A Tailored Internet of Things Lighting Solution to Support Circadian
Rhythms and Wellbeing for People Living with Dementia
Kate Turley
, Joseph Rafferty
, Raymond Bond
, Assumpta Ryan², Maurice Mulvenna
and Lloyd Crawford³
School of Computing, Ulster University, 2-24 York St., Belfast, N. Ireland
School of Nursing and Pandemic Science, Ulster University, Northland Rd, Derry, N. Ireland
³Chroma Lighting, 213-215 Donegal Rd, Belfast, N. Ireland
Keywords: Dementia, Wellbeing, Dynamic Lighting, Circadian Rhythm, Body Clock, Sensing, IoT, Digital Health.
Abstract: Light is a requirement for setting and maintaining the body’s circadian rhythm, however our knowledge of
the spectral content, timing and duration of lighting exposure for the indoors is not well defined. For people
living with dementia, this knowledge gap is important to address since they experience more heavily disrupted
circadian rhythms, which can heighten symptoms of sundowning, agitation, low mood and poor sleep quality.
This paper focuses on the required design aspects for a dynamic lighting and sensing device tailored towards
supporting the wellbeing of people living with dementia. The authors discuss the current understanding of
lighting for health, identify the gaps to be addressed and propose the design and research protocol for an
indoor lighting and sensing solution. The device is currently deployed within a care home and analysis of
results is forthcoming.
On a global scale, the ageing population is increasing
at a rapid rate. Moreover, it is commonly reported that
within these populations, the prevalence of dementia
is more significant than in other age brackets
(Livingston et al. 2020). This contributes to the fact
that there are approximately 50 million people living
with dementia at present, forecasted to more than
triple by 2050.
The diagnosis itself is associated with certain
behavioural and psychological symptoms which can
contribute to decreased wellbeing (Finkel et al. 1997).
Common of these symptoms are expressions of
agitation and sundowning; the latter referring to the
increase in neuropsychiatric symptoms which
contribute to evening restlessness (Canevelli et al.
2016). As a result, this evening restlessness offsets
the body’s circadian rhythm; the 24-hour harmonic
cycle responsible for many of the body’s essential
functions (Hastings et al. 2007). Of these essential
functions, the circadian rhythm is dominantly
responsible for controlling hormone balance
(impacting mood), regulating the body temperature,
regulating sleep-wake cycles, and influencing rest-
activity patterns (Hastings et al. 2007). Therefore
disproportionate influence over mood, agitation and
sleep-wake cycles, as common in dementia, can put
pressure on informal caregivers when looking after
their close relations. This makes it more likely for
admittance to care facilities (Fillit et al. 2021,
Fishbein et al. 2021). As a result, it is estimated that
the total cost of dementia to the global economy is $1
trillion (Livingston et al. 2020).
This combined social and economic strain of a
dementia diagnosis can be attributed to the fact that
to date there is no cure for dementia. Therefore, the
best attempt to confront this challenge is to find
optimal ways to alleviate symptoms in dementia. In
turn, this will contribute to enhancing their wellbeing,
and possibly reducing the rate of admissions to care
facilities. A common solution to attenuating these
symptoms is to use pharmaceuticals such as sedatives
(ARUK, 2022). However, research has demonstrated
that these solutions are indirectly targeting symptoms
such as agitation and restless nights by prescribing a
‘one size fits all’ solution, and unnecessarily
increasing drowsiness in favour of reduced agitation
(ARUK, 2022). This can therefore lead to reduced
wellbeing which counteracts any initial efforts made.
In contrast, this paper focuses on devising a non-
Turley, K., Rafferty, J., Bond, R., Ryan, A., Mulvenna, M. and Crawford, L.
A Tailored Internet of Things Lighting Solution to Support Circadian Rhythms and Wellbeing for People Living with Dementia.
DOI: 10.5220/0012650100003699
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2024), pages 190-197
ISBN: 978-989-758-700-9; ISSN: 2184-4984
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
pharmaceutical solution to improve wellbeing for
people living with dementia; the adoption of circadian
lighting. This is ‘daylight-mimicking’ indoor
lighting, designed to support the body’s circadian
rhythm and positively impact activity metrics such as
mood, agitation, sleep-wake cycles, hormone balance
and social interactions. This paper represents a work
in progress report which outlines the design of the
technical architecture and summarizes the research
protocol of the study.
In order to address the research problem, several
objectives have been formulated:
1. Design a novel digital health technology capable of
both monitoring and improving wellbeing for people
with dementia; consisting of circadian luminaires
(actuators) and sensing devices.
2. Develop and evaluate algorithms acting on the raw
sensor data, to produce relevant metrics on individual
activity profiles, since this is expected to be impacted
through the circadian lighting.
3. Deploy and evaluate the solution in a care home
environment in order to observe the impacts of the
lighting on activity for people living with dementia.
4. Make use of these observed changes in activity in
order to better actuate/tailor the circadian lighting
output to better align circadian rhythms.
5. Assess the impact to wellbeing/circadian rhythm
through the sensor-generated activity profiles, from
interviews and validated wellbeing questionnaires.
6. Assess the acceptability of the digital health
solution for supporting wellbeing and circadian
rhythms in dementia.
7. Generate a conclusion on the capacity for
alleviation of symptoms of dementia and strain on
care staff in order to remark on the initial research
Circling briefly back to circadian rhythms, it is well
established that the principle excitor for controlling
this rhythm is light (Berson 2002). Due to consistent
day/night intervals of light and dark, early human
ancestors were subconsciously attuned to wake with
the rising sun and sleep with the setting sun (Wright
et al. 2013). This light/dark cycle has manifested
itself into what is now known as the ‘typical’
circadian rhythm. This process occurs through
receival of light signals in the retina, which prompts
the brain to instantiate the controlled release of the
hormones (melatonin and cortisol) that influence our
mood, sleep-wake cycles and activity patterns
mentioned earlier. Melatonin is known for inducing
sleepiness and cortisol is known for inducing
alertness (Sato et al. 2014). Therefore with a ‘typical’
circadian rhythm, these hormones are optimally
balanced to lend itself to better sleep-wake cycles and
fewer night time disturbances (Figueiro et al. 2020).
However, with dementia, a more irregular rhythm
means that these hormones are no longer
synchronised with the circadian rhythm, and high
levels of cortisol may dominate bed-times, creating a
detrimental impact on sleep-wake cycles and mood.
This contrast in typical and atypical circadian
rhythms is demonstrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The difference between the hormone release of
both typical and atypical circadian rhythms. Note how an
irregular rhythm would result in poorer sleep/wake cycles
(Sato et al. 2014).
Therefore exposing people living with dementia
to circadian lighting is likely to alleviate their
symptoms and improve their wellbeing. There are
many studies which have conducted this type of
research before, generating positive impact to
wellbeing (Sust et al. 2012, van Lieushout-van Da l et
al. 2019, Bromundt et al. 2019, Figueiro et al. 2020).
However, common within this research area is the
agreement on what is not yet known. This stems from
the fact that the ‘typical’ circadian rhythm differs
somewhat for every individual (Skeldon et al. 2017).
An individual’s response to lighting will depend on
many factors, such as age, chronotype, previous
A Tailored Internet of Things Lighting Solution to Support Circadian Rhythms and Wellbeing for People Living with Dementia
lighting exposures, gender, dementia type and state of
progression, amongst others (Skeldon et al. 2017).
Therefore in order to provide a tailored lighting
solution designed to optimise wellbeing for any
individual, it is paramount to find a way to monitor
the impact to both the circadian rhythm and wellbeing
that the lighting is responsible for. It is also
commonly reported that the parameters of the lighting
for benefiting wellbeing are not fully understood.
These parameters refer to the timings of lighting
exposure, the duration of the exposure, the intensity
of the lighting, and the colour temperature of the
lighting (van Lieushout-van Dal et al. 2019, Brown et
al. 2022).
As a result, this study has an initial focus on
designing a novel technical architecture which can
facilitate the collection of data which will help
uncover these unknowns in the present literature. The
overarching aim is that the architecture can generate
the necessary health informatics to understand the
circadian rhythm of each individual, while
simultaneously actuating and monitoring the lighting
output over time. Therefore along with the luminaire,
the architecture makes use of an environmental
sensing device designed to track the activity of an
individual in an unobtrusive manner. This is essential
within dementia cohorts since their vulnerable status
makes enforcement of wearables unfeasible in the
long-term (Harper et al. 2020). The sensor is capable
of tracking the current location of an individual, their
activity patterns, and their sleep-wake cycles. When
initially trialling this technology, the added social
wellbeing parameters such as mood and social
interactions will be documented using the validated
‘QUALIDEM’ scale, to support the quantitative
sensor data (Ettema, T.P. et al. 2007).
Lastly, this novel architecture will cater for the
collection of lighting and circadian-related activity
metrics in order to infer the relationship between
them. The collection of demographic information
through the mobile application will also help to draw
any individual and group-based homogeneities to the
lighting response. Once there is an accepted
understanding of the circadian response to lighting
over time, it becomes possible to make data-driven
changes to the circadian lighting in order to best
support any particular individual. This therefore
creates a lighting/sensing feedback loop which
outputs the optimal lighting based on the circadian
health metrics of the individual. Due to the novel
architecture, this feedback communication channel is
built-in to the design; a concept not explored in this
field to date. An outline of the main contributions to
‘state-of-the- art’ status are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: Summary of the research problems and the
devised solutions.
Research problem Devised solution
No knowledge of exact
timing, duration,
intensity and colour
temperature of lighting
that individuals are
exposed to (van
Lieushout-van Dal et al.
2019, Brown et al.
The architecture supports
networked luminaires and
sensors with a scalable IoT
design. Knowledge of an
individual’s location and
corresponding luminaire
spectral output in relation to the
height of an individual is
possible. This is how we
determine the lighting
exposures throughout the day
(Brown et al. 2022).
Vulnerable cohort status
means collecting long-
term data with wearables
is difficult to implement
and maintain (Harper et
al. 2020).
Unobtrusive sensor design
means that longitudinal data
collection is possible. Mains
connected device also removes
burden associated with device
recharge, calibration, and of
becoming forgetful to use the
Limited knowledge of
influence of dementia
type and state of
progression on
rhythms (Skeldon et al.
2017, van Lieushout-van
Dal et al. 2019, Brown et
al. 2022).
Long-term database collation
with lighting/activity/
demographic information over
time lends itself to pattern
mining and new discoveries
The unique element of this research begins with
the novel architecture. This data-driven feedback
system allows for automated tailoring of circadian
lighting based on an individual’s circadian-related
activity over time. This design concept has not yet
been developed for the research area of circadian
In addition, the unobtrusive design
(environmentally fixed) of the technology facilitates
long-term data collection without the need for
constant intervention to charge the device or re-
calibrate it. This facilitates a better capacity for
database growth. This enriched database with metrics
on activity, mood, sleep-wake cycles, lighting
exposures, and demographic information will
therefore provide the fundamental building blocks to
uncovering the largely unknown relationship between
these above factors (Skeldon et al. 2017, van
Lieushout-van Dal et al. 2019, Brown et al. 2022).
This will therefore contribute to new knowledge in
the field.
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
The methodology focuses on trialling the lighting and
sensing technologies within a care home over 16
weeks. This data collection will consist of validated
wellbeing scales (QUALIDEM), interviews and
sensor analytics in order to form an overall
assessment of the circadian lighting for this cohort.
Therefore, conducting this research requires a
real- life environment such as a care home to evaluate
the digital health technology. This will take place in a
care home in Belfast, Northern Ireland. This research
proposal has undergone ethical review and been
approved by the Office for Research Ethics
Committees Northern Ireland (ORECNI). The initial
project objective is to design and build the
architecture. Preliminary work has been published on
this by (Turley et al., 2021).
The unobtrusive digital health technology is
deployed in a care home environment. The luminaires
and sensors are in a mesh network where real-time
sensor data is sent to a third party cloud server over a
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) gateway. Luminaire
output data is also transferred in this manner, but at a
lower frequency (per 15 minutes). The processing,
storage and application data are all managed from a
local server. Real-time sensor data is filtered and
transferred to an Influx database. At pre- defined
intervals, the processing block will fetch data from
this database and generate metrics to produce
information on activity, sleep/wake cycles and
location trajectories.
Again, at a specified time interval which is
informed by known circadian rhythm adaptation
times (van Lieushout-van Dal et al. 2019), the rule-
based circadian logic will be invoked. This assesses
if the circadian lighting is having a positive, negative,
or null effect on wellbeing. Depending on the
outcome, the lighting will remain as it is or be
marginally tailored (in colour temperature and
intensity). This occurs via REST API to the Bluetooth
mesh network connecting the care home devices. It
should be noted these lighting changes are informed
by insights from the literature. For example, increased
blue wavelength light during the day may alleviate
disrupted sleep (Hanford et al. 2013), so if the sensor
detects a resident who experiences frequent night-
time disturbances, the blue component of the lighting
may be increased during the day to try and help
improve their sleep at night. This will be monitored
over the next time interval and assessed for efficacy.
As and when the circadian-related metrics are
updated in Influx, they will be presented on a
dashboard. This dashboard is integrated into an
overall mobile application. This application then acts
as an outlet which provides both client-side
demographic information (stored separately) and the
matching circadian-related metrics per individual. It
will then act as a support to care staff when planning
their daily or weekly routines. A summary of this
architecture is seen in Figure 2.
As an aside, there is a preliminary ‘value-add’
feature of fall detection being trialled, which
consumes real time sensor data and uses rule-based
threshold techniques to determine if a fall has
occurred, in order to alert the carer’s mobile
The participants will take part in 16 weeks of
observation; 4 weeks of baseline measurements
(static lighting output) preceding 12 weeks of a
between-subjects experimental design. The
experimental group will receive circadian lighting for
12 weeks and the control group will receive the
existing lighting in the care home for 12 weeks. The
circadian lighting will begin as a general profile, set
in accordance with lighting parameters used in other
literature using circadian lighting on these cohorts
(Figueiro et al. 2020). It will gradually rise in
intensity from early morning to afternoon and fall
again by evening. The colour temperature will be cool
from 09:00-14:30 to promote active days and
gradually become warmer in the evenings to promote
restful nights. Depending on the outcome of
circadian lighting logic outlined in Figure 2, the
lighting will be tweaked according to the activity
profile picked up by the sensor. Completion of
QUALIDEM questionnaires will be required by care
staff once a week, and short interviews with carers
will be conducted four times throughout the study
duration. At the end of the 16 weeks, individual and
group analyses of the data will take place, in order to
inform the relationship between circadian lighting,
demographics, and activity profiles. A conclusive
report supported by the data will then be shared with
the care home team and researchers alike. This should
state the demonstrated impact to wellbeing (if any),
and outline future milestones for this research field.
A flow schematic of the study protocol is summarized
in Figure 3.
An overall assessment of wellbeing is deduced from
combined analyses of qualitative (QUALIDEM/
interview originated) and quantitative (sensor
originated) data.
A comparison of a week 4 (last control week for
experimental group) to week 16 behaviour profile
between those who have experienced static lighting
and those who have experience circadian lighting will
be conducted. Key indicators to explore will be the
A Tailored Internet of Things Lighting Solution to Support Circadian Rhythms and Wellbeing for People Living with Dementia
Figure 2: Overall IoT architecture of the digital health solution. Note that that processing, storage and application layers are
all managed locally. Push-based actuation occurs both out to luminaires and to mobile application alerting panel.
frequency of night time disturbances, phase-advance
or delay of sleep onset/wake times, duration of sleep,
changes to mood and social interactions, amongst
others. In unison, these wellbeing parameters will
give an insight into the overall status or ‘wellbeing
score’ at both the beginning and end of the study. In
turn, this will give an insight into the initial efficacy
of this digital health technology for its outlined
purpose; supporting wellbeing for people living with
The acceptability of the digital health solution is
supported by the fact that the research is conducted
within a care facility environment. This makes it
possible to access feedback from both people living
with dementia making most use of the lighting, and
also care staff making most use of the mobile
Feedback will be collected at multiple intervals
throughout the study. This will be with people with
dementia, care staff and family members/close
relations. Subject areas such as perception of
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Figure 3: Flow schematic of the study protocol over a 16 week period. It highlights the study measures, collection
techniques and expected outcomes.
circadian lighting, impacts to activity, overall
consensus of circadian impact, acceptance of
technology design and , and willingness to adopt this
technology in the future will be presented.
For future work, any suggestions for improvement
will be integrated as best as possible into the digital
health solution and workshops arranged for re-
evaluation purposes.
Care staff will be presented with an overall high-level
dashboard which highlights the locations of the
individual residents as labelled by room name. These
type of metrics have been reported to be highly useful
by care staff (Hall et al. 2017). This dashboard will
have a link to another dashboard named ‘Resident
overview’, which accumulates the finer-grain detail
of the circadian metrics per individual room.
A Tailored Internet of Things Lighting Solution to Support Circadian Rhythms and Wellbeing for People Living with Dementia
From accessing these health informatics for every
individual, care staff can use this data to support their
delivery of care. For example, care staff could look at
the latest ‘wake time’ for all residents in order to
determine when the breakfast can finish, in order to
better plan schedules for the following week.
In terms of contribution to knowledge, the metrics
outlined will be critical to understanding the
progression of the individual circadian rhythm over
time. When combined with the lighting exposure and
demographic data also collected in the study, insight
into the relationship between circadian rhythms,
lighting and wellbeing will hopefully become more
In addition, the information and can provide
insight into whether the circadian lighting is
benefitting wellbeing overall in relation to the
previous static lighting in place in the care home. As
supported by current literature on circadian lighting
on dementia cohorts (Sust et al. 2012, van Lieushout-
van Dal et al. 2019, Bromundt et al. 2019, Figueiro et
al. 2020), it is expected that the parameters of
wellbeing impacted by the circadian rhythm will
This research has already received the necessary
ethical approval, as referenced in section 4.
At present, the novel IoT architecture for the
digital health solution has been designed and
developed (Turley et al. 2021). Alongside the
software, this includes the hardware; luminaires and
sensors. The algorithms for deducing circadian-
related metrics have also been developed. These
algorithms are in the testing phases whereby ground
truth metrics are being compared to the sensor
processed metrics. The dashboard platform has also
been set up and deployed on a local server.
The research is currently underway in the care
home and results of the trial are expected to be
analysed and published in the coming months.
This research is undertaken through an industry-
academic partnership and supported by the Royal
Commission for the Exhibition of 1851.
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A Tailored Internet of Things Lighting Solution to Support Circadian Rhythms and Wellbeing for People Living with Dementia