Building Suitable Observation Points to Enhance the Learner’s
Perception of Information in Virtual Environment for Gesture Learning
Vincent Agueda
, Ludovic Hamon
, S
ebastien George
and Pierre-Jean Petitprez
LIUM, EA 4023, Le Mans Universit
e, 72085 Le Mans, Cedex 9, France
HRV Simulation, 53810 Chang
e, France
Technical Gesture, Virtual Learning Environment, Motion Capture, Pedagogical Resources.
This paper presents an architecture to build Virtual Pedagogical Resources (VPR) dedicated to gesture learn-
ing. This architecture proposes: (a) to replay any captured gesture from an expert, in a 1:1-scaled Virtual
Environment (VE) using a Virtual Reality (VR) headset (b), a full control of the replay process (play, pause,
speed control, replay, etc.) and (c), a method to generate observation points from the activity traces of the
learners in their observation process. Most of the Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) dedicated to gesture
learning, put the learner into a practising process, neglecting the observation and study time of the gesture to
learn. In addition, the VLE with dedicated observation functionalities are very specific to the task to learn,
or lack of relevant strategies regarding the appropriate viewpoints to recommend. Therefore, this work in
progress proposes a method able to make a VLE as a relevant pedagogical resource for observing and study-
ing the gesture outside or during the practical session, with the appropriate point of view. A description of a
first experiment is presented, which aims at validating the consistency and the pedagogical relevance of the
generated viewpoints.
Teaching technical skills has always been a specific
case of education because of the involved tacit knowl-
edge. This includes gesture learning i.e. motor skills
linked to the underlying motions, performed for a par-
ticular purpose in a specific context. There are three
main non-exclusive teaching methods: (i) gesture vi-
sualization followed by practising (ii), learning spe-
cific constraints/features defined by geometric, kine-
matic or dynamic properties of the movement and
(iii), considering the gesture as a sequence of actions
focusing more on the goal to reach than the motion
to perform. Outside of being tutored by an expert,
different pedagogical resources exist as alternatives
when the latter is absent, such as books with pictures
describing motions with schemes, and videos demon-
strating them. Both of those resources come with their
advantages and disadvantages.
There are software tools for the biomechanical
analysis of motions, mainly dedicated to the sport and
health domains such as Motion Analysis, Kinovea,
Qualisys, etc. They provide, in particular, a motion
visualisation, statistical functionalities, graph display-
ing based on geometric and kinematic criteria. How-
ever, these tools were not designed as Virtual Learn-
ing Environments (VLE), making them difficult to use
as simulators for training, especially if one does not
have a biomechanics expertise. Nevertheless, with
the emergence of motion capture technologies, novel
learning tools have been designed offering a new kind
of teaching. In this context, Virtual Reality (VR) has
increasingly become the focus of attention, thanks to
its ability to immerse users in a rich and compelling
Virtual Environment (VE). Indeed, learners can focus
on their task while VE provides real-time pedagog-
ical feedback (Oagaz et al., 2022; Liu et al., 2020;
Wu et al., 2020). Furthermore, motion capture allows
saving and reusing captured gestures executed by an
expert to automatically evaluate learners by compar-
ison, or replay them in VE. This allows the learning
situation to dynamically evolve with or without the
expert. In case of a replay, the gesture is reproduced
through a 3D virtual anthropomorphic avatar that rep-
resents a human in VE (Chen et al., 2019; Zhao, 2022;
Esmaeili et al., 2017).
Works and studies on VLE using 1:1-scale VE
with a VR headset, and dedicated to gesture learning
have already been done in various fields of work (Liu
et al., 2020; Rho et al., 2020; Jeanne et al., 2017).
Agueda, V., Hamon, L., George, S. and Petitprez, P.
Building Suitable Observation Points to Enhance the Learner’s Perception of Information in Virtual Environment for Gesture Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0012686100003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 428-435
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The main contributions of those studies are linked to
the design and the impact on the learning situation.
One can also observe that most of previous works
focus on immediate practising, neglecting the neces-
sary discovering and observation time. In most cases,
only basic functionalities are available to the learner,
limiting them to get in depth the necessary informa-
tion of a gesture from the temporal and spatial view-
point (Oagaz et al., 2022; Chen et al., 2019). Even
with the possibility to observe the 3D avatar from any
angle using a VR headset, the learner may struggle
to effectively discover and integrate the related skills
and knowledge if the appropriate viewpoints are not
found. It is crucial to provide a clear guidance on
where, when and what to observe in this context, and
consequently, propose the appropriate viewpoints in
order to maximize the perceived information related
to the gesture to learn. This work raises the ques-
tion of designing an interactive and appropriate VLE
for maximizing the perception of a 3D avatar to effec-
tively learn a gesture, according to the needs and prac-
tices of the users (learners and teachers). However,
the literature misses of works detailing a complete
production chain to build adapted Virtual Pedagogi-
cal Resources (VPR) for gesture learning. A VPR is
defined as a virtual resource made of VE in which
a technical captured gesture can be observed in time
and space for gesture learning, the VPR being used
in the learning process during practical sessions and
beyond, as long as the user has the necessary equip-
ment. In this work in progress, a system architecture
for creating VPR designed for gesture learning will be
described, and an experimental protocol is formalized
to validate the architecture. Section 2 presents the
contributions made by the article. Section 3 reviews
VLE for gesture learning that includes a 3D human-
based avatar. Section 4 presents the proposed system
architecture for replaying any captured movement in
VLE, and including an automatic observation point
recommendation system. Section 5 proposes a proto-
col allowing to evaluate the coherence of the gener-
ated observation points, while providing initial feed-
back from the learners on VPR. Section 6 discusses
the protocol, the design choices, and the article con-
cludes with Section 7.
This article does not study VLE as a practice tool
but as a visualization tool. In this way, studying the
learner’s performances and skills after using either the
VLE or any other kinds of resources is out of the
scope of this work in progress in terms of contribu-
tions. This article focuses on identifying the features
where the information is best perceived and what the
challenges and methods are to design effective VPR
adapted to the gesture to learn.
This paper proposes a complete process and its un-
derlying system architecture able to replay any cap-
tured movement in a VLE and recommend relevant
observation points to learners, thereby enhancing the
perceived information and their learning experience.
This system allows the learner to visualize the ges-
ture at any time outside of teaching hours. A first ap-
plication case is also presented with a load lift and
displacement to prevent gestures leading to Muscu-
loSkeletal Disorders (MSD).
Most existing VLE for gesture learning are just con-
sidered as a tool for practical sessions and not as a
fully new learning resource. The use of a 3D avatar
combined with motion capture for gesture learning
purposes has already been studied in a context of skill
acquisition for the specific tasks they were designed
for. As a result, they are mainly used for practising. If
available, the VLE can offer basic media player func-
tionalities and a free navigation, without providing
any observation guidance. This section reviews exist-
ing VLE for gesture learning that include a 3D avatar.
For each work, four main topics are covered: (a) the
gesture or task to learn (b), the VLE functionalities
based on the interactions available to the learner (c),
the presence of observation points, their features, and
design process, and (d), the potential use of the VLE
as a pedagogical resource.
The combination of VLE and motion capture for
enhancing gesture learning has already been studied
in many domains such as sport (Liu et al., 2020; Wu
et al., 2020; Oagaz et al., 2022; Zhao, 2022; Chen
et al., 2019), sign language (Rho et al., 2020) and in-
dustry (Jeanne et al., 2017). The use of motion cap-
ture depends on the used strategy of the captured data:
the motion can be used for evaluation purposes, ob-
servation by replay, or in a combination of the two
previous points. However, the main objective is the
same: to evaluate the acquisition of motor skills by
using those VLE.
When motion capture is added, the first strategy is
to assess the gesture done by the learner in real time
(or close) during the practical session. The expert’s
gesture is captured beforehand and then used to eval-
uate the learner by comparison. Zhao (2022) applied
this method in a VLE dedicated to Yao dance teach-
ing where students, while wearing a motion capture
Building Suitable Observation Points to Enhance the Learner’s Perception of Information in Virtual Environment for Gesture Learning
equipment, practiced the dance. The system gave in-
stant feedback to them. It is important to note that
only the student’s gesture was displayed on the screen
and not the expert’s one. In addition, the pedagogi-
cal feedback was displayed through highlighted body
parts depending on the executed gesture. It was not
the case for Oagaz et al.s work for table tennis, where
the student and expert gestures were simultaneously
shown while the evaluation was running (Oagaz et al.,
2022). The learners can observe and imitate the ges-
ture performed by the expert’s 3D avatar, while the
learner’s gesture was evaluated by comparing the tilt-
ing of different body joints (elbow, wrist, knees, etc.)
displayed on the second 3D avatar.
A captured gesture replayed in a VLE may origi-
nate from a teacher or an expert (Esmaeili et al., 2017;
Nawahdah and Inoue, 2013), a learner (Zhao, 2022)
or both (Liu et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2019; Oagaz
et al., 2022). Depending on which one is replayed
between the expert or the learner, the VLE design ob-
jectives and main functionalities may vary. Replaying
the teacher’s motions often aims at following the imi-
tation learning method. In this case, the 3D avatar can
be: (a) placed in front of them or (b) observed from
any viewpoint by navigating in the VLE or moving
the expert’s 3D avatar (Esmaeili et al., 2017; Nawah-
dah and Inoue, 2013; Wu et al., 2020). Replaying
the student’s gesture is also often linked to an auto-
matic evaluation process, with the feedback displayed
on the student’s 3D avatar (Zhao, 2022). Finally,
the combination of both displays allows combining
observation and evaluation (Liu et al., 2020; Oagaz
et al., 2022). Replaying a captured motion in a VLE
can also mean that player-type controls (play, pause,
decreasing speed, etc.) are available to the learner.
However, not all works precisely describe whether
those kinds of interactions are available or not (Es-
maeili et al., 2017). Nevertheless, in works indicating
the available functionalities, one can note the play and
pause options (Oagaz et al., 2022; Rho et al., 2020), or
replaying the gesture from the beginning (Chen et al.,
2019; Rho et al., 2020). Finally, other more advanced
options such as fast-forward, rewind, or speed control
are rarer (Liu et al., 2020).
With the possibility of displaying a 3D avatar
demonstrating the gesture, the question ”how the
avatar should be observed” emerge, and that question
is answered at different levels. The first one is by giv-
ing one static and fixed viewpoint to the learner (Chen
et al., 2019). A second method allows users to freely
move in VLE or around the expert’s 3D avatar to ob-
serve the replayed gesture from any view angle. This
allows the student to visualize and acquire more in-
formation from the 3D avatar compared to a single
fixed point (Liu et al., 2020). However, students may
not know the most appropriate viewpoint if existing.
Therefore, in order to guide the learner more effec-
tively, the VLE can provide specific and predefined
viewpoints for a better observation and understanding
of the gesture. Esmaeili et al. (2017) implemented
floor squares at locations defined by the expert, where
the learner can observe more effectively some specific
parts of the gesture.
Defining appropriate viewpoints can be tedious.
Given the complexity of the gesture, a large num-
ber of viewpoints must be defined. In addition, the
number and location of these points may differ de-
pending on the gesture. Some gestures may require
more points than others, with different positions and
orientations, particularly in a VLE using a VR head-
set. Moreover, the definition of an appropriate ob-
servation point can differ between experts. An ex-
pert can use the VLE to place the points themselves
in an empirical way. Consequently, this raises the
question of the automatic generation of viewpoints,
especially if one wants to expand the scope of VLE to
include other gestures. Mamoun Nawahdaha and In-
oue (2013) proposed a system where the learner was
static. The position and orientation of the expert’s 3D
avatar around the learner changed, based on the ges-
ture made at each moment, for example, depending
on the arm used for the task. Based on a survey and
experiments coupled to the expert’s captured gesture,
their work allowed achieving an ideal placement of
the 3D avatar, according to the expert’s used hand dur-
ing the demonstration and its position to enhance the
learning. However, to our knowledge, no past works
cover the automatic generation of observation points
in a VLE around the expert’s 3D avatar.
In the context of this study, there are three over-
looked aspects. The first one is related to the ac-
quisition of information when observing a 3D avatar.
Few articles address the optimal configurations to bet-
ter perceive the information when observing a ges-
ture. Next, the analysis of all the works highlights
the absence of a detailed and complete description of
the architecture of the whole system, from the cap-
ture of the expert movement to the building of an
appropriate and interactive VPR. Finally, the com-
parison between appropriate observation-based VLE
and other resources (book and video, for example) in
terms of perception of information linked to gesture-
based skills has not been enough studied.
Based on current state-of-the-art, the presented
work relies on the following research question:
How to design Virtual Pedagogical Resources
dedicated to gesture learning from captured move-
ments, that maximize the learner’s perception of
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the gesture to learn?
The following section presents the proposed sys-
tem architecture for building an interactive VPR from
a captured movement, including the method to auto-
matically generate the observation points.
In the proposed process, the gesture of the teachers
are captured with any motion capture equipment, as
long as the Capture Module outputs the animation as
a FBX or BVH file. It is important to note that the
captured movement has already been processed (noise
filtering, gap filling, etc.) before being imported in the
system, which is outside the scope of this paper.
4.1 Virtual Learning Environment
Afterwards, the teacher can import the animation file
to the VLE, where the learner will be able to visual-
ize it. The proposed system is currently implemented
with the Unreal Engine, and aims at building a VPR
thanks to three main modules (fig. 1):
The Replay Engine: the data of the animation file
are extracted and stored in a new data structure
to manage different file types for different mo-
tion capture systems. The state and temporal vari-
ables related to the replay are instanced to manage
its features (play, pause, restarting the animation,
and, in the future, speed control and move for-
ward/backward). Whenever a replay is going on,
the Replay Engine module will know which time
of the animation should be played based on its
variables and the learner’s interactions, and will
return the corresponding posture data of the 3D
avatar to the display module.
The Display Engine renders the 3D avatar in the
VLE, in which the learner is able to navigate and
observe without any restriction (fig. 2). The de-
sign of the VLE must be simple, for example a
platform with no specific objects. If the gesture
implies the manipulation of 3D objects, those ob-
jects must be captured and a 3D mesh must be
defined and manually associated.
The VPR Interface module allows the learner to
interact and observe the 3D avatar reproducing the
gesture in a 1:1-scaled VE through a VR Headset.
The learner can freely walk in the environment to
observe the 3D avatar from any point of view. A
Replay Control Panel is also available to interact
with the 3D avatar with the replay functionalities
available thanks to the replay engine (fig. 3). Fi-
nally, the interface sends the learner’s headset po-
sition and rotation to the Display Engine to spawn
and position the learner in the Environment.
4.2 Automatic Observation Point
The user’s navigation traces (position and rotation)
are recorded and exported in a file. With these data,
it is possible to track the learner’s position and orien-
tation of their head throughout the simulation. Those
traces are saved on the basis of a first assumption for
this work: the most used, consistent and efficient ob-
servation points can be computed from the free ob-
servation practical activity. This problem can be for-
malized with the following question: do several con-
sistent sets of close data, made of headset positions
and orientations exist in the traces, obtained from an
activity where the user freely navigates in the VLE to
observe the gesture? This is an unsupervised problem
where a clustering approach must be applied.
Clustering allows to group data based on specific
similarities. In this case, the data are the user’s posi-
tions and orientations of the headset. This method can
be paired with the eye-tracking technology, for exam-
ple by allowing to know what the specific parts of the
screen the user is looking at are. Works have already
been done combining VR, Eye Tracking and cluster-
ing for attention tasks (Bozkir et al., 2021). How-
ever, data defining the position and orientation of the
headset seems to be poorly used. Different cluster-
ing algorithms exist, each being optimized for differ-
ent contexts, and for this work the DBSCAN methods
will be used (Kraus et al., 2020). The DBSCAN al-
gorithm is a density-based clustering method that can
create an unspecified number of clusters based on two
parameters: ε is the radius around a point defining its
neighbourhood, and MinPts the minimum of points
inside that radius in order to shape a dense region.
This choice is based in particular on two features: it
is not limited to spherical clusters and can exclude
outliers in contrary of K-means, for example. In ad-
dition, one can choose the distance function (default:
Euclidean) and make their own distance function if
necessary when dealing with specific data such as an-
gles, for example, or heterogeneous ones.
The Automatic Observation Point Generator
(AOPG) system will get the data from the traces and
apply two DBSCAN:
The first clustering is done on the positions. This
allows outputting a number K of clusters. This
number is specified by the teacher beforehand,
Building Suitable Observation Points to Enhance the Learner’s Perception of Information in Virtual Environment for Gesture Learning
Figure 1: Architecture of the Virtual Pedagogical Resource and the generator.
Figure 2: A 3D Avatar replaying the captured gesture, here,
lifting a load.
and inputted in the clustering process by adjust-
ing the aforementioned two parameters to reach
K. For each cluster, the resulting centroid will
be the generated observation point location. This
specific position and the data set of its belonging
cluster are sent to the next clustering.
From each K position cluster, a second cluster-
ing is performed on the orientation part of each
trace belonging to the cluster. The teacher also
specifies the desired number L of orientations for
each observation point location, the clustering in-
puts being adjusted in the same way to reach L.
The resulting centroids are the generated orienta-
tions associated with the current observation point
Figure 3: One panel of the Replay Control Panel limited to
the play/pause and reset functionalities for the experiment.
After passing through the two clustering phases,
the system will compute K × L observation points.
Finally, the AOPG system sends those observation
points to the Display Engine module so that each one
can be proposed to the learner.
The system needs to be tested and validated from
computing and information perception considera-
tions. The objective of this first experiment is dual:
(a) comparing the information perception between
a VPR and other resources (books or videos) in a
gesture-based learning context and (b), evaluating the
generated observation points in terms of consistency
of the obtained centroids, acting as relevant view-
points from the perspective of the information percep-
tion. The experiment will also provide initial feed-
back from learners on the proposed VPR.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
5.1 Protocol
The main lines of the experimental protocol are the
following: each learner must learn a technical ges-
ture by either observing it in the VLE (Test group) or
through a pedagogical video (Control group). After-
wards, the learner will reproduce the observed gesture
in the real world while being evaluated on simple cri-
teria. Each participant is randomly assigned to one of
the two groups.
No additional information is provided to the
learner regarding the expected features of the ges-
ture to learn. Indeed, the learner must reproduce the
gesture based only on the visual information taken
from the motion displayed through the VPR or the
video. The video was taken from internet and mod-
ified to avoid any textual or audio information. Af-
ter being modified, the video is made of six view-
. The expert reproduces the gesture seen in
the video as closely as possible, and is recorded with
the Qualisys
motion capture system. The VLE and
the video will have the same control functionalities
in terms of gesture replaying. Participants in the test
group can freely navigate in the VLE using the VR
headset. The gesture to learn consists in lifting, dis-
placing and depositing a box.
Figure 4: An example of a lifting tutorial.
A list of criteria is drawn up according to the orig-
inal pedagogical video to evaluate the gesture repro-
duced by the learner. A subset of the selected crite-
ria is chosen to easily observe them when the learner
performs the gesture in the real world. As an exam-
ple, a subset of some criteria can be a straight back,
the position of the feet during the lift and deposit, the
placement of the hands to hold the box, etc.
After completing a first questionnaire regarding
different aspects like their previous experience with
VR, the learner will be briefed on the protocol they
will follow and the available interactions. The learner
begins to observe the gesture to learn, either from the
video or in the VLE. They can spend any amount of
Click here to access the video of the gesture.
time for the observation. The traces are saved for the
generation of observation points, while the video’s
screen is recorded for further analysis. Once the
learners decide to stop their first observation, they are
invited to reproduce the gesture with a real box once,
while they are rated based on the predefined set of cri-
teria. If at least one of the criteria is not respected, the
learner is informed but not told which one. Indeed,
the learner has to find the expected criteria to evaluate
the quality of the perceived information. After this
first try, they are invited to watch again their resource
in order to repeat the sequence (watching/performing)
five times. Finally, the learner is invited to complete
a second questionnaire made of three parts: an open-
ended question on what the evaluation criteria are ac-
cording to them, a self-assessment on their perfor-
mances based on the real criteria, and lastly their feed-
back on the resource used.
At the end of the experiment, the VLE will pro-
duce the traces, consisting of the learner’s positions
and orientations. The video traces will be analysed to
get the observation time for each pass, and the used
interactions during the observation (Play/Pause and
Reset usage). The VLE traces will be used in the
AOPG system to generate observation points for anal-
5.2 Result Analysis
The consistency and the pedagogical relevance of
the generated observation points must be evaluated.
Three different methods can be used:
Clustering Consistency: a first verification con-
sists in using the Average Silhouette Score (ASS)
metric. It is based on the average of the Silhouette
Score (SS) of each data point, which is a mea-
sure giving how close each point of a cluster is
from points of other clusters. This metric outputs
an indication of the homogeneity and separabil-
ity (including the non-overlapping aspect) of each
cluster from the others (Hussein et al., 2021).
Pedagogical Relevance: an expert validation will
also be used as a verification method by approving
the generated observation points. The method will
be based on the Inter-rater reliability, where two
or more judges independently evaluate the gener-
ated observation points. The degree of agreement
between them is estimated thanks to the Cohen’s
Kappa coefficient (Eagan et al., 2020).
Impact on Gesture Learning: a third verifica-
tion can also be done through a second experi-
mentation where the generated observation points
are compared with the expert’s observation points
Building Suitable Observation Points to Enhance the Learner’s Perception of Information in Virtual Environment for Gesture Learning
in terms of learner skill acquisition. This experi-
mentation will focus more on the learner’s perfor-
mances according to the observation points used
in order to compare them.
Finally, one can note that the proposed protocol
does not aim at evaluating the task performances be-
tween the two groups, this kind of experiment (i.e.
VLE vs. traditional teaching methods) being done
multiple times in the literature (Cannav
o et al., 2018;
Zhao, 2022). However, this could be the topic of a
second experiment once the observation points max-
imizing the perception of the most important gesture
features are found and integrated in the VPR.
The results of the experiment must ensure that the
main goals are met, i.e. the generated observation
points are consistent and relevant, and the user satis-
faction with the VPR is at least acceptable (through
the S.U.S questionnaire for example (Corr
ea et al.,
2017)). If these objectives are reached, the sys-
tem can therefore be considered as hopeful for cre-
ating VPR for gesture learning and teaching, in-
cluding recommendations regarding the observation
points. Afterwards, the generated observation points
will be studied from the perspective of information
perception in comparison to other methods defining
them (Teacher’s proposal, teacher’s trace analysis, de-
ducted from known and admitted books or videos
in the considered application domain, etc.). How-
ever, the generator tool only takes in consideration the
learner’s traces for generating the observation points.
The teacher’s expertise is not formally integrated in
the system in order to improve the generator. One
possible solution is to analyse the teacher’s traces
when using the environment to generate the observa-
tion points. However, the teachers, by their exper-
tise, will not navigate to discover the gesture. Their
proposal could be limited to predefined observation
points recommended by their empirical experience,
avoiding the discovering of new ones. Nonetheless,
their expertise must be considered. The proposed pro-
tocol also presents another way to integrate the teach-
ers: by letting them validate the generated observa-
tion points, computed from learner traces, before be-
ing sent to the VLE.
Furthermore, the current system misses different
aspects. The first one is related to the animation time.
A learner can decide at any moment to pause the ani-
mation to look in detail a specific posture while turn-
ing around it. This can lead to observation points that
are only consistent for a specific animation time and
not for the overall gesture. Consequently, the follow-
ing works must extend the architecture to consider the
animation time, alongside other parameters like the
user inputs with the replay control panel for the gen-
eration of observation points.
The other aspect is related to the user’s eye gaze.
As for now, the system defines the observation as the
head’s position and orientation in the 3D space. This
must be completed with the eye gaze, as eyes can fo-
cus on different objects in the field of view of the cur-
rent defined observation point. is Using eye-tracking
technologies is one way to extract the eye gaze, such
as the one implemented in the Oculus Quest Pro head-
set. However, the first version of the architecture must
be validated as the eye gaze must be analysed only
with validated observation viewpoints.
This article presents an architecture that allows build-
ing a VPR dedicated to the interactive observation of
a gesture to learn. Using a captured gesture of an ex-
pert and a VR Headset, any learner can then observe
the 3D avatar replays the gesture from any point of
view, and control the replay (play, pause, speed con-
trol, replay, etc.). The learners’ traces including their
head positions and orientations are sent to the cluster-
ing process for generating observation point recom-
mendations. These viewpoints can help the learner in
perceiving the relevant features of the gesture to learn.
In the future, the system will be tested in an experi-
ment to evaluate the consistency and the pedagogical
relevance of the generated viewpoints, as well as the
ability of the built VPR to convey the appropriate fea-
tures of the gesture to learners.
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Building Suitable Observation Points to Enhance the Learner’s Perception of Information in Virtual Environment for Gesture Learning