proposed a third novel approach by combining these
two algorithms, and carefully analysed the results ob-
tained from all three approaches. The results of our
analysis show that all three methods return good high-
level generalisations with our novel combined method
performing better than the other two methods for the
given dataset. We acknowledge that only a small
number of users completed our survey, but from these
preliminary results, we see that real IoT users also
identified the results returned by our three approaches
as good high-level generalisations. In future work, we
will investigate how to consistently return the most
accurate high-level generalisation for a user’s rules,
by either using one or a combination of the presented
methods. We also plan to focus on improving the ac-
curacy of the results so that more often the first result
returned is the most accurate high-level generalisation
and the number of cases where no result is returned is
minimised or even completely eliminated. Finally, we
are going to investigate how our solution can best be
integrated into existing IoT platforms as illustrated in
Figure 1 to further evaluate the proposed NLP-based
rule translation approach with end users.
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Towards a Write once Run Anywhere Approach in End-User IoT Development