are available (make, ant, maven, gradle, ansible, chef,
etc.). However, and maybe because of the great het-
erogeneity of languages used, there is almost no for-
malization of the whole process. We propose here
a very high-level abstraction based on name usage
to improve the level of trust in DevOps management
Resources offer names to other resources and also
require names from them. This can be seen as con-
tracts. These resources are integrated in a process
whose stages expect rules to be ensured. These rules
are part of the quality process management and could
be managed as assets. Operations could then be
(partly) specified thanks to pre and postconditions
built on these rules.
Beyond the extensions listed in section 5, it should
be possible to provide scope graph extractors, opera-
tions with their transformational semantics on scope
graph, and sets of rules so that a full tooling for De-
vOps improve the trust in using names. We also envi-
sion a background diagnostic process for users of the
operating system. Consistency naming rules or good
practices could be checked to ensure a better file sys-
tem management.
We believe that this approach could pave the way
for a safer, more formalized, critical activity of soft-
ware engineering.
We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for
their helpful advice in improving this article.
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Making Application Build Safer Through Static Analysis of Naming