Effective People Management Practices for Software Project Success
Marcelo Falkowski Burkard and Lisandra Manzoni Fontoura
Programa de P
ao em Ci
encia da Computac¸
ao, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Brazil
People Management, Good Practices, Problems, Systematic Literature Review.
Research on people management practices is crucial because they significantly influence the results of software
projects, help improve decision compliance, and maintain a qualified workforce. However, there is a tendency
for managers to rely on personal experience rather than evidence-based knowledge when implementing people
management practices. Compiling good practices can assist managers in implementing people management
practices, reducing resistance, and, at the same time, collecting indicators that can be used to evaluate the ef-
fectiveness of practices. This work documents good practices that can support people management in software
projects based on the compilation of practices. To this end, we carried out a systematic literature review (SLR)
to identify common problems in people management in software projects and effective practices to resolve
them. Initially, SLR returned 2495 unduplicated primary studies. After a detailed analysis, 63 studies were
selected and organized into nine problem categories and sixteen practices. Through a survey, these practices
were validated by 31 software professionals, allowing them to be classified according to the general relevance
of the practice and to resolve each associated problem. The findings reveal the predominance of interpersonal
skills (soft skills) over technical skills (hard skills) and emphasize the importance of practices such as contin-
uous feedback, open communication, and transparent management.
The importance of people management in software
projects is underscored by de Alc
antara et al. (2018),
who emphasize the need for a model to guide this
critical aspect of project management. Hussain et al.
(2021) and Fahmy et al. (2018) identify selecting
the right team members as crucial to project suc-
cess. Brand
ao et al. (2021) highlight the role of these
practices in improving compliance with decisions and
maintaining a skilled workforce.
Good practices lead organizations to ever higher
performance. According to Kerzner (2006), best
practices guide continuous improvements, leading to
adopting new best practices. So, the practice’s appli-
cability depends on the characteristics of the project
to which it will be applied. Therefore, it is up to the
manager to assess when and where to use it.
Bezzina et al. (2017) highlighted the tendency of
managers to rely on personal experience rather than
evidence-based knowledge when implementing PM
practices. Finally, Bianchi et al. (2017) identified a
gap in research on the role of leaders in strategic peo-
ple management, suggesting an integration of theoret-
ical models to address this issue.
The main goal of this project is to create a col-
lection of effective people management practices by
gathering practices mentioned in recent studies (cov-
ering publications from 2016 to 2023). The collection
of people management practices makes it easy to find
practices appropriate to the context of each project.
The structure of this paper is as follows. Sec-
tion 2 explains the methodology employed in devel-
oping this work. Section 3 offers a comprehensive
overview of the systematic literature review. Section
4 describes the survey utilized to validate the prac-
tices. Lastly, Section 5 provides conclusions and sug-
gestions for future work.
The methodology of this research consists of three
phases, as shown in Figure 1:
Phase 1 - Systematic Literature Review (SLR): We
carried out an SLR to identify the problems related to
people management that affect software development
projects and which practices cited by the authors tend
to solve these problems.
Phase 2 - Documentation of Practices: For each prac-
Burkard, M. and Fontoura, L.
Effective People Management Practices for Software Project Success.
DOI: 10.5220/0012675700003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 206-213
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: The research methodology.
tice identified in the SLR, we prepared a descriptive
and summary text, consolidating the information ex-
tracted from primary studies and providing a compre-
hensive and applicable understanding of people man-
agement practices in the context of software develop-
ment projects. After documenting the practices, cor-
relations were established between each specific prac-
tice and one or more categories of problems the prac-
tice aims to solve.
Phase 3 - Survey to validate practices: To validate
the proposed practices, we surveyed professionals to
evaluate the practices identified and reveal their rele-
In Phase 1, we used a search string to select ar-
ticles automatically using the review protocol pro-
posed by Kitchenham and Charters (2007). Later, we
applied the snowballing technique to search for arti-
cles from the references of previously selected arti-
cles (Wohlin, 2014). This way, we could increase the
number of selected articles.
This work conducts an SLR to identify people
management problems and practices, seeking recent
literature to answer the following questions:
RQ1: What people management problems were
cited by the authors of the primary study that af-
fect software development projects?
RQ2: What practices related to people manage-
ment were cited by the primary study authors that
tend to solve problems in software development
Based on these questions and the work objectives, we
have defined the search string shown in Table 1.
Table 1: The base search string for all search engines.
Search string
(“software development” OR “software project”
OR “software engineering”) AND (“human re-
source” OR “human resources” OR “people fac-
tor”) AND (“productivity” OR “performance”)
The exclusion criteria were defined from Kitchen-
ham and Charters (2007). The exclusion criteria
adopted were: EC1 (not primary study), EC2 (not an-
swer research questions), EC3 (presented as a book),
EC4 (published before 2016), EC5 (not published in
English), EC6 (duplicate study), and EC7 (with less
than 15 score points).
We performed the primary search in four
databases: ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Sci-
elo, and ScienceDirect. Only libraries that could ex-
port files in the BibTeX format with a summary in-
cluded were considered. The results were exported in
files in the BibTeX format, including abstracts and all
metadata. ACM found 969, IEEE found 328, Scielo
found 2, and ScienceDirect found 1437 articles.
The selection of studies was divided into four
steps. In the first step, we imported the BibTeX files
into the tool StArt
, which automatically identified
241 duplicate articles. They were rejected according
to the EC6, resulting in 2495 non-duplicated articles.
239 articles were published before 2016 or did not
have a publication date; all were rejected according to
the EC4. The StArt tool assigns a score to each ar-
ticle according to the number of occurrences of key-
words in the title (5 points), abstract (3 points), and
keywords (2 points); 2051 articles with less than 15
points were rejected according to the EC7.
In the second step, we read the titles and abstracts
of the selected articles. 134 articles were rejected ac-
cording to the EC2, resulting in 71 articles were se-
lected at the end of this stage.
In the third step, we read all articles and excluded
36 according to criteria EC1, EC2, EC3, and EC5. At
the end of the process, 35 articles were selected.
In the fourth step, the snowballing process was
carried out, a technique used to identify additional
studies based on the references of the identified ar-
ticles. This technique consists of backward and for-
ward snowballing. Backward Snowballing analyzes
the reference list to identify new articles to include
in the SLR. Forward snowballing refers to identifying
new articles by analyzing the list of articles citing the
article being examined. We applied this technique to
the initial 35 initial articles.
Each article was evaluated according to the same
process as steps 1, 2, and 3, considering their rele-
vance and adequacy to the inclusion and exclusion
criteria previously established for this research. As
a result, 28 articles were considered relevant after the
snowballing process.
The research comprised 63 articles (listed in the
Review References section), including the 28 iden-
tified by snowballing added to the 35 selected ones.
These articles formed the basis of the review and were
used for full reading, data extraction, analysis, and
composition of the final research results. The results
are described below.
State of the Art through SLR - available at
Effective People Management Practices for Software Project Success
3.1 Problems
The identified problems were categorized into 9
groups based on their similarity, representing essen-
tial aspects of people management.
Communication (16%): The wrong choice of
communication tools can lead to misunderstandings
and breakdowns (Shameem et al., 2020) (Margareth
and Mulyanto, 2021). In big teams, communica-
tion can be difficult, which leads to low frequency
(de Magalh
aes, 2017)(Wang et al., 2018)(Bass,
2016)(Machuca-Villegas et al., 2022)(Shameem
et al., 2020). Providing adequate feedback is also
crucial to prevent demotivation and burnout in the
development team (Stylianou and Andreou, 2016).
Motivation (16%): Motivation is the desire to
work and influences performance (Franc¸a et al.,
2020). Lack of motivation threatens team develop-
ment (Garc
ıa et al., 2017) and affects productivity and
effectiveness (Fatema and Sakib, 2017). Autonomy
and feedback, employment policies, work-life bal-
ance, common technical challenges, innovation, re-
wards, good management, adequate working condi-
tions, work involvement with others, and quality of
work generated are some factors that affect motivation
(de Magalh
aes, 2017)(Bass et al., 2018). Low-quality
work and products and high turnover are some effects
of low motivation (Bass et al., 2018).
Technical skills and knowledge (16%): The tech-
nical factors affecting productivity in software de-
velopment include programming language and tools,
software size, complexity, and product quality (Meyer
et al., 2017). Selecting people with the right technical
skills for a project is a complex task in project man-
agement (Fatema and Sakib, 2017). Technical knowl-
edge is insufficient; the lack of skill in applying that
knowledge negatively impacts software delivery (Ni-
gar, 2017)(da Cunha et al., 2016). Team stability is
positively related to developing skills and technical
knowledge (Kula et al., 2021).
Geographical aspects (11%): Outsourcing plays
a vital role in the productivity of development teams,
especially for large global organizations. It can be
categorized into onshore (same territory) and offshore
(geographically remote) outsourcing (Bass, 2016).
Offshore outsourcing can help build a presence in
emerging markets while benefiting from lower costs,
but cultural and language differences can negatively
impact team performance and communication (Qah-
tani, 2020)(Shameem et al., 2020). This can lead to
delays and difficulties in areas such as collaboration
(Bass et al., 2018) and training (Britto et al., 2019).
Team Stability (11%): Teams with low turnover
and high familiarity contribute to on-time deliver-
ies by improving coordination and adaptability (Kula
et al., 2021). Employee turnover is a challenge that
managers need to mitigate due to its negative impact
on productivity and quality (Kula et al., 2021). Low
motivation (Bass et al., 2018) and the nature of the
work performed (Bass et al., 2018) are some factors
that contribute to high turnover rates.
Commitment (9%): Professionals with high com-
mitment and technical expertise tend to identify and
assess risks better, increasing the chances of project
success(Machuca-Villegas et al., 2022)(Kula et al.,
2021). Managers perceive greater productivity in
committed professionals who combine focus and
proactivity with timely and quality task deliveries
(Oliveira et al., 2016)(Machuca-Villegas et al., 2022).
Customer involvement is crucial in agile projects
throughout the lifecycle (Tam et al., 2020).
Job Satisfaction (9%): Franc¸a et al. (2020) found
that job satisfaction increases employee performance
and retention. Factors contributing to job satisfaction
include personal and professional growth, recogni-
tion, opportunities, salary, and relationships with col-
leagues (de Magalh
aes, 2017).
Focus (7%): Developers who prefer to work on
a single task at a time are called focused developers
(Meyer et al., 2017). Constant focus changes can neg-
atively impact productivity, and the state of ”flow”
developers desire (Meyer et al., 2017). Small con-
text changes lasting less than 3 minutes, like running
a short script, do not disconnect developers from their
previous tasks (Kohl et al., 2020).
Autonomy (5%): Team autonomy in defining and
assigning responsibilities significantly impacts indi-
viduals’ productivity and motivation during software
development (Machuca-Villegas et al., 2022). While
some argue that task assignment should be optimized
through mathematical models, others believe self-
management and team-defined responsibilities lead
to better results(Song et al., 2020)(Chiang and Lin,
3.2 Documentation of Practices
Primary studies on people management practices in
software development teams were analyzed, and 16
practices were documented. Subsequently, a descrip-
tion was formulated for each practice identified.
P01 - Use of Agile Practices: The use of ag-
ile methods, such as XP and Scrum, promotes ef-
ficiency and adaptability in the project. These
practices can be implemented through training in
agile methods to adopt an agile mindset. Ref-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
erences: (Destefanis et al., 2016)(Britto et al.,
2016)(Iqbal et al., 2019)(Ram
ırez-Mora and Ok-
taba, 2017)(Franc¸a et al., 2020)(Qahtani, 2020)(Bass,
2016)(Shameem et al., 2020)(Tam et al., 2020)(
azquez et al., 2018)
P02 - Assess personality traits and soft skills:
Assessing personality traits and soft skills ensures
the correct assignment of members to projects, con-
sidering technical specificities and individuals’ ca-
pacity. This practice increases productivity and job
satisfaction and can be implemented through per-
sonality questionnaires, performance tests (consist-
ing of performing specific tasks such as writing com-
puter code), or direct observation in a real situa-
tion. References: (Caulo et al., 2021)(C
Castro et al., 2019)(Meyer et al., 2017)(Stylianou
and Andreou, 2016)(Yilmaz et al., 2017)(Vishnub-
hotla et al., 2020)(Anderson et al., 2018)(Licorish and
MacDonell, 2021)(Fritzsch et al., 2023)(Cunha et al.,
P03 - Implement Onboarding Checklist: The
creation of onboarding checklists assists in standard-
izing and ensuring the complete integration of new
members into the team, reducing the acclimatization
time and increasing efficiency. References: (Britto
et al., 2019)(Britto et al., 2016)(Britto et al., 2020)
P04 - Create Channels and Promote Open
Communication: Open communication and flexibil-
ity boost team efficiency. Regular meetings, online
tools, and an inclusive environment help achieve this.
References: (Dangmei, 2017), (Fatema and Sakib,
2017), (Bass et al., 2018)(Shen et al., 2018)(Xia et al.,
2017)(Hidayati et al., 2020) (Ram
ırez-Mora and Ok-
taba, 2017)
P05 - Create minimal schedule: A minimal
schedule helps teams focus on critical tasks and
avoid delays while saving time and costs. Proper
resource allocation considers individual and project
factors, minimizing the need for changes during
the project. References: (Maenhout and Van-
houcke, 2016)(Song et al., 2020)(Chiang and Lin,
2020)(Nigar, 2017)(Shen et al., 2020)(
Angel Vega-
azquez et al., 2018)(Paredes-Valverde et al.,
ınez et al., 2020)(Mamatha
and Suma, 2021)
P06 - Create a job description for hiring: Clear
job descriptions prevent incorrect hiring and ensure
the selection of suitable professionals for each role.
They also save time and resources in hiring and in-
crease employee satisfaction. Implementing them re-
quires the help of human resources specialists and
feedback from team members. References: (Nastiti
and Setyohadi, 2020)(Fritzsch et al., 2023)
P07 - Provide feedback to the team: Feed-
back is crucial for effective project team manage-
ment. It helps improve team members’ morale and
work quality. A trusting and respectful environment
is critical, where feedback is viewed as an oppor-
tunity for growth, not personal criticism. Regular
feedback meetings and peer evaluations can be help-
ful. Constructive feedback should be specific and ob-
jective, provide clear examples, be behavioral rather
than personal, and include suggestions for improve-
ment. Any team member can provide feedback re-
spectfully to help the team improve. References:
(Britto et al., 2016)(Zaouga et al., 2019)(da Cunha
et al., 2016)(Dzvonyar and Bruegge, 2018)
P08 - Defining team size: The ideal team size
depends on various factors, such as project complex-
ity, team experience, and task nature. Increasing team
size can improve efficiency, but only up to a point. Af-
ter that, coordination costs grow exponentially, lead-
ing to decreased efficiency. References: (Wang et al.,
2018)(Scott et al., 2020)
P09 - Challenge the team to learn new skills:
Managers should encourage their team to acquire new
skills through training, workshops, and incentives
for continuous education. It promotes professional
growth and adaptability and increases the team’s com-
petitiveness and flexibility. References: (Santos
et al., 2016b)(C
ardenas-Castro et al., 2019)(Dzvonyar
and Bruegge, 2018)
P10 - Practicing Open Management: Visible
project indicators promote transparency and align
goals. It increases awareness and allows proactive ad-
dressing of problems. Use physical or online tools
and make measurements as a team to work towards
the same goal. References: (Dangmei, 2017)(Fatema
and Sakib, 2017)(Destefanis et al., 2016)(da Cunha
et al., 2016)(Shameem et al., 2020)
P11 - Identify and manage team compe-
tencies: Mapping the necessary and existing
knowledge in the team allows for effective
competency management, contributing to the
project’s efficiency. This practice can be imple-
mented through periodic competency assessments
and personalized training plans. References:
(Dangmei, 2017)(Hidayati et al., 2020)(Paredes-
Valverde et al., 2018b)(Angelis, 2019)(Meyer et al.,
2017)(Zaouga et al., 2019)(Paredes-Valverde et al.,
2018a)(Bakanova and Shikov, 2020)
P12 - Create a career and succession plans: Im-
plementing career and succession plans with training
can retain talent, ensure project continuity, and iden-
tify potential successors. It involves individual meet-
ings, development plans, mentorship, transition plans,
and succession tests. Companies should identify mul-
tiple successors for each critical position and regu-
Effective People Management Practices for Software Project Success
larly review and adjust plans to align with company
needs and employee growth. References: (Nico-
laescu et al., 2020)(Trinkenreich et al., 2023)
P13 - Assemble a heterogeneous team: Het-
erogeneous teams approach problems differently and
find practical solutions. A diverse recruitment pol-
icy values gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orienta-
tion, and age. Managers should foster collabora-
tion, idea exchange, and learning among team mem-
bers to achieve common goals. References: (Xia
et al., 2017)Canedo and Santos (2019)(Nastiti and Se-
tyohadi, 2020)(Cunha et al., 2021)
P14 - Organizing training : Ongoing training
improves skills and project efficiency. Internal or ex-
ternal programs and online learning are options. For-
mal training, work-based learning, and mentoring by
experienced developers are recommended. Encour-
age professionals to become mentors and offer ca-
reer development opportunities and recognition. Cre-
ating a learning environment and issuing certificates
can recognize employee performance and skills. Ref-
erences: (Fatema and Sakib, 2017)(Shahzad et al.,
2017)(Britto et al., 2020)
P15 - Job Rotation: Team rotation can
be done in two ways: job-to-job and project-to-
project rotation. The former allows members to
acquire new skills and knowledge through well-
structured programs, while the latter provides new
perspectives and prevents stagnation. The ideal
frequency of rotation should balance new chal-
lenges with work stability. References: (Santos
et al., 2016b)(Santos et al., 2016a)(de Magalh
2017)(Santos, 2017a)(Govindaras et al., 2023) (San-
tos, 2017b)(Dzvonyar and Bruegge, 2018)
P16 - Use team performance indicators: The
use of key performance indicators (KPIs) allows mea-
suring and monitoring team performance, promoting
continuous improvement. This practice can be im-
plemented using project tracking software and perfor-
mance analysis tools. References: (Oliveira et al.,
2016)(Cunha et al., 2021)(Nicolaescu et al., 2020)
3.3 Survey to Validate Practices
Software professionals from various profiles validated
the practices through a questionnaire, including the
areas of management (54.8%), development (25.8%),
analysis (12.9%), and quality (6.5%).
The questionnaire consists of 16 sections of ques-
tions, each section related to a specific practice, con-
taining the description of the practice, a question
about the general relevance of the practice, and ques-
tions about the relevance of the practice for each of
the correlated target problems identified. Each ques-
tion has four response options: (a) Not relevant (0
points), (b) Slightly relevant (1 point), (c) Very rele-
vant (2 points), and (d) Absolutely relevant (3 points).
The relevance of practice is the sum of the relevance
for all participants divided by the number of partic-
ipants multiplied by 3 (maximum score), as demon-
strated in the formula below:
Relevance =
n × 3
The consolidated results of the practice’s general rel-
evance and solving a specific target problem are dis-
played in Figure 2.
Figure 2: General relevance of the practice and relevance
for solving each associated problem.
This study investigated people management practices
in software development projects, aiming to compile
best practices to be used as a reference resource by
researchers and professionals involved in software de-
velopment projects.
A set of practices was then developed and sub-
mitted for validation by 31 software professionals
through questionnaires. It was possible to assign a nu-
merical relevance and, from this, classify the practices
as more or less relevant. The analysis of the responses
from the software professionals revealed valuable in-
sights about the relevance of the implementation and
impact of these practices.
The results offer guidelines for implement-
ing management practices in software development
projects. Each practice, with its particularities, con-
tributes uniquely to the project’s success and the
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
team’s satisfaction. However, before generalizing the
findings, it is essential to consider the study’s limita-
tions, such as the variability in the professionals’ re-
sponses and the specificity of the software context.
In future work, we intend to quantify the advan-
tages of people management practices in software de-
velopment projects. To achieve this, we will create
a model that measures the effectiveness of proposed
practices using key performance indicators (KPIs).
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Program ASTROS for the financial support through
the SIS-ASTROS GMF project (898347/2020).
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Effective People Management Practices for Software Project Success