A Community-Based Support Scheme to Promote Learning Mobility:
Practices in Higher Education in Southeast Asia and Japan
Rika Ikeda
, Andrey Ferriyan, Keiko Okawa and Achmad Husni Thamrin
Keio University, 2-15-45, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Learning Mobility, Communities of Practice, Landscape of Practice, Micro-credentials, Open Badges,
e-portfolio, Higher Education, Southeast Asia, Japan.
Learning mobility enhances employability and expands career networks. Despite easy access to global knowl-
edge and skills through online and short-term learning mobility programs, learning fragmentation and inco-
herence have become issues. This research proposes a new scheme called Inxignia, which aims to enable
learners to achieve coherent learning continuity within or outside of School on the Internet Asia (SOI Asia),
an inter-university network in Southeast Asia and Japan, and increase a sense of community. Inxignia inte-
grates the three modes, namely (1) Engagement: Engaging with Communities of Practices within or connected
to SOI Asia; (2) Imagination: reflecting on experiences and small-scale learning achievements in SOI Asia;
and (3) Alignment: Coordinating with SOI Asia stakeholders to achieve the desired learning and career path.
A micro-credentialing e-portfolio platform supports enhancing each mode such as a feature to support reflec-
tion and plan learning from a bird’s eye view and open badges to visualize past journeys and future potential.
The implementation results indicated that Inxignia supported Imagination and Alignment modes for SOI Asia
Learners and the importance of including young faculty to make the scheme autonomous and sustainable.
1.1 Research Background
Learning Mobility is defined as the mobility of learn-
ers transnationally, regionally, or online, undertaken
for a specific period, organized for educational pur-
poses (EU, 2023), and a learning experience where
individuals move from their everyday context (LLLP,
2016). It includes summer programs and Massive
Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Learning Mobility
enhances employability and career networks (Bran-
denburg et al., 2014)(Babcock, 2012). Today, people
can easily acquire knowledge and skills and connect
with people worldwide through online and short-term
learning mobility programs (Brown et al., 2021) (De-
vlin et al., 2017). Although people can accumulate
knowledge, skills, and experiences, the challenge is
that the learning is short and different from the every-
day context. Therefore, it will need more continuity
with future learning and professional pursuits (van der
Hijden and Martin, 2023). In a rapidly changing so-
ciety, it is crucial to continue learning and acquiring
new skills through accumulating small-scale learning
offered in different locations and disciplines (Brown
et al., 2021). They also have the potential to pro-
vide education and training opportunities to a broader
range of learners, including disadvantaged and vul-
nerable groups (EU, 2022). Therefore, it is crucial to
solve the fragmentation and incoherence of learning.
A Landscape of Practice (LoP) offers a framework
to integrate learning outcomes from different commu-
nities for future learning and careers (Wenger-Trayner
et al., 2014). It comprises three modes: Engage-
ment, Imagination, and Alignment. Engagement is
participation in activities of Communities of Practice
(CoPs), not just memorizing knowledge one way on-
line or only in school. Imagination is using our imag-
ination to understand our current position and pos-
sibilities. Alignment is coordinating stakeholders to
achieve desired effects in the real world. Comprehen-
sive learning outcomes can incorporate even short-
term learning experiences through different modes.
1.2 Experimental Field
Inter-university networks play a crucial role in learn-
ing mobility. They offer joint educational programs
Ikeda, R., Ferriyan, A., Okawa, K. and Thamrin, A.
A Community-Based Support Scheme to Promote Learning Mobility: Practices in Higher Education in Southeast Asia and Japan.
DOI: 10.5220/0012679600003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 404-411
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
and credit transfers among partner universities, fund-
ing for study abroad, and collaborative research.
Inter-university networks exist in various fields and
sizes, depending on their objectives.
The research is conducted in SOI Asia (School
on the Internet Asia), an inter-university network in
Southeast Asia and Japan (Figure 1). Twenty-four
universities from twelve countries join this network.
Figure 1: Map of SOI Asia partner universities.
SOI Asia offers learning mobility programs in col-
laboration with partner universities, such as the Asia
Pacific Internet Engineer (APIE) program, to build In-
ternet Engineering skills, knowledge, and community
(SOI-Asia, 2016) (Arima et al., 2023). These pro-
grams combine in-person and online activities over
a few months or weeks and provide opportunities to
connect with communities in the region. APIE con-
sists of self-paced online courses, synchronous online
sessions, an on-site camp, and an internship. The pro-
gram begins with the self-paced online courses on Fu-
tureLearn, an online education platform, and the syn-
chronous online sessions held fortnightly. After fin-
ishing these components, participants can apply for
the on-site camp. The camp is held in various loca-
tions based on which partner university becomes the
host. This one-week training program teaches partic-
ipants how to independently deploy enterprise-level
networks, providing them with practical and valuable
knowledge. The internship is available for candidates
who have completed all other program components
in collaboration with relevant communities. Around
300 undergraduate and graduate students from partner
universities in seven countries and various disciplines
applied to the course in the latest batch in 2023.
During the interviews with a director of SOI Asia
and one advisory board member, they stated that the
community’s objective is to provide programs en-
abling all competent cyberspace engineers in each
country and economy to collaborate. This collabora-
tion will enable them to interact with people beyond
network engineers and work together to solve social
issues in the future.
1.3 Preliminary Research
The research takes the APIE program as an exam-
ple to understand the situation in SOI Asia through
the lens of the LoP framework. The research found
that SOI Asia has a strong Engagement mode due
to the opportunity to interact with peers, faculty, and
working professionals from diverse backgrounds with
a shared interest in internet engineering. An online
survey of the 28 participants in APIE indicates high
Engagement levels. The survey used a ve-grade
evaluation, and respondents chose from Strongly Dis-
agree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, and Strongly Agree
for questions related to rating on Engagement. The
survey includes eight questions. More than 90 per-
cent of respondents agree or strongly agree that they
could confidently explain to others the objective and
content of the APIE program. Also, they are will-
ing to be more involved in the APIE community by
participating in internships and as teaching assistants.
More than 86 percent of respondents answered that
the most significant impact on their motivation is hav-
ing a clear idea of how they can utilize the experience
for their future learning and career or enjoyment of
the learning process. During the in-depth interview,
respondents who chose either of these answers high-
lighted that it was greatly influenced by the ability to
meet and interact with people from different contexts
and professionals in the field.
However, for Imagination and Alignment, the
results of the interviews and observation indicated
a need to support learners in navigating these two
modes. Even though interacting with faculty and
working professionals gave them a clearer idea of
their career possibilities, they need opportunities to
imagine where they stand and the next step to achieve
their career image after the program. Some students
mentioned that they did not know what to learn next
after the program ended, and they returned to their
daily lives. Furthermore, if they do, there is no op-
portunity to communicate their needs to the other
stakeholders to realize the step. The online survey
evaluated the Sense of Community with ten APIE
camp participants using The Brief Sense of Commu-
nity Scale (BSCS)(Peterson et al., 2008). The BSCS
was designed to assess the dimensions of Needs Ful-
fillment, Group Membership, Influence, and Emo-
tional Connection by using a 5-point Likert-type re-
sponse option format ranging from strongly agree to
disagree strongly. It has nine questions and 2-3 ques-
tions for each dimension. Although there were only a
few samples available, they provided interesting in-
A Community-Based Support Scheme to Promote Learning Mobility: Practices in Higher Education in Southeast Asia and Japan
sights. As a result, all ten students selected either
Agree or Strongly Agree for all dimensions except
for Influence. In contrast, they chose Strongly Dis-
agree, Disagree, or Neutral for the questions related
to Influence, a sense of mattering, of making a differ-
ence to a group. It is strongly related to the Align-
ment mode. The average for the Influence question
was 3.75, while the average for the other dimensions
ranged from 4.4 to 4.5. In in-depth interviews, one re-
spondent mentioned they did not have an opportunity
to communicate their needs to stakeholders. Lack of
Imagination and Alignment modes may prevent them
from further Engagement in the community, and from
developing a sense of community to SOI Asia related
to SOI Asia’s objective mentioned in 1.3.
SOI Asia is also challenged by the gap in learn-
ing and career opportunities among universities. In
an interview with a partner university from Indone-
sia, one faculty member said that his university is lo-
cated in an area that is not as central as the univer-
sities in Jakarta, and companies do not recognize the
quality of the students. Suppose we create an environ-
ment where smaller-scale learning mobility programs
lead to continued consistent learning and further in-
volvement in the community. In that case, it can solve
this opportunity gap by increasing their employabil-
ity and career network. This research aims to design
a scheme integrating three modes defined by the LoP
framework for learners to encourage coherent learn-
ing continuity within or outside of SOI Asia and a
sense of community in SOI Asia. Quantitative and
qualitative evaluation was used to validate the impact
of the delivery method.
Next, a literature review explored the LoP frame-
work and the possibilities of designing Imagination
and Alignment modes that are lacking in SOI Asia.
2.1 Communities of Practice and
Landscape of Practice
Lave and Wenger define learning as a participation
process in a Community of Practice (CoP). A CoP
is a group of people who share a common concern,
problem, or interest and come together to fulfill in-
dividual and group goals. The Landscape of Prac-
tice (LoP) concept compares participation in mul-
tiple CoPs to a landscape and that learning is the
path one follows in that landscape. The learning
outcome is the identity formed while traversing this
landscape(Wenger-Trayner et al., 2014). The follow-
ing are modes for building identity in LoP (Wenger-
Trayner et al., 2014)(Morimoto et al., 2014)(de Nooi-
jer et al., 2022):
Engagement. To participate in an activity by
working or talking with people in the CoPs.
Imagination. Using our imagination to situate
ourselves in the world, identify different ways of
thinking, reflect on our situation, and search for
new possibilities.
Alignment. A two-way process of adjusting per-
spectives, interpretations, and contexts so that ac-
tions have the expected effects.
Wenger notes that while these modes of identifi-
cation are distinct, they are the most effective in com-
bination (Wenger-Trayner et al., 2014).
A few practical studies still have yet to be con-
ducted in the context of inter-university networks.
Therefore, this research can contribute to validating
this framework in that aspect.
2.2 Reflection Method for Learning
In the context of SOI Asia, Imagination is reflect-
ing on experiences, including small-scale learning, to
imagine where they stand and future learning and ca-
reer possibilities. E-portfolio is a tool accepted and
used for reflection in education (Hamdan and Yassine-
Hamdan, 2022). It is also used to plan for the fu-
ture (Morimoto et al., 2014). An E-portfolio is elec-
tronic data that continuously accumulates all possi-
ble learning evidence to utilize it to promote learning
and career development (Wiedmer, 1998)(Morimoto
et al., 2014). The emergence of an e-portfolio, an
electronic or digital portfolio, in the mid-1990s con-
stituted a small step within the school reform agenda
and teacher accountability, where learners construct,
articulate, and assess their learning. Thus, using an e-
portfolio, students respond to challenges in preparing
critical thinkers who participate in the learning pro-
cess rather than act as passive recipients (Hamdan and
Yassine-Hamdan, 2022). Also, building structured
opportunities, such as using e-portfolios to reflect and
integrate learning, can improve students’ ability to re-
flect better (Hj. Ebil et al., 2020). However, they con-
tain a large amount of information, making them less
likely to be reviewed on an ongoing and overarching
basis. There is a need for other approaches to lifelong
learning that combine learning offered in different lo-
cations and disciplines.
Life storytelling is an act of telling one’s life story
as a reflection method and an action performed to
understand oneself and the world (Trentham, 2007).
This reflection method is used in e-portfolios as
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
well. For example, Kanazawa Institute of Technol-
ogy provides an e-portfolio where students register
their life history (KIT, 2017). Arima proposed the
Life-storytelling Board, a tool designed to be con-
sistent in life-storytelling, creating opportunities for
continuous and overarching reflection on life (Arima,
2021). Combining blocks with keywords related to
the episode of the user’s life supports continuous re-
flection on the whole life and its relationships with-
out information overload with text. Specifically, the
speaker and listener interact and write the speaker’s
experiences and memories - episodes - in hexagonal
blocks called episodic blocks. This process connects
the individual episodes to the episodic block, an On-
tological Metaphor. An Ontological metaphor is a
metaphor whereby abstract, unwieldy, or fuzzy con-
cepts are viewed as objects with human scale and in-
teraction potential (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980). This
process transforms abstract and ambiguous episodes
into a handleable form. These episodic blocks will
download episodes onto the physical or online space,
thus reducing the cognitive load on the brain. Mul-
tiple episodic blocks can be combined, divided, and
arbitrarily placed in physical or online space to bring
meaning to the relationships between episodic blocks.
2.3 Co-Design of Learning in Multiple
Alignment within the context of SOI Asia means co-
ordinating with stakeholders to achieve the desired
learning and career pathways. Co-Design is one of
customer co-creation, and it allows a design team to
combine two sets of knowledge that are key to ser-
vice design: Customer insights into latent user needs
and in-house professionals’ conversion of promising
new ideas into viable concepts (Trischler et al., 2018).
Co-Design allows selected customers or users to be-
come part of the design team as experts in their ex-
periences. By actively involving customers in the in-
novation process, the firm can overcome the problem
of user needs being sticky, difficult to transfer, and ar-
ticulate (Von Hippel, 2001) (Witell et al., 2011). The
involvement of key users through Co-Design during
the ideation stage of a service design process can lead
to the development of design concepts with more sig-
nificant user benefit than a team composed solely of
in-house experts (Trischler et al., 2018).
Micro-credentials can be used to create a learn-
ing pathway by combining various forms of learning
opportunities by different entities. Micro-credentials
certify learning outcomes acquired in much smaller
learning modules than a traditional degree. Its role
makes learning outcomes visible and provides a com-
mon language within the communities while simulta-
neously resolving fragmentation of small-scale learn-
ing (Yonezawa, 2020). Micro-credentials are of-
ten provided as Open Badges, digital representations
of credentials as digital badges that contain meta-
data about learning achievements such as informa-
tion on the issuer, the badge criteria, and so on (IMS,
2020). There are micro-credential services that pro-
vide the ability to create, issue, collect, and share
Open Badges, such as Credly. The services also pro-
vide a Learning Pathway function that combines dif-
ferent badges to visualize learning pathways available
for learners. Companies, universities, and educational
institutions are increasingly adopting those services.
2.4 Summary
The literature review indicates that the LoP provides
a framework for considering solutions to fragmen-
tation and incoherence of learning. Specifically, to
integrate learning from different CoPs as identity =
learning outcomes, it is crucial to navigate through
three modes: Engagement, Imagination, and Align-
ment. While SOI Asia supports Engagement, the need
for help in Imagination and Alignment was suggested
based on the preliminary research.
A further literature review was conducted to de-
sign methods for Imagination and Alignment in SOI
Asia. Regarding Imagination, the literature review
suggested that e-portfolios can effectively encour-
age reflection. The Life-storytelling Board allows
for visual, comprehensive, and ongoing reflection on
life-extended learning in different CoPs. Regarding
Alignment, it indicates that involving learners and
experts, such as faculty members and working pro-
fessionals, in designing learning pathways makes it
easier to incorporate learners’ needs. Additionally,
micro-credentials make learning outcomes visible and
provide a common language for various educational
programs offered by different organizations. There-
fore, it is suitable for visualizing learning opportuni-
ties from different organizations, bringing them to-
gether as a single learning path, and continuously
editing them.
This research proposes Inxignia: A community-based
scheme to promote learning mobility. It consists of
the process that supports learners in navigating three
modes defined based on the LoP framework and a
micro-credentialing e-portfolio platform to enhance
each mode. Three SOI Asia community members join
A Community-Based Support Scheme to Promote Learning Mobility: Practices in Higher Education in Southeast Asia and Japan
the scheme proposed in this research: Learners who
are current or former students of the partner univer-
sities, faculty from SOI Asia partner universities, and
working professionals who are experts with several
years of experience in industries, governments, and
international organizations. Figure 2 gives a whole
picture of Inxignia. The utilization of technology en-
hances each mode, such as e-portfolios for tracking
learning journeys and learners’ spontaneous reflection
and the open badge to provide a common language to
design learning with multiple stakeholders.
Figure 2: Inxignia Scheme.
In addition to the features of other micro-
credentialing services, the platform offers the Life-
storytelling Board. The platform will be updated
to integrate and manage micro-credential data from
other sources so learners can utilize them for each
process. The platform uses an Open-Badge to main-
tain compatibility with other micro-credential sys-
tems and works on adaptation with version 3.0. It
unifies the information to be included in Open-Badge
with other micro-credential services. Quality assur-
ance standards will also be aligned in the future.
In the Engagement mode, learners engage with
CoPs within or connected to SOI Asia through learn-
ing mobility programs. The Faculty designed and
delivered the programs involving Working Profes-
sionals’ interaction with learners through lecturers
and other forms. To motivate the further participa-
tion of learners, recognition of small achievements
in the form of open badges is issued and stored on
the platform. Visualizing and collecting their learn-
ing achievements into a single platform is also ex-
pected to foster a sense of community across time and
place. In the Imagination mode, learners use the life-
storytelling board to reflect and imagine where they
stand and their future possibilities. Then, through the
Learning Pathway Codesign workshop, learners col-
laborate with faculties and working professionals to
design their subsequent learning (Alignment mode).
Participants can utilize existing learning opportunities
to create the learning pathway and create new oppor-
tunities. Combined with the open badge to visualize
learning opportunities in the community. It will be-
come a new credential if new learning opportunities
are implemented. Lastly, community involvement is
necessary to implement the ideas from the workshop
and connect them to re-engagement.
This research is divided into three phases.
Phase 1. Design Imagination component for
Learners can imagine how they can connect the
learning experience to the subsequent learning
and career.
Phase 2. Design Alignment component so Learn-
ers can communicate their needs to stakeholders.
Phase 3. Integrate the scheme into the community
to make it sustainable.
This paper reports on the results of Phase 1 and 2, and
the progress of Phase 3.
4.1 Phase 1. Life-Storytelling Board
This research proposes a Life-storytelling Board to
facilitate the Imagination mode. Unlike the original
Life-storytelling Board, design an online version to
be added as a platform feature. Figure 3 shows an ex-
ample of a completed board and the components to
create the board.
To create the board, two or three Learners are
paired up and divided into a speaker and a listener,
and the speaker describes their formal and non-formal
educational and professional history. Those keywords
are written in a block and placed on the board. Each
block of formal and non-formal educational history is
color-coded. After placing the blocks about the past,
the speaker set a goal in 5-10 years and considered the
steps to bridge that goal and the present while placing
the transparent blocks. Any comments or ideas they
want to add should be noted and placed in the support
block. The listener looks at the blocks and asks the
speaker questions, digging deeper into past and fu-
ture stories and offering ideas. When they reflect on
the past and plan the future, they can place the digital
badges they earned and plan to get on the block, to
visualize the correlation.
Pre- and post-online surveys were conducted to
see changes before and after the experiment. A 5-
point Likert Scale, from Strongly Disagree to Agree
Strongly, was used in the survey to avoid the extremes
of yes/no answers and to understand the nuances of
the answers. We asked twelve questions for each of
the pre- and post-surveys. Interviews were also con-
ducted to dig deep into the survey responses.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: An Example of Life-storytelling Board and the
Components (Ikeda et al., 2023).
The Life-storytelling Board was implemented
with 27 students in APIE. This time, we used a vi-
sual collaboration platform, as a prototype. When
asked if they had a clear idea of how APIE could be
used in the long or short term, some respondents an-
swered Neutral or Disagree before the test, and all
responded Strongly Agree or Agree after they cre-
ated the Life-storytelling Boards. The overall aver-
age also improved from 4.22 to 4.63. One respondent
mentioned that he was able to come up with specific
steps to take. In addition, seventeen speakers who did
not state plans to utilize APIE in the pre-survey men-
tioned ideas for the future to take advantage of APIE
opportunities, such as participating in an APIE Intern-
ship and getting deeper involvement with the APIE
community after creating the Life-storytelling Board.
Some also suggested that they could use the contacts
they made at the APIE to hold workshops on their
own campuses to share the knowledge they gained
from the APIE. It indicated that the Life-storytelling
Board prompted using the opportunities available in-
side and outside of SOI Asia to leverage the experi-
ence of participating in APIE. One student said this
helps because he can see the big picture and how each
block supports the other. Another said he thinks the
most important thing is to see the connections, and
looking back at the past and future trends made it clear
what he is more interested in.
4.2 Phase 2. Learning Pathway
Co-Design Workshop
This research proposes the Learning Pathway Co-
design Workshop to support the Alignment mode. In
the workshop, stakeholders discuss designing a learn-
ing pathway while involving learners as the experts of
their experiences.
We ran three trials with a total of 33 participants
and refined the workshop based on observations and
feedback. The final trial separated the learners’ and
faculties’/working professionals’ sessions to facilitate
comfortable communication. Learners develop fic-
tional characters called personas based on their cur-
rent situation. Faculty and working professionals de-
fine the image of human resources they want to de-
velop and create corresponding learning pathways us-
ing pre-defined learning activities (Figure 4). Af-
ter faculty and working professionals create learning
pathways, students provide feedback. Interviews and
observations are conducted to assess if the Alignment
mode is supported.
Figure 4: Learning Pathway Co-design Workshop and the
Learning Pathway created.
The third trial was implemented online with three
learners and four faculty members involved in the
APIE program. They created subsequent learning
pathways after the APIE program. This workshop
took 90 minutes. The interviews and observation
showed that the workshop enabled faculty members to
understand learners’ needs and discuss how it can be
realized. One faculty member mentioned that learn-
ing design is traditionally faculty and government-
centric in her country, and this approach enables a
shift to student-centric. Two faculty members men-
tioned that the persona defined by learners supported
understanding their needs. Another faculty said that
vague ideas in his head became more concrete and
realistic. Also, young faculty members actively led
discussions, expressing interest in implementing the
learning pathway at their campuses. One young fac-
ulty mentioned that if this proves successful, he wants
to duplicate it at other universities. Students also
spoke up more and showed interest in participating
in the learning pathway. However, one student high-
lighted the lack of real-time exchange with faculty.
This affects the sense of community. Therefore, the
final scheme needs to be improved.
A Community-Based Support Scheme to Promote Learning Mobility: Practices in Higher Education in Southeast Asia and Japan
4.3 Phase 3. Community Integration
For the scheme to work well within a community, it
is necessary to ascertain how the new initiatives work
and create a scheme based on that. In the APIE Pro-
gram, two instances where learning opportunities ini-
tiated by partner universities emerged in Indonesia,
and interviews were conducted to investigate the fac-
tors contributing to this. The first instance was start-
ing study groups at one of the partner universities in
Indonesia after the APIE camp. This study group was
focused on more advanced topics related to the pro-
gram. The second instance was observed when a part-
ner university implemented a program that replicated
the content of the APIE camp.
The interview was conducted with four faculties,
three teaching assistants, and six students from the
partner universities. For the first instance, the study
group began when one of the faculty members knew
about the student’s learning progress in the APIE pro-
gram, which motivated him to support them in their
subsequent learning. Specifically, it was when he
heard that the students had completed their online
studies and would participate in the APIE camp in
Japan. The faculty member then approached other
faculty members he knew and enlisted their help.
However, there were challenges in continuing the
study group. Learners commented that the faculty
members who organized the study group were busy
and had been canceled several times. One of the
learners said he had tried conducting study groups but
could not start without getting instructions on what to
The second case study was a partner university
implementing a program modeled after APIE. The
presence of young faculty and graduate students was
cited as a significant factor influencing the implemen-
tation of this program. Young faculty and graduate
students, who are the contacts of those who play a
central role as SOI Asia community members, led
the implementation of this program. Senior faculties
were involved as mentors to them in implementing the
programs or participated in the program as partial in-
structors or technical supporters. However, one of the
young faculty members mentioned that it would be
difficult for him to continue leading that program in
the future because of his schedule. On the other hand,
the doctoral student who became a Teaching Assis-
tant showed motivation to organize the APIE program
in the future. This suggested connecting the younger
generation to take the next lead.
The result indicates that building bridges between
students and the older generation of faculty and work-
ing professionals, including young faculty and gradu-
ate students, is essential to implementing the scheme
sustainably and smoothly in the SOI Asia community.
During the interview, the young faculty members and
graduate students involved in the second case men-
tioned that their motivation for participating was to
build relationships with other faculty members from
different campuses or countries and gain the neces-
sary skills for their careers, such as planning and im-
plementing educational programs. In addition, be-
cause the educational programs at SOI Asia also in-
volve corporations and international organizations as
stakeholders, it can be an opportunity to expand ca-
reer pathways outside academia. Applying these re-
sults to the community integration of the scheme,
young faculty and graduate students can play a role
in encouraging learners to conduct a Life-storytelling
Board for Imagination mode. In the Alignment mode,
they, with the mentorship of the older generation, will
be responsible for sharing learners’ progress, present-
ing ideas that emerge from the Learning Pathway Co-
design Workshop in regular meetings of the SOI Asia
community, and executing them.
This research proposes a community scheme called
Inxignia to address the fragmentation of small-scale
learning mobility programs. Designed based on En-
gagement, Imagination, and Alignment modes de-
fined by LoP, it was implemented in SOI Asia. The
research comprises three phases: the design of Imag-
ination and Alignment modes, and the community
scheme integration. In Phase 1, we designed the Life-
storytelling Board, which supported learners in imag-
ining how they could connect the learning experi-
ence to their subsequent learning and career. Phase
2 featured the Learning Pathway Co-design work-
shop to communicate learner needs to stakeholders.
Phase 3 emphasized involving the young generation
for scheme autonomy and sustainability in the com-
munity. The Life-storytelling Board and Learning
Pathway Co-design Workshop will be integrated into
the APIE program, led by young faculty and grad-
uate students as the next plan. They spearhead ac-
tivities such as encouraging learners to create a Life-
storytelling Board, conducting the Learning Pathway
Co-design Workshop, sharing workshop ideas with
the SOI Asia community, and leading discussions for
implementation in regular meetings. The following
items will be evaluated through online surveys, inter-
views, and observations with community members.
What factors contributed to the implementation of
subsequent learning?
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
What elements fostered the learning continuity of
learners within or outside the community?
What aspects led to improving learners’ sense of
What circumstances played a role in the sustain-
ability of the scheme?
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our deepest gratitude to them for designing and im-
plementing learning mobility programs for university
students in Asia-Pacific and to all other institutions
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A Community-Based Support Scheme to Promote Learning Mobility: Practices in Higher Education in Southeast Asia and Japan