Stochastic Simulation Agent for Unknown Inventory Demands
in Healthcare Supply Management
Rafael Marin Machado de Souza
1,2,5 a
, Leandro Nunes de Castro
1,4,5 b
, Marcio Biczyk
Marcos dos Santos
2,3 d
and Eder Costa Cassettari
Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMUSP), InLab,
Rua Doutor Ovídio Pires de Campos 75 (Portaria 1), São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Campus Piracicaba – Luiz de Queiroz,
Rua Alexandre Herculano, 143 – Monteiro, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
Ministério da Defesa - Comando da Marinha, Centro de Análises de Sistemas Navais – CASNAV,
Praça Barão de Ladário S/N° - Ed. 23, Centro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU), 10501 Fgcu Blvd S, Fort Myers, FL 33965, U.S.A.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Faculdade de Tecnologia,
R. Paschoal Marmo, 1888 - Jd. Nova Itália, Limeira, SP, Brazil
Keywords: Software Agent, Simulation, Monte Carlo, Inventory Theory.
Abstract: The acquisition of innovative items or those without historical demand data considerably increases the com-
plexity of the routine of buyers, who among the daily challenges are keeping stocks up to date, with quantities
that provide maximum profitability or maximum use of the purchased items. Seeking to provide a tool to
assist in these goals, this study implements a Python-based software agent employing the Monte Carlo method
for stochastic simulation and proposes a solution for uncertain inventory demands, providing a decision-mak-
ing tool in the absence of historical data, thereby optimizing inventory levels and maximizing profitability.
Experiments conducted across both local and cloud server configurations, with a comparative analysis of CPU
and GPU performance, demonstrates the agent's capacity to generate random scenarios with a statistical tol-
erance margin of 1% from 10,000 simulations. Scalability tests underscore the agent's adaptability to diverse
scenarios, effectively harnessing GPU capabilities for processing extensive data.
The pandemic scenario brought to light latent
difficulties in managing stocks in both the private and
public areas, such as a lack of materials and vaccines,
in all instances. The main question of all professionals
in the area was:How much medicine and supplies
should be bought in a situation never experienced
The lack of historical data is one of the challenges
among the many experienced by healthcare supply
chain managers and discussed globally in the
scientific literature (Privett and Gonsalvez, 2014;
Shang et. al. 2022; Kok, 2018), that listed the ten most
common problems in supply chain management,
which are:
Lack of Orchestration: Fragmented data across
separated data lakes.
Inventory Management: Control of inventory
levels, such as allocations and quantities.
Demand Information: Due to the previous item,
the demands are unknown or sparse.
Dependency on Human Resources: As this is an
area with high employee turnover, lack of
professional experience is a risk factor
and constant training, and qualification are
Marin Machado de Souza, R., Nunes de Castro, L., Biczyk, M., dos Santos, M. and Cassettari, E.
Stochastic Simulation Agent for Unknown Inventory Demands in Healthcare Supply Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0012674700003756
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2024), pages 211-217
ISBN: 978-989-758-707-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
challenges to be considered.
Request Management: Planning, requesting,
and tracking purchases.
Shortage: The lack of preventive control of
stock levels generates replacements conducted
with the urgency of the shortage that tend to be
more expensive.
Expirations: Control the output order based on
the expiration date.
Warehouse Management: Logistic organization.
Temperature Control: Including transport and
Movement Visibility: Control of delivery times,
delays, and material arrivals.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
management systems help in the evaluation and
control of the discussed problems. The combination
of decision-making techniques, such as those present
in operational research, for example, together with
this type of system is making it possible for all these
problems to be overcome (ElMadany et al., 2022).
Inventory control aims to meet customer demands
and maximize profit from operations (when it comes
to companies). For this, it must meet three main
criteria: the frequency of measuring the stock level;
the timing of replacement, and the amount of that
replacement (Ma et al., 2019; Silver, 1981).
The question that motivates this work is: How to
carry out purchases of multiple items for storage and
distribution, when none of these previous indicators
are known? This is common in a scenario where there
is no data about previous demands (for the evaluation
of time series), as was the case with vaccines and
materials to combat COVID-19, for example.
The literature on stochastic inventory control
underscores storage space as a prevailing constraint
in this domain, as emphasized by Franco et al. (2019).
Particularly for smaller distributors and resellers, the
permissible quantity for storage per item is also
linked to the budget allocated for supply, as
elucidated by Zhen et al. (2021) and Boulaksil et al.
(2018). Notably, the profitability indicator emerges as
a crucial decision-making parameter, navigating
among the various quantities that align with the
previously mentioned constraints, as posited by
Candan et al. (2016). This connection of factors
highlights the multifaceted nature of decision-making
in inventory control, where considerations of storage
capacity, budgetary constraints, and profitability
collectively shape strategic choices for supply chain
In the domain of agents and simulation, studies
have explored the application of software agents to
enhance decision-making processes. Ma et al. (2019)
delved into stochastic inventory control, emphasizing
the importance of incorporating randomness in
demand scenarios. Marin et al. (2019) proposed the
integration of an Association Rule Mining Agent in
an ERP system, showcasing the potential of agent-
based systems to augment computational scalability.
Mesbahi et al. (2015) introduced a cooperative multi-
agent approach-based clustering in Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP), indicating the versatility of
agent-based models in addressing complex
organizational processes. Within this context, the
proposed software agent in this study contributes to
the existing literature by employing the Monte Carlo
method for stochastic simulation, offering a
specialized tool to simulate purchasing scenarios and
optimize inventory levels, particularly when
historical data is limited or non-existent, estimating
the quantity of items to be purchased without
historical data on stock or market movements. To do
so, it is proposed a stochastic simulation that meets
the constraints of storage space and costs, and which
calculates a profitability indicator to assist in decision
making. It aims to contribute to the area of data
science by using a simulation algorithm to generate
data that can be extracted in uncertain scenarios.
Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) is a numerical
method that uses random sampling for massive
simulation of data, meeting certain constraints (Garg
et. al., 2019; Harrison, 2010). The use of the Monte
Carlo method in conjunction with inventory theory is
discussed in the literature for demand simulation as
the newsboy problem (Kevork, 2010). Jiao (2010)
synthesizes its use in four steps, starting with the
design of a probabilistic model, generating random
values respecting this model, then repeating the
process massively, and finally testing the results
The main contributions of this article are:
1. Development of a Python-based software agent:
The article introduces a Python-based software
agent designed to handle complex inventory
management scenarios in the healthcare supply
chain. This agent is tailored to simulate various
scenarios and optimize decision-making
processes, attending to restrictions keys, and an
architecture where it is possible to integrate it in
other systems, like ERP systems.
2. Application of the Monte Carlo method for
inventory management: The software agent
employs the Monte Carlo method, a stochastic
simulation technique, to address the
unpredictability of inventory demands. This
method is particularly useful in situations where
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
historical data is lacking, providing a robust
approach to simulate possible outcomes.
3. Generation of diverse scenarios for informed
decision-making: By leveraging the Monte
Carlo method, the agent generates a wide range
of scenarios, facilitating informed decision-
making aligned with organizational goals. This
diversity in simulation outcomes helps
organizations better prepare for dynamic and
unpredictable inventory requirements.
4. Detailed statistical analysis and performance
evaluation: The study provides a comprehensive
statistical analysis of the simulation results,
including measures such as mean, standard
deviation, error, confidence interval, and
5. Performance evaluation of different hardware
configurations, highlighting the processing
behavior on CPUs and GPUs: The research
compares the performance of the software agent
across different hardware configurations.
This paper is organized into three sections. In the
Materials and Methods section, a software agent
developed in Python, capable of integrating with ERP
systems, is presented, receiving constraints and items’
parameters, and returning simulations of quantities
that meet them. In the Results section, there is a
comparison between the usage of CPU (Central
Processing Unit) and GPU (Graphics Processing
Unit), using different quantities of scenarios with
simulated parameters and the values processed by the
tool are evaluated. Finally, in the Conclusions the
uses and potential future works are discussed.
Software Agent (softbot) is a technique that aims to
componentize the processing responsibility, so that
the evaluation of its inputs and responses (outputs)
are autonomous and independent, being able to be
used as inputs of other software agents in a structure
known as multi-agent systems (Russell and Norvig,
2010, Marin et. al., 2019).
The proposed agent follows the PEAS
(Performance, Environment, Actuators, Sensors)
definition, as described in Table 1. The input structure
proposed to the agent, expects a communication with
an ERP system to make it possible to know the
restriction keys necessary for the evaluation of items
that have unknown demand, either because they are
new items on the market (innovative), as occurred
with vaccines against the COVID-19 virus, or by
restricting access to information from other sources
for demand comparisons, as occurs in the private
sector due to competition between companies.
Table 1: PEAS description of an agent.
Performance Environment Actuators Sensors
Costs and
In order to evaluate demands, the Inventory
Theory uses two types of models: i) deterministic,
when the demand is known; and ii) stochastic, for
unknown or random demands (Chopra and Meindl,
2015; Hillier and Lieberman, 2013; Bowersox et. al.,
2013; Ballou, 2005). As this work deals with
unknown demands, a stochastic model is necessary to
simulate scenarios.
This paper seeks a first-purchase approach, where
there are no previous quantities in inventory, nor
previous data to be used with deterministic or
machine learning methods, performing the
calculations in GPU (Graphics Processing Unit).
There is not a single Monte Carlo method, but the
several that exist follow some specific patterns. They
start by modelling the system as a data series that
meets a probability density function, then create
random samples that meet this function, and finish by
calculating statistics from simulated data (Harrison,
The internal processing structure of the agent uses
a Monte Carlo simulation to create random scenarios
based on inventory space constraints and budget cost
for the set of items determined in the input
configuration, which has the following parameters:
Number of simulations required.
Total budget cost.
Total cubed space available for items.
Support, used to validate simulations so that the
total simulated cost remains above a configured
factor in percentage terms (set at 95% statistical
confidence by default);
Number of threads, enabling parallel
processing (for CPU comparisons).
As it is a CSV file, each subsequent line deals
separately with an item to be simulated, and therefore
has configuration parameters per item as follows:
Item identifier, code that the agent uses to refer
to the item in simulations.
Unit cost.
Cubed space per unit.
Estimated sale value.
As an output structure, the agent processes the input
parameters using space and cost as constraints, and
Stochastic Simulation Agent for Unknown Inventory Demands in Healthcare Supply Management
the estimated sales value parameter to calculate an
estimate of profitability and use it as an index for
decision making. Other outputs calculated by the
agent are statistical indicators of average profitability,
standard deviation, lower and upper intervals, error,
and tolerance.
The distribution of values among the items is also
performed randomly, and the support parameter is
used to assess the final total cost of the proposed
scenario. The total cost and total space variables are
independent of each other, and both are dependent on
the quantity variable.
Although it seems controversial to calculate
statistical data using random data, this method was
used to develop a software agent in the Python
language, capable of using input data provided by an
ERP system and, as a result, deliver the possible
simulated scenarios.
The software agent was developed in python, using
Pandas (Pandas, 2023) and Numpy (NumPy, 2023)
for the tests in CPU, and CuDF and CuPy (Nvidia,
2023) for the tests in GPU, receives an input data
matrix to parametrize the simulation. In the first line
it determines the global parameters to be used,
starting with a file validation string, the number of
resulting simulations, the total cost that will be used
for distribution, a support parameter, and the number
of threads. To validate the results, the input file is
described in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Configuration of simulated items.
Three different experiments were performed: Sets
with ten thousand, one hundred thousand and one
million simulations to compare between CPU and
GPU in two different configurations. The first one
uses a Google cloud server (using Google Collab
interface), with a 64-bit Intel Xeon CPU with
2.20GHz (called here little Endian), 2 cores and 2
threads per core, 12 GB of RAM running Linux
Ubuntu Server 18.04 and Python 3.10 and an Nvidia
Tesla T4 GPU with 16GB RAM. The second
configuration uses a local (virtualized) server with
Intel Xeon Gold 6136 CPU with 3.00GHz (called
here Gold Endian), 8 cores and 1 thread per core, 16
GB RAM running Linux Ubuntu Server 20.04 and a
RTX Quadro 6000 GPU with 16 GB RAM.
Another test was conducted in RTX Quadro 6000
GPU starting from two million to ten million
simulated scenarios (with two million steps between
them) to evaluate the scalability of GPU usage. For
all these sets, hypothetical values were used and a
total budget of $120,131.22 and a total space for the
items of 12,198 cubic meters, the support factor was
0.95, and ten threads and twenty threads
configurations were used in tests.
The following lines of the parameter matrix are
the items that will be used for quantity distribution. It
can add as many lines as necessary, starting with an
item identifier parameter, followed by the unit cost of
the item and finally the maximization parameter that
is used. For private companies, the goal can be an
estimate of the unit sales value (to maximize profit)
and for the public area it can be the number of patients
treated per unit of the item, for example. For the
experiments performed here, 5 (five) items were
configured, according to Figure 1.
The agent run in 3 steps: At the first step, creates
random samples with 10 times the size of the set
requested in the input file. At the second step, the
agent calculates the space and costs per items for each
simulated scenarios and summarize the lines in Stotal
and Ctotal columns, and evaluates the samples that
meet the constraint keys existing in the input file
(budget, total space and support) and eliminate the
others, and removes the duplicate simulations among
the selected ones, if the number of simulations are
below the requested, the process repeats until it
reaches the target, if it is above the requested, a
pruning is executed.
And, at the last step, the agent calculates the
values and the Profit for all selected scenarios and
returns two different outputs.
The first output (output.csv) contain all the
simulations that met the constraints. The second
output (stats.csv) returns the processing times and
statistical evaluations of the simulations developed,
analysing mean (1), standard deviation (2), error (3),
Confidence interval (4) and tolerance (5) for 95%
confidence (Favero & Belfiore, 2021), calculated as
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
The mean ( 𝑋
) is the sum of maximization
parameter (Profitability) (X) divided by the number of
samples (n).
Standard deviation (𝑆 is a statistical measure that
evaluates the dispersion between samples (𝑋
) and the
mean (𝑋
) and it is calculated by the Square Root of
the variance.
The Error (𝐸rr is used to produce a confidence
interval based on a constant zc (also called standard
score or z-score), to determine the percentage of
confidence of the model, here it is used 1.96
equivalent to 95% of confidence (2 𝑆) and it is
calculated by selecting a zc confidence and multiplied
by the standard deviation (S) and divided by the
squared root of the number of samples (
Confidence interval (CI) calculates the lower and
upper interval based on mean (𝑋
) and the error (Err)
and tolerance (tol) is the absolute proportion of error
(Err) within the mean (𝑋
All the three sets were evaluated for combinations
of five items, with a tolerance of 1%. Processing
times showed exponential behaviour for CPUs’ and a
linear behaviour for GPUs’, as can be seen in Figure
2. A point to highlight is the fact that the time
increases as the threads increase, which demonstrates
Figure 2: Simulation processing time.
the processing bottleneck due to the quantity of
processor cores.
The averages stabilized around 77500 for all the
simulation sets, as can be seen in Figure 3. Which can
be explained by the law of large numbers (Chen et.
al., 2022; Dinov et. al., 2017).
Figure 3: Averages of profits.
And the error also decreased with exponential
behaviour as can be seen in figure 4, that shows a
reduction of dispersion in the simulated data.
Figure 4: Errors per set.
As the processing times of the GPUs did not show
significant variations for the initially proposed sets, new
sets were tested until the first minute of processing was
reached. To do this, new sets of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 million
scenarios were tested, as can be seen in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Simulation processing time on RTX Quadro 6000
Stochastic Simulation Agent for Unknown Inventory Demands in Healthcare Supply Management
To reach the first minute of simulations’ processing,
an RTX Quadro 6000 GPU its needed 8 million valid
and exclusive random scenarios, also demonstrating
its linear behaviour.
The exploration within the domain of healthcare
supply chain management has shed light on substantial
challenges, especially in the unprecedented
circumstances introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This study seeks to explore the complexities linked to
unknown inventory demands, particularly in scenarios
where historical data is unavailable. A Python-based
software agent (source code available in appendix
section), driven by the Monte Carlo method, is
proposed as a solution to address the multifaceted
issues encountered in multi-criteria decision-making
for inventory management. The computational
experiments carried out to validate the software agent
made it possible to demonstrate the efficiency and
effectiveness of the proposed solution. Despite the
inherent high computational cost associated with
stochastic simulations, the agent demonstrated its
ability to reach a statistically tolerable margin of 1%
after 10,000 simulations. The variety of scenarios
generated by the agent serves as a resource for
informed decision-making in alignment with an
organization's objectives. The experiments conducted
on different server configurations shown the agent's
potential across various technological landscapes. The
proposed software agent offers a pathway for
organizations to simulate different scenarios, for other
items and restriction keys, offering a solution to the
challenges posed by dynamic and unpredictable
scenarios. This work encourages further exploration
and refinement of simulation-based decision-making
tools, as the implementation of new restrictions,
fostering adaptability in the face of ever-evolving
healthcare landscapes.
This study was funded by FAPESP (grant number
2021/11.905-0 and process number 2023/13355-3).
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Stochastic Simulation Agent for Unknown Inventory Demands in Healthcare Supply Management