Process and Challenges in Designing Data Registration via File Import in
an Administrative e-Commerce System
Pedro Victor de Sousa Silva
, Anna Julia Abreu Lima de Souza
and Ingrid Teixeira Monteiro
Federal University of Ceara, Quixada, CE, 63900-000, Brazil
e-Commerce, Import Data, Double Diamond, Usability Test, Design Techniques.
This article presents the full account of a case study within VTEX, a Brazilian e-Commerce company. It re-
ported the design challenge to conceive the functionality for importing records via a spreadsheet file. Several
techniques of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and User Experience (UX) were applied within the Double
Diamond design process, such as CSD matrix, ideation techniques, user stories, interaction diagrams, proto-
types. In this document, we report how each technique was applied and present the results obtained from them.
The results of the prototype usability test with user representatives are also presented. Some lessons learned,
from this case study, were: to keep the design process iterative, exchanging techniques whenever necessary;
to involve team members so that everyone is on the same page regarding the problem and the solution; to test
the solution as soon as possible while still in prototype, even if it is not with end users but with their represen-
In general, an electronic commerce (e-Commerce)
system allows any transaction using electronic means
ao (2019). This type of technology aims
to support buying and selling over the internet Loh
(2014). For an e-Commerce system to function prop-
erly, at least for large companies, robust platforms are
necessary to store, process, and exchange informa-
tion at scale Assunc¸
ao (2019). VTEX
is a Brazilian
multinational company specialized in e-Commerce,
offering solutions in the areas of marketplace, om-
nichannel, payments, conversations, and extensions to
streamline integrations and development. These so-
lutions enable its customers to manage their online
stores and tap into new growth opportunities through
the various products and services they provide.
Among the various products offered by VTEX,
there is Sales App. This product is the primary so-
lution for unified commerce. It allows for the integra-
tion of online and physical sales channels, placing a
greater emphasis on customers by putting them at the
center of the purchasing process
Sales App operates through two fronts: a mobile
application and a web-based administrative system.
The mobile application is designed for salespeople
to carry out the entire sales and purchase process in
physical stores with customers. Salespeople can as-
sist store customers in choosing the best products and
even finalizing the payment. The web-based admin-
istrative system is aimed at store managers, allowing
them to manage salespeople and physical stores data
through an administrative dashboard. Managers can
register new physical stores, add new salespeople, and
also analyze the performance of physical stores and
salespeople in terms of sales metrics.
This article presents the efforts of the design team
that concentrated on enhancing part of the web in-
terface of Sales App. The primary objective was to
simplify some crucial tasks for physical store man-
agers. The proposed solution allows importing sales-
people or stores massive data from a spreadsheet, pro-
viding greater efficiency during registrations, signifi-
cantly improving the user experience and the adoption
of the solution. While the act of importing files is a
common feature found in systems that involve regis-
tration, developing this functionality within the con-
text of Sales App necessitated several design activities
to create a prototype proposal. Therefore, this article
presents a whole case study using the Double Dia-
Silva, P., de Souza, A. and Monteiro, I.
Process and Challenges in Designing Data Registration via File Import in an Administrative e-Commerce System.
DOI: 10.5220/0012687900003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 390-401
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
mond design process for this kind of bulk registration
of salespeople and stores in application.
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a discipline in-
terested in the design, implementation, and evaluation
of interactive computer systems for human use, along
with the phenomena related to that use (Hewett et al.,
This field defines certain quality criteria, such as
usability, efficiency, communicability, accessibility,
and user experience (Barbosa and Silva, 2010). How-
ever, capturing and including usability requirements
are an often challenge regarding HCI practice (Ogun-
yemi et al., 2019). The works mentioned in this
section seek to encompass the most common types
and challenges of research involving HCI and the e-
commerce industry.
2.1 HCI and Industry
Many researchers are dedicated to investigate prob-
lems and challenges related to the ‘industry/academia
divide’ (Goodman et al., 2011; Melo, 2012), often
exploring the factors involved, proposing solutions
and describing good practices and examples (Good-
man et al., 2011; Gray et al., 2014; Roedl and Stolter-
man, 2013; Stolterman and Pierce, 2012; Thies et al.,
Bim et al. (2019) recall that the synergy between
university and the job market is one of the objectives
of GrandIHC-BR Challenge 5: Training in HCI and
the Market. In their work, the authors present an ex-
ample of articulation between a Human-Computer In-
teraction Evaluation undergrad course with a demand
from the industry that provides services to a munic-
ipal government. The results of the evaluation done
by students were shared with the company that pro-
vides services to the city hall and the necessary cor-
rections were made. Mesquita and Darin (2021), in
turn, aims to support the training of HCI and Design
professionals through Orbis, a toolkit composed of
15 cards that guide the application of user-centered
techniques commonly used in Academia and Indus-
try, in the planning, design, and prototyping stages.
Other academia/industry integration initiatives are:
Kamaruddin (2018), Nascimento et al. (2019) and
Anirudha (2007).
Another strand of research is dedicated to inves-
tigating the different uses, applications, and effects
of HCI and UX concepts, methods, and techniques
in real industry contexts. In the literature, several
practical reports are presented, especially about the
application of different research methods to evaluate
the UX of different systems. Damian et al. (2022),
for example, present a report on the activities carried
out in evaluating the UX of mobile devices using the
Dogfooding approach, which proposes that company
employees use their own products or services in their
daily lives (Harrison, 2006). The authors therefore
discuss some practices applied by experts in UX eval-
uation, with the support of the Dogfooding approach,
at the Eldorado Research Institute, together with the
Motorola partner.
As done in this article, some authors dedicate
themselves to detail the entire HCI and UX design
process in real industry environments and systems,
describing the steps taken and the artifacts built, such
as the work of de Oliveira et al. (2022), Munim et al.
(2020), Silva and Lotthammer (2019), Lazaris and
Vrechopoulos (2014) e Cul
en and Kriger (2014).
2.2 HCI and e-commerce
The success of an e-commerce website is greatly in-
fluenced by the quality of its design (Nathan and
Yeow, 2011). Therefore, since the first e-commerce
systems, HCI and UX researchers have been inves-
tigating how this field can contribute to good online
shopping experiences. Research involving HCI in the
context of e-commerce is the most varied, covering
topics such as virtual reality (Wu et al., 2023; Orso
et al., 2023), artificial intelligence (Liang et al., 2023;
Bawack et al., 2022), chat bots (Hsu et al., 2023), so-
cial selling (Khan and Shaw, 2019) and gender (Cao
et al., 2023).
Mu (2021) studied the non-linear relationship
between product performance and user satisfaction,
demonstrated the competitive advantage of user de-
mand research for the design of e-commerce apps,
and discussed the role and significance of user re-
search in the design of e-commerce apps from the
whole product operation level.
Also, scholars have proposed that although usabil-
ity remains crucial for effective Web site design, it
is no longer the primary distinguishing factor (Chu
et al., 2014). A thriving e-commerce Web site should
be capable of instilling trust, captivating and involv-
ing customers, and convincing them to make pur-
chases (Patton and Jøsang, 2004; Chiu et al., 2023;
Chak, 2003; Jones, 2011; Winn and Beck, 2002).
Much of the HCI research on e-commerce is ded-
icated to the evaluation stage (Yang and Chiu, 2023;
Chiu et al., 2023; Pu et al., 2008; Belk et al., 2014;
Djamasbi et al., 2014), but it is also possible to find
Process and Challenges in Designing Data Registration via File Import in an Administrative e-Commerce System
works dedicated to design activities (Hangrui, 2023;
Monteiro and Gonc¸alves, 2021; de Oliveira et al.,
Some research more aligned with Sales App’s e-
commerce context, involving interactive systems for
physical stores, are: Lazaris and Vrechopoulos (2014)
and Obermeier and Auinger (2019)
The e-commerce product described in this case
study focused primarily on usability (mainly effi-
ciency) and user experience criteria to shape the entire
design solution. Therefore, the HCI quality criteria
guided us throughout the development of the solution.
Furthermore, to meet these criteria, efforts were made
to incorporate user needs into the solution develop-
ment process, aiming to create a useful functionality.
Before Sales App was made available, the configura-
tion of data for physical stores and salespeople was a
challenge for store managers because managing mul-
tiple registrations has been time-consuming and labo-
rious. Initially, store managers used a solution with a
spreadsheet-based interface to register physical stores
and salespeople. This solution was problematic be-
cause it lacked field validation, was not easy to use,
and required technical knowledge, resulting in a time-
consuming process. These factors led to many users
(store manager) to open support tickets with the com-
Faced with these factors, the product team had the
opportunity to develop a solution to replace this rudi-
mentary registration method, aiming to provide more
flexibility in the registration of salespeople and physi-
cal stores, making the process more efficient with less
need for assistance and fewer errors. This opportu-
nity led to the development of Sales App, the solu-
tion designed to assist store managers in registering
salespeople and physical stores more efficiently with-
out requiring technical knowledge from them.
Despite the significant improvement in the regis-
tration process, later on, the team identified a friction
point in the user experience during the salespeople
and physical stores registration process. When man-
agers needed to register multiple salespeople or phys-
ical stores, the registration process proved to be time
consuming and inefficient, although much easier to
use than the previous solution. Currently, registration
is done store by store or person by person because the
system does not allow for bulk registration. Then, the
product team could further enhance the registration
process in the current solution.
To address this friction, the team embarked on de-
veloping the import functionality. This type of fea-
ture already existed in other products of the company;
however, it was quite technical and most focused on
efficiency and robustness, with little attention to use
quality and user experience. On the other hand, the
Sales App design team aimed to develop a function-
ality that prioritized use quality, focusing on the user
experience, while not neglecting robustness and effi-
ciency in terms of internal quality of the system.
To address the design challenge presented in the
above sections and structure the solution-thinking
process, this case study used the Double Diamond
design process in conjunction with Design Thinking
Double Diamond process succinctly outlines the
steps of a designer’s work (Tim Browne, 2023). This
process provides a flexible framework with an empha-
sis on problem understanding, continuous iteration,
multidisciplinary collaboration, and user-centered fo-
cus. The Double Diamond comprises four stages: dis-
cover, define, develop and delivery.
Design Thinking, on the other hand, represents
the way design is conceptualized and integrated into
each stage of the design process (Ambrose and Har-
ris, 2016). These stages demand designers to have
a project and user-focused mindset Kalbach (2016).
Figure 1 illustrates the techniques carried out at each
stage of our own process and their respective objec-
The discover stage, following a divergent ap-
proach, aims to fully understand the context of the
product, identify the problem being addressed, dis-
cern user needs, explore the environment, define
the scope, and pinpoint challenges and opportunities
(Tim Browne, 2023). We have applied several tech-
niques in this phase: Briefing, CSD Matrix, analysis
of internal and external products, competitor analysis,
and user journey.
Briefing Ambrose and Harris (2016) is a docu-
ment that aims to map out the context, objectives,
expected goals, and document the decisions made at
the beginning of the project. CSD Matrix (LiveWork,
2023) is a tool used to map the team’s doubts (D), as-
sumptions (S, from “suposic¸
oes” in Portuguese), and
certainties (C) regarding the problem. The user jour-
ney (Kalbach, 2016) is a visual map depicting the
user’s journey when facing that problem. The user
journey analysis mapped out the phases, stages, ac-
tions, and opportunities for users. The analysis of
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Double Diamond process and the artifacts applied to this project.
similar products (Pazmino, 2015) is a technique used
to explore internal or external products that partially
address the problem, typically those offered by com-
The define stage, following a convergent ap-
proach, aims to refine and specify the problems to be
addressed by the team based on the data collected in
the previous phase. With knowledge of the problem,
the goal is to define a design proposal. This stage is
a moment of assessment, prioritization and definition
of all the ideas generated in the previous stage (Tim
Browne, 2023). In this case study, the following ac-
tivities were conducted: to define requirement, proto-
personas, use scenario and user journey map; and to
carry on an ideation workshop combining three tech-
niques: TRIZ (Alexandre Alcaraz, 2023), Brainwrit-
ing (MJV Team, 2022), and SCAMPER (MJV Team,
2022) to generate design ideas by the collaboration
between the design and engineering teams.
Proto-personas enable the representation of a user
group through a fictional character and help the team
stay focused on user needs. Unlike personas, which
are based in field research, proto-personas are based
in desk research and suppositions (Mara, 2020). A
use scenario (Barbosa and Silva, 2010) is a way to
describe a usage context with a specific system or in
the face of a problem involving an actor. The user
journey is a visual map that seeks to represent all user
touch points within an experience (Kalbach, 2016).
Concerning the creativity techniques applied in the
ideation workshop: TRIZ is a structured method for
creating; brainwriting is a technique in which partic-
ipants express their ideas by writing; SCAMPER is
an acronym to Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify,
Propose, Eliminate, Rearrange. It provides a struc-
tured way to help think outside the box and improve
the current knowledge.
In the develop stage, following a divergent ap-
proach, is the moment to address the problems defined
by the team and achieve the ideal system state through
experimentation, diversity of ideas, and collaboration
with other team members (Tim Browne, 2023). In
this stage, the following activities were conducted: in-
formation architecture modeling (Garrett, 2003), in-
teraction modeling with MoLIC (Barbosa and Silva,
2010), error message development, and interface ex-
Regarding the techniques executed, information
architecture modeling (Garrett, 2003) assists design-
ers in planning how information will be organized in
relation to other information, considering hierarchy
and the way information will be presented to the user.
Modelling Language of Interaction as Conversation
(MoLIC) enables the modeling of system interaction
from the perspective of a conversation between the
designer and the end user (Barbosa and Silva, 2010).
In the final stage, test and deliver, the design team
deliver the artifacts developed and test the prototypes
created (Tim Browne, 2023). In this stage, the follow-
ing activities were conducted: hand-off, usability test,
and improvements to the prototypes.
Regarding the activities in this stage, hand-off in-
volves creating delivery documentation that details
the interaction flows and interface components devel-
oped. Usability test Barbosa and Silva (2010) is a
method of placing the user in a controlled environ-
Process and Challenges in Designing Data Registration via File Import in an Administrative e-Commerce System
ment to obtain qualitative and quantitative data re-
garding their interaction with the interface.
The design process occurred in an iterative and
flexible manner, with no requirement to fully com-
plete one stage before moving on to another. There-
fore, when the team identified the need to revisit a
stage they had already passed, they did so.
5.1 Discover: the Phase to Understand
the Users and the Problem
In this phase, a CSD Matrix was created to map out
what the team knew and what still needed to be dis-
covered about the problem. In the initial version,
there were 4 certainties, 3 assumptions, and 10 doubts
identified. Subsequently, some doubts and assump-
tions were resolved and became certainties, result-
ing in a total of 11 certainties, 2 assumptions, and 8
doubts. For example, one of the doubts that turned
into a certainty was regarding the file extension to be
used for spreadsheets, such as whether the ideal ex-
tension would be csv, xls, or xlsx. The team decided
that the file extension allowed in the import feature
would be csv and xlsx. The doubts and assumptions
that arose during the project were addressed through
meetings with the engineering team, which included
a team member with a deeper understanding of the
problems and users.
Then, the user journey analysis Kalbach (2016)
was conducted. For this case study, the journey fo-
cused on users (store managers) registering stores and
salespeople. Through the journey analysis, two op-
portunities were identified: a) importing stores and
sellers via spreadsheet file and b) guided configura-
tion, which provided step-by-step instructions within
the interface.
After gaining a deeper understanding of the prob-
lem and the user journey, an analysis of external and
internal products Pazmino (2015) was performed to
understand the universe of existing solutions that ad-
dress the problem. The analysis involved searching
for products that had import functionality, both inter-
nally and externally, based on products like the Sales
App. To find external products, we focused on com-
petitor companies, and for internal products, the Help
Center was explored using keywords such as ‘import’,
‘bulk registration’, ‘spreadsheet’, with the goal of
finding known solutions with similar functionalities.
Additionally, the import functionality within the com-
pany’s platform was investigated. With the identified
products, the aim was to understand: 1) the user inter-
action from the beginning of the import journey to the
end; 2) import resources; and 3) the design patterns
used. For the analysis of similar products, four inter-
nal VTEX products and ve external competitor prod-
ucts were examined. These products involved im-
porting and/or exporting data through spreadsheets.
For each of these products, their functionalities were
mapped, along with how users interacted with them.
This analysis revealed that some products had rel-
atively simple import processes, while others offered
a wide range of features, such as product filters and
the ability to update existing records in the system.
This in-depth analysis allowed us to identify best
practices and relevant features that could be incorpo-
rated into our solution.
5.2 Define: the Phase to Define the
Problem and the Proposal Value of
With the problems identified in the previous stage,
the solution requirements were modeled. These re-
quirements helped transform abstract feature ideas
into tangible entities through user stories (Vazquez
and Sim
oes, 2016). User stories were written using
the card, conversation and acceptance model. This
format was chosen for the following reasons: ease of
maintenance, understanding, modification, and mea-
surability. The analysis of external and internal prod-
ucts helped define the essential requirements for the
import feature. Initially, 9 user stories and 20 busi-
ness rules were defined.
The team realized that they could generate more
feature ideas and user stories to ensure robust func-
tionality that would provide a good user experi-
ence. Therefore, an ideation workshop was conducted
through an online meeting with 10 participants and a
moderator to encourage everyone to contribute their
ideas. The workshop steps are described in Figure 2.
In the first stage, the team carried out the activi-
ties listed in Figure 2 to align the team on the prob-
lem and stimulate creative thinking, drawing on TRIZ
concepts. Defining the problem ensures alignment
among all participants. Subsequently, they listed the
problems contradictions, which consisted of conflict-
ing or mutually exclusive requirements. Identifying
these contradictions can aid in eliciting requirements
and ideas. For the following activities, the team col-
lectively established what the ideal state of the sys-
tem would be. For instance, one statement of the
ideal state was “In terms of the interface, it should
be simple, sequential, and user-friendly. After these
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Stages of dynamic with team using TRIZ, SCAMPER and Brainwriting.
statements, the team was encouraged to search for vi-
sual references from images provided on other exist-
ing systems.
In the second stage, as shown in Figure 2, partic-
ipants were invited to collaborate using the SCAM-
PER technique. Each participant had 2 minutes to
contribute to each of the words in the technique. The
session moderator timed the intervals, and, when the
minutes allocated for each word ended, he guided the
participants to move on to the next word. All par-
ticipants went through all the words and contributed
ideas to enhance bulk import. The participants had
contributed 34 ideas of requirements or design guide-
lines for the interface. Following the contributions,
there was a discussion among participants about the
ideas, and they voted on the best ones, for example,
“Import and be able to view and edit spreadsheets in
the interface itself”. The third stage was dedicated to
analyzing the results and modeling the requirements,
carried out solely by the design team. By grouping
ideas by affinity, we define new requirements that en-
compassed the ideas of all team members.
The ideation workshop enabled the definition of
requirements and meeting the statements made by the
team. With these ideas, the interface design had pa-
rameters for which paths to follow to meet the ideal
state defined by the team during ideation, such as “To
show the user successes and errors only after the im-
port conclusion”. After the analysis, 34 user stories
were defined, an example of which is As a store man-
ager, I want to download the system’s CSV template
so that I can fill it out”. However, as a decision on
what to prioritize initially, not all user stories were se-
lected for development; the user stories that were not
prioritized were reserved for a later stage.
Once the requirements were outlined, a proto-
persona and a use scenario were defined for the
project; which inspired the design of the user jour-
ney for the new Sales App registration. The jour-
ney mapped out the phases, actions, thoughts, feel-
ings, ideas, and opportunities. A critical point high-
lighted in the journey was the moment when the user
received error feedback if they had made a mistake in
the spreadsheet fill.
5.3 Develop: the Phase to Address the
Problems Defined by Team and to
Prototype Solutions
Among the team members, the functionality was gen-
erally referred to as ‘bulk registration’, but it was
not clear whether users would understand this term.
Therefore, an analysis was conducted to see how in-
ternal products of the company with import func-
tionality referred to it. In addition to internal prod-
ucts, external products from competitors were also re-
viewed. Among the various options, the functionality
was named ‘Import Sellers’ and ‘Import Stores’.
To organize the information within this function-
ality and make it easier for users to understand, the
information architecture (Garrett, 2003) of the func-
tionality was conceptualized. Using a hierarchical ap-
proach and a top-down method, it began by designing
a major category followed by smaller parts of the in-
formation. Diagrams were used to create the informa-
tion architecture. Initially, a draft was made of how
the information, including titles, input fields, action
buttons, error messages, would be arranged within the
functionality. However, after discussions among the
design team, it was decided to switch from using the
information architecture diagram to the MoLIC inter-
action diagram (Barbosa and Silva, 2010).
With MoLIC, designers could model the interac-
tion and information of the system as a conversation
between the designer and the user. By using the tool,
designers didn’t think of the solution as interfaces but
as a dialogue between systems and users. This ap-
proach allowed for visualizing the whole user’s inter-
action with the system and organizing the information
without worrying about interface details. MoLIC re-
sulted in two diagrams, one for physical stores and
one for sellers. Each of these diagrams led to 8 scenes,
representing the main conversations between the de-
signer and the user, defining the user’s interaction
Process and Challenges in Designing Data Registration via File Import in an Administrative e-Commerce System
Figure 3: Example of a MoLIC interaction diagram.
flow with the system. An example of the MoLIC in-
teraction diagram can be seen in Figure 3 and presents
only a portion of the entire system interaction model-
With the interaction modeling completed, we de-
veloped success and error messages that provided
users with feedback on the system’s status and guid-
ance to recover from potential errors. One insightful
point was realizing that error messages were the pri-
mary form of assistance users would have during the
import journey, so they needed careful development.
The messages had to be clear, assisting users in
diagnosing possible mistakes they had made, in ac-
cordance with the company’s tone of voice. The mes-
sages were created for field validations during import,
fields in each row of the spreadsheet, and success
messages to guide the user as much as possible re-
garding inconsistencies and the need for corrections.
In terms of error messages, the design team developed
2 success messages, 33 error messages for physical
stores, 16 error messages for sellers, and 7 field val-
idation messages. An example of an error message
developed for sellers: “The name must be at least 3
characters long”.
With the foundations in place, it was possible to
proceed with the development of high-fidelity proto-
types, using Figma and following the Company X De-
sign System. With the support of the Design System,
the project’s design team could focus more on solving
how the interface solution would address the issues
identified in the earlier phases.
During this phase, three different versions were
created by the team to arrive at the ideal version
that would provide users with a smooth and friction-
less experience when importing sellers and physical
stores. With the first version of the functionality pro-
totype, it was observed that the layout of elements in
the prototype version might not be the most suitable.
In the second version of the prototype, testing was
conducted for use cases in which multiple error mes-
sages appeared, to assess how the information would
appear in the modal component and whether it would
overload the user interface. The second version, after
debate with the team, proved to be less suitable as it
required more white space to assist users in process-
ing information more easily and without overwhelm-
ing them. As can be seen in Figure 4, in the second
version, a modal element was used as a design solu-
tion, but after discussions and test results, the team
decided to use a full-screen interface (with its own
route). The third version of the prototype incorpo-
rated more white space to avoid overwhelming users
with error messages and featured a full-screen inter-
face, as shown in Figure 4.
5.4 Test and Deliver: the Phase to
Validate Prototypes and Ideas
While the development team was working on the im-
plementation, the design team planned a usability test
to assess and validate the developed solution with user
representatives. The usability test followed the steps
outlined in Figure 5.
The first step involved presenting information
about the test and collecting consent forms. It was
made clear that participants had the autonomy to in-
terrupt the evaluation at any time. Additionally, per-
mission was sought to access data records, publish
evaluation results, and inform about the assurance of
anonymized data. A pre-test interview with partici-
pants was conducted to gain a deeper understanding
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Some versions of the Figma prototypes.
Figure 5: Steps of Usability Test.
of their experience with the product, their role in the
company, and their proximity to users. The modera-
tor provided context for participants to imagine them-
selves in a scenario where the manager of a specific
franchise store did not have enough time to complete
necessary records in the solution. In this case, the
session participant would be responsible for record-
ing physical store and salesperson data. A post-test
interview was conducted to gather user opinions on
the prototype that had just been tested.
For the usability test, user representatives were in-
volved. Lazar et al. (2017) and Salminen et al. (2022)
argue that it is not ideal to involve user representa-
tives as a source of information for end users during
the design process. However, in cases where access
to end users is limited, involving user representatives
can be an alternative. User representatives can act as
information providers about end users, describing po-
tential needs and usage contexts. Thus, the design
team planned to conduct the usability test with com-
pany employees who were close to actual users and
had a solid understanding of the user journey within
the solution, especially regarding pain points.
The decision to involve user representatives was
made because the end users of the solution were not
accessible due to scheduling conflicts. Test partici-
pants, acting as user representatives, suggested im-
provements that could assist store managers in their
routines. The test was conducted with 3 representa-
tives who were frequently in contact with end users.
The participants profiles can be consulted in Figure 6.
P1 had a better understanding of the commercial as-
pect, and P2 and P3 had a deeper technical knowledge
of the application.
The usability test aimed to verify their understand-
ing of the import solution and collect feedback on
how the solution could help store managers. One of
the key points emphasized by the design team was
that the solution was for store managers. The role
of user representatives was to provide improvement
points based on the issues and challenges reported by
end users (store managers) to these representatives.
The usability test consisted of 5 tasks, namely:
T1: Registering the physical store; T2: Registering 8
new salespersons; T2.1: Using the function to register
multiple salespersons; T3: Downloading the available
template spreadsheet and opening the file; T3.1: Ob-
serving how the spreadsheet functions; T3.2: Filling
in the remaining data on the import screen and im-
porting; T4: Correcting the described errors; T5: Re-
submitting the file to the system to register all sales-
persons and ensuring there are no errors in the file.
On average, participants took 6 minutes and 43
seconds to complete all tasks. Regarding success rate,
tasks T2, T4, and T5 resulted in 100% success with-
out assistance; tasks T1 and T3 had some instances of
success with assistance; and only P3 had partial suc-
cess without assistance while performing T3. In terms
of other established metrics, there were only 3 errors
and 3 requests for assistance in total. 7 provides de-
tailed results of the usability test for each participant
and task.
At the end of the test, participants responded to a
post-test interview. When asked about their impres-
sions of the interfaces they had just tested, they men-
tioned that they were clean, intuitive, and had clear
error messages. Participants stated that they did not
encountered any difficulties in the import journey and
did not observe any negative aspects related to this
functionality. They emphasized that this new feature
would be a positive point, as it would help streamline
the manual registration process. When asked about
potential improvements in the solution, participants
highlighted the need for some help documentation for
end users to consult the requirements and precondi-
tions of each field. Based on these improvement sug-
Process and Challenges in Designing Data Registration via File Import in an Administrative e-Commerce System
Figure 6: Profiles of representatives users.
Figure 7: Results of the usability test for each participant and task.
gestions, the design team worked on enhancements to
the prototypes, such as adding a help pop-up and doc-
umentation with prerequisites for each field so that
end users could refer to it when in doubt about the
spreadsheet fields.
Designing to create a good user experience can be
a complex challenge. While the import functional-
ity may not be complex in terms of interface design,
when developed with a focus on providing a clear
and consistent system status, a significant challenge
is added. Initially, for a system to provide clear feed-
back, it was essential to allocate time to develop error
and success messages that offer sufficient assistance
to help the user recover from errors. It was also cru-
cial to align ideas between development and design
teams, as well as meticulously map the functional-
ity’s goals to meet the company’s needs. In addition
to these issues, it was important to dedicate time to
think and find alternatives when there is no direct ac-
cess to end users.
The design process and the HCI/UX adopted tech-
niques were fundamental to designing for a good user
experience. The discovery phase helped understand
the state of the problem and identify the ideal points
to address. The defining stage helped engage the
team in ideation workshop and to understand different
viewpoints on the problem, allowing the collection
of important insights that influenced solution model-
ing and requirement definition. In the development
stage, MoLIC allowed the team to design the inter-
action. Not focusing on the elements of the interface
was initially challenging, but dedicating time to de-
velop error messages was crucial, as these messages
would be the primary way to help users during the im-
port journey in recovering from possible errors. De-
veloping high-fidelity prototypes using the company’s
design system was important to validate ideas and al-
lowed for changes without significant costs. In the
final stage, usability testing allowed designers to un-
derstand certain aspects related to the distribution of
elements in the interface and user interaction with the
solution. This, in turn, influenced interface improve-
The lessons from this case study address the chal-
lenges of the design process, particularly during the
discovery and testing stages and the involvement of
solution users in these stages. Design processes, es-
pecially the Double Diamond used in this case, em-
phasize the importance of directly involving end users
to understand their pains and provide a variety of de-
sign techniques to be used during the stages, always
keeping solution users in focus and designing for a
good user-centered experience. However, this case
study found limitations in accessing end users at that
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
time, meaning that even with design team efforts, it
was not possible to directly involve end users in de-
sign research activities, as emphasized by design pro-
cesses. Thus, one of the design team’s questions was:
Who should we involve during the design process to
discover the needs of solution users? In addition to
this question, the team reflected on: What alternative
design techniques could be used due to limitations in
accessing users?
To address this limitation and still develop a prod-
uct that took into consideration end users, user repre-
sentatives were involved during the research and eval-
uation stages. They collaborated by providing infor-
mation about end users, the context of solution use,
routine activities, and points of need. Involving user
representatives was a challenge because some tech-
niques had to be adapted. For example, during usabil-
ity testing, it was necessary to consistently emphasize
that the solution was designed for store managers. We
always asked user representatives to share what they
thought would help end users.
This case study is far from questioning the de-
sign process and its effectiveness but aims to reflect
on alternatives when it is not possible to follow a lin-
ear design process and use data collection techniques
with end users, as commonly presented. Thus, we
emphasize a first lesson: the design process may not
be linear, and some design techniques may not be the
most suitable for the project, depending on the con-
text. It is necessary to always evaluate the reasons
behind those techniques and collaborate with people
outside the design team to obtain different views of
the artifacts, to avoid wasting unnecessary energy on
something that will not work properly and can be set
aside when perceived that they will not bring much
value to the project.
Another lesson learned by this case study is the
possibility of learning about interface patterns, inter-
actions, and mental models of end users through the
analysis of internal and external products related to
the solution being developed. Since it was not possi-
ble to talk to users about their needs, this case study
carefully observed the interaction patterns of compet-
ing and similar platforms and raised a range of re-
quirements. With the requirements, the team could
observe technical feasibility and how much each re-
quirement would add value to the product and develop
it. It is worth noting that this analysis does not replace
moments of validation and research with real users.
Finally, another lesson learned is considering the
kind of involvement the representatives have with real
users. During this case study, it was crucial to recruit
user representatives who had some level of knowl-
edge about end users to capture valuable information
about end users. Another aspect that this work em-
phasized during the discovery and evaluation stages
with user representatives was to present usage scenar-
ios in which user representatives imagined themselves
taking on the role of real users so that they always had
in mind who the product was intended for. Thus, dur-
ing the evaluation stages, user representatives always
brought information about end users, such as ”Store
managers always have difficulty registering multiple
stores” and ”Maybe presenting field validation rules
can help store managers. Involving people close to
end users does not replace the participation of end
users in some phase of the design process.
Based on the lessons learned, some reflections
arise after this case study. Are there ideal moments
for user representatives to collaborate during the de-
sign process? Can a product developed addressing
user representatives to talk about the needs, pains, or
activities of end users of the solution be considered
a product that actually addressed the pains and needs
of users? What other care in the execution of design
techniques and the design process would be possible
to overcome the challenges of involving this type of
user when there are no end users of the solution avail-
This case study presented, in a detailed and in-
depth manner, how the systematic use of HCI and UX
tools and artifacts allows the design of solutions fo-
cused on quality of use. Therefore, the main contri-
bution of this article is the view of the use, advan-
tages, disadvantages of the techniques applied in a
real industry case and an alternative scenario of so-
lution research and evaluation, which involved user
representatives during the design process. It is worth
noting that involving user representatives is not ideal,
but when there are limitations, it can be an alterna-
tive. The points addressed in this work can inspire
students and professionals in the field and contribute
to the professionalization of this type of approach.
For future work, with regard to Sales App, there is
the opportunity to explore individual registration (not
involving importing files), making it sequential and
allowing greater flexibility to users during registra-
tion, as established as the ideal state of the application
during the ideation process. There is also the intention
to carry out a new usability test with end users (store
managers) instead of user representatives. In addition
to this research, carry out a comparative analysis of
case studies that use the same tools discussed in this
article, to discover differences and moments in which
the tools are used.
Process and Challenges in Designing Data Registration via File Import in an Administrative e-Commerce System
The authors would like to thank the support of VTEX
Lab, the VTEX company’s partnership program with
universities in Brazil that seeks to leverage the pro-
fessional training of students through challenges on a
global scale. The authors also thank the participants
of the usability test.
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Process and Challenges in Designing Data Registration via File Import in an Administrative e-Commerce System