AI-Powered Personalised Learning Platforms for EFL Learning:
Preliminary Results
Raffaella Folgieri
, Marisa Gil
Miriam Bait
and Claudio Lucchiari
Department of Philosophy “Piero Martinetti”, Università degli Studi di Milano, via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan, Italy
Computer Architecture Department, UPC Barcelona TECH, Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Learning Platform, EFL, Professional Growth, Education.
Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) has been increasingly integrated into the field of education, including personalised
learning platforms. However, concerns have been raised about the potential of AI to replace human teachers
and the impact on student agency and autonomy. In this research, we discuss the development of an AI-
powered platform as a helper, not a substitution, for self-directed personal and professional growth. The
present study investigates the effectiveness of an AI-powered personalised learning platform in enhancing
self-directed learning and personal and professional growth. We also explored the role of human teaching and
the ethical considerations of AI in education. A mixed-methods approach was used, including surveys,
interviews, and qualitative analysis of participant feedback. The participants were randomly assigned to either
an AI group or the traditional learning group. Findings suggest that the AI-powered personalised learning
platform that we used is a promising approach for enhancing self-directed learning and personal and
professional growth. However, it is important to note that these are just preliminary findings, and further
research is needed to confirm our results and to understand the mechanisms by which a specific use of AI in
education may lead to positive effects.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been increasingly
integrated into various fields, including education. In
recent years, personalised learning platforms that use
AI algorithms have emerged as a promising approach
to education. These platforms can provide learners
with personalised feedback, recommendations, and
support based on their learning progress and goals.
The potential of AI-powered personalised
learning platforms to enhance learning outcomes has
been demonstrated in various studies.
Over the past 10 years, research has focused on
the use of technological devices and tools specifically
designed to increase the effectiveness and efficiency
of certain mental processes, such as learning.
The theoretical background is based on the model
of the extended mind (Clark and Chalmers, 1998),
which states that cognitive processes are not confined
to the locus of their psychophysical realization, but
extend far beyond the boundaries of the brain,
encompassing not only processes related to bodily
experience but also some external entities, such as
tools, materials of various kinds and technological
devices. In this sense, a key goal of cognitive science
emerges: to study and develop techniques and
technologies that can extend the cognitive capacity,
in a broad sense, of the individual (Roco and
Bainbridge, 2013), seeking to overcome inherent
limitations as well as "cognitive biases" through
technologies that enable the analysis and modulation
of cognition in real time (Heersmink, 2016).
At the same time, the external entities through
which the extended mind manifests and learns can
also be represented by other individuals or social
groups in the context of interpersonal relationships,
thus leading to extending the very concept of the
Folgieri, R., Gil, M., Bait, M. and Lucchiari, C.
AI-Powered Personalised Learning Platforms for EFL Learning: Preliminary Results.
DOI: 10.5220/0012672000003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 255-261
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
extended mind (Colombetti and Roberts, 2015)
toward that of collective mind (Tollefsen, 2006).
Building on this theoretical background,
technological tools and creative methods (creative
technology) will be used in neuro-cognitive settings
to implement and validate augmented cognition
methodologies in both individual and dyadic or group
interaction contexts through what is called
collaborative interfaces (Gerhard et al., 2004). It is
self-evident that, in our global world, the role of
English as a lingua franca (ELF) is undeniable.
Online platforms are often used by adult learners
thanks to the flexibility given in time management.
Criticisms stress their lack of human interaction,
but there could also be advantages in adopting this
learning approach, especially if associated with
advanced technology and methodology. In this study,
we aim to explore the thesis that Artificial
Intelligence can improve the level of learning
associated with online platforms as well as avoid any
stress and anxiety possibly connected with native
speakers’ interaction.
However, concerns have been raised about the
potential of AI to replace human teachers and the
impact on student agency and autonomy. There is a
risk that the use of AI in education may lead to a
reduction in the role of human teachers and
consequently a lack of jobs in the sector. Here we
propose an AI-powered personalised learning
platform as a helper, not a substitution, for self-
directed personal and professional growth. However,
the study only aims to compare the learning results
obtained, adopting an AI-powered versus a traditional
The study aims to answer the following research
1. What are the advantages of an AI-powered
personalised learning platform in enhancing self-
directed English language compared to traditional
learning methods?
2. What is the potential of AI to provide
personalised feedback and recommendations for self-
directed personal and professional growth?
3. What is the role of human teachers in the
development and implementation of AI platforms?
4. Which ethical considerations about the use of
AI in education should be addressed, and specifically
which ethical principles should inform the
development and implementation of an AI-based
personalised learning platform?
The development of a AI-based personalised
learning system should be considered a support, not a
substitution of traditional approaches aimed to foster
self-directed personal and professional growth.
Indeed, it could provide learners with individual and
customised feedback to support the role of human
The present study aims to test the feasibility and
effectiveness of an AI-based learning system. It may
also contribute to the responsible use of AI in
education by addressing ethical considerations and
promoting the collaboration between human teachers
and AI-powered personalised learning platforms.
The use of AI in education has been increasing in
recent years. AI has been used in various aspects of
education, including personalised learning platforms
(Simões et al., 2013), intelligent tutoring systems
(Mousavinasab et al., 2021), and adaptive assessment
systems (Osadcha et al., 2022). The potential of AI to
enhance learning outcomes has been demonstrated in
various studies (Alam et al., 2021; Hwang et al.,
2020), with particular regard to the study of English
as a second language (Lotze, 2018; Li, 2020). AI-
powered systems are designed so that they can
provide learners with personalised feedback,
recommendations, and support that can enhance their
learning experiences. These platforms can enhance
self-directed learning by providing learners with the
flexibility to manage their own learning progress and
goals. Self-directed learning is an essential skill for
personal and professional growth in today's rapidly
changing world. Learners need to be able to set their
learning goals, manage their learning progress, and
evaluate their learning outcomes.
However, the use of AI in education should be
approached with caution and ethical considerations
(Hwang et al., 2020; Holmes et al., 2021). There are
concerns about the potential of AI to replace human
teachers (Selwyn, 2019) and the impact on student
agency and autonomy (Hu et al., 2022). Following the
literature, the development and implementation of
AI-powered personalised learning platforms should
prioritise the collaboration between human teachers
and AI algorithms (Humble, 2019) to benefit both
from the human approach and the new technologies.
The potential biases in AI algorithms and the
impact on student privacy and data security should
also be considered in the development and
implementation of AI-powered personalised learning
platforms (Vincent-Lancrin, and R. Van der Vlies,
2020; Razmerita et al., 2022). The responsible use of
AI in education should prioritize ethical
considerations and the promotion of student agency
and autonomy.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
This work explores the potential of these
platforms through the results of an experiment
conducted in a specifically developed AI-powered
personalised learning platform, namely AIE, for
English language learning. Paragraph 3 illustrates the
experiments; the following paragraph shows the
results, whilst paragraph 5 reports the discussion,
followed by the conclusion.
3.1 Participants
The participants of this study were adult learners who
are interested in self-directed personal and
professional growth. They have been recruited
through online platforms and social media groups and
were required to have access to a computer or mobile
device with an internet connection.
Table 1: Participants’ characteristics.
Characteristics Group 1 Group 2
Gender Male (n=12),
Female (n=18)
Male (n=15),
Female (n=15)
Age (years) Mean = 25, SD
= 2.5
Mean = 26,
SD = 2.0
Education level High school
diploma (n=5),
Bachelor's degree
(n=20), Master's
degree (n=5)
High school
diploma (n=7),
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
experience with
Yes (n=10), No
Yes (n=5), No
Learning English
for the first time
Learning English
for the first time
Native language Italian Italian
All the participants expressed no particular
preference to study using traditional methods or an AI
powered personalised learning platform and they
were all comfortable with technology.
3.2 Platform
An AI-powered personalised learning platform,
namely AIE, for English language learning at the A1
level of the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (CEFR), has been designed
to provide an individualised and adaptive learning
experience to each learner, based on the learner's
progress and performance.
AIE starts by assessing the learner's current
English proficiency level using a placement test, and
then create a personalised learning plan based on the
learner's strengths, weaknesses, and learning
The platform offers a range of learning materials,
including interactive lessons, quizzes, and exercises,
as well as audio and video resources. In this first
version, AIE tracks the learner's progress over time,
identify areas where the learner needs more practice,
and adjust the level of difficulty of lessons
accordingly. Data used to assess the progress comes
from the results of automated quizzes and tests and
the time spent on each lesson. To capture the
complex, non-linear relationships between the
learner’s performance and their proficiency level, the
platform uses a deep learning approach, specifically a
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).
The AIE platform has been developed in Python
using TensorFlow libraries. The components are
learner’s profile definition, used to create a
personalised learning plan and adjust the difficulty
level; learning content definition; machine learning
algorithm to analyse the learner’s performance and
adjust the difficulty level; personalised learning plan
The user interface shows a dashboard that
displays overall progress, completion rates, and quiz
scores. It also provides a button to access the learning
content section, showing the personalised learning
plan. User settings allows the user to customise their
learning experience, changing their learning
preferences, or updating their profile information.
3.3 Procedure
A mixed-methods approach was used, including
surveys, interviews, and qualitative analysis of
participant feedback. The participants were randomly
assigned to either the AI-powered personalised
learning platform group or the traditional learning
methods group.
Table 2: Experimental design.
1 AI-powered personalised
2 Traditional learning methods
The AI group used the platform AIE. The control
group used traditional learning methods, such as
AI-Powered Personalised Learning Platforms for EFL Learning: Preliminary Results
lectures and instructional handouts prepared by the
same teachers involved in the design of the
educational material available through the AI-
powered platform. The choice to opt for common
educational material prepared by the same teachers
was made to exclude from the variables the possible
impact of differing qualities of materials in the results
obtained by the students.
The study lasted six weeks. The participants were
required to complete pre- and post-study surveys that
measure their self-directed learning, personal and
professional growth, motivation, and engagement.
The participants have also been required to complete
weekly surveys that measure their learning progress
and feedback on the AI-powered personalised
learning platform or traditional learning methods.
The participants in the AI group have also been
invited to a 30-minute interview at the end of the
study to provide feedback on their experiences with
the platform. The interviews were recorded and
transcribed for qualitative analysis.
3.4 Measures
The study used the following measures:
Pre- and post-study surveys that measure
self- directed learning, personal and
professional growth, motivation, and
Weekly surveys that measure learning
progress and feedback on the AI-powered
personalised learning platform or traditional
learning methods.
Interviews with the AI-powered personalised
learning platform group to provide feedback
on their experiences with the platform.
3.5 Data Analysis
The data collected from the surveys have been
analysed using descriptive statistics and inferential
statistics, such as t-tests. The qualitative data
collected from the interviews have been analysed
using thematic analysis. The analysis focused on the
effectiveness of the AI-powered personalised
learning platform in enhancing self-directed learning
and personal and professional growth. The analysis
has also explored the potential of AI to provide
personalised feedback and recommendations and the
role of human teachers in the development and
implementation of AI-powered personalised learning
The AI-based platform was found to be easy to use
and navigate by the participants. It was specifically
tailored to the learning objectives of the study, which
helped participants stay engaged and motivated
throughout the study.
The platform was designed to personalise the
learning experience for each participant, providing
recommended resources and activities based on their
individual learning needs and preferences.
The platform AIE was found to have a significant
positive impact on self-directed learning and personal
and professional growth and was found to be
significantly more effective than traditional learning
methods as shown in table 3. Considering that in our
teaching experience we could observe that English
courses are generally more difficult for adult
beginners than for young students, the completion
rate was, on the whole, satisfactory, and particularly
high with the support of the platform.
Table 3: Attendance and completion rate.
Group Attendance Rate Completion Rate
1 (AI-powered
learning platform)
90% 80%
2 (Traditional
learning methods)
85% 70%
Similarly, weekly survey reports confirmed the
positive impact of the AIE platform on learners (see
the following table 4) and the pre- and post-study
survey results (table 5).
Table 4: Weekly survey results.
Week Group 1
(Mean +/- SD)
Group 2
(Mean +/- SD)
1 3.5 +/- 0.7 3.4 +/- 0.6 0.05
2 3.7 +/- 0.6 3.3 +/- 0.7 0.02
3 4.0 +/- 0.5 3.2 +/- 0.8 0.001
4 4.3 +/- 0.4 3.5 +/- 0.7 0.001
5 4.5 +/- 0.3 3.6 +/- 0.6 0.001
6 4.6 +/- 0.3 3.7 +/- 0.5 0.001
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 5: Pre- and post-study survey results.
Group 1
(Mean +/- SD)
Group 2
(Mean +/- SD)
Pre-test: 3.2
0.9, Post-
test: 4.5
+/- 0.7
Pre-test: 3.1
0.8, Post-
test: 3.2
+/- 0.9
Personal and
Pre-test: 2.8
0.6, Post-
test: 4.1
+/- 0.5
Pre-test: 2.9
0.7, Post-
test: 3.0
+/- 0.8
Motivation Pre-test: 3.5
0.8, Post-
test: 4.6
+/- 0.6
Pre-test: 3.4
0.7, Post-
test: 3.5
+/- 0.8
Engagement Pre-test: 3.0
0.7, Post-
test: 4.2
+/- 0.5
Pre-test: 3.1
0.6, Post-
test: 3.3
+/- 0.7
To answer the question if there is a significant
difference from self-learning through the AI-powered
platform and the traditional learning approach, data
were analysed through a two-tails t-test. The data
shows that there is a significant difference in the mean
of the two groups for all four survey measures. In
other words, there is a statistically significant
difference between the mean self-directed learning
scores for the two groups, the mean personal and
professional growth scores for the two groups, the
mean motivation scores for the two groups, and the
mean engagement scores for the two groups.
Based on the p-values reported in tables 4 and 5,
the experimental questions for which the obtained p-
values are as low as 0.001 are:
Is the AI-powered personalised learning
platform more effective than traditional
learning methods in enhancing self-directed
English language skills and personal and
professional growth?
Is the AI-powered personalised learning
platform more effective than traditional
learning methods in enhancing the motivation
and engagement of learners?
These findings suggest that the AI-powered
personalised learning platform that we used in the
present study is a promising approach for enhancing
self-directed learning and personal and professional
growth. However, it is important to note that these are
just preliminary findings, and further research is
needed to confirm these results and to understand the
mechanisms by which an AI-based platform works
and obtain the observed results.
Table 6: Attendance and completion rate.
Pre-Test Score
(Mean +/- SD)
Post-Test Score
(Mean +/- SD)
75 +/- 5 85 +/- 5 0.001
73 +/- 6 75 +/- 7 0.05
Following Table 6, the cognitive test results
showed that participants in the platform group had
significantly higher scores at post-test compared to.
The platform AIE allowed participants to learn at
their own pace and provided personalised feedback
and recommendations, which helped them feel more
in control of their learning and supported their
personal and professional growth. The participants
expressed their positive opinion during the interview.
The AI-powered personalised learning platform was
found to have great potential for providing
personalised feedback and recommendations.
Participants reported finding the feedback and
recommendations to be useful and relevant to their
learning objectives, as reported in table 7 and this
personalised approach to learning was a key factor in
the platform's effectiveness.
Table 7: Interview feedback.
Theme Group 1 Group 2
Ease of use 90% positive 70%
Relevance to
learning objectives
95% positive 80%
Engagement 85% positive 60%
5.1 Summary of Findings
The study found that the AI-based system used was
significantly more effective in promoting self-
directed learning and personal and professional
growth than traditional learning methods. The
platform provided personalised recommendations for
resources and activities based on each participant's
individual learning needs, which helped them feel
more in control of their learning and supported their
AI-Powered Personalised Learning Platforms for EFL Learning: Preliminary Results
personal and professional growth. The platform was
also found to be highly engaging and motivated
participants to stay in the learning process.
5.2 Implications of the Study
The study has important implications for the future of
education. The use of AI-powered personalised
learning platforms has the potential to revolutionise
education by providing tailored feedback and
recommendations to support individual learning
needs and preferences. This personalised approach to
learning has the potential to significantly improve the
effectiveness of education and it may also support
personal and professional growth of learners. The
findings of the study suggest that incorporating
tailored AI applications into educational settings
could be a valuable tool for enhancing learning
outcomes, also complementing traditional
5.3 Limitations and Future Directions
The present study has some limitations that should be
taken into consideration. First, the study was
conducted with a relatively small sample size and in
a specific educational setting, which limits the
generalizability of the findings. Additionally, the
study only measured short-term outcomes, and it is
unclear how the effects of the platform will persist
over time. Finally, in a further version, also other
algorithms could be included in the platform, so that
a more general approach to the evaluation of the
results could be provided, for example considering an
ensemble of AI methods.
Future research should focus on addressing these
limitations and exploring the long-term effects of AI-
powered personalised learning platforms on learning
outcomes. Additionally, it will be important to
investigate ways to ensure that the algorithms used by
such platforms are fair and unbiased.
Furthermore, future studies could include the
recording of bio-signals (e.g. EEG and electro-dermal
activity through the use of wearable devices) which
will allow observing and quantifying neurocognitive
correlates of the educational process elicited by the
AI platform use. The collected data would allow a
deeper understanding of the cognitive process
implied by this particular learning context, also
permitting a further development of the technological
architecture of the platform so to adapt to cognitive
and psychological features of learners.
In conclusion, the study found that the AI-powered
personalised learning platform specifically
implemented for this study was significantly more
effective in promoting self-directed learning and
personal and professional growth compared to
traditional learning methods. The platform provided
personalised recommendations for resources and
activities based on each participant's individual
learning needs, which helped them feel more in
control of their learning and supported their personal
and professional growth. The study has important
implications for the future of education, and further
research is needed to address the limitations of the
study and explore the potential of AI-powered
personalised learning platforms to revolutionise
education. AI algorithms cannot replace the role of
the human teachers in guiding the development of
critical thinking and creativity. What's more, the
training provided by AI needs human guidance to
allow the growth of each student's personality.
Although AIE showed its potential in education,
during the experiment the human teacher is essential
to provide feedback and guide the results obtained so
that the platform can suitably adapt each student's
learning and direction of development. This fact was
clear from the interviews conducted weekly and at the
end of the experiment. This collaboration between AI
training and human teaching is a unique opportunity
for teachers to help the students reach a flourishment
adapted and specific for each one. This observation
reinforces the idea of human-platform collaboration
and the possibilities also open to more creative and
person-oriented teacher tasks.
This research was funded by the Department of
Philosophy “Piero Martinetti” of the University of
Milan under the Project “Departments of Excellence
2023-2027” awarded by the Ministry of University
and Research (MUR).
Marisa Gil's work has been supported by the
Spanish Ministry of Education (PID2019-107255GB-
C22) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (2021-SGR-
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AI-Powered Personalised Learning Platforms for EFL Learning: Preliminary Results