To reach the first minute of simulations’ processing,
an RTX Quadro 6000 GPU its needed 8 million valid
and exclusive random scenarios, also demonstrating
its linear behaviour.
The exploration within the domain of healthcare
supply chain management has shed light on substantial
challenges, especially in the unprecedented
circumstances introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This study seeks to explore the complexities linked to
unknown inventory demands, particularly in scenarios
where historical data is unavailable. A Python-based
software agent (source code available in appendix
section), driven by the Monte Carlo method, is
proposed as a solution to address the multifaceted
issues encountered in multi-criteria decision-making
for inventory management. The computational
experiments carried out to validate the software agent
made it possible to demonstrate the efficiency and
effectiveness of the proposed solution. Despite the
inherent high computational cost associated with
stochastic simulations, the agent demonstrated its
ability to reach a statistically tolerable margin of 1%
after 10,000 simulations. The variety of scenarios
generated by the agent serves as a resource for
informed decision-making in alignment with an
organization's objectives. The experiments conducted
on different server configurations shown the agent's
potential across various technological landscapes. The
proposed software agent offers a pathway for
organizations to simulate different scenarios, for other
items and restriction keys, offering a solution to the
challenges posed by dynamic and unpredictable
scenarios. This work encourages further exploration
and refinement of simulation-based decision-making
tools, as the implementation of new restrictions,
fostering adaptability in the face of ever-evolving
healthcare landscapes.
This study was funded by FAPESP (grant number
2021/11.905-0 and process number 2023/13355-3).
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