About the Quality of a Course Recommender System
as Perceived by Students
Kerstin Wagner
1 a
, Agathe Merceron
1 b
, Petra Sauer
and Niels Pinkwart
2 c
Berliner Hochschule f
ur Technik, Berlin, Germany
Deutsches Forschungszentrum f
ur K
unstliche Intelligenz, Berlin, Germany
Course Recommender System, Survey, Mann-Whitney U Test, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test,
Benjamini-Hochberg Procedure.
In this work, we present a survey of a course recommender conducted among students and its results. The
course recommender system, published in our previours work (Wagner et al., 2023), is based on the nearest
neighbors algorithm and aims to support students in their course enrollment; it targets above all students who
did not pass all mandatory courses as indicated in the study handbook in their first or second semester at
university. The primary objective of the survey was to evaluate the perceived quality of explanations and
recommendations based on two presentation variants (a ranked list of courses and a set of courses), as well
as the general trust in such systems. The survey included quantitative measures and demographic information
from the students, so that different subgroups could be evaluated. The results indicate that students tend to trust
recommender systems and that they tend to understand the explanations. No clear winner emerges between
the presentation of the courses as a set and as a ranked list. The survey data explorations are available at:
In the field of higher education, various recommender
systems have been proposed for different purposes.
According to Urdaneta-Ponte et al. (2021), course
recommendations have emerged as the second most
prevalent research area with 33 studies conducted on
this topic. Among the articles analyzed by the au-
thors, 25 specifically targeted students. In this work,
we consider the course recommender system pro-
posed in our previous work (Wagner et al., 2023). Our
system aims to support students in their course en-
rollment and to help, above all, students who did not
pass all mandatory courses as indicated in the study
handbook in their first or second semester at univer-
sity. In some contexts, like in German higher ed-
ucation, when enrolling in courses for their second
or third semester, these students must decide whether
they should repeat courses they did not pass, whether
they should add new courses to their enrollment list,
how many, and which ones. Our system recommends
to a student st courses based on the courses passed
by sts neighbors (Wagner et al., 2023). A neighbor
of the student st is a student who has already gradu-
ated and in the first or second semester passed courses
similar to those st passed with grades similar to those
obtained by st. The system recommends to the stu-
dent st the set of courses that the majority of the near-
est neighbors have passed. Let st
be a student who
passes all courses as given in the study handbook. The
evaluation of the recommended courses system with
historical data shows that, on average, our system rec-
ommends to st
the same set of courses that st
enrolled. Let st
be a student who failed courses in
the first or second semester. The evaluation of the
number of recommended courses shows that it recom-
mends on average a smaller set of courses and differ-
ent courses than st
enrolled in. With the assumption
that st
is able to pass all the courses in this smaller
set, the evaluation of the predicted dropout risk indi-
cated that such a system can reduces the risk of stu-
dents dropping out.
Following a user-centered approach, we con-
ducted a survey among current students to present
them the recommender system and gather their per-
ceptions and opinions. Our aim was to address the fol-
Wagner, K., Merceron, A., Sauer, P. and Pinkwart, N.
About the Quality of a Course Recommender System as Perceived by Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0012634900003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 238-246
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
lowing research questions: What is the level of trust
that students have in course recommendation sys-
tems? How do students evaluate the quality of expla-
nations and recommendations provided by the course
recommender system in this study? To explore if the
perceived quality of recommendations varies based
on how the recommended courses are presented, we
presented the course recommendations in two differ-
ent ways: a) as a ranked list of courses sorted by their
probability of being passed, and b) as a set of courses
that are expected to be passed. A course is added to
the list if at least one neighbor has passed it, rather
than requiring a majority of neighbors to have passed
the course. This approach provides students with a
wider range of course options to choose from.
The paper is organized as follows. The next sec-
tion provides an overview of related research. In the
third section, we describe the methodology of the sur-
vey. In Section 4, the results and discussion are pre-
sented. The final section concludes the paper and dis-
cusses limitations and future directions.
Urdaneta-Ponte et al. (2021) provided an overview of
recommendation systems for education, the education
types for which they were developed, the elements
they recommend, their developmental approach and
implemented platforms, as well as the quality met-
rics to evaluate the recommendation systems. Even
though studies use the same basic metrics, such as
recall, there are still differences in the data basis on
which they apply the metric. In some studies the rec-
ommendation system is evaluated based on a fixed
number of recommended courses, Top5 or Top10 for
example, in other studies the number of courses actu-
ally taken by the students is employed.
Elbadrawy and Karypis (2016) examined in their
study, how various student and course groupings in-
fluence the ability to predict grades and recommend
courses. The authors presented their findings by com-
paring the results of five recommended courses with
the courses that the students had actually taken. Par-
dos et al. (2019) showcased methods for data synthe-
sis to balance users’ preferences and assist in decision
making and evaluated the recommendations using ten
recommended courses since students enrolled in be-
tween four and nine courses on average. Pardos and
Jiang (2020) aimed to recommend courses “that are
novel or unexpected to the student but still relevant to
their interests” and recommended ten courses based
on a course chosen by a student.
Other authors do not set a fixed number of recom-
mended courses for all students. Instead, they limit
the number of recommended courses to match the
number of courses each student has taken. Morsy
and Karypis (2019) analyzed their approaches to rec-
ommend courses in terms of their impact on stu-
dents’ grades and distinguished between good and
bad courses to recommend good courses only. Poly-
zou et al. (2019) provided an interpretable framework
based on students’ enrollments and evaluated the rec-
ommendations for different study programs and with
different characteristics. Ma et al. (2020) developed
a hybrid recommender system that integrates the as-
pects of interest, grades, and time. Khan and Poly-
zou (2023) used session-based techniques to recom-
mend courses and evaluated their suitability from a
co-enrollment perspective. All compared the number
of recommended courses with the courses that the stu-
dents had actually taken without noting whether the
courses have been passed.
Our recommender system determines the number
of recommended courses based on their probability of
being passed (Wagner et al., 2023). That means, we
did not used a fixed number or the total number of
courses taken by students. The evaluation was con-
ducted with respect to the courses that were actually
passed, which may be a smaller number compared to
the courses enrolled in, as students have the option to
not take exams or may fail a course.
Apart from evaluating the recommendation based
on historical data, a user survey was conducted for
two of the course recommendation systems that have
been previously introduced. Pardos et al. (2019) ran
a usability study among 20 students to analyze the
alignment of the recommendation with ”users’ needs
and to collect feedback.” Pardos and Jiang (2020) had
the algorithms used evaluated by 70 students as part
of a survey ”(1) in terms of their unexpectedness (2)
successfulness / interest in taking the course (3) nov-
elty (4) diversity of the results.
Our Contribution. In this study, a survey was con-
ducted among students to compare how they per-
ceive the quality of two presentations of course rec-
ommendations, a ranked list of courses versus a set
of courses, which is a unique aspect of this research.
Additionally, the students were asked to rate the qual-
ity of the explanations provided by the recommender
system and their overall trust in such systems. An-
other distinctive feature of this study is the analysis of
survey responses based on different subgroups of stu-
dents. The results indicate that students tend to trust
course recommendation systems. Furthermore, they
have a positive perception of the quality of the expla-
About the Quality of a Course Recommender System as Perceived by Students
nations and recommendations that we provided in the
survey regarding the course recommendation system.
However, there is a statistically significant difference
observed in one subgroup of: students who have con-
sidered dropping out of their studies. Apart from
this subgroup, no significant differences were found
between the other subgroups of students. The re-
sults further indicate that both presentation variants,a
ranked list and a set of courses, can be equally ef-
fective, as students did not clearly favor one presen-
tation variant over the other. Considering the statis-
tical significance of the differences, it could be im-
portant to take into account two specific subgroups
of students—those whose parents have already stud-
ied and those who have thought about dropping out
of their studies—when selecting a presentation format
for recommendations in recommender systems.
The main objective of the project is to assist students
in their course enrollments, with the main focus on
students who do not study according to the plan.
The survey was carried out in two study programs,
”Architecture” (AR) and ”Computer Science and Me-
dia” (CM). Given that our research is focused on early
dropout and our recommendation system is based on
past academic achievements—specifically, students
need to have finished a minimum of one semester—
we concentrated on the second semester to choose two
courses, one from each academic program, for con-
ducting the survey during the corresponding on-site
classes. As students have the flexibility to enroll in
courses that are not planned for their current semester,
students from the first semester or beyond are allowed
to enroll in the selected courses. Two sample cases,
one for each study program, were created using au-
thentic and plausible scenarios to familiarize students
with the recommendation system.
The participants were provided with an overview
of the project, its objectives, and the current state of
the recommender system. Students were given the op-
tion to complete the survey either through a provided
link or on paper. To reach additional students, the sur-
vey was additionally distributed by email. The survey
was carried out in German.
3.1 Questionnaires
The primary objective of the survey was to evalu-
ate the perceived quality of explanations and recom-
mendations based on two presentation formats (list
and set), as well as the general trust in recommender
systems. The survey included quantitative measures
and demographic information from the students, so
that different subgroups could be evaluated. Open-
ended questions were also included to gather quali-
tative feedback. Participation in the survey, includ-
ing providing ratings, free text responses, and demo-
graphic data, was voluntary.
We adapted relevant items from a previous study
conducted by Hernandez-Bocanegra and Ziegler
(2023) to suit our research questions and specific con-
text. The adapted items were rated on a 5-point Likert
scale, ranging from strong disagreement (1) to strong
agreement (5). In the following, we provide the in-
vestigated categories with their items:
Perceived Explanation Quality EQ
EQ01: The explanations make me confident that I will
pass the recommended courses.
EQ02: The explanations make the recommendation
process clear to me.
EQ03: The explanations are convincing.
EQ04: The explanations are easy to understand.
EQ05: The explanations provide enough information
for me to choose courses.
EQ06: It is clear to me what kind of data the recom-
mendation system uses to generate recommendations.
Perceived Recommendation Quality RQ
RQ01: I understand why the courses were recom-
mended to me.
RQ02: I can see how well the recommendations
match my situation.
RQ03: I would recommend the recommendation sys-
tem to others.
RQ04: I could make better decisions using the recom-
mendation system.
General Trust in Recommender Systems GT
GT01: I would feel comfortable depending on the in-
formation from a recommendation system.
GT02: I would be confident in enrolling in the courses
recommended to me by a recommender system.
GT03: I would be willing to share my past course re-
sults with a recommender system so it could recom-
mend appropriate courses.
The survey followed a specific order, starting with
obtaining consent to participate, followed by rating
the explanation quality, recommendation quality, and
our system. Participants also rated their general trust
in recommender systems, provided demographic in-
formation, and rated the overall survey quality. The
ratings for the perceived recommendation quality in-
cluded the same four items for both variants, the list
(RQL) and set (RQS). The order in which the list or set
was rated first was randomized.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.2 Texts and Examples Used
In the following, we provide the texts used to explain
the recommender system and the generation of the
course recommendations. As an example, we selected
a student with good grades in their first semester but
who was also not enrolled in a mandatory course
during that time. In the survey, we gave the infor-
mation about their academic performance in the first
semester, that is, the exact grades achieved (Table 1).
Explanation of Our Recommender System. ”Our
course recommendation system is based on artificial
intelligence and uses the nearest-neighbor algorithm.
It [the nearest-neighbor algorithm] is based on sim-
ilarities between people or things. Let us say you
want to have a movie night and ask your friends
for movie recommendations. Your friends who have
movie tastes similar to yours can give you the best
recommendations. For course recommendations, the
system uses the similarity of the students, whereby the
similarity is calculated based only on previous perfor-
mance. This means that students similar to you have
passed similar courses and received similar grades in
the first semester. Demographic information such as
gender and age is not included. Students similar to
you are therefore your neighbors. Only students who
have already completed their studies are considered
neighbors, that is, no students who have dropped out.
Therefore, course recommendations are based on suc-
cessful students.
List of Courses. We provide below the text describ-
ing how the recommendations and the list of recom-
mended courses for the 2nd semester of the sample
student in the CM study program were generated.
”If at least 1 out of 5 neighbors have passed a course
in the 2nd semester, this course is recommended for
enrollment. The courses are sorted: the higher they
are on the list, the more neighbors have passed them.
If courses have been passed by the same number of
neighbors, they are sorted according to their ID:
1. 06 Mathematics II
2. 09 Programming II
3. 10 Operating Systems
4. 07 Algorithms and Data Structures
5. 08 Database Systems
6. 03 Fundamentals of Media Design
7. 17 Web Engineering I”
Table 1: 1st semester courses and the results of the example
student of study program CM. Grades range from 1.0 to 5.0
with a grading scale of [1.0, 1.3, 1.7, 2.0, 2.3, 2.7, 3.0, 3.3,
3.7, 4.0, 5.0] with 1.0 being the best grade, 4.0 being the
worst (just passed), and 5.0 means fail. CS = Computer
ID Course Name Result
01 Mathematics I 2.0
02 Fundamentals of Theoretical CS 2.0
03 Fundamentals of Media Design not enrolled
04 Technical Fundamentals of CS 1.7
05 Programming I 1.0
Set of Courses. We provide below the text describ-
ing how the recommendations and the set of recom-
mended courses for the 2nd semester of the sample
student in the CM study program were generated.
”If at least 3 out of 5 neighbors, that is, the major-
ity of your neighbors, have passed a course in the
2nd semester, this course is recommended for enroll-
ment. It is assumed that all courses can be passed.
The courses are sorted according to their ID:
06 Mathematics II
07 Algorithms and Data Structures
09 Programming II
10 Operating Systems”
3.3 Participants
The link to the questionnaire was clicked 169 times in
total. This includes both the paper questionnaires that
were transferred to the survey system and the instruc-
tors and other people who received the survey for in-
formation purposes. For the current work, we filtered
student questionnaires, performed quality checks, and
explored the demographic data.
Filtering and Quality Checks. We only considered
questionnaires in which participants have clicked at
least up to the ”General Trust in Recommender Sys-
tems”, that is, before the demographic information,
regardless of how many items they have rated, and
ended up with 116 valid questionnaires from students.
We filtered students in terms of the survey quality
questions. 102 of 116 students positively answered
the question ”Can we use your data in an anony-
mous form for scientific purposes?”. We removed
the questionnaire data from one student of each study
program, who answered the question ”Did you per-
form all tasks as asked in the respective instructions?”
with ”I often clicked on something so I could finish
About the Quality of a Course Recommender System as Perceived by Students
Table 2: Summary of the demographic variables and the data provided by the students in absolute and relative quantities.
Variable Choices Numbers Percentage
DD01 Please indicate your semester of study. 2
n2 = not 2
DD02 Please state your gender. 1 = male
2 = female
DD03 Have your parents or one parent in your family already studied? 1 = no
2 = yes
DD04 Do you or at least one of your parents not possess German citizenship
at birth?
1 = no
2 = yes
DD05 Are you taking courses as scheduled in the curriculum? 1 = no
2 = yes
DD06 Have you been able to take courses for credit? 1 = no
2 = yes
DD07 Have you ever thought about dropping out of your studies? 1 = no
2 = yes
quickly.” Finally, 100 questionnaires were included in
the evaluation (AR: 55, CM: 45).
Demographics. Concerning demographic factors,
our objective was to investigate whether certain sub-
groups, which may be more relevant to the students
being targeted by the recommender system, particu-
larly those who do not follow the optimal study plan
outlined in the handbook and/or are at risk of drop-
ping out from their studies, have a different percep-
tion of the recommender system compared to other
students. In the following, we give the rational to
introduce the demographic questions (DD) shown in
Table 2. Table 2 also provides the numbers of the stu-
dents who answered the questions.
DD01 Semester. While we have selected courses in-
tended for the second semester, enrollment is also
open to students from other semesters. Second-
semester students are at an early stage of their aca-
demic journey and face a higher risk of dropping
out from their studies compared to those in higher
semesters. Non-second-semester students deviating
from the study schedule may indicate academic chal-
lenges they are encountering.
DD02 Gender. From 2013 to 2022, the rate of fail-
ing the final exam in higher education in Germany
has been higher among male students than among fe-
male students: On average, 4.9% male students and
2.4% female students failed (Statistisches Bundesamt,
2023). In our survey, only one person chose the ”di-
verse gender”. Due to concerns regarding data protec-
tion, we decided not to include this information in the
study as it could potentially lead to the identification
of the person and their statements.
DD03 Education background. Students whose par-
ents did not study are underrepresented in German
higher education and face special needs (Miethe et al.,
DD04 Migration background. Students with a mi-
gration background are underrepresented in German
higher education and drop out of their studies more
often (Berthold et al., 2012).
DD05 Studying according to the curriculum.
We introduce this question because our recommender
system primarily focuses on students who do not
study according to the study handbook.
DD06 Previous course credits. If students re-
ceive credit for courses from previous studies, they
do not study according to the plan, as they skip
these courses and can enroll in courses from higher
semesters. These students may encounter difficulties
because they do not study according to the plan given
in the study handbook. However, it remains unclear
whether they dropped out or not from the other pro-
gram and whether they are particularly motivated and
benefit from their previous experience. The limited
response of only 74 students to this question may be
attributed to a lack of awareness among students re-
garding the possibility of earning credits for courses.
DD07 Dropout thoughts. Regardless of the possi-
ble factors that may lead to student dropout, the ob-
jective of the recommender system presented in our
previous work is to decrease the dropout rate (Wag-
ner et al., 2023). In this regard, we are particularly in-
terested in the answers of students who have already
considered dropping out.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.4 Evaluation
We aggregated the ratings given to items by students
to obtain a score by category. Therefore, we handle
the 5-point Likert scale as ordinal-scaled values. First,
we calculated the median of the item ratings for each
student and each category, such as explanation qual-
ity EQ. For instance, the median score for EQ is deter-
mined by calculating the median of the item ratings
from EQ01 to EQ06. For the evaluation of the cate-
gories based on all students or within subpopulations,
we aggregated the students’ scores into the median of
Statistical Testing for Rating Differences. We
employed either the Mann-Withney U test or the
Wilcoxon signed-rank test to assess the statistical sig-
nificance of differences. The Mann-Withney U test
evaluates unpaired data, in our case differences in
the ratings of one category between supopulations.
The Wilcoxon signed-rank test evaluates paired data,
in our case differences in the ratings of the recom-
mendation quality of the list RQL and the set RQS
within supopulations. The significance level was set
at 0.05. It is important to note that all p-values
were adjusted using the Benjamini-Hochberg proce-
dure to account for multiple testing (Matayoshi and
Karumbaiah, 2021) using a false discovery rate of
0.2 and the Python package statsmodels (https://www.
To examine the survey data, we initially assess the
overall ratings of all categories among all students.
Next, we examine the ratings of all categories among
different subpopulations. Lastly, we compare the
scores of the perceived quality of recommendation be-
tween the two presented variants: the list and the set.
4.1 General Evaluation
We present the general trend for each category, in-
cluding the number of students who tend to disagree
(rated the category with a score less than 3), the num-
ber of students who tend to agree (rated the category
with a score higher than 3), and the number of stu-
dents who were undecided (rated the category with a
score of 3). Further, we describe the range and dis-
tribution of the categories’ scores including their me-
dian, the lower and the upper quartiles, and outliers if
applicable (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Distribution of the scores of all categories includ-
ing all students as box plots.
The mode, which is the value with the highest fre-
quency, for each category is ”4=rather agree. The
minimum for each category is ”1=strongly disagree”
and the maximum is ”5=strongly agree. The general
trends for each category are as follows.
GT: Out of a total of 99 students who rated GT, 61
students tend to agree, 12 students tend disagree.
EQ: Out of 100 students, 70 tend to agree, 18 stu-
dents tend to disagree.
RQ of the list (RQL): Out of 100 students, 53 tend
to agree, 31 students tend to disagree.
RQ of the set (RQS): Out of 99 students, 59 tend to
agree, 22 students tend to disagree.
The students’ scores for each category range from
1.0 to 5.0 with slightly different distributions (Fig-
ure 1). The perceived explanation quality EQ and gen-
eral trust in the recommender systems GT have the
same characteristics: their median and their upper
quartile Q
is 4.0, that is, 50% of the scores are higher
than or equal to 4.0, their lower quartile is 3.0, that
is, 25% of the scores are lower than or equal to 3.0.
Scores of 1 can be considered as outliers for EQ and GT
if calculating lower outliers based on the interquartile
range IQR as Q
1.5 × IQR. The perceived recom-
mendation quality of the list RQL and the set RQS share
the same value of 3.5 on average. The upper quartile
of RQL and RQS is 4.0. However, the lower quartile
of RQL is with 2.5 lower than 3.0 for RQS. Sub-
sequently, a score of 1 can be considered as an inlier
for the list but would be an outlier for the set if calcu-
lating lower outliers based on the interquartile range.
Overall, the scores are higher and closer together for
the set than for the list.
4.2 Evaluation of Subpopulations
In Section 3.3, we discussed demographic factors that
could be associated with not following a study plan
or a higher risk of dropping out. To evaluate the rat-
ings, we performed the Mann-Whitney U test to iden-
tify any significant differences between complemen-
tary subpopulations (Table 3).
About the Quality of a Course Recommender System as Perceived by Students
Table 3: Median scores by category (GT, EQ, RQL, RQS)
by subpopulations (Aspect and Value). Mann-Whitney U
test for the corresponding values of subpopulations: colored
with if p <= 0.05 and if still statistically significant
after correcting the p-values. Wilcoxon signed-rank test for
the corresponding values of RQL and RQS: marked with *
if p <= 0.05.
Aspect Value GT EQ RQL RQS
Overall 4.00 4.00 3.50 3.50
P AR 4.00 4.00 3.50 3.50
Program CM 4.00 4.00 3.50 4.00
DD01 2 4.00 4.00 3.50 3.50
Semester n2 4.00 4.00 3.50 3.75
DD02 1 m 4.00 4.00 3.50 3.50
Gender 2 f 4.00 4.00 3.50 4.00
DD03 1 no 4.00 4.00 3.50 3.50
Education BG 2 yes 4.00 4.00 3.00 * 3.50 *
DD04 1 no 4.00 4.00 3.50 4.00
Migration BG 2 yes 4.00 4.00 3.50 3.50
DD05 1 no 4.00 3.50 3.25 3.50
Study Plan 2 yes 4.00 4.00 3.50 3.50
DD06 1 no 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.50
Previous Credits 2 yes 4.00 3.50 3.50 4.00
DD07 1 no 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Dropout Thoughts 2 yes 4.00 3.50 3.00 * 3.50 *
Across all subpopulations, we can observe that no
value is below 3.0, that is, no group of students rates
any category rather low. Investigating the subpopula-
tions reveals that there are no differences in the me-
dian score regarding the general trust—it is 4.0 in all
subpopulations—and that there are three slight differ-
ences regarding the explanation quality: in case of
DD05, DD06, and DD07, the score is 3.5 in one group
and 4.0 in the other. In terms of the recommenda-
tion quality of the list, the median scores of the sub-
populations differ four times, and in terms of the set,
six times. Both quality scores are in a similar propor-
tion, that is, slightly higher in the same subpopulation,
for DD06 and DD07. RQL has two further differences
(DD03 and DD05), and RQS has four differences (study
program P, DD01, DD02, DD04).
We found statistically significant differences in
three cases, all concerning DD07, the question ”Have
you ever thought about dropping out of your stud-
ies?” and the perception of the explanation quality EQ
and the recommendation quality of the list RQL and
the set RQS (highlighted by colors in Table 3). Stu-
dents who have not thought about dropping out rated
all three categories higher and these differences are
significant, that is, not random. The difference for
RQL remains significant even after the adjustment of
all p-values using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure
(highlighted in orange in Table 3).
4.3 Evaluation of Variants
To compare the scores of the set and the list, we used
the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and tested for a statisti-
cally significant difference between the median score
of the recommendation quality of the list and the me-
dian score of the set. We first tested the ratings of all
students before examining subpopulations (Table 3).
Finally, we investigated the results in terms of a pre-
ferred variant that students selected in the survey.
Median Scores Overall and by Subpopulations.
The median scores of the perceived recommendation
quality of the list (RQL) and the set (RQS) reach an
overall value of 3.5. Considering subpopulations, the
median scores of the list and the set range from 3.0 to
4.0. We can observe that in 8 of 16 cases, RQL is equal
to RQS (both are 3.5 or 4.0) and in the other 8 cases,
the quality of the set is slightly higher than the qual-
ity of the list. In three subpopulations, RQL achieves a
median score of 3.0: students whose parents or one
parent have already studied (DD03 > 2 yes), stu-
dents who have not taken credits for previous courses
(DD06 > 1 no), and students who already thought
about dropping out of their studies (DD07 > 2 yes)).
A maximum score of 4.0 is achieved by only one sub-
population for RQL but by five subpopulations for RQS.
Comparing the ratings within subpopulations, the
Wilcoxon signed-rank test indicates statistical signif-
icance (marked with * in Table 3) for students who
are not first generation students (DD03 > 2 yes) and
for students who have already considered to drop out
(DD07 > 2 yes). None of these differences are still
statistically significant after correcting the p-values.
Indirect Rating versus Direct Choice. Question
1 on our recommendation system (OS01) was about
which variant the students thought was better for mak-
ing a direct choice: 38 chose the list, 19 the set, 16
thought they were equally good, and 27 did not an-
swer the question.
The box plots in Figure 2 show the distribution of
median scores for the quality of recommendations of
the list (RQL) and the set (RQS), based on the variant
favored by the students. Students who would prefer
the list (blue boxes) still rated the set not badly with a
median of 3.5 while students who prefer the set rated
the list with a worse median of 2.0 (yellow boxes).
Students who rated the variants equally good (green
boxes) indirectly rated the set better since the right
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Distribution of the scores of RQL (boxes on the
left) and RQS (boxes on the right) as box plots, colored by
direct choice of a preferred variant (OS01).
green box is located higher than the left green box.
Students who rated the variants equally good (green
boxes) indirectly rated the set better than students who
would prefer the set (yellow boxes) since the right
green box is located higher than the right yellow box.
Students who have not answered this question (orange
boxes), indirectly rated RQL and RQS undecided with
a median of 3.0.
We compared the ratings of subpopulations as in
Section 4.2 and found statistically significant differ-
ences after adjusting the p-values in two cases: 1) for
RQL and students who prefer the list and students who
prefer the set, and 2) for RQS and students who prefer
the set and students who have not answered OS01.
We compared the ratings of the list and the set and
found a statistically significant difference after adjust-
ing the p-values in the group of students who chose
the set, but not in the other groups.
In this work, we present the results of a survey re-
garding a course recommender system aimed at sup-
porting above all struggling students in their course
enrollment for the second or third semester.
The results of the survey evaluation suggest that
students tend to trust course recommender systems
and that they tend to understand the simple explana-
tions of how the recommendations are generated by
the system presented in our previous work (Wagner
et al., 2023) since the median for general trust (GT)
and explanation quality (EQ) are 4 out of 5. These
results are encouraging and promising.
Though students tend to understand well the rec-
ommendations presented in two variants, as a list and
as a set, the median is in both cases 3.5, they rate the
set presentation slightly better than the list presen-
tation considering the distribution of the rating, see
columns RQL and RQS in Table 3. Interestingly, the
general trust in recommender systems and the under-
standing of the simple explanations are shared among
all demographical subgroups. The analysis by sub-
populations confirms the slight better rating of the set
presentation; however, the differences are not statisti-
cally significant.
The answer to the question OS01 “Which variant
do you think is better?” seems to give a different pic-
ture as 38 students prefer the list, 19 prefer the set
and 16 think that both presentations are equally good.
The more detailed analysis shows that the rating can
be seen as contradictory: students who prefer the list
still rate the set quite well with a median score of 3.5
and with no statistically significant difference while
students who prefer the set rate the list rather poorly
with a median score of 2.0 with a statistically signif-
icant difference. It is possible that the presence of a
larger number of choices attracts more people (Bollen
et al., 2010), as indicated by more students choos-
ing the list. However, having such a large number of
choices also increases the difficulty of making a de-
cision, which can be reflected in the non-significantly
lower rating of the set by the same students.
To summarize, the evaluation results are encour-
aging in terms of students’ overall trust in course rec-
ommender systems and their perception of the quality
of the explanations. The study did not find a clear
preference between presenting recommendations as
a set or as a ranked list of courses. The evaluation
in our previous work with historical data (Wagner
et al., 2023) indicate that students at risk tend to enroll
in more courses than the number of courses recom-
mended to them. We interpret this finding as an ad-
vice for them to focus on less courses and pass them
all. With this interpretation, recommending a specific
number of courses as a set of courses would be more
beneficial for students who are struggling, as opposed
to providing a rank list.
Limitations. Since this was our first larger-scale
survey of the recommender system, we compromised
between the length of the survey and the number of
items included. Although the number of valid ques-
tionnaires was not small, it was still not sufficient.
Consequently, we were unable to thoroughly inves-
tigate the combinations of demographic factors, such
as whether there was a statistically significant differ-
ence in the ratings of the list and set between students
in the AR study program who had thoughts of drop-
ping out and those who did not.
Future Works. Since the results of this survey with
current students do not show a clear winner present-
ing the recommendations as a set or as a ranked list
of courses, such a system could be implemented in
About the Quality of a Course Recommender System as Perceived by Students
two variants in future work: the list variant and the
set variant. A/B testing could be performed to see if
one system is preferred or is more successful. Fu-
ture user surveys have the potential to delve into spe-
cific subpopulations that exhibited noteworthy results
with statistical significance. Additionally, the contra-
dictory results found comparing the indirect rating of
the recommendation quality of list and set and the se-
lected preferred variant should be investigated further.
During the preparation of this work, the au-
thors used https://www.deepl.com and https://www.
writefull.com in all sections to achieve better trans-
lations and more fluent texts. After using these ser-
vices, the authors reviewed and edited the content as
needed and take full responsibility for the content of
the publication.
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