edge related to the overall healthcare procedure.
This work proposes a pipeline for the automatic eval-
uation of dental surgery gestures. The aim of this
system is to assist teachers and learners during prac-
tical sessions on simulators (conventional or virtual
and haptic). The expected long-term impacts are re-
lated to the improvement of motor skills in preclinical
situations, to prepare students for clinical ones, and
avoid learning motions leading to MSD. This first step
breaks down the gesture into components (posture,
sitting orientation, holding the instrument, fulcrum,
asepsis) and proposes generic descriptors for each
component. The proposed approach consists in train-
ing random forest models for each component, whose
inputs are the generic descriptors computed from the
teacher’s labeled and captured motions. Each label is
defined by teachers to integrate the observation needs
with their own vocabulary. The trained RF model can
be used to analyse the learners’ gestures by giving the
class label for each gesture component. This architec-
ture tends to tackle the challenges linked to the evalu-
ation of the often neglected geometric and kinematic
aspects of the dental gesture in the existing systems,
while avoiding a heavy reengineering process in case
of the evolution the learning situation. This work will
continue through an experiment with a dual objective:
(a) validating the pipeline in terms of evaluation per-
formances with teachers and (b), evaluating the im-
pact of the evaluation on students during practical ses-
The authors would like to thank the support given
by the French Research National Agency in funding
of the ANR PRCE EVAGO project (ANR-21-CE38-
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A Pipeline for the Automatic Evaluation of Dental Surgery Gestures in Preclinical Training from Captured Motions