Real-Time CNN Based Facial Emotion Recognition Model for a Mobile
Serious Game
Carolain Anto-Chavez, Richard Magui
na-Bernuy and Willy Ugarte
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Peru
Facial, Emotion, Expression, Recognition, Machine Learning, Real-Time, Mobile, FER.
Every year, the increase in human-computer interaction is noticeable. This brings with it the evolution of
computer vision to improve this interaction to make it more efficient and effective. This paper presents a
CNN-based emotion face recognition model capable to be executed on mobile devices, in real time and with
high accuracy. Different models implemented in other research are usually of large sizes, and although they
obtained high accuracy, they fail to make predictions in an optimal time, which prevents a fluid interaction
with the computer. To improve these, we have implemented a lightweight CNN model trained with the FER-
2013 dataset to obtain the prediction of seven basic emotions. Experimentation shows that our model achieves
an accuracy of 66.52% in validation, can be stored in a 13.23MB file and achieves an average processing time
of 14.39ms and 16.06ms, on a tablet and a phone, respectively.
Computer vision has been evolving in recent years,
and it brings with it a lot of beneficial uses in human-
computer interactions (Zarif et al., 2021). Automatic
facial emotion recognition (FER) is one of the fields
in computer vision that is growing and it’s being ap-
plied in the gaming industry, medical care, education,
security, and so on.
For example, nowadays, cameras are able to de-
tect a smile on the frame and automatically take a pic-
ture without pressing any button (Zhou et al., 2021).
Various methods are used to recognize the emotions
expressed by people in photos and videos. However,
some of these are not capable of running in real time,
which prevents a fluent human-computer interaction.
Also, others are often very large models, which com-
plicates their integration into devices that have limited
disk space.
In 1971, Ekman (Ekman and Friesen, 1971) de-
fined the seven basic emotions: angry, disgust, fear,
happy, neutral, sad and surprise. Since then, research
has focused on the detection of these emotions au-
tomatically by computer (Zhou et al., 2021)(Minaee
et al., 2021). Following this path, the goal of our work
is to implement a lightweight emotion facial recogni-
tion model, capable of being executed in real time and
that can be integrated into a serious game for mobile
devices without internet connection.
Currently, advanced image classification methods
are based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN).
For example, some models are built based on pre-
constructed architectures such as MobileNet (Nan
et al., 2022) and EfficientNet (Wahab et al., 2021).
Although these are models that achieve high accuracy
in some tasks, due to the depth of their network, the
processing required for the images is not optimal for
some devices, especially mobile devices. Similarly,
the use of ResNet-50, VGG-19 and Inception-V3 (Ul-
lah et al., 2022) are applied for this task. However, the
high density of these convolutional networks requires
at least 500MB of disk space, which is not at all con-
venient, especially for its integration in a video game.
Other approaches consist of extracting geometric fea-
tures from the face (Murugappan and Mutawa, 2021)
or creating a graph based on face landmarks (Farkhod
et al., 2022) before sending the obtained information
to a classification model , which increments the time
needed for the emotion classification proccess, due to
the image pre-processing work.
The key components of our resarch are the use of
Tensorflow to implement the architecture of our de-
signed CNN model. Then, we use the FER-2013
dataset to train the model and the Tensorflow Lite li-
Anto-Chavez, C., Maguiña-Bernuy, R. and Ugarte, W.
Real-Time CNN Based Facial Emotion Recognition Model for a Mobile Serious Game.
DOI: 10.5220/0012683800003699
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2024), pages 84-92
ISBN: 978-989-758-700-9; ISSN: 2184-4984
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
brary to reduce its disk weight. Furthermore, we use
the Unity Engine to develop a serious game where we
integrate the FER model for an emotion imitation ac-
The main contributions of this work are list as fol-
We are implementing a lightweight CNN model
that achieves great accuracy for facial emotion
We integrate the model into a serious game devel-
oped in the Unity Engine aimed for children with
autism in a emotion imitation activity.
We validate the accuracy and low process cost of
the implemented model during real-time tests in
different mobile devices.
The rest of this paper is distributed as follows: In
Section 2, we review related work of different im-
plementations of FER models and their integration in
some systems. Then, in Section 3, we mention impor-
tant concepts for this work and describe the details of
our main contributions. The setup, experiments per-
formed and results of this work are presented in Sec-
tion 4. Finally, in Section 5, we show the conclusions
and discuss about recomendations for future work.
Facial Emotion Recognition (FER) is a topic that has
gained more relevance in recent years. It is used in
areas of great importance such as education, health,
security, among others. A variety of algorithms and
artificial intelligence techniques have been proposed
to improve the results of these models. In this section,
we present related works that had achieved very good
results in the practice of this field, as well as examples
of its use in serious games and teaching methodolo-
gies for children with autism.
In (Zhou et al., 2021), the authors proposed a
lightweight CNN for real-time facial emotion detec-
tion. Instead of using OpenCV, their work uses multi-
task cascaded convolutional networks (MTCNN) for
face detection. The obtained face image is sent for
classification to their proposed model, which was a
CNN based on the Xception architecture. The au-
thors use Global Average Pooling to remove the fully
connected layer at the end. The model was tested on
the FER-2013 dataset and achived 67% of accuracy.
In the same way, we build our own CNN model and
train it using the FER-2013 dataset to achieve similar
accuracy, but opted to use OpenCV for face detection.
The authors in (Murugappan and Mutawa, 2021)
proposed an emotion expression classification based
of geometric features extracted from the face. Their
method consisted of forming five triangles based on
eight points marked on key parts of the face. From
there, the inscribed circle area of the triangles are ex-
tracted as features to categorize emotions using ma-
chine learning methods. The Random Forest classi-
fier got the best results with a 98.17% accuracy during
training. Instead of extracting features and then clas-
sifying them, we use a CNN to send an image directly
to the classification process.
In (Farkhod et al., 2022), the authors opted to
use a graph-based method for emotion recognition.
Face detection was done using Haar-Cascade, for then
creating landmarks through a media-pipe face mesh
model, and use those key points to train an imple-
mented graph neural network (GNN). Using the FER-
2013 dataset, the proposed model achieved an accu-
racy of 91.2%. The authors use transfer learning tech-
niques to make the model able to recognize emotions
on masked faces, which is also able to work in real
time. Similarly, we use the FER-2013 dataset to train
our model and aim for it to process images in real time
to be able to integrate it in a videogame.
The authors in (Vulpe-Grigorasi and Grigore,
2021) presenten a method to optimize the hyperpa-
rameters of CNNs to increase accuracy for facial emo-
tion recognition. In their work, they described the
maximum number of convolutional layers, the num-
ber of kernels to apply in each convolutional layer and
the recommended dropout in convolutional and fully-
connected layer. A proposed model trained with the
FER-2013 dataset obtained an accuracy of 72.16%.
Our work follows some of their recommendations to
build an optimized CNN to accomplish similar accu-
racy in the same dataset.
To develop a Serious Game for people with
autism, the authors in (Dantas and do Nascimento,
2022) implemented their own FER model. To achieve
this, they used the Adaboost algorithm to determine
the regions of interest (ROI) from a face image.
Dlib library was used to draw facial keypoints for
each ROI. The histogram of oriented gradient (HOG)
method was then processed to the ROIs and their key-
points. The result HOG image is sent for final emo-
tion classification with a CNN. 98.84% accuracy was
achieved using the CK+, FER-2013, RAF-DB and
MMI Facial Expression datasets. We also use CNN
for emotion classification, but avoid doing much im-
age pre-processing to speed up the results.
The authors in (Garcia-Garcia et al., 2022) uses
the capacities of facial emotion recognition to develop
a serious game about teaching children with autism
how to identify and express emotions. The proposed
videogame is aim for children between the ages of 6
Real-Time CNN Based Facial Emotion Recognition Model for a Mobile Serious Game
and 12 with emotion disability. The interaction with
the implemented system is based of tangible user in-
terfaces (TUIs). Three sections were developed for
emotional training, achieving positive results. The
main activity was the imitation of emotions presented
on the screen, which uses the FER model. This so-
lution inspired us to create a serious game in a form
of a mobile application for children with autism and
emotion disability, although our target audience will
be children between the ages of 5 and 11 in Peru.
In (Pavez et al., 2023), the authors planned to de-
velop a tool called ”Emo-mirror” to help children with
autism recognize and understand the emotions of oth-
ers. It uses augmented reality and facial recognition
as part of the inmersive learning experience. The chil-
dren use the mirror to choose an emotion and try to
imitate it based on an image displayed. A FER model
was implemented by the authors which uses the Viola-
Jones algorithm for face detection and a CNN based
on ResNet50 for emotion classification. The model
and the intelligent mirror achieved great results dur-
ing the experimental phase. Our FER model also uses
CNN for emotion classification and we integrate it in
an activity for the children to express emotions shown
on the screen. However, it will not be the only excer-
sise in the serious game, as we create a complete set
of activities for emotion education.
In this section, we describe some preliminary con-
cepts, our methods, construction stages and contribu-
tion of this project.
3.1 Preliminary Concepts
Now, we will present the main concepts used in our
work. We aim to teach children with autism to rec-
ognize and express emotions through a serious game
and facial emotion recognition.
Definition 1 (Affective Computing
(AC)(Garcia-Garcia et al., 2022))). It is any
form of computing that is related to emotions. One
of the most popular lines of work in this subject is
automatic emotion detection.
Nowadays, AC and human-computer interaction
are being combined to create applications or systems
that can detect how the user is feeling and make a
decision based on that.
Definition 2 (Facial Emotion Recognition
(FER)(Dantas and do Nascimento, 2022)). Is a
computational technique based in computer vision
and image processing to detect a person’s emotion
from and image or in real time from a video camera.
Example 1. In Figure 1 we can see some examples
of face detection and emotion classification done by a
Figure 1: Examples of Facial Emotion Classification (Zhou
et al., 2021).
Definition 3 (Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (Gar-
cia-Garcia et al., 2022)). It is a neurodevelopmental
disorder characterized by deficits in social interaction
and communication in different contexts.
Emotional disability are also inherit in people with
ASD, with the severity of it varying depending on the
type of ASD a person has. It is known that therapy
helps people with autism improve these skills.
Definition 4 (Facial Expressions of People with
Autism (Dantas and do Nascimento, 2022)). Children
with ASD tend to be distracted, and the visual inat-
tention compromises their social activities during the
early learning age. For this reason, express and de-
tect emotions is hard for them.
New software is being develop to contribute in the
skills training of children with ASD. Serious Games
are one of these tools and are defined as follows.
Definition 5 (Serious Game (SG) (Dantas and
do Nascimento, 2022)). These are games with the
objective to teach and develop skills. They combine
common game characteristics such as fun and enter-
tainment, but are primaly for educational purposes.
Example 2. We can see a Serious Game that teaches
emotions in Figure 2.
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Figure 2: EmoTea - A Serious Game about emotions
(Garcia-Garcia et al., 2022).
3.2 Method
In this section, the main contributions proposed will
be presented.
3.2.1 Facial Emotion Recognition Model
The first contribution of this research is the applica-
tion of Affective Computing, specifically in the con-
struction of a FER model, able to recieve a frame cap-
tured by a camera video, process it and return the pre-
diction of the emotion in real time.
Our goal is to integrate the model into a mobile
Serious Game, and to achieve this is necessary to
come up with a lightweight file that can be load inside
the application. For this end, the TensorFlow library
is used to create and train the emotion classificator.
Afterwards, the model is converted into a TensorFlow
Lite file, which helps us save a lot of disk space and is
still capable of predicting emotions accurately in real
A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used
for this work. The designed architecture for this
model can be seen in Figure 3. For the feature extrac-
tion of the model we use four phases of convolutions
where 3x3 Kernels are applied to the input image.
Max Pooling, Batch Normalization and Dropout op-
erations are used between the convolution processes
and for the activation function, RelU is selected for
this work. After the last Max Pooling operation, we
added a Flatten layer to start the classification part of
the model, where a Dense layers is added before the
final seven neurons layer which uses the Softmax ac-
tivation function for emotion detection.
The dataset selected for this project was FER-
2013, which can be found in the Kaggle repository. It
consists of 28,709 face images for training and 7,178
in the test set. The dataset is organized in seven direc-
tories representing the basic emotions: angry, disgust,
fear, happy, neutral, sad and surprise. We opted to
separate 20% of the train set for validation purposes
during the model training, and use the test set for the
evaluation. Also, an augmentation process was ap-
plied to reduce the validation loss and avoid overfit-
3.2.2 Serious Game
The second contribution consists of the development
of a SG which aims to support the emotional learning
of children with autism. This game will integrate the
FER model as one of his core characteristics to create
more dynamic activities.
The SG will be developed using the Unity En-
gine because of its capacity and ease of creating 2D
videogames for mobiles. It will also make the ap-
plication scalable, as the engine makes it very easy
to transition the development for computers and also
It will feature three main activities, including a
section where the children can learn about the seven
basic emotions. The first one, will help the children
build their expression recognition skills by selecting
the correct emotion based of an image shown on the
screen. The second exercise will also improve the
recognition skills, with the difference that we will
present, through a sentence, contexts in which a per-
son expresses a feeling and the children have to se-
lect the emotion that best suits the situation. The final
activity, and the one that uses the FER model, is the
emotion imitation. Here, the children will see a pic-
ture of a person expressing an emotion and they have
to imitate it as best as they can to improve their emo-
tion expression skills. This section uses the mobile
camera to capture the face of the kid that is using the
application and it will be sent to the loaded classifi-
cation model, which returns the emotion expressed at
that moment. The diagram in Figure 4 shows the sec-
tions the SG will present and how it integrates the FER
The last feature of the SG will be the generation
of reports at the end of each activity session. This
will help the parents or specialists to follow the kid’s
progress in their development of the emotional ability.
For the purpose of this work, a prototype capable of in-
tegrating the proposed FER model and being executed
on mobiles has been developed.
In this section, we discuss about the experiments done
for this project, as well as the setup used and results
obtained during this process.
Real-Time CNN Based Facial Emotion Recognition Model for a Mobile Serious Game
Figure 3: CNN Architecture.
Figure 4: Emotion Game Diagram.
4.1 Experimental Protocol
This subsection explains the configuration of the envi-
ronment where the experiments were performed. Lo-
cal hardware, applications and frameworks used are
detailed here.
The development of this work was done in a com-
puter with an AMD Ryzen 7 3700X CPU, 16GB of
DDR4 RAM memory, and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX
3070 GPU. The implementation of the FER model
was carried out in a personal Anaconda environment
where Python 3.9.18, CUDA 11.2 and cuDNN 8.1.0
versions were installed. Additionally, TensorFlow
version 2.10.1 is used for the model building and
training. The source code of the model implementa-
tion is available at
As mentioned in the previous section, the FER-
2013 dataset is used in this work. It can be found in
the Kaggle repository and consists in a total of 35,887
face images organized in the seven basic emotions,
28,709 for training and the rest for test evaluations.
After taking a look of the image directories, we no-
ticed several images where no faces were shown and
decided to exclude them from the set, leaving a total
of 28,635 images for training and 7,164 for testing.
Also, we opted to use 20% of the training set for val-
idation purposes and leave the test set for the evalua-
tion of the model.
The application prototype where we tested the
functionality of the lightweight model was devel-
oped in the Unity Engine 2021.3.29f1 version.
To integrate the TensorFlow Lite model, a third-
party library called ”tf-lite-unity-sample
is used,
which helped us load and execute the model in
Unity. Also, the OpenCV Plus Unity
free pack-
age is used to implement a face recognition sys-
tem. The source code of the application proto-
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Table 1: Devices Specifications.
Device Type Processor Memory OS Version
1 Phone Octa-Core 2GHz 4GB 12
2 Tablet Octa-Core 2.3GHz 4GB 13
3 Phone Octa-Core 3.36GHz 8GB 13
(a) Accuracy plot. (b) Loss plot.
Figure 5: Train and validation plot of the proposed model.
type is available at
Finally, three Android devices are use to test the
application that integrates the FER model and mea-
sure the time, in miliseconds, that takes to execute the
model. In Table 1, you can see the specifications of
the devices used for this work.
4.2 Results
In this subsection, the results obtained during the ex-
periment phase are detailed.
4.2.1 Model Training Performance
As we mentioned, the implementation and training of
the FER model is done in a Anaconda environment.
We use data augmentation for the train set, where
we applied horizontal flip, 5 rotations, 20% of image
zoom out, a width and height shift range of 10%, and
seed 200 is used. In Table 2 you can see the final
model architecture summary. The Adam optimizer
with a learning rate of 0.001 was set for compiling,
as well as the Categorical Crossentropy loss function.
Finally, the model was sent for fitting for 150 epochs
and a batch size of 32.
After the training process, the obtained results
were quite satisfactory. The training accuracy af-
ter 150 epochs was 69.83% with a loss of 0.81.
Similarly, the final validation accuracy achieved was
66.52% with a 0.97 loss. Figures 5a and 5b show the
accuracy-epoch and loss-epoch plots, respectively, for
the training process of the proposed model.
4.2.2 Model Accuracy Comparison
For this work, we selected some proposed models
that are also based on CNNs and used the FER-
2013 dataset for training. For example, some au-
thors presented their own version of a CNN with
different hyperparameters configuration (Zhou et al.,
2021)(Vulpe-Grigorasi and Grigore, 2021)(Singh and
Nasoz, 2020). Others implemented different CNN
subnets to integrate them in a full model (Zeng et al.,
2018)(Chuanjie and Changming, 2020). Also, Deep
Neural Networks were constructed for emotion classi-
fication (Verma and Rani, 2021)(Mollahosseini et al.,
Our model was sent for evaluation with the test set
of the FER-2013 dataset, where additional data aug-
mentation was applied. The evaluation ended with an
accuracy of 66.50% and 0.97 loss. The accuracy com-
parison with other models are presented in Table 3.
Real-Time CNN Based Facial Emotion Recognition Model for a Mobile Serious Game
Table 2: Model Summary.
Layer Output Shape Param #
Conv2D (None, 48, 48, 32) 320
Conv2D (None, 48, 48, 64) 18,496
BatchNormalization (None, 48, 48, 64) 256
MaxPooling2D (None, 24, 24, 64) 0
Dropout (None, 24, 24, 64) 0
Conv2D (None, 24, 24, 64) 36,928
BatchNormalization (None, 24, 24, 64) 256
MaxPooling2D (None, 12, 12, 64) 0
Dropout (None, 12, 12, 64) 0
Conv2D (None, 12, 12, 128) 73,856
Conv2D (None, 12, 12, 256) 295,168
BatchNormalization (None, 12, 12, 256) 1,024
MaxPooling2D (None, 6, 6, 256) 0
Dropout (None, 6, 6, 256) 0
Conv2D (None, 6, 6, 256) 590,080
BatchNormalization (None, 6, 6, 256) 1,024
MaxPooling2D (None, 3, 3, 256) 0
Dropout (None, 3, 3, 256) 0
Flatten (None, 2304) 0
Dense (None, 1024) 2,360,320
BatchNormalization (None, 1024) 4,096
Dropout (None, 1024) 0
Dense (None, 7) 7,175
Total params: 3,388,999
Trainable params: 3,385,671
Non-trainable params: 3,328
4.2.3 Performance of Model in Real-Time
As mentioned before, we integrated the model into
a prototyped developed in Unity, which we tested in
different mobile devices. The final weight in disk af-
ter convertion into a TensorFlow Lite model was of
13.23MB, making it proper to use in mobiles. In this
prototype, we set up the model to be executed in in-
tervals of 0.2 seconds for 15 seconds. We built the
project and installed it in the three devices. In Table
4, we recorded the average process time of the model
execution in those devices.
4.3 Discussion
In this subsection, we discussed about the results ob-
tained in the previous section.
4.3.1 Model Training Performance
When dealing with neural networks, the accuracy and
loss of the training and validation process are ex-
pected to maintain similar values at each epoch. Oth-
erwise, we would be dealing with a case of overfitting,
which occurs when a model is accurate with train-
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Table 3: Accuracy comparison with other models.
Model Valid accuracy Test accuracy Test loss
Lightweight CNN(Zhou et al., 2021) 67.00% 67.00% 0.98
Optimized CNN(Vulpe-Grigorasi and Grigore, 2021) 69.96% 72.16% 0.97
Proposed CNN(Singh and Nasoz, 2020) - 61.70% -
Fusion Network(Zeng et al., 2018) - 61.86% -
Subnets Integration(Chuanjie and Changming, 2020) - 70.10% -
Deep Neural Network(Verma and Rani, 2021) 70.15% 70.15% -
Deep Neural Network(Mollahosseini et al., 2016) - 66.40% -
Our model 66.52% 66.50% 0.97
Table 4: Process time of the model in three devices.
Device Type Average Process Time
1 Phone 21.87ms
2 Tablet 14.39ms
3 Phone 16.06ms
ing data but not with new data. For this work, the
use of data augmentation was of great support, as it
helped up avoid this problem. In Figure 5a, you can
see how the accuracy per epoch stays very close in
train and validation, ending with a result of 69.83%
and 66.52%, respectively. Similarly, in Figure 5b, the
loss per epoch maintained constant proximity during
the entire training. This proves that our model can be
reliable for use in real cases with high accuracy.
4.3.2 Model Accuracy Comparison
As mentioned in the results section, our model was set
for comparison with other proposes that are based con
CNNs and were trained with the FER-2013 dataset.
At first view in Table 3, we can see that our model
beats some of the models in the list in test accuracy
and remains close to the others. However, the sub-
nets in (Chuanjie and Changming, 2020) and the deep
neural network in (Verma and Rani, 2021) require
more process time to do predictions as they are big-
ger architectures than our model. In our opinion, the
lightwight CNN model in (Zhou et al., 2021) is one of
the best proposes for real-time execution, it achives
67.00% and was stored in a 872.9KB file. It beats
our model by 0.5% but our loss was slightly less than
4.3.3 Performance of Model in Real-Time
The results obtained in the tests of our model on mo-
bile devices were quite satisfactory. As shown in
Table 4, the average process time on a tablet was
14.39ms and on the best phone model we obtained
a time average of 16.06ms. Models with deep archi-
tectures can take a significant amount of time to run,
especially on mobile devices, which are less power-
ful than desktop computers or laptops. For instance,
the authors in (Hua et al., 2019) mentioned that their
proposed integration of subnetworks needs 2.518 sec-
onds to predict the emotion in one picture without us-
ing a PC, which is not optimal when needing fast re-
sults. This is why developing an emotion facial recog-
nition model with high accuracy and capable of run-
ning in less than 100ms is a great achievement, as it
allows to create a more fluid human-computer inter-
This paper focuses on developing a FER model that
achieves good validation accuracy and is capable of
being integrated and executed in a mobile application
in real-time. Although different methods have been
used to try to achieve high accuracy in this area of
affecting computing, not all of them are optimal for
obtaining fast results. For this reason, we have im-
plemented a lightweight CNN that was trained with
the FER-2013 dataset. As seen in the first results, the
use of data augmentation allowed us to achieve good
results, reaching an accuracy of 66.52% in validation
and avoiding overfitting.
Real-Time CNN Based Facial Emotion Recognition Model for a Mobile Serious Game
The second achievement of this work was to inte-
grate the implemented model into an application that
can be run on mobile devices. As mentioned, Tensor-
Flow Lite was the tool that allowed us to reduce the
disk size of the FER model, resulting in a 13.23MB
file. Also, as can be seen in the third part of the re-
sults, the tests on different devices were satisfactory.
Here you can see how the model manages to process a
prediction in an average of 14.39ms and 16.06ms, on
a tablet and a phone, respectively. This proves how
a low-density model can achieve high accuracy and
predictions in an instant.
For our future work, two points are in mind: First,
we will aim to obtain better accuracy in our model
training by adjusting the hyperparameters that have
been used (Leon-Urbano and Ugarte, 2020) or for
other applications (Cornejo et al., 2021). Similarly,
we think that using larger images, instead of the
48x48 ones, could help with this goal (Lozano-Mej
et al., 2020). Second, we plan to use the potential of
automatic facial expression recognition in a serious
game about emotions for children with autism. This
will allow us to increase the dynamism of the activi-
ties and demonstrate the capability of artificial intelli-
gence in human-computer interaction.
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ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health