Investigating Entry-Level Software Project Managers’ Skills and
Responsibilities: An Empirical Analysis of LinkedIn Job Ads
Clara Berenguer
1 a
, S
avio Freire
2 b
, Manoel Mendonc¸a
1 c
and Rodrigo Sp
3 d
Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Federal Institute of Cear
a, Morada Nova, Cear
a, Brazil
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, U.S.A.
Project Managers, Entry-Level, Responsibilities, Skills.
Context. Project managers play a central role in software development projects. Knowing the skills re-
quired and responsibilities expected from entry-level software project managers can help those starting a job
search and organizations that want to articulate their staffing needs clearly. Aims. To investigate the required
skills and expected responsibilities prevalent in the job market for entry-level software project managers.
Method. This work collects and analyzes, qualitatively and quantitatively, 50 online job advertisements from
the LinkedIn Jobs platform. Results. Overall, organizations look for professionals with a vast list of skills
and able to address several job responsibilities. The most expected responsibilities are planning, organizing,
and coordinating team activities, establish a good communication with the client, and analyze and communi-
cate project risks. The most required skills are communication, technical knowledge, and planning/managing.
Both hard and soft skills are expected. However, soft skills are slightly prevalent. Conclusion. Job ads are a
valuable source to gain insights into current job market trends and project management role expectations for
professionals, organizations, and researchers.
Software project management seeks on-time delivery
of a project and manages its internal unknowns and
complexities (Shafiq et al., 2018). Project managers
play a central role in ensuring the successful deliv-
ery of projects. They are responsible for the appli-
cation of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to
project activities to meet project requirements (Insti-
tute, 2021). Their role is one of the most challenging
because it requires a broad understanding of several
areas that must be coordinated and requires strong
technical and non-technical skills (Guide, 2001).
Several studies have investigated skills and re-
sponsibilities for project managers (Ahsan et al.,
2013; do Vale et al., 2018; Hernandez-de Menendez
et al., 2020; Hefley and Bottion, 2021). Skills high-
light the specific abilities, competencies, and quali-
fications a company seeks. The responsibilities out-
line the specific tasks and obligations expected from
the candidate for a particular role. Ahsan et al. (Ah-
san et al., 2013) showed that the most commonly de-
manded skills are leadership, effective communica-
tion, technical expertise, team building and manage-
ment, and planning. Do Vale et al. (do Vale et al.,
2018) identified four categories (contextual, manage-
rial, technical and behavioral) to organize project
managers’ skills. Hernandez et al. (Hernandez-de
Menendez et al., 2020) explored the impact of Indus-
try 4.0 on project management, emphasizing the need
for project managers to acquire new technical, con-
textual, and behavioral competencies. Lastly, Hefley
and Bottion (Hefley and Bottion, 2021) investigated
the readiness and performance of new graduates in
project management roles.
Although these studies have identified responsibil-
ities and skills needed for software project managers,
it is still necessary to know what responsibilities and
skills are required by the job market for entry-level
software project managers.
Investigating requirements for entry-level project
manager positions can provide insights for guiding
individuals in preparing themselves for starting a ca-
Berenguer, C., Freire, S., Mendonça, M. and Spínola, R.
Investigating Entry-Level Software Project Managers’ Skills and Responsibilities: An Empirical Analysis of LinkedIn Job Ads.
DOI: 10.5220/0012681700003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 214-221
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
reer in project management. Information on the re-
quired skills and expected responsibilities helps them
make informed decisions on preparing and qualify-
ing for job search processes. This information would
also be valuable for educators, who could best fit their
courses guided by demands from the software indus-
try. For instance, should a future project manager in-
vest several hours learning a specific technique for
cost estimation or improving her(is) communication
skills? Or, instead of focusing only on technical skills,
which soft skills should be considered in project man-
agement courses?
On the other hand, the hiring of project managers
is a significant challenge for organizations (Ahsan
et al., 2013). Mapping the skills and responsibili-
ties for entry-level positions is helpful for organiza-
tions looking for such professionals. Organizations
can clearly articulate their expectations when hiring
them by identifying the core skills and responsibilities
associated with entry-level project managers. They
can also align their recruitment strategies, job descrip-
tions, and selection processes to ensure that the can-
didates attracted possess the desired qualifications.
This paper investigates the required skills and
expected responsibilities prevalent in the job mar-
ket for entry-level software project management
positions. Our research is based on the analyses
of online job advertisements on the professional net-
working platform LinkedIn. The study design is in-
spired by the work of Maya et al. (Daneva et al., 2017)
and considers a diverse range of job advertisements
from LinkedIn to collect six elements present on the
job ads: company name, company size, company spe-
cialties, the responsibilities, and the skills required.
The results show that project manager is the most
used title for entry-level project manager job ads.
Only two ads indicated the required level of expe-
rience in the title, requiring the candidate to verify
the job description. The most commonly expected re-
sponsibilities are to plan, organize and coordinate the
team activities, establish good communication with
the client, and analyze and communicate project risks.
The most commonly desired skills are communica-
tion, technical skills and planning/management skills.
The list of the most commonly mentioned responsibil-
ities and skills, somehow, confirms how project man-
agement body of knowledge (Institute, 2021) defines
a project manager.
In addition to this introduction, this paper has six
other sections. Section 2 presents related work. Sec-
tion 3 describes the methodology used. Then, Sec-
tion 4 presents the results, which are discussed in Sec-
tion 5. Section 6 discusses the threats to validity. Fi-
nally, Section 7 presents the final remarks.
There is a couple of studies investigating skills and re-
sponsibilities of specific software development roles.
Concerning software project managers, Hefley and
Bottion (Hefley and Bottion, 2021) examined the
readiness and performance of recent graduates in
project management positions. The authors discov-
ered that these new graduates often lack the nec-
essary preparation and comprehensive project man-
agement skills, particularly in risk management,
and their soft skills are not well-developed, which
presents challenges for project success. Hernandez et
al. (Hernandez-de Menendez et al., 2020) investigated
the implications of Industry 4.0 on project manage-
ment, underscoring the necessity for project managers
to gain fresh technical, contextual, and behavioral
skills. The study ultimately established that project
managers in the context of Industry 4.0 should place
greater emphasis on behavioral or soft skills com-
pared to their traditional counterparts, mirroring the
evolving demands of this technological revolution.
Magano et al. (Magano et al., 2020) examined the
project management competencies and traits associ-
ated with Generation Z individuals entering the work-
force. The study identified a lack of self-awareness
among Gen Zers about their traits but also high-
lights a significant correlation between some of their
characteristics and essential project management soft
skills, suggesting that Generation Z has promise in the
project management field. The authors emphasized
the need for further research to improve educational
approaches and training policies to strengthen Gen-
eration Z’s soft skills and assess whether their traits
align with the competencies sought by organizations
in project management.
Brewer (Brewer, 2005) discussed the skills a
project manager must have to be proficient and how
these skills can be tough. The author related the soft-
ware project manager’s competence to their skills.
For example, the skills written and oral communi-
cation, effective listening, strategic planning, con-
flict management, teamwork, business writing are ex-
pected to the competence “to facilitate effective com-
munication between customer, management, project
sponsors, and the project team. Jalil and Shahid (Jalil
and Shahid, 2008) conducted a survey about the skill
set of software project managers, reveling that the
highly desired skills of software project managers
are communication, organizational, and leadership
skills. Ahsan et al. (Ahsan et al., 2013) analyzed
project manager job advertisements, identifying re-
quired knowledge, skills, and abilities. Their find-
ings reveal variations in the emphasis on soft skills
Investigating Entry-Level Software Project Managers’ Skills and Responsibilities: An Empirical Analysis of LinkedIn Job Ads
and highlight the implications for project manager re-
In another related work, Peters and Moreno (Pe-
ters and Moreno, 2015) presented a set of skills that
should be taught to software engineering students
who intend to work as project managers. These com-
petencies include team development, communication,
project planning and scheduling, complexity man-
agement, strategic planning, estimating, project cost
accounting and status monitoring, and risk manage-
ment. Do Vale et al. (do Vale et al., 2018) clas-
sified project manager competencies into four cat-
egories (behavioral, technical/specific, management,
and contextual), and reported core competences such
as leadership, planning, and business. Gandomani
et al. (Gandomani et al., 2020) performed a system-
atic literature review to identify the role of project
managers in agile software teams. The authors found
eleven responsibilities and duties of the agile project
management, such as change coach and organizing
affairs. Also, they found a difference between agile
and traditional project management, pointing out that
agile project management is accompanied by direct
intervention in the development process.
Differently, our work focuses on responsibilities
and skills expected for entry-level project managers
from LinkedIn ads.
This section presents our research questions, the data
collection and analysis procedures.
3.1 Research Questions
Software professionals face several challenges to en-
ter in the job market. Common questions asked by
them are: How to look for a specific job position?
What skills should I improve to have better chances of
getting a position? What responsibilities should I be
prepared for dealing with in a specific position? On
the other hand, when organizations are hiring, they
have to stand out in the right way to the right job
seekers to connect with the people who will help them
reach their goals. A key step is putting their job listing
containing the correct information.
The goal of this study is to investigate online job
advertisements for entry-level software project man-
ager. We consider the following research questions:
RQ1: What terms are used for entry-level soft-
ware project manager positions? This question
aims to identify terms used by organizations when
hiring entry-level project managers. This may
help job seekers understand the different job ti-
tles and better target their job search. Also, it may
enable employers to create more accurate and ap-
pealing job postings.
RQ2: What responsibilities are accounted for
entry-level software project managers? We
seek to establish a comprehensive list of respon-
sibilities associated with entry-level project man-
ager roles. It helps potential candidates to have
a clear understanding of the tasks they might be
expected to perform in such positions and al-
lows employers to outline the core responsibilities
when advertising jobs.
RQ3: What skills are necessary for entry-level
software project managers? This question fo-
cuses on identifying skills required for entry-level
project manager roles. It helps job seekers to as-
sess their qualifications and adjust their skill set
to meet the industry’s demands. For employers,
understanding the central skills aids in evaluating
and selecting suitable candidates who possess the
necessary competencies.
3.2 Data Collection
We collected the data from job advertisements from
LinkedIn jobs repository. The data was collected
twice, with a 30-day gap between each round. The
following filters were applied on LinkedIn search:
Location: United States. The position is required
to be located within the United States due to its in-
fluential position in the software industry, offering
abundant data and resources.
Experience Level: Entry Level. The position
must be open to junior project managers. Senior
and expert level positions will be excluded, pri-
marily based on the presence of “senior” or “ex-
pert” terms within the job title or if the job de-
scription clearly specifies a requirement for can-
didates with extensive experience, such as a min-
imum of five years of professional work experi-
ence or expertise in the field. The assessment of a
position’s suitability will not be based on the com-
plexity of the listed job responsibilities.
Job Type: Full Time. We are interested only in
job ads that require the position to be either per-
manent or possess the potential for permanency.
All internships, traineeships, and positions lo-
cated abroad were disregarded and deemed inel-
igible for consideration.
Industry: Software Development. Job postings
outside the scope of software development were
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Job Function: Project Management. Job ad-
vertisements seeking professionals not associated
with project management roles (e.g., scrum mas-
ter), will be also eliminated from the final data set.
To perform the search on LinkedIn, first, navigate to
LinkedIn’s website and log in to your account. Once
logged in, click on the “Jobs” section. In the search
bar, type “project manager” and then specify the lo-
cation as “United States. After performing the ini-
tial search, you will see job listings related to project
management roles in the United States. To refine your
search, click on All Filters. In the filter options, se-
lect “Entry level, “Full-time, and specify your in-
terest in “Software Development. Finally, click the
“Search” button to see a tailored list of entry-level,
full-time software project management job opportu-
nities in the United States.
We collected for each job ad: job title, company
name, company size, company speciality, responsi-
bilities, skills, and if the job ad was for an agile or
non-agile position. Due to the absence of a prescribed
template, job ads varied in style. Figure 1 exemplifies
a job ad and how we identify the data to be collected.
Figure 1: Example of a job ad.
3.3 Data Analysis
We followed qualitative data analysis procedures to
answer our research questions (Strauss and Corbin,
1998; Seaman, 1999). For RQ1, we analyzed the job
titles and grouped them into high level terms. For ex-
ample, job titles like “project manager, “project man-
ager - consultant, and “project manager - software
development” composed the high-level term project
manager. This process was performed by the first au-
thor and reviewed by the last author.
For RQ2 and RQ3, we applied qualitative data
analysis techniques (Seaman, 1999). We applied
manual open coding to the collected list of respon-
sibilities and skills. Initially, the first author coded
the set of all answers. After, the second author re-
viewed all codes. Disagreements were resolved by
the last author. Next, we analyzed the extracted codes
in both subsets (responsibilities and skills), identify-
ing the codes that had the same meaning. This process
resulted in the final list of responsibilities and skills.
An example of this process is as follows: a job ad
mentioned “handle risk management and contingency
planning” and another described “highlight risks and
assumptions throughout the project. For both of
them, we extracted the code “analyze and communi-
cate project risks. The used nomenclature emerged
inductively from the job advertisements.
Subsequently, we categorized the identified
skills into two types: hard and soft skills. Hard
skills refer to a person’s ability to perform a certain
type of task or activity (Hendarman and Tjakraat-
madja, 2012). On the other hand, soft skills are per-
sonal attributes that enhance an individual’s interac-
tions and his/her job performance (Hendarman and
Tjakraatmadja, 2012). For instance, we classified
“excellent verbal and written communication, orga-
nization, and follow-up skills” as a soft skill and “PM
framework/software” as a hard skill.
This final step was conducted by the first author
and reviewed by the last author. Divergences were
resolved by them in a meeting. In the end, we have a
list of skills and responsibilities, and the types of each
skill. We counted the number of times each of those
elements was mentioned on job ads and ranked them.
In total, we collected 85 job ads, but 35 of them were
duplicates. We eliminated the duplicates, resulting in
50 job ads composing our final data set. The raw data
is available at here.
These ads were posted by 38 North American or-
ganizations. Most of them are medium-sized (46%,
companies with 51 to 1000 employees), followed by
large (42%, more than 1001 employees), and small
(12%, up to 50 employees). From this total, 38% were
interested in agile software development process.
4.1 RQ1: What Terms Are Used for
Entry-Level Software Project
Manager Positions?
We found 30 terms in job titles and grouped them into
five main high-level terms: project manager (38 ci-
tations), program manager (9), technical project im-
plementation specialist (1), technical data migration
consultant (1), and public key infrastructure admin-
istrator (1). The term project manager was the most
mentioned and is composed of the following terms:
“project manager, “project manager - consultant,
Investigating Entry-Level Software Project Managers’ Skills and Responsibilities: An Empirical Analysis of LinkedIn Job Ads
“project manager - software development, and “ju-
nior project manager. Interestingly, only two ads in-
dicated in the title the required level of experience,
requiring the candidate to verify the job description.
4.2 RQ2: What Responsibilities Are
Accounted for Entry-Level Software
Project Managers?
We found 27 responsibilities for entry-level project
manager positions. Table 1 presents the ten most
commonly cited. This table reports the responsibil-
ity name, its definition, quotes, and the total num-
ber (i.e., count) of citations (#CR), i.e., the number
of job advertisements in which the responsibility was
found. The column %CR presents the percentage of
#CR about the total job advertisements (44) that cited
at least one responsibility. It reveals how frequently
each responsibility was cited. The complete list is
available at here.
Project managers are most tasked with planning,
organizing, and coordinating team activities, with
82% of the job advertisements, focusing on imple-
menting project plans by breaking them down into ac-
tionable tasks and assigning responsibilities to team
members. The other best positioned responsibility
was establish a good communication with the client
(48%), which refers to maintain a strong working re-
Additionally, our research shows that project man-
agers must analyze and communicate project risks
(43%) by proactively addressing potential challenges
of the project. The responsibility analyzing stake-
holders’ activities and providing feedback (34%)
means that all project managers need to ensure stake-
holders remain informed and engaged throughout the
project’s progression. Aligning client expectations
with team capabilities (32%) is very present and helps
maintain a shared vision for the project.
The responsibility budget management (27%) en-
ables resource allocation and financial control. Lead-
ing continuous improvement tasks is present in 23%
of the job advertisements and cultivates a culture of
learning and innovation, driving ongoing project en-
hancements. Following a well-established project
management process (20%) ensures consistency and
minimizes errors for more predictable outcomes. En-
suring deliverable (20%) requires meticulous mon-
itoring and quality control at every project stage.
Lastly, establishing training processes, present in
20% of the job advertisements, indicates that project
managers should empower the team, enabling success
in project delivery.
4.3 RQ3: What Skills Are Necessary for
Entry-Level Software Project
We found 30 skills expected for entry-level project
managers. Table 2 presents the ten most commonly
cited. This table reports the skill name, its type (hard
(H) or soft (S)), its definition, quotes, and the to-
tal number (i.e., count) of citations (#CS), i.e., the
number of job advertisements in which the skill was
found. The column %CS presents the percentage of
#CS about the total job advertisements (43) that cited
at least one skill. It reveals how frequently each skill
was cited in entry-level project manager job advertise-
ments. The complete list of skills is available at here.
Communication skills and technical knowledge
were the most frequently cited skills, both present
in 53% of the job advertisements. Project managers
need to convey information, ideas, and instructions
clearly and effectively. Also, they should understand
and have expertise in the technical aspects relevant
to the project to effectively convey project goals and
guide team members through technical complexities.
Other commonly present skill was plan-
ning/managing, noted in 49% of the advertisements.
It refers to the ability of developing strategic project
plans and allocate resources effectively. Project
managers should also have problem-solving skills, so
when challenges arise, they are able to find innovative
solutions. We can also see that organizational skills
was present in 35% of the job advertisements, indi-
cating that project managers have to ensure tasks and
documentation are well-managed and contributing to
project efficiency. Software industry is searching for
project managers who can effectively communicate
with stakeholders, plan project execution, navigate
challenges, and maintain organized workflows.
Additionally, Table 2 shows that teamwork skills
is present in 30% of the job advertisements, meaning
that a project manager needs to create a collaborative
and motivated team environment. Project manage-
ment framework/software skills (28%) highlights the
importance of the ability to optimize the workflows
and monitors progress effectively. Domain knowl-
edge and agile skills, with a presence of 23%, indi-
cate that project managers need to make informed de-
cisions and adapt to changes in the project’s domain
and requirements. Lastly, project management con-
cepts skills (21%) mean that project managers ensure
that projects follow best practices.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Responsibilities for entry-level project managers.
NO Responsibility Definition Quote #CR %CR
1st Plan, organize and coordinate
team activities
Developing a strategic roadmap, allocating re-
sources, and efficiently managing the team’s tasks
and activities to achieve project goals.
Monitor and ensure efficient, timely
project delivery to a high standard.
Compile project plan tasks and dates.
36 82%
2nd Establish a good communica-
tion with the client
Build and maintain effective and open channels of
communication with the client.
Serve as the main point of contact for
clients during project implementation.
Maintaining and accurately reporting and
documenting ongoing communications with
existing customers.
21 48%
3rd Analyze and communicate
project risks
Identify potential challenges or risks that may im-
pact the project’s success, addressing them, and
communicating these risks to stakeholders for in-
formed decision-making.
Highlight risks and assump-
tions throughout the project.
Handle risk management and contingency
19 43%
4th Analyze stakeholder’s activities
to provide feedback
Observe and evaluate stakeholders’ involvement
and contributions to the project, and offer a con-
structive feedback.
Conduct performance reviews and
provide mentor team members.
Attend project meetings and provide status
updates to the Project Manager.
15 34%
5th Make an alignment of client ex-
Ensure the client’s expectations are aligned with
the capabilities and resources of the project team.
Define clear project objectives
with clients and colleagues.
Set and uphold standards for delivery excel-
lence and client service.
14 32%
6th Budget management Manage project finances, including budget allo-
cation, tracking expenses, and ensuring that the
project remains within the approved budget.
Construct and monitor project budgets.
Financial health and budget management.
12 27%
7th Lead continuous improvement
Initiate and guide efforts to continuously improve
project processes, methods, and outcomes.
Continuously identify areas for improve-
ment and implement process improve-
ments to increase efficiency and quality.
Participate in process improvement efforts.
10 23%
8th Follow a well establish project
management process
Adhere to established and proven project manage-
ment methodologies, frameworks, and best prac-
Promote and follow a defined project
management process and implement best
practices for project management.
Apply project management best practices to
meet project plan, time and scope objectives.
9 20%
9th Ensure deliverable are achieved Monitor project progress to ensure that all project
deliverable are completed and meet the required
quality standards.
Ensuring all project plan and con-
tractual commitments are achieved.
Ensure all project documentation is com-
plete, up-to-date, and accessible to relevant
9 20%
10th Establish and implement train-
ing processes
Design and implement training programs to equip
the team with the necessary skills and knowledge.
Establish and implement training processes
and strategies for all technical personnel.
Accomplishes orienting, training, assigning,
scheduling, and coaching employees
9 20%
4.3.1 Hard and Soft Skills
Some of the identified skills are soft skills, i.e., they
are related to personal attributes that enhance an in-
dividual’s interactions and job performance (Hendar-
man and Tjakraatmadja, 2012) (e.g., communication
skills, planning / managing skills, problem solving
skills, organization skills, and team work skills). Oth-
ers are hard skills as they are associated with a
person’s proficiency and capacity to execute specific
tasks or activities (Hendarman and Tjakraatmadja,
2012) (e.g., technical knowledge, project manage-
ment framework/software skills, domain knowledge,
agile skills, and project management concepts skills).
Table 3 presents the two types, the number of
skills of each type (#S), and the total number (i.e.,
count) of citations (#C). Column %CS presents how
frequently soft and hard skills are mentioned in job
ads. Although there are more hard than soft skills,
soft skills are more commonly expected in job adver-
The first actionable result for practitioners is: in the
LinkedIn job repository, checking the content of the
ad is crucial, as the job title does not always bring the
required level of experience.
Interestingly, we rarely find mentions to specific
tools or techniques. On the contrary, broad knowl-
edge on the area is expected. This poses more chal-
lenges for those interested in starting a project man-
ager career, because it can take some time until get
enough knowledge in such a vast area. Besides, it can
make it harder to make decisions on how to pursue
expected technical knowledge and skills.
Overall, the expected responsibilities are the same
regardless the process model followed by the organi-
zation. Plan, organize and coordinate team activities,
analyze stakeholder’s activities to provide feedback,
establish a good communication with the client, and
analyze and communicate project risks are amongst
the most commonly expected responsibilities. Con-
cerning skills, there are slightly differences in the list
of the most expected per process model (traditional
or agile). Interestingly, the top 10 ranked responsibil-
Investigating Entry-Level Software Project Managers’ Skills and Responsibilities: An Empirical Analysis of LinkedIn Job Ads
Table 2: Skills for entry-level project managers.
NO Type Skill Definition Quote #CS %CS
1st S Communication The ability to effectively convey information,
ideas, and instructions to others, fostering clear
understanding and collaboration among team
members and stakeholders.
Excellent written and ver-
bal communication skills.
Ability to communicate difficult concepts
using terminology appropriate to the audience.
23 53%
2nd H Technical knowledge Understand and have expertise in the technical as-
pects relevant to the project, enabling informed
decision-making, guidance to team members, and
addressing technical challenges.
Understanding of video middleware stacks
like RDK, Android TV, hardware/software.
Proficient knowledge of Excel and VBA.
23 53%
3rd S Planning/managing Proficiency in developing strategic project plans
and allocating resources efficiently to ensure
projects stay on track and meet goals within set
timelines and budgets.
Ability to work effectively within a fast-
paced, deadline-driven environment.
Effective prioritization and meeting dead-
21 49%
4th S Organization The ability to maintain order and efficiently man-
age tasks, documents, and resources, contributing
to overall project efficiency and effectiveness.
You are highly organized and care
deeply about building and growing a sus-
tainable, culture-conscious business.
Excellent organizational skills and ability to
manage multiple priorities effectively.
16 37%
5th S Problem solving The capacity to identify, analyze, and find inno-
vative solutions to challenges and obstacles that
arise during the project’s execution.
Ability to identify complex problems and re-
viewing related information to develop and
evaluate options and implement solutions.
Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.
15 35%
6th S Team work The ability to foster a collaborative and moti-
vated team environment, promoting cooperation
and collective effort towards project goals.
Ability to maintain a posi-
tive, team-oriented attitude.
Ability to manage complex relationships among
stakeholders on a project which has significant
executive oversight.
13 30%
7th H Project management
Proficiency in utilizing project management tools
and methodologies to optimize project workflows,
monitor progress, and enhance project outcomes.
Efficient in project management tools like MS
project, JIRA, VISIO, SharePoint, Adobe etc.
Experience using Jira and Confluence.
12 28%
8th H Domain knowledge Expertise in the specific industry or field of the
Knowledge of healthcare, medicare
and medicaid systems and data.
Experience overseeing a construction project.
10 23%
9th H Agile Competence in agile methodologies, which em-
phasize flexibility, iterative approaches, and
adaptability to changing project requirements and
Agile project management skills
in infrastructure projects.
Knowledge of agile practices and methods.
10 23%
10th H Project management
Understanding of fundamental project manage-
ment principles and practices, guiding effective
decision-making and successful project execution.
Knowledge of project management techniques. 9 21%
Table 3: Types of skills for entry-level project managers.
Type of skill #S #C %CS
Hard skill 18 87 41%
Soft skill 12 126 59%
ities and skills confirm how the body of knowledge
in project management defines, in general, a project
manager role.
For organizations, we provide an extensive list
of expected responsibilities and skills. Organizations
can now clearly articulate their expectations when hir-
ing entry-level project managers by identifying the
core skills and responsibilities associated with them.
We also recommend clearly state in the title of the job
ad the level of experience required for a specific posi-
For educators, there are also valuable insights. Re-
sults pointed out that both technical and soft skills
are highly expected. However, soft skills are slightly
more commonly requested on job ads. Technical
skills have already been taken into consideration in
project management courses for a long time. How-
ever, the same does not hold for soft skills. For in-
stance: which courses (at the undergraduate and grad-
uate levels) have employed practices to improve stu-
dents’ skills such as communication, teamwork abil-
ity, problem solving, be organized, and others? Our
results can serve as a starting point to develop new
training strategies in the skills and qualifications for
performing project management activities (responsi-
bilities) required for entry-level project manager po-
sitions. Software engineering educators can support
these development by conducting pedagogical inter-
ventions to assess these strategies with their students.
We identified some threats to validity:
Construct validity. A threat emerges as the
LinkedIn platform can suggest job ads according to
profile information. To mitigate this threat, we de-
fined a new profile and used it to search the job ads.
Another threat steams from the fact that we only
chose the LinkedIn as a source to collect the ads. We
recognize that this is a limitation of our work.
Internal validity. We identified the threat associ-
ated with the format of the ads. When the extracted
elements (responsibilities and skills) are not in differ-
ent sections of a job ad. The first author extracted and
classified them. Next, the last author reviewed the list
of responsibilities and skills, minimizing this threat.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
External validity. This threat relates to the rea-
sonableness of generalizing our conclusions. We can
not generalize our results. Our sample size is lim-
ited to the analyses of 50 job ads and refers to entry-
level software project manager positions from only
one country. However, we stopped to collect new job
ads when we reached a state of saturation in the codes
for responsibilities and skills. We did not find any
new code in the last five job ads analysed.
Conclusion validity. This threat is related to the
procedures we followed to standardize the nomen-
clature of responsibilities and skills, and classify the
identified skills into soft or hard skills. To reduce
this threat, the aforementioned procedures were per-
formed by two researchers individually. Divergences
between them were resolved in a meeting.
This study investigates the responsibilities and skills
required for entry-level software project managers
through the analysis of online job ads on the LinkedIn
platform. It also reports the group of responsibilities
and skills required in combination. Results reveal that
plan, organize and coordinate team activities, estab-
lish a good communication with the client, and ana-
lyze and communicate project risks are amongst the
responsibilities that organizations pay more attention.
Concerning skills, communication, technical knowl-
edge, and planning/managing are amongst the most
commonly found.
Researchers can utilize the findings to gain in-
sights into current job market trends and project man-
agement role expectations. Professionals benefit from
information on responsibilities and skills, enabling
them to enhance their career development and align
their qualifications with industry demands. Finally,
organizations can refine their hiring strategies based
on the study’s insights.
The next steps of this work include to (i) expand
our data source by considering job ads from different
countries, and (ii) organize the set of responsibilities
and skills in evidence briefings that could be used to
guide both professionals and organizations interested
on project management roles.
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Investigating Entry-Level Software Project Managers’ Skills and Responsibilities: An Empirical Analysis of LinkedIn Job Ads