The author thanks the two anonymous reviewers for
their detailed comments which helped to improve the
readability of the paper.
The author is the head of the Design Theory
and Similarity Mechanics Group at the University of
Stuttgart, Germany, and supervises in this function the
PhD research works in the group. All the various re-
sults of the different packing, piping and routing al-
gorithms shown are parts of these PhD works in the
research group and are cited accordingly.
The funding of parts of this research by the Eu-
ropean Commission in the framework of the H2020
CS2 project PHAROS (see https://cordis.europa.eu/
project/id/865044 for details), the German ministry
for education and research in the context of the MA-
NUNET project FORTIFIER in the research pro-
gram “Future of Value Creation” (grant number
MNET20/ICT-3763) and of the ITEA3 project IDE-
ALISM (see https://itea4.org/project/idealism.html
for details) is greatly acknowledged.
The findings in this research do not necessarily re-
flect the opinion of the funding agencies.
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