Performance
tion algorithms to the collected data. Moreover, to
adopt our classifier approach, a grading system was
used to translate the outcomes score, ranging from 0
to 100, into grades A to F.
This section has presented the foundation of our
SP analysis at CADT. The experimental setup, en-
compassing a diverse dataset from CADT, as shown
in Table 1, and an array of data mining techniques,
positions us to uncover valuable insights into the dy-
namics of student learning in online environments.
The subsequent section will introduce our SRT de-
sign with the SP prediction technique to create data
indicators for bridging the gap between analysis and
actionable student insights.
In this section, we introduce the design and function-
ality of our SRT, emphasizing incorporating data indi-
cators to provide students with a comprehensive view
of their academic progress. Our tool empowers stu-
dents at CADT by offering group-level overviews and
user progress insights, fostering a student-centric ap-
proach to LA.
Figure 2: Dashboard of SRT and SP Data indicators.
5.1 Self-Reflective Tool Design
The dashboard in Figure 2 provides an intuitive inter-
face, offering students a visual representation of their
learning process in real time. Our design goal is of-
fering friendly user experience, ensuring accessibil-
ity for students with varying levels of technological
proficiency. Indeed, we would like to make sure that
students spend less time understanding the dashboard,
but start exploiting right away the SRT-oriented data
indicators to enhance their SP.
5.1.1 Group-Level Overview
At the group level, our tool aggregates data to
present a comprehensive overview of class perfor-
mance trends. Visualizations such as distribution of
highest learning performance, as shown in Figure 3
and Figure 4, engagement metrics allow students to
gauge their standing relative to their peers (Figure
6), and learning guideline for improving their learn-
ing performance. This group-level insight promotes a
sense of healthy competition, encouraging students to
set ambitious but achievable goals in metacognition.
Figure 3: The highest learning performance in the class.
Figure 4: The comparison of learning performance in the
5.1.2 User Progress Indicators
The heart of our SRT lies in its ability to provide user
progress indicators for individual students, as shown
in Figure 5. These indicators are derived from a
nuanced analysis of each student’s learning patterns,
considering attendance, number of interaction to the
LMS, assignments, quiz, tasks scores, and participa-
tion in collaborative activities. By customizing feed-
back for each student’s progress according to their SP
score, our tool facilitates targeted interventions and
encourages proactive self-evaluation.
Figure 5: The overall learning performance.
Our learning performance dashboards provide in-
dividual learning performance scores (Figure 5) and
highlights the highest learning performance scores
within the class (Figure 3). Additionally, it presents a
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: The CADT’s dataset.
Attendance Interaction log Quiz submitted Assignment submitted Tasks submitted Grade
0.279412 0.265866 0.000000 0.166667 0.304348 F
0.382353 0.798456 0.333333 0.333333 0.521739 A
0.397059 0.421098 0.333333 0.309524 0.478261 B+
0.397059 0.482847 0.333333 0.309524 0.478261 A
0.161765 0.325043 0.000000 0.214286 0.391304 B
percentage comparison to the maximum score attain-
able. For instance, if the maximum score is 110, a stu-
dent with a learning performance score of 63 might be
at approximately 60%, while the highest performance
score in the class, say 95, could be around 92%. Our
dashboard’s individual learning performance scores,
class averages, and percentage comparisons are com-
prehensive metrics to gauge academic achievements.
These figures provide a clear overview of where a
student stands compared to peers and the maximum
achievable score. This comparative aspect fosters a
sense of self-awareness by allowing students to eval-
uate their performance relative to the class’s highest
achiever and the overall class average. The visual
representation of these scores not only offers trans-
parency but also acts as a motivational tool. Know-
ing one is standing in the class can catalyze self-
regulation, prompting students to set personal goals
and enhance their learning strategies.
5.2 Dashboard Features
Our tool incorporates various features to enhance the
student experience:
5.2.1 Learning Patterns and Progress Tracking
Figure 6: The learning activities progress.
The tool visualizes individual learning patterns, al-
lowing students to identify their strengths and ar-
eas for improvement in Figure 6. Insights into pre-
ferred study times, resource utilization, and engage-
ment peaks empower students to optimize their study
habits. As for the progress tracking, it is dynamic, as
shown in Figure 7 providing students with real-time
updates on their academic performance. This feature
aids in goal setting and time management, fostering a
sense of accountability and self-motivation.
Figure 7: The learning performance progress by month.
5.2.2 Recommendation Engine
Our SRT includes a recommendation engine, as
shown in Figure 8 to assist students in maintaining
and achieving positive performance. Based on histor-
ical data and learning patterns, this engine provides
user progress suggestions for resources, study mate-
rials, and time management strategies to enhance the
learning experience, as well as to gain self-awareness
and self-regulation. Additionally, our recommenda-
tion engine assigns urgency levels ranging from 1 to
5 with the highlight color, alerting students to take im-
mediate action based on predictions generated by our
performance algorithm. The tool suggests individual-
ized actions by predicting SP, learning from their pat-
terns, fostering proactive engagement, and addressing
potential challenges before they escalate.
Figure 8: The recommendation activities for each course in
the class.
Empowering Students: A Reflective Learning Analytics Approach to Enhance Academic Performance
5.3 Implementation and Integration
The SRT is seamlessly integrated into CADT’s on-
line learning platform, ensuring a cohesive user expe-
rience for students. It operates in real-time, allowing
for continuous monitoring and adaptation to evolving
learning patterns. Up to this point, we have imple-
mented this tool with and for students, enabling them
not only to take part of the design process, but also to
naturally adopt the tool and use it for reflective analy-
sis of their learning activities.
With the integration of group-level overviews and
user progress insights, we are pursuing our effort in
making our tool as a valuable resource for students.
We also seek to improve our approach (both SP and
SRT), and the way that students utilize it to shape their
academic experiences. For that, we have conducted a
study, focusing on how the SRT is perceived by stu-
dents and its impact on their overall SP. The following
section will present the results of our study.
6.1 Data Analysis Protocol
The study employed a comprehensive data analysis
protocol to extract valuable insights responses from
the survey conducted in December 2023 and for six
days, which reached 123 participants from CADT, as
shown in Figure 9. Descriptive statistics were em-
ployed to summarize survey responses, and qualita-
tive data was analyzed thematically to identify recur-
ring patterns and trends.
Figure 9 shows the overall positive feedback and
student perception of the SRT, and data indicators re-
flect a significant enhancement in the learning expe-
rience. Students have consistently expressed satisfac-
tion with the user progress insights and tools designed
to support their academic performance. The tools
dedicated to self-reflection, particularly those assess-
ing performance and tracking progress, received ac-
claim for their effectiveness in enhancing students’
metacognition. The recommendation engine, offering
user progress insights aligned with individual learning
patterns, garnered appreciation for its motivational
impact on students’ commitment to academic tasks.
Regarding progress indicators, students recognized
the high efficacy of monitoring attendance data, view-
ing it as a significant factor contributing to improved
understanding and academic performance. The value
of the number of interaction logs with the LMS was
acknowledged, with increased interactions indicating
active engagement and enriching the learning experi-
Figure 9: The survey results from SP dashboard enhanced
with SRT in LMS.
ence. Similarly, tracking quizzes, assignments, and
submitted tasks received praise for its effectiveness in
self-assessment, aiding students in staying on course
with their coursework and ensuring timely submis-
6.2 Unveiling Novel Findings
As we take a closer look at the data from our study,
three significant findings have emerged and will be se-
lected for discussion. These findings unveil not only
the relevance of SRT in SP enhancement, but also
the correlation among learning components, includ-
ing students’ interactions, SRT oriented data indica-
tors, and the impacts of SRT on not only individuals
but also the community.
6.2.1 Integrated Dashboard Experience: A
Symphony of Connectivity
As interactions are part of the learning process, a
well-integrated SRT will incite more interactions,
thus leading to a more active learning and better per-
formance. The dashboard experiences of the SRT
were analyzed, with participants providing ratings on
a scale from Excellent to Poor. Figure 10 illustrates
how these experiences encourage students to interact
more with LMS.
Figure 10 demonstrates notable and positive
SRT’s Dashboard Experience, where the accessibil-
ity, data indicators, visualization, and recommenda-
tion tool collectively orchestrate a symphony of con-
nectivity. Our findings confirm that when these el-
ements harmonize positively, the number of interac-
tion logs in the LMS increases proportionally. It un-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 10: The advantages of dashboard design encourage
students to interact with LMS.
veils a compelling correlation, suggesting that a well-
designed and informative dashboard enhances indi-
vidual components and creates a ripple effect, foster-
ing increased engagement and interaction within the
learning environment. This correlation in this finding
reinforces the essential role of a cohesive dashboard
with self-reflective data indicators in shaping and am-
plifying student interaction.
6.2.2 Performance Analytics and Engagement
Mastery: A Virtuous Cycle
Figure 11: The effectiveness of engagement activities on
academic production and outcome.
Our research also uncovered a virtuous cycle in per-
formance analytics and engagement mastery. When
students actively participate by attending classes, en-
gaging more interactions with the LMS, and dili-
gently completing quizzes, assignments, and tasks,
a cascade of positive outcomes follows, as shown in
Figure 11. The academic production and overall out-
come align with these engaged behaviors. This intrin-
sic connection illustrates that student engagement is a
catalyst for immediate academic tasks and a predictor
of broader academic success. It challenges conven-
tional wisdom, emphasizing the dynamic relationship
between consistent engagement and sustained high-
level academic performance. As for SRT in that mat-
ter, it plays a crucial role in helping students become
aware of their engagement, thus inciting them to par-
ticipate even more.
6.2.3 Cognitive Self-Regulation Hub:
Empowering Holistic Growth
Figure 12: The empowering of metacognition on interaction
with course materials and peers.
If we take a look at SRT from a broader perspective
and particularly from the Cognitive Self-Regulation
Hub domain, our findings show the relevance of SRT
in cultivating metacognition such as self-awareness,
self-regulation, self-evaluation, and self-motivation,
as shown in Figure 12. The tools that empower in-
dividual cognitive processes extend their influence,
fostering increased interaction with course materials
and peers. The data from Figure 13 reveal the pro-
found impact of cognitive self-regulation on individ-
ual introspection and as a catalyst for collaborative
learning. They also demonstrate the positive impact
of SRT in self-assessment for students while inter-
act with others and learning resources. This finding
presents SRTs as tools for personal development and
contributing factors in creating a vibrant, interactive
learning community. It marks a paradigm shift, posi-
Empowering Students: A Reflective Learning Analytics Approach to Enhance Academic Performance
tioning cognitive self-regulation as the foundation for
a thriving and collaborative educational ecosystem.
In summary, these three key insights address part
of complex challenges in educational research, with a
special focus on reflective analytics to help students
enhance their academic performance. Our research
efforts aim to provide a fresh perspective on the in-
tricate dynamics that shape student experiences and
outcomes. Thus, we hope they invites further explo-
ration and a redefinition of established paradigms in
the ever-evolving education landscape.
As we navigate the data privacy landscape within
SRT, assessing the impact of stringent data privacy
constraints becomes imperative. SRT uses granular
data from detailed logs to construct meaningful data
indicators. While this granularity enhances the rele-
vance and pertinence of data indicators, it inevitably
raises questions regarding user privacy. The compro-
mise lies in striking a delicate balance between data
utility and privacy preservation. For that matter, we
utilize data anonymization and aggregation methods.
We ensure that SRT continues evolving and provides
valuable insights without exposing individual user de-
tails. It involves implementing techniques that allow
the extraction of meaningful patterns and trends with-
out revealing sensitive information, thus respecting
users’ privacy.
Compliance with the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) is a cornerstone of our research
methodology. Ethical considerations are at the fore-
front, with participants fully informed about the na-
ture of their involvement, their rights, and the proce-
dures in place for data management. Transparency is
maintained through clear communication, and partic-
ipants can request the deletion of their data. An ethics
committee, including research team members, over-
sees and approves all aspects of our research design
and execution.
The research efforts presented in this paper focus on
a reflective learning analytics approach to empower
students and improve their learning experiences. We
have pointed out the lack of supports in terms of re-
flective tools for students, yet reflective analytics is
crucial to the learning process and has positive im-
pacts in student self-regulation and self-evaluation.
Our research was motivated by the identified gap in
empowering students through LA tools, particularly
in MOLE. Instead of imitating the existing supports
for teachers to recreate new ones for students, we ad-
dressed research challenges on how we can provide
them with reflective tools, enabling them to gain in-
sights on their own behaviors, then adapt their learn-
ing pace and strategy throughout their learning activi-
ties. On top of that, the originality of our work lies
in our proposal that places a focus on student per-
formance. An experimental setup involved over 160
students from CADT participating in our study. The
setup lasted over a year, during which students are in-
vited to participate in the design process of SRT as
well as the evaluation of our proposal.
Our design approach covers two aspects: the pre-
diction of SP and the implementation of SRT with
data indicators on SP. Our goal is to provide students
with personalized insights, real time progress track-
ing, and reflective components, thus enabling them
not only to conduct reflective analytics with specific
data indicators on their academic performance, but
also to interact and participate more in their learning
environment. To achieve this, our research method-
ology involved a multifaceted approach, combining
data extraction, classifier comparison, and perfor-
mance evaluation. Indeed, our SP approach relies on
selecting key attributes to efficient predicting student
performance. As for the design of our SRT, we pro-
pose a set of data indicators based on SP computed
data, featuring student attendance, participation, in-
teraction, quiz, assignment and grading, etc. These
SRT-oriented data indicators provide more than just
feedback, they are pertinent information about SP on
both individual and community scales. Plus, they are
accessible in real time, and not only at the end of
a learning session, making reflective analytics more
prompt, and suitable for different learning paces and
Our research effort also includes both quantitative
and qualitative analyses of our SRT and its impact on
SP. A total of 123 students participated in our study
through a survey, allowing us to evaluate the correla-
tion between student engagement with the SRT and
improvements in SP. Students who actively used the
tool reported statistically significant enhancements
in their academic outcomes. Data from the sur-
vey highlighted the value of personalized data indi-
cators regarding self-awareness, self-regulation, self-
evaluation, and self-motivation of individual learning
patterns. Moreover, qualitative insights demonstrated
that the SRT contributed to students’ sense of empow-
erment, control over their learning journey, and proac-
tive engagement with academic challenges.
To sum up, through this research work, we hope
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
to make a contribution to the discourse on LA by
emphasizing the importance of SRT designed explic-
itly for students in MOLE. Integrating personalized
indicators in our SRT at CADT showcases its po-
tential to empower students and actively shape their
educational experiences. As we move forward, the
implications of this research extend to the broader
realm of online education, promoting student-centric
approaches to enhance engagement, motivation, and
academic success. This work serves as a foundation
for future research endeavors, encouraging the con-
tinued exploration and development of tools that pri-
oritize student empowerment and self-regulation in
the evolving landscape of metacognition online edu-
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