AI and NLP to optimize information management,
the use of data mining and text mining techniques to
improve data extraction and management, and the ap-
plication of advanced technologies such as deep neu-
ral networks to understand and analyse complex
online opinions. Furthermore, the temporal view
highlights a progression in research focus over the
years, with an increase in attention towards advanced
data analysis and the application of these innovative
From an academic perspective, the identification
of emerging research trends is one of the most rele-
vant contributions. By analysing the temporal distri-
bution of keywords, the evolution of topics of interest
over time can be identified, providing academics with
a clear overview of emerging research directions.
Furthermore, the analysis provides insights into the
intersections between different disciplines and re-
search fields.
From a managerial perspective, this study pro-
vides greater clarity of key trends and themes in the
field of web scraping and AI-based models, which
can inform strategic decisions regarding investments
in technologies to understand the online data and op-
timise their extraction and analysis.
However, this research has some limitations. The
interpretation of the results could be affected by the
subjectivity of the observers and their previous
knowledge in the field, introducing potential biases
into the analysis. Finally, bibliometric analysis may
not fully capture the dynamism and complexity of the
context such as socio-cultural and political factors
that could influence research trends. Future research
should integrate theoretical and empirical approaches
to obtain a more complete and in-depth understanding
of the dynamics and challenges in the field of web
scraping combined with AI-based models, with the
aim of contributing to the development of innovative
and impactful solutions.
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