alcohol ingestion (Abu Al-Haija and Krichen, 2022)
(Willis et al., 2019) (Shreshtha et al., 2020), or cam-
eras to capture the driver behaviour inside the vehicle
or even outside the vehicle, which can be used to de-
tect the use of smartphones (Wang et al., 2014) (Yasar,
2017), for example, or any other type of bad driver be-
havior during trips.
Moreover, classifying driver behavior can support
commercial applications such as ride-sharing services
and vehicle insurance services, provide information to
authorities, or serve as support for Advanced Driver
Assistance Systems (ADAS). However, the process of
collecting data for dangerous driving behavior is com-
plicated because the driver needs to carry out these
maneuvers, so that a classifier can later detect them,
adding to situations of insecurity in traffic.
In this paper, we propose a dangerous driving de-
tection system with the support of machine learning
approach which consumes inertial data extracted by
ACC and GYRO devices, towards efficient data pro-
cessing. The analysis of ACC and GYRO data, which
is a feature easily captured through sensors embedded
in the vehicle itself and even in smartphones, is one of
the commonly investigated alternatives to detect dan-
gerous driving behavior. In contrast to other works
(Jeong et al., 2013) (Chen et al., 2015) (Nuswantoro
et al., 2020), to conduct our experiments, we col-
lected data in a simulation environment with a model
car that allows us to perform risky maneuvers which
would not be possible in a real environment. Typi-
cally, the use of data collected in real drive scenarios
allows some form of driver anonymization, while im-
age processing require filters to drive anonymization.
However, as drivers are subject to complying with the
law when driving on the streets, this represents a lim-
itation on the driver’s opportunities to perform risky
maneuvers. Moreover, our solution seeks to perform
efficiently in terms of classification time, so that the
detection of dangerous driving can be carried out in
real time.
Controversially, features associated with acceler-
ation events did not play a significant role in drivers
classification (Van Ly et al., 2013). Braking and turn-
ing events can be more significant potential in drivers
classification. Time headway in high flow freeways
can also impact the accident risk. Headway is the time
interval between successive vehicles’ head in a lane.
Shorter headway corresponds to higher risk of acci-
dents, and was found for drivers with prior accidents
or violations, young drivers, male drivers, drivers with
no passengers and as well as drivers not wearing seat
belt (Evans and Wasielewski, 1983). With regard to
the vehicles characteristics, shorter headway was as-
sociated with newer vehicles and vehicles of interme-
diate mass. Thus, a classifier for detecting danger-
ous driving needs to consider more parameters, such
as headways, braking (Lattanzi and Freschi, 2021)
and turning events, than just vehicle acceleration. We
have not yet added the headway computing to our so-
lution, but we take data from a complete trip in the
analysis, precisely to consider braking and turning
events in our classification approach.
This work is organized as following. In, Section 2,
we describe and categorize previous related work. In
Section 3, we present our methodology to detect dan-
gerous drive behaviour. In Section 4, we discuss the
obtained results. Finally, in Section 5, we present the
paper conclusion.
Regarding the classification of drivers with regard to
dangerous driving behavior, the detector’s output can
be binary (aggressive/non-aggressive behavior), or on
a scale, with three or more distinct groups. In fact,
proposed techniques for detecting dangerous driving
behavior are nothing new. However, the concept of
dangerous driving sometimes involves particular as-
pects of each country. For instance, some country
legislation do not tolerate the drinking of alcoholic
beverages by drivers (e.g. Brazil, Czech Republic,
Romania, Slovakia), while others allows the ingestion
of a low amount of alcohol. Blood Alcohol Content
(BAC) drink driving limits across many Europe coun-
try usually is 0.5 grams per litre
In academia, early works did not apply Machine
Learning (ML) techniques for the detection of dan-
gerous driving behavior. A popular metric for detect-
ing dangerous driving has been the analysis of vehicle
speed. Speed and acceleration data acquired with the
support of sensors and GPS embedded in the vehi-
cle can be used to model and analyze driver behav-
ior with the support of data mining techniques (Con-
stantinescu et al., 2010). Drivers were divided into
5 types: non-aggressive, slightly aggressive, neutral,
moderately aggressive and very aggressive. Also, Dy-
namic Time Warping (DTW) can be used to binary
classify drivers (non-aggressive and aggressive) us-
ing as input data ACC measurements, GYRO, mag-
netometer, GPS, and videos (Johnson and Trivedi,
2011). DTW is a method to calculate the optimal
matching, usually with regard to time, between two
data sequences. However, evaluation was conduced
using a modest dataset. Vehicle speed can also be
used to driver classification, such as in (Eboli et al.,
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems