Visualizing the Information Security Maturity Level of Public Cloud
Services Used by Public Administrations
Michael Diener
and Thomas Bolz
University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
IU International University of Applied Sciences, Erfurt, Germany
Public Administration, Public Cloud, Visualization, Information Security Management, Security Audit.
The digitization of public administrations in Germany is making slow progress. At the same time, more and
more innovative IT solutions are available on the market for solving practical business problems, e.g. web-
based file sharing applications that are offered by external cloud service providers. Due to data protection
regulations and uncertainties regarding information security issues, the adoption and operation of public cloud
services within public administrations is a challenging task. As part of our research, we constructed a three-
phase process model that uses a web-based tool approach, in order to support chief information officers to
manage security audits of various public cloud services that are used by different organizational units. To en-
sure the efficient, transparent and comprehensive conduction of cloud security audits, we developed graphical
visualization components that illustrate the information security maturity level in relation to multiple security
requirements of the analyzed public cloud services. We have successfully evaluated our proposed tool visual-
ization under real conditions within a public administration. Furthermore, we discussed several use cases and
the user experience with different experts in this application domain.
Cloud computing is a trending technology that is
nowadays increasingly adopted by government insti-
tutions (Mell et al., 2011). The usage of cloud tech-
nologies can both reduce ongoing costs of IT expen-
ditures and achieve efficiency advantages. Nowadays,
cloud-based IT services offer a wide range of tech-
nological options to solve organizational and techni-
cal problems efficiently e.g., AWS EC2, Cisco We-
bex Meetings or Google Workspace. Microsoft 365 is
also increasingly being discussed as a possible solu-
tion in public authorities, but in its current version it
still has numerous conflicts with European data pro-
tection regulations (Syynimaa and Viitanen, 2018).
In the recent past, public cloud services have
also been increasingly used by public administrations
(Nanos et al., 2019). There are many reasons for this.
On the one hand, software manufacturers are increas-
ingly tending to offer software products less or not at
all for on-premises installations to achieve economies
of scale (Armbrust et al., 2009). On the other hand,
innovative IT services can be adopted instantly by
means of cloud computing, for which previously own
high-performance data centers would have been re-
quired. In addition, the adoption of cloud services
can relieve the organization’s IT staff, which is usu-
ally necessary for the operation of inhouse IT.
Against the backdrop of the need to massively
drive forward the digitization of public administra-
tions in Europe (Braud et al., 2021; European Union,
2018), cloud solutions appear to be a suitable IT so-
lution (Zaharia-R
adulescu et al., 2017; Galletta et al.,
2017). For example, smart city projects require pow-
erful IT architectures that support collaboration with
various stakeholders (Ge and Buhnova, 2022). The
appropriate IT services can be adopted from the cloud
so that processing of real-time data becomes possible
(Su et al., 2022). In addition, cloud-based IT services
can significantly improve the level of IT security, as
cloud security experts continuously ensure the imple-
mentation of the necessary security measures, thus
guaranteeing the protection of entrusted data (Henze
et al., 2020).
In most cases, public administrations process per-
sonal data in IT systems, sometimes even special cat-
egories of personal data (cf. Article 9 EU-GDPR).
Consequently, data protection and information se-
curity must be considered critically when it comes
to processing of sensitive or personal data in public
Diener, M. and Bolz, T.
Visualizing the Information Security Maturity Level of Public Cloud Services Used by Public Administrations.
DOI: 10.5220/0012637700003711
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2024), pages 192-203
ISBN: 978-989-758-701-6; ISSN: 2184-5042
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
cloud environments (Rath et al., 2023; Sasubilli and
Venkateswarlu, 2021). Although information security
and data protection of cloud solutions are highly spec-
ified in public tenders, managing the information se-
curity of external cloud services is still a major chal-
lenge for public administrations (Castro et al., 2019;
Nycz and Polkowski, 2015). Furthermore, newly de-
signed and secure federal cloud infrastructures (cf.
Bundescloud, Deutsche Verwaltungscloud etc.) are
currently not available for small and medium-sized lo-
cal authorities in Germany. This means that they have
to purchase secure public cloud services themselves,
which increases the risk of security gaps immensely.
The issue that the management of information se-
curity in public authorities is inadequate is shown by
the fact that there have been approximately 100 doc-
umented IT attacks on public authorities in Germany
between 2020 and 2024 (Lange, 2024). Not all of
them have been successful, but the sheer number of
attacks shows how dramatic the trend is among Ger-
man authorities.
As a result of the increasing adoption of public
cloud services in public administrations, it must be as-
sumed that there will be an expansion of data breaches
or cyberattacks. Suitable practical solutions for secur-
ing public cloud services in the area of public admin-
istrations are currently indispensable.
This paper proposes a possible technical solution
that can support responsible actors in public admin-
istrations to enhance the required information secu-
rity maturity level for used public cloud services by
offering advanced visualization techniques based on
realtime audit information.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: In the next section we describe practical prob-
lems of public administrations with respect to infor-
mation security management of public clouds using
the example of a medium-sized municipality. In the
related work part we describe how visualization grids
can be used to highlight anomalies in security con-
figurations (cf. section 3). In section 4, we propose
a process model that describes how tool-guided au-
dits with focus on public clouds in a municipality can
be implemented into information security processes.
Based on this, we present our developed prototype,
which provides visualization grids for highlighting
anomalies due to organizational and technical secu-
rity requirements within public clouds (cf. section
5). Following, we evaluate the proposed prototype in
section 6. Based on this, we discuss in section 7 the
evaluation results and the user experience of our de-
veloped prototype with experts from different public
administrations. In the last part of the paper, we sum-
marize the results of our work and provide an outlook.
One of the authors is chief information security offi-
cer (CISO) of a medium-sized municipal government
and has deep insights into information security pro-
cesses. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic
in spring 2020, observations have been ongoing re-
garding the adoption, the implementation, and the us-
age of public cloud services in its public administra-
2.1 Unclear Responsibilities and
Changing Structures
Basically, the expectations of implementing cross-
organizational IT solutions to drive digitization for-
ward, have increased dramatically. In particular,
the number of cloud applications has massively in-
creased, as less internal resources (e.g., IT tech-
nology, personnel) are necessary compared to on-
premises applications. In contrast, the responsibility
for managing external cloud services lies with those
departments that originally request the cloud service.
However, the problem is that employees in request-
ing departments often have little or no IT expertise,
that leads to serious gaps in information security pro-
cesses. To make matters worse, SaaS applications
in clouds are often multi-tenant and can be used in
various departments under different responsibilities.
This makes it increasingly difficult to keep track of
the adopted cloud solutions within public administra-
tions. As a result of changes in departmental responsi-
bilities, it can happen that the organizational and tech-
nical administration of public clouds are not carried
out to the necessary degree as they are required by
security requirements of standards (e.g., ISO 27001,
BSI C5, CSA CCM, BSI IT-Grundschutz, CISIS12
2.2 Security Audits of Public Clouds
Today, many SaaS products do not offer an OpenID
interface, so that a single-sign-on (SSO) against a
user directory like Active Directory is technically un-
feasible. Since many different public cloud services
are adopted by public administrations, it is difficult
to use standardized APIs. As a consequence, public
cloud services have their own identity management
that needs to be controlled manually.
If these manual identity checks are not carried out
carefully, serious security gaps can arise in identity
management processes. In a worst-case scenario, for-
mer employees could have full access to sensitive data
Visualizing the Information Security Maturity Level of Public Cloud Services Used by Public Administrations
in public clouds, which they should no longer have.
In addition, the activation of important security con-
figurations in each tenant of a public cloud service is
of particular importance. For example, the password
quality requirements must be correctly configured by
the responsible manager of a public cloud service.
In general, the problem is that such security
checks must be done manually under these circum-
stances and need to be done regularly for the identi-
fied public cloud services. In this respect, the only op-
tion for CISOs might be to ask the responsible cloud
managers about the compliance of the defined orga-
nizational security requirements. However, these or-
ganizational security requirements are extremely dif-
ficult to implement in practice.
3.1 Visualization of Information
The possibilities of visualizing data relationships have
been researched for a long time and support a wide
variety of presentation techniques (Mazza, 2009). In-
creasingly, visualization techniques are being used to
support decisions in information security processes
by presenting complex relationships in simplified pre-
sentations (Yermalovich, 2020). As a consequence
it becomes possible to illustrate complex correlations
of business processes, system configurations etc. For
example, Colantonio et al. developed a grid based
visualization technique which has simplified the un-
derstanding of roles in social networks (Colantonio
et al., 2011). In their proposed approach, they visual-
ized existing access permissions between users and
objects using a two-dimensional grid (Meier et al.,
2013). With the help of visual grids, complex data
representations can be depicted graphically. Item se-
ries A is assigned to the x-axis, while item series B is
assigned to the y-axis (cf. figure 1).
Grid theorie
item A
item B
item C
item D
feature 1
feature 2
feature 3
feature 4
feature 5
item A1
item A2
item A3
item A4
item A
item B1
x x x
item B2
x x
item B3
item B4
x x
Figure 1: Grids are able to represent two-dimensional rela-
tions of data.
If there is any relationship between two items, it
can be easily presented by a simple cross. The state-
ment about the relationship between two character-
istics can then be depicted in a cell, e.g., by a nu-
merical value or a colored representation. For our
research we will adapt the principles of this visual-
ization technique. Heatmaps are sophisticated visu-
alizations with which multidimensional facts can be
presented. These are not required for our work.
3.2 Security Audits of Public Cloud
The maturity level of information security can be de-
termined by adapting different methods (Proenc¸a and
Borbinha, 2018; Jaatun et al., 2017). A widespread
approach bases on questionnaires (Schmitz et al.,
2021). The status quo is documented in relation to
specific information security requirements (Parsons
et al., 2017). Depending on the design of the ques-
tions, an automated evaluation of the answers can
take place. Typically, information security manage-
ment tools (e.g., eramba
, verinice
) support CISOs
in managing technical and organizational security re-
A highly simplified and ubiquitous approach for
auditing public cloud services is based on validity
checks of their underlying certifications (cf. ISO
27001). The problem with this audit approach might
be that it is not possible to validate organizational se-
curity processes at the cloud customer side (Di Giulio
et al., 2017). For example, the quality of identity man-
agement processes cannot be expressed by cloud cer-
tificates. Lins et al. are exploring the approach of
dynamic cloud certification (Lins et al., 2019). By
applying this form of auditing, standardized measure-
ment indicators are regularly queried and evaluated,
e.g. the availability of the cloud over time. In this re-
spect, it is possible to monitor promised service level
agreements (SLAs) during operation (Stephanow and
Fallenbeck, 2015). However, by using this dynamic
approach it is also difficult to automatically check se-
mantic relationships, for example, the allocation of
access rights to cloud users.
Recently published research has focused on meth-
ods with multi-dimensional certification to handle
user’s requirements on the full public-cloud-services
life cycle (Anisetti et al., 2023).
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Our approach is based on the idea of conducting
organization-wide security audits in different depart-
ments which have adopted public cloud services. Se-
curity audits in public administrations must be sim-
ple and efficient, so that regular repetitions are ac-
cepted by the involved actors. By iteratively applying
the principles of the design science research (DSR)
method (Peffers et al., 2007), we developed a three-
phase process model, with the goal of determining the
maturity level of information security:
Phase 1: Inventorying Existing Public Clouds.
As a first step, we conduct a inventory of all pub-
lic cloud services in each department. We also
determine who is responsible for the management
of the respective cloud. This step is performed for
each organizational unit of the public administra-
tion by asking skilled employees.
Phase 2: Auditing the Public Cloud Security.
The used public cloud services are then examined
more precisely. It is important that cloud services
are audited per organizational unit, as different or-
ganizational conditions and settings can be given.
The answers of phase 1 serve as starting point.
Phase 3: Evaluating the Cloud Information Se-
curity Maturity Level. Based on the questions
answered in phase 2, the maturity level of infor-
mation security is determined for each organiza-
tional unit for each adopted public cloud service.
In this step, deviations and anomalies are identi-
fied by using graphical visualizations.
As part of the DSR design cycle, we discussed with
various stakeholders in six different public admin-
istrations, including chief information officers, data
protection officers and e-government managers. Ad-
ditionally, we discussed with several heads of various
departments of our own public administration. Dur-
ing this process, we were able to identify three differ-
ent roles that are mandatory to perform information
security audits of public cloud services within public
administrations successfully. Each of the actors in-
volved is taking on activities that are mapped to the
proposed three-phase process model. Figure 2 illus-
trates in BPMN 2.0 notation the holistic process of
security audits of public cloud services within a pub-
lic administration and the respective activities of the
actors involved.
In general, it is essential that all incoming and
Auditing public clouds in public administrations
Sending regular
"friendly reminder"
emails in case of
open questionnaires
Creating online-audit
with template
"cloud inventory"
Creating online-audit
with template
"cloud basics" for
cloud x AND
organizational unit y
manual start, if cloud
inventory is available for
Organization Unit y
Evaluation of the
information security
maturity level for all
public cloud services
Identification of
possible measurements
for organizational unit y
due to cloud x
HOU [Org.Unit y]
Answering the
"cloud inventory" for
Organization Unit y
Email notification
CPO [Org.Unit y]
Email notification
Answering the
"cloud basics" for
cloud x in org. unit y
Figure 2: Holistic process of cloud security audits within
public administrations.
outgoing audit information is stored within a central
repository. This ensures that audit data is captured in
a structured way and is reusable for different activi-
ties. In addition, it is important to involve the man-
agement of each organizational unit in the audit pro-
cess as early as possible. In this context, we explain
why security audits are necessary for public cloud ser-
vices and for what reason employees of a department
need to be involved. In terms of conducting cloud se-
curity audits in public administrations, we identified
the following actors and activities:
CISOs are responsible for the central manage-
ment of all information security audit and are sig-
nificantly involved in the activities of the three
phases. For this purpose, the respective heads of
the organizational units (HOUs) need to be iden-
tified and documented in phase 1.
HOUs themselves determine for their organiza-
Visualizing the Information Security Maturity Level of Public Cloud Services Used by Public Administrations
tional unit which cloud services are being used
and which employees are responsible for their
management in each case. The answers are sub-
mitted to the CISO in a structured form. The
employees, that are responsible for administra-
tive cloud management activities are called Cloud
Product Owners (CPOs).
CPOs answer specific audit questions that are re-
lated to the public cloud services for which they
are responsible. Moreover, in many cases they
are responsible to implement security measures in
their application field. Due to the involvement of
HOUs in individual organizational units, a seam-
less relationship between CISOs and CPOs can be
easily established.
Overall, it becomes clear that a comprehensive tool
support is necessary to apply the proposed process
model in the domain of public administrations. Dur-
ing the DSR cycle, we conducted several interviews
thus we could identify three key requirements that are
essential for enhanced tool support:
1. It must be immediately apparent which organiza-
tional unit uses specific public cloud services.
2. In addition, the status of the initiated security au-
dits must be traceable.
3. It must be apparent to what extent specific secu-
rity requirements of public cloud services are im-
4.1 Analysis of Existing Audit Software
In this context, we also looked at three different pro-
prietary security tools that are common and currently
used by CISOs in their public administrations.
It was noticeable that all three tools were used ex-
clusively by CISOs due to their enormous range of
functions. In all cases, user training would be neces-
sary to provide CPOs with the necessary basic under-
standing of how to use the questionnaires. In addition,
full licenses are always required for the use of online
questionnaires in the tools, meaning that the number
of cloud audits that can be carried out in parallel is
likely to be low.
None of the three tools examined have a work-
flow engine that would support the integration of
HOUs. This results in additional coordination effort
for CISOs, as additional tools would have to be used
in the process model. In a highly dynamic cloud en-
vironment, this is a disadvantage for the analysis of
information security.
Furthermore, the CPOs’ responses in the ques-
tionnaires could not be evaluated automatically. This
additional activity would have to be carried out by
CISOs, which would likely mean that cloud audits
would not be repeated on a regular basis.
Two of the tools examined do not have a web-
based interface, which presents an additional diffi-
culty in large structures of public administrations.
One tool enables the use and customization of dash-
boards, but only data that is known can be visualized.
Missing data cannot be visualized as an anomaly in
this dashboard.
Altogether, we found that the process model we
proposed can only be supported to a limited extent by
established tools. A subsequent search on the internet
for cloud audit tools was also of little help in solving
the identified challenges in the public authority envi-
Following, we present the basic considerations of our
proposed tool which provides the proposed holistic
process for conducting decentralized security audits
of public cloud services within public administra-
tions. The development cycle took place over several
months since 2022 and, in accordance with the DSR
principles, required a mutual comparison with practi-
cal requirements and the scientific literature. Our goal
was to achieve a practical solution that is able to sup-
port the mentioned process model in order to deter-
mine the information security maturity level of public
cloud services.
During our research work, we have considered the
relevance and the rigor cycle in accordance with the
DSR principles. On the one hand, we searched the lit-
erature for suitable approaches, and on the other hand,
we always compared them with the actual problem
and discussed them with various actors involved in the
security audit process. During the expert discussions,
we identified the following essential requirements that
a novel tool approach must provide:
Self-explanatory Graphical User Interface:
The web-based questionnaire had to be designed
in such a way that no further education and train-
ing of individual actors is required.
Automatic Single Sign-On: Respondents do not
have to manually log in to our prototype. Instead,
user authentication uses a kerberos mechanism.
This keeps the barriers for answering question-
naires as low as possible.
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Multiple-Choice Answer Options: In order to
be able to carry out the online questionnaires effi-
ciently and in a standardized manner, descriptive
text answers should be avoided as far as possible.
Instead, answers are pre-qualified so that they can
later be analyzed automatically to determine the
information security maturity level.
Automatic Storage of Answers: To avoid data
loss during the execution of more comprehensive
audits, the answers given should be stored tem-
porarily. This will significantly increase the user
experience and acceptance of our tool during the
entire security audit.
Delegation of the Questionnaire: Employees
who receive a web-based questionnaire should
themselves be able to forward them to more suit-
able persons. This should avoid unnecessary rout-
ing times.
5.1 Technical Specifications
Our prototype runs on-premises on a virtualized
Ubuntu Linux server (8 GB RAM, 30 GB disc space)
with access to internal network resources of our au-
thority. Access to this server is only possible from the
internal network for security reasons.
We have used Apache
web server, MySQL
database, as well as Laravel
and Laravel-Livewire
programming frameworks to build our prototype.
The access to the collected data and visualizations
in the tool is limited, depending on the user’s role. We
have currently implemented three roles: CISO, HOU
and CPO. The CISO role is the only one with admin-
istrative rights and full access to the data. Users who
are assigned the HOU or CPO roles only see the data
records released for them for an organizational unit
or for the assigned cloud assets. The answers of the
questionnaires are transmitted in encrypted form. The
database access is restricted so that only administra-
tors and service users can use the raw data.
5.2 Preparation of Cloud Audits
Before our proposed process model can be applied
for cloud security audits, the underlying questionnaire
must first be modeled in our prototype. We focus
on the ISO 27001 standard to formulate appropriate
questions about cloud security requirements. In a
previous published research paper (Diener and Bolz,
Figure 3: Predefinition of one sentiment for one of several
answer-options to a single question.
2023), we have already successfully proven the uti-
lization of multiple-choice answers with associated
sentiment levels. Based on the concept of prede-
fined sentiment levels, we can create precise state-
ments about the information security maturity level of
a specific public cloud service. Each cloud audit re-
lates to a single organizational unit. Thus, it is possi-
ble to identify possible lacks of security requirements
automatically, if answers with negative sentiments are
given by CPOs. In addition, it is possible for CISOs
to predefine suitable security measures that can be au-
tomatically derived in case that negative sentiments
were identified. Figure 3 shows the question wizard
in our prototype that allows CISOs to qualify prede-
fined multiple choice answer options with a machine
readable sentiment.
By submitting predefined web questionnaires to
the appropriate actors, CISOs can initiate follow-up
security audits in different organizational units with
respect to phases 1 and 2 of our proposed process
model. For example, general questions about adopted
public cloud services are submitted to HOUs of or-
ganizational units. The given answers will be manu-
ally checked by the CISO. Based on the received re-
sults, phase 2 is initiated by the CISO for the identi-
fied public cloud services. Consequently, responsible
CPOs will obtain automatically generated question-
naires with placeholders of public cloud services for
Visualizing the Information Security Maturity Level of Public Cloud Services Used by Public Administrations
which they are responsible. This means that the effort
required to provide individual questionnaires is very
low. At all times, the CISO maintains full control over
all running cloud security audits with the help of our
5.3 Managing Security Audits
As the number of concurrent security audits for public
cloud services is growing fast in large organizations,
it becomes increasingly difficult for CISOs to keep
track of all running activities. Although it is possible
to export metadata of audits for data analysis to ex-
ternal tools such as Microsoft Excel, enormous time
efforts will be associated. Moreover, there is no pro-
cessing of real-time data, as audit states can change
very quickly in heterogenous organizations.
Consequently, a graphical visualization of the cur-
rent state of security audits and the corresponding re-
lations between organizational units and public cloud
services is required. To solve this problem, we pro-
pose the usage of a two-dimensional visualization
grid that represents the relationships between orga-
nizational units and their adopted public cloud ser-
vices within a public administration (cf. figure 4). We
name this component organizational units assets grid
By using this visualization technique, CISOs ob-
tain a realtime overview about the adopted public
cloud services within their organization. Conversely,
it becomes obvious for which public cloud services
and organizational units no relationship is existing
(e.g., red font color). In such cases, our developed
graphical visualization supports CISOs to identify
possible missing correlations at a glance.
Additionally, the background color of single cells
provides information about the status of the intended
security audits. Marked cells in red mean that no audit
has yet been initiated for this relation. In such situa-
tions, it is highly likely that phase 1 of our process
model must be carried out first. The orange color in-
dicates that a initiated security audit is still running.
Finally, green colored cells indicate that the audit for a
specific public cloud service in an organizational unit
has been finished and no further activities are required
by the involved actors. Marked cells in white signal
that there is no proven relation existing between a sin-
gle organizational unit and a public cloud service.
Moreover, we developed an additional visualiza-
tion grid for our prototype, supporting a simplified
visual determination of the maturity level of informa-
tion security for the adopted public cloud services.
For this purpose, the answers from the submitted
questionnaires are automatically evaluated. Based
on the predefined sentiment level of each answer, a
graphical visualization is dynamically generated. In
the following section, we explain the concepts of this
novel functionality.
In this section, we present the results of the evalua-
tion of the developed visualization grids that are im-
plemented in our prototype. For the evaluation we
have chosen a real use case from practice in our pub-
lic administration. We focus on auditing four different
public cloud services used by five different schools in
order to determine the maturity level of information
Four of the ve schools report directly to our Pub-
lic Administration e.g., three professional schools and
one high school. These organizational units must fol-
low the CISO’s instructions, such as participating in
the analysis of the status quo of their individual in-
formation security maturity level. One of the twenty
elementary schools in our city is also participating in
the evaluation but is not subject to instructions from
our Public Administration. This means that we have
selected an appealing and realistic scenario for our
evaluation, which we understand well. The validity
of the information presented in the visualization grid
can thus be checked easily and quickly.
The evaluation of the application of both visual-
ization grids is based on the process model we pre-
sented in section four. In phase 1, we used a web-
based questionnaire in our audit tool to determine
which public cloud services are adopted by the ve
schools. Following the process model, we surveyed
the principals of the schools for phase 1. Responses
were available the next business day from all schools.
Once all responses were received, we were able to
evaluate the OAG visualization that we have devel-
6.1 OAG Visualization
The OAG provides an overview of the existing re-
lations between the audited organizational units and
their adopted public cloud services (cf. figure 4). For
a better data presentation in our visualization grid, the
filter was set to the asset type ”cloud”. By applying
the OAG visualization in our prototype, we were able
to identify the following key facts in phase 1:
Very quickly, we found that Public Cloud 2 is
stored in our repository but is not used by any of
the schools surveyed. The OAG marks this fact
with a red font color.
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 4: Visual managing support of cloud security audits within public administrations.
Three of the twenty elementary schools and three
other high schools that do not report to our public
administration are already documented in our au-
dit tool. Six schools of the listed organizational
units do currently not have an assignment to a
public cloud service (cf. red font color).
Immediately it becomes clear that five secondary
schools are already documented in our audit tool,
for which a relation to Public Cloud 1, Public
Cloud 3 and School Manager is existing. Since no
audit was allowed to be started for these schools
yet, the cells are red colored in each case.
The OAG visualization shows that six audits are
currently still running (cf. orange cells) and six
audits have already been completed (cf. green
cells) with respect to the questionnaire of phase
Overall, we have found that the OAG visualization
is suitable for monitoring the status quo for several
security audits running in parallel. It is important to
use filters, otherwise the clarity suffers when different
asset types are displayed.
6.2 Visualizing the Information
Security Maturity Level
Based on phase 1, the subsequent phase 2 focuses
more detailed on ISO 27001 security requirements
for all public cloud services used by different orga-
nizational units (green marked). Therefore, the cloud
product managers (CPO) receives personalized ques-
tionnaires. Since high-quality data has already been
collected in phase 1, a targeted initiation of security
audits is possible. Similar to their superiors (HOUs),
the CPOs receive automatically generated emails with
a link that leads directly to the online questionnaire. A
total of 10 different CPOs received a questionnaire at
the five schools (cf. figure 5). The number is so high
because at each school exactly one teacher is respon-
sible for one single public cloud service. One excep-
tion is Primary school 01: the principal is responsible
for managing all cloud services herself.
The most important finding in the context of this
evaluation was that teachers at the schools were partly
unaware that they themselves were responsible for the
information security measures of the adopted public
cloud services. In some cases, the CPOs thought that
the IT department of the public administration or the
cloud service provider itself is responsible for manag-
ing the information security. In addition, there was a
lack of clear understanding of what activities informa-
tion security encompasses. In this respect, the struc-
tured questionnaire in our audit tool indirectly helped
to raise the awareness of information security activi-
ties among the CPOs involved.
After five working days, we evaluated the answers
of the submitted questionnaires using our designed se-
curity requirement grid (SRG). The SRG is structured
similarly to the OAG. We will briefly describe the dif-
ferences here. In the SRG, the x-axis represents the
public cloud services used by an organizational unit.
In the first line of the grid, these are summarized in
groups. For example, only two public clouds are as-
signed to High school II. The security requirements
checked in each case are listed on the y-axis in the
SRG. These are grouped according to the main re-
quirements. In the cells of the SRG visualization, five
different color types represent the state of the infor-
mation security maturity level. The colors correlate
Visualizing the Information Security Maturity Level of Public Cloud Services Used by Public Administrations
Figure 5: The SRG visualizes the information security maturity level of different public clouds.
with the sentiment of the associated responses of the
questionnaires. Positive and neutral sentiments are
represented in green color. Answers with negative
sentiment are marked in red. Remarkable sentiment
is visualized in yellow. Unclear answers from respon-
dents are colored orange. Unanswered questions are
shown in white.
In the course of phase 3 of our proposed process
model, we checked the relevance and correctness of
the information presented in the SRG visualization.
Overall, our questionnaire on cloud security consisted
of two groups of topics. Group one focused on the
status quo of identity management and group two on
the authorization concept based on it. In the follow-
ing, we describe the most important key findings of
the evaluation of the SRG visualization:
The organizational units (cf. second row) high-
lighted in light green indicate that the associated
security audits have been completed. This level of
information is identical to the OAG visualization.
Public Cloud 3, which is used in Primary school
1, has a very high maturity level in terms of in-
formation security. Public Cloud 1 used by Pro-
fessional school A has the worst maturity level
for information security. Three security require-
ments obtain a negative sentiment, e.g. the ques-
tion about the last check of user accounts. Of
particular concern in this context is the fact that
the access rights for creating new users are obvi-
ously incorrect. In addition, it is not clear to the
responsible CPO to what extent the permissions
for data export are set correctly. For the CISO
it becomes clear, that there is needed an urgent
improvement in this school with respect to Public
Cloud 1, for example by conducting some security
management trainings.
Overall, it is noticeable that the questions about
access rights at the vocational schools were fre-
quently provided with unclear answers. This
could indicate that the responsible CPOs are also
insufficiently trained on this topic. A direct in-
quiry by the CISO will bring clarity.
In addition, it is clear that numerous responses
from Professional school A and B as well as High
school II for Public Cloud 1 are currently missing.
Reminder emails could be sent automatically by
our prototype to the respective responsible CPOs
to speed up the audit process.
In total, we have not been able to identify any errors in
the representations of the status quo of the OAG and
SRG visualizations, displaying the information secu-
rity maturity level of a selected organizational units.
At the same time, the CISO gained valuable insights
in the status of the information security maturity level
of the public cloud services, that are used by organi-
zational units within the public administration.
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Based on the aforementioned evaluation results of our
prototype, we initiated a discussion about the findings
with HOUs and CPOs of our authority. Furthermore,
we discussed the results with five CISOs from differ-
ent public administrations in order to improve the pro-
posed prototype and to make scientific contributions
to user experience aspects.
Basically, the proposed tool support is simple
and self-explanatory. It is noticeable that there are
few icons on the GUI, so that CISOs are not over-
whelmed. Comprehensive training is therefore not re-
quired. The advantage is that CISOs can use the tool
to manage all security audits centrally, although the
use of public cloud services is decentralized and car-
ried out independently in the offices by various CPOs.
The integration of mail information has proven to be
very useful, as the responsible CPOs can be regularly
reminded of open audits using friendly-reminder.
The OAG visualization is useful compared to es-
tablished dashboards in ISMS tools, as it is possible
to see at a glance which cloud department relations
have not yet been audited. This significantly im-
proves the level of information security in an author-
ity. It is not necessary to add filters to traditional re-
ports. In addition, this grid approach visualizes every
possible relationship between department and public
cloud service. However, the grid becomes very un-
wieldy as soon as many departments are entered in a
large authority.
Looking at the SRG visualization, it became clear
that it is very easy to determine the maturity level
of information security, as it is possible to see at a
glance which of the public cloud services used have
serious weaknesses in the security requirements based
on the colored markings. For example, cells marked
red in the SRG show that negative or even critical an-
swers were given by the CPOs to the questions asked.
This is very helpful for CISOs, as there is no need to
read comprehensive reports. Instead, the CISOs can
make direct enquiries to the CPOs. Compared to the
usage of traditional tools, it is necessary to manually
identify each organization-cloud relationship and then
define the corresponding security requirement ques-
tions. This is not necessary with the tool we presented
and was rated positively by the CISOs interviewed.
In general, it was positively noted that the question
texts can be easily individualized with our prototype
by integrating the product names of individual cloud
services. We use placeholders in the question texts
for this purpose (cf. figure 3). This increases the re-
spondents’ awareness of the audited context when
they have to deal with the confronting questions. As a
result, CPOs always have a concrete reference to the
currently audited public cloud service during the au-
dit. This is particularly useful if several public cloud
services are used within an organizational unit. This
fact was particularly confirmed from the perspective
of CPOs.
CPOs themselves were also impressed by the fact
that login to the questionnaire is very low-threshold
thanks to SSO authentication via Kerberos ticket.
This eliminates time-consuming registration and
login processes, which users often fail at if they only
work with the audit questionnaire once or twice a
The fact that the additional collected data from
the questionnaires is stored in a separate database was
seen as a negative factor. As most public administra-
tions already use tools for information security man-
agement, inconsistencies may arise between the two
systems. For this reason, it was suggested that an
API should be developed to enable data exchange
between our prototype and existing security tools.
In this work, we extended our web-based audit
tool with two visualization grids, supporting CISOs
in public administrations with realtime information
about the maturity level of the information security
with respect to the adopted public cloud services
within different organizational units. The develop-
ment of the visualization grids took place in several
cycles by adapting the DSR process with different in-
ternal and external stakeholders. The evaluation of
the developed OAG and SRG visualizations was done
by investigating a practical example within our public
administration. Additionally, we discussed the evalu-
ation results with CISOs from different authorities in
order to achieve deep feedbacks to our research.
In general, our research has shown that tradi-
tional software products for security audits have
reached their limits when it comes to auditing de-
centralized public cloud services in public admin-
istrations. Innovative and lightweight concepts are
essential in this domain to ensure the information se-
curity of public cloud services in public administra-
tions in the future. In particular, the knowledge carri-
ers in the respective departments must be intensively
involved in both the security processes and the use of
audit tools.
Moreover, we were able to show that it is possi-
ble to implement more efficient and transparent secu-
rity audit processes by using novel visualization tech-
niques. With the help of our enhanced tool, holistic
Visualizing the Information Security Maturity Level of Public Cloud Services Used by Public Administrations
information security processes in public administra-
tions can be improved, so that the management of de-
centralized public cloud services becomes possible.
This research work has found out three key findings:
1. The proposed OAG visualization provides a sim-
ple overview of the identified public cloud ser-
vices and existing departments in an organization.
A relation between them is described by using
colored cells. CISOs can easily use this feature
to obtain a quick overview about the status of var-
ious security audits of different assets within an
organization. Traditional reports and dashboards
have the problem that anomalies can only be dis-
played to a limited extent.
2. While designing the procedure for our three-phase
process model, we were able to identify three im-
portant actors for conducting security audits of
public cloud services within public administra-
tions. The CISO himself is the main actor and
needs to be able to coordinate security audits by
using novel visualization techniques. HOUs of or-
ganizational units need be involved immediately
and in an easy way, to obtain meta information
about responsibilities with respect to adopted pub-
lic cloud services. The people actually responsi-
ble for public clouds (= CPOs) must be directly
involved in security audits, as a public adminis-
tration’s IT department is often not responsible for
supporting decentralized public cloud services.
3. In practice, similar public cloud services are used
by different departments within an organization.
Therefore, the relationships between organiza-
tional units and the adopted public cloud services
must be documented at regular intervals. New au-
dits can then be generated on the basis of visual-
ized anomalies (cf. Figure 4). As a consequence
it is possible to derive the maturity level of infor-
mation security with respect to concrete security
requirements (cf. Figure 5) by using visualization
In future research we want to achieve further improve-
ments in this research field. For example, the problem
of potential shadow IT needs to be investigated. In
this context, we want to make scientific efforts to train
HOUs to identify public cloud services in their de-
partments. If a new, previously undocumented cloud
has been identified, the further ISMS process should
be carried out in a lightweight manner with the help
of our tool.
In addition, we want to find out how our web-
based audit tool can be combined with security aware-
ness methods. We have noticed during our security
audits that despite previous e-learning trainings on se-
curity awareness, there is still a lack of understand-
ing with regard to security measures within public
cloud services. Moreover, we would like to evalu-
ate the practical applicability of our developed tool
under real conditions in another authority. We want
to understand to what extent visualizations can help
CISOs to improve the maturity level of information
security. For this reason, we will attempt to carry out
a quantitative analysis in collaboration with another
authority over a longer period of time in which met-
rics are examined in order to be able to make state-
ments about the effectiveness of our prototype. How-
ever, this project is associated with major hurdles in
the authorities’ environment.
There is also the problem that CPOs may give in-
correct answers in the questionnaires because they do
not understand the context properly. In this respect,
we need to make further observations to assess the
extent to which qualitatively complete and correct an-
swers to questions are reported back.
Taking everything into account, we are making the
public administration sector a bit more secure, and we
are helping to drive forward the urgently needed im-
plementation of digitization in this environment.
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Visualizing the Information Security Maturity Level of Public Cloud Services Used by Public Administrations