Towards Collective Superintelligence: Amplifying Group IQ Using
Conversational Swarms
Louis Rosenberg
, Gregg Willcox
, Hans Schumann
and Ganesh Mani
Unanimous AI, 2200 North George Mason Dr, Arlington, VA, U.S.A.
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Collective Intelligence, Generative AI, Conversational AI, Swarm Intelligence, Swarm
AI, Collective Superintelligence, Collaboration, Deliberative Problem Solving, IQ, Large Language Models.
Abstract: Swarm Intelligence (SI) is a natural phenomenon that enables biological groups to amplify their combined
intellect by forming real-time systems. Artificial Swarm Intelligence (or Swarm AI) is a technology that
enables networked human groups to amplify their combined intelligence by forming similar systems. In the
past, swarm-based methods were constrained to narrowly defined tasks like probabilistic forecasting and
multiple-choice decision making. A new technology called Conversational Swarm Intelligence (CSI) was
developed in 2023 that amplifies the decision-making accuracy of networked human groups through natural
conversational deliberations mediated by artificial agents. The current study evaluated the ability of real-time
groups using a CSI platform to take a common IQ test known as Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices
(RAPM). First, a baseline group of participants took the Raven’s IQ test by traditional survey. This group
averaged 45.7 correct. Then, groups of approximately 35 individuals answered IQ test questions together
using a CSI platform called Thinkscape. These groups averaged 80.5% correct. This puts the CSI groups in
the 97th percentile of IQ test-takers and corresponds to an effective IQ increase of 28 points (p<0.001). This
is an encouraging result and suggests that CSI is a powerful method for enabling conversational collective
intelligence in large, networked groups. In addition, because CSI deliberations are scalable across groups of
potentially any size, these methods may provide a pathway to building a Collective Superintelligence.
Many natural species have evolved the ability to
amplify their collective intelligence by forming real-
time systems. This is commonly referred to as Swarm
Intelligence (SI) and it enables many social organisms
to make group decisions that are significantly smarter
than the individuals could achieve on their own
(Krause, et. al, 2010). In 2015, a technology called
Artificial Swarm Intelligence (or Swarm AI) was
developed to enable networked human groups to
make decisions as real-time systems modeled after
biological swarms (Rosenberg, 2015). These Swarm
AI systems have been shown to significantly amplify
the accuracy of groups decisions across a variety of
tasks, from forecasting financial markets and sporting
events, to predicting sales, inventory, and consumer
insights (Askay, et. al., 2019. Rosenberg, 2016).
While traditional Swarm AI technology has
proven effective for many applications, the use-cases
have been limited because questions had to be
formatted as numerical estimates, such as
probabilistic forecasts, or multiple-choice selections
among sets of predefined options (Baltaxe, et. al,
2017). To address these limitations, researchers
developed a new method in 2023 called
Conversational Swarm Intelligence (CSI) that
combines the principles of Swarm AI with the power
of large language models (Rosenberg, et al., 2023).
The goal of CSI technology is to empower large,
networked groups of potentially any size to hold real-
time conversational deliberations that are thoughtful,
productive, and amplify the group’s collective
intelligence on open-ended problems. This is a
challenging goal because real-time conversations are
optimally efficient in small groups of only 4 to 7
Rosenberg, L., Willcox, G., Schumann, H. and Mani, G.
Towards Collective Superintelligence: Amplifying Group IQ Using Conversational Swarms.
DOI: 10.5220/0012687500003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 759-766
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
individuals and rapidly lose effectiveness with
increasing size (Cooney, et. al., 2020). To solve this,
CSI takes its inspiration from the behavior of fish
schools. That is because large schools of fish can
make rapid decisions in life-or-death situations
without a central authority mediating the process.
Evolution achieved this by enabling each individual
to hold a “conversationwith a small subset of nearby
fish using a unique organ called a lateral line that
detects faint pressure changes as neighbors adjust
their direction and speed. And because each local
subset overlaps other subsets, information quickly
propagates within the full population. This enables
the emergent property of Swarm Intelligence and
allows thousands of individuals to quickly converge
on unified decisions that are critical for survival
(Parrish, et. al., 2002. Rosenberg, et. al., 2023)
CSI emulates the communication structure of a
fish school by breaking large human groups into a
network of overlapping subgroups, each sized with 4
to 7 members for optimal real-time conversational
deliberation. The problem, of course, is that humans
did not evolve with the ability to hold conversations
in overlapping subgroups. After all, if we had that
ability any cocktail party would become a swarm
intelligence with information propagation around the
room. This does not happen because humans evolved
the opposite ability – to focus only on our local group
and tune out conversational distractions from
neighboring groups. This is called the “cocktail party
effect” and it keeps us focused on local deliberations
(Bronkhorst, 2000).
To overcome this barrier in human abilities, CSI
technology uses artificial agents powered by Large
Language Models (LLMs) to enable the real-time
overlap among deliberating groups (Rosenberg, et.
al., 2023). Specifically, CSI works by breaking a
large group into a network of subgroups such that an
LLM-powered conversational agent is inserted into
each of the subgroups and tasked with observing the
deliberation in that group, distilling the salient
content, and passing critical points to other subgroups
where its local AI agent will express the points as a
natural part of the conversation. Of course, this
process of observing, passing, and expressing
happens in all rooms simultaneously, enabling
conversational content to smoothly propagate. Using
this novel CSI architecture, 25, 250 or even 2,500
people can hold a real-time deliberation, sharing
views and ideas, debating options and alternatives,
and converging in unison on solutions that garner
maximal support.
An example CSI structure is shown in Figure 1. It
represents a group of 98 real-time participants divided
into a network of 14 subgroups, each one populated
with 7 human users and one artificial agent. While the
image implies that each subgroup can pass
information to two other subgroups in the network,
the actual model used was fully connected, meaning
that the AI agent in each subgroup could potentially
pass content to any other subgroup in the network
depending on a matchmaking subsystem that
considers the conversational dynamics in each
available subgroup at that time. Because this structure
is highly scalable, it could be used to connect
thousands or even millions of users in real-time,
either using a flat network structure as shown, or a
nested network structure. Either way, the scalability
means it could provide a pathway to collective
Figure 1: Architecture for a Conversational Swarm
Intelligence with AI agents assigned to each subgroup.
By facilitating large groups to discuss complex
problems in real-time, the CSI structure enables
participants with a wide range of knowledge, wisdom,
and insights to consider broad, open-ended problems,
and debate a variety of solutions that organically
emerge. In general, strongly supported ideas
propagate faster through the network than weakly
supported ideas. And yet, because the process is
deliberative, with real-time reactions to comments
made, arguments accumulate in favor or against each
assertion, enabling weakly supported ideas to
overcome early skepticism, if warranted, while
initially favored ideas can fade over time as they are
vetted. And because every assertion is databased in
real-time by the CSI system, documenting the
arguments made in support and opposition, the
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
system can generate detailed forensic reports that
reveal how and why each decision was reached.
In this way, CSI not only promotes convergence on
strong solutions, it captures the reasons and rationales
that underlie the process. In addition, CSI is designed
to reduce the impact of social influence bias because
each member is only directly exposed to comments by
a small number of others in real-time, reducing the
impact of early views and/or strong personalities on the
full population. In this way, CSI combines the
intelligence amplification benefits of large groups with
the deliberative reasoning of small groups.
Although a newly developed technology, a
number of published studies already suggest that CSI
is a powerful method for enhancing collaboration,
communication, and collective intelligence among
networked groups. In one early study at Carnegie
Mellon in 2023, real-time groups of 25 participants
were tested using the Thinkscape CSI platform and
compared to standard centralized chat. The
participants in the CSI structure produced 30% more
contributions (p<0.05) than those using standard chat
and 7.2% less variance, indicating that users
participated more evenly when using CSI
(Rosenberg, et. al., 2023).
In a larger study, groups of 48 users were tasked
with brainstorming and debating a topic rooted in
current events the impact of AI on jobs. The
participants using CSI contributed 51% more content
(p<0.001) compared to those using standard
centralized chat. In addition, CSI showed 37% less
difference in contribution between the most vocal and
least vocal users, indicating that CSI fosters more
balanced deliberations. In addition, a large majority
of participants preferred the CSI platform over
standard chat (p<0.05) and reported feeling more
impactful when using the Thinkscape system
(p<0.01) (Rosenberg, et. al., 2023).
In another study, a real-time deliberative group of
80 participants was tested in the Thinkscape platform
to assess the ability of CSI to generate qualitative
insights regarding a set of political candidates running
for office in the United States in 2024. After a short
period of chat-based deliberation, the group converged
on a preferred candidate and surfaced over 200 reasons
for supporting that candidate. The maximally
supported solution converged globally, garnering a
statistically significant sentiment level within only six
minutes (p<0.001) (Rosenberg, et. al, 2023)
In the largest study to date, 245 users engaged in
a single largescale text-chat conversation using the
Thinkscape platform. The group was tasked with
estimating the number of gumballs in a jar by viewing
a photograph online. The CSI method partitioned the
245 participants into 47 subgroups of 5 or 6 members
while AI agents passed conversational content around
the network (Rosenberg, et., al., 2023). The estimates
generated using Thinkscape were compared to a
traditional survey-based aggregation across the same
population of users. In addition, GPT-4.0 was given
the same photo and tasked with estimating the
gumballs. The group using CSI outperformed the
average individual, the traditional wisdom of crowd,
and GPT-4.0. In fact, the CSI estimate had a 50%
smaller error than the survey-based Wisdom of
Crowd (WoC) technique, a surprising result.
While prior studies have shown that groups can
increase their collective intelligence using CSI, no
prior study has tested the amplification of intelligence
using standardized IQ test. The objective of the new
study described below is to explore if groups can
amplify their IQ when conversationally deliberating
in connected subgroups mediated by CSI.
To assess if networked human groups can hold real-
time deliberative conversations using a CSI
networking structure and to quantify the degree to
which the technology can amplify the group’s
collective intelligence, sets of approximately 35
people (randomly sourced using a commercial sample
provider) were paid a small fee to login to the
Thinkscape platform. Each group was tasked with
answering standard IQ test questions through real-
time collaborative deliberation. The Thinkscape
platform automatically divided the 35-person groups
into 7 subgroups of 5 people. Each subgroup was
assigned an AI agent, as described above, to observe
insights generated by that subgroup and share those
insights with other AI agents within other subgroups.
Those other agents express those insights
conversationally within those local deliberations
while also observing and sharing insights with other
subgroups. This creates an overlapping
conversational structure, turning the 7 local
conversations into a unified global conversation that
can converge on solutions that maximize support and
amplify collective intelligence.
For clarity, when using the CSI structure, each
individual participant was only able to converse with
the other 4 members of their subgroup and with the
assigned AI agent. The AI agents did not introduce
any content into the system they only passed and
received conversational insights from other
subgroups, enabling the full 35-person group to
function as a unified conversational system. In
Towards Collective Superintelligence: Amplifying Group IQ Using Conversational Swarms
addition, a baseline group of 35 people were tasked
with taking the IQ test as isolated individuals using a
standard survey. Participants were disqualified for
randomly guessing or cheating based on the pattern
of survey responses and the elapsed time used.
In this study, the research team used IQ test
questions sourced from a popular intelligence test
known as the Raven’s Advanced Progressive
Matrices (RAPM). This instrument measures the
deductive reasoning ability in test-takers. The RAPM
test was chosen because of its acceptance as a
reputable measure of IQ and because of its simple
visual format – all questions are presented as a set of
images with a missing image that completes a
presented pattern. In addition, prior studies have
shown the RAPM test gives consistent results when
administered to paid participants (Raven, 2000). An
example question from the RAPM test is shown
below in Figure 2 (Blair, et. al., 2004).
Figure 2: Sample Question from RAPM Test.
Participants were given up to 4 minutes to answer
each question. This means that each 35-person group
had only 4 minutes to hold a networked real-time
deliberation across subgroups and converge on an
answer using Thinkscape.
The individual IQ test surveys (filtered for bad actors)
were assessed to provide a baseline for paid
participants sourced from a commercial sample
provider. The average survey participant scored
approximately half the questions correct (45.7%) and
were assigned a nominal IQ score of 100. The
participant groups used for the Thinkscape (CSI)
trials were randomly sourced from the same provider
and can be assumed to also have a distribution with
an average IQ of approximately 100.
When using Thinkscape, the CSI group debated
each IQ test question using text-based chat in their
local subgroups, while AI agents passed content
across the set of 7 subgroups. That content only
reflected views surfaced within subgroups and
introduced no other information. Real-time natural
language processing (NLP) built into Thinkscape
assessed the strength of conviction for each of the
eight possible choices in each question, allowing the
system to monitor in real-time which answer options
were preferred by the full population. At the end of
the allotted time, the answer with the greatest
conversational sentiment was selected as the
groupwise answer and scored accordingly.
After all sessions were scored, the “effective IQ”
of the average Thinkscape group was calculated as a
function of the average accuracy and standard
deviation on the test. According to the standard IQ
formula, 𝜇 is the mean individual score on the test, 𝜎
is the standard deviation of individual scores on the
test, and X is the score to convert to an IQ as follows:
100  15
Looking first at the baseline surveys, the average test-
taker scored 45.7% correct. The distribution of
individuals is shown in Figure 3 (orange bars) inside
of a normal curve fit with the same mean (45.7%) and
standard deviation (18.6%) as the sample distribution
of individuals for reference. This curve is used for the
basis of future IQ calculations.
Figure 3: Baseline Survey of IQ test-takers.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Next, the CSI sessions were scored. They achieved an
accuracy of 80.5%, corresponding to a score 1.87
standard deviations above the mean individual.
Using the IQ formula above, this score corresponds to
a projected collective IQ of 128. In other words, when
this networked human group worked together as real-
time conversational swarm, they performed 28 points
higher on the IQ test than the average individual in
the sample population. These results are shown above
in Figure 3, compared against individuals. As shown,
the CSI system scored higher in IQ, on average, than
every individual participant on the baseline survey.
Looking next at performance versus question
difficulty, we can plot how the average individual
performed on easy vs hard IQ questions (orange dots
in Figure 4 below) versus how the groups using CSI
performed on easy vs hard questions (blue dots in the
same figure). This reveals that the advantage offered
by CSI technology increases with question difficulty.
In fact, if we look only at the hardest 50% of questions
(numbers 19 to 36), we see the average individual got
29.5% correct, while the groups using CSI averaged
70.1% correct, a 2X increase.
Figure 4: Performance vs question difficulty for individual
test-takers and groups using CSI platform.
Turning next to statistical significance, an analysis
was performed to compare the Average Individual
and the real-time Conversational Swarm Intelligence
(CSI) group. As shown in Table 1 below, a paired t-
test was used to determine whether the increase in
accuracy between the CSI groups and the Average
Individual was statistically significant. The p-value
was less than 0.001, showing strong evidence that on
a question-by-question basis, CSI amplifies collective
intelligence, enabling significantly higher accuracy
than the average participant.
Table 1: IQ scores comparing Individuals to CSI groups.
Response Method
% IQ
Individual p Value
Average Individual 45.7% -- --
CSI (Thinkscape) 80.5% 28% p<0.001
4.1 Assessing the Impact of the AI
As described above, the CSI-based, Thinkscape,
platform has two distinct features compared to
traditional communication platforms. First it
automatically divides the sample population into set
of small parallel groups called ThinkTanks™ that are
optimally sized for thoughtful online conversation (4
to 7 people). Second, it adds an LLM-powered agent
into each of the parallel groups; each agent tasked
with observing, assessing, and sharing (with other
groups) conversational content based on the strength
of measured confidence and conviction for that
content within each local group. The experimental
question is whether the increase in IQ a result of (a)
breaking the population into small subgroups and
aggregating sentiments locally and then globally
and/or (b) intelligent information propagation across
the subgroup network (using AI agents) to enable a
unified conversational system that can converges on
a global solution.
To assess this, the baseline IQ test data collected
from isolated individuals was analyzed as follows.
Using a bootstrap method, individual IQ tests were
selected at random from the pool of baseline tests and
organized into six subgroups of 5 or 6 individuals (with
replacement). The most popular answer in each
subgroup was chosen as the answer for that subgroup.
The most popular answer across subgroups was chosen
as the answer for the population. This method was
repeated 10,000 times using the bootstrapping method,
each with random selection and replacement. This
gave us a statistical simulation of aggregating the raw
sentiments of an example population using the unique
structure of Thinktanks, but without the benefits of
assessing the strength of conviction of individual
members using AI agents or the benefits of
intelligently propagating segments across the full
network of individuals to create a unified conversation.
As shown in Figures 5 below, on average, the
simulated subgroups, when assessed locally and
aggregated globally were 64.1% accurate. Because
this is a purely statistical aggregation of tests
Towards Collective Superintelligence: Amplifying Group IQ Using Conversational Swarms
collected in isolation, we refer to this groupwise
process as a traditional Wisdom of Crowd (WoC)
method. As expected WoC does amplify intelligence,
in this case yielding an effective IQ of 115. That said,
this result was significantly lower than the CSI
methodology which yielded 80.5% accuracy on the
IQ tests and achieved an effective IQ=128 (p=0.008).
In other words, when using CSI the results were 26%
more accurate as compared to traditional statistical
aggregation, resulting in a 13 point increase in IQ.
This suggests that CSI offers significant intelligence
benefits, not just over the Average Individual, but
over a typical statistical WoC method.
Figure 5: Average Individual vs WoC vs CSI by Question
Difficulty on IQ Test.
We can also compare performance of the Average
Individual, the Wisdom of Crowd (WoC) and the
Conversational Swarm Intelligence (CSI) methods on
the normal distribution curve expected for RAPM IQ
test takers. As shown in Figure 6 below, the average
individual scored in the 50
percentile (100 IQ), the
bootstrapped statistical aggregation across 35 random
test takers scored in the 84
percentile (115 IQ), and
the groups working as a real-time conversational
swarm averaged their scores in the 97
(128 IQ). Furthermore, not a single individual test
taker in the baseline survey scored an individual IQ
as high as the average group using the CSI platform.
Figure 6: Average Individual vs WoC vs CSI Accuracy by
IQ Percentile.
In addition, it is useful to compare the results of
this CSI study to a previous study that tested the IQ
amplification using a prior generation of Swarm AI
technology that was graphical rather than
conversational. Using a graphical swarming method,
a 2019 study tested networked human groups using
an RAPM IQ test. That study showed a 14-point
increase in IQ when groups worked together as a real-
time graphical swarm (Willcox, et. al., 2019). The
current study doubled that point increase to 28 with
groups working as a conversational swarm as
compared to a graphical swarm. This suggests CSI is
a valuable advance in the field with intelligence
amplification benefits over prior methods.
4.2 CSI Provides Additional Insights
and Rationales
In addition to amplifying collective intelligence, the
CSI method offers additional value compared to
traditional methods. That is because CSI captures a
full conversational record of the deliberations along
with numerical assessments of individual, groupwise,
and global measures of conviction. This dataset can
be analyzed to provide qualitive and quantitative
insights into how and why the participants
collectively converged on the solutions they did. For
example, Figure 7 shows the real-time sentiment data
from one question as answered by one group in
support of each of the eight different answers (A
through H). As shown, an incorrect answer (D, in red)
was initially supported most across the network of
subgroups. It was not until about 90 seconds of
networked conversational deliberation that the
correct answer (G, in pink) emerged as a clear
frontrunner, pulling away as the preferred solution.
Figure 7: Real-time Plot of Answer Sentiment vs Time.
To better understand how the correct answer
emerged across the CSI network, we can plot how
insights were propagated by AI agents. In Figure 9
below, the real-time conviction within each of the 8
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
parallel subgroups is shown with respect to Answer H
(the correct answer for that question). If a subgroup
organically mentioned Answer H as a possible answer
to the IQ question, a yellow light bulb is shown when
a participant first argues for that solution in that
subgroup. Circles and arrows depict the messages
sent by the AI Agents between subgroups regarding
arguments in favor of Answer H. When a message
arrow is yellow, it represents a message introducing
Answer H into that subgroup before any members had
yet argued in favor of Answer H. Green arrows are
shown when Answer H had already been previously
supported by at least one subgroup member.
Figure 8: Real-time Propagation Chart across Subgroups.
For clarity, Figure 8 only shows insight passing
across the eight subgroups with respect to Answer H.
Similar propagation charts can be generated to show
the passing of insights related to each of the other
answer options, whether that option was supported or
disputed during the real-time deliberations. In this
example, Answer H emerged over the four-minute
period as the option with the strongest total
conviction across the CSI network. It was therefore
selected by the CSI platform as thefinal answer that
maximized collective confidence within the
conversational swarm. The CSI platform then reports
this selection and outputs the collective rationale that
was converged upon during the 4-minute
deliberation. In this example, the rationale output by
the CSI platform was as follows.
Rationale: The conversational swarm favored Answer H
because the top and second rows move the fan shape
counterclockwise, and when the dots and rainbow are in
the same spot, it changes to blank in the bottom row.
Also, the first and third columns have the same pattern in
the right segment, and the top right area of the circles
are the same in the left and right columns. Also, it was
pointed out that the top left pattern is just moving right
and covering up a new section each time, and the bottom
image is whatever is in the top left of the first image.
The results of this study are promising, demonstrating
that groups of approximately 35 individuals (a size
that normally struggles to deliberate conversationally
in real-time) are able to efficiently consider, debate,
and converge upon answers to IQ test questions as a
unified “conversational swarm” using the novel CSI
structure. In addition, the results of this study show a
significant amplification in collective intelligence as
compared to more traditional methods. Specifically,
the groups of randomly selected participants using
CSI averaged a collective of score 128 on the IQ test
when working together as conversational swarm
intelligence, significantly outperforming both the
average individual (IQ 100, p<0.001) and a
groupwise statistical aggregation of individual tests
(IQ 115, p<0.01).
Furthermore, the score of 128 IQ achieved by the
average CSI group placed its performance in the 97
percentile of individual IQ test takers. In other words,
only 3 of every 100 individuals taking an RAPM IQ
test are likely to tie or outperform the CSI groups. In
fact, none of the 35 baseline participants who took the
IQ test performed as well as the CSI group. This
suggests that CSI technology may be a viable
pathway to achieving Collective Superintelligence,
especially when expanding to larger groups in the
hundreds or thousands of participants and addressing
more complex and nuanced problems than
standardized IQ tests.
Future research into Conversational Swarm
Intelligence aims to evaluate real-time networked
groups at significantly larger sizes and will test
unstructured and open-ended questions that require
participants to brainstorm possible solutions before
deliberating and converging on preferred answers. In
addition, specific use-cases such as enterprise
collaboration, deliberative civic engagement,
strategic priority-setting for an institution and market
insights are currently being tested with CSI systems.
The authors welcome collaborations with other
innovators to advance research into CSI technology.
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems