Towards a Write once Run Anywhere Approach in
End-User IoT Development
Ekene Attoh
and Beat Signer
Web & Information Systems Engineering Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, Brussels, Belgium
Cross-Platform IoT, Natural Language Processing, End-User Authoring, Semantic Interoperability.
With the rise of popular task automation or IoT platforms such as If This Then That (IFTTT), users can define
rules to enable interactions between smart devices in their environment and thereby improve their daily lives.
However, the rules authored via these platforms are usually tied to the platforms and sometimes even to specific
devices for which they have been defined. Therefore, when a user wishes to move to a different environment
controlled by a different platform and/or devices, they need to recreate their rules for the new environment.
The rise in the number of smart devices further adds to the complexity of rule authoring since users will have
to navigate an ever-changing landscape of IoT devices. In order to address this problem, we need human-
computer interaction that works across the boundaries of specific IoT platforms and devices. A step towards
this human-computer interaction across platforms and devices is the introduction of a high-level semantic
model for end-user IoT development, enabling users to create rules at a higher level of abstraction. However,
many users who are used to the rule representation in their favourite tool might be unwilling to learn and adapt
to a new representation. We present a method for translating proprietary rules to a high-level semantic model
by using natural language processing techniques. Our translation enables users to work with their familiar rule
representation language and tool, but then apply their rules across different IoT platforms and devices.
The interoperability issue between devices of dif-
ferent brands in the domain of the Internet of
Things (IoT) is omnipresent, a main reason be-
ing the unwillingness of major device manufactur-
ers to make their devices to interoperate with their
competitors’ devices (Longo et al., 2022). (Noura
et al., 2019) studied different categories interoper-
ability issues in state-of-the-art IoT solutions and
found that most IoT solutions do not support cross-
platform and cross-domain interoperability. If sup-
ported, these categories can enable IoT users to ex-
ploit different IoT services independently of the plat-
form (e.g. Apple or Samsung) or domain (e.g. health
or mobility). End-user development enables users to
develop and adapt systems in line with their back-
ground and skills (Barricelli et al., 2019) and has been
suggested to give users control over IoT solutions.
Various tools have been proposed to support end-
user IoT development (Desolda et al., 2016; Coutaz
and Crowley, 2016; Ospan et al., 2018). (Markopou-
los et al., 2017) noted that the most common program-
matic end-user control of IoT applications is through
specifying rules. Previous studies (Cabitza et al.,
2017; Ur et al., 2016) have further shown that a rule-
based approach is easily understandable and enables
end users to create their own programs. (Li et al.,
2017) identified that although the popular IFTTT
IoT task automation platform enables users to create
rules across various devices and services, not every
kind of device or service is supported.
(Corno et al., 2021) stated that most end-user de-
velopment platforms adopt a vendor-centric abstrac-
tion, thus requiring that every online service needs to
be programmed in a specific way. They argued that
this poses interoperability challenges since users need
to know any technological details to execute the in-
tended behaviours beforehand. This approach is inad-
equate in future IoT environments like smart cities, as
things will not always be known a priori but might dy-
namically appear and disappear (Corno et al., 2021).
As stated by (Attoh and Signer, 2021), tackling in-
Attoh, E. and Signer, B.
Towards a Write once Run Anywhere Approach in End-User IoT Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0012675800003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 216-225
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
teroperability issues ensures that users are no longer
locked-in to vendor-specific tools or platforms.
We start with an overview of related work ad-
dressing interoperability in IoT environments. Our
NLP-based solution for automatic rule translation is
presented in Section 3 and the performance of three
translation algorithms is discussed in Section 4. Users
are enabled to work with their familiar rule represen-
tation language and tool, and at the same time can
apply their rules across different IoT platforms and
devices. After an initial user evaluation of our write
once, run anywhere approach for end-user IoT devel-
opment presented in Section 5, we provide some con-
clusions and outlook for future work.
To address the interoperability issue across different
IoT solutions, (Li et al., 2017) presented a solution
allowing users to author rules for their IoT devices by
demonstrating interactions between smart devices us-
ing their mobile phones. The solution consists of an
Android application enabling users to create automa-
tion scripts composed by recording the actions users
perform on the mobile application of their smart de-
vices. The scripts can then be triggered to perform
the actions, using a source from another application
such as a notification from a motion sensor applica-
tion. Note that since the solution was designed to
work on the Android operating system, the created
automations will only be usable on Android devices.
This implies that a user would lose all their automa-
tions if they were, for example, going to switch to an
iOS device.
(Corno et al., 2019) attempted to address the in-
teroperability issue by introducing the EUPont (End
User Programming Ontology) high-level semantic
model for end-user IoT development. With EUPont,
users no longer need to create rules for specific de-
vices or services, but they can define abstract rules
such that any device or service able to perform the re-
quired action can be used to execute those rules. For
instance, a specific IFTTT rule like “If my smart sen-
sor X detects that I am home and the outside tem-
perature is less than 10 degrees, then turn on my
smart heater H” would have to be recreated if a user
switches to a smart sensor “Y” or smart heater “I”. In
EUPont, the rule can be transformed to “If I am in an
indoor place and the outside temperature is less than
10 degrees, then start heating the indoor place”. Us-
ing any platform understanding the EUPont ontology,
a user’s rules can be executed on any device that can
detect their presence and also heat their environment.
Another factor contributing to the problem of in-
teroperability in IoT is an issue present in end-user
IoT development. As more technologies are sup-
ported by platforms such as IFTTT, the design space
also grows and it becomes more difficult for users to
discover rules and their related functionality (Corno
et al., 2020b). This increased complexity makes in-
teroperability more difficult since rules with similar
functionality can be created in different ways. The use
of recommendations in end-user development tools
has been proposed to address this issue, similar as for
the development of software artefacts (Kr
uger, 2018;
Nguyen et al., 2016). However, the opportunities for
recommendations have not yet been consistently ex-
plored to support end-user development, but rather fo-
cus on helping professional developers (Corno et al.,
2020b). Therefore, the TAPrec end-user development
platform enabling the composition of trigger-action
rules based on dynamic recommendations has been
introduced. At composition time, it suggests new
rules to be used or actions, which are based on the
rule’s final purpose such as illuminating a place rather
than details like device brands and manufacturers, for
completing a rule.
(Mattioli and Patern
o, 2021) proposed a solution
that suggests relevant triggers, operators and actions
to a user during rule composition. The system pro-
vides both, step-by-step and full-rule recommenda-
tions and a user is either recommended components to
complete their rule or the system suggests a complete
rule. (Jeong et al., 2019) introduced a framework to
analyse the usage logs of devices in an IoT context
and make rule recommendations to users based on the
analysis of their device usage patterns.
InstructableCrowd (Huang et al., 2016) is a
crowd-sourcing system enabling users to create IF-
THEN rules based on their needs. Users can describe
their problems (e.g. often being late for a meeting) via
a smartphone user interface to crowdworkers, and the
crowdworkers create rules addressing a user’s needs
and send them back to their phone. HeyTAP (Corno
et al., 2020a) supports users in describing the desired
behaviour of their smart devices through conversa-
tions (text or voice) and getting rule recommendations
materialising their stated intentions.
The situation concept proposed by (Trullemans
et al., 2017) and implemented in the Context Mod-
elling Toolkit (CMT) is another means to tackle the
complexity of authoring rules with similar function-
ality. They proposed that the trigger side of a rule
can lead to the definition of a reusable situation rather
than just triggering an action. This situation can then
be used on the trigger side of a new rule definition,
eliminating the need for users to understand all the
Towards a Write once Run Anywhere Approach in End-User IoT Development
low-level details since they can also use situations in
the definition of their automations.
Although related work proposed solutions to ad-
dress IoT interoperability issues, to the best of our
knowledge they are only focusing on the creation of
new rules by users in novel ways and using new sys-
tems to bridge the interoperability gap rather than en-
abling users to retain their current tools and methods,
while still being able to benefit from solutions offer-
ing cross-platform interoperability (Attoh and Signer,
2021). Based on our analysis of related work, we
identified two major problems to be addressed:
Loss of Tooling Choice: As mentioned before, var-
ious solutions have been put forward to bridge the
cross-platform gap (Li et al., 2017; Corno et al.,
2019), but they also propose the use of new tools and
languages. This means that users need to learn to use
new tools and languages for creating rules that work
across different platforms.
Rule Authoring Complexity: Related work further
shows that due to the rise in the number of smart de-
vices, the discoverability of rules and their related
functionality becomes more complex (Corno et al.,
2020b). Therefore, users do not only need to use
new tools and rule description languages to bene-
fit from cross-platform interoperability solutions, but
they also have to navigate an ever-changing land-
scape of IoT devices and services while authoring
their rules. This additional complexity may not only
create an entry barrier for new users, but also increase
a user’s time needed to create their desired automa-
tion. We analysed the IFTTT user recipes (rules) from
the May 2017 dataset of Mi et al. (Mi et al., 2017) and
found that out of the total 279 828 user recipes, there
were 863 duplicate triggers (number of triggers that
were used more than once) and 502 duplicate actions
(number of actions that were used more than once).
The identification of these triggers and actions—as
well as understanding their functionality—can be-
come more difficult for lesser-known triggers and ac-
tions resulting in unmanageable complexity for most
users and in particular for non-expert users.
We propose a Natural Language Processing (NLP)
approach for automatically translating proprietary
end-user rules to the EUPont high-level abstraction
by Corno et al. (Corno et al., 2019). This method
provides end users with a Write Once, Run Anywhere
paradigm where they can retain the authoring tool and
language description of their choice but have the flex-
ibility to use their rules across different platforms, en-
abling IoT interoperability on the application layer.
A user simply has to write their rule as they would
normally do and have it translated to an equivalent
EUPont representation. For instance, let us assume
that a user has previously composed the IFTTT rule
“If AC brand X is turned off, then activate my cam-
era brand Y” for their smart home. They now find
themselves on vacation in a smart environment which
uses an air conditioner (AC) of brand Z and a camera
of brand C. With existing solutions, the user needs to
create a new rule “If AC brand Z is turned off, then
activate my camera brand C” to have the same ex-
perience in their vacation environment as they would
enjoy at their home. We rather propose a solution
where a rule can be automatically translated to the
EUPont generalisation “If device turned off, then con-
nect to device”. Just as the JSON
format is generic
such that most (modern) language compilers and in-
terpreters are equipped with JSON parsers, the inten-
tion behind the EUPont representation is that IoT plat-
forms with the EUPont “runtime” might be able to
work with the representation. Therefore, a proprietary
rule (e.g. IFTTT rule) has to be written only once and
can be translated to the EUPont representation to be
used across different platforms. This means that an
EUPont-powered platform can make it possible for
any device which might be triggered off to be used
as the trigger of the rule. For the rule’s action, a cam-
era can be mapped to the high-level action “Connect
to device”, which can then be triggered when the rule
is executed. A user is therefore not limited to using
devices of brand X or Y in order to take advantage
of their already composed rule. Note that our rule
translation has been described in detail in a technical
report (Attoh and Signer, 2023a).
An overview of our IoT rule translation approach
is shown in Figure 1. A user creates (proprietary)
IoT rules, which can be seen as the Write Once part,
using any platform of their choice (e.g. IoT Platform A
or IoT Platform B). These platforms have access to our
translation approach described later, and the Transla-
tion Module then converts the created rules to the high-
level EUPont representation.
As stated previously, a user would need to dupli-
cate and further customise a rule authored to work on
a specific platform to use that rule on a different plat-
form, given that each platform stores its users’ data
locally. In order to address this issue, we introduce the
use of Solid Pods to store the automatically translated
high-level rules (Sambra et al., 2016). Solid aims to
provide data independence as well as simple yet pow-
erful data management mechanisms, where applica-
tions no longer store their data themselves, but request
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
IoT Platform A
+ EUPont runtime
Translation Module
High-Level Rules
create proprietary rules
Solid Pods
IoT Platform B
+ EUPont runtime
proprietary rules
pull rules
IoT Devices
trigger rules
create proprietary rules
proprietary rules
pull rules
trigger rules
IoT Devices
Figure 1: Architecture for translating proprietary IoT rules.
access to retrieve it from users’ Pods. The Solid in-
tegration thus enables a user to apply their high-level
rules on any IoT platform by granting individual plat-
forms access to their Pod. This, in combination with
the translation step, leads to the Run Anywhere part
of our proposed solution. A user can write their rules
using a proprietary platform and these rules are then
translated by our Translation Module and stored in the
user’s Solid Pod. A platform can then pull the user’s
translated rules from their Solid Pod and, based on the
EUPont runtime, trigger the required actions on the
corresponding IoT devices. Further, users are in con-
trol of their data, with their Solid Pods as the single
access point and source of truth for their IoT rules.
With the proposed translation solution, we aim
to minimise or eliminate a user’s need to search for
and/or understand the equivalent EUPont representa-
tion for their proprietary rules. To achieve this, we
first propose that an expert user should be kept in the
loop during the testing phase such that initially, they
might manually select the best matching translation
in situations where the one proposed by the system
is inadequate. With this method, we intend that the
best results are learned over time and proposed to the
user. Due to the popularity of the IFTTT platform, we
have selected IFTTT rules as the first type of input to
be addressed by our translation method. However, in
the future, we intend to apply our approach to other
IoT platforms such as Home Assistant
As mentioned earlier, the dataset of (Mi et al.,
2017) contains 279 828 user recipes, implying that
each of those recipes would need to be created for
each new platform. With our proposed solution, these
recipes can not only be written just once and then
be automatically translated to run anywhere, but a
recipe’s author can use their preferred authoring tool
and keep the ownership of their data (rules). In the
remainder of this paper, we describe the translation
approach depicted as Translation Module in Figure 1.
3.1 Dataset
(Mi et al., 2017) collected published IFTTT recipes
(rules) from November 2016 until May 2017. For
our automatic translation of rules, we decided to use
the most recent May 2017 dataset containing a total
of 279 828 recipes (rules). Not each of the recipes
necessarily contains unique triggers and actions; the
trigger “Any new photo by you” is for instance used
9680 times in the dataset. Therefore, the 279 828
rules of the dataset consist of a total of 1017 different
triggers and 616 different actions of which 154 trig-
gers and 114 actions appear only once. For our proof-
of-concept implementation and evaluation, we ran our
solution on all different triggers and actions.
3.2 Data Preparation
Before applying our translation technique, we per-
formed some data cleaning in order to remove any
present anomalies and to prepare it to be used for
Towards a Write once Run Anywhere Approach in End-User IoT Development
the translation steps. For the recipes (rules) present
in the dataset (Mi et al., 2017), we noticed that some
of the triggers and actions contained a forward slash
character. We thus removed that character from the
triggers and actions and further separated the triggers
and actions into two different lists which we refer to
as the IFTTT dataset. We also transformed the on-
tology proposed by (Corno et al., 2019) from XML
to JSON to extract its high-level triggers and actions.
We removed the redundant Trigger and Action suf-
fixes from the triggers and actions and separated the
high-level trigger and action names into two different
lists which we refer to as the EUPont dataset.
3.3 Translation Technique
Our aim for the translation was to take a rule writ-
ten by a user in a proprietary format (e.g. IFTTT) and
return a generalisation of that rule in the high-level
EUPont format by (Corno et al., 2019) that is as ac-
curate as possible. This would enable users to main-
tain their use of the IFTTT platform without having to
learn a new rule description language. To perform this
automatic translation from proprietary rules to high-
level rules, we apply some natural language process-
ing (NLP) techniques. According to (Qurashi et al.,
2020), measuring text similarity is an important part
of NLP applications, such as information retrieval,
machine translation and text summarisation. For our
translation, we applied different document similarity
algorithms to both, the IFTTT and EUPont datasets,
using the algorithm shown in Listing 1.
f o r ea c h t r i g g e r x i n EUPont d a t a s e t :
f o r e ac h t r i g g e r y i n IFTTT d a t a s e t :
r u n d o c u m e n t s i m i l a r i t y ( x , y )
r e t u r n x , y , S i m i l a r i t y ( x , y )
o r d e r by s i m i l a r i t y d e s c e n d i n g
f o r e ac h a c t i o n a i n EUPont d a t a s e t :
f o r e ac h a c t i o n b i n IFTTT d a t a s e t :
r u n d o c u m e n t s i m i l a r i t y ( a , b )
r e t u r n a , b , S i m i l a r i t y ( a , b )
o r d e r by s i m i l a r i t y d e s c e n d i n g
Listing 1: Pseudocode of translation algorithm.
We used the algorithm with three implementa-
tions (spaCy, AlleNLP and combined similarity) of
the document similarity(x,y) function shown in List-
ing 1 and compared the results as described.
spaCy Similarity: The free spaCy
open source
Python library for advanced Natural Language Pro-
cessing can be used to build information extraction,
natural language understanding systems or even to
pre-process text for deep learning. We use spaCy’s
similarity feature to compare how similar a given
IFTTT trigger and action are to the high-level triggers
and actions in the EUPont ontology. We then return
the IFTTT trigger or action name together with the
computed similar EUPont trigger or action names, as
well as the corresponding similarity level.
An example of a result is shown in Listing 2,
where the first entry has the EUPont trigger “Every
Time” returned by the spaCy approach for the IFTTT
trigger name “Any event starts”. Since not all trans-
lations returned by the algorithm are relevant, we de-
fined a threshold value which is used to filter out re-
sults whose similarity falls below that value. While
the threshold is customisable, based on our initial
analysis we set its value to 0.55.
E v e r y Time : {
” i f t t t n a m e : Any e v e n t s t a r t s ” ,
” s i m i l a r i t y : 0 . 7 4 7 4772725000891 }
} ,
E v e r y Day : {
” i f t t t n a m e : Any e v e n t s t a r t s ” ,
” s i m i l a r i t y : 0 . 7 0 3 4427432691928 }
} ,
. . .
Listing 2: spaCy IFTTT trigger translation example.
AllenNLP Similarity: AllenNLP (Gardner et al.,
2017) is an entire platform for solving NLP tasks
and comes with a Python library. We applied the
textual entailment feature of AllenNLP which, for a
pair of sentences, predicts whether the facts in the
first sentence imply the facts in the second. We
thus determine the textual entailment between each
IFTTT trigger and action in the dataset, and the high-
level EUPont (Corno et al., 2019) triggers and actions.
The AllenNLP textual entailment algorithm returns
entailment (a measure of the similarity of both texts),
contradiction (a measure of the dissimilarity of both
texts) and neutral (a measure of the neutrality of both
texts). We return the IFTTT triggers and actions to-
gether with the computed similar EUPont triggers and
actions as well as their entailment, contradiction and
neutral values as illustrated in Listing 3.
Combined Similarity: Our initial analysis revealed
that the spaCy approach returns more reliable results
than the AllenNLP approach. In order to improve the
translation results and reduce any noise, we defined a
new approach where the AllenNLP algorithm is used
to compare the similarity between the initial spaCy re-
sults and the EUPont triggers and actions. For exam-
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
ple, for the IFTTT trigger “Any event starts”, we see
that the first spaCy result returned is “Every Time”
while the first AllenNLP result returned is “Taken”.
” i f t t t n a m e : Any e v e n t s t a r t s ” ,
” e u p o n t h y p o t h e s i s : Taken ,
” a l l e n n l p e n t a i l m e n t : 9 2. 1 6 3 2 8 2 6 3 2 82 7 7 6 ,
” a l l e n n l p c o n t r a d i c t i o n :
3 . 0 8 1 83 5 6 2 0 10 5 2 6 6 6 ,
” a l l e n n l p n e u t r a l : 4 .754881 5 6 0 8 0 2 4 6
} ,
” i f t t t n a m e : Any e v e n t s t a r t s ” ,
” e u p o n t h y p o t h e s i s : R e c e i v e d ” ,
” a l l e n n l p e n t a i l m e n t : 9 1. 5 2 0 11 8 7 1 33 7 8 9 ,
” a l l e n n l p c o n t r a d i c t i o n :
3 . 1 7 2 38 4 2 0 24 8 0 3 1 6 ,
” a l l e n n l p n e u t r a l : 5 . 30750006 4 3 7 3 0 1 6
} ,
. . .
Listing 3: AllenNLP IFTTT trigger translation example.
While the first result returned by the spaCy ap-
proach might be acceptable, the result returned by
the AllenNLP approach is not. However, while con-
ducting our preliminary analysis, we noted that there
were more accurate matches further down in the list
of results returned by the spaCy approach. We there-
fore ran the AllenNLP algorithm using the initial
spaCy results and the EUPont triggers in order to fur-
ther improve the translation.
In Listing 4 we can see that the first result returned
using this combined approach is “Started Activity”.
This result is obtained by combining (averaging) its
original spaCy similarity value (61.39) with the sim-
ilarity value obtained when using the AllenNLP al-
gorithm (85.80). The entry therefore has a combined
similarity of 73.60. We are thus able to move this spe-
cific spaCy result—which had initially a low ranking
compared to the initial “Every Time” top result—to
the top. We perform this process for each result re-
turned by the spaCy approach and therefore the re-
sults with a high combined similarity are most likely
to be the most accurate since they have both, high
spaCy and high AllenNLP similarities. An example
of the result obtained using this combined approach
is highlighted in Listing 4.
While there are several NLP libraries for the
Python programming language, such as scikit-learn
5 analytics/
working with text data.html
and PyTorch
, we opted for the spaCy
and AllenNLP
libraries, mainly due to their user friendliness. spaCy
is also a popular choice in NLP tasks given its fast
execution time and the ease with which it lets users
build solutions. Similarly, AllenNLP enjoys popular-
ity due to its fast execution time and ease with which
it lets a user build prototypes.
” i f t t t n a m e : Any e v e n t s t a r t s ” ,
” e u p o n t h y p o t h e s i s : ” S t a r t e d A c t i v i t y ” ,
” s p a c y s i m i l a r i t y : 61 . 3 9 5 93 2 3 3 37 1 5 2 2 ,
” a l l e n n l p e n t a i l m e n t : 8 5. 8 0 6 7 8 7 0 1 4 00 7 5 7 ,
” a l l e n n l p c o n t r a d i c t i o n : 3 . 39 4 8 0 2 65 9 7 4 998 4 7 ,
” a l l e n n l p n e u t r a l : 10 . 7 9 8 40 8 8 3 6 12 6 3 2 8 ,
” c o m b i n e d s i m i l a r i t y : 73.601359 6 7 3 8 6 1 4
} ,
” i f t t t n a m e : Any e v e n t s t a r t s ” ,
” e u p o n t h y p o t h e s i s : ” P o s i t i o n R e g i s t r a t i o n ” ,
” s p a c y s i m i l a r i t y : 57 . 5 2 3 55 4 3 5 39 6 4 1 9 ,
” a l l e n n l p e n t a i l m e n t : 8 1. 5 4 6 0 5 6 2 7 0 59 9 3 7 ,
” a l l e n n l p c o n t r a d i c t i o n : 5 . 9 5 1 3 6 69 4 6 1 01 1 8 9 ,
” a l l e n n l p n e u t r a l : 12 . 5 0 2 56 8 9 6 01 8 9 8 2 ,
” c o m b i n e d s i m i l a r i t y : 69.534805312 2 8 1 7 8
} ,
. . .
Listing 4: Combined IFTTT trigger translation example.
We recorded and compared the results we obtained
when applying each of the three different approaches
described in the previous section on recipes of the
Mi et al. (Mi et al., 2017) dataset. With our trans-
lation technique, we intended that the first result
recommended by each approach should produce the
most accurate high-level EUPont generalisation of the
IFTTT triggers and actions. However, in situations
where this is not the case, a user should at least be
able to find an accurate high-level EUPont generalisa-
tion within the first five returned results. We decided
to consider only the first five results by each approach
to reduce the potential burden a user might face when
looking for the best result. In our results, we mark an
entry with “No result” if no suitable match has been
returned as part of the first five results. For trigger
or action names that we consider to be ambiguous—
any trigger or action whose meaning could have mul-
tiple interpretations—we mark the entry and the re-
sulting translations as “Ambiguous”. For instance,
Towards a Write once Run Anywhere Approach in End-User IoT Development
Table 1: IFTTT trigger translation results.
No. IFTTT Name spaCy 1 spaCY 2 AllenNLP 1 AllenNLP 2 Combined 1 Combined 2
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 AC turned off Device Turned
Device Turned
Off (1)
No result Device Turned
Device Turned
Off (1)
23 Action Button
Tap Button
Tap Button
Activity (1)
Taken No result Tap Button Activ-
Tap Button Activ-
ity (1)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table 2: IFTTT action translation results.
No. IFTTT Name spaCy 1 spaCY 2 AllenNLP 1 AllenNLP 2 Combined 1 Combined 2
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Add a file Share File Save File (2) Information No result Share File Save File (2)
11 Add a new site
Connect To Web
Ambiguous Start
Ambiguous Save Media
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
the trigger “Air quality changed” is marked as “Am-
biguous” because the change in air quality could ei-
ther be positive or negative. Therefore one approach
might return “Air quality decreased” as its best re-
sult, while another approach might return “Air qual-
ity increased” as its best result. We further note that
several possible acceptable results were returned for
certain IFTTT triggers and actions by our approach.
We split our findings into two different tables,
with Table 1 showing the results for triggers and Ta-
ble 2 highlighting the results for actions. Each table
contains the following columns:
- No.: Entry Number
- IFTTT Name: IFTTT trigger or action name
- spaCy 1: EUPont trigger or action name with the
highest similarity value using the spaCy similarity
- spaCY 2: EUPont trigger or action name most ac-
curately representing the IFTTT trigger or action
name using the spaCy similarity algorithm (posi-
tion in the result list in brackets).
- AllenNLP 1: EUPont trigger or action name with
the highest similarity value using the AllenNLP
text entailment algorithm.
- AllenNLP 2: EUPont trigger or action name most
accurately representing the IFTTT trigger or ac-
tion name using the AllenNLP text entailment al-
gorithm (position in the result list in brackets).
- Combined 1: EUPont trigger or action name with
the highest similarity value using the combined ap-
- Combined 2: EUPont trigger or action name most
accurately representing the IFTTT trigger or action
name using the combined approach (position in the
result list in brackets).
For the presented results, we randomly selected
50 triggers and actions from the results we obtained
from running our approaches on the dataset. The re-
sults from these 50 triggers and actions were then
manually analysed (e.g. to identify and label the most
accurate EUPont triggers and actions) in order to pop-
ulate the entries in Table 1 and Table 2. Note that only
a few representative entries from these two tables are
shown but the entire tables as well as the complete but
non-annotated results of the presented approaches are
available online (Attoh and Signer, 2023b).
4.1 Analysis
We sought to determine which of the three approaches
is performing best. Thereby, we consider an approach
to be performing better than another approach based
on a combination of the following criteria:
- It has more top results than the other approach.
- It has more top 5 results than the other approach.
- It has fewer cases where a translation could not be
found in the top 5 results than the other approach.
In our analysis, entries marked as ambiguous (12 out
of the 50 randomly selected triggers) were not con-
sidered. Therefore, we found that for the remaining
38 triggers, our combined approach returned the best
EUPont match as the first result for 16 of those trig-
gers as summarised in Table 3. For 13 of the trig-
gers, the best EUPont match was not the first result
but could be found in the top 5 results. However,
for 9 of the IFTTT triggers, a suitable EUPont match
could not be found by our combined approach. Using
the spaCy approach, we found that the best EUPont
match was returned as the first result for 13 triggers,
while for 9 triggers, the best EUPont match was not
the first result but could be found in the top 5 results.
However, for 16 triggers, a suitable EUPont match
could not be found. Similarly, using the AllenNLP
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 3: Summary of trigger translation results.
Approach First Result Top Five Result No result
spaCy 13 9 16
AllenNLP 2 12 24
Combined 16 13 9
Table 4: Summary of action translation results.
Approach First Result Top Five Result No result
spaCy 10 8 22
AllenNLP 1 11 28
Combined 8 19 13
approach we see that the best EUPont match was re-
turned as the first result for 2 triggers. For 12 of the
triggers, the best EUPont match was not the first result
but could be found in the top 5 results, while for 24 of
the triggers no suitable EUPont match was found.
For the actions, there were 10 entries marked as
ambiguous. Table 4 shows that when using our com-
bined approach on the 40 considered actions, for 8 of
the actions the best EUPont match was returned as the
first result, while for 19 of the actions the best EUPont
match was not the first result but could be found in
the top 5 results and for 13 of the actions, no suitable
EUPont match could be found. Using the spaCy ap-
proach, 10 of the actions had the best EUPont match
returned as the first result, while for 8 of the actions
the best EUPont match was not the first result but
could be found in the top 5 results. However, for
22 of the actions, a suitable EUPont match could not
be found. Using the AllenNLP approach, we see that
only for 1 out of the actions the best EUPont match
was returned as the first result, while for 11 of the ac-
tions the best EUPont match was not the first result
but could be found in the top 5 results and for 28 of
the actions, no suitable EUPont match could be found.
Based on these results, we can conclude that our
combined approach is the best-performing approach
using our test dataset for both triggers and actions.
For triggers, our combined approach returns the high-
est number of top results, top 5 results and has the
smallest number of cases where no result has been re-
turned as part of the top 5. For the actions though,
the spaCy approach returns more top results than our
combined approach. However, spaCy returns signifi-
cantly fewer top 5 results and has a larger number of
cases where no result was returned as part of the top 5.
(Corno et al., 2019) conducted a user study to evalu-
ate the suitability and understandability of the EUPont
approach by end users. The study was a controlled
in-lab experiment that involved 30 participants, with
only 15 of them having programming experience. It
focused on the creation of IoT applications both with
the current low-level representation of IFTTT and the
high-level representation of EUPont. The study ad-
dressed the research questions “Does the EUPont rep-
resentation help users create their IoT applications
more effectively and efficiently compared to the low-
level representation?” and “Which of the two rep-
resentations is preferred by users, and which are the
perceived advantages and disadvantages of the two
solutions?”. In summary, the results demonstrated
that the EUPont representation allowed end users to
reduce the errors and time needed to compose their
IoT applications, and introduced numerous benefits in
terms of understandability and ease of use.
Based on the findings of the user study by (Corno
et al., 2019), we consider the EUPont representation
to be a suitable high-level representation of IoT rules
for end users. To further evaluate our approach
and gather some feedback for future work, we con-
ducted a survey targeting several respondents who
were already familiar with the use of IoT automa-
tion solutions. We aimed to investigate whether real
IoT users would find the results returned by any of
our methods to be good high-level generalisations of
the IFTTT triggers and actions included in the dataset
described earlier in Section 3. The research question
we sought to answer with this survey was “Are the
EUPont translations returned by our methods accept-
able to end users?” We had a total of 6 respondents
(three male and three female), aged between 20 and
39 years with one of them having obtained a Bach-
elor’s degree and the others a Master’s degree. In
our survey, the respondents were presented a series of
IFTTT triggers and actions with their corresponding
translations based on the three approaches described
in Section 3. They then had to select which method
they thought returned a good high-level generalisa-
tion of the IFTTT trigger or action and also specify
to which degree they found that generalisation to be
accurate. They could further select the “N/A op-
tion in case they found that none of the methods re-
turned a suitable generalisation. For example, given
Towards a Write once Run Anywhere Approach in End-User IoT Development
the IFTTT trigger “New photo upload on page”, users
were presented with the following four options:
- Method 1: “Shared Profile Update”
- Method 2: “No Result”
- Method 3: “Shared Post”
- “N/A
In a follow-up question, they were asked “To which
degree is your chosen method an accurate generali-
sation of the IFTTT trigger?” and had the choice of
“Not at all accurate”, “Low accuracy”, “Accurate”
and “Very accurate”.
For situations where multiple methods returned
the same value, the respondents were asked to pick
any of those methods if they considered the value
to be an accurate generalisation of the trigger or ac-
tion. For example, for the IFTTT trigger “If new post
from search. . . , method 1 and method 3 returned “If
shared post. . . and respondents could choose any of
those two methods if they found it a good high-level
generalisation of the IFTTT trigger. We followed the
same principle as described in Section 3.3 by consid-
ering only the first five results of each method.
The triggers and actions selected for the survey
were those we consider to be popular in the dataset
based on the fact that they were used 1000 or more
times in the dataset described in Section 3. Triggers
and actions for which the three methods returned no
suitable or ambiguous results were not selected. The
survey thus comprised questions for 31 triggers and
33 actions. There were 19 out of the 31 triggers and
19 out of the 33 actions where more than one method
returned the same result. We will refer to these cases
as triggers with the same result and actions with the
same result respectively. For 12 triggers and 14 ac-
tions none of the three methods returned the same re-
sult. We will refer to these cases as triggers with dif-
ferent results and actions with different results.
For the 19 triggers with the same result, in
16 cases at least half of the respondents selected that
result as a good high-level description, while for the
other 3 cases they indicated that there was no suit-
able generalisation. In the case of the 19 actions with
the same result, at least half of the respondents se-
lected that result as a good high-level description in
18 cases, while for the other single case they indi-
cated that there was no suitable generalisation. For
the 12 triggers with different results, there were six
triggers where our combined method’s result was not
selected. For those six triggers, the result returned
by the spaCy method was selected by all respondents;
however, there were five cases where none of the other
two methods returned a result for those six triggers
and one case where our combined method returned a
result which was selected by two respondents. There
were 6 of the 12 triggers with different results where
the result of the combined method was selected by the
respondents. At least half of the respondents selected
the result returned by the combined method in 4 out of
those 6 cases, while for the other 2 cases, only one re-
spondent selected the result returned by the combined
method. For 5 out of the 6 triggers where the result
of our combined method was selected by the respon-
dents, the other methods did not return any suitable
result while for 1 of the triggers the spaCy method re-
turned a result which was selected by one respondent.
In the case of the 14 actions with different results,
there were 8 actions where our combined method’s
result was not selected. For those 8 actions, the re-
sult returned by the spaCy method was selected in
7 cases by at least half of the respondents and for
the last case, the result returned by the AllenNLP
method was selected once by at least half of the re-
spondents. Our combined method returned a result
for 4 of those eight actions and it was selected by less
than half of the respondents in only two cases while
AllenNLP returned a result for only one of the 8 ac-
tions which was selected by more than half of the re-
spondents. There were 5 of the 14 actions with differ-
ent results where the result returned by the combined
method was selected by the respondents. In 4 cases,
less than half of the respondents selected this result,
while for the last case half of the respondents selected
the result. In 4 of the cases, the other two methods
did not return a suitable result, while for the last case,
the spaCy method returned a result which was not se-
lected by any respondent. In summary, we can con-
clude that for 25 out of the 31 triggers and 24 out of
the 33 actions, a majority of the respondents selected
the result returned by one of our methods as a good
high-level generalisation. For the remaining cases, no
respondents selected the result returned by one of our
methods as a good high-level generalisation.
We presented a Write Once Run Anywhere paradigm
for end-user authoring in IoT settings, helping users
to maintain their preferred authoring tool as well as
their preferred description language when defining
IoT rules that will work across different IoT plat-
forms. To achieve this, we employed the use of nat-
ural language processing techniques to automatically
translate proprietary rules to high-level EUPont rules
which have been positively received as shown by
(Corno et al., 2019). Therefore, we used two popu-
lar NLP algorithms in two different approaches and
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
proposed a third novel approach by combining these
two algorithms, and carefully analysed the results ob-
tained from all three approaches. The results of our
analysis show that all three methods return good high-
level generalisations with our novel combined method
performing better than the other two methods for the
given dataset. We acknowledge that only a small
number of users completed our survey, but from these
preliminary results, we see that real IoT users also
identified the results returned by our three approaches
as good high-level generalisations. In future work, we
will investigate how to consistently return the most
accurate high-level generalisation for a user’s rules,
by either using one or a combination of the presented
methods. We also plan to focus on improving the ac-
curacy of the results so that more often the first result
returned is the most accurate high-level generalisation
and the number of cases where no result is returned is
minimised or even completely eliminated. Finally, we
are going to investigate how our solution can best be
integrated into existing IoT platforms as illustrated in
Figure 1 to further evaluate the proposed NLP-based
rule translation approach with end users.
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