outliers effectively, preventing them from nega-
tively impacting model performance.
• Continuous monitoring and improvement: Estab-
lish continuous monitoring mechanisms to track
the performance of the AI model over time. Im-
plement feedback loops that allow the model to
adapt and improve based on corrected data, main-
taining accuracy in dynamic operational environ-
In summary, the experiments provide empirical evi-
dence supporting the critical role of accurate datasets
in machinery functional safety setting. By adhering
to these recommendations, practitioners can build AI
systems that are more resilient, accurate, and reliable,
ultimately contributing to enhanced safety outcomes
in high-risk applications.
The empirical experiments conducted to investigate
the impact of dataset accuracy on AI model perfor-
mance in the realm of machinery functional safety
have yielded valuable insights into the critical na-
ture of high-quality data in ensuring the reliability
and effectiveness of AI systems. It is evident that in-
accuracies in the training dataset lead to diminished
predictive capabilities, potentially compromising the
safety and reliability of machinery in industrial set-
tings. The findings in this work underscore two key
points, namely the importance of dataset quality and
recommendations for data quality assurance.
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vanced techniques for enhancing dataset quality, such
as the integration of anomaly detection algorithms
and robust preprocessing methods. Investigating
the adaptability of the AI model to dynamic opera-
tional environments and evolving machinery condi-
tions would be valuable. Another avenue for research
involves experimentation with a combination of real-
world datasets and synthetic datasets. This approach
would allow for a more comprehensive evaluation of
model performance and generalizability by incorpo-
rating the complexities and nuances present in real-
world data, while still maintaining the benefits of con-
trolled experimentation offered by synthetic datasets.
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Exploring the Impact of Dataset Accuracy on Machinery Functional Safety: Insights from an AI-Based Predictive Maintenance System