Review Time as Predictor for the Quality of Model Inspections
Marian Daun
1 a
, Meenakshi Manjunath
1 b
and Jennifer Brings
2 c
Center of Robotics, Technical University of Applied Sciences W
urzburg-Schweinfurt, Schweinfurt, Germany
University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Validation, Software Inspection, Model Inspection, Ad Hoc Review, Review Time, Controlled Experiment.
Software inspections play an important part in ensuring the quality of software development. With the emer-
gence of model-based development approaches, there is also a need for model inspections to ensure correctness
of model-based artifacts. In practice, ad hoc inspections are regularly conducted, often by new and rather in-
experienced colleagues, which are asked spontaneously to review an artifact of interest. The use of novices,
such as trainees or student assistants, allows shorter review cycles at reduced costs. The quality of these ad
hoc inspections is commonly attributed to different factors, often related to the reviewer. Increasing review
time can be seen as an indicator that the reviewer takes the review serious. Furthermore, with more time spent,
it can be assumed that more defects will be found. In this paper, we report the results of an experiment on ad
hoc model inspections. Our results show that contradictory to these assumptions and empirical findings from
inspections of textual documents – the review time a reviewer decides to spend on a review has no significant
influence on the effectiveness of ad hoc model inspections.
During software engineering processes, manual qual-
ity assurance is regularly mandated and conducted
at different stages and with different intensities (ISO
26262-1, 2011; ISO/IEC 25030, 2007). While for-
mal inspections are completed from time to time,
on multiple occasions brief visual inspections by co-
workers or the developers themselves are done reg-
ularly. These visual reviews of the requirements
(Miller et al., 1998), the code (de Almeida et al.,
2003), or other development artifacts (Laitenberger
et al., 2000) aim at improving the overall quality of
the software product to be developed.
In the past, research has been conducted on soft-
ware inspections and other formal validation tech-
niques. On a regular basis, different validation tech-
niques have been compared to ad hoc reviews, of-
ten showing that they are more effective and efficient.
However, most validation techniques exceed ad hoc
reviews in the resources needed (e.g., since multiple
reviewers are expected to be present, multiple intense
reviewing days are defined), which leads to increased
costs. Hence, such validation techniques are used at
distinct points but not commonly throughout a devel-
opment project. Therefore, there is still a need for ad
hoc reviews.
Ad hoc reviews are often conducted with inexperi-
enced reviewers, these are typically available student
assistants working in the company unit or newer col-
leagues or trainees that have not yet assigned to spe-
cific duties. As they tend to be more error-prone than
the use of - pricey and seldomly available - experts in
the field, often ad hoc reviews are distributed among
a larger set of reviewers. However, there is a need to
assess the quality of the inspection results, as the de-
velopers typically want to focus on the more reliable
reviews that provide less false positives. Established
research identify three major factors influencing the
quality of an inspection:
1. The reviewer, i.e. personal factors such as years
of experience, degrees achieved, etc.
2. The review subject, i.e. the way the requirements,
code, models, other artifacts under review have
been prepared and are structured.
3. The review process, i.e. the technique applied, the
number of resources and time spent.
A common misconception about reviews is that
the time spent for reviewing (i.e. the review time)
influences the quality of a review. Particularly, it
Daun, M., Manjunath, M. and Brings, J.
Review Time as Predictor for the Quality of Model Inspections.
DOI: 10.5220/0012682900003687
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2024), pages 120-131
ISBN: 978-989-758-696-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
is assumed that ad hoc reviews suffer from too lit-
tle time spent whereas on-the-fly reviewing a co-
worker’s code, text, model, etc. This means that re-
views conducted in less time are usually less effective
and efficient when compared to reviews conducted in
more time. If that is the case, then, we could priori-
tize reviews with more review time taken higher than
reviews with less time taken.
In this paper, we investigate this effect for visual
inspections of models (i.e. ad hoc model inspections),
in contribution to the research goal: Does review time
influence ad hoc model inspections?
At this point, we briefly lay out our definition of
review time. Review time refers to the duration taken
by a reviewer to conduct a review task. However, we
do not refer to predefined review times, i.e. a reviewer
is asked to spend two hours for a review. Instead,
we refer to the actual time used without given restric-
tions. This implies that we want to find out the influ-
ences of the actual time a reviewer deems sufficient
for a reviewing task or a reviewer is willing to invest
for a review on the quality of the review. This ap-
proach makes it challenging to offer straightforward
guidelines on the recommended duration for an un-
compromised quality review. In contrast, we want to
contribute to the question, whether the time taken is
an indicator for finding good reviewers or to estimate
whether a review is more likely to be of good quality
or not.
To answer the research goal, an experiment on the
influence of review time on ad hoc model inspections
was conducted and is reported in this paper. In to-
tal, 200 participants conducted ad hoc model inspec-
tions. In total, we collected data from 520 partici-
pants who performed multiple ad hoc model inspec-
tion tasks across a total of eight different tasks. After
filtering, 497 data sets were used for analyzing the
influence of review time on effectiveness, reviewers’
confidence, and efficiency of ad hoc model inspec-
tions. The results show that there is no discernible ef-
fect for effectiveness, while confidence and efficiency
are influenced by review time. However, results show
that increased review time does neither lead to in-
creased efficiency and confidence, nor does decreas-
ing review time. Moderate review time leads to sig-
nificantly higher efficiency and confidence compared
to very short and very long review time.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 in-
troduces background information and related work on
ad hoc model inspections and related studies. Sub-
sequently, Section 3 introduces the study design and
Section 4 the study results. The major findings and
threats to validity are discussed in Section 5. Finally,
Section 6 concludes the paper.
2.1 Ad Hoc Model Inspections
Different inspection techniques have been proposed
to support validation of various software develop-
ment artifacts. Among others, formal inspection ((Fa-
gan, 1976; Fagan, 1986), often referred to as Fagan-
Inspection), walkthroughs (Boehm, 1987), N-fold in-
spection (Martin and Tsai, 1990), checklist-based in-
spection (Thelin et al., 2003), perspective-based read-
ing (Shull et al., 2000) and scenario-based reading
(Regnell et al., 2000) have gained much attention
and are regularly investigated for their effectiveness
and efficiency (e.g., (Miller et al., 1998; Basili et al.,
1996)). This is commonly done by comparing these
techniques between each other, or even frequently by
comparison with ad hoc inspections (or ad hoc re-
views). Ad hoc inspections are typically defined as
inspections that are conducted without any guidance
for the reviewer and without a prescribed process. Ba-
sically, the reviewer is just given the review artifact
and the task to validate its correctness (Porter et al.,
1995; O.Oladele and O. Adedayo, 2014).
The majority of existing studies is interested in in-
specting requirements artifacts or code artifacts. The
inspection of requirement artifacts is, for instance, in-
vestigated by Miller et al. (Miller et al., 1998). In
a controlled experiment, trained student participants
conduct inspections for error detection in natural lan-
guage requirements specifications. Basili et al. 1996
(Basili et al., 1996) report on a controlled experi-
ment with professional software developers compar-
ing different inspection techniques for requirements
documents. Finding out that perspective-based review
is significantly more effective than other inspection
techniques for requirements documents. Other ex-
amples for requirements inspection studies were con-
ducted by He and Carver (He and Carver, 2006), Mal-
donado et al. (Maldonado et al., 2006), Laitenberger
et al. (Laitenberger et al., 2001), Berling and Rune-
son (Berling and Runeson, 2003), and Sabaliauskaite
et al. (Sabaliauskaite et al., 2004), which often come
to comparable findings. Code inspections are, among
others, studied by Porter et al. (Porter et al., 1997),
Laitenberger (Laitenberger, 1998), Almeida et al. (de
Almeida et al., 2003), or Dunsmore et al. (Dunsmore
et al., 2003).
However, while requirements inspections and
code inspections have been heavily investigated,
model inspections are also the center of various stud-
ies. For instance, de Mello et al. (d. Mello et al.,
2012) investigate the inspection of feature models.
Conradi et al. (Conradi et al., 2003) and Laitenberger
Review Time as Predictor for the Quality of Model Inspections
et al. (Laitenberger et al., 2000) report experiments
on inspections of UML models.
In previous work, we proposed dedicated review
models to improve model inspections (Daun et al.,
2014). Results showed that Message Sequence Charts
are a favorable modeling language for conducting
reviews. Particularly, we conducted experiments
to compare the use of Message Sequence Charts
with functional specification languages (Daun et al.,
2019b), of review models merging multiple specifica-
tions (Daun et al., 2019a), of the representation for-
mat for inconsistencies shown in the review model
(Daun et al., 2017), or the use of instance- vs. type-
level specifications (Daun et al., 2020). By analyzing
the data gathered from all these experiments, we tried
to identify predictors for a reviewer’s performance,
but concluded so far that commonly suggested predic-
tors like experience and confidence are not reliable for
the quality of model inspections (Daun et al., 2021).
In summary, ad hoc inspections are regularly used
as comparison for more advanced inspection tech-
niques under investigation. Although other inspec-
tion techniques typically win the comparison with
ad hoc inspections, controlled experiments do exist
that found out that ad hoc inspections do not perform
worse than systematic inspection techniques (Lanu-
bile and Visaggio, 2000) or at least not worse than all
other systematic inspection techniques (Porter et al.,
1995; Porter and Votta, 1998). In addition, ad hoc
model inspections possess benefits regarding the low
resource consumption. This allows conducting ad hoc
inspections frequently whenever validation is needed.
Therefore, ad hoc inspections are regularly used in in-
dustry (although typically not as the only inspection
technique used during the entire project).
2.2 Influence Factors
Beside experiments comparing effectiveness and effi-
ciency of different inspection techniques, studies ex-
ist aiming at investigating other influence factors for
inspections. For instance, a variety of studies inves-
tigates the influence the used notation has. Particular
emphasis is typically given to the set of symbols used.
Figl et al. (Figl et al., 2013a) investigate the influence
of the symbol sets used in modeling languages. In a
study with 136 participants, it is shown that percep-
tual distinctiveness and semiotic clarity of the used
symbols affects model comprehension. Particularly,
the correctness of model understanding, the cognitive
load to be possessed, and the time needed for under-
standing the models varies significantly. In (Figl et al.,
2013b), Figl et al. report another study with 155 stu-
dent participants, showing that aesthetic design of the
used notational elements can improve the model un-
derstanding of process models. Nugroho conducted
an experiment with graduate students, finding out that
for UML diagrams, the level of detail has a signifi-
cant influence (Nugroho, 2009). Lucia et al. report
in (Lucia et al., 2008) results of two controlled ex-
periments with Bachelor and Master students show-
ing that UML class diagrams are significantly easier
to comprehend than ER diagrams. Bavota et al. con-
ducted a study to compare UML class diagrams and
ER diagrams regarding their impact on model com-
prehension (Bavota et al., 2011). They also showed
that UML class diagrams are in general easier to com-
prehend than ER diagrams.
Further studies, are more broadly looking at other
influence factors than modeling language related is-
sues. Mendling et al. report in (Mendling et al., 2012)
a study investigating the influence of model and per-
sonal factors on the comprehension of process mod-
els. Major findings are that comprehension is hin-
dered by the annotation of additional semantic in-
formation, and that theoretical knowledge as well as
modeling experience support model comprehension.
In (Zimoch et al., 2017), Zimoch et al. report a study
investigating the influence of process modeling expe-
rience on model comprehension. They conclude that
experience in general has a positive impact on model
comprehension. However, in case complexity of the
models under investigation is considerably increased,
the impact of experience vanishes more and more.
In conclusion, literature attributes three major fac-
tors influencing effectiveness and efficiency of model
inspections: (a) the inspection technique applied, (b)
syntax related issues of the inspected model, and (c)
experience as personal factor.
Although time has not yet been widely investi-
gated, existing studies on these three factors, partly,
also report an influence of time needed. As this was
in no case the major point of investigation, findings
are typically only briefly summarized. From these
findings, it can be concluded that time influences the
model inspection in such a way that the more time
needed, the better the inspection result. This, par-
ticularly, often interwoven with the investigation of
the inspection technique (e.g., (Lanubile and Visag-
gio, 2000)). This means that in many cases it has been
found out that inspection techniques taking more time
are advantageous. For instance, perspective-based
reading is more time-consuming than checklist-based
inspections and also found to be more effective (e.g.,
(Basili et al., 1996)). However, review time is per-
ceived as something costly, that should be minimized
in industrial practice (cf. e.g., (Doolan, 1992)).
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
For experiment reporting, we keep to established best
practices (Wohlin et al., 2000; Jedlitschka et al.,
2008), which helps, among others, increase compre-
hensibility and comparability with other experiments.
3.1 Goal and Research Questions
As stated in Section 1 the overall goal of this study
is to investigate whether review time does influence
ad hoc model inspections. To achieve this goal, we
investigate the effects review time has on effective-
ness, confidence, and efficiency of ad hoc model
inspections. Therefore, we define three research
RQ1: Does review time influence the effective-
ness of ad hoc model inspections?
RQ2: Does review time influence the reviewers’
confidence in ad hoc model inspections?
RQ3: Does review time influence the efficiency of ad
hoc model inspections?
3.2 Variables
Review Time: is measured in seconds and is defined
as the time used for ad hoc model inspection of one
model. As review time is defined on an open-end ratio
scale, we also define review time intervals to allow for
better comparison of means. Therefore, the ratio scale
is transferred into an ordinal scale.
Effectiveness: is measured as the ratio of correct re-
view decisions made compared to all review decisions
made. Hence, effectiveness is measured on a ratio
scale from 0 (i.e. 0% correct decisions made) to 1
(i.e. 100% correct decisions made).
Confidence: is defined as the average confidence the
reviewer claims for the review decisions made. Con-
fidence is measured on 5-point semantic differential
scale, where 1 means very unconfident and 5 very
confident. However, as confidence is calculated as
mean of all review decisions made for a model, con-
fidence is defined on a ratio scale from 1 to 5.
Efficiency: is measured as the average time used for a
correct decision made. Efficiency is measured in sec-
onds and defined on an open-end ratio scale. Note that
efficiency is not independent of review time. Nev-
ertheless, we are interested in efficiency, as indus-
try typically aims at efficient reviews (cf. (Doolan,
1992)). Thus, it is of interest to determine whether
Note that while we typically use five-minute intervals,
the scale is no interval scale, as we use a catch-all group for
all review times greater than thirty-five minutes.
a high efficiency is bound to certain ranges of review
3.3 Hypotheses
Based on the research questions, we define the
following null and alternative hypotheses:
: There is no effect of review time on effec-
: Increasing review time leads to increased
: Increasing review time leads to decreased
: Review time influences effectiveness, but the
effect is not linear.
: There is no effect of review time on confi-
: Increasing review time leads to increased
: Increasing review time leads to decreased
: Review time influences confidence, but the
effect is not linear.
: There is no effect of review time on effi-
: Increasing review time leads to increased
: Increasing review time leads to decreased
: Review time influences efficiency, but the effect
is not linear.
3.4 Participants
The experiment was conducted with student partici-
pants. The students are mostly graduate students en-
rolled in degree programs for applied computer sci-
ence and business information systems. Participants
were recruited in software engineering courses. Due
to the courses’ syllabi, it was ensured that the par-
ticipants do have sufficient knowledge of validation
activities and the modeling languages investigated, in
addition, they were trained to conduct ad hoc model
inspections for these kinds of models. In total, 200
students participated in the experiment. As each par-
ticipant conducted multiple ad hoc model inspections,
a total of 520 data sets were collected.
Review Time as Predictor for the Quality of Model Inspections
3.5 Experiment Material
As experiment material, excerpts from industrial
specifications have been used. These have been re-
vised to match intended size and complexity, to re-
move intellectual property as well as issues relating
to needed in-depth domain expertise. Models were
chosen to fit approximately one page. As modeling
languages, Message Sequence Charts (International
Telecommunication Union, 2016), automata (de Al-
faro and Henzinger, 2001), and functional architec-
ture models (Albers et al., 2016) have been used.
3.6 Experiment Design and Procedure
The experiment was conducted online and was de-
signed to last about 30–40 minutes, in which the par-
ticipants conducted multiple ad hoc model inspec-
tions back to back. In addition, a post hoc question-
naire was used to collect demographic data.
3.7 Analysis Procedure
The data sets were filtered for data sets indicating
non-serious participation (i.e. 23 data sets were re-
moved). The remaining data sets were analyzed by
calculating common descriptive statistic parameters.
To estimate overall influence of review time on
effectiveness, confidence, and efficiency, Pearson’s
correlation and simple regression were conducted.
Therefore, the original review time was used.
As mentioned above, we sorted review time into
intervals. Review time intervals (1-5 minutes, 5–10
minutes, 10–15 minutes, 15–20 minutes, 20–25 min-
utes, 25–30 minutes, 30–35 minutes, and >30 min-
utes). These review time intervals were used for
conducting one-way independent analysis of variance
(ANOVA) to compare effectiveness, confidence, and
efficiency for different review time. In addition, Lev-
ene’s test was used to determine difference of vari-
ances. In case of heterogeneous variances, the Welsh-
Test was conducted. Post hoc analyses for significant
ANOVA results included the Bonferroni-Test and the
4.1 Descriptive Statistics
The descriptive statistics for explanatory and response
variables are given in Table 1. In addition, Fig. 1
shows the distribution of the data. We excluded 23
data sets from the investigation. In these 23 cases, the
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics.
Effectiveness Confidence Efficiency Review Time
N Valid 497 496 497 497
Miss. 23 24 23 23
Mean 0.561 3.260 47.605 591.21
Std. Err. 0.009 0.046 5.257 25.264
Median 0.571 3.417 4.511 463
Std. Dev. 0.21 1.029 117.202 563.218
Variance 0.044 1.059 13736.368 317214.028
Min. 0 1 0 61
Max. 1 5 1310 5973
Percentiles 25 0.417 2.333 1.849 257.5
50 0.571 3.416 4.511 463
75 0.714 4 51.3 756
ad hoc model inspection was conducted in less than
one minute. Investigation of the results substantiated
the assumption that this means that participants did
not partake seriously. As can be seen for effective-
ness and confidence, values are distributed across the
entire defined scale. In mean ad hoc model inspection
resulted in 56% correct review decisions made and
a confidence of 3.26, which is above an expectation
value of 3. In mean, participants needed 591 second
(i.e. almost 10 minutes) for an entire review and 48
seconds for a correct decision made.
Table 2, shows descriptive statistics for the effec-
tiveness, confidence, and efficiency in relation to the
defined review time intervals. As can be seen, most ad
hoc model inspections took 5–10 minutes, while the
absolute majority of reviews were conducted within
1–15 minutes. The distribution for the review time
intervals is visualized using box plots in Fig. 2.
4.2 Hypotheses Tests
4.2.1 Effectiveness
For analyzing the influence of review time on the
effectiveness of ad hoc model inspections, we con-
ducted Pearson correlation, simple regression, and
analysis of variance.
Pearson correlation shows no correlation between
effectiveness and review time (r = .033, p = .461).
A simple regression shows no significant regression
equation (F(1, 495) = .545, p = .461), with R
.001. Thus, review time cannot be used to explain
To investigate the effect of review time on effec-
tiveness, we also conducted a one-way independent
ANOVA. As outlined in Section 4.1, we grouped re-
view time in intervals of ve minutes to investigate
intergroup effects. There was no significant effect of
review time on effectiveness (F(7, 489) = .973, p =
.450). Levene’s test indicated equal variances (F =
.997, p = .437), thus we assume the ANOVA reliable.
Consequently, we cannot reject H1
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 2: Descriptive Statistics for Effectiveness, Confidence, and Efficiency Depending on Review Time in Minutes.
95% Conf. Interval
Review Time N Mean Std. Dev. Std. Err. Lower Upper Min. Max.
Effectiveness 1-5 151 0.576 0.214 0.017 0.542 0.610 0.000 0.917
5-10 159 0.553 0.213 0.017 0.519 0.586 0.083 1.000
10-15 108 0.562 0.211 0.020 0.522 0.603 0.083 1.000
15-20 44 0.518 0.173 0.026 0.465 0.570 0.000 0.917
20-25 13 0.521 0.234 0.065 0.380 0.662 0.167 0.857
25-30 9 0.598 0.217 0.072 0.431 0.765 0.333 0.917
30-35 6 0.706 0.230 0.094 0.465 0.948 0.333 1.000
>35 7 0.605 0.164 0.062 0.453 0.756 0.375 0.750
Total 497 0.561 0.210 0.009 0.543 0.580 0.000 1.000
Confidence 1-5 150 2.693 0.960 0.078 2.539 2.848 1.000 5.000
5-10 159 3.271 1.047 0.083 3.107 3.435 1.167 5.000
10-15 108 3.749 0.806 0.078 3.595 3.902 1.429 5.000
15-20 44 3.775 0.583 0.088 3.598 3.952 2.583 5.000
20-25 13 3.449 0.841 0.233 2.941 3.957 1.917 5.000
25-30 9 4.163 0.667 0.222 3.650 4.675 3.167 5.000
30-35 6 4.169 0.579 0.236 3.561 4.777 3.143 4.750
>35 7 2.104 1.165 0.440 1.027 3.181 1.250 3.833
Total 496 3.260 1.029 0.046 3.169 3.351 1.000 5.000
Efficiency 1-5 151 34.687 24.744 2.014 30.708 38.665 0.000 144.500
5-10 159 44.364 60.634 4.809 34.867 53.862 0.539 359.000
10-15 108 27.425 65.453 6.298 14.939 39.910 0.932 366.000
15-20 44 29.345 77.977 11.755 5.638 53.052 0.000 357.667
20-25 13 20.147 55.942 15.516 -13.659 53.953 2.017 206.167
25-30 9 41.493 111.426 37.142 -44.157 127.142 2.308 338.600
30-35 6 167.394 181.572 74.127 -23.155 357.942 3.783 392.000
>35 7 782.188 439.677 166.182 375.554 1188.821 9.014 1310.000
Total 497 47.605 117.202 5.257 37.276 57.934 0.000 1310.000
4.2.2 Confidence
As for effectiveness, we conducted Pearson correla-
tion, simple regression, and analysis of variance.
Confidence is positively related to review time.
Pearson correlation shows a small effect of r = .169
that is highly significant at p < .001. A simple re-
gression was calculated to predict confidence based
on review time. A significant regression equation was
found (F(1, 494) = 14.486, p < .001), with a small
= .028.
A one-way independent ANOVA shows a signifi-
cant effect of review time on confidence (F(7, 488) =
18.039, p < .001). As Levene’s test indicated unequal
variances (F = 6.007, p < .001), we conducted the
Welch-Test, which confirmed the findings from the
ANOVA (F(7, 35.834) = 19.716, p < .001). Hence,
we can reject H2
and accept H2
. We used post hoc
tests to investigate the differences between the groups,
while different tests yielded in comparable results, we
focus on the results of the Games-Howell-Test as it
meets the preconditions best (see Figure 3).
First, the two groups with the least time con-
sumption significantly differ from groups with mod-
erately more time consumption: Confidence for a re-
view time of 1–5 minutes (M = 2.693, SD = 0.96)
significantly differs from a review time of 5–10 min-
utes (M = 3.271, SD = 1.047), 10–15 minutes (M =
3.749, SD = 0.806), 15–20 minutes (M = 3.775, SD =
0.583), 25–30 minutes (M = 4.163, SD = 0.667), and
30–35 minutes (M = 4.169, SD = 0.579). In addition,
confidence for a review time of 5–10 minutes (M =
3.271, SD = 1.047) also significantly differs from a
review time of 10–15 minutes (M = 3.749, SD =
0.806), 15–20 minutes (M = 3.775, SD = 0.583), and
25–30 minutes (M = 4.163,SD = 0.667).
Second, Confidence for a review time of more
than 35 minutes (M = 2.104, SD = 1.165) signifi-
cantly differs from a review time of 25–30 minutes
(M = 4.163, SD = 0.667) and 30–35 minutes (M =
4.169, SD = 0.579). Hence, confidence is not increas-
ing with increasing review time. While this is the case
for shorter review time, for longer review time confi-
dence is decreasing. Therefore, we can neither accept
, nor H2
, but accept H2
4.2.3 Efficiency
Again, we conducted Pearson correlation, simple re-
gression, and analysis of variance.
Efficiency is positively related to review time by a
large effect of r = .602. The effect is highly signifi-
cant at p < .001. A simple regression found a signif-
icant regression equation (F(1, 495) = 280.887, p <
.001) with R
= .362. Participants’ predicted effi-
ciency is equal to 26.418 + .125(ReviewTime) sec-
onds/correct answer when review time is measured in
A one-way independent ANOVA shows a signifi-
cant effect of review time on efficiency (F(7,489) =
96.898, p < .001). However, Levene’s test indicated
unequal variances (F = 38.88, p < .001). Therefore,
we conducted the Welch-Test, which confirmed the
findings from the ANOVA (F(7, 34.57) = 3.819, p =
Review Time as Predictor for the Quality of Model Inspections
Figure 1: Scatterplots.
.004). Thus, we can reject H3
and accept H3
We used post hoc tests to investigate the differences
between the groups, while different tests yielded in
comparable results, we only report results of the
Games-Howell-Test. Significant differences in effi-
ciency do only exist between large review time (i.e.
¿35 min) and lower review time. Namely: Effi-
ciency for a review time of more than 35 minutes
(M = 782s, SD = 440s) significantly differs from a re-
view time of 1–5 minutes (M = 35s, SD = 25s), 5–10
minutes (M = 44s, SD = 61s), 10–15 minutes (M =
27s, SD = 65s), 15–20 minutes (M = 29s, SD = 78s),
20–25 minutes (M = 20s, SD = 56s), and 25–30 min-
utes (M = 41s,SD = 111s).
Thus, efficiency is not increasing with increasing
review time. While this is the case for lower review
time, for large review time efficiency is decreasing.
Therefore, we reject H3
. Considering the signifi-
cant results, we accept H3
. Taking the increasing
means for lower review time into account, we also ac-
cept H3
5.1 Major Findings
With respect to the three investigated research ques-
tions, we can conclude three major findings regarding
the influence of review time on ad hoc model inspec-
Regarding RQ1, we found out that review time
does not influence the effectiveness of ad hoc model
inspections. This is based on the absence of signifi-
cant correlations or regression, and that one-way in-
dependent ANOVA did not yield significant results.
Regarding RQ2, we can state that review time
does have an influence on the reviewers’ confidence
of ad hoc model inspections. Very small effects are
found using correlation and regression analyses. In
addition, analysis of variance showed a significant
difference between groups. We found out that while
in principle confidence is increasing with increasing
review time, a very long review time results in the
lowest confidence. Regarding significance, it can be
stated that review times of about 10–35 minutes for
one model to be investigated during ad hoc model in-
spection related to a higher confidence than review
times of 1–10 minutes and above 35 minutes.
Regarding RQ3, we found out that review time
does influence efficiency of ad hoc model inspections.
Correlation and regression analysis found large sta-
tistically significant effects, which is not surprising
considering the inherent relationship between review
time and efficiency. However, analysis of variance
shows a more fine-grained view. Large review times
of more than 35 minutes (considering the Bonferroni-
Test, maybe also of 30–35 minutes) result in signifi-
cantly less efficient ad hoc model inspections.
Note that other tests, such as the Bonferroni-Test, find
also significant differences between more than 35 minutes
and 30–35 minutes, and between 30–35 minutes and all
other groups. However, due to the heterogeneity of vari-
ances, we keep to the interpretation of Games-Howell-Test,
although differences of means are indeed large for these
group comparisons.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 2: Box Plots.
In summary, we can confirm that review time has
an influence on ad hoc model inspections. However,
contrary to other investigations on influencing factors
on the inspections, we could not find any influence of
review time on the effectiveness of the review. Re-
garding the influence on the reviewer’s confidence
and the efficiency of the review, we also found ev-
idence that contradicts assumptions from the related
work. Increasing review time does not necessarily
lead to better reviews (i.e. reviews, where the re-
viewer is more confident in decision-making and that
are conducted with a higher efficiency). There seems
to be a point where more review time leads to worse
reviews (in terms of confidence and efficiency). Nev-
ertheless, for small and moderate review times of up
to 30 minutes for inspecting one model, we can sub-
stantiate claims that increasing review time leads to
better reviews (although only in terms of confidence
and efficiency but not for effectiveness).
5.2 Threats to Validity
5.2.1 Threats to Internal Validity
In online experiments, a threat of participants losing
interest, dropping out of the experiment, or corrupting
the measurements by idling must always be consid-
ered. To lower this threat, we designed the experiment
such that two to three ad hoc model inspections could
be conducted within a time frame of 30–40 minutes.
We assumed this time frame to be sufficiently short
for participants not losing interest. As results show,
this was the case for the majority of participants.
However, some participants took far more time, as
can also be seen. Taking the respective participants’
results for effectiveness into account, we assume that
this is not related to idling (which would have made
exclusion of the data sets necessary), but from partic-
ipants trying to show their best performance on the
study. While this is a threat for comparing different
inspection techniques etc. it is not in our case. Par-
ticularly, this is a good simulation for increased effort
spend compared to moderate and least possible effort.
Since volunteers may bias the results because
they are generally more motivated than the average
student, we decided to conduct the experiments as
a mandatory part of our requirements engineering
courses and explicitly decided to give no bonuses
or credits as motivation. Therefore, the experiments
were designed to also serve as teaching material,
achieving a learning effect on model perception. This
was supported by extensive debriefings in class. The
experimental setup was carefully adopted to meet na-
tional laws as well as comply with university’s ethics
Review Time as Predictor for the Quality of Model Inspections
(a) Results of Games-Howell-Test for Confidence
MD SE Sig. 95% Conf. Interval
5-10min -0.577 0.114 0.000 -0.926 -0.229
10-15min -1.055 0.110 0.000 -1.392 -0.718
15-20min -1.082 0.118 0.000 -1.445 -0.718
20-25min -0.755 0.246 0.106 -1.616 0.105
25-30min -1.469 0.236 0.002 -2.352 -0.587
30-35min -1.475 0.249 0.011 -2.544 -0.407
>35min 0.590 0.447 0.865 -1.304 2.483
1-5min 0.577 0.114 0.000 0.229 0.926
10-15min -0.478 0.114 0.001 -0.825 -0.131
15-20min -0.504 0.121 0.001 -0.877 -0.132
20-25min -0.178 0.247 0.995 -1.041 0.685
25-30min -0.892 0.237 0.047 -1.775 -0.009
30-35min -0.898 0.251 0.103 -1.964 0.168
>35min 1.167 0.448 0.296 -0.726 3.059
1-5min 1.055 0.110 0.000 0.718 1.392
5-10min 0.478 0.114 0.001 0.131 0.825
15-20min -0.026 0.117 1.000 -0.388 0.336
20-25min 0.300 0.246 0.913 -0.560 1.160
25-30min -0.414 0.235 0.657 -1.296 0.468
30-35min -0.420 0.249 0.697 -1.489 0.649
>35min 1.645 0.447 0.091 -0.249 3.539
1-5min 1.082 0.118 0.000 0.718 1.445
5-10min 0.504 0.121 0.001 0.132 0.877
10-15min 0.026 0.117 1.000 -0.336 0.388
20-25min 0.326 0.249 0.882 -0.540 1.192
25-30min -0.388 0.239 0.730 -1.273 0.497
30-35min -0.394 0.252 0.759 -1.458 0.671
>35min 1.671 0.449 0.085 -0.220 3.562
1-5min 0.755 0.246 0.106 -0.105 1.616
5-10min 0.178 0.247 0.995 -0.685 1.041
10-15min -0.300 0.246 0.913 -1.160 0.560
15-20min -0.326 0.249 0.882 -1.192 0.540
25-30min -0.714 0.322 0.384 -1.803 0.375
30-35min -0.720 0.332 0.423 -1.892 0.453
>35min 1.345 0.498 0.230 -0.546 3.236
1-5min 1.469 0.236 0.002 0.587 2.352
5-10min 0.892 0.237 0.047 0.009 1.775
10-15min 0.414 0.235 0.657 -0.468 1.296
15-20min 0.388 0.239 0.730 -0.497 1.273
20-25min 0.714 0.322 0.384 -0.375 1.803
30-35min -0.006 0.325 1.000 -1.182 1.170
>35min 2.059 0.493 0.032 0.166 3.952
1-5min 1.475 0.249 0.011 0.407 2.544
5-10min 0.898 0.251 0.103 -0.168 1.964
10-15min 0.420 0.249 0.697 -0.649 1.489
15-20min 0.394 0.252 0.759 -0.671 1.458
20-25min 0.720 0.332 0.423 -0.453 1.892
25-30min 0.006 0.325 1.000 -1.170 1.182
>35min 2.065 0.500 0.033 0.149 3.981
1-5min -0.590 0.447 0.865 -2.483 1.304
5-10min -1.167 0.448 0.296 -3.059 0.726
10-15min -1.645 0.447 0.091 -3.539 0.249
15-20min -1.671 0.449 0.085 -3.562 0.220
20-25min -1.345 0.498 0.230 -3.236 0.546
25-30min -2.059 0.493 0.032 -3.952 -0.166
30-35min -2.065 0.500 0.033 -3.981 -0.149
(b) Results of Games-Howell-Test for Efficiency
MD SE Sig. 95% Conf. Interval
5-10min -9.678 5.213 0.582 -25.638 6.283
10-15min 7.262 6.612 0.956 -13.113 27.636
15-20min 5.342 11.927 1.000 -32.536 43.219
20-25min 14.540 15.646 0.977 -41.759 70.839
25-30min -6.806 37.197 1.000 -153.765 140.153
30-35min -132.707 74.154 0.650 -477.626 212.212
>35min -747.501 166.194 0.042 -1466.889 -28.113
1-5min 9.678 5.213 0.582 -6.283 25.638
10-15min 16.940 7.924 0.394 -7.313 41.192
15-20min 15.019 12.701 0.934 -24.911 54.949
20-25min 24.217 16.244 0.801 -32.856 81.291
25-30min 2.871 37.452 1.000 -144.035 149.778
30-35min -123.029 74.282 0.713 -467.509 221.450
>35min -737.823 166.252 0.045 -1457.102 -18.545
1-5min -7.262 6.612 0.956 -27.636 13.113
5-10min -16.940 7.924 0.394 -41.192 7.313
15-20min -1.920 13.336 1.000 -43.608 39.768
20-25min 7.278 16.745 1.000 -50.587 65.142
25-30min -14.068 37.672 1.000 -160.955 132.818
30-35min -139.969 74.394 0.607 -484.075 204.137
>35min -754.763 166.302 0.040 -1473.946 -35.579
1-5min -5.342 11.927 1.000 -43.219 32.536
5-10min -15.019 12.701 0.934 -54.949 24.911
10-15min 1.920 13.336 1.000 -39.768 43.608
20-25min 9.198 19.466 1.000 -54.598 72.994
25-30min -12.148 38.958 1.000 -159.353 135.058
30-35min -138.049 75.053 0.625 -480.081 203.983
>35min -752.843 166.598 0.041 -1471.472 -34.213
1-5min -14.540 15.646 0.977 -70.839 41.759
5-10min -24.217 16.244 0.801 -81.291 32.856
10-15min -7.278 16.745 1.000 -65.142 50.587
15-20min -9.198 19.466 1.000 -72.994 54.598
25-30min -21.346 40.252 0.999 -169.903 127.211
30-35min -147.247 75.733 0.575 -487.449 192.956
>35min -762.041 166.905 0.038 -1480.118 -43.963
1-5min 6.806 37.197 1.000 -140.153 153.765
5-10min -2.871 37.452 1.000 -149.778 144.035
10-15min 14.068 37.672 1.000 -132.818 160.955
15-20min 12.148 38.958 1.000 -135.058 159.353
20-25min 21.346 40.252 0.999 -127.211 169.903
30-35min -125.901 82.911 0.781 -459.546 207.745
>35min -740.695 170.282 0.042 -1454.028 -27.362
1-5min 132.707 74.154 0.650 -212.212 477.626
5-10min 123.029 74.282 0.713 -221.450 467.509
10-15min 139.969 74.394 0.607 -204.137 484.075
15-20min 138.049 75.053 0.625 -203.983 480.081
20-25min 147.247 75.733 0.575 -192.956 487.449
25-30min 125.901 82.911 0.781 -207.745 459.546
>35min -614.794 181.965 0.102 -1329.378 99.790
1-5min 747.501 166.194 0.042 28.113 1466.889
5-10min 737.823 166.252 0.045 18.545 1457.102
10-15min 754.763 166.302 0.040 35.579 1473.946
15-20min 752.843 166.598 0.041 34.213 1471.472
20-25min 762.041 166.905 0.038 43.963 1480.118
25-30min 740.695 170.282 0.042 27.362 1454.028
30-35min 614.794 181.965 0.102 -99.790 1329.378
Figure 3: Results of Games-Howell-Test.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
regulations on student participation in software engi-
neering experiments.
5.2.2 Threats to Construct Validity
The experiment setup was inspired by conducted,
published, and well-received experiments from the re-
lated work on the investigation of different inspection
techniques. The experiment material was created in
close collaboration with domain experts from indus-
try and academia. In addition, pretest groups have
been used to ensure that experiment material is com-
prehensible and adequate for the given tasks.
5.2.3 Threats to External Validity
External validity in software engineering experiments
is mainly concerned with the question of generaliz-
ability to industrial application (H
ost et al., 2000).
Therefore, the use of student participants is often seen
as problematic (e.g., (Runeson, 2003)). However,
other studies have found out that student results are
generalizable (e.g., (Tichy, 2000)). In addition, ad
hoc inspections are in industrial practice often con-
ducted by newer employees, for which generalizabil-
ity from students often holds (Salman et al., 2015).
For the experiment material, we ensured generaliz-
ability in close collaboration with industry profes-
sionals to adopt excerpts from industry specifications.
To improve generalizability, we used models in
three different modeling languages. While we, thus,
do not need to limit our results to one single mod-
eling language, there is a risk, that review time, ef-
fectiveness, confidence, efficiency significantly dif-
fer between the different modeling languages. While
we did not recognize such effects, we ensured that
each participant conducted ad hoc model inspection
tasks for models in different modeling languages. To
avoid crossover effects having an impact, we used
randomization to distribute the order of inspection
tasks equally over all participants.
5.2.4 Threats to Conclusion Validity
The major threat regarding conclusion validity is typ-
ically the use of too small sample sizes, which hinder
reaching statistical significance. The use of 497 in-
cluded data sets is to be considered large compared to
other investigations from the related work. Another
threat to conclusion validity lies in transforming ratio
scale data into ordinal scale data, as has been done
for review time to allow for conducting analysis of
variance. There is the risk, that using another interval
leads to different results. Therefore, we conducted a
second investigation, grouping review time into inter-
vals of one minute. Results do not considerably differ.
Particularly, no new significant differences could be
found (e.g., differences between two medium review
time intervals). Therefore, we assume our grouping
5.3 Inferences
Most important is the insight that no empirical evi-
dence could be found that review time has any influ-
ence on the effectiveness of ad hoc model inspections.
As effectiveness best relates to the number of defects
found during an inspection, we can conclude that ad
hoc model inspections can be conducted in short time
and increasing review time does not lead to any con-
siderable advantage regarding the number of defects
found. However, it is to note that our finding is lim-
ited to the inspection of models that are reduced in
size and complexity and limited to approximately one
page. Hence, we cannot state that this finding will
also hold for the review of specifications with multi-
ple models or complex models consisting of a mul-
titude of diagrams. Therefore, further investigations
would be needed. However, for our definition of re-
view time (i.e. the reviewer chooses to spend) we as-
sume there might be no significant influence either.
In this case, also in our experiment, reviewers that are
more thorough and spend more review time should
have achieved better results no matter the size of the
Regarding the influence of review time on con-
fidence and efficiency, we found large review times
leading to less confident decisions and low efficiency.
Therefore, it seems counter intuitively better to re-
strict review time to a moderate amount of less than
30 minutes. In addition, review times of less than
10 minutes also lead to low confidence, although effi-
ciency is not influenced.
In summary, review time cannot be used to esti-
mate the quality of a review. As there are no signifi-
cant differences between review times of 10–30 min-
utes discernible, the ad hoc model inspection can be
kept brief. We assume that this is transferable to larger
inspections as well, keeping the review time short but
not too short maximizes the result of an ad hoc model
inspection. As review time does not influence the
effectiveness of the ad hoc model inspection, it can
be assumed that brief visual inspections conducted in
very short time are helpful in the development pro-
cess and, thus, should be made use of whenever pos-
sible. In particular, the insight regarding the missing
influence of review time on effectiveness allows for
a multitude of potential application scenarios for ad
hoc model inspections during a software development
Review Time as Predictor for the Quality of Model Inspections
In this paper, we reported an experiment to investigate
the influence of review time on ad hoc model inspec-
tions. In the experiment we analyzed the influence
of review time on effectiveness, confidence, and effi-
ciency. The experiment was conducted with 200 par-
ticipants that conducted a total of 520 ad hoc model
inspections. Most important, analysis of the data sets
showed that review time does not have a significant
influence on the effectiveness of ad hoc model inspec-
tions. For confidence, we found a small influencing
effect, for efficiency a high effect.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that re-
view time leads to significantly different confidence
and efficiency. Post hoc tests showed that a short
review time of up to ten minutes negatively influ-
ences the confidence the reviewer has in the decisions
made. In contrast to assumptions made in the related
work, we found out that large review times also have
a negative influence. For a review time greater than
thirty minutes, confidence and efficiency is signifi-
cantly lower as for moderate review time.
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