On the Relation Between Open Project-Based Learning in
Undergraduate Computer Science Education and Contemporary
Technological Trends
Ruben Tous
, Felix Freitag
and Josep Lluis Berral
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Project Based Learning, Information Technology, Professional Skills, Curriculum Adaptation.
Amidst rapid and constant technological change, keeping IT higher education curricula up to date is becom-
ing increasingly challenging. For a decade, the course ”Project on Information Technologies” within the
undergraduate computer science studies offered by a major technical university has been pursuing an effort
of continuous curriculum adaptation and active learning practices based on an open project-based learning
(PBL) methodology. This article researches the implications of employing an open-ended PBL approach, with
a specific focus on the alignment of acquired skills with the trends in the professional landscape. Our analysis
has identified a strong correlation between the technologies utilized in the projects and the contemporary tech-
nological trends in the areas of global technological focus, programming languages, server-side technologies,
database management systems, and DevOps-related tools. For the study, we analyzed empirical data gathered
from over 100 projects involving more than 400 students who enrolled in this reference course, belonging to
the last year of the IT higher education programme in the last 10 years. The results suggest the open project-
based design as a teaching means in the student’s study plan for fostering the student the learning of prevailing
current practical technologies.
The skills and competencies essential for future pro-
fessionals are a pivotal consideration in shaping any
educational strategy. A significant challenge within
the university system is showcasing its ability to adapt
to the rapid pace of change in contemporary soci-
ety. This challenge is particularly difficult in the IT
domain, where the pace of technological change has
been immensely accelerated.
For the past ten years, the course ”Project on In-
formation Technologies” (PIT) within the undergrad-
uate computer science studies offered by a major tech-
nical university has pursued continuous curriculum
adaptation through the utilization of an open project-
based learning methodology. Today, project-based
learning (PBL) plays a fundamental role in the curric-
ula of students pursuing bachelor’s and master’s de-
grees in Information Technology (IT) and related dis-
ciplines (Giannakos et al., 2017; Sindre et al., 2018;
Fioravanti et al., 2018; Hulls et al., 2015). The de-
gree of openness in the project statement and solu-
tion stands out as one of the most relevant parameters
in the design of a course based on PBL (Hulls et al.,
Different from a traditional PBL approach, where
instructors define specific project goals and restrict
potential solutions and which fosters a consistent skill
development (Vasilevskaya et al., 2015), allowing stu-
dents to determine project objectives and technol-
ogy choices offers the advantage of naturally aligning
the specific skills they desire to acquire through the
course with trends in key IT technological domains
(Sindre et al., 2018; Suseno et al., 2023). The course
under examination employs this latter open-statement
and open-solution approach in which, with the feed-
back from the instructor, the students are encouraged
to drive the project definition.
To delve deeper into the implications of the open
project choice, we examined the historical evolution
of the technologies addressed in the projects devel-
oped in the course. For this, we analyzed empir-
ical data drawn from over 100 projects undertaken
by more than 400 students in the course during ten
Tous, R., Freitag, F. and Berral, J.
On the Relation Between Open Project-Based Learning in Undergraduate Computer Science Education and Contemporary Technological Trends.
DOI: 10.5220/0012650600003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 397-404
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
academic years, from 2012/2013 to 2022/2023. The
resulting findings and conclusions, particularly those
related to the alignment of acquired skills with con-
temporary trends in IT’s technological domains, are
presented in this study.
2.1 Course Description
The research undertaken in this paper was carried
out within the framework of the semester-long course
”Project on Information Technologies”, of 6 ECTS
credits (around 150 hours), and from the last year
of the Bachelor of Computer Science offered by the
School of Informatics at a major technical univer-
sity. The study comprises ten academic years, from
2012/2013 to 2022/2023.
The course curriculum encompasses technical
skills pertinent to information technologies, computer
networks, and distributed applications. Additionally,
it covers non-technical cross-disciplinary competen-
cies such as teamwork, project conceptualization, and
administration, as well as verbal and written com-
munication. The primary aim of the course revolves
around the collaborative development of a project by
groups of typically 4 students. The project spans 15
weeks, equivalent to half an academic year.
2.2 Related Work
Numerous studies have advocated for project-based
learning as a suitable methodology to attain effec-
tive competency-based education (Chinowsky et al.,
2006; Gijselaers, 1996; A. Johnson, 1999; Gijse-
laers, 1996; Padmanabhan and Katti, 2002; Veselov
et al., 2019; Anggraeni et al., 2023; Suseno et al.,
2023). Several works have analyzed its effectiveness
in higher education, particularly focusing on engi-
neering disciplines (De los R
ıos et al., 2010; Ruikar
and Demian, 2013; Stewart, 2007; Gibbes and Car-
son, 2014; Requies et al., 2018). In the study of
De los R
ıos et al. (De los R
ıos et al., 2010), the
authors chronicle two decades of employing project-
based learning within higher education engineering
in the context of the final years of the undergradu-
ate programme of the Technical University of Madrid,
Spain. One of the findings drawn from this study
is that project-based learning significantly enhances
the connection between university education and the
practical professional sphere. The work of Ruikar et
al. (Ruikar and Demian, 2013) delves into the asso-
ciations between project-based learning and engage-
ment with the industry. The study of Stewart (Stew-
art, 2007) puts the focus towards the correlation be-
tween self-directed learning readiness and the results
of project-based learning. Gibbes and Carson(Gibbes
and Carson, 2014) applied activity theory analysis to
investigate project-based learning. The authors docu-
ment mixed results in learning outcomes due to con-
tradictions identified within the activity system (such
as uneven distribution of tasks or perceived time con-
straints stemming from community commitments).
Numerous other studies also document particular ex-
periences of project-based learning in higher educa-
tion (e.g. (Rush et al., 2007; Hassan et al., 2008; Fer-
nandes et al., 2013; Pereira et al., 2017; Requies et al.,
2018)). The majority of these studies rely on qual-
itative evaluations of students’ actions and achieve-
ments, which do not consistently enable to establish a
direct cause-and-effect relationship between project-
based learning instruction and positive student out-
comes. Numerous works delve into the precise im-
plementation of project-based learning within higher
education in the field of IT. In the work of Sindre et
al. (Sindre et al., 2018), the authors assess the ap-
propriateness of project-based learning within the IT
context in general, and with respect to the curriculum
guidelines from the ACM/IEEE Task Force on Com-
puting Curricula in particular. This study concludes
that this approach effectively adjusts to the swiftly
evolving skill requirements for upcoming IT profes-
sionals. Fioravanti et al. (Fioravanti et al., 2018) re-
port an experience that integrates project-based learn-
ing and project management in a Software Engineer-
ing course.
There exists a limited number of works focusing
on the extent of project statement and solution open-
ness within project-based learning. Hulls et al. (Hulls
et al., 2015) detail the transformation of (a portion of)
a traditional C++ programming course (first-year of
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering students
at the University of Waterloo, Canada) into an open-
ended project-based learning course. The research
centered on motivational factors and concludes that
this approach led to a substantial upsurge in student
enthusiasm. An interesting facet of this study is the
students’ choice between predefined projects (such as
a Roomba-like robot, an elusive alarm clock, or a
maze-solving robot) or their individual project pro-
posals. The authors report how the prevalence of stu-
dents opting for their own concepts escalated over
time, eventually constituting the majority.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.1 Data Acquisition and Analysis
To conduct this study, an analysis of the final deliver-
ables from projects completed by attendees of the PIT
course was necessary. The analysis covered a span
of ten academic years, ranging from 2012/2013 to
2022/2023. A total of 125 projects, engaging over 400
students, underwent scrutiny. Data processing was fa-
cilitated through the utilization of project descriptions
that students contributed to a Wiki platform as part of
their concluding assignments.
Student project descriptions were manually pro-
cessed and, for each project, a machine-readable
project summary was generated in JSON format.
Summaries included project focus (eg ”mobile app”),
programming languages, technologies involved, and
all tools of project management involved. However,
because the information in the student project descrip-
tions is of heterogeneous quality, in many cases, it
was necessary to manually process the project deliv-
erables one by one.
A Python-based tool was created to collate all the
JSON summaries and perform automated computa-
tions on the evolving frequency of distinct technolog-
ical components over time. Relative frequencies were
adopted (e.g., ”50% of projects in the first semester of
2012/2013 employed Java”) instead of absolute val-
ues due to variations in project counts across differ-
ent courses. The resultant numerical data points were
saved in a collection of gnuplot-formatted data files
and are presented as line charts to track the shifts in
technologies across the years.
Furthermore, for a comprehensive analysis of the
correlation between these shifts and real-world trends,
a tool wase created (also with Python) to extract nu-
merical information from Google Trends (Google,
In the upcoming sections, we present the findings
of the study. A line chart is provided for each
project aspect, illustrating the changing frequencies
of various student choices over time. Since PTI
spans a full semester, each time period corresponds
to one semester (20xx-1 represents the initial autumn
semester, while 20xx-2 corresponds to the subsequent
spring semester).
Figure 1: Line chart showing the evolution of the overall
technological focus of the projects.
4.1 Technological Project Scope
Although the projects involve multiple components,
they usually revolve around a main technology (e.g.
blockchain). Figure 1 shows the evolution of the
four most common global technological focus of the
web-app: projects whose main workload is dedi-
cated to web application development. Typically,
this kind of projects involves client-side web tech-
nologies (e.g. HTML, Angular, etc.) and server-
side web technologies (HTTP servers, application
servers, etc.).
mobile-app: projects whose main workload is
dedicated to mobile application development.
Typically, this kind of projects involves client-side
mobile technologies (Android SDK, iOS SDK,
Unity, React Native, etc.) and server-side tech-
nologies such as Web APIs.
iot: projects whose main workload is dedicated to
Internet of Things (IoT) related technologies (e.g.
Raspberry Pi, Arduino, webcam, sensors or actu-
blockchain: projects whose main workload is
dedicated to blockchain related technologies (e.g.
Ethereum, Solidity, MetaMask, etc.).
Comparing the students’ choices with the real tech-
nology trends in Figure 2, it can be seen that they
closely correspond.
In a preceding period (spanning the 2000s decade)
without accessible numerical data, the technological
landscape of typical projects transitioned from non-
HTTP distributed applications (such as CORBA or
Java RMI) to projects primarily centered around web-
based technologies, referred to as the web-app focus.
Towards the end of that decade, the project emphasis
On the Relation Between Open Project-Based Learning in Undergraduate Computer Science Education and Contemporary Technological
Figure 2: Google Trends interest score (related to search
frequency) in the range 0-100 for the topics ”web de-
velopment”, ”android software development”, ”internet of
things” and ”blockchain” (Google, 2024).
shifted to the creation of mobile applications (mobile-
As the study commences in the academic year
2012/2013, mobile applications continued to domi-
nate, yet a nascent trend, the Internet of Things (IoT),
had already begun capturing student interest. The
mid-2010s saw a prevalence of IoT projects, peaking
during the first semester of the 2016/2017 academic
year. Simultaneously, another technological wave
emerged, the blockchain. This innovation swiftly
grasped student attention, although its trajectory has
been stabilizing in more recent times.
The approaches referenced are not exhaustive, but
they do represent the most prevalent ones. Over recent
semesters, certain projects have integrated elements
linked to artificial intelligence. However, this aspect
lies outside the primary course objectives and remains
relatively uncommon within the scope of this study.
4.2 Programming Languages
Figure 3 displays the evolution of students’ choices of
programming languages over time. When comparing
these results with the popularity of programming lan-
guages according to Google Trends (Figure 4), it can
be observed that the programming languages used in
the projects not only align with current trends but also
have the potential to predict them.
The authors have noted that students tend to ex-
hibit a natural inclination toward experimenting with
new languages, which is inversely proportional to
their willingness to use languages they perceive as
outdated. IT professionals do not have the same free-
dom, neither the same disposition probably, and the
adoption of new programming languages in the pro-
fessional field is slower.
Figure 3: Line chart showing the relative frequencies of the
students choice of programming languages over time.
Figure 4: Popularity of programming languages according
to Google Trends (Google, 2024).
Another conclusion drawn is that the students’
preferences for using programming languages in their
projects do not appear to align with the program-
ming languages they have learned during their career
(mainly C++ and Java). Through the last years, it has
been observed how Node.js (JavaScript) and Python
have been gaining share until they have become the
most widely used languages, both in the client and
the server side. JavaScript outperforms Python in our
data, inversely to what is observed in Google Trends.
The authors attribute this to the fact that Python is
massively used by data science related tasks, which
are generally out of the scope of the course.
4.3 Server-Side Technologies
Figure 5 illustrates the progression of server-side
technologies employed in the projects. In the initial
reporting period, students frequently opted for Java
Servlet (e.g., the Apache Tomcat open-source Java
Servlet Container) for the backend of their client-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: Line chart showing the relative frequencies of the
students choice of server-side technologies over time.
Figure 6: Line chart showing the relative frequencies of the
students choice of database technologies over time.
server applications. This choice was likely influenced
by its use in introductory labs within the course. An-
other common alternative during this period was the
Apache HTTP server paired with PHP CGIs, a choice
typically made by students with some professional
experience (a circumstance less common at the be-
ginning of the decade but now widespread). While
the use of CGIs has dwindled, HTTP servers continue
to feature prominently in many projects, with Apache
gradually giving way to NGINX. In parallel with the
rise of Node.js, the Express web application frame-
work has seen increased adoption. Similarly, students
who favor Python tend to select the Flask micro web
framework for their backend solutions.
4.4 Database Technologies
Figure 6 illustrates the evolution of database tech-
nologies employed in the projects, revealing three
distinct periods. Prior to 2015, the majority of
projects favored object-relational database manage-
ment systems, primarily centered around MySQL
Community Edition, alongside options like Post-
greSQL. The span between 2015 and 2021 witnessed
a shift in preference towards NoSQL database man-
agement systems, with MongoDB taking the lead,
accompanied by Cassandra, CouchDB, and others.
Notably, MongoDB’s impressive success, constitut-
ing about 90% of NoSQL database instances dur-
ing that timeframe, can be attributed to its scala-
bility and seamless integration with Node.js. This
era also introduced the emergence of blockchain-
related technologies. Despite not mirroring the func-
tionalities of traditional databases precisely, numer-
ous students adopted blockchain to store all the data
(although such instances often lacked rationale and
have been rectified over time). From 2021 on-
Figure 7: Google Trends interest score (related to search
frequency) in the range 0-100 for the topics ”MySQL” and
”PostgreSQL” (Google, 2024).
Figure 8: Google Trends interest score (related to search
frequency) in the range 0-100 for the topics ”MongoDB”
and ”MariaDB” (Google, 2024).
ward, dynamics have evolved. The previously as-
cending trajectory of NoSQL databases has tapered,
On the Relation Between Open Project-Based Learning in Undergraduate Computer Science Education and Contemporary Technological
allowing object-relational databases to regain some
prominence. However, there have been shifts in spe-
cific product preferences. Among object-relational
database management systems, MySQLs predomi-
nant position has waned, making room for alternatives
such as MariaDB and PostgreSQL (see figures 7 and
8). In the realm of NoSQL databases, MongoDB re-
tains a strong presence in many projects, though cer-
tain students are exploring substitutes like CouchDB
or RethinkDB. The momentum behind blockchain
has also dwindled, with its application becoming
more targeted, typically in conjunction with tradi-
tional database utilization.
4.5 DevOps
Figure 9 illustrates the progression of several
DevOps-related tools employed within the projects.
Technologies and practices associated with the De-
vOps methodology have experienced substantial
growth in student projects, mirroring developments in
the professional sphere (see Figure 10). The initial
technology in this domain was Docker, which under-
went rapid expansion. Presently, almost all projects
integrate Docker containers for diverse software com-
ponents. Subsequently, Kubernetes, the container or-
chestration system, emerged. While highly regarded
by students, its complexity and limited benefits for
prototype development lead many to shy away from
its use. More recently, tools related to continuous
integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), such
as Jenkins, have surged in popularity. Jenkins is a
preferred choice among students, yet many also opt
for the integrated features offered by GitHub or Git-
Lab. A multitude of other tools in this field have sur-
faced in projects, including Ansible, Chef, Terraform,
Prometheus, Grafana, ArgoCD, and numerous others.
While not essential for prototype development, their
prevalence in the professional realm motivates stu-
dents to capitalize on the opportunity to acquire pro-
ficiency in their usage.
This study reviewed the evolution of technology
choices in projects during a decade of an IT-related
course with an open project-based learning method-
ology. Relevant conclusions are derived with respect
to changes of the used technologies and the adaptation
of the skills learned to the trends of the main IT tech-
nology domains. A systematic analysis of the data,
with a special emphasis on the open-statement and
open-solution methodology, aims to pave the way to-
Figure 9: Line chart showing the relative frequencies of
different DevOps related components found in the projects
over time.
Figure 10: Google Trends interest score (related to search
frequency) in the range 0-100 for the topics ”Docker”, ”Ku-
bernetes”, ”Ansible” and ”CI/CD” (Google, 2024).
wards guiding future IT higher education courses de-
The analysis centered around five distinct facets:
the global technological focus, the utilized program-
ming languages, server-side technologies, database
management systems, and DevOps-related tools. Our
analysis demonstrated noteworthy shifts in these ve
dimensions as they were implemented in the course
projects, occurring within relatively short timeframes
and closely mirroring technological trends. Addi-
tionally, our results reveal the shrinking lifecycles of
technological trends and the swift proliferation of po-
tential solutions for each problem. This remarkably
dynamic environment, which poses a definite chal-
lenge for IT educators, appears to be a non-issue for
students. They have demonstrated an adeptness at
aligning their project’s learning content with prevail-
ing technological trends, a flexibility facilitated by the
open-ended project framework.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
It is worth mentioning that some students opt for
projects of a more fundamental nature, but they are
very few and do not appear in the graphs. This is
unsurprising, given that the course is taken by stu-
dents in their final year, who are preparing to enter
the professional realm. This can also be attributed
to the fact that students have already acquired funda-
mental techniques and methodologies through a range
of other courses throughout their academic journey.
In fact, the synergy between courses, like the PBL-
based course concentrating on current technologies,
and other courses dedicated to fundamental meth-
ods and techniques, appears advantageous. This ap-
proach equips students with the capacity to engage
with present technologies for immediate industrial ap-
plicability, while their fundamental knowledge em-
powers them to adeptly navigate the swift shifts in
technological landscapes.
A question that remains is to determine if the num-
ber of students participating a the group project influ-
ences the observed relation between the open project-
based methodology and technological trends. In fu-
ture work it could be interesting to analyze whether
small groups of 2-3 students are more likely to align
their project with current technologies than bigger
groups of 4-5 students, and become able to recom-
mend an optimal project group size.
This work is partially supported by the Span-
ish Ministry of Science under contracts
PID2019-107255GB, PID2019-106774RB-C21,
PID2021-126248OB-I00 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/
501100011033/FEDER), PDC2023-145809-I00
(PDC/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), the Recovery
and Resilience Facility of the European Union,
and by the SGR programme of the Catalan Gov-
ernment under contracts 2021-SGR-00478 and
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CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education