system can generate detailed forensic reports that
reveal how and why each decision was reached.
In this way, CSI not only promotes convergence on
strong solutions, it captures the reasons and rationales
that underlie the process. In addition, CSI is designed
to reduce the impact of social influence bias because
each member is only directly exposed to comments by
a small number of others in real-time, reducing the
impact of early views and/or strong personalities on the
full population. In this way, CSI combines the
intelligence amplification benefits of large groups with
the deliberative reasoning of small groups.
Although a newly developed technology, a
number of published studies already suggest that CSI
is a powerful method for enhancing collaboration,
communication, and collective intelligence among
networked groups. In one early study at Carnegie
Mellon in 2023, real-time groups of 25 participants
were tested using the Thinkscape CSI platform and
compared to standard centralized chat. The
participants in the CSI structure produced 30% more
contributions (p<0.05) than those using standard chat
and 7.2% less variance, indicating that users
participated more evenly when using CSI
(Rosenberg, et. al., 2023).
In a larger study, groups of 48 users were tasked
with brainstorming and debating a topic rooted in
current events – the impact of AI on jobs. The
participants using CSI contributed 51% more content
(p<0.001) compared to those using standard
centralized chat. In addition, CSI showed 37% less
difference in contribution between the most vocal and
least vocal users, indicating that CSI fosters more
balanced deliberations. In addition, a large majority
of participants preferred the CSI platform over
standard chat (p<0.05) and reported feeling more
impactful when using the Thinkscape system
(p<0.01) (Rosenberg, et. al., 2023).
In another study, a real-time deliberative group of
80 participants was tested in the Thinkscape platform
to assess the ability of CSI to generate qualitative
insights regarding a set of political candidates running
for office in the United States in 2024. After a short
period of chat-based deliberation, the group converged
on a preferred candidate and surfaced over 200 reasons
for supporting that candidate. The maximally
supported solution converged globally, garnering a
statistically significant sentiment level within only six
minutes (p<0.001) (Rosenberg, et. al, 2023)
In the largest study to date, 245 users engaged in
a single largescale text-chat conversation using the
Thinkscape platform. The group was tasked with
estimating the number of gumballs in a jar by viewing
a photograph online. The CSI method partitioned the
245 participants into 47 subgroups of 5 or 6 members
while AI agents passed conversational content around
the network (Rosenberg, et., al., 2023). The estimates
generated using Thinkscape were compared to a
traditional survey-based aggregation across the same
population of users. In addition, GPT-4.0 was given
the same photo and tasked with estimating the
gumballs. The group using CSI outperformed the
average individual, the traditional wisdom of crowd,
and GPT-4.0. In fact, the CSI estimate had a 50%
smaller error than the survey-based Wisdom of
Crowd (WoC) technique, a surprising result.
While prior studies have shown that groups can
increase their collective intelligence using CSI, no
prior study has tested the amplification of intelligence
using standardized IQ test. The objective of the new
study described below is to explore if groups can
amplify their IQ when conversationally deliberating
in connected subgroups mediated by CSI.
To assess if networked human groups can hold real-
time deliberative conversations using a CSI
networking structure and to quantify the degree to
which the technology can amplify the group’s
collective intelligence, sets of approximately 35
people (randomly sourced using a commercial sample
provider) were paid a small fee to login to the
Thinkscape platform. Each group was tasked with
answering standard IQ test questions through real-
time collaborative deliberation. The Thinkscape
platform automatically divided the 35-person groups
into 7 subgroups of 5 people. Each subgroup was
assigned an AI agent, as described above, to observe
insights generated by that subgroup and share those
insights with other AI agents within other subgroups.
Those other agents express those insights
conversationally within those local deliberations
while also observing and sharing insights with other
subgroups. This creates an overlapping
conversational structure, turning the 7 local
conversations into a unified global conversation that
can converge on solutions that maximize support and
amplify collective intelligence.
For clarity, when using the CSI structure, each
individual participant was only able to converse with
the other 4 members of their subgroup and with the
assigned AI agent. The AI agents did not introduce
any content into the system – they only passed and
received conversational insights from other
subgroups, enabling the full 35-person group to
function as a unified conversational system. In