conception sequence diagrams. For instance, when
a task is added to the UCsF assess loan application,
the corresponding fragment will be automatically up-
dated. Thus, they are kept continuously aligned with
each other. On the other hand, no information of the
BPMN model has been lost. Further, this integrated
specification of different features facilitates the analy-
sis of the links between the different source elements.
So, the impact of changing any of the existing ele-
ments in this diagram is now straightforwardly con-
Figure 6 depicts the BPtraceISM diagram speci-
fies together the fragment Asses loan application pre-
sented in Figure 8, the corresponding conception se-
quence diagram presented in Figure 10. as well as the
use cases which represent this fragment.
The works conducted in this paper fit in the con-
text of model-based development of information sys-
tems and their alignment with business process mod-
els. Indeed, we have defined a traceability method for
BPMN and the UML models that acts at the meta-
model and the model levels. Hence, we firstly defined
an external trace meta-model that incorporates all the
BPMN and the UML elements (use case, design se-
quence diagram,), and traceability links between in-
terrelated elements. Then, we have defined a new di-
agram baptized BPMNTraceISM coforms to the trace
meta-model. This diagram promotes communication
between business and software modelling teams and
allows them working together within a single unified
model. The joint representation of both BPMN and
UML model elements enables to drill down and easily
trace any BPMN element to its corres ponding soft-
ware elements.
To prove the feasibility of our traceability method
in the practice, we developed a modelling tool for
designing and handling BPMNTraceISM diagrams in
accordance with the proposed integrated trace meta-
model. Further, we applied the proposed approaches
to a typical case study.
In future research, we are looking forward to op-
timise our editor to support traceability and synchro-
nization between BPMN models and other UML dia-
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ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering